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SissyMandy - My Coming Out Party

"Sex with your own kind is the best sex of all"

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Author's Notes

"This is the final chapter to Mandy's hot date with t-girl Cheryl. I have to apologize up front for the length of this chapter, but it was such an incredible party that Mandy didn't want me to leave anything out. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope you'll agree at the end of the chapter that the extra words were worth it. Enjoy ~ Jill"

I can't say that my life has changed all that much as the four of us exit the 'Illusions' sex club in San Francisco's Castro District, but boy, my perspective of things sure has flipped. It's amazing what a few hours with like-minded people can do for a sissy's mindset.

I'm still the same sissy who loves a hard cock whenever she can get it, but up until two weeks ago, when Brenda and Mistress Virginia told me I was gay, I didn't associate my cock addiction with homosexuality. I thought I accepted my situation after my Mistresses explained it to me, but Cheryl knew that I really hadn't.

Being of the same sexual orientation, she knew I was uncomfortable with the premise when she brought it up on our drive from Sacramento to her apartment in Alameda. Cheryl understands the sissy psyche better than my female Mistresses ever will, and that helped me a lot when she again pressed the gay issue during the fuck session we had before dressing for our date.

I had a better understanding of my condition after we talked about it over dinner, but it didn't really hit me until after I sucked a guy's cock in a toilet stall. I was staring at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, wiping his cum off my face with the other sissy cocksuckers, when I finally realized my reality. I knew right then that gay is the only way an effeminate, cock-addicted slut like me could ever be.

I felt much better coming out of that bathroom, and when I met Cheryl's t-girl friend Rachel and her sissy wife Kristy, I became ecstatic! Rachel is an Asian beauty, and Kristy is the perfect personification of the skinny sissy I'm striving to be.

Kristy told me that girls like us aren't exactly gay the same way men are, not if we're sissies. She calls it sissy-gay, because we're happy sissy girls when we do our nasty deeds with men.

I can't tell you how wonderful that made me feel, and the fact that we're following them home is like the fantasy tales you read about on this erotica website.


"Someone's getting ex-CIT-ed…" Cheryl teases as we follow Rachel's Tesla up the parking ramp adjoining their high-rise condominium complex in downtown San Francisco.

"How could I not be? Everything about this date has been awesome so far."

"I think it's awesome that you've learned so much about yourself."

"I really have, and I'm cool with my gay side now. I don't know why I kept resisting it."

"Well, with so much bigoted anti-gay propaganda out there these days, coming out can be a scary thing to do. But once we do, it's no longer a big deal to be a queer person, because there's nothing left to hide. And associating with other like-minded people like Rachel and Kristy keeps us grounded in the beauty of what we are."

"Rachel… oh my God is she beautiful! I thought she was a real woman when I first saw her."

"Yeah, well… her good looks came with the help of expensive cosmetic surgeries. I'm envious of her, but she can well afford it. She's a software design manager at a well-known Silicon Valley tech company."

"What about Kristy? Has she had surgeries, too?"

"No, Kristy's worked hard to sculpt her body with hormones, diet, and exercise. Isn't she the perfect picture of what you want to be?"

"Oh, God… you know she is! It's a privilege just being around her and Rachel."

"It's not a privilege, hon, it's your birthright. They're girls of our own kind, so enjoy them tonight as your equals."


I'm getting tingly feelings as the ecstasy sex drug Kristy and I took before leaving the club starts coming on, but maybe I'm just excited seeing Rachel turning into a parking space. Cheryl parks in the space next to it, and oh my God… my heart is racing as we get out of the car!

That look of desire in Rachel's eyes sends shivers up my spine as she zeros in on me, and glancing over at Cheryl, she's already got Kristy in her arms as the two engage in a deep French kiss. As I'm staring at Kristy hotly kissing my date, I don't notice Rachel approaching until she's right up on me.

"Cheryl tells me you're a hot little bitch," Rachel whispers as she takes me in her arms.

"I can be," I giggle just before her tongue plunges into my mouth.

"Mmmm… yeah, hon," she softly says after our first kiss, "I wanted to kiss you the moment I saw you. You're very beautiful, you know."

"I'm not even half as beautiful as Kristy."

"Oh, but you are, Mandy. You two are of equal beauty. Kristy's been on estrogen longer than you have, but you'll be catching up with her sooner than you think. C'mon, cutie, let's go up to our condo and have ourselves some fun."

"Yeah, c'mon, Mandy," Kristy giggles as she and Cheryl head towards the elevator, "we're gonna show you what real sissy sex is all about!"

I'm a little uneasy about Rachel having her arm around me as we step into the elevator, but Kristy doesn't seem to mind that her married partner is hitting on me, so I guess it's okay that we've sort of switched partners for the time being.

Having never been in a high-rise building before, it seems like we're going up forever before the elevator finally stops at the thirty-ninth floor. I say it seems like forever, but it really doesn't, because Rachel's tongue is in my mouth the entire time!

Oh my God! This t-girl is so fucking hot, and she's got the hots… for me!


Getting off the elevator is like stepping into the hallway of a big, luxurious hotel. With everything so clean and upscale, it must cost a fortune to live here.

"Do you have your key, hon?" Rachel asks Kristy when she stops in front of what must be their door.

"I got it, babe," Kristy replies.

