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SissyMandy - Tenderness and Servitude

"Mistress takes me to a place from which I'll never be able to return..."

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Life could be so perfect, if only these moments with Mistress could last forever. Escaping into the sanctuary of her arms is always the highlight of every day, but this day is even more special to me, because I've just accepted Mistress's last name and will now be known in the sissy universe as Mandy Parker.

Okay, I realize that by giving me her last name, she's continuing to systematically destroy every shred of masculinity I ever had, but I don't care about that anymore. Considering how pathetic my life as Mark is going these days, why would I even want to be anyone other than the sissy known as Mandy Parker?

Like today at work, when because of my own negligence, I was up against a deadline and feverishly working to get this contract out on time. I would've been in really deep shit if Janine, one of our secretaries, hadn't already done most of the work that I was supposed to do on it last week.

We were going over it in my office, when in what seemed like an innocent observation on her part, Janine noticed some mascara that I apparently didn't get off in the shower. I don't know why she'd even notice something like that, let alone point it out, but I went into a state of absolute, fucking panic when she did.

Beads of sweat formed on my forehead as I squirmed to make up a flimsy lie to explain it. When she left my office with that smirk on her face, I just knew she didn't believe my pathetic excuse. It scared me as I sat there, thinking about how dangerously close she is to discovering my sissy secret.

For now at least, I've escaped all that, safe between Brenda's legs and feeding on her pussy like it's candy. Lost in this dreamy sea of sissy tranquility, I can't possibly contemplate how she's using her pussy to win my trust and break my will. She knows she's got me where she wants me when she asks me to sit beside her, and I just keep licking like I don't even hear her.

"Well, Miss Mandy Parker…?" she says as she tightly clamps my head between her legs. "Are you going to keep licking my pussy all night, or are you going to come up and sit beside me like I asked?"

"Oh… umm… sorry, Mistress, I should have immediately obeyed you."

"Understandable, my sweet, but come sit with me now. There are things we must discuss."

I forgot how slutty I'm dressed as I greedily fed on her like a pig at the trough. But I realize it now, with the water balloons in my bra cups pulling on my shoulder straps, and my feet not knowing how to move in these seven-inch platform heels. Once I clumsily get to my feet, I struggle to pull my micro mini-skirt down to at least cover my ass.

"It won't pull down, honey," Mistress laughs as I sit beside her. "I had you dress this way for a reason."

"May I ask what that reason is, Mistress?"

"You may, Mandy Parker. You're dressed this way because I didn't get any pictures of you eating pussy yesterday. So when Sherry gets home, I want some of you licking her… dressed like a slut."

"I'll like that, Mistress!" I say with giggles. "May I ask where Sherry is?"

"Sherry has a doctor's appointment."

"Why…? Is something wrong with her?"

"No, dear, nothing's wrong. She'll explain it to you when she gets home. Right now, I think you should turn on your new phone."

"Oh, yeah…! I almost forgot about my brand new, very own… sissy phone!"

"Well, Mandy Parker, turn it on. Let's see what's in that sissy phone of yours."

While I wait for it to come on, I can only imagine what Mistress has already downloaded into my phone as I stupidly count all the pretty red hearts on the pink case.

"Aaagh!" I giggle excitedly when the screen lights up. My new name, Mandy Parker, is in big, fancy letters. And behind that is a picture of me in a sexy pose they took yesterday, wearing my pale-pink baby doll nightie!

"Oh, Mistress!" I laugh. "Now I have to see myself every time I turn it on!"

"It's intentional, darling. Every time you use your phone, you'll see what a sexy sissy you are. You do look hot, do you not?"

"Yeah…" I giggle, "I'd fuck me in a second!"

"And so will every sissy-lover I show your pictures to. Do you think you're about ready for me to send you on a date?"

"I'm not sure, Mistress, but if you think I'm ready…"

"I'm first going to loan you out to a female friend of mine. Remember Virginia, the lady at Victoria's Secret?"

"How could I forget her? She was so nice to me when we were looking at training bras."

"Well, she has the same special needs that I have, and when I told her how well you've been acquiring the taste for nectar, she practically begged me to let her borrow you. I promised her she could, because I know you'd probably love to take care of her need like you take care of mine. Am I right about that?"

