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Author's Notes

"I'm writing this like a novel, not reminding you who each character is. If you want to know, start from the beginning. <p> [ADVERT] </p> Or keep reading; up to you."

Chapter 9:  Saturday Night Gets Intense 

I’d gone out shopping for dinner and stopped by the sex toy shop for a surprise, but I was the one in for a surprise when I got home.  I only had three bags, two for groceries and one for our new toy, so it was easy to set them down and feast my eyes on a scene out of a porn video.

Ron had Tamara’s hands and feet all tied together with what I was guessing were Ron’s ties — there were a few of them still over the edge of the couch.  Her hands and feet were all on the cushion of the couch, out of my view.  Her ass, filled with Ron’s cock, was dangling over the armrest, fully within my view.

“Oh, welcome home, honey,” Ron said to me as he pulled his cock out of Tamara’s ass and wiped it off with what appeared to be a fresh, damp washcloth.  He dropped that in a bucket next to the couch and slid smoothly into her pussy.  Then he turned to her and asked, “How is that?”

“Uunggh!” she groaned at him, then asked in a ragged voice, “Am I allowed to cum again, yet?”

“Well,” he said, looking at me, “now that Mistress is home, yes, show her what you look like, tied up and cumming on my cock.”

It was as if floodgates opened.  Tamara, hogtied, started convulsing around my husband’s cock almost as intensely as she’d cum from his mouth earlier in the afternoon.  He caught her twice as she almost fell off the arm of the couch, ever so gently both times, but never letting his cock leave her cunt.

At that moment, my phone alerted me to a text message.  It was Lydia, accepting our invitation for the following Friday.  I looked up, switched over to my camera, and snapped a couple of pictures of tied Tamara on Ron’s rod.  Figuring he wouldn’t care, I walked over to Tamara and showed her both pictures.  One clearly showed her face, while the other did not.

“Lydia agreed to our invitation,” I said to them both, but then, more to Tamara, I asked, “Which one do you want me to send her to show her how much we’re looking forward to seeing her?”

Looking at the photos as I flipped back and forth, I heard her say, lustily, “All of me.  Send her all of me.”

I decided to have a little more fun than that and sent Lydia the picture that did not identify who Ron was fucking, but that she was clearly tied up, and it was definitely not me.  I added the message, Looking forward to next Friday. and sent it.

Not thirty seconds later, my phone pings again.  Is that Tamara?!!  She’s letting Ron fuck her?!

I sent the full picture, as Tamara had originally requested, with my response.  Yes!!

My phone almost immediately lit up again.  Is this now?!  Can I cum over?!!

I turned back to Ron and Tamara, him still sliding slowly in and out of her pussy, her moaning gently with each movement.

“Lydia would like to come join us right now,” I told them, “but I think we should set some rules before we agree to that.”

They both looked at me, and Ron spoke.

“Maybe it’s just because I’m a man, but the concept of a hierarchy makes sense to me here.  Hear me out,” he said to me as I started to respond.  “Tamara has already expressed, in many loving and pleasurable ways, that she is, to some degree, ours.

“You’ve told us,” he continued, “that Lydia, at least from Tony’s perspective, needs more sex.  So let’s use that.  If she wants to come over here today — now — sure!

“But she has to know that she’s the newest arrival, subservient to each of you.  So here’s what I propose.  If she can provide each of you with an orgasm, she can pick which hole I fuck of hers.”

Tamara, with Ron’s cock buried in her still-tingling pussy, added, “But, for today, since we’ve already got a date on Friday with her, she only gets one orgasm.  The moment she’s done cumming, we send her home and get back to each other.”

I read my text to them.  You are welcome over here right now, but showing up means you agree to be the newest, most subservient member of our newly formed Fuck Cult.  Interested?

Both Ron and Tamara told me to send it, which I did.

YES! came the reply almost before I’d sent the text.

Again, I read to Ron and Tamara before I sent my next message.  You have three jobs.  You have one possible reward.  Bring each of us to orgasm, however you wish, and we will exchange the favor.  But the moment you cum, you’re being sent home to Tony.

