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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 100
0 miles · Wiesbaden


Щíccαη Щoods Щhore

Fingered?...giggles   Ja, a few times teasing me...but 4 fingers ist still teasingly.

If ya want my lust, a good fistfucking ist a must, if you wish to get me off so easily.

Auf Wiedersehen  smile

Щíccαη Щoods Щhore

I adore girls with freckles.  Most always they are red haired.

Have I mentioned I adore red haired girls with freckles?  smile

Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
My home-made Honeybunch herbal tea recipe...(non-caffeine, coffee substitute).

Rosehip tea has a natural taste of cranberries, then I add abit of our own hive honey,
green apple slice, with a sprinkle of cane sugar und cream desired.

You can pre-make Rosehip tea und honey mixed, pour it into a 2 quart or gallon pitcher,
keep it chilled in your fridge w/fresh apple slices (orange or lemon slices if you prefer),
then simply heat it in microwave und add sugar, cream or whipped cream.

It ist very good even without sugar or cream.

Gives you an awakened energy boost (alertness und a calming affect) similar to coffees
without any caffeine.

Enjoy...Have a fun day. Auf Wiedersehen aus Wiesbaden :-)
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Quote by Night_Writer
Black Box Pinot Noir, fresh strawberry ice cream with chocolate topping.

Home-made vanilla ice cream with garden fresh strawberries und pour warm Pinot over it?
Just let it melt in your mouth...It will make your nipples hard instantly...giggles
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
giggles...You not know her very well.
You should maybe stay in das lighted places.
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
giggles...This one can go any where.
* Don't Profess Entitlement...No one owes you anything.
* No one has any Human Right to oppress someone else's same Human Right.
* If someone ist not oppressing your life nor ist harming anyone? Then what they do ist none of your business.
* Take responsibility for your own actions.
* Make your own life, stop blaming everyone else for your own lack of achievement.
* Liberal Marxism exhibits self-important extremism similar to Conservative Nationalism...They differ
only in matter of degree und belief.
* Bush Jr. > Obama > Trump > Biden...GIGO (Garbage In - Garbage Out). * "Elmer Fudd for President"
would have been more worthy choice. :-)
* Das American's "student loans" were never a good idea.
* Das American's "No Child Gets Left Behind" public school was never a good thing. Glad we never
practiced such ignorance.
* Humanity's Monotheistic religions began as some form of Pagan Sun or Moon worship Personifying
celestial objects as Pagan Archetypes...Paganism was humanity's first concept of worshiping a God or Gods.
Paganism ist humanity's first of many misguided religions.
* If you are a Lush member then don't claim you are religious or preach to me. This ist quite self-explanatory.
Lushdom ist not Saint Mary of das Meek...It ist a "fantasy sex" Website. Why are you here?
* If you are a gossip monger or LBAGC then keep walking...I'm haven't interest.
* If it ist American gloved boxing? Never bet on das White guy.
If it ist auto racing or personal commitment? Never bet on das Black guy.
White men can't jump...Black men can't shut up in a movie theatre.
Always have an Asian friend handy for math finals.
* Das pretty speck on top of chicken sh* still chicken sh*t.
* Home-made vanilla ice cream with garden fresh strawberries und warm Pinot poured over it...will make
your nipples hard instantly...giggles

Das paradox our mind conceives to be "nothing" "something".
You can't pour milk into an "empty" glass...if empty doesn't exist.
Ivanka Leonie Fuchs (2014)

Our existence und das universe we define must be infinite.
There ist always "something" on das other side of das fences we conceive...
even if that something ist nothing.
Ivanka Leonie Fuchs (2014)

If anyone ever tells you? "You're a breath of fresh air."
I think this ist das nicest way anyone can ever think of you.
Ivanka Leonie Fuchs (2017)

Don't ever fall for this in life.
1. (f3, f4 or g4)
1... (e6 or e5)
2. (g4 if 1. f3 or 1. f4,
or either f3 or f4 if 1. g4)
2... Qh4#

Ok I'm done for now.
Auf Wiedersehen aus Wiesbaden :-)
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Funny question...giggles
Das last friend here who bboxed me all night as our lips softly touched, our tongues played, gently biting her nipples
savoring each one between my teeth as I surround it with my warm wet lips,
our eyes never looking away, kissing lower holding her thighs wide, circling my tongue under her hood, und Ja...
biting there as well as my fingers roam und my strappy ist worn until das early morning.
giggles...I crack me up.

