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Author's Notes

"As always, I suggest you start from the beginning, but those of you who don't care about missing character references and just want a hot story should read on. <p> [ADVERT] </p> Shortest synopsis: married couple Julie and Ron are exploring their sexualities."

Chapter 8:  Tamara Stays Over

The next morning, I woke Tamara with a gentle kiss.  As her eyes fluttered open and she saw me, she smiled warmly.  I slid my hand between her legs and caressed her.  She cupped her hand behind my head and pulled me in for a more energetic kiss as my fingers slipped into her.

She released my neck and caressed my cheek as she looked lovingly into my eyes as my fingers slid within her and my thumb gently rested upon her clit.  I started gently circling her clit as I began speaking.

“You are about to crawl, on your hands and knees, looking for Ron so you can suck his cock as he awakens,” I said quietly to her as I watched her eyes grow wide as her head moved once, up and down.  I continued, “I know that might not be your first choice, but I don’t care.  I do care about licking you.  For as long as, and to what degree, you make Ron satisfied, I will do the same for you.”

I punctuated that last line by thrusting my fingers deeper within her, pressing my thumb more firmly against her clit, and flicking my tongue across her nipple.

We crawled together to Ron, me following her and occasionally nipping at her ass.  I was even able to lick her twice on the way.  We found Ron just as we’d left him the previous night, splayed out on the couch, though I was happy to see he already had a beautiful case of morning wood.

Tamara crawled across the floor towards him as I gently called his name — I didn’t want him to miss the image of Tamara crawling for his cock.  His eyes fluttered open, first seeing me on my hands and knees in the doorway before turning to see Tamara, her breasts swaying with each movement towards him.

I’m guessing she licked her lips at him as she approached because I saw his cock twitch with anticipation.  And then she was on him.  I watched her take his cock deeply into her mouth, applying some of the lessons I’d offered her the previous night.  Suddenly, I saw her throat bulge as her nose descended fully to his abdomen.

Damn! I thought, She’s deep throating the first cock she’s ever had in her mouth on the second try.

I watched her, mesmerized, as she alternated between suckling the head of his cock while swirling her tongue around it and plunging all the way down him, attempting to swallow him whole.  I glanced at his face before returning my eyes to one of the most amazing blowjobs I’d ever witnessed.

“Unless you want him pumping down your throat or in your mouth, you should stop now,” I told her as I watched his abs tensing.

She surprised me by plunging down on him again and holding herself there while making swallowing motions.  Ron started groaning as he emptied himself down her throat.  As his hip thrusting and pulsing subsided, Tamara slowly eased her mouth off of him.

He pulled her up beside him on the couch, pulling her to him with one hand on her ass while the other cupped her head and pulled her in for a deep, passionate kiss.  As their lips parted, she sat up a bit, guided him to shift over, lying fully on his back, and straddled his hips.

She seemed to be grinding herself against his softening cock while she encouraged him to fondle her breasts.  I was still watching from the doorway and decided to join in.  I crawled up between his legs behind her and started licking Ron’s balls and peritoneum.  His quick intake of breath, followed by her groan told me I’d likely started him towards full erection again.

I watched her pussy lips, spread over his cock as she slid up towards the head and back towards his balls, moaning every time she reached his balls as his cock ground against her clit.

Then his hands grabbed her hips and ass and pulled her further up, asking her, “Do you want it?” as he held her in place.

“Yes,” I barely heard her whisper before he pushed her hips back.  I watched his cock slipping easily all the way into her.  She threw her head back and moaned.

He held her there, still for a moment as he let her pussy adjust to having his cock stuffed into it.  I took that opportunity to lick the base of his shaft, above his balls, and stick my tongue up into her with him.  I felt like I’d turned a key in an ignition, as she started moving on him immediately.

She didn’t raise herself up and slide back down him.  Instead, she just shifted her hips around, grinding herself onto him and moving his shaft around within her.

