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Author's Notes

"This story will conclude the Becoming A Man series of Joe's journey into sexual adulthood. <p> [ADVERT] </p> Joe’s further adventures are described in many of my other stories, however."

“I feel like you've been avoiding me lately, Joe. Are you mad at me?”

Steve and I were both naked as he asked me this.

No, we hadn't been having sex. We were both standing in the open shower of our dorm.

It was early evening on Thanksgiving. I'd bugged out of my family get-together right after the meal was over. Although we all usually got along pretty well, there had been some weirdness and dysfunction this year: subtle digs about dishes others had brought, one uncle expressing his views a bit too freely. Nothing awful, just an unpleasant vibe, and the passive aggressiveness, usually subtle, was turned up a notch. I was in no mood for bullshit this year.

So I had slipped out with one of my cousins after dinner, had a beer with him at the bar to commiserate, and then raced right back to the dorm. I immediately hit the shower to clear my head and wash away the ickiness of the family tension. The dorm was deserted, and I looked forward to an evening alone in which to decompress.

Until Steve walked in. Now things were just as tense as they'd been at the family dinner.

I'd met Steve three years earlier at Freshman Orientation, ironically the very same day I'd said goodbye forever to Laura, my first true love, as we both went off to college.

Eager to start my new life, I had made a number of fast friends that first day, Steve among them. He and I had clicked immediately. Similar tastes in music and movies, stuff like that. Unlike me, he was openly gay. Unlike some (publicly) straight guys, that didn't bother me in the slightest, though I had no sexual interest in him whatsoever.

Although we were good friends and had now known each other for some time, I hadn’t revealed my bisexuality to him. Somehow I wasn’t sure gay people would always accept my bisexuality any more than straight people would. So like most men in my situation, I kept my ideas to myself.

Steve and I lived on the same floor this year, so we hung out quite a bit. I'd had a girlfriend, Francine, for most of the fall, but when I wasn’t with her, I was often hanging out in his room shooting the shit. I felt close enough to him to talk about not only my relationship with Francine, but my earlier one with Laura too - though neither in deep sexual detail, of course.

Then, one night after we'd had a couple of beers, there was some light banter about sex between Steve and a couple of his other gay friends who were there, and he asked, "What about you? I bet you've got a nice package there."

In retrospect, I realize he probably was just teasing and not actually hitting on me, but I didn’t take it the right way. I quickly redirected the conversation quickly to something else … and afterward I kind of avoided hanging out with Steve. I know it was childish and homophobic, but I was really uncomfortable somehow.

It wasn’t because I was interested, at least consciously. For whatever reason, my man-on-man fantasies always involved another like-minded bi guy. Maybe that was somehow less threatening? In any event, the idea of being with a totally gay man hadn’t been on my radar, and I honestly had never thought of Steve in any kind of sexual way.

Besides which, Francine had made it clear she felt threatened by my sexual attraction to other men, even though I had no problem staying faithful and there was no actual threat at all. It seemed hypocritical to me, since we had first gotten together as a foursome involving her other roommates, as detailed in Part 10 of this series. But she had disavowed that night's girl-on-girl activities completely as a one-time experiment, so maybe she found it particularly unnerving that my same-sex experimentation was not one-time. In any case, she never found herself able to trust me, and dumped me the week before Thanksgiving.

So it was that on this Thanksgiving night, I was a ball of frustration, enjoying a shower to cleanse my hurt feelings from being dumped by Francine, as well as all the family sewage that had bubbled up at Thanksgiving dinner. At last, I was blessedly alone with my thoughts … when in walked Steve. That sure didn’t help my mood.

Apparently, he and I were the only two guys who'd come back to our floor of the dorm that night, and now we were both naked - literally, and as it would turn out emotionally - next to each other.

After some brief small talk, I explained why I'd returned to the dorm early.

He said that he too had come back to escape his family. He had come out to them today at Thanksgiving dinner, but it had not gone well. His sister was supportive, but his other siblings and cousins took it coolly, and the older generation reacted downright poorly - including his father. They ended up fighting, and then his mother and father ended up fighting. He left in the middle of all that, and didn't even know how the evening resolved.

