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SissyMandy - On Common Ground

"Love it sweeter when your goals are aligned"

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"I can't believe she's still asleep," Sherry whispers to Brenda, after peering into my bedroom.

"I'm not surprised. Our princess has had, shall we say… a very 'enlightening' weekend."

"Well, whatever she did with Virginia Friday night, it really wiped her out."

"She was tripping on ecstasy, which tends to do that to a horny girl. That's why Mandy was all strung-out when I brought her home yesterday."

"Ecstasy…? The only thing she mentioned was smoking a killer joint."

"That's because she didn't know Virginia sprinkled powdered ecstasy on her food when they were having dinner."

"How could Mandy not notice that?"

"Because Virginia had her under the table… licking her pussy!"

"What…? Are you kidding me? Mandy did that in public?"

"Yeah," Brenda chuckles, "Virginia loves humiliating sissies like that. She says it gives them a glimpse into their future."

"But why would she give Mandy ecstasy without telling her?"

"I never question her methods, hon, I only admire her results. All that matters is Mandy has no idea what happened to her, and she'll never know why she feels like gagging every time she tries to jack off. Just let her sleep it off. She'll be fine when she wakes up.

"Listen, I need to go take care of something today, so I'll let you two spend Sunday by yourselves. Now that Mandy knows you're going to be escorting for us, you need to get her on board with it."

"She seemed okay with it last night when we talked about it. I really don't think she can say too much about me escorting for the Hierarchy, Bren, cuz after all, she knows you're grooming her for the same exact thing.

"What is it you have to take care of…? If you don't mind me asking,"

"No, not at all. Before Virginia just texted me, I was going to talk to you about it today anyway. We need to find Mandy a girl she can eat out for her final test before we start dating her with female clients. So Virginia wants to get together with me and Janie for brunch."

"And you think a lesbian like Janie will do it? Good luck with that."

"We know how much Janie hates men, but we need a girl Mandy doesn't already know sexually, and Janie owes us a favor. We're hoping we can talk her into spreading her legs for a sissy."

"I still wouldn't count on it. Why is it so important for Mandy to eat Janie out? We already know she has a killer tongue. Christ, she has me in tears every time she licks me."

"We know she's great at pleasuring our cunts, but don't you think that might be because she's eaten us out so many times? We need to know how she'll do with a strange pussy she hasn't seen before, like she'll have to do with first-time clients."

"That makes sense, I guess. If you can't talk Janie into it, I know someone who'd probably jump at the opportunity."

"Does Mandy know her?"

"She knows her, but she's the last person on earth Mandy would ever imagine being in bed with. Mandy doesn't know this, but we've been lovers for over a year. I'm thinking it's about time she finds out about us."

"Hmmm… that could be interesting, but we'd have to cover her, so Mandy can't see her face. We don't want her to know who she's eating until after she gets her off. Do you think your friend would consent to those conditions?"

"She likes Mandy, so yeah, I'm pretty sure she would. She gets so turned on when I eat her out, she might even want to be fucked after Mandy does it to her."

"That would be a nice reward for Mandy. If Janie turns us down, we'll probably go that route."

"I can call her today to see if she's interested."

"I'd love it if you would. Gimme a kiss, my sweet, I gotta run.

"Oh… and one more thing. Don't cage her anymore unless I say so. I told her yesterday that if she promised to not jack off anymore, I wouldn't make her wear a cock cage."

"I bet she liked that."

"She was thrilled about it. Telling a sissy she doesn't have to wear a cage anymore is like telling a toddler she doesn't have to wear diapers if she can remember to use the potty.

"Have fun with your sissy husband today, and thanks for the great fuck this morning."

"Always, my Mistress. No one's better with a strap-on than you."

"Ha…! You haven't gotten it from Virginia yet, but I will… today... hahaha!"

"You bitch!" Sherry laughs. "Now I'm jealous."

"Bitches are always the best fucks," Brenda snickers in reply, never to be outdone.


Sherry let me sleep late after Brenda left because I was so burned out from the day before. I felt so lovely, waking up around noon with my beautiful wife happily sucking on my nipples. Of course, my tits had gone down considerably since Friday night, but my nipples were still puffy and sensitive with Sherry slurping all over them.

We spent about an hour in bed, talking intimately and honestly about the lifestyle Brenda is guiding us into. Now that we'll both be prostituting ourselves in the Hierarchy, there was a lot to discuss. We had the best time spending the day together, just talking and laughing, as our conversations touched on many subjects throughout the day.