"You're always right about everything. I'll do my best to please her, but do you really think I'm ready to do this?"

"I wouldn't give you to a lover I've had for many years if I didn't think you could take care of her need. Now, you still have much to learn about the fine points of cunnilingus, but after what you've been doing for me in the shower, I think you're quite ready to pleasure my lady friend.

"I've already told Virginia I'll bring you to Victoria's Secret Friday night just before they close. She'll take you home with her from there."

"Will I have to get dressed up?"

"Don't ask such silly questions. You know you're an everyday cross-dresser now, so always assume that you'll be dressing extra special on dates. For a reward, you'll be happy to know, I'm taking you to see Cheryl to have your titties pumped up before I deliver you to Virginia."

"Oh, goodie…! I love pumped-up sissy boobs!"

Fuck… why am I getting goosebumps all over?


"What's all this excitement about pumped-up boobs?" Sherry comes shuffling into the living room.

"Hey, Sher…" Mistress says, "we didn't hear you come in. What did my doctor say?"

"Wow, I really like her! She understands a woman's concerns more than my old male doctor ever did. She ran some tests and everything came out fine, so I'm going in next Wednesday to have it done."

"Having what done?" I ask.

"I'm sorry, Mandy, I should have already told you. I'm having a tubal ligation operation."

"What's that? Is it bad?"

"No, it's not bad. I'm just having my tubes tied so I'll never get pregnant."

"Why? I can't get you pregnant."

"Silly sissy… I know you can't, but the black guys I've been sleeping with certainly can."

"But you're on birth control."

"Sweetie, no form of birth control is one-hundred percent reliable. The only thing that scares me about sleeping around so much, is that I've always got little spermies swimming around inside me. If just one of those teeny things ever hooked up with one of my eggs, I'd be royally fucked with an interracial pregnancy, which would probably get us disowned by our racist parents."

"Yeah, you're definitely right about that. My mom's not so bad, but my asshole dad is a bigger right-wing racist than your parents are. Is the operation hard?"

"No," Brenda breaks in to say, "I had it done when I was twenty-two. It's the best option for women like us who aren't cut out to be mothers. And it's a lot more fun for the girl if she doesn't have to worry about a pregnancy."

"Brenda's right, Mandy. I'll feel a lot safer with my boyfriends when I know I can't ever get pregnant."

"Do you want me to get off work so I can take you to the hospital?"

"No, Brenda will take me. We can't afford to have our parents even suspecting anything about this. That's why I went to Brenda's doctor. We should both go there from now on. She's very liberal-minded, like us."

"Mandy Parker will be seeing her in the future, I'm sure," Brenda says.

"Oh…?" Sherry giggles. "So Mandy… Parker is living with us now?"

"Yeah…! Mistress offered me her last name, and I accepted. She owns me now."

"Ha…!" Sherry laughs. "She's owned your sissy-ass since day one, and you know she has."

"So…? She owns me more now… and look… she even gave me my very own sissy phone!"

"Very nice, slut-girl. A special phone to text with all your sissy girlfriends."

"You know Marci's the only sissy I text with."

"Yeah, only Marci right now, but I'm pretty sure you'll be having more."

"Let's look at the pictures in your phone," Brenda then suggests.

"Geeez…" I gasp when I see dozens of pictures of me, "how many pictures did you load in here?"

"Just all the ones we took yesterday. Go ahead, look at the pretty slut you've become."

"Ohhh… Nooo…!" I giggle as I gawk at some of the dirty poses I did for them yesterday. "I can't believe this is me!"

"It damn-sure is you, Mandy Parker. That hot sissy girl you see is your true self, the person you were always meant to be."

"Oh my God! I'm going to have to text Marci about this!"

"You can text her after I get some pictures of you licking Sherry."

"Oooo…" Sherry squeals, "am I going to be in Mandy's pictures?"

"Just your twat," Brenda laughs. "I want to get a few of her eating you out while she's dressed like this. After dinner, we'll take a few more in our bedroom… because Mandy Parker's gonna sleep with us tonight."

"Oh, that should be fun!"

"Since she's been such a good girl, I promised our slave an orgasm tonight."

"Will it be from a blow job or a fuck?" Sherry laughs. "I'll do either."

"Neither. I'll be giving her a sissy orgasm."