Her reply, again, was almost instantaneous.  OMW!

Hoping to catch her before she made it to her car, I sent one last message.  There will be consequences if you cum before each of us has been satisfied by you.  Not only will you be sent home immediately tonight, but anyone you cum before will receive service from you upon request for a minimum of a fortnight.  14 Days a Fuck Slave.  Still cumming?

I really thought I was laying it on way too thick, but I was stopped in my tracks when her response showed up.

I promise not to cum until each of you has.  I’ll be there in 10.

“Well,” I said to the somehow still slowly fucking couple, “we’re about to have a house slut.  Maybe we should untie Tamara so we’re ready for Lydia?”

I walked over to help and that’s when I saw just how many washcloths Ron had gone through.  Looking him in the face, somewhat aghast, I said, “You went back and forth from her pussy to her ass that many times?”

He never had a chance to respond, so quick was her breathy, “Yessss,” followed by, “Master has been very kind to me.”

“And how many times did you cum since he tied you up?” I asked her as I started on the knots.

“At least four,” Ron answered, “Maybe more.  There were times she was bouncing around and moaning that I couldn’t quite tell if it was actually an orgasm.”

Tamara just nodded and, as I freed one hand, reached back and pulled Ron by the ass deeper into her cunt, moaning as she did so.

After I freed her other hand, she started to reach back to grab Ron’s other ass cheek, but he grabbed both of her arms, leaned her far forward, and used her arms to impale himself as deeply within her as he could.  Her breasts were right in front of my face as I had almost gotten her feet untied.  I shifted tasks and started fondling her breasts as they shook back and forth with his pounding.

She didn’t last long after that, starting with a guttural moan and peaking as she screamed out, “Five, five times, yes, give it to me!”

As she calmed down, I finished untying her feet.  I stood up and watched as Ron released her arms and Tamara fell forward onto the couch, sliding off of his beautiful, shining, rigid cock.  I dropped my top and shorts before I stepped over to him and gave his cock a squeeze with my hand as I kissed him.  Then I dropped to my knees and took it lovingly into my mouth.  In contrast to Tamara tasting like a mix of the two of them, Ron’s cock tasted only like Tamara, at least at first.  I had it deep down my throat and I was tonguing his balls when the doorbell rang.

I reluctantly pulled off of my cocksicle, stood up, and walked to the door.  I stepped behind it as I opened the door, just in case there were neighbors out on a walk, which meant that Lydia’s welcome to our house was looking into our living room and seeing only Ron, his stiff cock still covered with my saliva, standing at the end of the couch.

As she stepped in, I closed the door behind her and reached for her coat, thinking Who would wear a coat in weather like this?  I happened to be watching Ron’s face over Lydia’s shoulder as she let it open and slip off her shoulders.  His eyes got wide and a slow, broad smile lit up his face.

I didn’t know exactly what to expect, but it quickly became apparent that she didn’t have anything but the coat on the top half of her body.  As I pulled it fully off of her, I realized she was wearing only heels, stockings, and a garter belt.

“Who’s first?” she asked, turning to look at me for the first time and taking in my nakedness.  Tamara sat up, then stood, at that point, making it apparent that none of us was wearing a stitch of clothing.

“Oh,” Lydia said, “looks like I overdressed.”

“Julie,” Ron said.  “Julie is first.  She’s about five orgasms behind Tamara right now.  You give her one, then you and Tamara can give her another, then all three of us will give her a third.  Then we’ll see if she needs a break and possibly move on to Tamara.”

My already wet pussy felt like it started flooding at that description of events.  I felt more full of power and confidence than I can remember.  And, it occurred to me suddenly, that we were forgetting Ron’s idea of a hierarchy.

“It will be a waste of those heels,” I said to Lydia, “but on your knees, pet, when you’re inside our house.  When you are here, you are nothing but Master’s plaything.  And Mistress’s plaything.  And Second Mistress’s plaything,” I added, looking to Tamara.

Watching Lydia drop to her knees and kick off her heels was a rush.  Following her as she crawled slowly around the couch made my pussy tingle.  But then she sat back, almost like a dog, and looked at the empty couch.  I sat in front of her and spread my legs.