We hadn't been seeing much of each other, while Brenda had us off on different paths discovering our own individual sexualities. But now our paths have come together, and in the process, we've become completely different people. We're just glad to finally be traveling on the same road again as a happily married couple.

I told her I was scared about what the neighbors will think if the hormones give me a female figure I can't hide. She said that won't be a problem, because she and Brenda have been looking for another place to live. They've narrowed their search to three secluded properties, where we'll be free to live our alternative lifestyle away from the eyes of nosey neighbors.

We were so happy yesterday that sometimes we just looked into each other's eyes and cried. Needless to say, the sex we had several times was out of this world. She called me her stud when we went to bed, and she made me feel like one as she bucked under me like a sex-crazed whore.


I'm seeing Sherry in a very different light as we're doing our morning exercises. I always hate Monday mornings, because after a weekend of being Mandy, it depresses me to have to become Mark again. Wearing nylons and panties under my business suit helps, but it's becoming very uncomfortable to switch back into male mode for the work week.

After we finish the main part of our workout, the last part when we do stretches is always a bitch for me. It kills me to lie on the carpet with Sherry pulling my legs back over my head and forcing my toes toward the floor.

I've always admired the flexibility of the porn sissies when they lock their ankles behind their necks. I love how it makes their assholes look so hot and ready to fuck. I know I'm still a long way from folding myself in half like that, but thanks Sherry, I'm bending a lot farther now than I could have done by myself.

"A little more, babe," Sherry coaches me, "five more minutes, you can do it, I know you can!"

"Fuuuck…" I grimace, "I'm trying."

"Maybe it'll help," she giggles, "if I eat your pussy. Stick it up in the air, slut-girl, show me your hot sissy cunt!"

"Ohhh… Ohhh…" I helplessly moan as her tongue circles my brown star.

She's rarely licked my ass before, but she's doing me now like it's her favorite thing. She's rimming me like a pro, and with all my attention focused on my puckering pussy, the pain in my hamstrings becomes a lot more bearable.

Just as she spits in my hole and inserts her finger, the damn timer goes off. I'm relieved to relax my legs, but I'm disappointed that she's stopped licking my ass.

"Oooo…" she giggles, "Did you like that, honey?"

"Fuck yeah…! I didn't think you liked eating ass."

"It's never been my favorite, but I know I'll have to lick ass sometimes when I'm escorting. I might as well start learning to like it by licking your tight little hole. It wasn't that bad once I got into it, probably because you have such a cute sissy ass."

"Can we do it every day?"

"Mmmm, yeah… I plan on it. After yesterday, I'm getting really horny for you again, like I want a second honeymoon or something. One reason I got the hots for you is because you're so understanding about me becoming an escort. I'm so happy about it, and I think we're gonna love working in the Hierarchy."

"I hope so, but we really don't know that much about it, other than what Brenda and Virginia have told us."

"Well, that couple I dated Friday night? The Harrisons? They're in the Hierarchy. Lyla, the wife, she escorted for fifteen years. She was telling me a lot about escorting when we were in bed… between fucks, that is."

"Did you get fucked a lot?"

"Did I ever! Those people are insatiable! It was so hot eating her pussy with John, her husband, fucking me from behind. Then they'd switch, and she fucked me with a strap-on while I sucked John's cock. She even had me fucking her a few times, too. It went on like that for hours, and we must have fucked in every position possible. I got so damned turned on, and they fuckin' worshiped me, all night long."

"Was it as good as dating your black boyfriends?"

"Oh, Mandy, it didn't even compare. The black guys I'm seeing are starting to treat me like shit. And it's never been about dating them. It's always me going to their place and being their whore. They think they own me after I've let them fuck the hell out of me a few times, and all I am to them after that is a wet cunt. I'm getting tired of being their cheap bitch.

"When I first started hotwifing, I thought I wanted only the biggest dicks. But now that I've had them, I think it's just a phase I'm going through. I'm learning that there's a lot more to great sex than just having a big dick in me.

"The Harrisons made the entire evening a total turn-on. They treated me with kindness and respect from the moment we met to go out for dinner, to the sweet kisses after the final orgasms. It was pure joy to romp with them in their bed, and the five hundred dollars they gave me was icing on the cake!

"John's a fantastic fucker, too. I think you'd like him."

"Does he have a big dick?"

