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Author's Notes

"I hope you're enjoying Julie &amp; Ron's lusty adventures. I knew it was going to be fun when Tamara came over to play, but I didn't realize they'd have quite so much fun. <p> [ADVERT] </p> So this, the longest chapter so far, is only the 'start' of Ch 7. I have to include a new chapter 8, to take care of the rest of the weekend..."

Chapter 7:  Friday Night at Our House 

The next day at work was mostly a normal work day.  The only two moments that made me really aware of my recent mischief both happened in my office, each time alone with one or the other of my fellow mischief-makers.

Tamara stopped by sometime mid-morning, just to confirm that we were really on for Friday.  I let her know Ron was looking forward to it, and asked her to stop by my office Friday morning for a package so she could show up, fully dressed.  After agreeing, then sneaking a kiss, she departed.

Tony stopped by during lunch, closing my door behind him.  He walked up to the far side of my desk and sat in the very chair Tamara had occupied the previous day at lunch as she told me the steamy story of Lydia and Tony.  And sure enough, he launched into his version of the same story, but somehow ending with a plea to allow Lydia to come over to our house alone to be ravaged by us both.

He seemed genuinely aware that he, alone, could not satisfy her needs.  I guess it made sense for him to ask a couple who had satisfied her in the past, but it was definitely one of the strangest requests I’ve ever had from any boss of mine.  Part of me wanted to invite him along — after all, that was fun the last time we were all together — but I sensed something from him.  He needed Lydia to know she was free to explore her sexuality, and he needed people he trusted to help her explorations.

I simply told him I’d discuss it with Ron, but that I didn’t anticipate any objections.  Beyond that, my day was its normal grind.


Friday morning arrived and Tamara showed up in my office soon after I’d gotten there myself.  She asked me for her package and examined the contents of the bag I handed her.  It consisted of the teddy, the stockings, and the heels.

Finally, she looked up at me and asked, “Would it be better with the crotchless panties, or without?”

“Play it by ear,” was my first response, followed by, “Easy to take things off; not so easy to put things on.”

I reached into my bag and turned to her.

“This is not controlled by my phone,” I explained to her as I dropped a metal buttplug into her hand.  I continued, “But I will send a text to the phone that does control it the moment you let me know it’s inside you.

“This could be a very pleasurable day for you if you get started soon.”  I paused and let two heartbeats pass.  “Or it could be incredibly intense if you wait to the end of the day.”

She dropped it into the bag with the outfit and left.  I was setting up for a zoom meeting not twenty minutes later when she poked her head back in.

“Have a minute?” Tamara asked me.

Looking at the clock on my screen, I answered, “Three.  Come in.”

As she closed the door, I asked her, “Is it in?”

She nodded and I reached for my phone, sending Ron a quick text.  Then I just looked at her, waiting.

It didn’t take long before I saw her whole body tense, then relax.  

“You can send me texts throughout the day if you want it turned up or turned down,” I said to her as I watched her squirm and wiggle her ass just a little.

I watched her ass slip out my door just as the zoom call went live.  

Mid-morning, I got a text from Tamara.  I have no meetings for the next 30 minutes.  Can we cycle through the vibration options within the next ten?

I copied and pasted her message and sent it to Ron.  Within five minutes, I received another text.  Can we set it on 2 until 12:15, then change to 6 or 7 until 12:45?  Then back to one?

Again I copied and pasted, this time receiving a reply from Ron.  What a highly specific request.  I look forward to meeting this woman.

I sent a quick text to Tamara, letting her know her wishes had been acknowledged.

I’d planned to stop by Tamara’s office around 12:15, but Tony stopped by just as I was standing to leave.  He seemed a little awkward as he asked if I’d be willing to work late and help him seal a deal with a couple later in the month.  The innuendo he used made me feel there may not be any wealthy couple, and that he only wanted me to himself, after hours.  But it seemed so soon following his request related to Lydia’s libido. 

I was delighted to contemplate the evening, fucking in the office without needing to attempt to keep quiet.  I remembered the first time we’d fucked, him bringing me to two orgasms within the first half hour, even before Lydia and Ron joined us.  

I told him my interest was piqued, and to let me know when the ‘couple’ set a firm date.  By the time he’d left, I felt it was too late to interrupt whatever Tamara was likely experiencing.

I did get a text from her a little before 1:00.  Thank your phone friend for me.  That was absolutely perfect.  I feel great!

Once again, I copied and pasted her message and sent it along to Ron.

