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Author's Notes

"Thanks for all the positive feedback everyone. Get ready, though, because these next few chapters are going to get a little exciting. <p> [ADVERT] </p> (And, as always, a suggestion to read from the beginning instead of jumping right in at Ch 6.)"

Chapter 6:  A Different Kind of Lunch Break

Wearing crotchless panties over stockings held up by a gartered teddy is not ideal attire for staying focused at work.  Knowing that your skirt is very stretchy and easy to pull up (and that it possibly shows off the fact you’re wearing garters) does not help the situation.  And promising your husband you will not button up your blouse beyond a certain point to make sure you expose the top of your very enticing teddy to at least someone over the course of the day, firmly focuses the mind on non-work-related thoughts.

Still, I was trying to get some work done.  But any time Tony would walk past my door, I would imagine him behind me, looking in that mirror again (or was that a memory of Ron?).  Then I happened to notice as Tamara walked past the door.  She, like me, was dressed nicer than I’d seen before.  After the third woman walked past my door dressed nicer than had been typical in our office, I decided to take a short walk.

I ostensibly checked in with people, poking my head into offices, chatting with folks in the break room, and generally walking around the office.  What I noticed amazed me.  Virtually every woman in the entire office was dressed noticeably nicer than they had just six months ago.  I mean, I knew it was true for me, but I hadn’t noticed it spreading.

As I passed by Tamara’s office, I asked her if she had a free minute to chat sometime that afternoon.  After leaning to check her calendar, at which point I could clearly see the slope of her breast and the top of her aureola as it disappeared into lace, she told me she’d stop by around 3:30, if that worked for me.  I knew my last actual meeting ended by 3:00, so I told her that would be fine.  But, after watching her lean to see her calendar, what was going through my mind was, How can you get away with wearing that!

The irony didn’t hit me until I saw the mirror in my office.  How can I get away with wearing this!  My mind instantly went back to my orgasm with Ron the previous night.  When I’d thought of Lydia again, I’d gotten much wetter, but when I’d thought of Tamara’s legs spread in front of me, I’d cum immediately.

I looked at the clock.  11:30.  Four hours until my meeting with Tamara, my pussy suddenly pulsed at me.  I was honestly surprised with myself.  I was just planning to ask her if she’d noticed the change in attire around the office, but I couldn’t get the idea of her legs spread before me out of my head.


Tamara stopped in my office just after noon, closing the door behind her as she came in.  She walked right up and sat across from me, crossing her legs, but slowly enough for me to notice some very sexy underwear hiding up there.

“Whatever you wanted to talk about will have to wait until 3:30,” she began, “because I don’t have a lot of time right now, but I do have to tell you what happened last night.”

She was almost glowing, and whatever lacy bra she had on was not hiding her erect nipples very well.

“I was invited for drinks with Lydia,” she continued, “and that was fun, but she asked some very direct questions about my love life, and I ended up going back with her to her place afterwards.”

“Oh my god!” I interrupted.  “Did you go down on her?!”

“I mean,” she replied, “I did reciprocate, but she was there first.”

My jaw dropped as I again imagined Tamara’s dark brown skin contrasting against Lydia’s pale complexion.  My pussy, which had finally calmed down from my earlier imaginings, again pulsed with warmth and wetness.

She spent the next few minutes describing how Lydia had started kissing her, fondling her, and, eventually, started removing her clothing.  She told me about the thrill of Lydia’s mouth descending to her breasts, suckling and licking her nipples before guiding her to the couch.

She told me how Lydia, still fully clothed, had knelt in front of her and licked up one, then the other leg, finally reaching her, by that point, glistening lips.  She told me how Lydia had inserted first one, then two, and finally three fingers inside her and twisted them around while licking her labia and clit.

She described her orgasm, made stronger because, just as she went off the edge, Tony had stepped into the room.  After she had come down, Lydia had turned to Tony, beaming, saying, “See, honey, I can do it all by myself!”

Then, turning to Tamara, Lydia added, “Damn you taste good!  Can I do that again sometime?”

She described looking back and forth from Lydia to Tony, trying to figure out what had just happened.

She told me Tony looked over at her, his eyes roaming her fully exposed body, and said, “I’m guessing my cock is not welcome at this party.”

“Well,” Tamara told me she responded, “I’m not interested in touching it, but you might get Lydia to suck it while I find out what she tastes like, and I’m certainly willing to let her taste me again, so maybe you could fuck her from behind as she ‘does that again sometime,’ as she put it.”

