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SissyMandy - Game Changer

"I expected an exciting weekend, but I didn't know just how exciting it would be"

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Author's Notes

"This is the first part of a two-chapter adventure about Mandy's Mistress sending her on a weekend date with two guys. I hope you enjoy it, and if you do, please do me a little favor by clicking the 'LIKE' button at the end. <p> [ADVERT] </p>It's the only way I know I'm writing material you like to read. Thanks ~ Jill"

It's been a while since I've been with a man, and never by myself for an entire night, except for with Rob. So it's no wonder I'm in a sissy daze as we're holding hands during the thirty-minute drive from the Monterey airport to his home in Carmel. I've been dreaming about Rob ever since Mistress revealed I'd be spending the weekend with him, and I'm craving his masculinity in the worst possible way.

Mistress had her reasons for depriving me of male cock when she put me on hormones a few months back. She makes sure I'm getting lots of sex with women, often multiple times a day, but she's kept me away from males until she was certain the estrogen had completely taken over my system.

Brenda knew if she confined me in the female universe, I'd naturally assimilate to their ways as the hormones changed my body and mind. I'm pretty sure estrogen has definitely become my dominant hormone now, cuz I'm not just dressing like they do now, I'm thinking, talking and acting like they do, too.

It's just amazing how fast my body's catching up with my sissy brain. I'm just now coming into my own, and just now becoming aware of my sissy beauty. It's awesome to stare at my budding breasts every morning in the bathroom mirror, and I'm drinking milkshakes every night, too, taking on extra calories so my sissy ass will grow firm and fat.


I didn't realize how much I'd changed in six months until Rob couldn't recognize me when he picked me up at the airport. I had to approach him myself, and he still didn't know who I was until I smiled at him from ten feet away. Then I about died when he took me in his arms and told me I was the most gorgeous thing he'd ever laid eyes on.

I wanted to suck his cock right then and there, but I had to wait until we got out to his car before I could do it in the airport parking lot. It was so fulfilling to have him in my mouth again, and sucking him off got me so turned on that I even had a sissygasm… my first one ever in a car!

The sweet aftertaste of Rob's creamy load still lingers in my throat as he turns off Highway One onto a secluded road that goes up to the house he shares with his husband Max. I was gazing at the bright-blue Pacific Ocean as we were driving past Carmel Beach, but when he turns onto that road, it's a completely different world.

The narrow road winds through a dense forest of oaks, Monterey pine, and an occasional redwood tree. It's so wooded in places the trees block out the sun as we ascend ever higher up the mountain. It feels like the gates of heaven when we reach the crest, with its spectacular view of the ocean hundreds of feet below.

There are only a few houses up here, spaced far apart for maximum privacy, and Rob's secluded house is about a half-mile down the road. I'm getting excited as he turns into his long gravel driveway, so thrilled to be at my final weekend destination. I'm anxious to meet his husband, but most of all, I'm eager to get the male cock I need after going so long without it.

"Here we are, babe," Rob says as he parks the car, "welcome to our little hideaway."

"Oh my God, Rob… it's beautiful up here! I had no idea."

"We're lucky to live here. Properties like this are hard to come by."

"I bet it's expensive living up here."

"It's not cheap, but an advantage of being a gay couple is we don't have kids, so we can afford luxuries most families can't. C'mon, I want you to meet Max."

He said it was their little hideaway, but I'd say it's more like a giant cabin, with its tall chimney almost kissing the sky. It feels like an enchanted fantasy world up here, romantic as all get-out, and this sissy is ready for all the romantic fantasy she can get.


"Maxxy…?" Rob yells as he opens their front door. "Come meet our weekend sissy."

The moment I enter their cozy living room, the calming, woodsy ambience makes me feel comfortable and safe. There's a delicious aroma coming from the adjoining kitchen, from where Max comes out to meet me with an apron around his waist.

"Greetings," he gives me a welcoming hug, "Miss Mandy Parker, I presume?"

"Yeah," I smile, "that's me."

"Rob's told me a lot about you, but I didn't expect you'd be such a cute little thing."

"Aw…" I give him a sheepish grin, "you're just saying that."

"No… I'm serious. You have the face of a princess, and your body is out of this world."

