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SissyMandy - TranSister

"My new big sister teaches me stuff a sissy really needs to know"

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Giving myself to a t-girl is a new kind of thrill for me, and one that Mistress thinks every sissy should experience. Being with a shemale, she says, can help a sissy understand why hormones are so essential to reaching her full potential in today's modern sissy scene.

It's only been a week since I first sucked Cheryl's girl-cock, but a week without cock is an eternity when a sissy really needs it, which is why I'm so excited to finally be in the same bed with her. I mean, geez…can you blame me? I've already been dying to feel her in my ass for a whole, entire week.

Sucking her sweet cock again is divine, but Mistress hasn't allowed a man to fuck me for quite some time, so I'm craving a lot more than just that. The filthy words spewing from her mouth have me in a frenzy by the time she grabs my hips and mounts me from behind.

Shivers run up my spine as I anticipate her burying that thing between my cheeks, but all she does is tease her fingers around my hungry little hole. She toys with me endlessly, amusing herself at my expense, until I'm so fucking frustrated I could just scream!

"Please, Cheryl," I helplessly beg, "I need it, Cheryl…. I need to be fucked so bad!"


"Naughty, naughty, naughty," Brenda's voice comes out of nowhere.


"Time to wake up, dear."

"B-but I was having sex."

"You were having a sex dream, babe."

"I was…? But it seemed so real."

"I'm sure it did," Brenda chuckles. "You were begging for it like a slut."

"Shit… why do my horny dreams always end like that? Just when I'm about to get it, I fucking wake up."

"Because they're only dreams, hon. It was time for you to wake up anyway. Cheryl just called to say she's on her way, so you better get up and hit the bathroom. It's Nair day, so you'll need to dissolve the ugly boy stubble off your body before she gets here. Cheryl likes her sissies nice and smooth."

"Fuck… do I have to? That Nair shit irritates my skin when you make me do it every week."

"So…? I can't help it if your fucking pubes keep growing back. You'll just have to put up with it until I can get you in for hair removal treatments."

"Oh, yuck…! I'm so scared about doing laser. I just know it's gonna hurt really bad."

"Look, pussy, I've never said every step in your feminization would be pleasant. Permanent hair removal just happens to be a necessary and unavoidable step in the process. Don't you want soft, hairless skin when the estrogen starts doing its thing?"

"Yes, of course I want that."

"Then stop being a cunt over a little Nair irritation. Get in there and get it done before Cheryl gets here."

"Okay, I'm going. I didn't mean to be whiny."

"It's alright, darling, I still love you."


It was disappointing when I didn't get fucked in my dream, but oh well… my weekend hasn't exactly started out the way I expected either. But with Brenda controlling every facet of my life, I have to expect the unexpected.

I'm thinking Brenda probably called Cheryl to postpone our date until today, because it was too much of a coincidence that Janine just 'happened' to be here in bed with Sherry when I got home from work yesterday.

Sometimes I get pissed when she tricks me all the time, but I know she does it to teach me stuff. And I did love it when she tricked me into having sex with Janine. Oh, yes…! I love it when Brenda tricks me like that!


"Hey, Mannn-Deee," Sherry follows me into the bathroom, "you're awake. Did you dream about Janine last night?"

"I don't remember. I only remember dreaming about Cheryl."

"Janine just texted me, baby, and she definitely dreamt about you. Didn't I tell you she has a crush on you?"

"Yeah, well, I guess you were right about that. Now I've got a crush on her, too."

"I knew you two would hit it off. So now that you know about us, she'll be coming over here for sex instead of us having to rent a motel room to do it. You can always join us for threesomes, and I'll even let you have her alone sometimes, too. She's usually open for just about anything."

"I wonder why Janine's husband doesn't ever fuck her?"

"Because he's a cheater. He's been cheating on her since her last pregnancy."

"But why?"

"I know why, but I can't repeat what Janine tells me in private She might tell you if you ask her yourself.

"Hey… I know it's hair removal day. Want me to spread the Nair on your legs for you?"

"Would you? That fuckin' shit is really starting to irritate my skin."