Whoever was first bboxing me with yummy desire und rocks my world ist who I think of after I leave Lushdom.
Auf Wiedersehen aus Wiesbaden :-)
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
giggles...I would watch, knowing I can help them, Oh yes I want that,
going crazy wanting to let them know, but not want to interfere.
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
I know it ist a trend thing for Americans to trim or shave their nethers.
It ist not what "most " of the world does.
Asian culture believes it a sign of fertility to exhibit full bush, male und female.
Much of Europe ist the same way und so ist my heritage.
Why would I shave my nethers simply because Americans do? :-)
My family has lived/worked our farm for over 300 years...
The Americans haven't existed that long.
I'm full bush, but I like to trim close most often...I never shave there, no.
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
"Dating Younger Women"?...As a title thread?
Ist she 1 year younger? Ist she 10 years younger? Ist she 25 years younger?
If she ist 25 years younger? Then good for you.
You must an older hottie I would yummy all over...giggles
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
I'm a rather old fashion Lushie und the way it once was from 2014 to 2018.
It ist much changed now, but I still think of DNA...quite often. :-)
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Quote by Saucymh
If I got the chance to be a man for a little while I’d go to town and try everything - sex (definitely - with women, men and my right hand), I’d go to a gym and lift stuff - with my shirt off, and at home, I’d open all the jars in the cupboard, because I could. And, seriously, it would be interesting to experience life as the opposite sex. I’d want to change back again, though. I like being female

Ok your idea ist the best I can think of as well.
It sounds like much fun to try for a day,
I'm in with that.

What it feels like to stand up und pee once, to aim?
How much arc I can get, draw my name on the wall, decorate the whole fracking Loo...giggles

What it ist like to get a hardon definitely, fucking pussy, get a blowjob, or jack off once, or be on the other end of a gute titty fuck und suck.

A gazillion other non-sexual possibilities...smiles
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Quote by Dancewithme
"Badges? We don't need no stinking badges" (Blazing Saddles)

Fun Film...smiles

I like the "History of the World" und especially "Young Frankenstein" as well.
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Sure, often, even if I know they're straight.

It ist fun, most often they are flattered anyway und I like making them smile thinking someone considers them desirable.
I never dislike feeling that way...
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Two girls go fishing in the early morning.

One girl fishing on the right side of the boat ist catching them like crazy.
The girl fishing on the left side ist not catching anything.

The girl on the left asks, "Why are you catching so many fish und I'm not?".
The girl on the right says, "Before I go fishing that morning I reach over und grab my man's cock,
...if it ist laying on the left side then I fish on the left side of the boat, if the right side then I fish on right side of the boat".

The girl on the left then asks, "What if it ist standing straight up?".

The girl on the right says, "Then I don't go fishing".
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Quote by apptobebad
When our lawn mower broke and wouldn't run, my wife kept hinting
to me that I should get it fixed. But, somehow I always
had something else to take care of first, the shed, the boat,
making beer.. Always something more important to me. Finally she
thought of a clever way to make her point.

When I arrived home one day, I found her seated in the tall
grass, busily snipping away with a tiny pair of sewing
scissors. I watched silently for a short time and then went into
the house. I was gone only a minute, and when I came out again
I handed her a toothbrush. I said, "When you finish cutting the
grass, you might as well sweep the driveway."

giggles...This ist very funny.
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Mum's Rouladen with my 3 cheese scalloped potatoes, her butter-top wheat bread, und a glass of Pinot.
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Quote by dirtriderco

Quote by DamonX

Congrats on being a rightwinger and still having the courage to post your results. Most other have less balls than you...