"Thank you, but what you see isn't exactly all me."

"I already assumed that, but I have to say, your sissy breast forms look very natural."

"Oh, that part of me is real," I blush a little. "I was talking about my wig and padded butt."

"Nooo… are you kidding…? Those are real boobs?"

"Yeah… you can feel 'em if you don't believe me."

"Oh, shit…!" He laughs as he fondles them. "They're real, all right!"

"Don't get carried away," Rob cautions when he starts unbuttoning my blouse. "She just got here, and you're already trying to scare her off."

"Sorry," Max apologizes, "I didn't mean to be so forward. We don't often have the pleasure of entertaining a cute, breasted sissy."

"It's okay," I giggle. "I said you could feel me."

"Damn, girl, I think we're going to get along just fine."

"I hope so. I've never been alone with two guys before, so I'm a little nervous about it, but excited at the same time."

"Can I get you something to drink before dinner? A cocktail, perhaps, to calm your nerves?"

"I'd love a strawberry daiquiri if you have the stuff to make one."

"We do," Max blows me a kiss as he says it, "and I happen to mix a killer daiquiri."

"Is there someplace I can change clothes first? I'd like to freshen up a bit, it's been a long day."

"Of course," says Rob, "let me show you around."


"You can put your clothes in this spare bedroom," Rob says as he takes me down the hall. "I think you already know where you'll be sleeping."

"Well, yeah… your bedroom. I was hoping you'll both want to use me."

"Don't worry, babe, sissy ass is a delicacy to us, so you'll be getting used a lot."

"Oh God, Rob… I've been so ready for it. I can be your total bitch this weekend if you want."

"Wanna start by dressing like a hot little bitch for us? We'd love it if you would."

"Oh, you know I will. I've been dying to get out of these tight jeans, and my cramped little clitty has been tucked away in a gaff all day."

"Listen, Mandy, while you're with us, in our house, it's not a clitty, it's a cock. Physically you're the same as us, so let that very important part of you hang out and swing free. We're all about cock, and we think cute sissy-dick deserves as much attention as hot sissy ass."


Oh my God… I am so ready for this after Rob took me into their bedroom and let me lie with him on their bed a little bit. I think I'll wear my super-short booty skirt for them, and I'll put on this very transparent top I brought, so they'll see what they're getting with my tits on full display.

My clitty... I mean, my cock… is aching to be let out of its prison, and when I take off my fake pussy, my panties are a mess from the sissygasm I had when I sucked Rob's cock in his car. It takes a while to clean myself up, but I'm giggling every second as I run a soapy washcloth over my smooth, hairless crotch.

I'm so glad now that Brenda had my hair removed, cuz it's so convenient not having to shave, and I feel extra girly as I dot perfume around my squeaky clean ass-pussy. I think I look cuter without my blonde wig, now that my darker natural hair has grown out quite a bit more. And I do love my fuller lips now, along with my little nose ring. They add a sexy little something to my cute face as I touch up my makeup and change my lipstick to a more seductive color.

I feel like a hot prostitute sticking my ass out as I stand in the bathroom doorway. My black booty skirt looks so hot in the mirror, with the little black bands topping my white, knee-high stockings. My white transparent top leaves little to the imagination with my dark nipples clearly visible, and the full view of my sissy breasts veiled under the translucent fabric.

I complete my whore-girl look with a black collar around my neck, to symbolize my submission to the men I'll be serving. I feel so damn hot walking back to present myself to them.


"Whoa, babe!" Max whoops when he sees me.

"You like…?" I giggle.

"Oh, baby, you are dressed to kill."

He hands me my daiquiri as he puts his arm around me, so I give him a playful kiss as he takes me out to the patio, where Rob is setting a table for dinner. Their patio sits near the edge of a steep cliff, and watching the sun setting over the ocean takes one's breath away. As I stand between them with their arms around my waist, looking over that cliff makes me realize I'm about to free-fall off a cliff myself.

I'm already too far into the sissy lifestyle to ever turn back, and now that Brenda's turned me loose with men, I know that giving myself to these two gay men might change me forever, but I'll welcome that change. I've actually wanted it since I started taking hormones.