There was too much movement for me with her ass twerking all around as she used him like a dildo without having to hold onto it.  I shifted around to the front and gradually maneuvered to access her clitoris.  As soon as I found it, her wild gyrations stopped with a sudden intake of breath.

I swear I was there less than ten seconds before she exploded.  I had to move away again as she thrashed about on top of Ron.  I could see his hands on her hips, trying to contain her enough that he didn’t slip out of her.

As she finally came down, resting her hands on Ron’s chest, still breathing heavily, she reached out to me, pulling me in for a kiss.  My hand found her breast and my palm brushed against her nipple.

She guided my face to her breast and I started licking, kissing, and suckling every part of it but her nipple.  I felt movement again and glanced down long enough to see Ron’s hands on her hips, moving her up and down his shaft as he thrust within her.  I returned my attention to her breast, taking her nipple into my mouth and nipping at it with my teeth.  She moaned appreciatively at our combined attention.

Ron continued to fuck her as Tamara and I kissed and fondled each other’s breasts.  At one point, he released her hip long enough to nudge my thigh.  I took the hint and repositioned myself with my now dripping cunt over his face.  As he pierced my wetness with his tongue, I moaned into Tamara’s mouth.  We spent the next ten or fifteen minutes grinding ourselves on Ron, Tamara on his cock, and me on his face, kissing and fondling each other the whole time.

Looking down briefly between kisses, I saw Ron’s abs as he thrust into her, his muscles rippling beneath his skin.  I watched his hands grab her hips tighter and could tell he was beginning to build towards his own release.

I flicked my tongue across her nipple and looked into her eyes.  “You don’t have long,” I said with another flick across her nipple, “to get off of him before he cums deep inside you,” I finished before taking her nipple into my mouth, sucking and tonguing it with abandon.

“If I let him cum inside me,” she asked me almost breathlessly, “will you eat it out of me?”

I almost came then and there, finding myself only capable of nodding at her, wide-eyed, as she put her hands against his chest again as she helped him lift her and plunge back down upon him.

I lifted off Ron’s face and moved behind her again.  Using my hands on her hips, I helped to slam her down onto my husband’s cock.  She started crying out as she started her next orgasm, and I looked into my husband’s face as he came deep inside her.  Her wild movements meant that, by the time she eased off of him, more of his cum was dripping down his balls than inside of her, so I attended to him first, cleaning up as much as I could without using my hands.

By the time I was done with him, I kissed the head of his once-again erect cock, and told him to stick it wherever he wanted to.  Then, I turned my attention to Tamara.

I crawled up between her legs and started, lying on my belly, licking as far under her as I could.  I know I found a trickle of Ron’s, as the taste was so familiar.  And I think I found one dribble that was completely Tamara.  Mostly, though, I tasted their combined wetness as I worked my way back to her leaking lips.

Just as my tongue parted the base of her opening, it released a gush of fluid, which I sucked up, drinking deeply from her fount.  I shifted to get a better angle, and, as I raised my hips to get my knees under me, I felt Ron’s cock against my lower back.

Moments later, I’m licking Tamara from top to bottom and in between every fold while Ron’s cock is, ever-so-slowly, penetrating me.  All that I had seen thus far this morning, the taste of both of them in Tamara’s cunt, the agonizing slowness of Ron entering me — everything combined perfectly for me and I went off the edge.  Ron’s cock never left my pussy and my mouth never left Tamara’s, but I came so hard I saw stars.

As I came back down, Ron shifted his hips just enough to move my lips against Tamara’s labia.  I immediately started licking her, tonguing her, suckling her, and fingering her to try to give her the level of orgiastic bliss I’d just found.

Meanwhile, Ron tried to hold my hips as still as possible to allow me to please Tamara while he simultaneously fucked the ever-living shit out of me.  I don’t know who came first or who came last, but I know I brought at least two orgasms from Tamara and that I had at least three myself.  (Ron had already cum twice that morning, so I wasn’t too worried about him.)

