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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 100
0 miles · Wiesbaden


Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Quote by DMBFFF
possibly my favourite heart song.

Mine as well...smiles
Und maybe this one.

Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
We have yummy fashion shows in many European countries...smiles

Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Quote by hidden_agenda73
There is a thread in this Forum about why we are here, at Lush.

I am curious to know whether your significant other knows about you being on Lush. If they do, what do they think about you being here? If they don't, why are you keeping it a secret.

Hoping to get honest responses and better understand the Lush phenomenon.

For me, my husband knows that I spend time on Lush. He also knows that I dont engage in cybersex or role-playing and that I am really here just to chat and make some friends that might share some of the same interests. He knows that I did not come here for the sex but for some of the other assets that are available to me, such as the Forums and writing stories. He has even been online with me and chatted with a couple of my closest friends here.

Waiting to hear your story.

Hallo Reese, nice to meet ya und glad ya liking it here in Lushdom land...smiles

I can imagine most responses you get from peeps here will be rather honest,
even though many do like to spice it up at times.

It ist great that your hubby ist self-confident, so thoughtful und caring man having such understanding support
for your desire to come here und express your erotic writing.
This especially indicating him to be a loving man regarding your real life Bi needs.

Most peeps here require their privacy for many reasons,
I think there ist a number of those who share their experience with loved ones.
So I'm thinking you're one of these lucky Lushies definitely.

BTW...Have you visited Plzen und Frankfurt? Only curious.

As for me?
Except for a few, all of those who care for me know I'm online here often.
Lush ist much apart of my fairy tale life now as being blessed to grow up on our farm,
or experiencing the adventure of my chosen discipline.

My mum knew when I first joined Lush in 2014, even if she didn't know everything about the site.
I had a couple of things published here before I left in 2018, und she knew only that much then,
but now she knows my other reasons.

Unlike you, I was all about cybersexing it up in the chat rooms when I was at home,
und like you, playing abit in the forum on my phone between classes.

My brother, as well all but a few of my friends, know I'm a Lushie und why.

Daddy will never know this of course...
I haven't any wish to be a 26 year old, tied over a saddle, und whipped with a riding crop
thank you very much...giggles

Siri und I had our wedding only this past September 27th, so we're still enjoying the giddy new,
as well making little life changes such as having my surname changed on many things,
which wasn't so tasking that I imagined except waiting for my new IDP.
I met her here at Lush in 2016, so she knows everything of my Lushie life.
We always phoned each other often und I take the HBF to Amsterdam many weekends spending time together.
She ist staying here shut in with us on our farm now that the dance club she works ist closed.
I think all of the Red Light ist closed now.
She says Hi btw...smiles

Lush has been my cyber-home for awhile, und I feel thankful to this place.
Finding my love Siri as well meeting one other Lushie in person the past years?
I would never wish for it different.

Have a fun day, be safe und stay well...cyasbyebye...
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
I know the thread OP realizes the importance of social distancing during this sad time,
und ist joking to maybe lighten things up abit...smiles

I think the 6 foot distance recommendation ist simply an ignorant appeasement as well.
I have much doubt it affects a relevant positive result.

Our minimum distancing here from the outside world ist about 1/2km to the front gate,
und our maximum distance ist about 6km to the southwest fence...smiles

We have closed our farm to the outside world as all others have here,
und haven't any need to visit the city for possibly years.

Of course I realize everyone's situation ist much different,
und I so wish everyone to be safe und stay well.

Our whole family lives here, no one ist sick, und we're staying here no matter how long required.
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
There has been less peeps frequenting the Lush chat rooms und the forum for about the past 2 years now.
We used to have about 300 peeps in the chat rooms almost every day, with more member rooms open then,
und the rooms most always full that you could hardly get in them, from 2014 to the end of 2017.
I was here almost every day, often most of the day, for those 3 years, as well much of 2018-2019.

This ist not a new thing und possibly a natural cycle of horniness...giggles,
but yes I think you're correct, the pandemic has seemingly affected attendance even more during 2020.