At the very end of the day, Tamara stopped by my office, briefly opening her blouse and pulling up her skirt to confirm for me she was wearing all parts of the ensemble.

She leaned forward and pressed her ass against a table in the corner of my office.  I could hear it vibrating, reminding me she’d had that in all day long.

“You can take that out any time you want,” I told her.  Seeing her disappointment, I quickly followed it with, “Or leave it in and I’ll ask for it to gradually increase in intensity over the next, what, ninety minutes or so until you arrive at our door?”

Her smile told me all I needed to know.  She left, I sent yet another text to Ron, and I started packing my things for the weekend.  I love Fridays.


Ron, as usual, met me at the door, grabbing me in his arms and molesting me with kisses.  He finally relented and pulled back, giving me time to catch my breath.

“Is this really happening?” he asked me, looking deep into my eyes.  “Is this Tamara coming over so we can share you?”

“Yes,” I said, “I believe she is, but I would like to change before she arrives.  I have one more surprise for you.

“Be a dear, and crank up the plug one more notch, then invite Tamara in if she gets here before I’m back down.”

I went up to our bedroom and pulled out my final purchase from our shopping day.  It was another matching set, this time a bra and a thong.  Both were the classic plaid of a girl’s school uniform skirt, complete with tiny little pleats, yet both left exposed certain parts of me.

On my upper half, I put on a course woven merino wool halter top.  It left my stomach exposed and, with the right stretching, my nipples occasionally peeked through.

On my lower half, I wore the leather skirt.  (I’d gone back without Ron to get it.)  It hugged my hips and ass.  And with the slightest effort or bending, exposed my scant plaid underwear, and because of just how scant they were, fully exposed my ass and pussy, too.

I finished with a pair of three-inch heels and turned to start back downstairs.  Standing in the doorway was a vision of glory.  Tamara leaned against my bedroom door.  All she wore was my teddy, my stockings, my crotchless panties, and my four-inch heels.  I was amazed at how well everything fit, as if the outfit was designed for her rather than me.  She gradually arched her back, pressing her ass against the doorframe until I heard it.  The buttplug was still in her ass and vibrating strongly.

My breath caught in my throat and I felt my pussy gush.

She pushed off the doorframe and started towards me.  I caught my bearings and started towards her, our lips meeting as our arms wrapped around each other.  Fairly quickly, her fingers found my nipples through gaps in my top while my hands glided down to her ass and pulled her groin against my thigh as my skirt rode up.

She pressed against me, forcing me to step back to keep my balance.  But she didn’t stop pressing, and I found myself walking backward until my legs caught against my bed.  We fell, together as one, onto the sheets.

Almost as part of the bounce of that fall, Tamara flipped around, her face descending to my plaid-framed pussy as she dropped her similarly crotchless cunt to my face.  The next few minutes were filled with moans, groans, and the squelching of tongues and lips against labia and clitorises.

We came almost simultaneously, virtually throwing each other off orgasmic cliffs.  I remember being surprised at the volume of fluid she released as she climaxed, convulsing again and again on top of me, drenching my face with her juices.

She crawled off of me and collapsed by my side on the bed.  I turned my head and looked her in the eyes.  She returned my gaze with a burning intensity of desire.

“Do you ever play with toys?” I asked.

“Quite frequently,” she didn’t hesitate to respond.

“Do you ever insert anything?” I asked, wanting to be at least somewhat respectful of her personal preferences.  I assumed, as a lesbian, that nothing entered her vagina.  I was very happy to learn that I was incredibly wrong about that.

After hearing just two brief stories of her or a girlfriend inserting things places, I hopped up and went to my dresser.  I returned with my two new dildos and knelt in front of her, sitting on my heels with my knees spread.  After explaining that each was destined for different holes, I held both towards her.

“Which do you want to insert into me, and which shall I insert into you?”

Tamara’s eyes widened as she saw my toys, but there was no hesitation as she grabbed the wider one and slid it up and down my exposed lips.  Just as I started to shift up onto my knees, she pressed harder.  My muscles gave way and I dropped directly onto the dildo, fully impaling myself on it in one motion.  I think I cried out.

Then Tamara started moving it around inside me.  With it, she touched parts of me that I’d never really explored.  Within minutes, she had me panting again, then leaned down and added her tongue to my stimulation.  My second orgasm of the night rolled over me.