“Oh yeah,” I heard Tamara whisper as Lydia crawled to me, her face descending to my eager beaver, “this is going to be good.”

I closed my eyes as her tongue pierced my wetness, moaning as she started licking and suckling me in earnest.  I didn’t open them again until after I’d cum, drenching her face with my orgasm.  Looking down at Lydia’s face, it appeared she was about to cum, too.  Behind her, Tamara was tonguing her ass and appeared to have some number of fingers inside her pussy.  And behind Tamara was Ron, his hips thrusting into her again.

“Keep going with that, Tamara,” I said, looking back down at Lydia’s face, “and both you and Ron will have to share your love slave.”

At that statement, Lydia jumped forward, pulling herself away from Tamara.  But that only brought her into my arms.  I pulled her to me and kissed her deeply, tasting myself.  Then I slid my hands over her breasts, tweaking her nipples.   I let one hand glide down between her thighs and flicked her clit before sliding two fingers into her.  Her moan told me we were close, but she again pushed away.

“Is our pet displeasing you, dear?” Ron asked me, watching Lydia turn away from me.

“Oh no,” I said, “she pleased me quite well.  It’s just that she’s trying not to cum, yet she’s so close,” I finished, smiling devilishly.

“Shall we stick to the plan and have them double-team you before we all triple-team you,” he asked me, “or would you prefer to take a rain check on all that cumming and let Lydia try to finish Tamara before we finish Lydia?”

Smiling at him, I said, “I like the way you think — no bad options.  I don’t think she’ll make it either way, though, especially with you and I working together.”

Turning to Tamara, I said sweetly, “One ticket to oblivion, cumming right up.  Please have a seat and open wide.”  Tamara didn’t need telling twice and was immediately sitting on the couch with her legs spread wide for our house slut.

And to Lydia, I added, in a much more stern tone, “Standing, bent over her.  Get licking if you don’t want to be a sex slave to more than one person for the next two weeks.”

As Lydia bent over Tamara and started licking her, I saw her slide her fingers into Tamara.  That made an idea pop into my head.

“Be a dear, dear, and pick a hole,” I said to my husband,  Get her warmed up for me.”  His eyebrows rose quizzically, but he didn’t hesitate to walk right up behind Lydia and, with no hesitation, pressed his cock into her pussy, not stopping until he bottomed out.

I heard Lydia scream into Tamara’s pussy, which made Tamara moan, as I opened my new toy and started figuring out how to put it on.  I saw that Ron had his hands on Lydia’s hips and was slowly fucking her.  I heard her moans competing with Tamara’s and wondered who would cry out first.

It was me, I think, who pushed Tamara over the edge.  When I walked around the couch with that cock sticking out in front of me, her eyes got wide and she started convulsing as she held Lydia’s face to her cunt.

As long as Lydia was pinned in place, I told Ron to switch holes.  Without questioning, he pulled out of her pussy and, seemingly without effort, slid into her ass.  That brought another groan from Lydia, echoed by Tamara.

When Tamara released Lydia’s head, I had my strap-on ready for her.  I tapped her cheek with it and she simply turned her head, opening her mouth for me.  It was only when it was halfway into her mouth that she seemed to realize exactly what it was.  I let her take it as far down her throat as possible before pulling back.  As I did, she grabbed my hip and pulled, gobbling up my cock.  I let her bob on it for a few seconds, wishing that I could feel what she was doing instead of just watching her.

Looking to Ron, I said, “Grab her by the tits and lift her up,” which he immediately did to an audible pop as my strap-on left her mouth.  I walked right up in front of her, rubbed my cock against her cunt, and pushed into her.

So much happened right then.  It started with Lydia screaming, “Oh god, so full!”  Then it seemed as if her legs gave way and I was suddenly holding a lot of her weight.  As I started to stumble backwards, I felt Tamara’s arms wrap around me as her breasts pressed firmly into my back, stabilizing all of us.