"Fun, fun, fun!" Sherry giggles as she shimmies out of her panties. "Okay slut-girl, start licking… slave!"

"Yes, ma'am!" I say as I eagerly get on the floor to lick my second pussy tonight.

"Mmmm… yeah," Sherry moans as I work my tongue into her slit. "Get a video of this, Bren."

"Rock those hips for me, babe," Brenda coaches. "Fake it if you have to. When we get her in bed later, you won't have to fake it. Our sissy slave will lick us out good!"

"Oh… fuck…" Sherry moans when I suck on her clit, "I'm not faking it. This little slut is already warmed up!"

"She should be warmed up," Brenda chuckles, "she gave me three orgasms before you got here."

"Damn, Mandy," Sherry says as she pulls my head into her cunt, "what a lucky girl you are to have two pussies feeding you."

"I know… all I need now is a big cock!"

"No cock for you, Mandy Parker," Mistress laughs, "you get nothing but pussy this week."

"I'll take it!" I say as I'm rubbing my face in Sherry's snatch.


"Holy fuck…!" Sherry exclaims to Brenda afterwards as they go into the kitchen to start dinner. "What got into that little bitch? She's never eaten me out like that."

"Amazing what a last name will do for a sissy's mindset," Mistress chuckles.

"Geez… I guess so…. and she didn't bitch about having to wear that ridiculous outfit?"

"Nope. She put it right on, and she even got the platform heels on by herself. The final phase of completely breaking a sissy's will is when she accepts the name of her owner as her own, so the more she hears us calling her Mandy Parker, the faster she'll accept it as her permanent name.

"And once the testosterone blockers we're feeding her kick in, she should become very docile. She probably won't even want to think much for herself anymore, and that's when the real fun begins."

"Damn… this is working out just like you said."

"No surprise to me, honey. The first time we went to bed and you told me about your wimp husband, I had a very good feeling about us."

"God, I love you, Bren," Sherry throws herself into Brenda's arms, "letting you take me to bed was the best decision I've ever made!"


I see them making out in the kitchen as I go into my bedroom to get Marci's number off my other cell phone. Every time I see them kissing like that, I'm just amazed at how Sherry's blossomed into such a fine, sexy woman since she's been with Brenda. It makes me even more anxious to get in their bed and eat them out while they kiss!

My little clitty's so excited as I send a text message to Marci. We usually text later at night, so I sure hope she answers me.

'Hey, sissy-sis,' I type on my phone, "it's Mandy. Are you home?'

I'm nervously waiting a minute or two for a reply, but then she answers.

'Mandy? Is that you? This is a different number.'

'It's me… Mistress bought me a new sissy phone!'

'Whoa…! That's rad, babe. Things must be going well for you.'

'Very well! And guess what? I got my nipples pierced!'

'No… did you really?'

'Yeah, last Friday night. I got a belly ring, too!'

'I gotta see! Do you have the Facetime app on your phone?'

'Yeah, I have it, but I don't know how to do it.'

'I'll do it. You just hang up and accept my request when it comes up, okay?''

'Got it.'

A minute after hanging up, I see the Facetime thingy appear, and luckily, I push the right button.

"I see you!" Marci giggles.

"I see you, too! This is way beyond cool!"

"Yeah, we should do this every night when I'm not out on a date."

"I can't do it tonight, cuz I'm sleeping with my two Mistresses."

"Shit, you lucky bitch! You've got two women, and I've never even touched one."

"If you want some pussy, I'm sure Sherry will give you a piece next time we get together."

"I'd like to, if Master will let me. He wants to keep me a homo, which is just fine with me."

"You gotta try pussy… it's really good."

"I hope to find out one day. Show me your tits. I wanna see your piercings."

"Okay, just a sec. I got a c-cup bra on, and there's water balloons in the cups."

"You crazy sissy! Water balloons…?"

"Yeah, Mistress put 'em in my bra. They feel kinda neat when they jiggle."

"Prop your phone on a pillow, so I can watch you strip."

"Who's the crazy sissy? You think I'm gonna do a strip-tease for you?"

"C'mon… do it for me. It's not like we've never slept together, you know."

"Okay, I'll do it, just for you."

I don't realize that Brenda and Sherry are standing outside my door, listening to everything we're saying.