You consider Ivanka a right winger?

Thanks...I appreciate your thought, but "literally" my plot ist located in a right quadrant,
even if the insinuation made (rightwinger) ist not accurate assessment of my views, nor the Scatter-Plot Graph,
und the insinuation could be interpreted as attempt to make judgement that anyone being just abit right of the "preferred" center
origin of the graph ist a bad thing.

The most desired plot location, of any moral person, would be center (origin point) of the Scatter-Plot Graph,
not the center of the lower-left green quadrant.

As I asked before...

I wonder?
If I was plotted the exact center origin point on the graph, would I then be considered by many in this thread
as too much an Authoritarian, or would I still be considered as too far right, a "rightwinger" insinuation?
My 1 month salary of 5540 € thinks this ist most probable,...very good odds...smiles

This would indicate to most any logical person, that the typical Leftist/Libertarian (majority political/social group in these kinds of threads)
must think the center of the Scatter-Plot Graph should have it's "origin" point located at the center of their lower-left green quadrant
from which all other people are to be judged.
Do some of these same people recognize how close to extremisms of Marxism und Radicalism their own plot ist located?
Hmmm...Interesting but not surprising.

"Are you a Radical Libertarian?...No?...Then die!"
"Are you a Radical Libertarian?...Yes?...Hmmm.........Are you a Marxist Radical Libertarian?"...No?...Then die!"
..."Freedom of Speech (Human Rights) for all...unless you disagree with our beliefs." (two-faced, Liberal, extremism)
..."We know best how everyone should live their life." (arrogant, Socialist, Marxist, or Radical, Liberal, extremism)
..."We should always be allowed to exercise our rights, no matter what...
even if when we do this it interferes with other's same rights und harms them." (entitled, self-important, Liberal, extremism)

Similar practices are historically correct for any extremism of leftist Socialism or Marxism, right-wing Traditionalism,
Liberal Radicalism, or Conservative Nationalism.
I mean really?... No thanks, not for me or anyone I know,
und I'm quite sure they don't need my help eating their own young.

My favorite "ism"?...Patriotism, having NO influence of any extremism.

I can see that your plot ist in very good company as well, far from any extremism.
The next time you're out roaming about your neighborhood? Say Hallo to George und Tom for me...
Excuse me for a moment...I have Stein on the other line...giggles

Welcome to the forum land of "baiting" political thread topics run amuck,
where you will also most often find someone making an irrelevant political comment in almost any unrelated fun thread here.
They can't seem to get through their day without sneaking in their political view even if the thread ist simply a fun game, having no political quest.
They're everywhere ya go und ya can't seem to SHOO! the little pests away...smiles

Thanks again for your kind thought, but not worry, any seemingly ignorant judging of me ist not important in any sense,
und affects nothing of my day.
The unimportant political rambling by the usual gaggle of the same 30 or so peeps here achieves no benefit,
has no affect on any political/social outcome, und ist most definitely irrelevant to anything on a fantasy sex-site.

You have a pleasant day. smile cyasbyebye...
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Quote by JackStay
WTF? Really?

The funny thing ist that those who thought of the wording for these signs,
haven't a clue what their literal messages confirm about themselves...smiles
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Quote by DamonX

Congrats on being a rightwinger and still having the courage to post your results. Most other have less balls than you...


Not sure what "courage" has to do with anything though, this ist a fantasy sex-site, nothing political here can be taken seriously,
especially nothing to be afraid...smiles
Much of the political opinion here can be borderline extremism, biased on all sides, und has no productive benefit, affecting no outcome.
Definitely no reason for me to feel phobic, especially not for my non-threatening political/social preferences.

I'm quite proud und comfortable with where my plot ist located. I'm among extremely good company und neighbors,
about as distant from any extremism that anyone could be...smiles

Personally I wouldn't have any issue with being plotted abit left, right, Liberal, or Conservative as long I was not plotted
an extremist or close to the extremism of any group.