She helped ease us over to the couch, where I finally slipped out of Lydia and took a seat.  Ron slid out of her, too, and together, he and Tamara positioned Lydia above me and again impaled her on my strap-on to the sound of her unintelligible moaning.

Ron lined up behind her again and thrust in.  Tamara then surprised me by standing on the couch next to me and pulling Lydia’s head to her.  Lydia did manage a few deep licks, to Tamara’s obvious delight, but Ron started lifting Lydia’s hips to let her slam down on me before pulling out and slamming into her himself.  After the second one of those, Tamara gave up on getting licked and started licking and kissing Lydia’s and my breasts as they rubbed against each other.

Lydia took over most of the rising and lowering on me, but I did try to help by thrusting my hips into her in time with her movements.  Watching her face, I could see that the combination of a dildo slamming into her cunt, a tongue all over her breasts, and my man’s meaty cock pounding her ass was about to send her over the edge.  I decided to toss one more straw on her orgasmic camel’s back.

As I reached down between us and found her clit, I called out to Ron, “Cum in her ass, motherfucker!  Fill ‘er up!”

I expected that would send her right off the edge.  And I wasn’t too far off.  Ron, apparently, listened to me a little too well and started cumming deep inside her, and it was that that pushed her over the edge.  And over the edge, she did go.  She quivered on my lap for at least five minutes after the peak of her orgasm.  I don’t know if it was Ron’s cum leaking from her ass or her own liquids flowing around my strap-on, but I definitely felt someone’s fluid dripping onto my thigh.

While Lydia was quivering on me, Ron pulled out.  I watched as Tamara immediately grabbed another wet washcloth and cleaned him before taking him into her mouth, not hesitating to bulge her throat as she took him all the way down in one movement.  I had no idea how Ron was still hard.

When Lydia finally stopped shaking, I helped her off of me.  Looking back at my lap, she quickly flipped around and deep-throated my strap-on, licking all around it as she pulled off.  Then she crawled off the couch and over to Tamara and Ron.  Tamara, she kissed deeply while fondling her breasts.  When she turned to Ron, she opened her mouth and, just as Tamara had done, immediately pressed her nose against Ron’s abs, easily taking his cock down her throat.  

Pulling off it and giving it one more kiss, she turned to me, saying, “I’m supposed to go home now,” in a very sad voice.

“Are you unhappy you came?” I asked her, leaving the dual meaning for her to interpret.

“No!” she strongly replied, “it’s just…  I wish I could stay longer.”

“There’s always next Friday,” Tamara interjected, pulling her mouth off Ron’s cock long enough to speak, but immediately going back to it, both her words and her actions made it clear that, as far as Tamara was concerned, Lydia was dismissed.

Lydia turned again to me, perhaps her last hope to be able to stay.  I just shook my head and, as she started crawling to the door, got up to follow her.  Imagine my surprise when a massive, erect cock got up with me.  I mean, I’d only ever had it on tonight, and the vast majority of that time I’d been seated.  I just wasn’t used to it.  Or how it made me feel.  I suddenly wanted to fuck everything.

And there was Lydia, crawling sadly to the door, her gaping ass and leaking pussy calling to me.  I walked swiftly to her and dropped behind her.  She only had time to look back over her shoulder before I slid the strap-on between her labia and thrust my hips.  

“Yes!” she cried as I entered her.  I pulled back and thrust again, my breasts shaking with my rough movements.  Moaning and begging me to keep going, to fuck her hard — she even begged me to cum inside her at one point — I started to see how tiring it might be to try to satisfy this woman alone.

I thrust into her again, held deep within her, and draped myself over her.  I whispered in her ear, “Do you want to cum again?”

As I was speaking, I was pulling out of her, but as I finished, I grabbed her hips as I straightened up and plunged in again as hard and deep as I possibly could, cutting off her answer.

Draping myself over her again, I whispered, “Do you want me to destroy your pussy with this strap-on?”

Again, I repeated my pulling out and slamming back in before she could respond, laying over her again as I put my mouth directly to her ear.  This time I whispered, very slowly, “Are you my slut?”