I thought I wanted to experience myself as totally homosexual this weekend, but as a sissy girl standing between two gay men, I realize I can never be totally gay. There's no doubt about my homosexuality, but I'll never be able to experience it as a male like they do. Half of me is homosexual, but the other half will always be female, and tonight I'll get to discover which half of me I like best.

I love their hands creeping up my skirt to grab at my ass as I'm turning my head back and forth to kiss both of them. My cock is so hard by the time we sit down to dinner, but their cocks are hard, too. I know because I've been in their pants, holding a stiff hard-on in each hand as we kissed back and forth.

Dinner is very romantic, with every bite of food Max prepared tasting so heavenly. My excited cock goes soft as we relax and get more acquainted with pleasant conversation. It's interesting to know that Rob is an executive at a bank in Monterey, and Max is a chef at a restaurant on Fisherman's Wharf, which explains why he was able to prepare such a delicious dinner.

Rob tells me about when he and Brenda first met at an investor's conference in Los Angeles fifteen years ago. They hit it off from the very beginning, and Brenda was so hot for him, but Rob, being a gay man, had no sexual desire for her. They got along well, however, and even dated quite a few times. Attracted to each other's intellect, they grew closer and naturally talked more about their sexual preferences.

Brenda wasn't near the lesbian she is today, so she stayed frustrated because Rob wouldn't fuck her, but eventually they fell in love on an intellectual, non-sexual level. They've stayed close over the years, and Brenda uses him now to bareback her virgin sissies. He helps them get in touch with their own homosexual realities, like he helped me with mine.

I've accepted my homosexual tendencies, and Brenda only sent me here to learn how to suck cock like gay men do. I know they can teach me a lot, which is why I'm so excited when they take me to the living room after dinner. I know I'm so close to getting the male cock I'm desperately craving.


Max rolls a bomber joint from this primo weed they have in their stash. As I'm sitting between them on the couch, they're taking turns kissing me after they've taken a hit, blowing the smoke from their lungs into mine. It doesn't take long to get me loaded, since I'm taking two hits to every one of theirs, but I like being kissed like that, and smoking pot always makes me horny.

I'm already a bit tipsy from the strong daiquiri Max made me, but I accept his offer for another. While he's mixing another round of drinks, Rob starts making out with me on the couch. It's funny how I thought kissing a man was so gross when I was with him six months ago, and now I'm such a slut that I open my mouth for him and let his dominant male tongue snake around mine.

"I think you know why Brenda sent you down here," Rob mentions as we kiss.

"Yeah," I stammer in my sedated state of mind, "to learn more about sucking cock."

"She wants you to be the best cocksucker in the Hierarchy, so are you ready to learn?"

"Yeah… I love giving head, and I'm already pretty good at it. I guess the more I know about it, the more fun I'll have when I'm doing it."

"It's not about you, sissy, it's all about your lover," Rob says as he puts his strong hand on the back of my head, firmly guiding it towards his crotch. "Isn't giving love through your cocksucking sissy mouth the only reason you give head in the first place?"

"Yeah… I guess that's why I do it."

"Well, you know where your head is, and you know what you're expected to do."

Oh, yeah… I definitely know what I'm expected to do as I open Rob's pants and fish out his cock. He's not hard, but not soft either as I take him in my mouth and start bobbing on it like I do every time I suck a cock, but I can't take it all the way because of the angle I'm sitting.

Rob then forcefully pushes my head and shoves it down my throat, rubbing my nose in his pubic hair as I'm choking on his hard eight inches pressing against my gag reflex.

"Starting the party without me?" Max laughs as he brings our drinks.

I'm squirming just to breath with Rob's cock stuck in my throat, but that only amuses them.

"Mandy's Mistress wants her to learn about gourmet cocksucking, so I'd thought I'd show this amateur bitch how little she knows before you came back."

"Let the poor girl breathe," Max chuckles.

"In a second," Rob laughs, "It won't kill the bitch to choke a little more before you teach her how an expert properly sucks a cock."

"You think she'll be a fast learner?"

"Brenda said she's easy to teach, but we'll see how she does."