"That's why you need to get your laser treatments done before the hormones make your skin even more sensitive. Wanna know something I've been dreaming about lately?"

"Yeah… tell me."

"Well, oftentimes when I'm alone, I dream a lot about how hot you'll be when your hair grows out and you have pretty little tits. My pussy gets wet when I think about how perfect it's gonna be for us when we're in the Hierarchy. Think about it, honey, we'll be having sex all the time like we'd be doing anyway, and getting paid for it, too!"

"I hope it works out like that."

"It will."


As much as I hate the depilatory cream, I do love how my skin feels after I shower and Sherry rubs lavender moisturizing lotion all over me. Mistress Virginia told me that when you know you'll be getting fucked on a date, getting ready for that date is more fun than actually getting fucked.

I'm not so sure about that, but it's definitely fun whenever Sherry helps me get all prettied up. I feel more attached to Sherry every time she makes up my face.

She knows just what to do, applying all the right cosmetics in all the right shades to compliment my pixie hairstyle. I'll probably still like wearing my wigs, but my new pixie look is fresh and exciting, and the best part is… it's all me!

Ding Dong… the doorbell rings.

"She's here…! Cheryl's here!"

"Hold your horses, babe, I'm not quite finished with your eyeliner."

"Hurry please, I can't keep her waiting."

"Jesus, Mandy, you're worse than a young teeny bopper."

"Fuck…! I'm not even dressed!"

"Since when are sissies allowed the luxury of modesty?" she giggles. "Here… you big baby, wrap this towel around you so you won't be so naked."


"Oh, Mandy…!" Cheryl claps her hands as I come out of the bathroom. "Look how cute you are!"

"Do you like my hair?"

"I love it! Do you realize how totally passable you are now?"

"I don't know about that. My hair's still a lot shorter than almost every girl's."

"You don't think your pixie hairstyle makes you passable?" Brenda grins. "I think this will change your mind."

My eyes light up as Brenda holds a little black jewelry box up to my face. I nearly fall out when she opens it, and I see a beautiful pair of one-inch, gold hoop earrings.

"F-for me?"

"Yes, baby," Sherry says, "of course they're for you."

"Oh my God, these are beautiful!"

"Sherry picked them out," Brenda mentions, "especially for you."

"Yes, baby," Sherry pulls me in for a hug, "you'll be accumulating many pairs of earrings over the years, and I wanted your first pair to be from me."

"If only my ears were pierced, I could actually wear them."

"What a coincidence," Cheryl chimes in, "Brenda asked me to bring my piercing gun."

"Mistress… did you plan this?"

"Don't I plan everything that happens in your life?" she beams. "It's time for my sissy to take the next big step."

"It seems like I'm taking another big step every weekend."

"That's because you're ready for big steps. Now that your sissy brain is pretty much where I want it to be, it's time for your sissy body to catch up with your eighteen-year-old mentality."

"Let's do this at the table," Cheryl takes my hand. "I think someone's ready to have her ears pierced."

"Will it hurt?"

"No more than getting a finger cut off," she laughs.

"Very funny," I frown.

"Relax, sissy, I'm only kidding."

Sherry numbs my ear lobes with ice as Cheryl gets her piercing gun ready. I'm bracing for some serious pain when she puts it against my ear, but surprisingly, it's relatively painless. Just two tiny 'pop' sounds, a very slight sting, and presto… it's done!

'Whoa…' I think, 'my ears are pierced. I'm a big girl now!'

"You'll need to wear studs for a few weeks until the holes heal," Cheryl tells me. "I'll put your new hoops in now, because we're going on a date, but it's just for today. The studs go in tomorrow. You let me know if they start hurting, okay?"

"They're not hurting that bad."

"See how pretty you look with earrings?" she smiles and holds up a mirror.

"Wow!" I start giggling when I see myself, "I am pretty!"

"Fuckin' beautiful is what I'd call it," Cheryl kisses my cheek. "You're a hot sissy, Mandy, so start feeling it. You'll fit right in where I'm taking you tonight."

"Where are you taking me?"

"We're going clubbing at this great alt-bar I know in San Francisco, where there's always lots of action."