I do realize that most who frequent the rather unimportant political threads on Lush are most often the same
Lushie gaggle of 30 or so, und some are borderline Marxist or Radical extremists, indicated of some shown on
their Scatter-Plot Graph in this thread.
As well there are some others who seemingly identify to be borderline Socialist or Nationalist extremists,
who sometime preach their belief in other obvious baiting political topics.

I wonder?
If I was plotted the exact center origin point on the graph, would I then be considered by many in this thread
as too much an Authoritarian, or would I still be considered as too far right, a "rightwinger" you call it?
My 1 month salary of 5540 € thinks this ist most probable,...very good odds...smiles

Better take caution motoring about the neighborhoods they live though,...
because some peeps at Lush are apparently plotted so close to Marxism or Radicalism on the graph that they
can be hit with flying rocks in protest...smiles
Marxism und Radicalism both like a good stoning just as much other extremisms of Socialism, Nationalism, und Traditionalism...smiles

"Are you a Radical Libertarian?...No?...Then die!...Your Freedom of Speech doesn't count unless you agree with our beliefs.
We know best how everyone should live their life."
"Are you a Radical Libertarian?...Yes?...Hmmm........."Are you a Marxist Radical Libertarian?"...No?...Then die!"...LOL

The same can be said of other extremisms...smiles

My family has lived/worked our farm for over 300 years, und they've had quite their fill of Nationalism,
Socialism, und Marxism long before that.
So no, I haven't such fear of exhibiting my dislike for any extremism, especially not on a fantasy sex-site...smiles

Have a pleasant day. smile

Economic Left/Right: 1.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.51

Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Female Japanese Asian...Asa Akira aka Hitomi Tanaka

Male Scottish Anglo...Andrew Abrams aka Randy West
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Quote by nicola
I've only watched "Avatar" from your list.

It piqued my interest as it's a rip-off of the excellent Hayao Miyazaki's "Castle in the Sky".

I noticed this as well.
Way too many similarities for me to believe the writers of Avatar were
not influenced by Castle in the Sky.

Not sure if these are all of them, but you may have interest if ya not already recognized them.

Avatar vs Castle in the Sky similarities...

A rare mineral with special powers was sought by the Bad Guys in both stories.

Both films ist about mining a mineral using government/military force.

A huge tree in both stories as an important central structure housing or protecting the defending culture
(or the remnants of a tree in Castle in the Sky) having unspecified power or value.

Gravity-defying islands of land, with trees, vines, rocks, that float above their planet in both films.

There ist a night scene in both films where a magical phosphorescent glow signifies a special place or life-form.

Airships in the films are command vessels designed as huge, threatening, gravity-defying machines.

Both stories have an environmental theme, where the defending culture ist trying to preserve their environment.
In "Avatar", defenders are the super-sized humanoid Na’vi.
In "Castle in the Sky" the environmental defenders of Laputa are huge humanoid robots.

Both films, a sleeper-warrior awakens after a long dormancy.
In "Avatar" it ist the hero Jake Sully.
In "Castle in the Sky" it ist a robot that awakens in the presence of the magic mineral crystal.

The handicapped hero Jake Sully of Avatar could represent the lesser than a complete human ability,
humanoid robot hero of Castle in the Sky.

The Marines’ robot suits from Avatar are similar in context to the Laputa robots of Castle in the Sky.

Wind Edward Kim ties James Cameron and Hayao Miazaki together in a more thorough und
a very respectful way, but still a similar action.

I also think there ist a connection to the dragon-like flying creatures in Avatar, but not sure really.
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
The many languages of different cultures, their many different dialects spoken by each local ethnic grouping, have wonderfully, interesting quality.
My travels have shown me this ist much a delight to experience every place I've visited.

Many languages can be rather unique, some abit sexier, some even euphoric if ya take time to truly study
them in at least some depth.
Some of the lesser considered or well known languages are from central und eastern European cultures
such as the many different dialects of Russian that are very emotional languages I think.
Though, if ya have but little or no understanding?
Russian, Baltic, etc...can sound much likened to secret rocket plans many times...

