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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 100
0 miles · Wiesbaden


Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
I'm aware Gav ist making changes now und Lush will be freakin' out for abit.

I seldom use my mobile phone on Lush, most always using one of my laptops.

Not know about the problems being addressed or changes being made, but...

PLEASE put our computer desktop profile page layout back the same as before,
...once you've finished upgrading the mobile issues?

This ist how I see everyone's profile page now on my computer desktop.

Everything ist vertical. Nothing ist any longer side-by-side. It ist terrible...smiles

As well, tabs missing...Drop-down Java menu missing...settings etc...
Not have a way to logoff of Lush.

Hope these screenshots can be a contribution?

Have a pleasant

Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Quote by masso66
Hi girls,

So let's say we are fucking and you just had your first orgasm that night. How does it feel like if I just continue fucking you. Does it feel odd like you need a break or does the feeling get better?

No, never stop during or just after a girl ist having an orgasm dude? WTF?
Not matter if it ist my first or last? Pump that pussy gute...giggles
Why would you think this? Get your balls bitten, your cock wanked und yanked back in the saddle...smiles
Unless of course ya tired after my first eye rollin' ripples up my vertebrae orgasm?
A gute titty fuck und suck with ya laying on your back will have to do.

I can surely be understanding of a hard working guy.
Most of them I've grown up with live on the other farms here, it has happened sometime.
They never left me unsatisfied though.

There ist however this little thing?
I'm thinking you're gonna do as most everyone I'm with, stop und reach for the towel I have laying nearby.
My first orgasm ist always the wettest, und your inner thighs und tummy
ist gonna be even more drenched than mine I'm afraid...smiles
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
I haven't such opportunity to roam about nude, even if I wanted to, which I don't,
especially not in Winter season...
So I seldom sleep nude either. I much prefer being unwrapped anyway...giggles

Other than the few chores I ever have inside, I'm outside most all day, everyday,
with everyone else roaming all over.

During our Summer season, I've always liked to go riding up to the falls for a bath,
or swimming topless often with friends in the pond und the other side of the lake.
I've gone riding in the low forest topless quite many times as well.
Been doing this most of my life.
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Quote by Stormdog

That could be the "Yes, but you can do better" syndrome. Like when you were a kid in school and the teacher wouldn't let you skate by with less than your best effort while others got to take shortcuts, it could be that the moderator recognized that your story was solid, well-written, and had great potential, but certain errors would distract from the effort if not fixed. On another story - one of those plotless, shallow, here a fuck, there a fuck, everywhere a fuckfuck type of stories- a few mistakes don't distract as much because the typical reader's eyes are bouncing around or rolling back in their head while they jerk off anyway.

Don't get me wrong - those have a place because some readers are just looking for quick all-sex stories, and even on those we won't let them get too sloppy or careless - but if you've worked on creating characters, plot, a story arc, scene-setting, etc, why mess it up with a handful of careless, unnecessary errors? Just a thought...

For me, I definitely tend to gravitate to certain categories and story types, and to some extent, certain authors. Still, as moderators we read everything under the sun while we work on verifying stories, and I'm often surprised at how much I've enjoyed a story in a category I'd normally never read. The quality and care and thought and effort given to the story by the author make a world of difference for me.

Your help to Darkroot50 ist much an expression of the "why" story moderation can be blessing of benefit,
und not simply a scolding slap on the wrist.

Everyone who writes anything for publishing on any site should read your words here I think.

Though I seldom write erotica, but rather my Story-Poems treasuring them most often as mine alone,
I have experienced such personal interest, that you speak, from story moderators on other sites I have published offering,
wishing only to help me understand they recognize exceptional work.

Your words are definitely worthy thought, to be written as your own personal quote,
for many others to read und wonder...

Blah blah blah blah,
blah blah blah...
Stormdog (2020)
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
No, preference, as well my family, und most everyone I've ever known
have always felt immense Patriotism to our country, but have believed in a rather middle road political view,
liking only the best of all political parties,
und shunning all extremism (Socialism/Marxism/Nationalism) regardless of their Liberal or Conservative agenda.

Our past has suffered much extremism, by the hands of both political views, that we will never allow again.
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
I haven't much opinion on getting stoned, I've never had interest in smoking anything,
but I have once tried cannabis mixed into the cheeses on home-made pizza.

I don't generally write erotic stories or publish anything either,
my passion for writing ist mostly Story-Poems with Medieval theme, und they are mine alone,
but I always like a goblet of Pinot, or three, when I'm writing.
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
I think everyone who comes here mainly for the cybersex ist either rubbing one out or wanking their willies.

Of course I do.

If ya wanted details maybe you should have ask that in your question as well?
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
I have much doubt of the relevance for the chosen questions (stated as they are)
to the many different cultures of 195 existing countries.

However, the testing seems to be accurate, even rather correct, in relating my political und social preferences.
I feel a more correct plot for me ist (0.50, -0.50) from origin on the scatter-plot graph.