"Good," says Rachel, "cuz I can't seem to take my hands off Mandy."

"She's kinda cute, yes?" Cheryl winks.

"Yes… yes… and yes!"

"She's even cuter with a dick in her tight ass," my date chuckles.

"Is that right, Mandy?" Rachel wonders as she pats my behind. "Are you tight down here? Are you gonna let me try it?"

"My pussy is available to whomever," I answer with giggles, because the ecstasy is giving me strong rushes.

"In this condo, hon, sissy pussy is considered community property."

Before I can even ponder on what she meant by that, I'm completely taken in by their lavishly furnished living room. Every piece of contemporary furniture looks new and expensive, but what really captures my attention is the gigantic window that takes up almost one entire wall.

"What a view!" I gasp with astonishment as I gaze out over the glimmering city lights.

"It's even more spectacular in the daylight," Rachel says as she embraces me from behind, "when you can take in the panoramic grandeur of the bay."

"I'd like to see that."

"Oh, you will, honey, because you and your hot date aren't leaving here until tomorrow."

"Yeah, Mandy," Kristy steps in front of me to say, "you're spending the night with us!"

"We're so proud of you, Mandy," Cheryl then praises me. "You came out as one of us tonight, so this is sort of your coming out sex party. It's our way of welcoming you into our transsexual circle of friends."

"Oooo… yeah…!" Kristy giggles as she wiggles her tongue back and forth, inches from my face. "When you come out as sissy-gay, you get to play on another level."

"Why don't you show her what you mean?" Rachel suggests as she and Cheryl start kissing on my neck.

With our bodies nearly touching, we stare into each other's eyes for a brief moment before Kristy pulls my face into hers and plants a kiss on my lips. This is no simple, affectionate peck, but a full-on, passionate piece of lip-locking that goes on for some time as Rachel and Cheryl continue kissing on my neck and shoulders.

Rachel then tongue-fucks my ear as her hands smooth down my back and over my ass. Cheryl has her tongue in my other ear, with her thumb tracing circles around my flat nipples over the thin fabric of my dress. My own hands simultaneously run over Kristy's shoulders, but lacking her permission, I sheepishly avoid touching her tits.

"Mmmm, yeah, babe," Kristy moans to my touch, "are you feeling the ecstasy coming on like I am?"

"Oh… God yes," I moan back, "I'm getting so fucking hor-neee! May I please feel your titties?"

"Of course you can," she giggles as she unbuttons her blouse, "in our world, babe, our bodies belong to each other, so don't ask, just take."

"Go ahead, Mandy," Rachel encourages me, "Kristy's proud of her tits, and she wants you to play with them."

Holy fuck…! I was staring at Kristy's sexy brown nipples through the transparency of her blouse at the club, and I've been salivating over them the entire time she's been in front of me. Kristy's so fuckin' hot as she opens her blouse to give me a good look before discarding it over her shoulder like it was nothing!

"There you go, my new sister," she giggles as she places my hands against her bare boobs, "now you can feel 'em, instead of just staring at them."

"Was I that obvious?"

"Yes you were, you naughty girl, but I love it when another sissy is attracted to my tits. They're yours to play with, however you want."

It doesn't take me more than a second to take her up on her offer. They're small, but definitely nice handfuls of sissy breast, so perfectly proportioned with the rest of her hot, skinny body. I'm really turned on by the half-inch posts poking through her pierced nipples.

"I'm so jealous of your tits," I swoon as my hands smooth over her smallish globes, then down her thin waist and onto her wider hips. "Did the estrogen do all this? I mean, your entire figure and all?"

"If only it were that easy," she laments. "Estrogen makes it all possible, but if you don't follow a strict diet and exercise hard, each and every day, you'll end up with a boring boyish figure you won't like when you see yourself in a mirror."

"I hope my body turns out like yours."

"It will, sweetie," Rachel chimes in, "if you faithfully follow the steps. We'll educate you on what it takes to look like us, after we've shown you how it feels to be like us. The ecstasy should be making you and Kristy very horny right about now. Am I right?"

"Oh fuck…" I moan as my head falls back on her shoulder, "I was horny before I took it, and now I'm fuckin' on fire!"

"If you're getting hot, honey, maybe we should get this dress off you, ya think?"

"Fuuuck… I'm in no condition to think. Just take it off and do whatever you want."

"What I want, Mandy, now that you've taken your natural place in the trans universe, is for you to feel completely free and at peace with who you are.

"Kristy, please entertain Mandy while Cheryl and I undress her."

As they're slipping me out of my dress and pulling off my boots, Kristy strips down to panties and nylons while doing a sexy little dance for me. My eyes are going blurry following her moves and wondering how she got so skinny, while still maintaining her firm, plump ass. I'm down to panties and nylons myself, and the eroticism of the moment is making my head spin as Kristy twirls herself around, so she's right up in my face.

"I thought you looked hot in that dress," Kristy giggles as her lips lightly brush across mine, "and I think you're even hotter… without the dress."

"I think you're way hotter than me," I answer shyly, compared to Kristy's totally hot demeanor.

"Don't believe that! You're every bit as hot as me, and I'm hotter than fuck, because I know I am. All you have to do is know you're hot, and walla… you are! You're always a hot little fuck when you know you are."

