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SissyMandy - A Favor For Janine

"I'm told I must do something for Sherry's lesbian lover"

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I've got the worst case of the butterflies as I'm driving off to work this morning. After my fabulous sissy-gay weekend in San Francisco with two trans girls and another sissy, it's no wonder I'm so depressed about returning to the straight world and wearing a business suit.

The panties and nylons I have on underneath do help, but it's not just the male clothes that repulse me, it's the whole notion of pretending I'm still a straight, heterosexual male. I mean, I'm so far into the sissy lifestyle now that I can't even imagine being a straight person anymore.

It's always a bummer on Monday mornings when I have to shed my exciting Mandy Parker identity to become boring Mark Harrell again, but at least Sherry and I were excited this morning about the new house that Brenda just bought. I'll be their full-time sissy when we move in, but my excitement about that is tempered when I remember Brenda saying I'll have to quit my job before that happens.

I do hate my job, and I'll gladly obey my Mistress, but the thought of having to tell my dad I'm resigning terrifies me. I'd put it off forever if I could, but Mistress is always two steps ahead of me, and has already taken that option off the table.

She's getting rid of all my male clothing before we move, so if I don't quit my job by then, I'll have to wear my sissy clothes to work. There's no fucking way I'm ever showing up at work in a dress, and you'd think that's why I've got the butterflies so bad as I'm pulling into my reserved parking space at my dad's company, but actually, I'm nervous about something else.

What scares me at the moment is Janine, the last person on earth I ever imagined I'd have sex with. It seems like a lifetime ago after my slutty weekend in San Francisco, but it was only last Friday when we found ourselves in bed together.

As one might imagine, once you've had an unexpected sexual encounter with someone you work with every day, the relationship is forever changed, which is why I'm so nervous about it. Sherry did say that Janine liked it and wants to do it again, but it's been an entire weekend since she's seen my pathetic little dick, so how do I know she hasn't changed her mind?

My nerves are on edge like never before, but sitting here in my car pondering over it isn't helping my situation, so I might as well just go in and face the music before I'm late for work. I guess the worst that could happen is she'll never talk to me again, right?


Oh dear… as if I'm not already nervous enough, it seems I'm attracting the attention of every girl in the office the moment I walk in. They're no doubt staring at my pixie hairstyle, and I bet they've been gossiping about me since they first saw it last Friday. I sure hope they don't notice the diamond studs in my newly pierced ears, because that would suck even more than the gossip about my hair.

"Good morning, Mark," Janine greets me like she does every morning.

She smirks when I can barely say 'Good morning' in reply.

"We need to go over the Delta contract first thing, f you don't mind."

"Y-you mean like… right now?"

"That would be best," she smiles as she gathers her papers and follows me into my office.

She usually leaves the door wide open when she comes in to go over work, but this time she closes it behind her.

She then sweetly says, "Good morning… Mandy."

It's good my office doesn't have windows, because as I turn to face her after hearing my sissy name, she comes up and plants a big, wet kiss on my lips.

"Hey, babe…" she smiles seductively, "I've been dying to see you."

"Y-you… still like me after what we did Friday?"

"Listen to you… of course I still like you. Didn't that kiss just tell you something?"

"Y-yeah, I guess… it's just that… you know… I never thought you and me… would ever… ummm…"

"Be lovers…?" she finishes my sentence for me.

"Y-yeah… I was afraid you wouldn't want me again after seeing my tiny dick."

"Listen," she says as she presses her hand into my crotch, "big cocks don't impress me like they once did. I prefer tongues now, and yours more than makes up for your cute little penis. Sherry and I have been wanting to tell you about our affair for a while now, but Brenda wanted us to wait until she felt the time was right."

"Brenda… I figured she probably arranged the whole thing."

"Yeah, she arranged it alright. You're not mad at us for tricking you into it, are you?"

"Naw… Brenda's always tricking me into shit like that. I was just embarrassed when you found out I'm a sissy, especially after you hid your face the whole entire time I was licking between your legs."

"Sweetheart, I've always known you're a sissy, and if you'd known it was me under the sheet, you might have chickened out. And besides, I was as nervous about it as you were, but wasn't it fun once we started getting into it?"

"Well, yeah… it was definitely fun, and I liked it a lot, b-but… what do we do now?"

"Isn't it obvious what we'll do?" she grins. "I'll be coming over to your place instead of meeting Sherry at a motel every week."