I can't hold my breath much longer, and I'm trying to scream, but nothing comes out with my throat stuffed with cock. The only thing I can do is thrash my arms around, trying to let Rob know I'm about to die from asphyxiation, but he only laughs at my predicament. He keeps me pinned another fifteen seconds at least, before grabbing my collar and jerking me upright.

"Well, bitch…?" Rob laughs at my red face with tears in my eyes and snot dripping from my nose. "Still think you're a good cocksucker?"

"Not like that I'm not!"

"You will be after I show you a few tips," says Max. "Are you ready to learn to do it right?"

"As long as I don't have to choke like that."

"There's no reason to choke, baby, if you know the right techniques. You were born a cocksucker, weren't you?


"No probably about it, sissy girl. You were born gay, so you can't resist a hard cock. It's in your DNA. You can't fight what you were naturally born to do."

"I know I was born gay, sort of, but I was born female, too."

"Of course you were. That's why you have a small penis. Nature gives sissies cute little dicks, with the softer looks of a woman, combined with the playful mind of a little girl. It's why sissies stay so immature, and it's why sissies can't resist sucking dick and having sex with men. Does any of that make sense to you?"

"I think so. I definitely love sex with men, and I want to get in bed with you guys so bad."

"That'll happen soon enough. Just sit back and let everything I just said sink into your immature sissy brain. You probably wanna show us those pretty little boobies, don't you?"

"Yeah, kinda."

"Then why don't you? You've been flaunting them ever since you changed clothes."

"Here, baby," Rob chuckles, "let me help you get that off."

"Okay," I giggle as Rob gets me naked on top.

"Do you like my tits?" I wiggle myself at Max, "You can play with 'em if you want. I like it."

"Maybe after you swallow one of these little blue pills."

"Is it Viagra?"

"Yeah, we always take Viagra to keep our dicks hard. We want your dick nice and hard when we fuck the shit out of you after I give you a cocksucking lesson."

"Oh yeah," I say as I take the Viagra, "I need to be fucked so bad."

"If you need it so bad, then how about let's get that skirt off you?"

"Yeah…" I giggle as I'm becoming totally submissive, "it's kinda tight anyway."

"Good sissy," Max smirks. "And while we're at it, we might as well go ahead and take your panties off at the same time. Would you like that?"

"Yeah, I think I would. They're coming off sooner or later anyway."

"Sooner is always better than later," he says as I raise my ass to let him take my skirt and panties off. "How does it feel to be sitting between us with nothing on besides your cute sissy stockings and your slut collar?"

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"It makes me feel horny," I giggle, intoxicated from the attention I'm getting.

"You have such beautiful legs," Max says as he takes my right leg and places it over his thigh.

"Mistress says my legs will be beautiful when I take my hormones for a long time."

"They're already beautiful, princess," Rob then says as he places my left leg over his, spreading my legs so far apart that my hard sissy cock becomes the main focal point.

"Such a beautiful little cock between those pretty legs," Max continues to play with my mind.

"It's so tiny," I giggle, "compared to yours."

"But your tiny little cock is way more sensitive than ours," he says as he dances his fingertips all over my miniature sissy package.

"I don't know about that, but you're making me so horny."

"Did you know that every cock has the same erotic nervous system that turns us on?"

"I suppose that's true."

"The way it works is, the smaller the cock, the closer together that same number of erotic nerves are, which means you'll get a bigger thrill… when I touch you… right… there!"

"Ooo…!" I jump when he touches my cock I don't know where.

"And… right… here!"

"Fuck…!" I jump again when he touches another spot. "How did you do that?"

"Penis pressure points, baby. Every guy has 'em. All you have to know is where to touch."

"Ooo… Damn…!" I jump again. "Ooo… Shit…!" I go into hysterics when he triggers different spots on my cock. "You have to teach me how you do that!"

"Sit back and relax, princess," Rob then says. "Let Max take you to heaven."

Oh… my fucking God…! I never knew I could get so turned on by just having my cock touched in certain places. And it only gets more intense when Max goes down on me and touches those same spots with his tongue. I'm squirming my hips all over the place, but they keep me restrained with my legs spread wide apart.

Rob starts sucking on my turned-on nipples, and I almost explode when Max takes me into his hot gay mouth. He does things things to me no woman has ever done. He doesn't just suck, he worships, and he takes his sweet time.