"This is so funny," Sherry whispers to Brenda, "they're talking like I used to talk to my girlfriends when I was fifteen!"

"Now that we've completely broken her," Brenda explains, "Mandy's mind should regress back to an immature, teeny-bopper mentality. We want her brain to get permanently stuck there, so we can mold her into anything we want. Marci's perverted little brain is already stuck in teenager mode, so she's the perfect nympho role model for Mandy to have."

"Oh look!" Sherry peers through the crack in my door. "She's doing a strip-tease for Marci!"

"Now ain't that cute?" Brenda laughs. "Two little sissy sluts showing off their cute little pierced titties. Just what we want to see. Let's leave these two 'pre-teens' to themselves. Things are progressing very nicely."


It's so much fun playing with Marci on Facetime! As I'm taking off my top, she's taking hers off at the same time. But she can't match me when I hold a water balloon-filled c-cup in each hand and jiggle them for her. I'm so glad I'm a sissy now, because otherwise, I wouldn't be having fun like this at all.

"Take off your bra," Marci giggles. "Show me your tits, you whore!"

"You're more of a whore than I am!"



"Don't be. You'll be catching up soon. I told you that you were going to be one, didn't I?"

"You did, and maybe you were right."

"I know I was right. Every sissy who gets brought to the Laguna d'Amour sissy resort ends up a whore."

"I got a whore date this Friday night."

"Are you gonna get pumped full of cum?"

"Nope. Eat your heart out, homo-girl, cuz my date's with a woman. I'm getting poooo-seeeee!"

"Fuck…! Not fair… you bitch! Shut up and show me your god-damn tits!"

"Okay… here goes."

I can't stop laughing as I unhook my strap and let my bra fall away.

"Oooo… I just love your nipple rings!" Marci swoons. "I kinda wanted rings, but Master wanted me to have posts."

"I wanted posts like yours, but Mistress chose rings for me."

"Well, we don't get to choose. It's whatever our owners decide for us. But I like it when I don't have to think, cuz I'm not too good at it. Sex is all I ever think about."

"I'm getting that way. I hate my job. I really suck as a man."

"I did too. I'm so much happier being Master's sissy, cuz he does all my thinking for me."

"I know. Someday, I hope…"

"Someday you hope what…?" Mistress suddenly appears in my bedroom.

"Oh… nothing."

"Hi, Marci," she says into my phone.

"Hi, Mistress Brenda. Me and Mandy are having loads of fun!"

"I see, but it's time to end this call. Mandy has to eat dinner now."

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"That's cool. I have to get ready for my date tonight anyway."

"Big date?"

"A bachelor party. I'm the party for five guys tonight."

"Well, you're the expert gang banger."

"My specialty!"

"I heard about you before I saw you in action. I hope to see you again."

"With Mandy, I hope."

"Of course. You two are good together. We have to go now."

"Okay. Bye sissy-sis."

"Bye Marci, my sissy-sis."


"Nice to have a special phone to talk with your special friend?"

"Yes, Mistress, doing Facetime was neat!"

"What was that I heard about you hating your job?"

"Oh, we were just talking about how we suck as men. Then I thought about my job."

"I've known for some time that you hate your job."

"I do hate it. I didn't used to, but lately, I just can't keep my mind focused on what I'm supposed to be doing."

"That's because the more sissy you become, the less you're able to function as a man. We will talk soon about what we're going to do about your job, but right now, it's time to eat. Are you hungry?"

"I've been so hungry all afternoon, but I know I have to get skinny for you, so I didn't mind."

"Good thinking, Mandy Parker. Let's eat now… and put on a bra before you come out. A girl shouldn't go around topless."

I'm expecting another bowl of soup and plain salad for dinner, but I'm pleasantly surprised to see a grilled chicken breast on my plate, along with steamed carrots and broccoli.

"This looks better than what I ate last night," I tell Sherry.

"I want to fix you things you like," she says. "I looked online today for some low-fat recipes. I think you'll like the ones I picked out."

"I liked the smoothie you made this morning. I wasn't hungry until I had to skip lunch, but it was okay, because I know two meals a day will get me skinny faster."

The grilled chicken tastes great, but the steamed veggies are kinda bland. I guess I'll get used to it, and at least it's better than canned soup. I'm enjoying dinner for the most part, except when Mistress scolds me about taking big bites. She says paying attention to the way I eat is important when I'm on a date. I'm not thrilled about Mistress correcting me, but I know it's for my own good.