"What…? Y-you mean… you do it with Sherry every week?"

"Pretty much every Wednesday after I get off work, for about six months now."

"So that's why Sherry's never there when I get home on Wednesdays?"

"Yup… that's why. My mom thinks I go out with the girls after work on Wednesdays, so she picks up the kids and watches them for me while your wife and I indulge in lesbian sex."

"Do you see other girls besides Sherry?"

"I don't have time to see other girls when I'm basically raising three kids by myself, but I'm looking forward to Brenda joining us at some point."

"Do you know that Sherry and Brenda sleep together every night like they're married?"

"Yes, I know… they've been in love for over a year now. But Sherry's also in love with you just as much. That sweet girl has enough love for many relationships."

"I know that's right. I guess I've become the same way. This probably sounds weird, but I'm in love with two sissies and a gay man, all at the same time."

"It's not weird if Sherry's okay with it. You two have a beautiful open marriage arrangement. I'd love to have a marriage like that."

"Sherry told me you're not happy with your husband."

"I'm not," she sadly sighs, "but let's not get into that right now. We better get some work done before people start talking."

"The office girls aren't already gossiping about us, are they?"

"We just did it last Friday, so they couldn't possibly know, but we mustn't show any affection towards each other when we're around them, or those nosy bitches will start getting ideas. I can't afford to lose my job if your dad happened to get wind that I'm sexually involved with his son and daughter-in-law."

"Well, we won't have to hide it for long, cuz we're moving in a few weeks, and Brenda's making me quit my job before we do."

"Yeah… Sherry told me all about it. I'm happy for you two, but I'm also sad that we won't be working together much longer."

"Hey… maybe I can talk my dad into giving you my job when I leave."

"I won't hold my breath. Your dad is such a chauvinistic asshole, I doubt he'd even consider promoting a woman to a higher position. I've been looking for a better-paying job, but I'm stuck here until I can find something. Anyway, let's get this contract done before I start getting sad about my situation."

Janine quickly changes the subject to focus on the contract, but my mind remains focused on her. I know her husband cheats on her, and I also know what a hot babe she is in bed, so I can't help but wonder why he's not banging her every night. The way she avoided the subject told me it's probably none of my business, but I'd like to make it my business if there's any way I can help her.

I can tell she's hungry for affection by the way she lets me run my hand between her legs as she stands next to my chair. She's also not shy about sticking her tits in my face as she bends over to point out where I have to sign the contract. It's all I can do to keep my hands off them, and I don't mind admitting that by the time she prances her hot ass back to her desk, I've got a stiff hard-on going on.


Since I didn't get shit done last week, there's plenty of paperwork stacked up on my desk, but the only thing I can think about fucking Janine. I know I'm addicted to sex, like every sissy is, but sometimes I wish I could think about something else once in a while. I'm shuffling through the papers, trying to at least look like I'm getting something done, when my dad pops in without even knocking.

"Mark," he says in a stern tone of voice, "come down to my office. We need to talk."

Oh shit, I wonder what he wants to talk about. My hair? Probably. Should I just tell him I'm going to quit and get it over with? Brenda would be proud of me if I did, but I don't know if I have the guts to do it.

My worst fears are confirmed the very moment I take a chair in front of his desk. He's absolutely livid as he lays into me about my pixie hairstyle, telling me I look like, and these are his exact words, 'A god-damned queer!'

I try to lie and tell him that Sherry wants my hair this way, and I'm doing it for her, but he'll have none of it. I end up taking his bullshit for a good half-hour before he tells me to change my hairstyle… or else. I don't think he noticed my earring studs as I sulk out of his office, because he would have really blown his top if he did.

I'm so mad at myself for not standing up to him, but I've never been able to stand up to him my entire life. I wanted to tell him so bad that yes, I am a queer, and proud of it, but I'm such a pansy that I could never say anything like that to my dad.


Seeing the stress I'm in when I get back to my office, Janine comes in to ask what's going on. I tremble as I tell her how my dad just reamed my ass, and it hurts to tell her that he said I look like a queer.

"Well," she says, "aren't you?"

"Aren't I what?"

"A queer, just like everyone else you have sex with, me and Sherry included."

"Yeah, well… I did come out as gay over the weekend. I kinda knew I was, and when I was giving head to a guy I'd just met in San Francisco, it became crystal-clear how gay I am."

"It's okay, Mandy, you don't have to hide it from me. I already knew you love having sex with men, and now you know about me loving lesbian sex. No one here besides us knows about it, so it's not something we should worry about at work.