"It's not huge, but it's nice. I liked him because he doesn't just jam it right in. He works it in nice and slow at first, then he gradually builds up the intensity, getting you really turned on and ready for when he really starts pounding away on you. I wanna see him use his cock like that on you, Mandy, I wanna see that so bad."

"That would be kinky getting fucked with you watching. I'd do that in a second!"

"God, Mandy, I love you so much. I wish I take you to bed right now and just ride your face, but we better take a shower instead. It's almost time to turn you back into Mark."

"Fuck, I'm hating it when I have to wear male clothes."

"Not much longer, hon. Your future is not working for your dad, as much as he might think it is,"

"I still don't know how I'm gonna tell him."

"Don't worry, Brenda and I will figure it out. We got this, and when the time comes, all you'll have to do is leave."

"I hope so. I'm really sucking at my job, more than I ever have. If it wasn't for Janine covering for my ass all the time, I'd really be fucked."

"Well, don't forget to thank her for everything she does for you."


On my way to work, I'm thinking about the shower we took after our workout. I just had to eat her out, and when I did, got the strongest urge to taste her pee. It was turning her on something fierce when licked around her pee hole, but I had to back off. Brenda told me I wasn't to tell a soul about what we do in the shower, so I went back to her sucking clit, and got her off that way.

I feel liberated, in a way, as I pull into the parking lot at work not wearing my cage. My clitty feels so much better in satin panties than in a plastic prison. Mistress said I won't have to wear one anymore if I can be a big sissy and don't jack off.

That'll be easy, because I can't think of anything more disgusting than beating my meat like a Neanderthal. Mistress said that's a sign that I'm growing up, and mature sissies like me can be trusted to keep our promises. I promised Mistress that I wouldn't jack off, and I intend to keep it.

There's a spring in my step and a smile on my face as I walk into the building and head to my office. Janine is diligently working at her desk, and catches me as I'm walking by.

"Good morning, Mark."

"Good morning, Janine," I return the usual office courtesy. "How are you doing this morning?"

"Doing well, thank you. We need to go over some contracts first thing, if you don't mind."

"Sure. Give me a few minutes to get my head back into things."

Who am I kidding? I can't get my head back into things at work, when all I can think about is my sissy life. I've got a big date lined up this Friday with Cheryl, the girl who does my piercings and prescribes my hormone pills.

I just found out last Friday that she's also a T-girl. All I can think about as I sit here is how tasty her girl-cock was when I sucked her off. Vivid recollections of swallowing her sweet cum flood my brain as I fantasize about having her fuck me. I'm thinking about asking my dad for Friday afternoon off, so I can get myself ready for Cheryl, when Janine interrupts me with a knock on my office door.

"Are you busy…? Can we go over these contracts now?"

"Y-yeah. C'mon in, now's as good a time as any."

"Sorry to rush you, Markie, but I'm putting in for a vacation day Friday, and there's a lot on my plate I need to get done by Thursday."

I cower when she calls me 'Markie' again. She does it all the time when no one else is around. I hate it, but she's a woman, superior to a sissy like me, so I can't just tell her to stop calling me by that name. I can only try to ignore it, which, of course, I can't.

"Big plans for next weekend?" I ask.

"Not really. I'm just going to help a friend of mine get ready for a party she's having on Friday."

"Sounds like fun."

"It's a surprise party, so you never know."

"You're taking the whole day off?"

"Yeah, is that a problem?"

"Well, I was thinking about taking off Friday after lunch."

"If you can stay concentrated on your work, we should be able to get everything done. Can you do me a favor?"

"Sure. I owe you tons of favors for all my fuck-ups you've covered up for me."

"Naw, I'm just doing my job. Can you two wait on asking your dad about taking Friday afternoon off until he approves my vacation day? He'll let you take off because he's your dad, but he might not let me take off if he knows you'll be gone the same afternoon."

"That's true. It's not fair to the rest of you, but I do get perks I don't deserve because I'm the boss's son. I'll wait till tomorrow to ask him."

"Thanks, Markie. I'll pay you back."

Sitting alone at my desk after Janine leaves my office, I'm resenting that remark she made about me staying concentrated on my work. I don't resent her for saying it, I resent the fact that it's true. I can't stay concentrated on my work when all I can think about is rushing home to put on my girl clothes, my makeup, and my wig. I'm infatuated with the flip side of my life, and I can't stand being Mark anymore.

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The next day, after Janine told me her vacation day had been approved, I asked my dad for Friday afternoon off. Begrudgingly, told me I could, but not before he got on my ass about how much I've been fucking up lately. I wanted to tell him the reason I keep fucking up is because I hate it here, and I hate working for him.