Geeezuz… we've both got stiff hard-ons at this point, and holy shit, she's blowing my mind as she grinds her cock into mine. I can tell she has a bigger dick than me, because I can feel her superior size as our bulges move up and down and side-to-side.

"Your clitty feels good against mine," I moan between kisses.

"Babe… in this condo, we don't have clitties. Clitties are for when we're with men who only want to fuck us like girls. When we're with our own kind, we worship our cocks, because, well… why else would we have them?"

"Okay, your cock feels good against mine. I never rubbed cocks before today, and already I think I love it!"

"Only queer people get to do it, because obviously, it takes two to rub. It's cool to do, huh?"

"It's very cool. You feel bigger than me, but then, almost everyone does."

"Wanna pull our panties down and find out?"

"I will if you will. Who goes first?"

"Let's do it at the same time. Close your eyes, kiss me, and follow my fingers."


Sensing that Kristy and I are homing in on each other, Rachel quietly says to Cheryl, "Maybe we should get something to drink, so our very beautiful sissies can get acquainted before this foursome moves into our bedroom."

"Good idea," Cheryl responds with little giggles.


"Kristy's always been such a sensuous little thing," Cheryl tells Rachel over a glass of wine.

"Why do you think I married her sweet ass? She's too precious to waste herself on a man."

"Someday I'll get me a live-in sissy," Cheryl fantasizes, "as soon as I pay off my fuckin' student loans."

"I told you I'd help you out with your loans."

"I know, and I appreciate the offer, but I make good enough money at the clinic to pay for my own education. Another year of going without is all I need before I'm debt-free."

"Well, in the meantime, Kristy and I are always here to take care of your sexual needs until you can afford your own sissy. Do you have your eyes set on Mandy?"

"Shit… I wish. Unfortunately, she's already married to a hot little twat in Sacramento. Mandy also has a Mistress who happens to be a close friend of mine. She's living with them, and she's got them both pegged to be whores for the Hierarchy."

"I've heard vague rumors about some Hierarchy, but I never thought it was an actual thing."

"Oh, it's a thing, alright. It's a very exclusive, underground prostitution network, featuring the hottest sissy whores and female escorts you'll find anywhere."

"Expensive, I bet."

"You bet it is. A thousand dollars an hour, two-hour minimum, plus the girl's travel expenses and everything else not included in her fee."

"Whoa…! That is one expensive piece of ass! Does Mandy know what she's getting into?"

"Mandy doesn't care. She committed herself to her Mistress when they entered into a spiritual marriage of sorts, where the sissy consents to the Mistress making all her decisions from that point on. So without question, Mandy will do whatever Brenda tells her to do.

"It's hard to believe, but she was a straight, heterosexual male just seven months ago, and in that time, Brenda's turned her into a totally submissive bottom girl. She and another Mistress friend of hers have irreversibly hard-wired her brain to be an insatiable little fuck-slut.

"When she sees, or even senses a hard cock, her programming kicks in, and she can't control herself. She's a crazed nympho with a cock up her ass, which, by the way, is still tight as a virgin. We're gonna love spit-roasting her like we do Kristy."

"That's what I like to hear! Every time I take one of your hard-on pills, my cock wants to bust out and fuck!"

"Then take it out and let me suck on it."

"If I do, we might have to fuck before we rejoin the sissies."

"Why else would I be wanting to suck your sweet cock?"


While Cheryl and Rachel do their thing in the kitchen, Kristy and I are having the best time getting intimately acquainted. With our lips locked onto each other, we stare into each other's eyes as our hands freely explore each other's body.

We play with our nipples for the longest time, and Kristy's nipples feel so velvety smooth as I roll them between my fingers. Maybe it's just the ecstasy I'm feeling, but my nips seem twice as sensitive when Kristy pinches them.

Our very hard cocks continue rubbing against each other as our hips gyrate every which way, and when she's satisfied that our tits are totally turned on, Kristy then leads us to smooth our hands all over ourselves until we're teasing around our panty waistbands.

"Oh God…" I moan as our hands simultaneously slip under our panties to grab each other's butt.

"You like so far?" Kristy giggles with her finger poking in my hole.

"I think this is the hottest sex I've ever had!"

"It's sissy-sex! The best kind there is."

"No shit. My cock is so fuckin' hard!"

"Mine, too. It's because of the hard-on pill Cheryl gave us. She gives me one every time she comes over."

"How often does she come over?"

"A lot! Rachel and I can't get enough of her sweet fuck-stick."

"I found out how sweet it is when she fucked me twice at her apartment. She was like a bull with her big ball sack slapping on my ass. I didn't want her to ever stop."

"She's an Alpha, babe. She's built to fuck, like we're built to be fucked."

"Is Rachel an Alpha?"

"She is with sissies, but when we're with men, she's a submissive, slutty whore like me."

"You bring men up here, too?"

"Oh no, we never allow men in our condo. Our bedroom is a temple, where we only worship ourselves and others of our kind. When we're in the mood to feed on male-dick, we just pick up out-of-towners at the sex club and do it in their hotel rooms."

"I'm so fucking horny. I'm aching to be fucked right now."

"Dontcha wanna get sucked first? Our Alphas are probably screwing in the kitchen, so we have time for some sucking before they come back to fuck us."

"I'd love to suck you!"

"Me first, sister. You're my guest, and guests get sucked first."

"Okay," I giggle, "if you insist."