"And don't worry too much about your dad, baby, because in only a month, you'll be Brenda's full-time sissy. So one way or another, he won't be running your life anymore."

Placing my hand to her breasts, she then kisses me and says she wants me to join her and Sherry Wednesday night when she comes over for sex. I'm feeling much better as the day goes on, but I can't get anything done the rest of the day. I just sit at my desk staring at the mess of papers in front of me, scared about how I'm going to tell my asshole dad that I'm quitting.

I'm still pissed at myself when the workday finally ends, but I do find solace in what Janine told me as I'm driving home; that even if my simple sissy brain can't see right now, somehow everything's going to work out. Janine's always been my best friend at work, and I'm grateful to her for making me feel better when she comforted me after my humiliating experience with my asshole dad.

Oh my God… now I'm so excited as I realize I'll have both her and Sherry in bed on Wednesday night. Can you imagine me with two hot babes…? It'll be like having my own little harem!

Sexual thoughts suddenly flood my perverted sissy brain to the point where I'm not thinking about my asshole dad anymore. Thinking about how Brenda's arranged my entire life to revolve around sex gets my clitty so hard, and all I want to do is live as a girl and be her sissy slut. Even if it means risking never seeing my mom and dad again, I'll still do it for my Mistress.


"Hi, honey," Sherry kisses me when I get home, "how'd the day go?"

"It was alright," I shrug, "until my dad called me into his office and reamed my ass out."

"About your hair?"

"Yeah, he was pissed about it. He said I look like a queer and ordered me to get a different haircut."

"I never have liked your dad. You should have just told him to fuck off, cuz you know you're going to be quitting soon."

"I know, and I wanted to tell him so badly, but I'm such a pussy that I couldn't."

"It's understandable, so don't worry about it too much right now. I've been dying to know… how did things go with Janine?"

"Oh, God… I was so worried she wouldn't want me after seeing my little clitty, but she didn't seem to care about my size. She really helped me after my dad chewed me out, and she wants me when she comes over Wednesday night for sex."

"You shouldn't be surprised, I told you she has a crush on you. She's had it ever since we started our lesbian affair. Her prick-of-a-husband neglects her, so I told her she could jump in bed with us as soon as Brenda approved it. I also told her how good you lick pussy, and she found out Friday that I wasn't lying."

"Mmmm… she did say she loved my tongue, and I can't wait to eat her out again."

"You'll have to wait until Wednesday for that, but my pussy is available right now. After this morning, I've been craving your tongue all day. You wanna have some fun?"

"I'd love to, but let me get out of this disgusting suit first, so I can feel like Mandy again."

"Let's undress in the living room. I have to tell you what Brenda and I did today."

"Where is Brenda?" I ask as we head to the living room. "She's usually here when I get home."

"She's staying with Virginia for a few days, so we can be alone and fall in love with our new lifestyle."

"What new lifestyle?"

"Don't be so stupid," she giggles as we sit on the couch. "You know what lifestyle I'm talking about."

"Oh, yeah, the prostitute lifestyle."

"We're not just prostitutes, babe, we're high-class Hierarchy prostitutes. When we get moved into our new place, everything we do will be about making ourselves hot little whores for the Hierarchy. I'm so excited about making money for the first time in my life."

"It doesn't bother you that you'll be spreading your legs for anyone?"

"Not in the least. Brenda and Virginia have been training me to perform any sex act a client might ask of me, which is another reason Brenda's giving us this time to be alone. Anal sex, as you know, has never been my thing, but Brenda wants me to get good at it, because that's how the experienced escorts squeeze the big bucks out of their clients."

"You weren't just pretending you liked it when we did it last night, were you?"

"Of course not, honey, I loved it last night. It's just that in order to be a great escort, I'll have to learn to love it with men I might not particularly like. I can't be my best at something unless I truly love it, so how about you teaching me how to love anal like you do? You wanna fuck my ass again?"

"Right now?"

"Why not…? You better decide before I change my mind."

"Whores like you can't change their minds. You have to do it… on command."

"That's right, babe, but you'll never have to command me, cuz I'll always do it for you. Now shut up and train your whore wife to love it in the ass."


I loved licking Sherry's pussy before I left for work this morning, but with everything I had to deal with today, I haven't thought about her too much since then. But Sherry lets me know she's been thinking about me all day as she pulls me into her and starts unbuttoning my shirt. I respond with kisses on her forehead, around her eyes, then down to the tip of her nose.