I left the dildo in my pussy as Tamara sat back, looking at me.  She picked up the longer, more slender, vibrating one and handed it to me before she got on her hands and knees and turned away from me.  I could see the outline of the buttplug through her — my — crotchless panties.  I slipped them off of her and planted several kisses all over her ass.

Just at that moment, Ron must have changed the setting from downstairs, because the vibration pattern changed.  Starting low, and building with two buzzes at each of five levels.  By the time it had cycled twice, Tamara was moaning gently.  During the third cycle, I took hold of it and started moving it around inside her, pressing it as deeply as it would go as it reached its peak.

As I started working it out of her, I slid my other hand over her exposed pussy, spreading her juices around before I slipped two fingers into her just before the buttplug slid out.  Not wanting to set it down, I reached behind myself and worked it into my ass as I slid my fingers out of her dripping pussy, turned on the vibrator, and started working that into her ass.  It slipped into her much more easily than the plug went into me. but feeling the vibrations as the buttplug brushed up against the dildo still in my cunt made me gasp.

I suddenly knew exactly what I wanted to do.  Moving the vibrating dildo around in her ass with one hand, sometimes pulling it most of the way out before impaling her again, I used my other hand to ease the massive dildo out of my pussy.  I started sliding it along her pussy lips, gently pressing for entry.

She spread her legs a little wider for me and lowered her head and shoulders to the bed, giving me full access to both of her holes.  As one cock-shaped dildo started sliding into her cunt, I pulled the vibrating one almost all the way out of her ass.  When it felt like I’d filled her cunt, I slid the vibrator back into her ass, filling both holes.

Then, keeping one hand on either dildo, I sat up and pressed my hips against her ass.  As I did, I pressed deeper into her cunt, pulling forth a guttural moan.  Then I shifted the vibrator, trying to touch the two dildos together inside her, hoping she would feel them both vibrating inside of her.

It worked better than expected as she exploded, screaming out, “Oh god, YES!  I LOVE what you do for me!  Oh fuck, oh fuck, I’m cumming so hard.”

My lower hand was drenched, making the dildo slippery and hard to hold, but I continued to work them both around inside her, more gently as she plateaued and started coming down.

I switched off the vibrator in her ass and pulled it out slowly.  Then I allowed gravity to ease the massive dildo out of her pussy, using my hand only to slow the process.  As it slipped fully out of her, she collapsed sideways in the bed.

I couldn’t help myself, first I took the cock into my mouth and savored her taste, then I slid it along my labia before impaling myself upon it once again.  I worked the buttplug out of me — after Tamara’s screaming orgasm, it had dropped back down to a mellow constant buzz, reminding me that Ron was still downstairs, hearing all of this — and scooted over so I was directly behind her ass.

She was lying on her side, bent at the hips and knees.  I could see fluid leaking out of the slit that peeked out between her legs.  I lowered my face and started licking up the dribbles before sliding my tongue along her lips, sticking my tongue as deep within her as I could, and continuing to find her clit while listening to her whimpers.

At the same time, I started working the buttplug back into her ass.  When it was in, and after giving it a few jiggles, Tamara pulled one leg back, up, and over me, spreading her lips wide for me once again.  I don’t think she ever really came down from the last orgasm, but I had her screaming again fairly quickly as her body shook uncontrollably.

As I sat back, I allowed the dildo to slide out of me.  I took them both to the bathroom, washing the vibrating one before leaving both on the sink.  While I was washing it, Tamara came in and sat down to pee.  All the sounds of running liquids made me realize just how much I needed to pee, too.

Unlike Tamara, who wore only stockings and the teddy, I had to pull down my thong to pee.  Looking at it around my ankles, it almost made me laugh to think that that tiny scrap of fabric connected to strings was supposed to be an undergarment.  But all humor was gone when I pulled them up and looked at myself in the mirror.  It really was a sexy outfit, pretending to cover everything without actually covering anything.

I walked back into the bedroom and saw Tamara leaning over the bed, picking up the crotchless panties.  The buttplug sparkled in her ass, still beautifully visible when she fully stood.  As she turned to me she asked if I thought she should put them back on.

“Absolutely not,” I replied.  “Seeing you bent over with that shiny plug in your ass, watching your hips, ogling your dripping lips.  No, I want it all on view.

“What about me,” I asked her, “should I put the sweater and skirt back on?”

Her eyes took me in, traveling from my eyes, down to my breasts, nipples standing proud, across my stomach to my barely covered crotch, pausing to admire my engorged lips before continuing down to my feet.  As she started back up, I turned for her, showing her my fully exposed ass.