"What kind of action?"

"Cock sucking action. What's more fun than sucking cock?"

"Getting fucked, of course."

"That's already a given, but we'll have some fellatio fun before that happens."

"Mandy hasn't had it for a while," Brenda tells Cheryl, "so her tight ass is primed for fucking."

"Her ass will definitely belong to me tonight. I can hardly wait to take her home and get her in bed."

"Mandy, why don't you get dressed so you and Cheryl can get going," Brenda says.

"And look," she points at a dry cleaning bag draped over the couch, "I picked up your sexy dress from Virginia yesterday, all cleaned and ready to wear tonight."

"My party dress…! Can I put it on right now?"

"You'll be more comfortable wearing something casual," Cheryl suggests, "It'll be a while before we get dressed for dinner and clubbing."

"Okay, I can wait, but I wonder what I should put on?"

"Surprise us," says Brenda, "you've grown up enough to start choosing your own clothes to wear."


I kinda wanted to show Sherry how I look in my sexy party dress, but she'll see it soon enough. Right now, I have more important things to think about. Mistress is letting me pick out my own outfit, and that's big girl stuff!

Let's see… I can wear my padded pussy panties under the tight jeans Sherry bought me this week. They'll look cool tucked into my high-heel leather boots, plus give me the girly figure I want. A crop top blouse will show off my belly ring, and of course, my b-cup falsies.

Hmmm… maybe not… my bigger C-cups might be sexier. I want to look good for Cheryl, cuz her cock is my ticket to heaven tonight. No, wait… my B-cups will probably look more natural with my pixie hairstyle.

Fuck, I'm so confused. Why do I always feel stupid when I'm horny and have to figure stuff out? God… I think I need a good fucking before I can even think straight.


Well, I finally managed to get dressed, and I'm checking myself out in the mirror. I can't believe how cute I feel wearing earrings, oh… and yes… the smaller b-cups do look better on me. I'm not really a big tit kind of girl anyway, and Cheryl's tits aren't exactly huge either, so it wouldn't have been good to show her up.

After packing my overnight suitcase, I make sure I've got all my makeup in my clutch purse along with my pink sissy phone, cuz I can't leave home without my sissy phone. When I join the girls in the living room, everyone compliments me on the clothes I picked out all by myself.

"I'll probably need to bring some money," I tell Brenda, since she only gives me a small allowance each week.

"Girls don't pay," Cheryl laughs. "Girls put out. If I pay your way, will you put out for me like sissy dates are expected to?"

"This sissy wants to put out!"

"Yes, honey," she gets up and takes my hand, "you most definitely will. Is my princess date ready to go?"

"Oh God, I'm sooo ready!"


Cross-dressing has become so second nature to me that I just now realize as we drive off… in my excitement, I forgot I was dressed en femme when we walked out to her car. I hope the neighbors didn't see me, but fuck 'em if they did. A sissy has to be who she is, and she can't afford to concern herself with what other people might think of her.

Neither of us has eaten breakfast, so we decide to stop for lunch in Sacramento before the ninety-minute drive to the Bay Area. When we find a place to eat, Cheryl kisses me before we get out of the car and tells me how pretty I am with golden rings dangling from my ears.

I can't tell you how wonderful that makes me feel. I just know something amazing is about to happen to me, like maybe I'll be graduating to the next level of sissy maturity!

Cheryl's hand on the small of my back makes me feel like her little whore as we enter the restaurant, but she's treating me like a girlfriend, and definitely not like a whore. It's probably because we share the same sexual orientation, which means we're equal in every way.

She's way more experienced than me, which is totally cool, because there's so much I can learn from her. Like Brenda says, a shemale can be like a big sister to a sissy, so I want to soak up everything she can teach me.

I ask Cheryl to order my food, because I'm always freaked out about my masculine voice giving me away. But instead of ordering for me, she teaches me how to shift my voice an octave higher, and by golly, it works! Who knew? I don't sound as feminine as she does, of course, but she says all it takes is practice and commitment.