I like some things Liberalism stands for, but I dislike all that two-faced, Liberal Socialism or Marxism ignorantly protest.
I like some things Conservative Patriotism honors, but I dislike all Conservative hypocrisy und arrogance of Nationalism.
I dislike everything about the political Moon-Cult of Sharia Law und their terrorism.

The extreme of these political groups act out immorality und self-importance with no more contribution to humanity
than a gaggle standing in an open field participating in the biggest dick-waving-prick-fight you've ever seen,
impressing no one but themselves.

So I'm much a middle road, und I will never allow anyone to force their extremism on my life or my family,...not again.

This ist why I'm so very fond of the greatest American President George Washington.
He was of such great character that he had no need for a middle name anyway...smiles

My best hope for a future ist if we could simply take the best from all political groups,...
und take the worst out behind the wood shed...smiles

My beliefs und practices are abit more supporting of a Republic society, than of a Democracy.
However, both government/social systems have their own place in most every other free Republic who has
cloned the U.S. Constitution,
...both exhibiting great potential for moral good as well self-important abuse.

Economic Left/Right: 1.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.51

Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
I'm much liking the many genres of 3D porn videos.

CGI ist becoming extremely life-like und realistic, und there ist 1000s of films now,
if ya know where to find them und not mind paying to watch or DL them.

Ya not find most of them on free porn sites like pornhub, xvideos, xhampster etc...though.

Well...many of the 3D films are not so realistic having such gigantic boobs und monster cock,
but they are intended to be fantasy after all.

Erotic Anime can be hot as well if it has good story-line.

I would like to see someone make a porn video with Steampunk und Gothic theme.

The regular porn I like ist the Vintage Porn genre, especially any older or new European Porn und Asian Porn of most any genre.
They are more realistic with better story-line than the fake American Porn sites.
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
White with embroidered cherry-purple flower print und laced trimming.

Everything I have ist Risa Magli und Uniglo.

The Japanese make the very best bra/panty sets und sport bra tops.
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Quote by seeker4

I admin a board that uses off-the-rack commercial board software (in fact, we use Xenforo which is the market leader among commercial boards) and its Ignore function works exactly the same as the Block on here. You can get a third party add-on that does full blocking I think, but it's hotly debated as to whether it needs to be part of the mainline code or not. My take was that if they add it, I want to be able to turn it off because I can see ways to abuse it.

The one thing that irks about the block on here is that I removed someone from my block list yesterday and their forum posts are still blocked.

I've seen that as well. I was wondering if maybe you reboot your comp...Does Lush cache things on our comps? I didn't think so, or at least logoff und back on Lush then maybe it would clear it so you can see their posting again?
I haven't tried either of these, abit later it was changed, so I didn't give it more thought.

Yes I was also wondering about the coding?
How come the blocking feature software doesn't change states immediately in the forum like it does in the Chat Rooms?
Thinking that the Chat server having it's dedicated board ist logical...It does seemingly, as you say, provide "full blocking"?
I haven't seen the boards designed specifically for blocking feature you mention, I'm not a javaguru or anything.

In the mean time, if ya not already know this which I would think so you being a Lushie so long...
Simply click to quote their comment und ya can see everything they have said,
regardless if ya still have them blocked or not...smiles
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Quote by dlcalguy
I'd like blocking someone to mean that they can't see my posts as well as me not being able to see theirs.

It would be nice to be able to up-vote someone's posts in the forums.

This blocking problem has been such at least since I first joined in 2014.
I've literally heard 100 friends complain to me about the same thing you have asked.

"Except in the Chat Rooms, it ist useless to block anyone because they can still go out of their way to stalk you about Lush.
They can see any threads you make, all of your forum comments, und quote or comment you at their pleasure.
To have such misguided thought to only code a blocking feature where you can not see their posting,
but they can still see yours, ist quite ridiculous."

Personally I compare this to the No Fault Auto Insurance scamming some friends here have told me about in their country.
Each individual only must deal with their own insurance, but most often this still ist causing the person, who was NOT at fault for the accident, to have their premium go up in cost?...Really?...smiles
I can only say...Really?...About this blocking issue as well...smiles

The coding could be added to stop those who you block from seeing your forum posting,
How much coding I haven't knowledge.
Not know if Lush ist using the blocking feature mainly by the boards used in Chat Room server only, und how much code, if any, ist required.
I haven't seen Gav's coding methods und there ist 10 different ways you can code something to do almost exactly the same thing.
The differences und reasoning for coding things a certain way ist more pertaining to resource usage depending on the application, und the boards ya choose to use.

However one possibly easier, less time consuming method ist, when you block someone,
to simply associate or bind the blocking feature strings to each other's user names instead of only yours.
This could automatically call action of the other person blocking you as well, using the same existing cross-server coding or board to board I/O already in place.
Not sure if they would have issue with IRQs, but those can be forced.
Can't think of any way this would interfere with anything else they do or see on Lush,
und both of you are kept apart, not ever seeing each other on the site again.
Truly blocked from ever having to experience anything the other says or does here...In theory.