When her eyes finally made it back to mine, she slowly shook her head.  “No,” she spoke softly, “I’d like to see the look on Ron’s face as we descend the stairs dressed almost exactly like this.  The only things I think we should add are the heels.”

We stood side by side and checked ourselves in the mirror before heading down.

“So,” she asked, “how long will it take before he loses control and starts fucking you?  That sounds fun to watch.”

Ron had dinner ready when we finally came downstairs.  His jaw dropped as he saw us, as, apparently, Tamara had arrived in her work clothes, but had dropped them before I saw her in the upstairs doorway.  He was seeing both of us, dressed as we were, and possibly looking a little disheveled, for the first time.  His eyes may have roamed Tamara a little more than me, but he definitely soaked us all in.

We walked up to him and wrapped ourselves around him from either side, his arms taking us in, and, at least in my case, sliding down my back and feeling my bare ass, exposed by the thong.  Knowing that Tamara had chosen to leave the crotchless panties upstairs made me guess that he fondled her bare ass, too.

He turned us and guided us towards the table.  I was suddenly aware that he’d brought the glass-topped table in from the porch.  After a moment’s confusion, I realized he must have expected immodest attire, and set a table he could see through to maximize his enjoyment.

As he set us next to each other on one side of the table, he zipped off to the kitchen, returning shortly with a bowl of tossed salad and a cutting board.  He quickly cut two fresh tomatoes into large slices and dropped them in the salad.  As he set a fresh cucumber on the cutting board, Tamara reached out.

“Can I borrow this for a moment,” she said, running her hands up and down the cucumber to knock off all the pointy bits.  As she did so, I examined it more closely.  It was smaller around than my vaginal dildo, but considerably longer than anything I owned.

I was not incredibly surprised when she lowered it under the table and penetrated herself with it.  I was a little surprised when she pulled it out of herself and immediately pressed the same, already lubricated end, deep into me.  I was incredibly surprised when she then straddled me on my chair and impaled herself on the other end, immediately grinding her clit against mine.

It did not take me long to reach orgasm again, especially after all that had transpired upstairs, but, in the interim, I learned something.  It is physically possible for two women to push an object back and forth between them.  It is likely the closest I will ever come to actually fucking a woman, or being fucked by one, but it was erotic as hell.  

I do remember the smile of joy on her face as she realized I was cumming before my eyes rolled back and I gave myself fully to my climax.

She gently climbed off of me and, ever-so-tenderly, pulled the cucumber from me, somehow flicking it across my clit as she removed it.  I had just enough awareness to see her set it back on the cutting board and look at Ron.

“Marinated cucumber tastes better,” she quipped, “don’t you think?”

He nodded as he cut it up and dropped it into the salad.  To this day I don’t know how Ron didn’t jump across the table and fuck us both silly at that moment.  Instead, he grabbed the salad tongs, served each of us, then himself.  I noticed he gave himself more cucumber slices than typical.

And each of us ate a slice of cucumber first.  Without a doubt, I could taste us on it.  Looking at each of my dining companions, also tasting us in the same way, had my labia leaking again.  I’d read, in lewd stories, of people (especially women) using a man’s cum as a condiment, but this was the first time I’d read, heard, or experienced using feminine secretions that way.

After we’d finished off the cucumber, Ron offered us other dressings for the remainder of our salads.  As we drizzled our dressings, Ron returned to the kitchen.  He came back moments later with three steaks, three baked potatoes, and a cast iron pan sizzling with peppers, onions, and mushrooms.

Over the next half hour, we filled ourselves with sustenance.  I, personally, was surprised with how hungry I was, though it made sense when I thought about what I’d done since lunch.  I reached out and squeezed Tamara’s thigh in appreciation.

Her response — to fully spread her legs for me — made me look down.  Once again this week, I watched her labia gradually part, like petals of a flower, blooming.  I took one last glance at my plate and, setting my fork down, slid off of my chair and down under the table between Tamara’s legs.

The last image I saw before I descended was Ron’s face as he pulled a bite of steak off his fork.  There seemed to be a mix of anticipation — perhaps hoping I was going under the table to attend to him? — and resignation — knowing full well this was my show with Tamara, and that he was only invited to parts of it.

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Those thoughts did not stay with me long as my tongue reached Tamara’s spread lips.  Suddenly I was consumed by passion, desire, and need again.  I moved around to get better access to her, putting my ass directly toward Ron under the table.  As I tongued Tamara, Ron worked his cock into me.  I grabbed onto one of Tamara’s thighs to support myself as I freed my other hand to slide two fingers deep inside her.