"I do," she smiles as she gets on her knees and pulls my panties down. "Oooo… pretty little cock you have."

"Pretty tiny, you mean."

"So…? I love tiny cocks, and you should be in love with yours. Ya wanna know why?"


"Cuz… " she grins as her soft fingers wrap around my balls, "tiny dicks get deep-throated all the fucking time!"

"Oooohhh… God…!" I shriek as she squeezes my balls with the perfect pressure and goes all the way down on my hard four inches.

She's all smiley-faced, looking up with my cock in her mouth as her tongue rolls around my sissy shaft. She doesn't move or even blink her big blue eyes as we stare at each other, but her tongue feels like tiny fingertips working my dick over inside her mouth! I'm ready to cum within minutes, but I'm so hard from the pill Cheryl gave us that there's no way I will.

"Oh, baby," I moan as she clamps down on me.

My dick might be tiny, but Kristy's proving that it doesn't really matter. With my entire shaft comfortably embedded in her mouth, I'm feeling the same pleasure as any well-hung man as she pleasures me with her hot sissy mouth.

'Sissies are so fuckin' hot!' I think to myself. 'We're way better cocksuckers than the average woman. No wonder married men love us so much!'

"See why men love our mouths so much?" Kristy releases my cock to say.

"Shit… I was just thinking the very same thing!"

"I know you were, cuz we're perfectly in tune with each other. I feel your vibes, so I also know you wanna cum."

"I do, but my dick is so hard that I can't."

"Yes you can... but only if I let you. You see, I was sucking to give you pleasure, not to orgasm. A good sissy knows how to control her man with her mouth, and it wasn't my intention for you to cum. But I'll let you cum now, cuz sucking you got me so hot that now I need my dick sucked.

"My mouth is your pussy, babe. Use it to get off, and feel the difference when a sissy sucks to give pleasure, versus how she sucks to make her man cum. Fuck my pussy-mouth like I'm a dirty whore, cuz for you right now, I am."

I can't describe how turned on I am as Kristy purses her lips in a tight little 'O' and grabs my ass to pull me into her. She doesn't relax as my cock touches her lips, but instead teases me with the tip of her tongue. She's driving me wild as she probes into my pee-hole slit, and I can only take so much before I force my way in.

Her mouth is full of warm saliva, and I'm not kidding, it feels about the same as a wet cunt! I'm amazed at how powerful I feel, grabbing her hair and pumping her mouth like so many guys have pumped me. It gives me great pleasure to know that this is what a man feels when I'm on my knees.

Mouth-fucking Kristy is so heavenly, but then she takes it to another level when she pushes her middle finger up my ass. Oh! My fucking God! I've never felt such pleasure as she massages my prostate, while squeezing my balls as I'm fucking her mouth! Thirty seconds of this is all I can take. My cock explodes with a force I never knew I had, filling her mouth with a load that's been building up all day from all the hot sex I've already experienced!

"Mmmm… yeah…!" Kristy giggles as she releases my cock and looks up at me with her mouth full of seed. "Your small dick is very sensuous, hon, and you have such sweet cream. You shouldn't be ashamed of it, because it's a very important part of the feminine you."

I help Kristy to her feet as we giggle in sissy ecstasy as much as we're giggling under the influence of the ecstasy sex drug. Our tongues dance in a deep kiss as we snowball my wad back and forth between our cum-coated mouths.

For the first time in my life, I feel in love with myself, and I'm totally comfortable with my unique sexuality. To be wonderfully gay with men, t-girls, and other sissies like me… and at the same time… to have the sexual desire and capacity to be a heterosexual woman-pleaser is the absolute best of both worlds!

I'm feeling a special oneness with Kristy as she rubs her tits back and forth across my nipples. After a few sweet kisses, we just start giggling and lick each other's faces like two little kittens.


"Ooohhh…" Rachel purrs as they return naked after fucking each other, "ain't they cute?"

"They've really taken a liking to each other," Cheryl whispers. "Let's just watch for a while. I wanna see what Mandy's gonna do."

"We already know what she's gonna do," Rachel tee-hees. "She's gonna suck Kristy's cock."

"Of course, but let's wait for the perfect moment to swoop in and overwhelm her with three cocks at once."

"Cheryl, you have the most devious, creative mind of anyone I know."


With whatever kind of hard-on pill Cheryl gave us, my dick is still hard as a rock after just cumming, and Kristy's cock, not having cummed yet, is oozing pre-cum like a hose. Her soaked panties feel so slimy and neat as our hips never stop grinding into each other.

The aroma of fresh cum surrounds our space, and her nipples feel so damn good that I have to bend over to suck on her succulent nubs. Her tits are deliciously firm, yet so wonderfully soft, like the rest of her feminized sissy body.

As I kiss and worship her goddess-like presence, I'm thinking about asking Cheryl to increase my estrogen dose to full strength. I want to speed up my feminization if I can, cuz I'm dying to be just like Kristy!

I'm on my knees in seconds flat, pulling Kristy's wet panties off and biting my lower lip as her pretty cock springs free. It's on the smaller side of average, but still dwarfing the tiny thing I was born with. She'd be a stud amongst the sissies I've seen, and I'm hoping she'll be a stud for me before this nighttime fantasy party comes to an end.