I'm tempted to order chicken fried steak, my favorite lunch when I was Mark Harrell. But I'm Mandy Parker now, and Mandy Parker wants to be a skinny little thing, so she orders the chef's salad instead. And wow, my stomach must really be shrinking since I've been starving myself, cuz I can only finish half my salad before I'm stuffed. Watch out, skinny bitches, here I come!

Cheryl excuses herself to use the bathroom, and while she's gone, I check out the guys and imagine myself sucking their cocks. Call me a slut if you want, but I can't help it if Brenda's changed my mentality so much that all a man is to me anymore is another cock to suck. When Cheryl comes back, she opens her purse to show me her panties stuffed inside.

"I took 'em off," she winks, "so you can have dessert when we get on the road."

"Oh, goodie! I've been dreaming about sucking your cock all week!"

"And I've been dreaming about sucking yours. You're not the only cocksucker here."

"That's a switch. I'm always the only cocksucker when I'm with guys."

"You're not with a 'guy,' darling. Being born male doesn't mean we can't live our lives as girls if our bodies need cock to survive. We're very much the same, you and I, with the same physical wants and needs. And just so you know, when trans girls and sissies go to bed, they do the same things to each other."

"You mean, like, fucking each other?"

"Yes, baby, that's exactly what I mean."


As soon as we get on the freeway, Cheryl raises her skirt so I can play with her cock. When I sucked her off in her office, her dress was over my head, so I didn't really get to see it. But now I can appreciate its gorgeous beauty as lick up and down her velvety-smooth shaft. I'm having the best time, just leisurely sucking away as she drives down the road.

"You better stop, honey," she softly moans after enjoying me for at least an hour, "I don't want to cum just yet, and I almost did a couple times. You're a sweet little cocksucker."

"I love how your cock is so much softer than any other cock I've sucked."

"Tasty, isn't it…?"

"It's so delicious!"

"The reason it feels better in your mouth is because taking estrogen made my cock skin soft, like the rest of my body."

"Will estrogen make my cock skin soft like yours?"

"Most likely it will. Besides growing tits, obviously, soft skin is why sissies take estrogen in the first place. A soft-skinned cock is what attracts a lot of men to girls like us. They're in denial about their own homosexuality, so they can't bring themselves to suck another man's cock.

"It's a pity, really, because they'll never experience the pleasures we get from doing it. Oftentimes, they'll suck a t-girl or sissy cock and pretend it's a woman's clit, but the truth is, they're just as fuckin' gay as we are."

"It's weird to hear you say that, because last weekend Mistress Virginia and Brenda told me that I'm gay. I'm having trouble coming to terms with it, cuz it's something I never had to think about before."

"What's to think about? If you have a cock, and you love other cocks, you're gay… case closed. The moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were gay like me. Girls like us are all homosexuals, every one of us.

"But we're also very different from the stereotyped gay man that society associates with homosexuality, because we're effeminate. Denying it only brings self-doubt and unfulfillment, whereas accepting and embracing it opens up a whole new world of exciting possibilities."

"Do you think I might be trans, like you?"

"Probably not."

"How do you tell?"

"It's too complicated to explain right now. Let's wait and see how you feel after you've been on hormones for a year. There's no need to consider full-on feminization surgeries if you're happy being a sissy. Estrogen is probably all you need to feel comfortable in your own skin."

"Can you explain to me sometime?"

"Sure, at my office I can, but not when we're about to have fun on a date. My exit's coming up, and I'd rather think about sucking your sissy cock, like you just sucked mine."

"I thought you lived in Sacramento."

"Nope, I live in Alameda. I work at a medical clinic here."

"Are you a doctor?"

"Not quite. I'm a Physician's Assistant. I take care of routine office visits so the doctor I work under can treat the more serious cases. I work here Monday through Thursday, and come to Sacramento on Fridays to do piercings and help sissies with feminization issues they're too embarrassed to talk to their doctors about. If I think they need gender counseling, I'll refer them to specialists I know in the Bay Area.

"Anyway, I hope you're getting hard for me, cuz this next apartment complex is mine."

"I'm still hard from sucking your cock."

"You little slut… you think just like me!"