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What I’m sure started as a whispered, pleading Yes quickly magnified into a wailed Yes!! of gratitude as she started convulsing in front of me as I sank my strap-on into her over and over.  As she came, I continued to pound her, trying to stretch it out for her.

She finally slid forward off my strap-on, lying on the floor, whimpering happily.

“Whoa,” I heard from the far side of the room, “That was hot.”  Tamara had her hands on the arm of the couch as she spoke to me with Ron right behind her, also looking my way, while he kept moving his hips, slowly, back and forth, fucking her.

When did he get an ever-present erection? I thought to myself as I started working on the straps to take off my new toy.  Lydia, meanwhile, collected herself somewhat, kissed me passionately on the lips, put on her coat, thanked us, and left.

Once I finally got the strap-on off, I looked up again to see that Ron was still sliding in and out of Tamara’s cunt.  I don’t know why it suddenly annoyed me, but I felt a spark of something.

“I think,” I said to the two of them, “that, after all that, I’m still about five behind.”

Ron just got this Oh hey, yeah, that’s accurate look on his face, but Tamara’s eye’s got huge and I almost saw her glance back at the cock in her supposedly lesbian pussy.  She disengaged from him and came over to me, taking the strap-on from my hands and leading me over to Ron.

She spun me around, back to Ron, and guided my hand to the arm of the couch, leaning me forward.  I felt the head of Ron’s cock as Tamara rubbed it up and down my labia.  Her hand stopped suddenly with Ron’s cock lined up.  He gave one small thrust, just pressing the head into me.  I moaned.

Then I felt Tamara’s fingers as they danced around his cock and my wet lips before settling on my clit, circling it gently.  I let out a small cry as she found my clit, and that seemed to be Ron’s signal to enter me fully.

I let out a low moan as he filled me, reminding me just how much I enjoy having my husband’s cock buried in me.  And Tamara was not letting me forget how talented her fingers are.  Ron pulled out and entered me slowly again.  This time I wiggled my hips around him, making his cock move around within me.

“Ron,” I said, looking back over my shoulder, “will you fuck me now?”

His smile lit up my world, and as I turned away to grab more tightly to the couch, his cock lit up my body.  He did build to it — meaning he didn’t just grab my ass and start pounding into me — but he built quickly.  One more long slow thrust, then a faster in and out — it was maybe his fifth thrust that he finally grabbed my hips and started giving me what I wanted.  I didn’t last long after that, especially with Tamara keeping up her exquisite manipulation of my clit.

As I came, I slammed my ass back against Ron’s thrusts, almost trying to milk him with my cunt.  As my quivering subsided, I started to lay forward on the arm of the couch, thinking I would slip off of Ron’s cock, but he moved with me staying buried in my pussy.  I shimmied back a little to let my legs spread with my ass just at the end of the arm.  

He thrust into me a few times in that position before he withdrew.  He aimed a little higher and I relaxed to let him slide smoothly into my ass.

“How’d you know I wanted a good ass fucking, too?” I asked him in a sultry voice.

“You always love a good ass fucking,” he said warmly as he started moving inside me.  He didn’t fuck my ass quite as hard or as fast as he’d fucked my pussy, but it lasted longer.  (So much so that it occurred to me that I’d gotten tired fucking Lydia for five or ten minutes.  Ron had been at this for hours.  It’s likely that he and Tamara were fucking the entire time I was gone — time enough for her to have four orgasms — and he’d had his cock in someone virtually every minute since I’d gotten back.)  How can he still be thrusting?  How can he still be hard?

These were the thoughts that went through my head as his head went through my bowels.  It was just as I felt my next orgasm blossoming that it occurred to me to wonder where Tamara was.  The orgasm cleared all thought right out of my head as I screamed at my husband to fuck my ass as hard and deep as he possibly could.

“At the risk of misquoting you,” I heard Tamara’s voice through my post-orgasmic fog, “Grab her by the tits, Ron, and lift her up.”