“Can I just hang out here today and go home tomorrow?” Tamara asked as I dozed with her thigh as my pillow.

“Ron,” I murmured, “can Tamara stay the day and another night?”

“It depends,” I heard him reply, never opening my eyes, “do I get to lick her folds again and bring her to orgasm with my mouth?”

“As many times as you like,” Tamara’s voice responded, “as many times as you like.”

“Then it’s settled,” I said, slipping a finger into her glistening cunt, “Tamara’s staying for the weekend!”

Ron made breakfast as Tamara and I cuddled, still naked, on the couch.  We didn’t reach any earth-shattering climaxes, but we did keep each other aroused with fingers and tongues and nipples and labia and, only occasionally, clitorises.

When he returned with plates of eggs, toast, and bacon for us, I was pleased to see he, too, was still naked and mostly erect.  I love watching his erect cock bounce along when he walks to the bathroom after sex.  (Though I do wonder how he pees with it like that, but, not my problem.)  It was no less enjoyable to watch it bouncing towards us as he was mostly focused on the food and seemingly unaware that his cock was taking our attention off of his culinary creation.

He gently set my plate at one end of the coffee table, then moved to the other end to place Tamara’s in front of her.  He then stood, clasped his hands in front of him, and announced, “Breakfast is served,” still seemingly unaware of his turgid member.

“Excuse me,” Tamara spoke, head tilted up as if looking Ron in the face, but I could see her eyes locked on his cock, “but do you have any sauce?”

He turned towards her, his face already forming a querying look, as if ready to ask what type of sauce she might require, but the turning of his hips brought his cock close enough for Tamara to catch it in her mouth.

She then grabbed his ass cheeks and drove his cock right down her throat pumping him in and out, though never fully leaving her throat — I should know, I was watching very closely — for what had to be thirty full seconds.  Suddenly, she surfaced for air, grabbed his cock and pumped it energetically as she aimed it at her plate.

She glanced at me, asking, “Do you want some, too?” just as his first pulse sent a white rope onto her toast and one egg.  I quickly nodded and watched as she aimed his cock toward my plate, wildly motioning me to bring it closer.  I picked it up and held it towards his cock as the second strand shot forth.  More of it hit my wrist than my food, so I continued and caught the last bit that shot out from him right across both of my eggs, allowing Tamara to catch the dribbles at the end, finally wrapping her lips around him to suck the last bits of his sweet, salty seed.

“Women spice up the evening, but men season the morning,” she said, apparently making up a new idiom on the spot.  My mind immediately went to cucumbers, and I felt my pussy leaking.

Ron went to grab his plate and came back, pretending to complain, “You both got my sauce on your eggs, but what am I going to put on my eggs?”

The light banter continued as we ate, with some subtle innuendo at times and very direct statements of want and desire at others.  Ron finished eating first and started to clean up a bit.  Taking his plate, the salt and pepper, and the butter back into the kitchen.  Just as Tamara took her last bite, Ron walked back in, took her plate, and disappeared again.

“He cooks and cleans up, he’s easy on the eyes, and he fucks like a stallion,” she said, watching his ass until he rounded the corner.  “I’m really glad he was willing to share you with me, and I’m really glad you’re willing to share him with me.”

I set down my plate, then, and walked over and straddled Tamara’s lap, our pussies almost touching.  As I leaned in to kiss her, our nipples grazed each other’s breasts.  Then our tongues were intertwined and our hands explored each other once again.

I sensed, more than felt, Ron behind me.  Then his hands joined Tamara’s in their exploration of my skin.  She was mostly focused on my neck, arms, and torso, while he slid his hands down the outside of my thighs before pulling back to massage my ass.

As his hand slipped under me, I lifted slightly, to give him access.  And access he did.  Two fingers immediately slid into me, making me moan into Tamara’s mouth.  But then I felt his hair under me and Tamara groaned into my mouth as I assumed Ron’s tongue had parted her labia again.