"Mandy," she says when we've finished eating, "go into the bathroom, clean your sissy-puss real good, and plug yourself. Then change into a sexy bra and panty set and meet me in the living room, wearing your wrist and ankle cuffs."


Fuck… I was hoping to go right into their bedroom after dinner, instead of heading into the bathroom to give myself an enema and stick a plug up my butt. Stupid me, I should've known that Mistress was going to make me earn it. But I don't really mind all that much, because I'm pretty much used to being plugged all the time now, and I know that eventually this night will end with the three of us in bed together.

I come out of my bedroom wearing purple fishnet stockings and dark lavender panties with matching bralette, along with my wrist and ankle cuffs. Afraid of invoking Brenda's wrath, I put the fucking platform heels back on before going into the living room, where she's waiting for me with the leather straps.

"You look very pretty, my little slave," she compliments as I stumble in on my seven-inch heels.

"I wasn't sure if I was supposed to wear my heels, Mistress, so I put them back on to please you."

"You could have left them off, but it pleases me very much that you chose not to act without my permission. You do realize that a price must be paid before you can receive the gift of Sherry and me bringing you into our bedroom, don't you?"

"Yes, Mistress, I do, and I welcome the opportunity to serve your wishes."

"It is my wish that you submit to strap bondage every night, so that we can stretch your spine forward and backwards until you're as flexible as a sissy whore should be."

"That is my wish, too, but before we start, may I ask you something?"

"Of course you may. What would you like to know?

"Well, Marci told me that every sissy who gets taken to the sissy resort ends up a sissy whore. Is that true?"

"I don't know about every sissy who's been taken there, but I've never seen a sissy there who wasn't already one, or wasn't being groomed to be one. In case you're wondering, the reason I took you there was to have you bred with Rob, but it should be obvious by now that I'm also grooming you to be like the sissies you saw there."

"Yeah, I've kinda known that all along. I do get excited about it when Marci tells me how much she loves being a sissy whore, and I think I will, too. I wanna be happy like Marci is."

"It pleases me, Mandy Parker, that you've accepted your destiny. Accepting it is the hardest part, really. The rest is easy by comparison, and rather enjoyable to work towards becoming what you were always meant to be."

"Mandy Parker was born to serve you, Mistress. Would you like my arms behind my back now?"

"Yes, slave. Offer yourself up for bondage. I'll let you choose which way you want to bend first."

"Backwards is the hardest, so I'd like to do that first."

Kneeling before my Mistress for the first time as Mandy Parker gives me a deeper sense of devotion as she buckles the collar around my neck and binds my wrists behind my back. I willingly submit as she pushes my face into the carpet and ties my ankles together. For some reason that I don't yet fully understand, my caged clitty pulses with excitement as she buckles the leather strap to my collar and bends me tightly backwards.

"I've set a timer for five minutes in this position, Mandy Parker," she says before leaving the room, as I struggle not to choke.

A minute later, she comes back and puts the popper bottle under my nose, telling me to sniff. I do, of course, and the electric rush that follows greatly reduces the pain in my back. A smile comes over my face as the amyl nitrite quickly peaks and leaves me in a state of relaxed euphoria.

"I want this to be a pleasurable experience for my slave," Mistress tells me as the blood rushes to my head. "You'll begin to look forward to your nightly bondage time as you see the benefits this will bring."

"Your slave has a pleasurable experience every time she pleases her Mistress."

"Sherry and I love you as much as we love each other," she says as she holds my head and dominates me with french kisses.

My helplessness to her aggression thrills me so much that I forget about the pain in my back and concentrate solely on submitting to my Mistress. I shudder when she reaches down and grabs my balls as her tongue penetrates deeply into my mouth.

I lose track of time and forget that I'm even bound as she squeezes my little sissy balls, causing deep moans of pleasure to well up inside me. She completely ignores my clitty, but grips my ball sack tighter, which makes me clench my ass around the plug.

"That's it, slave," she whispers when she sees my ass puckering, "only think about your pussy tonight. The only place a sissy should ever cum is through her pussy-ass."