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Her narrow five-inch shaft tastes delicious, and the pre-cum that coats it from top to bottom makes the experience even more erotic. Her cute little ball sack, so feminine and yet so male, reminds me that we're neither boy nor girl, but a combination of the two.

My fingers play with her tiny balls as my tongue licks the pre-cum off her sexy-soft shaft. I hope I'm giving the same pleasure she gave me as I squeeze her balls like she squeezed mine. Taking her all the way down makes my whole body tingle, and I feel hers tingling too!

"Oh, baby," Kristy moans from above, "I love what you're doing to my cock. It feels sooo good!"

"I hope I'm half as good as you."

"Oh, sweetheart, you're every bit as good as me. You're no amateur cocksucker, babe, you're a natural."

"Yeah…" I giggle with confidence, "I am a natural. I'm so hot! I'm hot like you!"

"Yes you are, darling," Cheryl surprises me as she brushes her hard cock across my cheek. "You're so very hot, and you know you are."

No sooner do I look up to see Cheryl's luscious tits hanging below her smiling face, than Rachel appears on my other side, and oh my God… she is stunningly beautiful in her nakedness!

"Having fun with my hot sissy wife?" she giggles.

"She's the best! I was giving her a blow job when you came in."

"We know. We've been watching our beautiful sissies going at it. Isn't it nice playing with another gay girl just like yourself?"

"It's incredibly nice! I'm so happy!"

"Wanna make me happy and show me how you suck dick?"

"Mmmm... yeah! Who wouldn't wanna suck a gorgeous cock like yours?"

"That's what all the sissies tell me, and who am I to disagree with a sissy's judgement when it comes to cock?"

Her uncircumcised trophy is indeed a thing of beauty. Every bit of seven inches with a slight upward curve, her darker Asian skin makes it so deliciously appealing that I can't resist turning away from Kristy to wrap my lips around Rachel!

Her foreskin feels so right as I swirl my tongue around her head. As I go down on her, every little bump on her veiny shaft takes me another step toward heaven as it slides between my lips. She pushes gently on my head to coax me down deep to her balls, then holds me there for the longest time while my tongue gives her every pleasure I know how to do.

A soft sigh escapes her breath as I look up past her lovely tits to see the pleasure I'm giving written across her face. I'm so enjoying looking into her liquid-chocolate, oriental eyes that my world momentarily reduces to nothing more than me and Rachel.

Cheryl and Kristy then move in closer, and without even thinking, I take one in each hand to pleasure all my lovers at once. Within minutes, I'm greedily sucking three cocks, switching back and forth as my mouth becomes their playground.

I don't realize how high I am from the ecstasy when it gets confusing stroking two while one is thrusting down my throat. At times, I can't even tell whose cock belongs to whom. All I know is I'm in a cock-drunk daze, and I love all three of them!

I glance up occasionally to see them kissing, while I'm down here sucking. I'm so turned on by this, cuz it feels so natural to be pleasuring three beautiful girl-dicks as they say sweet and lovely things about me.

I do like it when men talk dirty to me at the glory hole and call me demeaning names. Treating a gay girl like an inanimate object and putting her down, so they can feel manly is part of their pleasure. It's my pleasure to give them pleasure, so I give it freely in return for their cum.

But it's a refreshing change to be with these girls. They respect their sweet little cocksucker, because they're all cocksuckers themselves, and they know what it's like to be a gay little sissy girl surrounded by three pretty girly-gay cocks. They love it as much as I do, and Kristy loves it so much that she gets on her knees to join me!

"Hey, babe…" she giggles, "having fun?"

"This is so much fun! I'm sorry I didn't suck you all the way off, but Rachel's cock beckoned to me, and I had to suck her."

"You did the right thing, babe. An Alpha's pleasure is more important than our own. And besides, I wasn't gonna cum in your mouth anyway, cuz I'm saving my load for your ass."

"I was hoping you would. I'm so ready to be fucked."

"Yeah…? I'm just as ready for it as you are, and my wife is more than ready to please you."

"Your wife? B-but, I thought you were the wife."

"I am a wife, and so is Rachel. We're both wives, honey, just like married men are both husbands. It doesn't really matter, though, because our love is what binds us together.

"Come, babe, heaven awaits us in the temple of our bedroom. It's time to get loose and let the Alphas have their way with us."

I've been on my knees feasting on girl-cock so long that I didn't realize how fucking stoned I was getting. My world starts spinning when I stand up too fast, and if it wasn't for Rachel, I would have fallen flat on my ass.

"Whoa…!" I giggle as I fall backwards into Rachel's arms, "where did that come from?"

"You just got a little dizzy, hon. Probably from the ecstasy."

"If she's as loaded as I am," Kristy laughs, "that's definitely what it was!"

"Are you a stoned little sissy?" Rachel teases.

"I don't know if I'm stoned on ecstasy, or just drunk on cock. God, everything is so colorful… everything is so tingly… and everything is sooo WUNNN-derrr-ful…!"

"That's what ecstasy's supposed to do, silly!" Kristy giggles in my face. "It's a great sex drug, cuz it makes everything amplified and intense. It's a sissy's best friend, cuz sex is much more fun when it's intense."

"I can definitely do intense all night!"

"You just might," Rachel chuckles. "Now that we know you're a good little cocksucker, my dick wants to know if you're also a good little fucker."

"Why don't you take me to bed and find out? I giggle uncontrollably. "My pussy is aching for it."