She's got my shirt open as I kiss on her cheeks, then lets out a soft moan as I kiss down her neck and lift her t-shirt to expose her bra-less bare tits. I never really appreciated the beauty of her breasts before I became a sissy, but I worship them now as I dream of growing my own. She's appreciative of my suckling and nibbling on her firm nipples as she removes my shirt and goes for my belt.

When she gets my pants undone, I stand up to let her strip me down to panties and nylons. It feels so damn good to be my natural sissy self again, with Sherry biting at my hard sissy shaft through the fabric of my panties.

"Oh, God, babe," she moans, "I just love the smell of your cock mixed with the feminine perfume you use in your sissy-puss."

"Janine's hot ass turned me on so much at work today," I mention for some unknown reason, "that I almost went into the bathroom to finger my sissy-puss."

"You'll have her hot ass Wednesday night, so how's about taking care of my hot ass right now."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to get distracted by Janine."

"It's okay, darling, I want you to get turned on to Janine. You're gonna have so much fun with her as you get more tuned in with her vibes."

The very next instant, she pulls my panties down and her tongue is all over my cock. This is when I love having such a small dick, because she can take my entire package into her mouth, balls and all. I squirm as her tongue darts behind my balls, then swirls around my shaft and back around my balls again.

After a few minutes, she's got my pulsing clit-shaft ready to blow, and stands up to remove her t-shirt while I help her out of her jeans. As we embrace with her nipples brushing against mine, I fantasize again about growing my own tits, hoping I'll someday have breasts as beautiful as hers.

Laying her on the couch, I kiss on her nipples and finger her pussy until she takes my finger and guides it to her tight little asshole.

"This is where I want it, babe," she giggles. "Brenda wants us to have anal sex while she's away, and I already told you why."

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"Yeah, well, we better obey our Mistress then. She always knows what's best for us."

"That she does," Sherry laughs, "and she's gonna make us rich!"

Eager to please my whore wife and most of all Brenda, I kiss down to her tummy and slobber my tongue into her belly button, which drives us both into gales of laughter. Then, after slowly kissing down one leg and up the other, I give her a long, slow lick deep into the crevice of her cunt. By this time I'm tingling all over, and judging by how wet her pussy is, I'm pretty sure she's tingling, too.

I can't remember ever being so in love with Sherry as I kiss her sweet pussy a few more times before fluttering my tongue down to her little pink butthole. She squirms in delight when I dip my fingers into her pussy and lubricate that hot ass with her own juices. I do everything to her that Rob did to me when he worked me into a frenzy just before he fucked me the first time.

I know I'm doing everything right when she begs to have her ass fucked, but I don't give it to her all at once. I tease my little clitty head around her anal star as I lift her legs over my shoulders. A man with a 'real' cock would have to lube her up good before penetrating her tight ass, but the spit and vaginal secretions I've worked into her hole are plenty slippery for my little sissy dick to slowly slip right in.

Her anal ring squeezing around my four inches of sissy pride feels as amazing as it did last night. Eager to get it just right, she follows my coaching as I teach her how I work my ass when I've got a big dick shoved up inside me. She's quick to pick up on how to contract her hole as my cock slides out, and then how to relax herself as it goes back in.

We're in a nice rhythm in no time at all, kissing and cooing as I pound her into anal bliss. The only problem is, my clitty was so sensitive after she sucked me, I can only last a few minutes before I shoot three or four spurts of cum into her ass. But she knows I'm not a real man, so she's satisfied with what I can give her.

We have the best time snuggling after that, talking and giggling about how good we have it with Brenda as our Mistress. She tells me that she and Brenda picked out paint colors for the rooms in the new house today, but even though I prod her, she won't reveal the location of where we'll be living.

I do find out a few things, though, like it has five bedrooms, a pool and Jacuzzi, and lots of acreage, so the house isn't visible from the road. All in all, it sounds like the perfect place for our Mistress to keep her two whores protected from society looking down on our morals.


The next two days go by in a flash, with me fucking Sherry's ass every morning after our exercises, and a couple more times before we finally go to sleep. The addition of anal into our sex life has made it deliciously kinky, and we're more deeply in love than ever before.