But I'm too much of a coward to tell him what I really think. I've never had the guts to tell my arrogant dad that I resented it when he wouldn't put me through college. I know I shouldn't blame him for thinking it would be a waste of time and money, that I'd just drop out after a year, cuz even back then I was an absent-minded sissy. I just hadn't become effeminate yet.

Maybe, if I'd had the balls, I might have convinced him that I wouldn't drop out, that I could stick with it. I could have graduated and had a college degree, but I just couldn't make my own decisions. I took the easy way out and did what he always told me I would do, I went to work for him instead. Now I'm stuck, trying to do a complicated job with a high school education. I'm too much of a pussy to tell him all that, so I had to just stand there and take it.


The rest of the week at work, I'm just going through the motions. All I can think about is my date with Cheryl Friday night. I'm watching the clock, thinking about her girl-cock, watching the clock, thinking about sucking her girl-cock, watching the clock, imagining her girl-cock cumming in my mouth, watching the clock, thinking about her girl-cock up my sissy ass, watching the clock, oh God, I'm always anxiously waiting for quitting time, when I can rush home to be Mandy again.

Fuck, what's going on inside my head? I didn't use to be like this at work. I'm a sissy in a man's world, flopping around like a fish out of water. I'm so horny all the time, it's no wonder I never get much done. I can't stop thinking about sex, and I'm always daydreaming about how pretty I am as Mandy.


As shitty as my life is at work, all that changes when I get home to my world of girl clothes and makeup. Brenda is visiting a lesbian friend when I get home Monday night, but Sherry's there, and she's still hot for me. We watched some raunchy porn after dinner, then took a shower and gave each other oral sex with the water cascading over us. Once again, I got the irresistible urge to taste her pee.

I couldn't stop myself from pressing my tongue into her pee hole as I ate her out. This is how I always get Brenda to let loose, and it was working on Sherry, too. She kept giggling and playfully telling me to stop licking her there, because it made her want to pee. I wanted to tell her so bad that I wanted her to. I wanted her hot piss flooding my mouth and splashing on my face.

The only thing that triggered me to stop was Brenda's voice playing inside my head, 'Don't you ever, EVER, tell anyone what we do in here. This is between a Mistress and her sissy. No one else, not even Sherry, can ever know about our little secret.'

I'm glad I did reluctantly stop. I fear the wrath of Brenda if I ever crossed her like that, but I still wanted Sherry's pee. I thought about it as I sucked on Sherry's clit to finish her off, hoping beyond hope that someday, I might have them both in the shower, peeing on the perverted little sissy that Brenda has turned me into.


Brenda is home Tuesday, so after dinner, I end up in bondage to work on stretching my back. She complimented me on my manners at the dinner table and praised me when I left a good portion of my food uneaten. I know I can't totally starve myself to get skinny, but I can eat only the bare minimum I need to survive.

It feels good, starving myself for Brenda. It makes me feel more submissive to her when I take everything off except for my bra and kneel to be bound and sometimes lightly beaten as Brenda continues preparing me for servitude as a Hierarchy sissy whore.

It's not exactly what I'd consider fun, but Brenda enjoys it a lot, and I'm actually seeing the results of her tying me up in bondage. I can really feel the increased flexibility in my back when I do my stretches every morning with Sherry. My goal is to be able to lock my ankles behind my neck like the sissies do in porn flicks.

After bondage time is over, Brenda sends me to my room while she and Sherry go out to visit a friend. I don't know if their friend is male or female, but I know they're going to end up in bed with whoever it is because I overheard them talking about it before dinner.

It doesn't bother me none, because I've been wanting some alone time, so I could have some fun with my rubber cocks. I'm already in the mood anyway, I mean, fuck, when am I not in the mood? Okay, so I'm even more in the mood if you really want to know.

All I'm wearing is my bra, and Mistress Virginia said I should fuck myself whenever I feel like it, and god damn, do I feel like it right now! I want to watch some sissy porn while I entertain myself, and just when I open the laptop where all my hypno videos are downloaded, for some reason that I can't explain, I think about all the sexy pictures of me downloaded on my pink sissy phone.

'My phone!' I think, 'I'm such a dumb cunt that I forgot all about my sissy phone! Oh well, who cares if I'm dumb? I can fuck good, and I'm real pretty when I'm dressed up. Maybe I'll just get turned on looking at my own pictures while I fuck myself.'