I never turned around to look, so I still don’t quite understand how he was licking her pussy while finger fucking me quite energetically, but I do know that I came first.  It was while I was shuddering above her that I heard her protest.

“No! Don’t stop!” she cried out, “Please don’t stop!”

I felt my husband’s strong arms as he lifted me gently off of her and lay me on my side.  He propped my head up with a pillow so I could watch without effort before returning to drop to his knees in front of Tamara’s spread legs.

“Please,” she whimpered at him, reaching for his face.  I watched my husband lean in for a loving, tender kiss before he pulled back and lowered his head.  What followed was a master class in cunnilingus.  

He brought her so close to orgasm more times than I could keep track of.  At one point she was begging him for his cock.  At another point, she tried to grab the back of his head and grind his face against her, but he slipped out, stood up, and looked down at her, speaking softly, but firmly.

“If I’m going to lick you to the most powerful orgasm I can offer, you have to behave and play by the rules.  Rule 1:  Your right hand can do anything to Jules you can reach.  Rule 2:  Your left hand can touch any part of you. And Rule 3:  Any touches of me must be caresses.

“Do you want to play by the rules so I can make you quake?”  The last line was delivered much more sternly than the soft tone of the first part.

Tamara’s eyes were wide as she looked up at him, only occasionally stealing a glance at his cock, which was at her eye level and pointed directly at her.  She nodded and mouthed the word Yes.

“Right hand,” he said, still somewhat sternly.  Her right hand went to my hip and started sliding up and down my thigh.

“Left hand,” he said, much more softly.  Her left hand slid up her own thigh, past her hip, and lazily landed on her breast as she started idly twirling around her nipple.

He smiled before dropping back between her legs.  He continued to almost torment her for another fifteen minutes before she started begging and pleading with him to send her over the edge.

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He leaned back and I could see his tongue, stretching out to just touch her clit, not really moving.  But then he flicked his tongue once up and down.  Tamara squeaked.  He did it again, but twice.  Tamara started a low, almost growling sound at that point.  Which is when Ron flicked all the switches.  His tongue was flicking over her clit so fast that it was a blur.  He pushed some number of fingers deep into her, twisting his hand as he did so.

As her head leaned back and her mouth opened in a silent scream, he dropped his mouth around her clit and started sucking it like the little cock it was.  And that’s when I saw what Tamara looks like when she comes as hard as possible.  It was amazing to watch.  Words could not possibly do it justice.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone cum that hard.

It lasted over two minutes.  There were loud parts, breathless parts, shaking parts, convulsing parts, and I swear I almost saw light shine out of her at one point.

When she finally regained some control of her breathing, she opened her eyes and looked down at Ron.  “I already told your wife that I’ll do anything she wants me to if she’ll go down on me once in a while,” she said to him, continuing with, “And, if you’ll do that for me, even once a year, I’ll extend the same offer to you.  Congratulations, Julie and Ron, you have a new toy to add to your collection.”

I was about to say something like, Oh, don’t say that.  You’re a person, not a toy.  We just really enjoy you, but Ron spoke first, and a little of the stern tone was back.

“Then, my toy — our pet — think about how wet Jules must be after watching all of that.  Your right hand never made it past her thigh.  Perhaps it’s time you gave your attention to something other than your own pleasure.”

It took me a bit off guard, but not enough to stop me from shifting and opening my legs to Tamara, who wasted no time in leaning down and taking a long, appreciating smell of me, before splitting my lips with her tongue.

She gradually worked herself around so she had her knees under her, ass up in the air, as she worked her tongue and lips around my labia and clit while her fingers did their own dance deep inside me.

She kept her fingers working as she pulled her face from me briefly, saying back to Ron over her shoulder, “If you still have a hard cock, I’ve got somewhere you can stick it.”  She wiggled her hips at him as she resumed licking my lips.