She told me she looked back at Lydia then, saying, “No time like the present.”

My pussy was literally dripping as she told me about slowly removing Lydia’s clothing.  She said Lydia was very compliant, even eager, to position herself as Tamara directed.  And, sure enough, she described Lydia sucking Tony’s cock while she licked Lydia’s labia, sunk two fingers into her, and brought Lydia to a screaming orgasm moments after she had swallowed Tony’s load.

As I ground myself against my chair, wishing I had my rabbit, I became aware of the scent in the room.  I honestly didn’t know if I was smelling me or smelling her, but I’m guessing it was a mix, as we were both pretty worked up.

Tamara then shared that she had some misgivings about Lydia going down on her again right after swallowing Tony’s seed, but that she genuinely couldn’t resist as Lydia moved down her body — neck, nipple, rib, hip — each getting kissed and licked in turn, before Lydia returned to Tamara’s cunt.

She proceeded to tell me that Lydia started eagerly and earnestly and vigorously licking, suckling, and fingering her.  She said that when Tony stepped up behind Lydia and rammed into her, Lydia responded by even more energetically attempting to pull an orgasm from Tamara.

When she described her orgasm starting just as Tony erupted into Lydia’s pussy, and how impressed she was that Lydia kept her attention focused on pleasing her, I almost came, too.

When she’d finally finished her story and got up to go, I stopped her and asked, “That was an amazing story, but I have to ask, why share it with me, specifically?”

She looked back at me with those incredible brown eyes.  “They told me a story about you,” she responded, “and your husband.  It didn’t seem fair for me to have a story about you that you never shared with me unless I shared a story of my own, with you.”

After she left, I went through my briefcase twice, just to make sure the rabbit wasn’t in there.  Disappointed, I ate my lunch.


I did not know it was possible for three hours to pass that slowly.  Not only was I incredibly eager for my 3:30 meeting with Tamara, but the three meetings I had to attend were each more boring and pointless than the last.  I felt almost brain-dead as I left the final meeting, which blessedly ended ten or fifteen minutes early — possibly because I volunteered to take care of some ‘action items.’  

Once I’d taken care of a couple of the tasks I’d agreed to handle, I made my way back to my office.  Glancing at a clock along the way, I realized it was already past 3:15. 

Well, I thought as I opened the door to my office, at least I won’t have to wait as long before Tamara shows up.

And there she was, sitting in my chair, with her feet up on the corner of my desk.  How dare you, the first thought went through my mind, sit at my desk and put your feet — I interrupted myself — Those are some fine, athletic legs.

It was only as I forced my eyes towards her face that I noticed her blouse was unbuttoned.  It was still around her, covering her — for the moment — but definitely not buttoned.

I pressed the door closed behind me and dropped the blinds before walking around the far side of the desk — away from her legs.  As I stepped up behind her, she leaned further back in my chair, turned her face up to look at me me, pulled her blouse open, and let it fall to her sides.

I let my eyes flow down from her face, past her neck, to her breasts, only partially contained by her lacy bra, nipples fully erect, before continuing down her abs and scanning her legs again.

“If you will lean down and kiss me,” she said, looking up at me, “I will make the rest of your afternoon… memorable.”

With no hesitation, I leaned forward and kissed her lips, our tongues entwining.  As my hands reached for her breasts, hers found mine.  I felt her hands unbuttoning my blouse and moved around beside her, giving her easier access.  She finished unbuttoning me before sliding my blouse over my shoulders.

She stared at me, looking at the teddy that exposed the tops of my nipples, as she licked her lips.  She pulled my breasts to her lips and slipped her tongue down around my nipple, flicking it repeatedly and pulling a gentle moan from me.  

I reached out and peeled the lace down from one of her nipples, gently caressing and pinching it.  She moaned into my breast and, starting at my knee, slid her hand up the inside of my thigh.  As she reached my groin and easily slid two fingers between my wet lips, I remembered I was wearing crotchless panties, put on me by my husband.  I shuddered.

Tamara’s response almost made me laugh, had I not been consumed by pleasure.

“Mmm,” she’d been moaning into my breast as her hand caressed my thigh, but as she realized what I was wearing, she had a sharp intake of breath, followed by a high-pitched, “Oh!” followed by a much lower-pitched, “Ooohhhh,” as she slipped her fingers into me.