To mention this will not be fully true blocking either?
The other person can still see that you are in the forum,
und even though the forum attempts to not show you anything commented from a person you have blocked?
All either of you have to do ist click to quote the other, und everything they have said about you or to you ist there...smiles
So not even this truly works as planned unless the blocking feature includes not showing your user name to them at all, any where on Lush, the same as it ist coded in the Chat Rooms...smiles
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Quote by Heaven37
OK. In the interests of keeping things moving along.....I would like a female perspective on cuckolding. Would I be correct in thinking that, in general, most women would not contemplate having sex with another man if they were married or in a long term relationship, even if their partner actively encouraged it. In other words, is cuckolding solely a male fantasy foisted on unwilling or disinterested women ?

I could believe that those who do it?
It ist "mostly" both men und women who like it in attempt to spice up their relationship,
und neither ist only doing it simply to appease the other's desire.

But?...In general? Most women? Most men?
Haven't any desire for this Papraphilia of humiliating their mate,
nor would their men ever consider it.

I have much doubt of this especially because about 187 of the 195 countries currently existing
would not even consider cuckolding as culturally acceptable, more over a common practice.

German culture doesn't do it as common practice either,
regardless of what the American influenced fake porn sites wish to make-believe...smiles

Cuckolding, as you intend it, ist not similar to swinging, or having an open relationship of course.
We do those things,...smiles...but not "most" or "in general"

BTW, if ya not know this?...The word Cuckold was originally invented und defined, by those who were actually there und used it as...

Cuckold - the self-important habit of a Cuckoo bird laying her eggs in other bird species' nests,
basically abandoning her responsibility of having to parent her offspring.

Cuckold was later changed in phonetic spelling to "cuckoldry" und given new definition
to describe "adulteress or adultery" during Medieval time.
English usage of "cuckoldry" first appears about 1250 in the Medieval debate poem...
"The Owl and the Nightingale".

So I haven't any idea why someone could think pirating the established word "cuckold",
would have a similar meaning as the word "cuckoldry",
more over to name their fetish such without phonetically changing at least the prefix or suffix,
or simply making up their own word...smiles

Even the word "cuckolding" ist a "Present Continuous Tense" of both, or either definition for cuckold und cuckoldry.

This Paraphilia surely deserves it's own word anyway,
even if ya personally haven't use for it, or agree with it's act.

Ok, I'm having way too much Pinot today...giggles
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
O-face ripples up my vertebrae.

How long of time ist a continuous orgasm?

Continuous ist "literally" defined - "A repeated, uninterrupted, sequence in time"
(only 2 convulsions ist continuous "sequence"),
having NO relevance to the non-absolute relativism of time limit.

Every orgasm that everyone has ist "continuous" unless they only convulse once und stop...smiles
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore're finally ready for your date und ya look into the mirror knowing you are definitely more than they deserve...smiles
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Been watching Steampunk films much of the day.

They always have epic classical music themes.
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
I would love to hear this morning that some peeps here have ran out of excuses to use most every intended "fun" thread as their own irrelevant, self-important, "Liberal Socialism" political agenda.

There ist 466,918 current Lush members.
I have much doubt that many here, but the usual same 30 peeps frequenting the "Think Tank" gaggle, care about your opportunistic political rambling, regardless of what they may say to your face.

It ist your political mess, obvious dick-waving-prick-fight ignorance on both sides, Liberal und Conservative,...not ours.

Do ya truly think anyone you may elect from either political party ist gonna make a difference?
From such GIGO...Garbage In - Garbage Out? Really? Hmmm...Interesting.
It has not happened of your past 5 presidents.
Your last worthy U.S. President was Ronald Reagan, who BTW, actually achieved tangible, world changing, result much deserving his "Nobel Peace Prize".

Not even Russian President Putin has shown such ignorance und arrogance of world affair as all current U.S. candidates seemingly exhibit...smiles

GAWD...They're every where ya go on Lush...smiles

Sorry for posting this in your intended "fun" thread. I won't again.
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
To hear Siri humming about cooking sizzling bacon abit later this morning would be nice.
I'm really wanting a BLT right now.

Frack, I'm getting up...smiles
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Testing...All other Lush service ist unavailable now except the forum.
I've seen this exact thing happen many times in recent months.
Maybe Gav should code resources of the other 7 servers, the same as the forum server?
Just sayin'...smiles

Hallo Terri...
I surely not mind some candy sweet kisses und our tongues playing
while we share licks up und down Charmers throbbing willie wanka...smiles
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
..."Do You like to give or reciever oral sex?"

Do you like to give or receive oral sex?


Do you like to give, or receive, oral sex?

Щíccαη Щoods Щhore

?...It ist not a "no no?????" with me.

If you're looking for details, maybe ya should have asked that as well?...smiles
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore


If you're looking for details, maybe ya should have ask that as well?...smiles
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
They should have put Joe Pesci in charge. He ist a guy "who can get things done".

No virus ist fucking with Joe Pesci...smiles

Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Doesn't everyone like to rub one out?...smiles

I'm thinking even nuns do that.