I opened my eyes in time to see my husband step up behind her ebony ass and guide his cock into her.  She moaned into my cunt, pulling a moan from me in the process.  Ron’s moan as he sunk fully into her added to our chorus.  

From that point, it seemed like Ron allowed Tamara to direct things.  She was working on me much as Ron had her — pushing me towards orgasm but letting off before I got there.  And he seemed to be doing the same to her with his cock.  As my breathing got ragged, he would actively slide in and out of her.  As I started moaning and groaning, he would grab her hips and pound into her.  And when she would stop or slow down to keep me from cumming, he would either slow to a gentle in and out or stop thrusting altogether, his cock buried deep within her.

This went on for a gloriously agonizingly long time, at least from my perspective.  But the truly amazing part was the climax.  It seemed to me that Tamara was finally going to take me all the way.  I could feel a massive orgasm building within me.  I looked up at Ron’s face and could see that he, too, was close.  So when Tamara suddenly started crying out, almost screaming directly onto my clit, I was surprised she was the first to cum.  But her movements sent me over the edge, too, and I started convulsing much as she had earlier, from Ron’s oral attention.  And at some point during the oblivion, I saw that satisfied look on Ron’s face as I watch his hands pulling Tamara’s hips as he unloaded deeply within her.

We stayed that way for a moment:  Tamara, breathing deeply with every exhale caressing my sensitive labia,  Ron, still on his knees, buried in her.  She reached back, holding his hip.

“Can we sit back, but can I keep that inside me as we do?” she asked him.

I watched my husband, gently but firmly holding her hips to his as he sat back.  She unfolded her legs over the side of the couch, and as he sat back upright on the couch, she spread her legs to either side of his and leaned back against his chest.  His hands slid up from her hips to her breasts and gently caressed them.

As my limbs started working again, I eased myself off the couch and down between their legs.  I started with my husband’s balls, licking them both and taking each into my mouth before continuing my treasure trail.  I licked the base of his shaft right up to the point that it disappeared into Tamara’s twat.  So I continued up to plant a wet, sloppy, slippery, suckling kiss on her clitoris.

She’d cum so recently, that I don’t even think I led her to another, just a higher level of the orgasm she was already on.  But before long, she was shuddering and pulsing around Ron’s cock, while he moaned at the feeling of her orgasming around him.  I descended a little, happy to taste bits of Ron’s cum as it leaked out of her pulsing quim, while I again licked the base of his shaft.

I sat back and looked up at them both, faces of bliss.

“So Tamara,” I said softly, “for a woman who doesn’t like cock, you sure seem to like Ron’s cock.”

“Mmmmm,” she replied to me, her eyes closed.  She continued, “It’s true, I’m not drawn to cock, but I’m drawn to this cock.  Like I said before, I’m yours.  No other cock will enter me.  This pussy and this ass and this mouth are for two things:  women and Ron’s cock.”

This time it was my turn to speak up and direct things.  “Wait,” I started, “I thought you said you were ours to command?”

“I did,” she said.  “I am.”

“Then you may be instructed to take another cock at some point,” I explained, following, in an exasperated tone, “I mean, what’s the point bragging to our friends that we have a fuck toy if we can’t let them use it?  They’d never believe us, otherwise.”

I thought I was just fucking with her, but what came out of Tamara’s mouth next blew my mind.

“Okay, how’s this as far as cocks go?” she started, “I’ll take Ron’s cock anywhere he wants it, anytime I’m available.  Other cocks will be on an ‘as instructed’ basis, but at least one of you must be present and clearly communicating your desire that I accept the cock in question.

“And outside of the two of you, I will still be dating women and having my own social life.  I mean,” she finished, “you two own me, but you don’t own me.”

Seemingly as a response to that, Ron lifted Tamara’s hips and dropped her back down onto his still-rigid shaft.  I’m not sure what he was trying to communicate, or what she took from it, but her high-pitched, fluttery moan definitely shifted our focus.