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I swear, it feels like I'm in a whole different world the moment I get out of Cheryl's car. I don't know if it's my earrings, the way I'm dressed, my hair, or what; but there's a certain sense of security in knowing I'm not in Sacramento, and no one will recognize me here. The several people we pass on our way to her apartment don't even bat an eye at us. Maybe I really am passable now with my new pixie persona.

"I only have a small apartment," Cheryl says, once we're inside. "I'm saving money on rent, cuz I'm still paying off my student loans and medical bills from my transition surgeries."

"It's just you living here, isn't it?"

"Yeah, and I don't spend that much time here anyway."

"Do you have boyfriends that come over?"

"Oh, heavens no. I do like a guy every now and then, but other dick-girls and sissies are more to my liking. In fact, there's a sissy named Jessica living up on the third floor. She comes down once or twice a week to get her hot little ass fucked. I love fucking little sissies, cuz I'm what's called, an Alpha trans."

"I'm definitely open for that!" I giggle as she takes me by the hand and leads me into her bedroom. "I just learned about pussy orgasms last weekend, but I haven't done it with a real cock yet."

"So it's been a while since you've had real flesh, has it?"

"Way too long. I've been getting tons of pussy, but no cock, except for the three I sucked at the glory hole last Saturday. And of course, yours last Friday. I've been dreaming about it ever since."

"I've been dreaming about it, too. I've been wanting you since Brenda first brought you in to have your nipples and belly pierced. I want you to know that our first date together is as much a treat for me as it is for you.

"So tell me, living with two hot women like Brenda and Sherry, it figures you'd be getting lots of pussy, but do you like pussy as much as you like cock?"

"Pussy is yummy, and I like it a lot, but I like cock a whole lot more. I don't just like cock, I love it more than anything in the world."

"You know that's because you're gay, don't you?"

"I guess so, but it still feels weird to think I'm a homosexual."

"You're as homo as I am, hon," she says as she lightly runs her fingertips up my arms. "All you have to do is accept it, and it won't feel weird anymore."

"I'm trying, but I'm just not at that point yet."

"Don't you worry your pretty little head about it," she says reassuringly. "Everyone's path to acceptance is unique unto themselves. I'm always here for you if you need help finding your way, but I'm not going to pressure you into anything. You'll know when you know, and we'll just leave it at that. Besides, this isn't a counseling session, it's a date. And hopefully, a hot date."

"Yeah… that's what I want, too."

"No one's here but us, darling, so we can make it as hot as we want it to be. You wanna get a little before we dress for dinner?"

"I'm so horny for it I could just die."

"Well, let's just take care of that, shall we?"

"Oh yeah… I'd love that."


Without another word, she takes me in her arms and kisses me with the firmness of a man, and the tenderness of a woman. I've been kissed plenty of times before, by men and women alike, but it's never felt like this.

The sensuous smells of her perfumes mingling with mine, our lipsticks blending together as we kiss, the whole experience is something I've never known, and something I immediately like. The moment her lips touched mine, I instantly fell for her.

"Ohhhh… fuuuck…," I whimper as my knees start to buckle.

"You like it?" she giggles.

"I love your kisses…! No one's ever kissed me like that."

"You've never been with a trans woman, but you're with one now, and we're just getting started. I'm going to make you feel so good, baby."

She unbuttons my blouse as her firm tongue snakes its way into my mouth, and it's all I can do to hold myself up. I shudder when she opens my blouse and grabs onto my fake titties.

"We're going to have to get rid of these," she snickers. "No fake tits tonight, and no padded panties, either. I already know what you are, and where I'm taking you later, everyone there is gonna to know what you are as well.

"With my people, hon, you won't need to hide anything, won't have to fake anything, and most importantly, you won't have to be ashamed of anything."

"God… it sounds like a whole different world to me."

"It definitely is. The Bay Area gay scene is entirely different than anything you've been exposed to in Sacramento. This is my world, and after you've had a taste of it, it'll be your world, too.

"But first things first. We're both horny as fuck, don't you agree?"

"Oh, God yes! I just want you to ravish me!"