I was still too blissed-out to bother opening my eyes, but I did feel Ron’s strong arms scoop under me, indeed grab me by the breasts, and lift me to standing.  That made me much more aware that Ron’s still rigid cock remained firmly in my ass.  I opened my eyes to a vision of beauty.  Tamara was walking towards me with a huge cock between her legs.  (I had chosen the color with her in mind — well that and to make it easier to imagine that it’s a real BBC — but I had no idea how well I’d done.)  Looking at her, it appeared she was a gloriously beautiful ebony woman who just happened to have a massive cock in addition to her incredibly lickable breasts and long luscious legs.  I wanted her like I’ve never wanted anyone.  Breasts and a cock?  Yes, please!

And please me she did.  Once she’d entered me — and I only just kept my legs from buckling as she joined Ron inside me — she just kept rocking back and forth.  That made the base of the strap-on rub against my clit while the head of it pressed deeply inside me.

“Oh, that’s nice,” Ron said softly, “Keep rubbing that cock against mine.”

We stood that way, me in a cock sandwich, as Tamara rocked our worlds.

“I’m… I’m going to cum soon,” I stammered.  “Legs… not… oOOoh!” I cried out as yet another orgasm wracked my frame.  And while my legs did give out, that just drove me down harder on my two cocks, sending my orgasm into overdrive.  I had just enough awareness to feel Ron pulsing in my ass as he joined me.

Slowly, cocks were extricated from my spasming body, and my lovers helped me to the couch.  I watched through half-lidded eyes as Tamara turned to Ron, eyed his stiff rod, and turned her back to him, leaning forward.  For a second, I thought he was going to go directly from my ass to her pussy, but then I saw that couldn’t work since she was still wearing the strap-on.  Instead, they both guided his cock to her ass, and he slipped right in and didn’t hesitate to start thrusting again.

He worked his hand around her and under the strapping to stimulate her clit while fucking her ass.  At one point, he started stroking the strap-on, and the image of my husband fucking another man while jerking him off caused a pulse of warmth and wetness between my legs.

I got up and scooted over to kiss Tamara.  She guided me to straddle the arm of the couch facing away from her.  She pulled me back to her until I could feel my strap-on pressing to enter my ass.  As she pressed into me, she whimpered, almost as a man would just as he enters a particularly tight hole.  When I saw Ron cleaning his cock again, I realized it was his pulling out of Tamara that caused her to whimper.

He came up to me and offered me his cock.  I took it deeply into my mouth, swirling my tongue around it before pulling back to keep just the head in my mouth.  I felt Tamara pull back at the same time.  Then Ron grabbed either side of my head and they both thrust fully into me and paused for a second.  

That’s when the world got blurry.  They both started fucking me like my life depended on it, Tamara pounding my ass with the strap-on and Ron fucking my face harder than anyone ever has.  I started cumming again, but they didn’t seem to notice.  

They didn’t even seem to slow down until Ron’s movements became a little ragged.  I had no muscle control by that point, so some of his cum went directly down my throat, but I missed the rest.  He pulled back, probably thinking that I’d be my normal self and suck him dry, then lick him clean.  I couldn’t even keep my mouth on his cock so his second stream caught me on the cheek.

It was Tamara who leaned over me, pressing deeper into my ass to my great pleasure, and wrapped her lips around him to take what remained.  She then licked my cheek clean before standing and pulling out of me.

As she cleaned off the dildo with another washrag, she looked down at Ron’s erection.

“You’ve cum at least four times since lunch, and you’ve been actively fucking for basically the past ten hours.  Are you real?” she asked him.

“Well,” he admitted, “I did take a little pill with lunch.”

“That,” Tamara said, smiling, “explains a lot.”  She looked at me and added, “Looks like Mistress needs a rest.  Master, I will put together the dinner Mistress bought us while you apparently need me as a free-use pet.”

She walked over to where I had set down the groceries hours before, and said loudly, “Oh my, the groceries are on the floor.  I will have to bend over to pick them up.”

Ron was already moving as she bent over at the waist, leaving her long legs locked and slightly spread.  He barely paused as his cock slipped into her pussy and thrust a few times before pulling out.  She stood, with the grocery bags in hand, and walked off to the kitchen.