Sherry's really getting into it, and last night I even got her to ride the rubber cock on my masturbation mirror. She absolutely loved it when I licked her pussy as she slid her ass up and down my rubber toy, and I'm pretty sure Brenda would want me to shove a dildo up her pussy while she rides. Hierarchy escorts no doubt get double penetrated when they have multiple men on a date, but now I'm getting ahead of myself.

Before I know it, it's Wednesday night and Janine is following me home from work. The excitement of knowing she'll probably be a steady piece of ass has made it difficult to work alongside her and remain focused on our work.

It wasn't any easier today when she closed my office door as we went over a contract. Her hand went down my pants to play with my cock, and she even let me into her panties to feel her wet pussy. She said she did to get me more excited for tonight, so you can imagine how hard I am pulling into my driveway with her car in the rearview mirror.

I want to kiss her when she gets out of her car, but the neighbor ladies have been watching me like a hawk when I come home every night. They've already seen me dressed as Mandy, so there's no need to give them anything else to gossip about before we move out of this nosy neighborhood.

Luckily the garage door opens, as Sherry's been watching for us to drive up, so we slip inside before any of the neighbor bitches can get a clue as to why Janine followed me home.


"Hey Jeannie and Mandy!" Sherry giggles as she greets us with hugs and kisses.

Well, actually… she greets me with a light kiss and no hug, but goes into a heavy makeout kiss with Janine, or is it 'Jeannie' now?

"I missed you, lover," Sherry passionately says to Janine.

"I missed you more," Janine replies. "Wednesdays never come soon enough."

"Ready for some fun with my sissy?"

"Oh, God… if it's anything like last Friday, you know I'm wet for it."

"You're one of the wettest girlfriends I have, so let's go in and get started. C'mon, Mandy, it's time for you to learn your place with us."

I'm somewhat confused as Sherry and Janine go into the house with their arms around each other, making me follow them from behind. Shit, I thought I was going to be the stud with two hot chicks, but Sherry shot that down in a hurry.

"Undress for us, Mandy," Sherry orders as she embraces Janine in the center of the living room.

Okay, this is cool, I guess. We'll all be naked soon enough when the lesbians stop kissing. Living with Sherry and Brenda, it's no big deal to see women kissing in front of me, but these two are making my clitty pulse!

Maybe it's because Janine only gets it once a week that she's kissing Sherry like a sex-starved nympho. All I know is, I'm witnessing a side of Janine I never imagined was there as I strip down to my bare essentials.

"I've been so horny for you, love," she pants to Sherry.

"I'm just as horny for you," Sherry whispers loud enough for me to hear, "take what you want of me, darling, before we give anything to Mandy."

"Mandy's been so cute at work," Janine giggles at me, "now that she knows that I know she's a sissy. It's gonna be fun having her in bed with us every week."

"Well," Sherry then says in a totally different, almost huffy tone of voice, "sissies have to earn everything they get, so she won't earn the privilege of fucking us until she does that little favor we've been talking about."

"I know we've talked about it," Janine replies, "but she doesn't have to do that for me if she doesn't want to."

"Nonsense, Jeannie, she's a sissy, and she'll do whatever the fuck we say."

"What do I have to do?" I butt in to ask.

"Why are you still wearing panties and nylons?" Sherry snaps at my interruption. "I thought I told you to undress for us!"

"I did… I thought this was far enough."

"Everything off!" she yells. "Then go sit on the couch and watch us have fun… without you!"

'Fuck…' I think, 'what brought this on?'

I know better than to argue when Sherry goes into her Mistress mentality, so I finish stripping down to totally naked and sit on the couch as ordered. Watching them as they kiss and grind their tits into each other makes me horny as hell, and I can't help but to stroke my hard clitty as they put on a hot show.

"No stroking!" Sherry yells when she sees me playing with myself. "We'll take care of you soon enough. Put your feet up on the couch and spread those sissy legs, wide… so we can see how hard we're making that cute little sissy dick… and don't touch it!"

It's tortuous watching two hot lesbians turning each other on while I have to sit here totally naked with my genitals on full display. Worse yet, I can't even pleasure my throbbing hard-on as they giggle at my frustration.

I can just imagine how horny Janine must be as she moans in Sherry's arms, and recalling how she squirted in my mouth last Friday, I want to eat her out so bad. I'm afraid it might entice Sherry to further humiliate me if I express that desire, so I just stare at them as they undress each other until they're giggling at me in panties and bras.

"Want some fun, sissy?" Sherry teases as Janine comes over to kneel on the floor in front of me.