"A man might want to ravish you, but this trans girl wants to make love to you. You're a beautiful sissy, Mandy, and I'll always treat you like one. Turn around for me, darling, I want to take off your bra and get rid of those false tits. Your natural sissy nipples are what I want."

Instead of just unhooking my bra strap, like a man would do, she smooths her soft hands all over my back and shoulders, while kissing up and down my neck. It's so erotic, the way she does it. I can tell she feels the same things I feel, and wants the same things I want.

"You're so beautiful," she whispers as she gently unhooks my bra.

God… I'm so turned on I can hardly contain myself as she slips her hands under the bra cups and traces her thumbs around my hard sissy nipples. My bra seems to fall off by itself, and we both giggle a little when my falsies hit the floor with a thud.

"Your nipples feel so nice," she tells me. "I want to feel the rest of you."

"I want to feel you inside me," I swoon.

"That's definitely gonna happen, babe, after I finish undressing you. Foreplay is half the fun."

"Yeah…" I sigh, "okay… whatever you want."

My head falls back on her shoulder as she removes my belt and unsnaps the top button on my jeans. The zipper opens on its own as her hands slip under my panties and shimmies them down my hips.

"Oh, baby," she whispers as she grasps both my clitty and ball bag in one hand, "what a sexy little body you have. I just gotta have a taste of what's in my hand."

"Please take what you want."

"Let's get you on the bed, so I can pull those sexy-tight jeans off you. I love that you're wearing nylons under your jeans. I'm gonna leave your nylons on, because you look so hot like that with your bikini tan lines. Do you wear nylons all the time?"

"Yeah… I wear 'em under my suit pants every day when I go to work. I love having my legs encased in nylon stockings."

"Oh, so do I, hon. When I was going to college, I was still living as a man, but I've always known I'm a female. I wore panties and nylons under my pants all the time when I couldn't cross-dress. I'm so much happier living as a full-time girl now."

"Brenda wants me to quit my job and be her full-time sissy."

"And what do you think about that?"

"I kinda want to, and I kinda don't."

"What's stopping you? Do you like your job?"

"No, I fucking hate my job."

"Then why don't you quit and do something else if you're not happy there?"

"Cuz I work for my dad. I can't just quit."

"Why not? Does your dad own you?"

"No, Brenda owns me."

"Then fuck your dad. When he finds out you're a homosexual sissy who's living as a girl and loves cock like you do, he's probably going to disown you anyway. You can't hide it from him forever, you know.

"You're already too far along with your feminization to ever go back to the way you were. You'll have to come out of the closet sooner or later.

"Brenda knows what's best for you, honey, and she's quite wealthy enough to support both you and Sherry. She's very much in love with both of you. She's told me so many times."

"She has?"

"Yes, and you know what else she told me?"


"She told me her little sissy likes to have her cock sucked. Is that right, Mandy? Do you like having your beautiful little cock sucked?"

"Yeah," I giggle, "who doesn't?"

"Yeah…? Well, it just so happens that I'm a cocksucker like you are. And now that I've got you naked on my bed, I'm gonna get naked for you and wrap my lips around your pretty sissy cock. I don't know if anyone's ever told you before, but you have a gorgeous little cock, you really do."

I can't believe this is actually happening. I'm lying naked on a t-girl's bed, my clitty is pulsing all over the place, and Cheryl's gonna strip for me! Holy shit… I'm loving this lifestyle!

She points a finger at her hard cock tenting her skirt before blowing me a kiss and turning her back to me. Swaying her hips back and forth in an erotic little dance, she pulls her camisole over her head and throws it back towards me. The curvature of her waist, while not thin, is distinctly feminine with her skirt riding just above her slightly wider hips.

"Wanna see my tits?" she turns around to say. "Don't think I haven't noticed you staring at them all day, you naughty girl."

"I'm sorry," I blush, "I couldn't help it."

"Don't be sorry, hon. Girls like us love having our tits stared at. You'll know what I mean when you've grown a pair of your own."

"The more I think about growing tits, the more I want them."

"Careful, homo girl, this lifestyle is addicting. The more you get, the more you want. And there's no way out... ever! But that doesn't matter, cuz you're already past the point of no return anyway. This lifestyle changes you forever. Once you're in it, you're in it for life.