My husband walked over to me and offered me his Tamara-scented cock, which I had just enough energy to clean for him before he helped me cuddle up on the couch.  He set a blanket near me and asked if I needed anything.

“Maybe after dinner,” I said, smiling up at him.  And for the next half hour I dozed a little, occasionally being aware of sounds from the kitchen:  vegetables being chopped, something sizzling on the stove, the smacking of a pelvis against an ass, rice being poured into a pan, water running, more pelvis smacking, moaning, the words Oh shit, it’s boiling over! followed immediately by Fuck the rice, I’m boiling over, a deep guttural groan, scurrying sounds with clattering on the stove, the low tones of Ron’s voice asking a question, Tamara’s response No, no, it’s all good.  I’m just going to put it all together, sounds of pouring and stirring, Tamara’s voice again What, again?  Your last load is still leaking down my leg, more stirring.

It was the change in the moaning after that that made me finally get up and go look to see what my lovers had gotten up to.  Tamara was standing at the stove, one hand attempting to stir the rice and vegetables together, while the other hand was palm down on the counter, trying to keep herself upright.

Ron was sitting with his back to the oven door and his head turned up between her legs.  His cock was sticking straight up with at least one dribble of cum leaking down it.  Both hands were on her thighs, right where the straps adjusted.

She pushed with her hand and pulled her hips away from him.  He tightened the straps, opened his mouth, and she pushed the strap-on into his mouth!  She thrust her hips gently a few times, then pulled back again.  He loosened the straps and his mouth resumed its exploration of her labia.  She continued to try to stir the food.

“Has she fucked you, yet?” I asked as I again watched the strap-on enter my husband’s mouth.  Amusingly to me, his eyes got really wide at that point — not as wide as his mouth, but wide — as if he’d been caught doing something.  Which, I guess he had, as it’s not every day you walk into your kitchen to find your husband sucking a lesbian’s big, black cock.

As he shook his head, the strap-on bulged out in his cheek, just like something you’d see in a low-budget porn movie.  It was priceless, but it was the look in his eyes that made me ask my next question.

“Well, which one of us gets to fuck you first?”

Obviously, it was hard for him to answer with a dildo in his mouth, but Tamara obligingly stepped back from him and carried the stir-fry to the table, her cock — my cock? — bouncing in front of her just like Ron’s does.

I helped him up, looked him in the eye, and kissed him tenderly.  “You are just full of surprises today.  And you will be full of that surprise,” I said, looking at the cock sticking out from Tamara’s cunt, “later tonight.”

Over the course of the meal, Tamara took off the strap-on and set it on the table between us.

Responding to our questioning looks — it’s not every day that someone drops a fat, eight-inch dildo on your dinner table — she said, “I don’t want to be in a position that I’m the first person to bang your husband just because it’s convenient.  I either want it to be you,” she said directly to me, “or for me to be chosen by all of us to be his first.”

That definitely changed the course of our dinner conversation.  Ron expressed absolute willingness, but not quite eagerness.  Tamara had already expressed both willingness and eagerness, going so far as to say that, even if she didn’t get to be his first, she definitely wanted to be his second.  As for me, I’d gotten the strap-on mainly with the idea of fucking Tamara and Lydia with it myself, and letting Tamara fuck me with it, hopefully with Ron in my other hole.

Things had gone well so far, but I’d never even thought of penetrating Ron with it until I saw him with it in his mouth, Tamara’s ass flexing and releasing as she slid it in and out.  And that’s when I knew exactly what I wanted.

Twenty minutes after dinner, I was alone in our bedroom.  Ron came to the door, still beautifully naked, and crawled onto the bed with me.  I looked him in the eye and asked, “Are you sure this is something you want to do?”

“There are no other two people I trust more,” he responded with a smile, “and I can’t find any faults in your plan.  Though I do have to admit,” he added more quietly, “I am a little nervous.”

I looked down at his still erect cock and remembered the first time I took it in my ass.  I’d had to talk him through it, so worried he was that his larger-than-average cock was going to wreck my ass.  In my sense of the word, he was right.  I still loved his cock up my ass, but, for tonight, my pussy was his safe harbor and it was up to Tamara to dock with him.

