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Lesbian Female, 35
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Our couple remember those before them

I wore a retro forties style dress complete with traditional stockings and suspenders. Alain a vintage suit, double-breasted with wide lapels and a Fedora hat. Deep into the poppy field with its mass of crimson colour, we stopped at a fallen tree and I lifted my skirts and leaned forward. Slowly he eased my French cut knickers down, the breeze caressing my moist lips. I felt his heat and smelt his musk as he lined his coc...

 I’d been watching the woman on the opposite balcony. Each morning she would strip naked and follow a yoga routine. I pulled a chair to my window and settled with my heels on the windowsill. I could see her lithe body glinting with perspiration in the sunlight. Knees parted I started to stroke my already wet slit. The large carefully chosen silver bangle on my wrist was catching and reflecting the sun. She looked across a...

Living Above The Garage Part Two

Amy and Tabitha develop their relationship.

I had said my goodnights to mum and dad, and with hugs to each of them, headed to my new quarters above the garage. A short while later, the alarm system gave its signature bleep to announce that it was armed. This confirmed that my parents had retired to their room on the other side of the house. Now, we didn't have a huge house, but it's on a corner plot, and my room is above the garage. What my parents didn't know, and...

Living Above The Garage

Amy gets her freedom

It was two months since Cindy had moved out of the family home to go to university. She’s my big sister, the one person that I could chat with, explore my thoughts with. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I could be myself with her, no judgement or disappointment on her face, just a generous, loving friend.  I’m Amy, and I live with my mum and dad and our dog Woody. We’re a loving, supportive family, but my parents ar...

Camilla Spreads Her Wings

Our Girl Flies the Nest

University was finally over after three long years of near-constant study with holidays devoted to internships. It was hard coming from a high-achieving family; targets were high, expectations even higher and failure unheard of. It was even harder when you’re the youngest and just not as academically gifted as your older siblings. I have a brother and a sister. Eric is an ophthalmic surgeon, a real high flyer. Daisy, the...

The first few days were kind of novel. Not surprisingly, after all, we were dealing with novel coronavirus. I slept in, ate leisurely and caught up on my box sets. All the things you dream of doing when work beckons every day. I lived alone, my requirements were relatively simple, and I had stocked up at the market on my way home from work that last day. It must have been around day three or maybe four that I started to g...

Phoebe's Treats, The Christmas Ball

Tania meets a group of hedonists

Summer had moved through autumn. Long warm days, full of bright sunshine, had transitioned into cooler shorter days, full of pretty fall colours and then to winter. Bitingly cold, short days with the ever-present promise of frost and snow. It was just fourteen more sleeps until Christmas day. The decorations were in the shops. The lights were strung along the streets and malls. The air full of cinnamon and spicy scents an...

Phoebe's Treats part two

Tania's horizons grow broader

I had arrived to work my second evening at Phoebe’s Treats, an upmarket boutique specialising in sex toys and fine lingerie. Jenny the senior assistant was on the phone with Phoebe the store’s owner and Annie, the other assistant was organising a display of silk panties. Without fuss, I slipped off my coat and swapped my sneakers for the heeled pumps supplied as part of the uniform Phoebe wanted us to wear while on the jo...

Phoebe's Treats

A New Job Triggers Tania's Awakening

After three months of Uni, I was happy and settled. I had a great roomie, excellent courses and a nice little job in the Uni café four evenings a week, which helped stretch my meagre funds. Of course, it was all too good to be true. The Uni authorities decided to sell off the café to an outside company to reduce costs. Not the cost to students, of course, as the prices all went up, but without wishing to sound bitter, I w...

It took a fumble or two with the locking mechanism, but then the glass doors slid apart, and I stepped out on to the roof garden. I was immediately hit by a wall of hot city air and a barrage of noise from the busy streets below. My godmother had forewarned me when she loaned me the apartment, for six months, that the days would be like this but that by evening the streets and the temperatures would calm down. I was just...

Autumn Winds

A Windy Day Changes a Life

Friday morning Autumn has blown in with a vengeance early in the week.  Cold, squally winds and heavy cold showers are yellowing the leaves and ripping them from the trees to be trodden underfoot. My partner, Jen decides that walking to the station is no longer an option.  Normally she dons sneakers with her business suit and walks the fifteen minutes down the country lanes to catch her train.  She always says it’s qualit...

It was a scorching dry day in a long run of hot, dry days. We sauntered back through the trees toward our chalet, our footsteps cushioned by the bed of dry pine needles beneath our feet. The super-heated air was rich with the aroma of pine and filled with the constant chirping of cicadas. I followed Krissy along the trail. A fine sheen of sweat glistened on her long toned tan legs which riveted my eyes as she moved forwar...

Opposites Attract

Nicola surrenders

It had been three weeks since the apartment opposite mine became vacant. The previous tenant, a middle-aged single man, had left on short notice. Curious as I was about who might become my new neighbour I had kept half an eye on the place during my off days, but those tended to be few and far between and when I’m working my days are long. Tuesday evening I got home from work, mid-evening and nipped in off the street pausi...

Time Is Of The Essence

Oh there's an app for that

07:50 With another series of lurching rattles, my train crossed the bridge and entered the station. As it did so, I caught a few fleeting glimpses of the river buses and the London Eye. A particularly violent lurch over the points sent a delightful spasm through my already tender pussy. The seething mass that was my fellow passengers swept me toward the exit door and then out onto the platform before depositing me like je...

Western Girls Come Out To Play

Two girls get to know each other

I know it sounds lame but my roommate of the time, Ella, had wanted to join the Western re-enactment society because she wanted to dress up and play the role of a saloon girl in the hope of getting closer to Jack Hargreaves. Tall and muscular with chiselled good looks, Jack was a regular member of the society and always took the handsome gunslinger roles. His other claim to fame, if he but knew it, was that he could make...