"Look what it's already done to me," she giggles as she reaches around to unhook her bra.

My mouth falls open when she pulls her bra away and shows me her beautiful pair of tits.

"Fuck," I gasp, "your tits are gorgeous!"

"They should be, I paid enough for these top-of-the-line implants. If you're a good girl, I'll let you play with them."

Widening her stance provocatively, she then bunches her skirt around her waist and gyrates her hips in circles, making her scrotum swing around between her legs. Her sack hangs long and low like a bull, five or six inches I'm guessing, with smaller-than-average balls. I'm drooling as I watch her mesmerizing balls swing back and forth.

"Like what you see, homo girl?" she teases.

"I love what I see! Your balls are amazing!"

"Yeah, that's what everyone says. Sissies love my balls slapping on their ass when I fuck 'em!"

"I want that! I'm so horny for a cock. All I've had for weeks are my dildos."

"Not yet, you horny thing. We're gonna play around a little bit first. I want you to feel something you've probably never felt before."

She must be as horny as I am, because as soon as she slides her skirt down her legs, she jumps up on the bed to kiss me. Pressing her bare tits against my nipples, her tongue is back in my mouth within seconds.

She's most definitely an Alpha bull. Her kisses are hot and passionate as her tongue forcefully explores every corner of my mouth. Without a doubt, she's the most dominating kisser I've ever experienced. I fuckin' want more of her, and she gives me more, much more.

She presses her hard cock against mine, a whole new sensation for me, cock-against-cock, and it makes me squirm with heavenly delight when she starts sliding it up and down against my hard four inches.

"Oooo…" I squeal, "I love that!"

"I knew you would, honey. Cock play like this is a unique indulgence that only gay people like us can enjoy, since it takes two cocks, obviously."

"I love this part of it, I know that!"

"Before this night is over, gay girl, you'll be embracing every bit of it."

"I'm trying, believe me, I'm trying."

"Just let it happen, babe. Stop trying to figure yourself out, and just accept what your body's telling you. Don't fight it, hon, just let go."

"God, your cock is driving me crazy!"

"This is pure gay sex, honey, rubbing our cocks together like this. Isn't it the just sweetest thing you've ever felt?"

"Oh, yesss…! I fuckin' love this!"

"Your entire body is on fire, isn't it?"

"Fuck… totally on fire. I've never been so hot."

"And I haven't even sucked your cock yet, let alone FUCK your tight ass. You're a horny girl, Mandy. Such a naughty little girl you are, much naughtier than I expected."

"I'm so naughty cuz I'm so horny, and I need to be fucked so damn bad before I go crazy!"

"Why do you want to get fucked in the ass? Is it because you're a little homo girl? Hmmm…? You must at least a little bit queer, if you crave it that much."

"Yes… maybe a little bit."

"You gotta admit, this isn't exactly the kind of thing straight people do, is it? Do straight males like rubbing their cocks together like we're doing?"

"Probably not."

"Oh, honey, your whole body is shaking. What's the matter?"

"Your c-cock… is…"

"Baby, my gay cock is making love to your gay cock," she teases as her wet tongue circles inside my ear. "Don't you just love it?"

"God… I think I'm gonna cum if you keep rubbing your cock against mine."

"That's the whole point, you little homo. My cock wants to make your cock cum. Hmmm… let's see how long you can last with my balls caressing your hard little shaft."

Oh, goddammit…! My clitty… no, my cock… it's jerking like it does just before I cum. Fuck! How is she doing this? Her cock felt so sensuous sliding all over mine, but holy fuck…! Her ball bag feels like heavenly silk as she drags it up and down my shaft.

What the fuck…? She's even got one ball dragging on either side of my dick! How does she do it? She must be a fuckin' sex expert, or something close to it. I can't stand it! I can't help it! I'm fucking cummmming!

"Aaaagh!" I scream as cum involuntarily squirts all over my belly.

She giggles at my ecstasy, pressing herself against me to squish all that hot seed between our tummies.