So he was in a far deeper world of hurt than I, and I guess in the mood to cut through crap and weirdness. Maybe in my state, I was too, although sex was not on my mind at the moment.

"If you're mad at me about something, please tell me."

I paused for a minute, then reminded him of when he'd made comments about my “package”. Recognition hit his face.

"Oh, oops. Gosh, I'm sorry about that, Joe. You know me, I run off at the mouth sometimes. I was a little drunk and just talking shit. Look, I know you're straight. Please, I didn't mean anything by it. I really wasn't trying to hit on you."

He was so candid and open in his apology - which was emblematic of his personality anyway - that I felt terrible. Especially knowing what he'd just been through today, my little butt-hurt seemed pretty inconsequential.

I realized I'd been a jerk, and told him so. Of course he didn't mean anything by it! I should have known that, and just told him right away that his comment bothered me, so we could have moved past it a long time ago.

"Oh, it's fine. Believe me, that's the nicest thing anyone has said to me today. Well, except for my sister, who is the ONE family member who supports me."

"Sorry, that's really shitty. I hope they come around and realize you're the same Steve they've always known."

"Thanks. Maybe they will someday. It did feel good to finally be rid of that secret.”

I guess I felt disarmed by his bravery, and though I was still sorting through my feelings it bothered me I still hadn't been fully honest with him all these years. "Um ... so you're good at keeping secrets, huh?”

He shot me a serious look. "You bet your straight ass I am. If you tell me you just robbed a bank, or fucked a little old lady and her sister last week - I will not tell a soul. Nuh-uh. Secrets are sacred."

"Ok. Um, so ... how do I put this? Well ... I'm not completely straight."

"Ahh, a little hetero-flexible, are we? Somehow that one slipped past my gaydar, but sometimes you bi guys can be even better at hiding it than we are. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. And good for you! That's a big step, coming out to someone like that … especially while you're naked.“

“It’s actually why Francine dumped me. She could never me to be faithful and stay away from other guys, even though I never would have cheated on her - with a girl or a guy."

“Wow, Joe. That is really shitty and narrow-minded. Sorry, it’s probably hard to hear right now, but there are plenty of women who won’t hold your interests against you. And there are some who find it hot.”


“You’ll find them, and maybe more guys too - now that you don’t have to avoid us.” He held up his hands. “Sorry, I don’t mean personally, of course. Just saying guys, generally, that you might be interested in. Besides, you wouldn't be the first guy who likes a little dong on the side, but only from other bi guys like yourself. Honestly, I don't know how you ever find each other."

"Well, maybe we mostly don't. It's only happened a few times."

"Just so you know the pool is bigger than maybe you realize, we aren't contagious. If a gay guy gave you the best blowjob in the world, you'd still like women if you liked them before. If there's anyone who knows you can't change who you're attracted to, it's someone who’s gay.”

"Well, and I think it would be weird getting with someone who's gay. I'd hate to lead him on." He gave me a patronizing look. "I mean, I mostly like women. So it couldn't go anywhere."

He chuckled. "Oh, Joe. GO anywhere? Believe me, THAT is not a concern. Maybe you haven’t heard, but a lot of gay men are kind of known for having no-strings sex, and then going on being friends as if nothing happened?”

Of course! Once he said it I realized how ignorant my thinking had been. He continued, "We never let sex ruin a good friendship. But we also don't let friendship ruin the chance for good sex."

Well, duh! With this irrational mental block removed, I suddenly saw possibilities. Including one standing next to me.

I became aware that in my rebound state after getting dumped by Francine - ironically, because I liked dick - I was really hungry for dick.

"So ... if - hypothetically - you and I had sex, it wouldn't change our friendship?"

"Of course not!” He paused a moment and smiled. “Why? Are you thinking about it after all?”

"Well, I don't know," I said equivocally. I couldn’t help but notice that his penis, while not yet hard, had grown.

It twitched a little as he noticed me glancing at it.

"Look, I wouldn't let a fling affect our friendship, but I would need to know that you won't let it affect our friendship. You really think we could see each other tomorrow and say hi to each other in the hallway same as before, after having my dick in your mouth? No awkwardness like - ahem! - the last few weeks? No one would know about it but us, and we'd still hang out together? As if nothing had happened?"