Ron found a nice rhythm, sliding his cock in and out of me almost fully with each stroke.  I felt Tamara’s body tense as her hands grabbed my head and pulled my mouth firmly against her clit.  As she came for me once again, I felt Ron pumping into me.

As I came up for air, Tamara took me by the face and kissed my lips ever-so-gently.  “Do I have to climb under there with you, or is there somewhere more comfortable I can please you?” she asked, quietly but insistently.

Crawling forward, I slipped off Ron, took Tamara’s hand, and led her to the couch.  I sat at one end, spreading my legs for her as I looked past her to Ron.  As she crawled up to me, I watched Ron’s eyes feasting on her ass.  Knowing he could see that shiny plug from his viewpoint made me even wetter.

Tamara’s tongue slid easily along my folds before she stopped.  “This tastes different,” she said to me before turning and looking back at Ron.  “Did you cum in her that quickly?”  Turning back to me she added, “I thought you said he could last a while.”

“Oh he will starting now,” I cooed, “but keep in mind, he’s been down here making dinner with a raging hard-on while listening to orgasmic screams from us for an hour.  He was bound to cum quickly the first time.

“Give him a try while you clean me out,” I added, “just think of it as a dildo that drives itself — or a woman with a strap-on.  You certainly have no objections to your pussy being entered, so what does it matter exactly what’s entering you?”

She looked up at me from between my legs and asked, “Are you asking me, a confirmed lesbian, to suck your husband’s cum out of your cunt while he fucks me?”

“No,” I replied firmly.  I turned to Ron, “I am asking you, husband, to stick your big cock into the cunt of the woman who is sucking your seed from mine.  I am asking you not to penetrate her until you see at least a bit of your cum leaving my pussy and going down her throat.  And after that, I am asking you to not cum inside her.  On me, in me, down my throat — on her, even, “ turning briefly to Tamara, “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll clean it all off,” then turning back to Ron, “but not inside her.”

I looked back and forth between them, asking, “Do we all understand the ground rules?”

Oddly, to me, they started nodding, glanced at each other and looked back at me nodding more emphatically.

“Then, Tamara,” I said, looking deeply into her brown eyes, “the next move is on you.  Do you want to give me all the pleasure your mouth can offer, while drinking my husband’s cum from me, thereby giving tacit approval to him sticking his cock into your, at least from one perspective, virgin pussy, trusting that he will pull out well before he cums again?”

She looked me deeply in the eyes for a moment before she lowered her head to my labia.  Ron stepped to the side to get a better view of her tonguing me, and just as he saw her swallow some of the creamy, white liquid leaking from me, he stepped behind her.

From my perspective, it looked like Ron just slid right into her with no hesitation.  He started sliding his hips back and forth and Tamara moaned appreciatively into my mound.

It was only when she started shifting her hips around and pulled her mouth off of me long enough to say, “Well stick it in, already,” that I realized Ron must have been rubbing his cock along her slit and clit the whole time.  But the guttural moan she let out as he did actually enter her surprised me.

As did her increase in the energy with which she licked and suckled my cunt.  It was like Ron’s cock supercharged her.  She slid two fingers into me while shifting her mouth almost exclusively to my clit.

All while I’m watching my husband fuck her from behind.  I watched as he grabbed her ass and started pounding into her, pushing her face tighter against me.  I don’t know how, given all that she was doing for me, but Tamara came first, crying out into my pussy as she pulsed around my husband’s cock.

As she came down, she seemed to realize she had her fingers inside me and she started licking me again as she slid them in and out.

“I know I can’t cum here,” Ron said, thrusting his hips, I guess pointing with his cock deep inside of her, “but what about your ass?  Can I fuck your ass and cum deep inside you?”

Tamara stopped for just a moment then.  She rose up and looked me deep in the eye.  As she leaned forward to kiss me, she said, “As long as this vixen allows me to continue worshipping at her alter, you can do whatever you want back there.”

After parting from one of the more passionate yet tender kisses I’ve experienced, she flicked her tongue across each of my nipples as she descended again to continue her feast, her fingers still deep inside me.

I watched Ron pull out of her slowly, then he dropped almost completely out of sight behind her raised ass.  I could just see the top of his head as he ran his tongue along her.