"I knew you wouldn't last long when you felt my balls tantalizing your cock." she whispers in a loving way. "No one ever does. I was gonna suck your cock first, but you were too wound up in a bundle of nerves to properly enjoy it. You needed to cum, and now you have. So relax now, and just let the evening unfold."

"I loved that so much, almost as much as getting fucked."

"Well, you're about to get fucked, you gay bitch. I saved my cum for your ass. Have you ever orgasmed two times within a short time span?"

"Never. I'm all wiped out from cumming just once."

"Well, you just came with your dick, and now you're gonna cum through your hot, homo ass. Does that thought turn you on? Calling your pussy a hot, homo ass?"

"It does, if I think about it like that."

"Stop thinking, and just listen to your body, babe."

She then drags her nipples across my face and lets me suck on each one as she reaches over to her nightstand for the lube bottle. My little cock comes back to life as she squirts the slimy liquid into my ass and presses her cockhead against my entrance.

"Does baby want to get fucked?" she giggles.

"In the worst way. I've been needing it so damn bad!"

"That's obvious, dear. I usually like to eat a sissy's ass out before I fuck her, but you're so wound up, you need a good fuck just to get you settled down. We'll get into the finesse stuff when we get back from clubbing. We've got all night, honey, and there's so much I'm going to teach you."

I let out a sigh of relief as her cock head penetrates past my sphincter and I feel her cock stretching my asshole apart. She gets halfway before pulling her cock out all the way to the crown, then pushes it back to where it was before, plus another half-inch.

"Oh, God…!" I sigh, "Yesss….!"

"You do realize," she chides, "that taking it in the ass is a gay thing, don't you?"

"I don't care it's gay, all I know is I love it. Oh, God… fuck me, it's been so long… fuck me good!"

Not only does she fuck me good, she keeps going in deeper and faster with every new thrust, making the pleasure so intense it keeps my mind off wondering whether or not I'm really gay. Soon thereafter, I feel the smooth underside of her flesh grazing against my prostate as her sensuous she-cock slides in and out of my ass.

It sets off an orgasmic chain reaction that starts with tingling in my toes, coupled with copious amounts of pre-cum dripping from my clitty, despite cumming just fifteen minutes ago, topped off with extreme lightheadedness.

"Oh, God… I love this!" I yell deliriously.

"Found your spot, did I?" she displays a devilish smile.

"Fuck yeah you did! Oh fuck! Give it to me! I fuckin' love this!"

"Listen to you…! Isn't telling me you love it in the ass being just a little bit gay of you? Huh…? Don't lie to me, girl, tell me true now."

"Oh yeah…! I like gay stuff. Don't stop! Please don't stop!"

Delighted that she's edging me closer to accepting myself as a homosexual, besides the fact that I have a very nice ass, she starts pounding me at full speed. The tingling in my toes spreads up my thighs as my stomach muscles start to spasm.

I can't take much more of the intense pounding with her magical ball sack slapping against my ass. Oh, God, that ball sack of hers… it's to die for! I just can't help myself from wrapping my legs around her waist and kicking my heels against her ass as I release an orgasmic scream.

"Fuuuck…! M-m-my whole b-body… it's fuckin' cu-cu-cu…"

"Get into it, babe," she prods while thrusting into me with hard, full strokes.

"I'm c-cuuumming…!"

With one last, mighty thrust, she buries her cock into me as her hot seed sprays deep into my hot sissy womb. She just holds it there as she empties herself inside me, kissing me passionately as I squirm under her with tears in my eyes. It's the absolute best fuck I've ever had, and I don't want it to stop. Of course, eventually, it will have to end, but I know that anytime she wants to screw me, I'll always be her bitch.

"Oh… my sweet babe," she coos, "you have a very nice pussy, you lovely little sissy."

"Oh my God…!" I pant, trying to catch my breath, "that was fuckin' awesome!"

"That was so gay, honey, what we just did."

"Yeah…" I sigh, "I know… fuck…"

To be continued…

Thanks for reading, and if you liked it, please take a second to click the '❤' below, so Mandy will keep telling us about her erotic sissy adventures. She's such an attention whore, you know. ~~ Jill

Written by Jilluvscox
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