I climbed up on Ron’s lap, too, sliding one leg under hers on one side and over hers on the other, grinding our clits against each other.  The sound Tamara made at that point was otherworldly.

For the next half hour or so, Ron slipped his cock back and forth between our pussies as we ground them against each other.  Tamara, again, came first, with Ron again inside her as she did.  Just as her orgasm subsided, he shifted his hips and thrust up into me.  Tamara’s fingers on my clit drove me over the edge, then, and I, too, climaxed on Ron’s hard cock.

For a moment I was dismayed that he hadn’t followed me and drenched my walls with his seed, but then I remembered he’d already cum four times over the course of the morning.

I did take a moment to make good on my promise to clean Tamara of Ron’s cum, but most of it had leaked out in all the back and forth fucking that had been going on.  When I declared her as clean as I could get her, she thanked me, breathlessly, I might add, and said she would make lunch.

Ron and I cuddled on the couch and talked softly for a while.  Both of us checked in with each other and agreed, wholeheartedly, that we both loved each other and our current life.  Ron even said, at one point, “If you wanted it to go back to just being you and me, I’ll do that in a heartbeat.  You’re the woman I married, and you’re the woman I want to make happy.  But I think you’re more happy now than any time I’ve known you, so I say we keep enjoying each other and anyone else we care to.”

I’d been genuinely worried that Ron might start to see me as some sort of sex-crazed slut that he might not be able to respect.  Instead, if I’m being honest, he seemed totally fine with everything, and I kind of saw him as being a sex-crazed slut.  But it lost him no respect in my eyes.  To the contrary, he seemed like every fantasy that every girl in the world has had while looking up at the posters on her wall, all wrapped into one man — my husband.

I’m not ashamed to say that, when Tamara returned with sandwiches, I had my hands on my husband’s ankles as I rode him, reverse cowgirl, to a screaming orgasm.  He was still hard when I finally pulled myself off of him and sat beside him.

Aside from Tamara’s and my eyes glued to Ron’s erect cock as it bounced, ever-so-slightly, with each beat of his heart, lunch passed without incident.  It was as Ron, ever the gentleman, cleared the dishes that things heated up again.

Tamara crawled over to me and simply asked, “Top or bottom?”

“Bottom,” I replied, turning and lying down with my head towards her.  She crawled over me, pausing, I thought, to allow me to suckle her nipples, though I was quickly made aware that it wasn’t necessarily her nipples she thought needed attention.

While we very much enjoyed that diversion, she gradually made her way further along my body, eventually licking along the connection of my thigh and my torso, starting at my hip.  As her tongue approached my twitching twat — yes, I know, too much, but fun to be a cunning linguist when cunnilingus is involved — her lips once again spread before my eyes as she straddled my face.

I honestly do not remember Ron entering me, so focused I was on the sensations of my tongue on Tamara and her tongue on me, but as my orgasm built within me, I became aware of his cock thrusting deeply within me.  The combination of his deep, insistent thrusts and Tamara’s talented tongue helped my orgasm blossom within me.

In a similar way to how I felt like I’d swallowed his load and all of his energy at the end of the previous night, I somehow felt depleted as he pulled out, almost like I’d deposited my orgasmic energy in his cock.  I resumed licking Tamaras lips, though languidly as I watched Ron approaching.

He’d walked around and his cock bobbed with each step.  I thought he would slide his cock down my throat, but he made a beeline for Tamara’s cunt, sliding in with ease — as well as an appreciative moan from her right onto my clit.

I licked his balls as he bottomed out inside her, before returning my attention to her clit.  I swear I felt my orgasmic energy pulsing through his cock and into her as she reached orgasm faster than I’d ever seen before, pulsing around his cock right in front of my face.  And I could feel her sense of loss as he pulled out after she stopped quivering.  