She never let her lips or tongue leave my nipple as she finger-fucked me to my first orgasm of the afternoon.  I had to turn and hold on to my desk to keep from falling over as my legs almost gave way.  But then I dropped to my knees and looked between her legs, glanced up into her eyes, then returned my gaze to her crotch.

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Tamara suddenly stood up, almost towering above me.  Her breasts strained against her lace bra, one nipple exposed and proudly erect, the other just as erect, but still constrained by lace.  She put her foot up on my chair, causing her skirt to ride up to her hips.

When she put her foot up on my chair, I could see all the way up her leg and watched as her labia parted, exposing her inner depths to me.  I had no control.  I simply needed to taste whatever nectar might spring forth.

As I moved towards her, she once again sat in my chair, this time putting one leg fully on my desk while the other draped across the opposite arm of my chair.  Her legs were spread wide for me as my lips descended to hers.

I started by diving my tongue as deeply into her as I could, before surfacing slightly to lick her labia.  Before long, her hands surrounded my head and guided my lips and tongue to her clit, which I ravished with attention as I slipped two fingers into her.

Moments later, she was convulsing in my chair, the lips of her mouth pressed tight together as she tried to contain the volume of her moans.  As her breathing returned to normal, she looked at me intently.

“We’re going to switch places now,” she said, matter-of-factly, “and I’m going to finally find out what is possible with crotchless panties.”

As she got to her feet and helped me up, she added, “It always seemed like just a convenience thing for men, but not really practical for women, but, having slipped my fingers into you almost effortlessly has opened my mind.

“Now open your legs,” she commanded as she guided me to my chair, “and we will find out just how useful they are.”

The next few minutes of my life were absolute glory and joy.  I think she made me cum four or five times.  She had fingers in me, tongue licking me, lips kissing me, other hand fondling me.  I felt stimulated everywhere.  Had I not been cumming so hard, so much lately, I would have said I hadn’t cum that hard for a long time.

As she finally relented, allowing me to catch my breath, she smirked up at me and said, “They seem quite useful, and more functional than I’d expected,” following that with a more timid, “May I try them on?”

I don’t know what made me agree without hesitation.  Perhaps it was the memory of sharing a vibrating dildo with Ron the previous night.  Perhaps it was the newly transient nature of my undergarments.  Perhaps it was my own desire to taste her lips again, perhaps with my scent overlapping hers, as I’d sensed them doing during our lunchtime discussion.

Whatever it was that motivated me, I stood in front of her, towering over her as she had done to me not so long before.  I hooked my thumbs around them and pulled them all the way to my ankles, bending at the waist as I did so and kissing her on the lips.  I stepped out with one leg and lifted the other leg, panties hooked around my foot, before dropping them in her lap.

Stepping back from her, I said, “Maybe this time, I can sit in my chair and eat you out sitting on my desk.”

Her face lit up as she stood, slipped my panties on, and sat at the edge of my desk facing me.  She lifted one leg and put her foot on my armrest, spreading herself for me.

I was intoxicated.  Her scent drove me crazy, and her willingness to open herself to me drove me wild.  I almost dove into that opening.  It’s possible I felt my own wetness on the edge of the open crotch, but I had no patience to detect the subtle differences between our scents.  

I started by thrusting my tongue deep between her lips again, pulling a deep groan from her.  Then I explored the limits of my tongue’s reach, quickly satisfied that I could reach further in any direction than I really needed or wanted.  At which point I settled into loving Tamara’s nectar.

It was not long after I inserted my middle finger deep into her and rubbed the top of her opening while my lips and tongue devoured her clit that she started cumming.  As I heard her doing her best to stifle her moans and groans, I increased my attention and pressure.  

Sure enough, one orgasm plateaued to another and soon enough I was unable to keep my mouth in contact with her as she writhed around on my desk.  I slipped a second finger into her and caressed her clit with my thumb, propelling her into another crescendo.

It was around then that she started pushing at my hand, trying to get me to stop stimulating her.  I made as if to relent, before driving my fingers deep within her as my mouth reached her clit once again.  Her back arched, it seemed every muscle tensed, then she started truly convulsing on my desk, her eyes rolling back up in her head as she squirmed.

Just as she slowed to gentle twitching, her eyes popped open and she looked directly into mine.  The look I saw there was as filled with lust and longing as any Ron had ever given me; perhaps even just a little love, too.

She gradually sat up, then stood, pulling me to my feet, too, as she took me in her arms.  As we first hugged, then began kissing and fondling, she breathed into my ear.

