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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 40
0 miles · Sydney


Active Ink Slinger
I'm separated though at one point I believed I met my soul mate. A lot of things seemed to make us connect. However his mental illness and his meddling mother drove us apart.

My best friend is in a similar spot. I think she married in haste, she was dating long distance. They didn't see each other for a few months (she is from another country), met up again and within four months when she came to my country to be with her husband. They got married. Now she has opened up to me on how unhappy she is, how he gets verbally abusive and in her face. To the point she has left him and he has tracked her down and made her come back. Worse thing is she is currently pregnant with her first child. Apparently she planned for the baby because she is in her mid 30s and didn't want to be a much older mother. However I think she made a horrible choice because she could have went back to her home country. I wish I could help her but there is only so much I can do and she has really no one else to turn to.

What I'm saying is I think her and I both settled for our husbands. Mine because I have been with him for many years and didn't think anyone else would have such a connection and get me. Her I think she loves him, but even when she told me how she hooked up with him after a failed FWBs relationship she had. She met him at the wrong time is what I'm saying and she settled.
Active Ink Slinger
He sent me a surprise full nude of himself posing at his job. Rather sexy.
Active Ink Slinger
I need emotional attachment. When I was young I always wanted emotional attachment during sex, though I have had partners where I just physically wanted to get off. Now days I only want to have sex if there is emotional attachment. I don't want to just fuck around.
Active Ink Slinger
I love watching my husband cutting wood with an axe. The muscle movements so sexy.
Active Ink Slinger
I only have done it in front of my ex husband. In an alley and I flooded the ground watching it run into the gutter.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by DamonX
Is this an online relationship? You should probably let it go.

You should probably re title this thread "why did the old married guy I was talking to online finally lose interest in me?"

Because he either lost interest in you or something better came along. Felix was right to laugh at you... You are obviously just tossing out another line to snag up some other middle aged weirdo that will give you the impression that you are in a relationship for the next decade.

And by all means... continue to toss out those pathetic little doggy treats since we all know that the only thing you are looking for is online admiration.

It was not an online relationship. We were married in real life. I don't want online admiration at all. Where the hell did you get online admiration from my posts? I was with the guy for 15 years in real life. Except six years ago when we separated for a few months and I hooked up with someone else. However yes I do have a life off Lush Stories.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by black1
The fact that he hasn't deleted you from his FB account could indicate that he has still feelings for you. He knows deleting you would be the final act .He may need more thinking time . This is just guesswork on my part on how I would react in a similar situation so please don't build your hopes up.

I hope you can get some answers soon as you need perhaps closure so that you can move on.
Good luck.

Thank you for your reply Black. That is what I need it is closure. I just want to know his thoughts and where I stand so I can just say "Yep, great if we get back. I'm okay if he can just say "Sirene we are officially finished. Come collect your stuff from our house." I hate being kept in the wings.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Magical_felix

I respect you Felix but I don't see why my situation is a laughing matter to you. This is my life offline and I have been with the guy for almost 15 years.
Active Ink Slinger
So I broke up with Mr Jaune almost five months ago. I have opened up communication, left the ball in his court to hang out with me. He has not replied.

We were together for many years. I'm hurt, confused and just want simple answers instead of being ignored. I have sent some messages, called once a week. He doesn't respond. If he is that pissed with me or doesn't want anything to do with me then why has he not deleted me from FB?

Guys I want a male perspective.

Why haven't you answered a call or responded to an ex? Even if it is months later.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm 35 and for me 50/51 is kind of the cut off date for me. However I'm happy to chat with older people.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes, I have met some gorgeous ladies in my life.

Currently there is a stunning lady who I'm friends with. Her eyes are such a splendid colour and she is so petite as she is into fitness. I am huge next to her. Though I know for sure nothing sexual will happen between us. I am in awe of how gorgeous she is.

I once said to my husband "I think she is sexy or such women are sexy". He said "I know you don't go that way." Tut tut I can admire women but he doesn't know that I have fantasies of women.
Active Ink Slinger
After a fight, I left our house.

I want to work things out with him and I messaged him suggesting I miss him and wish to see him even if it is just for a few hours to get to know each other again.

He just read it an did not reply.

I'm tired of his immaturity. I want to work with him but he is blocking every step.

What can I do now? I left the ball in his court.

Active Ink Slinger
I will verbally encourage if they are taking forever to cum and I'm physically and mentally drained.
Active Ink Slinger
1. High heels - Neither
2. Dick Pics - Turn off unless it is my husband's.
3. Bromances - Neither
4. Poetry - Turn on
5. ASMR - Neither unless it is songs being sung
6. Game of Thrones - Neither
7. Cuddling - Turn on
8. Sarcastic & Cynical Humour - Turn on
9. Motorcycles - Neither
10. Musical Virtuosity - Turn on
11. Yourself - Turn off
12. Short Skirts - Meh
13. Classical Erotic Art Pieces - Turn on
14. Emotional Sensitivity - Neither
15. Tattoos - Neither
16. Scars - Neither
17. Social Awkwardness - Neither
18. Star Trek Uniforms - Turn off
19. Lesbian Orgies - Neither
20. My (Venutian) Profile Picture - Turn off
Active Ink Slinger
I heard my brother in law was a slut back in the late 80s to mid 90s. I would never had guessed it but heard the stories.
Active Ink Slinger
It was bad, the guy coaxed me into doing it. Then he got obsessed with always insisting on doing anal because it wouldn't get me pregnant or because my rectum was more pleasurable then my pussy. He didn't care how I felt about it. I hated the pain, how my body would tense up even more as he shoved it in there. The fact he would hold of cumming so it prolonged the torture for me but prolonged the pleasure for him. I could go on but I have issues with it.

For those who enjoy it well I envy you guys. I sadly can not.
Active Ink Slinger
Yesterday morning on 17/12. It wasn't full on penetration but there was oral. No he didn't com. I can't stand when he doesn't come, I just want him to hurry up and come so I can go back to sleep. He takes forever to come and by then I'm so bored.
Active Ink Slinger
Some Pagans and Wiccans do ceremonies/rituals in the form of sky cladding so yes it does happen.
Active Ink Slinger
My mother is a prude and openly has stated she does not like talking about sex.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Hasabrain2
I see all these responses, but no one states how old an "older man" would be?

Could someone be more specific?

My husband is ten years my senior. I have had crushes on our friends who are around 13, 16 even up to 25 years my senior. Then again I always had a thing for older guys.
Active Ink Slinger
My husband already has a huge cock. I didn't brag about it to my friend at all.
Active Ink Slinger
I used to be quiet when we fucked at my in laws house or my parents house. When we are alone I scream. HAHA.
Active Ink Slinger
No you wouldn't. Even though I like the world of de Sade. Myself in day to day life, you wouldn't hazard a guess it is what I like. I'm the most boring bland person.
Active Ink Slinger
I thought that only thinking was when you play The Sims.

I'm an Aquarian and my husband is Piscerian. We just have chemistry and the horoscopes don't play a role.
Active Ink Slinger
Welcome to Lush.

Sometimes it is hit and miss with members. I used to chat to a lot of people and now I might chat with two people if I am lucky. Don't let it discourage you.