His hot tongue swirls around my head for a minute or two before his lips slide down to my base. Then, with his lips locked around my pulsing shaft, he applies a vacuum grip, rapidly pulling away to make a popping sound as my cock slips out of his mouth.

"Such a pretty little cock," Max purrs, "attached to a beautiful, young sissy."

"Pay close attention to what Max is doing," Rob says as he tenderly sucks on my throbbing nipples. "He's teaching you how to go from an average cocksucker to a great cocksucker."

I don't know how I am supposed to pay attention to anything when Max is driving me out of my fucking mind! I never dreamed a blow job could feel so good. I never guessed there was so much more to it than just getting it in my mouth and bobbing up and down.

"To be a great cocksucker," Max pauses, "you must truly love cock. Do you love cock, Mandy?"

"Oh, yes…! I love cock the most!"

His tongue then slithers down one side of my shaft and back up the other. "How much, sissy? Tell me why you love cock."

"I don't know why," I answer truthfully, "I just know that male cock is the bestest thing in the whole wide world!"

"How does it feel when you have a hard cock in your sissy mouth?"

"It feels like I'm right where I'm supposed to be."

"Good answer," Rob says. "Great cocksuckers always know their place."

"You're still learning who you are," Max gets up and holds me in his arms.

"I envy sissies, Mandy, because being addicted to cocksucking like you are, I once wanted to be a sissy, but I just wasn't born a sissy. Nature gave me this round body with a hairy chest, so I look ridiculous wearing panties and bras.

"Femininity is your special gift, and you're just now discovering that about yourself. You're just now finding out about the things you naturally love to do."

"I love having sex with men, I know that much, and I wanna learn to suck cock like that."

"Are you ready to try it again with Rob?"

"Geez, if I can even move. My whole body is still buzzing after that. I was so close to cumming."

"I know you were, that's why I stopped. You'll be cumming with my cock up your sissy ass."

"Oh, God…! I'll love that!"

"Well, if you want it, you know how to earn it."

I definitely do know how to earn what I want so bad. I know my place. When they let go of my legs, I automatically know what I'm supposed to do. I grin at Rob as I slink down on the floor. He smiles at me like a master, and in my mind right now, he certainly is my master.

With my knees planted on the carpet in front of him, I remember how Max took his time. So I put my hands on his knees to support myself as I lean forward to kiss his soft cock. I don't take it in my mouth, though, I don't even lick it. Instead, I tease him with my hot breath as I work my fingers around his waistband, pulling gently until he raises his ass enough for me to slide his pants and underwear down his legs.

"Good start," Max praises me from the side.

Resisting the urge to just go for his meat, I spread his legs enough to kiss along his thighs. Up one side, and down the other, noticing how his cock gets firmer when I kiss a little closer to it. I want to just gobble him up, but I remember to be patient as I run my nose through his pubic hair, sniffing his manly scent into my feminine sissy nostrils.

Oh my God, licking through his curly dark hairs gets me so turned on! Max's hands smoothing up and down my back gets me even more into it, but then my urge to just suck him becomes almost too strong to resist.

"Take your time, babe," Max coaches me. "A classic blowjob isn't just mindless foreplay. Make it a special event, leading to the main event, and you'll earn a nice sissy reward."

Max then gets on the floor with me, putting his arm around me as I start licking Rob's magnificent shaft.

"Lubrication, baby, get him nice and wet before taking him into your mouth. The key to an amazing blow job is lubrication."

My tongue feels like it's having its own erection as I'm learning new erotic pleasures my hot sissy tongue can give, discovering all kinds of amazing little nerves I never knew were there. Licking up and down Rob's hardening cock gives me such joy with Max coaching me to focus my attention on Rob's pleasure, and forgetting about my own. It's the same exact thing Brenda taught me about eating pussy,

"Pussies lubricate themselves," Max whispers as he massages my back, "and asses need to be lubed, but for a blowjob, you have your own lube. Lick his shaft, baby, inundate it with your saliva."

Rob's cock grows ever harder as I spread a slick sheen of saliva all over his eight-inch shaft. His foreskin feels so amazing as I lick around the edges, slowly and deliberately pushing it halfway down his purple head, using only the tip of my tongue.