The only way I even make it into their bedroom without falling down is by grabbing onto Rachel's cock as her fingers tease up and down my crack. What makes it even more erotic is seeing Cheryl fingering Kristy's hot butt as we follow them in.

I think the Alphas must have set things up in here before they rejoined us, because the room smells of sweet incense and the covers are pulled back to the foot of their gigantic water bed. The only lighting comes from four small spotlights mounted on the ceiling to illuminate the bed. They cast an erotic blueish hue on the pink satin sheets that contrast Kristy's white skin as she lays herself out for Cheryl's pleasure.

She looks so hot, lying in the middle of the bed with her skinny arms stretched behind her head. Her long hair is splayed around her bead, and her excited nipple tips are extended out at least a half-inch as Cheryl gets between her legs to spread them apart.

"Isn't my wife a hot little fuck?" Rachel whispers to me.

"I wanna be like her so bad."

"You already are, my sweet. The feminization process is as much mental as it is physical, and your body will soon catch up with your mind. You're a hot little fuck just the way you are, and I've even heard that you're a little nympho in bed."

"You heard right. I'm so horny, I'll do anything you want."

"All I want you to do, honey, is lay yourself right alongside Kristy and enjoy yourself. Cheryl and I will do the rest."

I don't need to be told twice to get on anyone's bed, especially when I know I'm gonna get fucked by the gorgeous t-girl Rachel. She walks me to the other side of the bed, where I crawl up to join Kristy. The Alphas position us, so our feet are at opposite corners, with our heads lying side-by-side so Kristy and I can kiss.

We turn our heads towards each other and just start giggling at the prospect of becoming fuck toys for the Alpha t-girls. The water bed is bouncy as Cheryl and Rachel move about, and me, in my drug-induced stupor, I'm just happy to be lying flat on my back after spending a good half-hour on my knees sucking girl-cock before we came in here.

It's so relaxing, lying here kissing Kristy and thinking with the same brain. We both let out little moans as Rachel's soft hands glide up and down my legs, and I'm wondering if Cheryl's doing the same to Kristy.

Rachel raises my foot off the bed, and oh my God… she starts sucking on my toes! I did this for Janine just yesterday, and I'm hoping Rachel's enjoying my toes as much as I enjoyed Janine's. There's no question that receiving a toe suck is just as good as giving one. I'm already loving where this is going!

After Rachel gives each of my toes a little blow job, she kisses my feet before smoothing her hands between my inner thighs, spreading my legs slightly as she goes. I'm happy to spread 'em even farther, because my fuck-slut programming is kicking in, and my ass has a void that needs filling.

My cock is hard as fuck, twitching uncontrollably as Rachel kisses and licks around my head. I'm eager to receive a blow job, but whenever she takes the shaft into her mouth, I know it's time for my cock to become my clit!

My girl-brain shifts into overdrive as all my attention focuses on my little fuck hole. Rachel takes my balls into her mouth as her hands move under my knees to spread my legs wider apart, which makes my pussy hole pucker at the thought of what's about to come.

"Oh, God-dammit, Cheryl…!" Kristy suddenly moans in broken breaths, "Eat my pussy, baby, eat it good!"

Whatever Cheryl's doing to Kristy, the look on Kristy's face tells me it's wonderful. I'm getting tingly feelings between my legs as well, with Rachel love-biting at the base of my sack as her tongue rolls my balls around in her mouth. Then I gasp when she spits on my hole and inserts one finger, then two.

"Oooohhh… fuuuck!" Kristy continues her moaning to whatever Cheryl's doing.

"Do you like your ass eaten, Mandy?" Rachel giggles as her fingers wiggle inside my hole.

"I dunno. No one's ever done that to me. But your fingers feel awesome!"

"You never had your ass eaten?" Kristy wonders.

"Huh-uh. The guys just lube me up and shove it in."

"That's the difference between just fucking crude Neanderthal dudes, and making beautiful love with sensitive girls of our own kind. You're in for a super treat, babe, cuz my Rachel is the best ass-eater around. Well, actually, she's tied with Cheryl for the best in that department."

A tiny second later, I find out what she means as Rachel's tongue starts licking around my pussy hole. Electric sensations sear up my spine as a drop of pre-cum drips from my clit and falls on my tummy. Her fingers massage my prostate, and as I feel that familiar tingling in my toes, I begin to moan out loud with Kristy.

"Oh yeah, babe!" I shake as I feel a sissygasm coming on.

I want it, I want it badly, and hearing Kristy practically screaming next to me makes me want it more. I'm almost there, just a little bit more as another drop of pre-cum joins the previous two. Rachel's got two fingers working my spot, with her tongue pressing into my ring on the sides. Oh my God, this is good, as good as I've ever had.

The tingly feelings creep up my spine; I'm writhing in ecstasy, literally, and another drop hits my belly. Just as I'm seconds away from a spectacular sissygasm, Rachel lightens up on my spot and extracts her fingers. I so wanted to cum, but Rachel lets me know who's in control as she replaces her fingers with her tongue. My hole is so relaxed now, so sensitive to the touch.

Rachel pushes my knees back, raising my ass off the bed to expose my puckering hole. Drops of pre-cum hit my belly every few seconds now as Rachel dives in and gives me the first anal tongue-fuck of my life. Her tongue easily slides into my relaxed sissy-pus, and I can't help but scream along with Kristy to this intense pleasure.