It takes me a while to remember where my sissy phone even is. But then I remember it's in the clutch purse Brenda bought for me. When I turn it on, there are all these messages that I didn't know I had. They're all from Marci, and I feel so stupid that I've been ignoring her all this time.

I hope I haven't pissed off my best friend. I better text her right now and tell her I'm sorry!

'Hey, sissy-sis,' I text, 'It's me, Mandy. Are you mad at me?'

'Hey sis!' she texts back almost immediately, 'why would I be mad at you?'

'Cuz I just saw that you texted me a bunch of times, and I was too stupid to check my phone. I'm sorry, will you forgive me?'

'It's okay. I just figured you was out getting laid by a big cock.'

'Don't I wish. I've been getting tons of sex, but it's all been pussy. No, wait, I take that back. I did suck three cocks in a glory hole, but I ain't had none up my ass for a long time.'

'God, can you come help me out? Master's been working me like a mule. This is the first night he hasn't booked me in two weeks, I think.'

'I bet your ass is sore."

'No, not really. I've been getting fucked so much lately that it's always relaxed and isn't getting sore. I love it like that, having a cunt that doesn't get sore, feeling cocks up there all the time. God, I love this life!'

'Do you cum very much when you're getting fuck like that?'

'Are you kidding, girl? Only like, all the time! When I'm gang banging, it's like one solid orgasm that never stops!'

'Damn, I think I'd love that. I just learned to cum with my ass this weekend from a Mistress.'

'You didn't know how to cum like that?'

'No. I guess I'm kinda slow sometimes. Brenda and Sherry just left, so I'm alone, and I was just about to try it again when I remembered about my phone, and then I saw your texts, and then I texted you, and then, I guess, here we are.'

'I could use a good cum. You wanna get on FaceTime and get off together? It's fun to fuck yourself while you're watching another sissy fuck herself, too."

'Oh, yeah! I was gonna just look at sexy pictures of me while I fucked myself, but it would be way funner to do it with you.'

"You got pictures of yourself?'

'Yeah, Mistress and Sherry had me pose for them.'

'I wanna see 'em! Send 'em to me!'

'There's so many.'

'Send me the whole file! I'll send you some of me. I got lots!'

'Okay, if I can figure it out.'

'Do you have a laptop with FaceTime on it?'

'Let's see… I have it right here… yup! There's the FaceTime thingy.'

'Cool! We can FaceTime on our laptops, and look at our pictures on our phones! Then we can talk and check out our pictures and fuck ourselves… all at the same time!'

'You're so smart, Marci.'

'I'm not that smart, a sissy friend showed me how to do it. Are you sending me your pics? I just sent you two files of me.'

'I just sent you the only two files I have of me. One is when I was with this black guy.'

'Get on FaceTime, so we can talk instead of texting. My fingers are getting tired.'

'Okay, okay, cut me some slack, this is so confusing. There, I'm on FaceTime. Gimme a sec to switch my phone.'

Fuck, who knew this was going to be so involved? I have such a hard time thinking when I'm horny.

'Okay… can you hear me? I see you on my laptop.'

"I can hear you and I can see you," she says over the phone.

"Fuck, finally. I get so confused sometimes. Does that happen to you?"

"All the time, sis. My friends say the more you get fucked, the less you can think, which is fine by me. I never was too good at thinking."

"I think my poor brain is disappearing, but Mistress says that's a good thing. She does all my thinking for me now."

"Master does mine, too. It's been so long since I had to think, my brain must be the size of a walnut!"

"You crazy bitch!" I laugh.

"Not crazy, sis, stupid! We're supposed to be stupid. That's what makes us such great fucks!"

"I think you're right. I don't even care anymore that I'm such a dumb cunt when I'm horny."

"Oh… god-damn babe. I just opened one of your pic files, the one with that black dude. Fuck, what a cock!"

"That's Master Keyshawn. He fucked me with that thing for like an hour!"

"Only an hour?"

"Well, he fucked Sherry two times before he fucked me."

"Oh, shit! You got that sucker all the way down your throat!"

Yeah," I giggle, "he kinda 'forced' the issue."

"Shit, Mandy, you are one hot bitch!"

"So are you. I just opened one of your files. How many guys are on that bed with you?"

"I had eight that night. Master took the pics. He uses them when he's selling me for stag parties."

"Fuck, I'm getting so hard!"

"Are we ready to start fucking ourselves? If I had a pussy, I just know I'd be drippin' wet by now!"

"Me too! I need to get fucked!"