Almost on cue, she stepped into the doorway and leaned against it just as she had upon her arrival in our house.  And, just as then, she shifted her hips to resonate through the doorframe to inform me she had the buttplug in.  But this time, she also had an eight-inch cock raging in front of her, and she was stroking it easily, having coated it in the lube I kept in a drawer in the dining room.

“That must be my cue,” Ron said to me as he leaned to kiss my lips, our tongues dancing.  He then made an amazingly quick, but incredibly arousing three-point tour — licking one nipple before dropping to my pussy, licking up and down my labia, and trilling his tongue against my clit, then rising to suckle my other nipple.

Then he grabbed my legs and pulled me closer to the corner of the bed.  He lined his cock up with my pussy and, instead of thrusting into me, he curled his hands under my thighs, and pulled me onto him, my legs over his as he penetrated me fully.

The idea had been for us to then hold still while Tamara penetrated him for the first time, while he was firmly embedded in his wife’s pussy.  But ‘firmly embedded’ quickly became ‘moving around within’, accompanied by my appreciative moaning.

The one time I did open my eyes, it was to see Tamara’s frustrated expression as she tried to move her hips around fast enough to find Ron’s asshole.  I almost laughed out loud, so I closed my eyes again and just enjoyed the sensations of being fucked by my favorite human.

And perhaps because he is my favorite human, and I’m very attuned to his fucking me, I’m fairly certain I know the exact moment that Tamara finally touched the lubed strap-on to his sphincter.  All of his movements stopped, and I felt his cock swell within me.

But that was exactly wrong.  That meant he was clenching his ass and pressing into me.  I’d never been in such a situation before (at least from my exact perspective at that time), but I did remember a moment from my past.

I reached around him and grabbed him firmly by both ass cheeks and pulled them roughly apart, saying, I’ll admit, in a Russian accent, “These must relax or you will be hurting in the morning.”

I remember it motivating me because I’d been about to get fucked up the ass whether I was relaxed or not, but, in this case, we all just started laughing, and, several chuckles in, Ron’s laughter caught in his throat and his cock twitched several times in my snatch.

I looked to Tamara, and the wide-eyed look she was giving her own crotch confirmed for me that she was in him.  Not exactly sure how, but I communicated only with a small movement of my eyes when she glanced at me that I thought she should pull a little way out and push in again.  She did exactly that and Ron’s cock jumped again within me.

She started moving slowly and smoothly at first, driving the strap-on into and out of Ron’s ass.  When she finally, fully bottomed out, she pressed his cock further into me.

“Oh god, yes!” I whisper-screamed, “Fuck us!”

She then kept her thrusts shorter, but much deeper, pressing into him and making absolutely sure to press him into me.  I genuinely had the feeling, most of the time, that she was not fucking him, but making love to me through him.  

Ron’s breathing changed just as I felt a glimmer on my orgasmic horizons.  Tamara apparently heard it, too, and she started grinding against him, allowing the strap-on to roll from side to side within him.  She must have found just the right spot because he suddenly yelped, groaned, and started spurting inside me.  That was enough to flick my switch, and I started cumming with him.

I don’t even remember going to sleep.  I only know that I awoke between Ron and Tamara, both of them cuddling me tenderly, the next morning.

We did fool around a little in the morning, but Tamara wanted to get home and prepare for the work week, and I had no complaints about having Ron to myself for the day.

We did have sex, several times, but mostly the day was telling stories of parts one or the other of us had missed.  And it turns out I missed more than he did.

The tale of how he got Tamara tied up and through her first three orgasms got me through two, with, of course, help from Ron.  And the story of Tamara finally falling asleep with Ron’s cock, still rock hard, deep inside her (four hours after I’d fallen asleep) was both hot and tender.  My husband really is a sweet man.

He even offered to let me fuck him later that night, but I took a rain check because I wanted my first time fucking him to involve him also fucking someone else, just like Tamara’s.  Plus, that gave me something to look forward to.

Written by Snowbody
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