"Good technique, baby," Max praises as his fingers tease along the crack of my ass. "Put your mouth over the head now, and just hold it there. Suck on it ever so gently as you accumulate a large reservoir of saliva in your mouth.

"How is she doing, Rob?"

"Like a pro so far. She has the hottest damn lips."

Rob's words are music to my ears. I want to be the hottest bitch he's ever had, or at least the hottest sissy. Knowing I'm doing a good job so far makes me want to do it even better. His superior cock is his gift to me, and I want him to think I'm worthy of having it in my sissy ass whenever he so desires.

"Okay, babe," Max coaches as he gets naked alongside me, "your mouth is now a cunt, the body part you wish you had. Your cunt-mouth is now awash with welcoming liquid, so let it flow as you slide your luscious lips down on him now, as a woman would slide her pussy down on a man's cock."

"There you go, baby," Rob moans into my pussy-mouth, "that's the right stuff."

Oh my God…! I'm so turned on, so tuned in with what I'm doing. I'm so relaxed that I'm able to easily and comfortably go all the way to his base! It's easy to keep him in my throat now as I roll my head side-to-side. His masculine scent stimulates my entire body as my nose glides through his manly bush!

"Good stuff, little cocksucker," Max praises my efforts. "Now just follow your natural instincts. Every great sissy cocksucker has her own unique style. Discover your own unique style, baby. Just be beautiful. Just be yourself."

Max wasn't kidding about his hairy chest. His carpet of masculine male hair brushes across my back like soft erotic sandpaper as he hugs me from behind. He makes me feel so feminine with his thick hard cock nestled between my legs. It feels amazingly erotic having it under my petite little girl-dick, knowing he'll soon be in my ass for the main event.

I'm feeling so connected to them as Rob runs his fingers through my hair, with Max pinching my excited sissy nipples as he licks up and down my sissy crack. My mouth truly does feel like a pussy now as I just let my body do whatever it wants to do.

I absolutely love how Max spreads my cheeks apart to lick around my star and poke his hot gay tongue into my sissy hole. It's almost as if I had a real pussy, the way Max eats me out and pleasures my little love hole. It makes me like a total woman, and to a gay man, I am a woman. I'm the only kind of pussy they want, and it's my special privilege to provide it for them.

Truth be told, I'd rather have Rob fucking me first, but Rob is busy driving his cock down my throat as Max eats me out to get my ass ready to fuck. A sissy's reality is she doesn't get to choose who she wants to fuck her. She must accept any cock she can get, so Max's cock will do just fine. It doesn't really matter which cock I get first, as long as I get a cock.

A wave of sissy emotions clouds my sissy brain as Max pushes his cock into my tight little hole. All I am to them now is a vessel to receive their cocks. I'll be their whore. I'll be their bitch. I'll be anything they want because this is my role, just as nature intended me to be.

Max's short but thick cock nearly splits me in two as he penetrates me in one deep thrust, but I'm so into now that my sissy cunt quickly relaxes around him as he gently holds my hard little girl-cock in his hand. He skillfully rolls his thumb around my slick pre-cum-covered head as he starts fucking me with the same rhythm that Rob's fucking my throat.

It's almost too much to bear. I've never been fucked so hard like this before, and yet my two gay studs make it feel so gentle. Their attention is focused on my pleasure now, and this is my sissy reward for being so freely promiscuous with them.

Having two cocks thrusting into me from both ends feels so natural to me, like it's my calling, like it's the only reason I'm alive. I'm their gorgeous little sissy girl, more than just a man, and much more to them than a girl. I'm the best of both worlds, a sissy sex goddess, and my studs are giving me the reward I've earned. Now I know I'm hot, and I know I'm beautiful, too!

I'm dripping pre-cum like a hose as Max's heavy balls slap against my dainty little sissy-sack. I'd take Rob's balls in my mouth if I could, but he's busy fucking my hot sissy throat as the familiar feelings of sissygasm start curling my toes. Max's thumb circling my slick cock head makes my balls contract as my legs tense up, making me moan like a hot bitch into Rob's thrusting cock.