Again feeling a sense of loss that he didn’t allow me to suck his cock after Tamara coated it in her secretions, I watched his ass walk back around to the other end of Tamara and my fuck party.  Before he could stick his love stick back into me, she grabbed it and took him as deep down her throat as humanly possible.  (Ron later told me that he could feel her teeth against the top of the base of his cock and worried for a moment that she was going to lose control.)

He gradually extricated himself from her loving lips and slid his cock slowly into me again.  It felt like fire going in, and I don’t mean that in a bad way.  It was as if every inch he entered, my arousal increased tenfold.  By the time he was fully within me, I felt like I was already teetering at the edge of orgasm.  He literally pulled back two inches and thrust in fully again and I started cumming.  I don’t guarantee that Tamara’s attention to my labia and clitoris didn’t push the process along, but to cum that quickly, and from one thrust?!  I convulsed around him again before he again pulled out, taking most of my warm feeling with him.  

It had to be a trick of the afternoon sunlight, streaming into the room, but I swear his dick was glowing as he thrust back into Tamara.  With my help, she actually lasted three slow thrusts before she climaxed again.  And I got to suck her juices off of his glowing cock after he pulled from within her.

As he took my suck-toy away, he asked, “Which hole?”

“Ohhh,” I responded, “please fuck my pussy again, Lover.”

He did not disappoint as he and Tamara brought me to my third orgasm since lunch.  And, as he finally pulled out of me after my cunt was done pulsing around him, he asked the same of Tamara, “Which hole?”

“Please take my ass again,” she said, “and fill me with another load.”

With that, I had Tamara’s pussy all to myself.  While Ron was busy assaulting her bowels, I had my tongue all over her and my fingers deep inside her.  When she started cumming, I don’t know how, but it immediately spread to me as well.  We moaned and groaned and wailed and whimpered together, while Ron, his cock still raging hard, called a breather.

He stumbled off to the kitchen and I heard sounds of glasses and water.  He returned with two glasses of water for us, though it took us a little while to extricate ourselves from our fuck train to actually take them from him.

As we hydrated and calmed down a little, I started talking about Tony’s requests at work that week.  Tamara was somewhat surprised — and possibly jealous? — at the idea that Lydia might also be our fuck toy, but she was also eager to be able to join in.  Ron, too, was a little surprised — and possibly jealous? — at the idea that Tony was going to have me to himself after working hours.

After talking it over, we decided to send a message inviting Lydia over the next Friday.  There was nothing to be planned for the evening with Tony since the mystery ‘couple’ hadn’t scheduled anything concrete.  We moved on to dinner plans, and I made a list of what we needed.

As I grabbed the keys and my purse, Tamara called out to me, “Hey Julie, aren’t you forgetting something?”

That was almost exactly what Ron used to say when I would start heading out the door without giving him a goodbye kiss, so I didn’t hesitate to drop my keys and purse back on the counter before walking to Ron, kissing him deeply as his hands massaged my bare breasts.  I then walked over to Tamara and shared with her an equally passionate kiss, taken to a higher level as she slid one finger between my labia, then gently flicked upward towards my clit.  

“Oh my god!” I said to her, “You really make me want to get back here quickly.”  I again turned and started towards the counter, but Ron’s laughter made me stop again.

I turned, put my hands on my naked hips, faced them fully with my erect nipples pointing at them, noticed that they’re both laughing by this point, and said, “What?!”

“Clothes, Jules, clothes,” Ron managed between chuckles.

Looking down at myself, I had to concede they had a point.  I had basically been naked since Ron fell asleep on the couch the previous night, and it felt perfectly natural to me after spending the day this way.  I wonder how far I would have gotten if they hadn’t stopped me.  Surely putting a seatbelt on my naked body would have clued me in?  In any case, I put on some shorts, a tank top, and sandals and headed out the door.

It did take me longer than I thought, partially because I stopped by the sex toy shop again to get something special for my two lovers, but I genuinely did not expect what I found when I got home.

Written by Snowbody
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