"Do you have a mirror and a suction-cup dildo?"

"Yeah, Mistress bought me one, but I haven't used it yet. I don't know how."

"You dumb bitch!"

"Hey… I already told you, I don't care if I'm dumb."

"Me neither. All sissies are stupid cunts. Put your mirror on the floor and lick the suction cup on your cock, then stick it on the mirror."

"Okay, done. Now what?"

"You squirt lube all over it, get on it, and just ride! Watch me, and do what I do."

Fuck, this is so hot watching Marci get on her giant dildo. I squirt lube on mine like she did, and hover over it, just like she's showing me.

"You ready, girlfriend?"


"Okay. One… Two… Three… Sit on it!"

"All Riggghhhght…!" I giggle as I slide down over my toy.

"You know what to do now, bitch! Pump that pony!"

"Oh yeah! This is good!" I yell as I fuck my pleasure toy.

"You look so fucking hot with your hard clitty flipping around like that." Marci edges me on. "I wish I could suck that clit for you."

"Oh, God yes! What a bitch you are!"

"Sissy bitches, Mandy. Sissy bitches are what we are."

"I know that's right. God, I love having a dick up my ass."

"Stop pumping it now," Marci says after five minutes or so.


"Cuz we pump it hard to get our pussies red-hot inside, now we just slide down on it and rock our hips around it in circles. This is the funnest part. This is how we make ourselves cum."

"Oh yeah, I'm definitely ready to cum."

"Then close your eyes and get into it. Imagine you're riding a big black cock, and pleasure him like the fuckin' little whore you are."

"Mmmm…" I moan as I hug the rubber cock buried deep in my ass.

My legs feel like mush after bouncing up and down on it for so long. I'm sitting directly on it, all of it jammed inside me, with my legs spread apart, bent at the knees, and leaning back supported by my hands. What's weird is, with my entire sissy brain intensely focused on the pleasure in my pussy, my clitty, which was hard as hell, has lost most of its stiffness.

It's still pulsing like mad, but it's bent over in a half-hard-on. It feels so cool as it wobbles from side to side as I gyrate my hips.

"Damn, Mandy, Marci giggles, "you are such a hot little sissy!"

"So are you. You turn me on so much. I can't wait to sleep with you again."

"God, me neither. Are you ready to cum?"

"I've been ready!"

"Okay. Look at me. Squeeze your pussy around your cock as hard as you can, and imagine we're in bed."

"Doing it."

"Keep squeezing and slide up on it, like this."

Oh, fuck. I'm sliding myself up and holy fuck! The sensation is insane! My body's starting to tingle all over.

"Do you feel it?" Marci moans.

"Oh God… yeeeees!"

"Get into it, sis! My dick's in you, and your dick's in me. Ride it, babe. Ride it to the mooooooon!"

"Aaaaagh…!" I scream as waves of pleasure wash over me.

This is twice as intense as when I did it in Mistress Virginia's bed. My ass won't let go as I slowly slide myself up and down. I look down to see my tummy muscles rippling and my clit pulsing madly all over the place. Opening my eyes, I see cum dripping out of Marci's cage, and it fuckin' sends me over the edge!

My ball bag tightens up, and I feel my load traveling through my clitty vein and slowly oozing out the end. It's the most wonderful feeling in the world. Marci's cage is still dripping as she tells me how hot I look, with our orgasms making pools of cum on our mirrors. I don't know how long we came, but my eyes are all blurry when we slide off our dildos and giggle at each other on our laptops.

"See how cool that was?" Marci giggles.

"Fuck… that was the bestest cum I ever had!"

"It only gets better from here, my sissy-sis!"


"Yes, you dirty little cock-slut! Much better. You'll see. Now it's dessert time! See all that cum on your mirror?"

"Yeah, there's a lot!"

"We not only get to lick up our own cum, but we get to watch ourselves licking it up in the mirror! How cool is that?"

"It's so cool!" I say as my tongue dips into the treat I made for myself.

It's so stupid what we're doing, but so fuckin' hot at the same time. I'm so glad I got to spend time with Mistress Virginia, and I'm so glad I remembered about my sissy phone and texted Marci.

But most of all… I'm so glad I'm a sissy and having all this fun!

~~ Thanks for reading another chapter in the kinky life of Mandy. If you enjoyed it, please let Mandy know by taking a second to click the little 'like' heartbelow. It keeps Mandy happy and in the mood to tell more stories.… Until next time ~~ Jill

Written by Jilluvscox
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