If your thread ist referring to mostly Lushdom und English language?
Then no, peeps here don't generally act so petty regarding other's literacy
though I have been mocked in the Chat Rooms a few times by such buttwipes.
Overall this ist not practiced here und especially notable of the story Mods, who've edited stories I had published here before,
they often give advice to writers because they may recognize worthy work, only wishing to help make it more exceptional,
und not simply to judge.

"Literal" ist "literacy" of course, but no one should simply judge the everyday life of misleading slang (bad ist bad or bad ist good)
semantics of more western culture.
I do think someone judging badly language sentence structuring of any dialect?
Has little understanding of the constantly changing phonetics by current inhabiting demographic preference (slang),
or it's more relevant cross language interpretation, und much indicates a sign of someone's own ignorance und phobia
possibly due to them being Monoliterate.

I wonder if this ist mainly an American thing?
Because I haven't ever experienced such judging of other's language from other Europeans who most often
speak at least 1 or more languages than their own fairly well.

Language has been changing for many 1,000s of years from one culture to another.
This ist how language has grown to become language instead of simply grunting pant-hoots of chimpanzees during mating season.
One of the most important traits of our human-species, the ability to take sounds, modulate them into syllables,
into words, combining them into sentence structure of multi-level communication.

Language ist not simply the many differences all over the world, but the many dialects of their own more local ethnic groups,
und the words they choose signifies the meaning of their cultures.

Even if we disagree with the choices of other's literacy.

Phonetic change throughout history
ist of importance as their Ethnic Grouping.
The language we choose defines us.
Het zal ons lot zijn.
Ivanka Leonie Fuchs (2015)
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Tried a cut above collar look once during my tentative years. Never doing that again.

I prefer shoulder length in Summer und just let it go however longer during Winter season,
normally about halfway down my vertebrae.
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
When I first joined in 2014 Lush seemed to change me greatly as I was spending time here everyday,
caught up in the newbie excitement for the first year,
until I realized this was wasting much of my time I preferred for more important, real-life, activity.

This fantasy sex-site can quickly become habit-forming the same as many others on the web,
so get your asses back outside und have fun...smiles

However now?...

No,...Lushdom ist my cyber-home of foreseeable future, but now it ist merely another way to express myself on the web,
und have some yummy cybersexing fun during the afternoon or my 3am wet fancy.
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Quote by DMBFFF
This Austrian born 20 April got pretty high a few times.

I remember this, all of us were watching Felix jump live on the gogglebox at the pub.
I want to try it once or at least Skydiving, it ist in my bucket to do sometime.

I've seen the gazillion YouTube reaction videos everyone ist making about everything under the Sun now.
Many of them very funny-fake to get more views, but most always entertaining...smiles
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Welcome to the 21st century!...smiles

A lot of European countries have been celebrating their cannabis festivals for quite many years,
some longer than I can remember their beginning.
Many new ones in the recent 20 years, Hanfparade, Cultiva Hanfmesse, Cannatrade, Cannafest,
Spannabis, Grow Expo, Canapa Mundi, THC Cup, Cannabis Cup, 100 other smaller events...

Cannabis Liberation Day in Amsterdam ist becoming huge every year equal to our Oktoberfest.

I once tried cannabis mixed into the cheeses on home-made pizza,
but I've never smoked it, or anything else.
I'm extremely fond of breathing well, energetic mind, physical stamina, healthy body strength,
und all of that proper oxygen/co2 transference, synapse, chemical balance stuff.

Sticking to bier, Pinot, und my seasonal HoneyBunch Mushroom tea thank you very much...
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Quote by Grace
Formerly DD, but I haven't tried to stuff them in a bra for many, many years.

lol...I can see ya emphasized the "manys". I can relate.

Haven't ever worn a bra working around the farm, only sometime when I go out or school.