I figured he’d pop right back up and slid his thick cock into her ass, but his head bobbed up and down as her moans increased.  He brought her to a screaming climax.

I looked down at her, still trying to please me, but unable to focus through the ripples of orgasmic bliss.

“Some lesbian you turned out to be,” Ron said to her.  “A man just made you cum twice, and you still haven’t satisfied Julie since dinner.”

Tamara started mumbling hasty apologies, but Ron cut her off.  “I don’t want to hear anything but the sound of my wife, crying out in orgasmic bliss.”

She virtually attacked my cunt at that point.  Lips, fingers, tongue — it felt like every part of my vagina was being loved.  She did pause for just one moment when Ron slid his cock along her pussy as he pulled the plug out of her ass.  But she never whimpered or paused as he slowly entered her ass with his freshly lubricated cock.

I felt the orgasm coming long before my legs started quaking.  I knew It was going to be huge because it didn’t even feel like it was starting in my groin — it was deeper.  I was not surprised when the first wave washed over me causing me to groan loudly.  I was a little surprised by the second wave, more powerful than the first, when I squirted all over Tamara’s face.  (I’d never actually squirted before, to be honest.)  The third wave rocked my world.  I alternated between my whole body going rigid while shaking uncontrollably and convulsions rippling through me, sending warmth pulsing within me.

As I came back to earth and opened my eyes, it was to see Tamara’s face, mouth open and eyes shut tight, as Ron slammed himself deep into her bowels.  He had one arm around her hip, I assumed to reach her clit, while the other was firmly on her back and hip, guiding her forward and back.

As I watched him pound into her relentlessly, her eyes suddenly popped open as she started cumming.  Ron never slowed down.  He only slid his other hand to her hips and then really started fucking her ass.  She must have cum for at least a minute, thrashing around in front of him as she cried out repeatedly.

Her cries were only starting to soften when Ron started grunting with each thrust.

“Beg him to cum in your ass,” I whispered into Tamara’s ear.

She wasted no time, crying out with each thrust, “Keep fucking me… as hard as you can… until you cum… deep in my ass!”

Knowing he was already close, I figured just a little dirty talk would throw my Ron over the edge.  And it worked gloriously.  He threw his head back, pulled Tamara’s hips tight to him, and I watched his abs, flexing insistently as he pulsed into her repeatedly as he emptied his balls deep within her bowels.

Tamara, however, seemed to turn into molten lava.  She started slamming her hips back into him, bucking and bouncing, as she was hit with another orgasmic wave.  This time from the sensation of my husband emptying his cock into her bowels?  

I was amazed to see her slide off of him, spin around, and start sucking his cock.  At first, because he was softened after creaming inside her, her nose touched his abs as she appeared to deep-throat him.  But, as he regained his full erection from her eagerness, she was pushed away.  She had maybe half of his cock in her mouth, but she was choking and coughing and didn’t seem to enjoy the full beast that is my husband’s cock.

She sat back, letting it slip from her mouth, and looked up at him.  “I want your cock pulsing deep inside your wife’s pussy as I’m right there, helping her cum with you.  Then I want to eat your cum out of her as I send her over the edge again and again.”

“Yes, please!” I responded, “but can I lick you at the same time?”

Moments later, Tamara and I were wrapped around each other, mouths seeking vulvas.  We finally settled with me on my back with her spread legs over my face.  As we really started moaning into each other, she made a sound of surprise and pulled her face off of me.

“Okay,” I heard her murmur, “just one more time before we fuck her,” before I heard the sound of her again choking on my husband’s cock.

“God that’s a monster,” she said once her mouth was free.  I moaned agreement with her as Ron fed his cock into my eager cunt.  I moaned again as her lips and tongue joined his cock as they, together, fucked me into oblivion.  

I saw stars as I came, and my body convulsed, and I could feel Ron pulsing within me, and all was right with the world.

I awoke to the sounds of fucking.  I opened my eyes to see that it was still dark.  I turned my head towards the sound and saw Tamara, looking right at me.  She was sitting on Ron’s lap, his cock clearly buried in her pussy with his hand reaching over her thigh, stimulating her clit, as she bounced up and down upon him, her breasts swaying with the motion.

“I never wanted any dick,” she started, breathing heavily, upon seeing I was awake.  “And I still don’t want any other dick,” she continued.  “But your husband’s dick feels better than any dildo, strap-on, or vibrator I’ve ever used!”  She ended abruptly as he thrust forcefully up into her while his fingers danced on her clit.