No man has ever done this for me, and probably no man ever will. It takes a girl of my own kind to give this forbidden pleasure, and if this is what some would call this gay sex, then I'm fucking in love with gay sex! How can something so good, so sensuous as this, be wrong in any way? I don't care anymore if the whole world knows I'm gay, cuz in a girly sort of way, that's what I am, and I simply can't be any other way.

The ass-licking goes on for quite a while, with Rachel continually pushing my knees farther backwards until I'm practically on my head with my hole pointing at the ceiling. It's a really cool position, cuz I can see her squirting lube in my hole as her tongue prepares me for heaven.

Cheryl's also got Kristy bent in half, and I can clearly see her working lube into Kristy's elevated hole as Rachel lubricates me. Knowing our sissy asses are about to be violated, we're both screaming and licking each other's faces as the Alphas work us into a frenzy.

Then, almost like they rehearsed it, they lay us back down and kneel over our faces with their cocks hovering inches above us. Kristy and I, so appreciative of the pleasure they've just bestowed on us, start licking their cocks as they rub them in our faces.

This is so fucking erotic, comfortably lying here with Kristy and being fed gorgeous girl-cock. The Alphas are passionately kissing above us, as Kristy and I switch back and forth between making love to their beautiful girl-cocks. Damn, this is just like watching tranny porn, except that I'm in the movie!

"You sissies are so beautiful," Rachel says from above.

"We'd feel more beautiful if you girl-studs would hurry up and fuck us," Kristy giggles at them.

"Geez, Kristy," Rachel laughs, "you're not usually this forward."

"What do you expect? My pussy's on fire, and so is Mandy's. You know how I get when another sissy shares our bed."

"Indeed I do, hon. Why do you think I married such a horny little slut?"

"To fuck me every night?"

"And what else?"

"To love me all the time, cuz I love you all the time!"

"C'mon, you two," Cheryl adds her two cents' worth, "are we gonna talk kissy-face all night?"

"Fuck us!" Kristy giggles.

"Yeah…!" I join in. "Somebody, please put out my fire!"

"We play these little games all the time," Rachel giggles as she spreads my legs to mount me.

Rubbing cocks together must be a t-girl kinda thing, because just when I think she's about to press her cock into my hot little hole, she lays her slippery shaft on top of mine, sliding it back and forth in a dry hump kinda way. Damn, I've had this done three times today, and each time feels more erotic than the last.

Rachel's petite oriental body feels massively powerful as she brushes her hard nipples across my flat chest before locking her lips onto my submissive mouth. Kissing me deeply gets me moaning as loudly as Kristy's letting loose right next to me.

"I'm such a slut," Kristy giggles as Cheryl pushes her feet over her head to fuck her.

I writhe in delight to Rachel's cock rubbing over my own, and there must be a pool of pre-cum on my tummy by now, as it steadily drips golden drops.

"Please fuck me," I beg as my legs raise to wrap around Rachel's waist. "I want to be fucked so bad."

"You don't need it, do you, sissy girl?" She teases me as her slick balls glide up and down my sissy clit.

"I do need it. I have to have it. I can't survive without it!"

"What kind of sissy girl needs it so bad she'll die without it?" Cheryl adds to my torment.

"A sissy girl… a gay sissy girl. A gay sissy girl like meee…!" I scream as Rachel sinks her cock into me without warning.

Painlessly entering my depths in one long stroke, her cock feels so warm and satisfying. Not too big, and not too small, she's just right, filling every bit of my cavity as she slowly works me with short strokes.

"Oh, yeah…" I let out a pleasant sigh, "this is what I've been wanting!"

"It's what I wanted too, honey. My dick likes saying hello to a new sissy's pussy."

"Well, hello, hello… Rachel's dick," I giggle in delight. "I think I might be falling in love with t-girl dick."

"You haven't already?" Kristy giggles to my side with Cheryl pummeling her hole. "Doesn't my wife feel good?"

"Oh God… she's the perfect size."

"I know… I get it every night. Married life is good…! Fuck her, Rach… do her like you do me!"

"I'm just warming up, baby doll," Rachel snickers. "She'll be screaming in just a few. Why don't you pay attention to the dick in your own back door."

"Oh, she definitely is," Cheryl chuckles as Kristy's ass moves in rhythm with her strokes. "She's a great piece of ass every time I fuck her."

"Which is often," Kristy laughs.

"Oooo-weee…!" I let out a howl as Rachel's rod grazes over my spot.

Fucking is so much better since I've become aware of my prostate. The time I've spent practicing with my dildo and mirror is paying off. I'm not just lying here getting fucked; I'm fucking her back with my hot sissy ass moving for maximum enjoyment.

Kristy's starting to scream as Cheryl's ball sack slaps on her ass, and it helps me to let loose and express my pleasure vocally. Rachel picks up the pace, fucking me with full strokes and jamming it in hard on the down stroke.

"Oh God, yes… Yes… YESSS!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

Rachel is a great fucker, and as she pushes my legs over my head, the pool of pre-cum on my belly runs down between my tits. I turn my head towards Kristy, and holy shit, she's got her ankles locked behind her head as she presents her ass to Cheryl. Her eyes are closed, and her mouth hangs open as her head rocks side-to-side with Cheryl pumping the hell out of her.