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"Yeah, I think so."

He smiled and his penis rose at attention. "Well, it does look like you have a nice package there."

I walked over to him and wrapped my hand around his cock. Then I leaned in and kissed him.

We put our wangs together under the hot shower water, then I dropped to my knees and took his into my mouth.

"Hey, you're pretty good at that. I can tell you've had a little practice."

After a few minutes, he tensed up and blew a nice tasty load in my mouth. Before I swallowed, he had me stand up and we kissed some more, Steve sucking some of the cum from my mouth. He turned sideways, sticking his butt out a little, and said, "Wanna do me?”

I hadn't ever done this, but I felt like expanding my horizons. "Yeah, sure."

He sensed a little hesitation and asked, "First time?"


"OK, I'll guide you through it. First, let me lube you up." He knelt down and took me in his mouth, only for a moment, leaving lots of spit on it.

Then he stood up and held our cocks together. His was still slippery with his cum. Then he stood still for a minute, like he was concentrating on something far away. Despite the lack of movement, the feeling was fantastic and I felt like I could cum any moment.

And then I suddenly felt something warm.

It was a stream of piss! Only a second’s worth, maybe an ounce, but enough to make a really slick mixture with the cum and spit. He swirled the stuff around on my cock, then reached back and rubbed some on his asshole.

"Listen. Don't just shove it in there. Put it against the hole, hold steady, and let me ease myself onto you. Once you're most of the way in me, then you can start pumping all you want."

He spread-eagled himself against the shower wall. I stood behind him with the end of my dick up against his asshole. He slowly enveloped the end of my prick, until I was in an inch or two inside, then pushed onto me faster until I was buried to the hilt.

It felt amazing - not as slick and silky as a vagina, but much tighter. And just as warm. I reached around to gently massage his flaccid but still engorged cock, and started kissing his neck. Then I worked on his balls, which got him moaning pretty good.

I figured out that when I was all the way in him, I could rub all four of our balls together, since they were so distended by the warm shower water. That got him moaning even harder.

"Mmmmmmmmmm, that feels really good. Still, don’t think all these hot moves of yours will make you gay. Oh, by the way ... did you ever let your Laura know about your ... inclinations?" Steve was referring to my high school sweetheart whom I'd just broken up with the morning I met him at orientation.

"Yeah, we were pretty open with each other,” I grunted.

"What did she think of it?"

"She thought it was really hot, how open-minded I was."

Thinking about this got me near orgasm. It had only been a couple of minutes, but his tight ass was squeezing my pecker really hard. Steve sensed my impending climax. "Yeah, shoot that hot load in me, you hot assfucker. Fill me up!"

And so I did. He turned his head back and we kissed some more with me still in him.

As we were cleaning up (after all, the showers were still running) he asked, "So did Laura have any fantasies about other women? I know you straight boys are really into that."

"Well, yeah. Actually, the night before I met you was my last time with her, and we had a threesome with her best friend.”

"Hey, you’ve been holding back on me. I want details!"

I proceeded to tell him a short version of how, on our last night together, Laura had set up this "freedom" ceremony where she broke her romantic ties with me, her best-friend ties with Dorothy, and the restraints holding Dorothy and myself back from each other, opening the door for an incredible threesome. Readers interested in the full story can check out Part Five of this series, by the way.

It was kind of amazing talking about stuff like this with another guy in the shower, both our dicks red and semi-hard from sex - and hardening again as I told the story.

"Oh shit. Laura sounds like an amazing woman. I'm not into girls, but look! That’s so fucking hot even I got hard hearing you tell the tale.”

After a pause, he asked, "Speaking of tails, any interest in trying things the other way?"

"Other way?"

"One of these“ - indicating his rigid rod - “inside you?”

He held up his hands. “No pressure. Totally cool if you're not ready."

The idea of taking a hot cock in me intimidated me a bit, but it had been cropping up in my fantasies a lot lately. On a few occasions, I’d even experimented a couple of times with sticking wax candles and screwdriver handles up myself, and the sensations were really enjoyable. One time I had even managed to rub a candle against my prostate, surprising myself with a little pre-ejaculation.