Sherry sits beside me as Janine lightly glides her fingertips up and down my sissy cock and balls. She mainly concentrates on coating my clitty-head with my own pre-cum as I squirm on the couch.

"You like?" Janine giggles.

"I love…" is all I can mutter out.

"We'll give you these pleasures and more," Sherry then says, "but first there's a little favor that Jeannie needs you to do for her."

"Just name it, and I'll do it," I say without even thinking, because all I can concentrate on is the excruciating pleasure Janine's giving my cock.

"You know Jeannie's husband neglects her, right?" Sherry asks.

"Yeah, you've told me, but she hasn't told me much about it."

"Tell her…" Sherry says to Janine, "Tell her how that prick treats you."

"Well, he cheats on me a lot," Janine says as tears come to her eyes.

"Why…?" I ask. "You're a totally hot woman. How long has he been cheating?"

"Ever since I got pregnant with our third child six years ago," she lightly sobs. "We planned on only having two children, and I was on birth control and everything, but somehow I just got pregnant. He accused me of getting pregnant on purpose, supposedly 'trapping' him somehow.

"He'd just landed a lucrative position at another company at the time, and I think the guys at his new job got him thinking that way. Anyway, now Brent doesn't pay much attention to me or the kids anymore, and he goes out drinking most nights with his new buddies after work. Needless to say, our sex life, or I should say, my sex life, has all but disappeared."

"No sex at all?" I wonder.

"None… before I turned to lesbian sex, I'd get so hungry for cock that I'd submit to him and give him a blow job in hopes that he might give me some, but he never does. He says he can't trust me to not get pregnant again.

"I guess it has something to do with his ego, I'm not sure. But it's the most demeaning thing to me, because he has a fairly big cock, and I know he's out poking it into other women all the damn time."

"Why don't you just divorce him?"

"It's not so simple with three kids involved. I'm consulting with a lawyer about divorcing Brent because of his infidelity, but unless I can prove it in court, it's his word against mine. If I can't, I'll have to split our assets with him fifty-fifty, but I can't afford to do that. I'd be a single mom without enough money to give our kids everything our combined incomes provide them."

"This is where you come in, sweetheart," Sherry then tells me.

"Come in… where…?" I ask in my bewilderment.

"You're gonna catch that prick in the act, so Jeannie can fuck his ass in court."

"Meee…? How?"

"He always goes to this bar downtown called 'The Hermitage'," Janine explains. "I know because I've seen his truck there when I've had to look for him. I think that's where he picks up women, but of course, I can't go in to check on him.

"He always tells me he's going fishing overnight with his buds when I know he's spending the night in a motel with some slut he's found because when I do his laundry, his clothes never smell like he's been fishing."

"Listen, babe," Sherry then informs me, "you're going to dress up like a slut, and go into that bar to spy on him."

"I can't do that," I start freaking out, "I'm not a woman."

"But you're totally passable when you're all dressed up."

"You don't have to do anything with him," Janine says as she starts licking my balls. "Just sit off to the side and take pictures with your cell phone if you see him hitting on women."

"Shit, I don't know. Sounds like a good way to get my ass beat up if anyone suspects I'm a fake girl. What if he recognizes me?"

"He's only seen you once, at the company Christmas party two years ago."

"But… but…"

"But nothing…!" Sherry interrupts. "You're doing it… so you might as well start psyching yourself up for it right now. And don't worry about passing, because you don't look anything like Mark when you're dressed as Mandy. We'll dress you up so good your mom couldn't even recognize you.

"It'll be a good way for you to realize just how girly you've become over these past few months. Maybe I can get even Brenda to take you in to have Cheryl pump up your titties before you do it. Would you like that?"

"I'd love that! You know I would."

"I'll let you fuck me anytime you want," Janine tempts me further. "And maybe we can even sneak in a blow job at work."

"God damn, you girls are making it impossible for me to say no."

"As if you have a choice?" Sherry snickers.

"True," I can't disagree.

"I'll give you a down payment right now, babe," Janine looks up at me before she devours my cock.

"Oh, God, Janine," I moan as her lips clamp around my shaft.

"Call me Jeannie, babe," she giggles, "Jeannie is my lesbian name, and you're damn close to being a lesbian, you hot sissy girl."


Holy shit… I can't even think about spying on Janine's husband as they overwhelm me with their combined charms. Janine… I mean… Jeannie places her hands on my knees to spread my legs apart as I scootch forward with my ass at the edge of the couch. She then licks on my cock and balls as Sherry stands over me to straddle my face.