The very next moment it seems, the timer goes off and I'm relieved that it wasn't nearly as bad as last night. I guess Mistress was right when she said all I have to do is accept my destiny.

"See sissy-poo…? That wasn't so bad, was it?"

"Not as bad as last night."

"Bondage might seem hard at first, but as we get more into it, my slave, you'll come to love the submissive joy it brings you."

I wouldn't exactly call it 'joy' just yet, but I do find a weird sort of satisfaction in submitting every part of myself to her. I know that if I wasn't caged, my little clitty would be hard as hell from the thrill of her tying my knees together and bending me tightly forward this time.

"Ten minutes in this position, slave, then you'll receive your reward."

"Your slave looks forward to it."

"Does my slave also look forward to more bondage time?"

"If it pleases my Mistress, it pleases her slave."

"I'll be right back, slave," is all she says, "enjoy."

How I'm supposed to enjoy myself being bound in this awkward fetal position, I'll never know. But my little clitty seems to have a mind of its own, pulsing with excitement as I close my eyes and wait for the timer to go off.

I don't hear Mistress coming back in, but I welcome her touch as I feel her fingertips running up the backs of my legs. As she continues caressing my bare skin, I realize that those aren't fingertips brushing across my skin. The frayed tips of the flogger straps are what I'm feeling.

"Just relax, my slave," she whispers as the leather straps circle my ass. "Submission will bring you great pleasure."

As she runs the flogger straps up and down my body, her free hand unbuckles my platform heels. It's such a relief when she removes them and lightly strikes the bottoms of my feet with the flogger. She then brushes it up my legs and circles it around my ass again.

I flinch when she unexpectedly strikes my cheeks and makes them sting. It kinda feels good until she strikes me harder a few more times. I let out a little whimper to let her know this is starting to hurt.

"Relax, sweetheart," she says in a soothing voice, "great pleasure always follows slight pain."

"I want to please you, Mistress."

"You are, Mandy Parker, you are. Only six more minutes left on the timer."

The six minutes go by rather quickly, since I can only concentrate on my ass as she firmly strikes me several more times, along with gentler strikes across my back. My ass feels hot when she lays the flogger straps across my face, leaving it there as she kisses down my back, licks in between my crack, and then takes my ball sack into her mouth.

I can't describe how wonderful my balls feel in her mouth as her tongue circles around them in a figure-eight pattern. She then makes me squirm when she teases her wet finger around my plug-stretched hole with twisting and pulling on the butt plug. I'm in a heavenly state of mind when all too soon, the timer goes off.


Wondering how she did what she just did, I lie silently still as she loosens the straps and frees me from my bonds. I'm stretching out my back straight, when she puts the popper bottle under my nose again. I don't have to be told to take a sniff, and I take a big one.

Every part of my physical being tingles as I momentarily lose consciousness and slip into a sort of hypnotic state of mind as Mistress straddles my face and squeezes my balls.

"Just lie still and enjoy," she tells me when I attempt to pull her panties to the side to lick her sweet-smelling pussy. "This is for you, my beautiful sissy. Tonight, you have earned the most beautiful release a sissy can experience. Focus all your attention on your pussy. Nothing exists in this moment, except for your pussy."

It's hard to think about only my sissy-pussy, with only the thin fabric of her panties preventing my tongue from tasting her sweet juices again. But then she pulls my legs back, locking my relaxed knees under her arm pits. I tingle all over, overwhelmed with lust as she takes my sissy balls back into her warm mouth and works them over with her tongue.

Pressing her panty-clad pussy into my face, she then pulls my legs further back until my ass is pointing towards the ceiling. Up to this point, all I've been thinking about is how wonderful my balls feel in her mouth, but my attention shifts to my sissy ass when she pulls the plug and inserts a finger inside me.

With her tongue massaging my balls, her finger begins swirling around my anal ring, making it pucker with delight. Mistress has never actually made love to me before, and all I can do is throw my arms behind my head and enjoy this rare moment. Before I know it, she's got three fingers inside me, working my already stretched hole to an even larger gape.

"Oh, God," I moan as her probing fingers drive me crazy.

"Like it…? Slave?"

"Fuuuuuck!" I continue to moan as she pulls my legs even farther backwards.