I was a little nervous about sticking something as big as a hard cock in there, though, but I knew I wanted to try it someday. And suddenly I realized that it might be better to try it first with an experienced gay guy than with a fellow inexperienced bi guy.

"I've never done that, but lately I've been more interested in trying it."

He smiled. "I am a pretty good teacher. And very gentle."

“Yeah, I think I do want to try it."

"Let's go back to my room, where I have some proper lube and no one will catch us. We might be pushing our luck in the shower here. And we've already steamed up the place enough."

We put some token clothes on in case anyone saw us in the hall, then ran to his room. "One more time: are you sure you want to do this?"

"Hell yes."

He put some lube on his fingers, walked up next to me, and started kissing me, gently slipping a finger inside me and working it in and out a few times, followed by a second finger. Boy, that felt great.

Then he slipped a condom over his raging hard-on, applied some additional lube over it, sat down on the edge of the bed and said, "OK, what you need to do is just ease yourself back onto me. Once I start to push a little bit inside you, stop. You're only past the first sphincter then, and it takes longer for the second one to relax."

This was it. I was going to get fucked.

I breathed deep and tried to relax, and felt his penis push inside me. I guess I didn't quite follow orders. I let it go in an inch or two right away, then felt pain and jumped back off. "Ow!"

He smiled. "It's OK, that happens to lots of people the first time. Remember, don't push it in too fast. It'll start to go in on its own, once you're relaxed inside."

I moved back into position, his warm hands on my shoulders to steady (and calm) me. This time I paused after he started to push in. Sure enough, after a little bit, I felt myself opening up back there, and his cock slipping in.

The pleasure was intense. I hadn't realized this was basically the second most sensitive part of my body after my cockhead.

I also wasn’t expecting the warmth of him in me. I’d only experimented with room-temperature objects before. I hadn’t imagined what it would feel like to be penetrated by something warm.

Beyond warm. He didn’t feel just warm in my tunnel, he felt HOT. His dick was like a heating element warming me up from inside. I’d always thought anal could feel good, but this was far beyond my expectations.

"You okay up there? I'm in you."

"Ohhh yeah I’m okay. It feels amazing. Are you all the way in yet?"

In a couple more seconds I felt his pelvis up against me and his pubes tickling my ass. "I am now. Still OK?"

I felt full, but in a good way. "Yeah. Feels great so far."

Every thrust repeated the intense stimulation I'd felt when he first went in. I groaned loudly each time.

After a few minutes, he pulled out and suggested I lie on the bed. He bent down to suck my cock for a moment, licking off a couple of drops of cum that had oozed out, then lifted my legs and re-entered me. This time he slipped in easily. He leaned down to kiss me. The combination of a hot cock in my ass, his tongue in my mouth, and the taste of cum really got me excited.

So this was what it felt to be laid by a man. A hard male body draped over mine, his powerful hot penis thrusting inside me, his scratchy lips and muscular tongue deep-kissing me. I knew most women liked it. I now realized I did too.

The intensity of the pleasure didn't subside. It just rose to an almost-orgasmic level and stayed there for minutes. On some of the strokes, I saw little dribbles of white cum leaking out of my cock, even though I wasn't quite having an orgasm.

Still deep-kissing me, Steve started moaning, tensed up, and came. I could feel his penis flexing and pulsing as he came. He pulled out, licked the cum dribbles off my cock and then started sucking. I came within seconds.

He climbed up next to me, kissed me again and lay down next to me, asking, "See, sex with a gay man isn't so bad? We'll still be friends tomorrow, and no one will ever know we did this. And you know what? I bet you're still not gay. If your Laura walked in the door right now, I bet you a hundred bucks you’d still want to go a third time and do her. Maybe in front of me.”

My schlong twitched at the thought of Laura discovering me in bed with another guy.

He was right. I still wanted women. But I also wanted more ass action with men, now that I knew what to do and how good it felt.

”Yeah, you're right. Thanks for setting me straight."

Written by joe71
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