"Oh, you beautiful hot sissy," Max triggers me from behind as his cock pulses inside my hot ass, "you've earned it, doll, so get ready to receive the sissy reward."

Oh my God, he didn't give me much warning, not that I needed one. Just as my sissygasm starts overwhelming me, Rob starts pulsing in my mouth, and Max milks my hard shaft as cum spurts from my little girl-dick. Then his hot load blasts against my anal walls as Rob gives me the male semen I'll never be able to live without from this day forward.

"Holy shit…" Max gasps as his hairy chest collapses onto my back. "Mandy, you are a beautiful sissy, and you are one hot fuck!"

"Oh my God," I whimper, "I've never had it that good. You guys took me to sissy heaven."

"You are sissy heaven," Rob tells me. "You did all that yourself. You created your own heaven."

"Really…? I wasn't even thinking about any of that."

"That's true sex at its finest," Max explains. "When you get out of the way of your own body, and let it do what it already knows how to do, you're beyond thinking about it. Only then can you enjoy all the pleasures of your sissy birthright."

"God… can we do it some more?"

"We'll do it all night, if that's what you want."

"That's definitely what I want. Please take me to bed, guys, I'll be your bitch all night."


Rob picks me up in his big strong arms, cradling me like a baby as he carries me into their bedroom. He lays me on their bed, but I don't don't lie there for long. I'm in a cock-drunk stupor as I get on my knees and tell them to stand on either side of me. For the next, I don't know how long, they stand on the bed, feeding me their cocks as I gorge myself on their manly meat.

I feel so incredibly free and totally uninhibited as they fuck my cummy pussy-mouth. I've watched sissies doing this in sissy porn movies, and now it's like I'm the star in my very own movie! It's every bit as good as I thought it would be, being the center of attention like those sissy sluts were as they did anything their men wanted them to do.

We've all taken Viagra, so it doesn't take long to get my men hard again, and of course, they want to fuck me some more. And me, well, at this point I can't get enough cock, so like the good little slut I am, I get on my hands and knees and let them have their way with me.

They take turns fucking my throat and ass, spit-roasting me for a couple of hours at least. My sissygasms start coming one right after another until I'm in a totally glorious state of continuous sissygasm.

Gay men are the hottest men ever; at least to a gay sissy slut like me they are. Unlike straight men, they'll suck my girl-cock as much as I suck theirs, in a free-flow of like-minded sexual energies. It's a surrealism unlike anything I've ever experienced before.

I'm getting the homosexual experience I was wanting, experiencing myself as totally gay, and at the same time, totally sissy. Like I said, I'm the best of both worlds, a sissy sex goddess, and I can switch back and both between male and female any time I want.

When it's all over, and I'm under the covers with a hot stud on either side of me keeping me warm and secure, I think back to where I was this morning. From the excitement of Cheryl pumping up my tits bigger than they've ever been before, to the panic of waking up from anesthesia and discovering a ring in my nose and collagen in my new cocksucker lips.

Then I experienced the terror of Brenda dropping me off at the airport, like a mother bird kicking her chick out of the nest and forcing it to fly. I had to spread my wings, there wasn't anything else I could do. Now I know I'm totally passable wherever I go, and men flirt with me as if I were a real woman.

And then there's my studs, my two hot gay studs, who taught me so much about the lifestyle I'm now devoted to. They gave me an education, that's for sure. Now I know that my dual sexuality is a special gift I have, a gift I wouldn't have known about if Brenda, in her infinite Mistress wisdom, hadn't sent me down here to experience my true and total sexuality for the very first time.

It's been quite a day, but it's only the first day. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? Rob told me on the way from the airport that they were planning on sharing me with a friend of theirs tomorrow, so at least I know I'll have another stud at my disposal; if he turns out to be a stud.

What will he be like? What is his name? Is he as handsome as Rob? Is his cock as big as Rob's?

These are the simple thoughts that roll around a sissy's immature brain after she's just been fucked out of her mind and knows she'll be fucked again tomorrow probably twice as many times. It's what she lives for, and it's all I'll live for, too, now that I know what my job will be for the rest of my immature sissy life.

~~ Part two coming soon~~ ❤ Jill

Written by Jilluvscox
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