“That was the most amazing series of orgasms I’ve ever had, and I will do anything for you, at any time, to get more attention like that.”

Pulling back and looking into her eyes, I could see she meant it.  Hell, I’d just been enjoying myself, not trying to give anyone a life-altering experience.

My mind raced, running quickly over the story of Tony stepping out after Lydia brought Tamara to orgasm, and I found myself asking, “Anything?”

“Anything,” she immediately replied, “as long as you’re willing to do that for me again once in a while.”

“So, for instance,” I started, “you’d be willing to wear this teddy and these stockings, and join my husband and me for dinner this Friday?”

“Yes!” she whispered back at me.

“And you’d be willing to wear only this teddy, these stockings, and a pair of heels to dinner?” I continued.

There was a slight moment of hesitation before she murmured, “Yes,” again, this time more meekly.

“And my husband could do anything he wanted with me while I’m pleasing you or you’re pleasing me?” I clarified.

“Oh yes!” she eagerly responded.

“And what if you were allowed to lick me and finger me to orgasm?” I continued, brazenly, seeing the look of lust on her face.  “Would you allow my husband to slide his cock into you while he allowed you to please his wife?”

After a slightly longer hesitation, Tamara replied, “For you, if that has to happen, then… yes.  Anything for you.”

I immediately dropped to my knees and licked her again.  Then I grabbed her ass and planted a wet, sloppy, tongue-assisted kiss on her clit, pulling forth a gasp from her.

I again stood, kissed her on the lips, and stepped back, beginning to gather my clothes.  As we dressed, she reached to pull off the crotchless panties.  I stopped her and told her to keep them.  I encouraged her to wear them Friday night as I kissed her again.

Five minutes after Tamara had left my office, I was headed out the door.


Ron opened the door for me as I walked up to our house.  As he shut the door behind us, he took me in his arms and kissed me deeply while grabbing my thigh and sliding his hand up to my ass.  When he found no underwear, his hand continued under me until he easily slipped a finger into my very wet slit.

“You’ve lost your underwear and you’re incredibly wet,” he said.  “Just nod if you have a story to tell.”

I nodded, looking up into his eyes.  He ushered me into the living room and stripped his clothes off.  Seeing his erect cock made me wet all over again.  But then he slid a cock ring with a vibrator down his shaft.  He positioned the vibrating part above his cock as he sat down on the couch.

“Come sit on my lap and tell me all about it,” he said as he opened his arms to me.

I pulled the skirt to the floor and straddled him wearing only my blouse, my teddy, my stockings, and my heels.  As I lined his head up with my opening, he reached down and pressed a button.  I lowered myself onto his cock, and, as I bottomed out, I felt a low but insistent buzzing on my clit.  I mean, I was already filled with my favorite cock, after having had an orgasmic afternoon, and I’m ready to share the entire story with my husband while I’m impaled on him, but the combined sensations took my breath away.

Within about thirty seconds, during which I was only able to say, “Well…uungh.  I… ooohh!  At work… oh, yes!” as I had my first orgasm of the evening.  Ron had barely moved.

As I came down from the first one, already feeling the buzzing starting to build me towards the second, I was able to tell Ron the major points from Tamara’s lunchtime story as he slowly unbuttoned my blouse and slipped it off my shoulders.  After I’d cum a second time as I reached the part where Tony was fucking Lydia while Lydia brought Tamara to another orgasm, I launched into telling Ron about Tamara and my afternoon.

I must have been on my fourth or fifth orgasm when I felt Ron pumping into me as I relayed Tamara’s willingness to do anything to receive such pleasure again.

I reached yet another orgasm as I told him she was coming over, agreeing to wear my current outfit, to be our dinner guest that Friday night.  He started pulsing and quivering then, making me wonder if my man wasn’t finding full body orgasm to be easier to reach.

The cock ring did its job, though, because he never got soft, either after ejaculating or orgasming, and I was able to ride him vigorously as I peppered him with questions about what he would do while he watched me ravaged by a lesbian.  How he would sneak his cock to my lips or my pussy while her attention was focused elsewhere.  And when I mentioned that, as long as I spread my legs for her, she just might spread hers for him, he started pulsing again inside me.

I knew Tamara was excited about Friday.  By that point, I knew Ron was at least equally excited about the idea.  And I knew I was wetter than hell anytime I thought about it.  Friday couldn’t come soon enough.  And in spite of how many times I’d already done so, I couldn’t cum soon enough, either.

Written by Snowbody
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