"Eat me, bitch," she giggles as she pulls her panty to the side and rubs her wet cunt into my face.

I love it whenever she does that, and my tongue automatically licks at her sweet spot as she pulls my head into her. Jeannie deep-throats me on the other end, making me squeal in erotic delight.

This is fuckin' hot, having two horny women all over me like few real men have ever experienced. Sherry's pussy tastes so sweet as I grab her cheeks and spread her ass apart. With her butt now a part of her sexuality, she doesn't even flinch when I probe into her hole.

"Yes, babe," she signals her approval, "finger my ass!"

"Dirty girl…!" Jeannie giggles before swallowing my cock again.

"Damn right!" Sherry laughs. "Let's show this sissy the fun she'll have with us when she does our bidding!"

"Oh, yesss…!" Jeannie laughs back. "I love sissy dick!"

"I love what you're doing to my sissy dick," I moan as my finger goes up Sherry's ass.

"Enjoy it, babe," Sherry moans along with me. "You still have no idea just how fucking hot you are."

"You make me feel hot."

"You can't feel hot unless you are hot, and god damn, your finger up my ass has me so hot, I'm about to cum…! Oh, damn!" she shudders, "Finger-fuck me, girl… oh, shiiiit…! I'm cummmmiiing!"

I can't believe I got Sherry to cum so fast. She's really getting into this ass play, and I'm happy to give it to her, but then I wonder, 'Is it just the ass play, or is it me?' Maybe she's right, maybe I really am as hot as she says I am.

"I need to get going pretty soon," Jeannie then says as Sherry's orgasm subsides, "so when you're done with her mouth, give me a turn."

"Hop on up here, sweet love," Sherry says with broken breaths, "Sheesh…! That orgasm snuck up on me. Mandy's on fire!"

"I can tell," Jeannie laughs. "I want some of that."

"Put your hot cunt up to my face," I excitedly say as I lie on my back, "I'll give ya want you want… Jeannie!"

Oh, God… my little clitty is throbbing as Jeannie straddles my face while Sherry works on my dick to finish me off. Jeannie takes off her bra to let her luscious tits bounce as she rubs her wetness all over my face. She already removed her panties while she was sucking me, and I can tell she was probably fingering herself, because she's so wet.

She's already worked herself into a frenzy, so there's no need to take my time as my tongue circles inside her hot hole. Her juices taste deliciously different from Sherry's, and I didn't notice this when I ate her out last Friday, but her clit is thicker and twice as long as Sherry's. It's such a beautiful, dominant part of her pussy that I latch onto it and suck it like a cock.

"Oh, geez…. Mandy!" she shrieks. "Right there, babe, right there! Just like that… don't stop… don't you dare stop!"

Shit… how could I ever stop? With Sherry eating my dick and Jeannie feeding me pussy, my sissy senses are in overdrive. The familiar tingles of sissygasm are already in my toes and moving up my legs as I drive Jeannie ever closer to orgasm.

Her clit pulses in my mouth as Sherry does what I just did to her, shoving her finger up my ass with my clitty pulsing inside her mouth. Jeannie lets out a scream as orgasmic pleasures ripple through her hot body, sending me into a full-bodied sissygasm as my cum shoots into Sherry's mouth as her finger curls in my ass.

Jeannie's orgasm continues long after mine subsides, and I suck on her clit until she squirts her hot cunt-juice. Three or four long gushes flood my mouth so fast I can't swallow it fast enough, but I get help as Sherry comes to take turns licking Jeannie until she collapses backwards onto the couch.

We lie there in silence for several minutes after that, panting and trying to catch our breaths. Sherry shimmies back and forth between me and Jeannie, kissing us ever-so-sweetly as we come back to reality.

Pretty soon we're all giggling and laughing about what we just did, and Jeannie says that was the best sex she's ever had. Even though I didn't fuck either of them, and even after my incredible gay sex weekend in San Francisco, I'm kinda feeling the same way.

I'm still apprehensive about spying on Jeannie's husband, but I'll do it, now that I know I'll be her fucking Jeannie every week when she comes over for sex in our hot threesome of two lesbians and a sissy.

Thanks for reading, and if you enjoyed it, please take a second to hit the 'like' button to let Mandy know you'd like to read more about her sexy adventures. ~~ Jill

Written by Jilluvscox
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