“And he knows how to use his hands,” she squeaked, just as another orgasm flowed through her.  I looked to Ron’s face and watched him savor the feeling of her velvet glove pulsing around him — his reward for leading her to ecstasy.  

Tamara climbed off of my husband and I saw his cock glistening with her juices.  I don’t even remember moving, I just remember being there, on the other side of the room, sliding my lips down his cock, and tasting Tamara’s sweet cunt on my man’s glistening cock.

I couldn’t help myself, I had to have it all.  Almost without thinking, I loosened my jaw and relaxed my throat.  My next trip down his cock didn’t stop with the almost five inches I could fit in my mouth.  I relaxed, kept pressing, and felt the massive head of his cock slide smoothly into my throat.  Knowing full well that I can easily hold my breath for a minute, I kept his shaft embedded in my throat, making swallowing motions briefly before sliding up and down, keeping at least the head in my throat.

Knowing this cock, my husband’s cock, had just been inside of Tamara’s cunt as she orgasmed around him somehow made me need to drain him.  I don’t know of any other way to explain it.

I surfaced briefly to take several ragged breaths around his cock — I never let it leave my mouth — before plunging back down on him.  I reached wildly until I found one of his arms.  I put his hand firmly against one side of my head and quickly felt him put his other hand on the other side of my head.  I reached around to grab his ass and pull him as deep down my throat as I possibly could, my nose crushed against his muscular abs.

That’s when he, thankfully, took over.  He throat-fucked me, guiding every aspect of the action.  He gave me two chances to take a breath between absolutely brutalizing my mouth and throat.  I was already turned on from all that Tamara and I had done, plus the addition of Ron to the mix, but this was a level of turned-on I’d never reached before.

Just as I felt Tamara’s slender fingers entering my cunt, Ron let out a guttural moan and I felt him pumping directly down my throat.  Something about the combination sent me instantly off the edge, Ron barely getting his cock free before I dropped to the floor and felt wave after wave of warmth and wetness and wild willingness overwhelm me.

From the floor, I watched Ron’s eyes roll back in his head as he fell back onto the couch.  I shifted my eyes to his cock and watched, fascinated, as it pulsed with his heartbeat, getting ever-so-slightly smaller with each beat.  As it found a resting place on his belly, continuing to shrink, I turned to look at Tamara.

Her eyes were wide and her mouth was hanging open as she looked back at me, then at Ron, then back to me.

“How did you…” she drifted off as she looked back at Ron’s flaccid cock, resting pristinely where his thigh met his belly.

I felt absolutely energized, as if I’d not just swallowed Ron’s load, but all of his energy as well.  Glancing back at him, already breathing deeply in sleep on the couch, I stood and helped Tamara to her feet.

“If you want,” I whispered into her ear, kissing the outer curve and licking her earlobe, “I’ll teach you.”  Then, after reconsidering how it might come across to offer to teach a self-avowed lesbian how to deep-throat a cock, I opened my mouth to say Or not, but her breathy, “Yes, please!” silenced me.

I took her hand and led her to the master bedroom, where she’d found me several hours earlier, and taken me, and… we were back.

As much as I wanted to go grab the dildos and start the deep-throating lesson, I also just wanted her.  An idea popped into my head, and I ran with it.

I did go and grab my cock-shaped ‘pussy’ dildo, but when I brought it back from the bathroom, I handed it to her, saying only, “Fuck me.”

I lay back on the bed, spread my legs, and asked her how she wanted me.

“Just like that,” was her only response as she crawled between my legs and started sliding the ‘head’ of the dildo over my already dripping lips.

I do have to admit, it was incredible.  The orgasm that she finally brought me to was glorious, and full-body, and fulfilling, and sensuous.  Tamara knew her way around a woman’s body, no question about it.

But when she finally pulled the dildo out of me after my orgasm ebbed, I grabbed her hand, turned it around, and set the base of the phallus against my groin.

“Do you love the taste of me?” I asked her, looking deeply into her eyes.

As she’d just been licking any parts of me that she could reach around the dildo, I knew the answer was yes, but hearing her say it was music to my ears.

“Then this is your cocksicle,” I told her, “coated in my juices.  You’ve already had a cock in your mouth tonight.  This is a no-spew cocksicle.  You can do whatever you want to, whatever you want to learn to, and this cock will stay hard, not make a mess in your hair, and maybe we’ll have some fun.”