I'm bent nearly in half, and all I can see is my caged clitty above face. The strain is almost unbearable as my feet touch the floor with her knees pressing them in place. "Nice," I hear Sherry say as she peeks into the living room.

The pressure on my neck is making me dizzy as Mistress again sucks my balls into her mouth. My asshole suddenly comes alive as she squirts an ungodly amount of lube into my anal passage and inserts four fingers in me this time. I'm squirming as much as this tightly constrained position will allow as her fingers wiggle inside me and circle around my prostate.

"Fuuuuck…" I groan to the intense pleasure.

"This is your pleasure spot, slave," she tells me, "have you felt a cock rubbing against it when you've been fucked?"

"I have, Mistress, but it always feels uncomfortable, so I move my pussy away from it."

"Don't resist it, honey. Embrace it. This is where a sissy cums."

"It is?"

"Yes, darling, it is. Some sissies naturally embrace it, but most, like you, need to be taught. Just lie back and embrace it, feel the pleasure moving through your beautiful sissy body."

"Oh, damn," I let out a deep sigh as two fingers rub up and down my prostate.

Electric charges of ecstasy fill me with pleasure as I embrace what I once resisted. The electricity gets stronger, with tingling sensations seeping deep into my skin, making me quiver as it increases. All my thoughts focus in on my stretched hole and the erotic things she's doing inside my ass, or should I say… pussy.

Resisting the urge to close my eyes, I look up to see a bead of pre-cum forming on my clitty cage as Mistress continued performing her magic. I feel a new sense of freedom, like giving myself completely to my Mistress frees me from the manhood that really never fit me. I know this is what she's wanted, what she's been planning. This is exactly how she wishes me to experience my first full-body sissygasm.

I watch the drop of pre-cum grow until its weight causes it to fall. A string golden goo stays connected to my cage as the sweet drop of my essence lands directly on my tongue, as if this is exactly how Mistress planned it. The strain in my back disappears as I taste my golden goodness and watch another drop forming in its place.

I so wish she could put her entire hand inside me and jack my prostate to the orgasm I feel building inside me. My entire body shakes as another drop of pre-cum falls in my mouth. As a man, there was only one part of my body that got aroused. As a sissy, Mistress is teaching me that a dick's pleasure cannot compare to the pleasures my sissy ass can give me.

Drops of pre-cum come one after another now, leaving a perfect taste in my open mouth as I greedily anticipate what I know is surely on the way. Mistress does not disappoint me, knowing the precise moment to clamp her teeth around the base of my balls, while simultaneously pressing hard against my prostate with her two fingers encircling it.

Fireworks go off in my head, electric energy surges through my body as the pre-cum turns into white, tasty sissy-semen. It feels like I'm spurting ropes of cum from my caged clitty, but there's only a slow, steady flow of the delicious, creamy white stuff. My own semen tastes better than any man I've sucked off, and I hold my mouth wide open to catch every drop.

Instead of the quick peak of pleasure I get when I've jacked off, this orgasm goes on and on, seemingly into eternity. I'm completely out of my mind as Mistress sucks hard on my balls, her fingers slipping out of my ass as I clench around them to prevent their retreat. She licks around my hole as the flow of cum slowly subsides, leaving me with the most fulfilled feeling I could ever imagine.

She gently unfolds my body until I'm laying flat on the floor, my eyes barely able to focus on her beautiful face as she leans down to kiss me.

"Oh fuuuuuck, Mistress," I purr, "that was wonnnnn-derful!"

"Just a sampling of the pleasures that await you, my slave, when you submit every cell in your body, every thought in your head, and every piece of your soul… to me."

"It feels like that now, like I'm a part of you."

"We are of the same soul, you and I. I am your Mistress, and as my sissy slave, I own you. I control everything you think, everything you do, and every single aspect of your life. Is this understood?"

I'm at a complete loss for words as she tells me this, only able to stare into her succubus eyes and nod my head in a gesture that tells her that I know this to be true. I accept that I'm powerless to be anything other than what she tells me I am.

"Our bonding is now complete, sissy-love," she whispers, "and we are one."

Author's note ~ If you liked this chapter and want to read more about Mandy's adventures, please take a second and click the 'Like' button. It's the only way I'll know if enough readers want more Mandy stories as I decide whether or not to move on to write something else. ~~ Jill

Written by Jilluvscox
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