When Cheryl gets close to cumming, she pulls out to shoot her cum in Kristy's mouth, but Rachel tells her to shoot it in my mouth instead. This pleases me very much, and my mouth opens wide to receive Cheryl's creamy-hot treat. Kristy unfolds herself as Cheryl dismounts, and moves close to my face as Cheryl releases her load.

There was plenty of volume stored in her bull-like balls, and Kristy and I both get ribbons of sticky goo to feast on. Rachel's now fucking me fast and hard as my new sissy sister and I share Cheryl's reward, and I can't help but scream to this intense pleasure the four of us are having. My cock is so fucking hard as Kristy starts to stroke me, only adding to the joy of being with these beautiful girls who are just like me!

As her orgasm approaches, Rachel pumps my ass hard as my body also goes into convulsions. The tingly feelings consume every cell in my body as my sissygasm overwhelms me. Kristy licks my clit as Cheryl stuffs her cock down my cum-coated throat. Oh my God, it's never been better than this as Rachel's seed splatters against my anal walls.

Kristy and Cheryl kiss me sweetly as my orgasm goes on and on, with Rachel fucking in slower strokes until both of our orgasms run their course. Rachel gives my clit a couple of licks after her cock slides out of my ass, and I feel so good that for a moment, I think this must be a dream.

"Sex can't possibly be this good," I mumble under my breath.

"Sissy sex is this good, baby," Kristy giggles in my ear. "I told you it was good, didn't I?"

"You did, and now I believe it. God, my ass feels so good. No man has ever fucked me that good."

"You're with your own kind, dear," Rachel kisses my cheek as she speaks. "We understand each other like no one else can."

"Ain't that the truth."


We're speechless for the next few minutes, catching our breaths for what I'm soon to find out will be the next round. Kristy gets a couple of pre-rolled joints from a drawer in their nightstand, and for the next half-hour or so, we sit in a circle on the bed smoking weed and just enjoy each other's company. I'm still buzzing on the ecstasy, and the pot puts me in an even more submissive frame of mind.

So wanting to be like my new girlfriends, I feel a bit inferior with my flat chest, compared to their pretty tits. As if they know what I'm thinking, we start talking about estrogen and growing tits. I get so horny talking about boobs that I can't help myself, and just lean over and suck on Kristy's cock.

She's eager to oblige me, leaning backwards on her knees as I kiss her balls and lick up and down her sissy five inches. Not a word is said as Rachel lightly scratches her fingernails up and down my back and Cheryl positions herself behind me to fuck my cream-pied hole. Within seconds, I'm in seventh heaven again with Kristy's cock in my mouth and Cheryl pounding me from behind.

"Oh, honey, that is so hot!" I hear Rachel say, "Fuck her good, Cheryl."

"Every fuck is good," Cheryl laughs.

"Doesn't her big girl-cock feel good, Mandy?"

"Oh, fuck yes!" I moan, "Third time she's fucked me today!"

"I'm taking another turn when she's done with you."

"Please do. I'll be your little fuck-slut all night."

"What about me, Mandy?" Kristy giggles. "Are you gonna my little whore, too…?"

"I'll be everyone's whore!"

They take turns fucking us for the next hour or so, spit-roasting me in every conceivable position. Kristy's getting fucked as much as I am, and at some point, we start to wear the Alpha girls down. Kristy and I are still buzzing on ecstasy, however, so as Rachel and Cheryl take a breather, Kristy lies on her back, so I can ride her.

I can hardly feel her nice, but narrow cock as it easily slides up my well-fucked hole, but just being joined together in intercourse as new sissy sisters gives us both a special thrill. With Kristy being a t-girl's sissy wife, her ass is community property when Rachel's t-girl friends come over, so she doesn't get to fuck very often.

Using my ass is a special treat for her, as it is for me to give it to her. We fuck with me on top for a while, then she flips me over and pounds me with my legs wrapped around her waist. She gets worn out after a while, and lets me fuck her ass with my four inches of steel until we're both worn out.

The Alpha girls have long since fallen asleep, so Kristy and I go into the living room to share some quiet sissy time together. It's so interesting to share our stories about how we came to be sissies, and what it was like for each of us growing up as wimpy boys destined for failure as men.

In between different conversation subjects, we kiss and suck each other's cock a few more times, but even though we both want to, we can't muster enough energy to fuck again. We end up sleeping together on their oversized couch with our arms around each other. She falls asleep before I do, and as I hold her in my arms, I think back on the events of the day.

It's been quite a ride. I've learned so much about myself, and even had my very own sex party, in honor of me, a sissy who came out tonight as sissy-gay to herself and the world. I dread the thought of coming out to my mom and dad and all the ramifications that come with it, but I know it has to be done. It makes me happy, however, to know that whatever the outcome, I'll always have my trans friends, along with Sherry and my two Mistresses, to support me.

And please don't mention this to Sherry or Brenda, but I've never enjoyed sex with anyone as much as I've loved having sex with my own kind!

Thanks so much for reading, and I'm sorry it was kinda long, but hopefully you now know why I wanted to get everything in. Mandy loves how you've been clicking the '❤' below to let her know you like her stories. She's so excited to tell you about her next adventure. Until next time ~ Jill

Written by Jilluvscox
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