With that, she moved between my legs and took as much of that cocksicle as she could fit in her mouth in one go.  I was honestly impressed.  I had not actually gotten that much of the dildo into my mouth when I tried, but, in my defense, I hadn’t been really worked up at the time.  Tamara surely was.

And we tried, or she tried.  She just couldn’t get anything down her throat past her gag reflex.  And then it hit me.  I remembered having this challenge with Ron.  I loved giving blowjobs and ‘deepthroating’ in college, but, let’s face it, you can’t deep throat anything that doesn’t go very far down your throat.  Sure, I’d been taking five and six-inch cocks all the way into my mouth for years, but when I found myself face to cock with Ron’s beast, I could just barely make it past halfway.

It wasn’t until Ron convinced me to lay down, face-up, on the bed with my head hanging over the edge, that he was able to get me to relax enough to allow his cock into my throat.  He’d started cumming the moment I moaned around him.

I tried the same thing with Tamara, instructing her to lay on the bed with her head dangling over the edge.  I walked up to her with the best swagger I could portray, holding the cock in front of my groin.  I made a point of making her lick it and suckle my ‘balls’ — really the lower half of my labia, which almost distracted me from my ‘mission’ — before I pressed it into her mouth.

I coaxed her to relax her throat as I pressed the cock into her.  And, sure enough, I watched as her throat expanded as the dildo slid past the back of her mouth.  I pressed as far as I dared before pulling back smoothly to allow her to breathe.  She gasped as I pulled fully out of her mouth.

“I think I did it!” she said proudly to me.

“Then let me fuck your throat,” I responded in my sexiest voice.

Tamara just lay her head back again and opened her mouth.  I once again pressed the cock into her mouth and kept pressing with slow insistent pressure until I again saw her throat expand around it.  I pulled back, but kept inside her mouth.

“Take a breath and be ready to hold your breath for twenty seconds,” I said to her, looking down to see her nod around the dildo.

I’ll admit it was hard to hold the cock to my groin and thrust in and out, especially as I got wetter and the cock got more slippery in my hand, but I was able to slide in and out of her throat several times before pulling back to let her breathe again.  She let out a moan and I watched her legs squeeze together.  

She then reached around my ass and pulled me back in, driving the cock further down her throat than I had dared to.  I could feel her nose slipping between my labia and I realized she’d taken the entire length.  I was about to pull back when she started convulsing.  I did try to pull back then, but she pulled my ass to her, keeping the cock lodged firmly in her throat as her body was wracked by yet another orgasm.  This time from the sensation of a cock down her throat?

She finally released me and I pulled back fully, set the cock on the bed and sank down beside her, our lips meeting hungrily.  We kissed for several moments, my hand idly caressing her breasts, before she sat up and turned to me.

“Are you up for one more orgasm before sleep?” she asked me.

Smiling and nodding at her, I watched her slowly crawl out of bed, walk languidly to the bathroom, and return with her own smile on her face, and my vibrating dildo in her hand.

She ordered me onto the bed and onto my hands and knees.  She slid up behind me and I could feel her hips against my ass.  Then her hands cupped my breasts before gently pinching at my nipples.  Her hands slipped around to my back and she pushed my shoulders down to the bed.

With my ass sticking up and my legs slightly parted, I felt her hand slide along my spine, over my ass, and right into my dripping pussy.  I moaned.

Keeping her fingers inside me, she used the other hand to switch on the vibrator and started circling the tip of it around my asshole.  Her fingers started pulling out of me to my whimper, but she replaced them almost immediately with the vibrating dildo, pulling a sharp gasp from me.  That turned into a low moan as she slid it out of my cunt, but never let it lose contact with me as she guided it to my ass and slipped it deep within me in one motion.

My hips started gyrating on their own at that point, which probably made it harder for her to slide the other dildo into my pussy, but she persevered.

I did not last long after that, especially after she took one fuck-stick in each hand and moved them around within me.  After I’d cum, she pulled the vibrator out of my ass and turned it off as she took it to the bathroom.  I fell to my side and watched her beautiful ass as she walked away from me, and her glorious breasts as she came back.

She was back immediately, easing the cock-shaped dildo out of me.  With no hesitation, she flipped it around, set the base against me, and drove her head down the shaft until I could feel her tongue tickling my labia around the base of the cock.  She pulled off immediately, beaming down at me.

“I can do it from the top, now, too,” she said to me.

Still breathing heavily, I just pulled her to me, wrapped my arms around her, and snuggled into one of the best night’s sleep I can remember.

Written by Snowbody
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