Many are possibly dealing with family und other necessity the same as us.
We've been bringing in the last of the hay preparing to close our farm to the outside world as all others have here.
Maybe go riding with Pepper in abit to check the west fence before it ist too dark.
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Quote by bill11
I too am at work at a hospital so we are actively dealing with virus positive patients now

I'm sure your family und friends are extremely proud of you und your dedication to help,
und every patient who witnesses your caring effort very much appreciates you with a special place in their heart.
We are so very proud of our medical system's efforts here.

You're heroes all.

Be cautiously safe und stay well ok?...
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Here at Lush or real life?...smiles

I can be a faithful, penitent, but giggling, problem child Pet,
und a kind, protective, but deviant, pussy stretching Mistress.
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Vague question isn't it?...smiles

Are girls dirtier than guys in a general sense?
They can be, but I not know every other girl und all the guys on the planet either.
I surely haven't fucked everyone or even a majority to know.

Girl/girl sex? Girl/boy sex?
I haven't seen any study from W.H.O. about this topic to even attempt a factual answer.
My opinion ist the same as above.

Are you asking me personally if I am?
If I'm really into someone und they're sexing up my Gspot gute or nursing my milk madly til both of us are soaked,
or if I've been my dildo drawer, rubbing one out way too often lately und I'm hornier
than an Amsterdam stripper on the prowl for a gute gang-fucking after the show?...giggles

Yes, I can get extremely dirty enough to mind-fuck a quick cum or 3 out of most anyone I think...smiles
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
I'm here the same as always, mainly to cybersex it up, talk with old friends, und play abit in the forum when I'm waiting between classes, in that order.

I know many come here for the stories, und I do think Lush has many talented writers,
I've read many offerings in past years, but I don't very often now.

I'm always carrying with me a scifi double-novel paperback every where I go anyway,
und I have 271 hard-covers now, so reading ist not on my mind when I'm here unless it ist mind-fucking chat...smiles

I also much like meeting new people, making new friends, und not only people who are like-minded.
I'm not so judgemental of peeps here, und my whole life ist already filled with like-minded people around me always.
I think other's historical practice can be extremely interesting many times
even if I not always agree with their self-important moral values,
und their social practice of eating their own young.
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Little has changed for us except all of my classes are online now,
we had 2 delivery cancellations for horses we were scheduled 3 month training,
und we've closed our farm to the outside world just as all the others have here.

We're surely not going into the city any time soon.
We have plenty to do around here anyway und we can stay here for maybe years without needing anything from the city.
Our petrol will probably run out in about 3 months if deliveries stop, but we've been bringing in all of the hay, so we won't need the tractors much longer either.
We'll have enough grain, silage, und hay feed for another 6 months.
Our power ist all solar und wind-turbine now, so that not an issue, und we have our own fresh water, vegetable green Haus, beef cows, milk cows, chickens, pigs, rabbits, goats, blah blah blah.

I'm just doing the normal chores, I go riding Pepper a lot checking the fences, fishing abit, swimming up at the falls, helping mum in the flower garden und with vegetables in the green Haus.
Reading, watching films abit more often, 4-wheeling in daddies' International.
I miss driving my auto though.
Most everyone around from other farms came together at the triple lakes for a cookout 2 weeks ago.
It was nice to see everyone happy enjoying the day...smiles...We haven't an occasion to roast a whole pig und side of beef in quite along time.

Funny how adversity can sometime benefit well-being I think...smiles

My best wishes und I'm hoping everyone stays well und safe having the things they need until this monster can be caged?
It may be years I'm afraid.
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
One says, "That's mighty bold talk for a one-eyed fat man."

Another replies, "Then fill your hands you son-of-a-bitch."
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Quote by GraceW
Rack em up.

Playfully smacking your butt und a cheeky kiss...smiles
You break 'em then, I'm getting us a glass of Pinot.

You stay safe in your home as well ok?
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Quote by JackStay
Same; never ever.

How ist your day? Hope ya staying away from most everyone und safe at your home?...smiles
Not take any foolish chances ok?

Ok my break then, so come over here und lay that long stick in my hands.
I want to smack them balls about und see if we can get anything in my holes...I the holes...giggles
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
I haven't any problem hearing about Siri's past nor telling her mine.

We've already talked about most everything before our wedding last year,
und always tell each other how our date went when we go out with someone else occasionally.

Sometime we bring them home und share them anyway...smiles
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
No way can I chose only one...smiles

I have an order of preference though...



Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Quote by Verbal
So what would the upside/downside be of using an actual photo of yourself as your avatar? I am tempted.

WOW...this ist an older thread isn't it? Not sure how relevant answering your question can be now.
Did you have your pics shown in your page gallery always but just prefered to not use them as your AV until now?
I can see you've overcome your temptation. Great pic of you btw.
I'm sure many peeps here are finally glad to see you if this ist the only time...smiles

Your thread has seemingly morphed into why everyone has chosen their current AV.
Many interesting reasons I can see.

To me personally I can't see any upside/downside either way if you have your own pics in your page gallery anyway.
So culling out the gossip gaggle here who can sometime so easily judge others they not even know personally isn't an issue then.

It isn't so important to me what AV anyone chooses as much that it ist not the red/white generic thing.
If someone uses their own pics for their AV great, if not that ist fine as well.
Most Lushies require their privacy here for many reasons so I can understand it.

I've been pleasured to meet 2 Lushies in person the past years, it was a fun experience I can never forget, und I can surely attribute our seeing what each other looked like und later webcamming often as one of the contributing reasons we decided to meet up.
So this can be one of the upsides I think if you've ever considered doing that.

For me though truly, if a peep ist a gute friend who ist nice to me, especially if they can play the game und sex it up in cyber?
Most I've found can not sadly.
I'm only cybersexing with them und not meeting up it ist of little difference to me what persona they play or what they truly look like.

Lush ist a fantasy sexsite after all in almost every aspect for the majority who come here except the minority who frequent the more serious forum threads, blah blah blah, und the morning gaggle of bridge-club chatterboxes dealing out their daily gossip...smiles

As for my AV? I've been using my own pics since I first joined in 2014 until about 2018.
I had changed it already before I was allowed to come back to Lush last year.
I happened upon the gif image und I thought she was a hottie tease...smiles
We kind of look alike, most definitely like wearing similar things, und I love dancing, so it kind of fit.

Nice to finally see you though, und not worry much about taking your valuable time to reply my comment...I'm not new here...smiles

Have a fun day. Be safe und stay away from everyone there if you can until this monster can be caged.
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Quote by TheUprightMan

Flipping someone off is a traffic violation? I thought Germans had a strong respect for free speech.

Are you being funny, sarcastic, or serious?
Sometime I not know if they don't express their emotion on comments...smiles
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Everything existing ist a relationship in it's "literal" sense.

FWBs may or may not be living together, und so defined slang by current demographics as a "relationship", may or may not be married.

There ist little difference otherwise except the different strings both of you have chosen to attach your infatuation.

If these strings become weaved into rope, then twined into links, und finally links of a chain between your hearts,
then your "I love you" FWBs has become "I'm in love with you" relationship...
whether ya wanted it or not...smiles

Without personally knowing them?
I'm thinking each person may have their own many reasons.
So this question stated as such a general inquiry?...
Can have response of a most probable irrelevant answer.
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Fuck No!!!
Even if I have wanted to a few times, not a chance.

You're supposed to be operating your motored vehicle, not rubbing one out...I mean really?
Ya may as well surf for porn on your phone while you're at it, und go for the dumbass gold metal...smiles

To be fair I not know everyone's circumstance while motoring about their cities or other places
und how safe or unsafe it ist there.
I can imagine some people traveling lonely straight roads with no one else around, or maybe sitting in heavy traffic...

but no ya can't do that here, especially trying such an irresponsible act while motoring the Bahn?
You will end up a bloody smudge on the front grill of someone's Mercedes,
or charged with felony crime, lose your driving permit, und possibly lose your auto...High-res cameras every where.
Motoring recklessly ist definitely an extreme no-no.
You will be cozy at home. Suddenly guess who ist at your door?

Those cameras have caught people smoking cannabis in their auto, or having a bottle of bier or Pinot between their legs,
or giving another motorist the middle-finger bird sign, which ist a rather high traffic fine itself.

I'm quite sure they can recognize your O-face pleasuring und zoom in on ya friggin' betwixt your nethers...smiles

So no, I'm never trying that, I can wait til I get to my Haus.
I love my privilege to drive und my BMW.
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Been to an adult bookstore a few times in Amsterdam, und I've frequented the Orion, RedStore,
und Beate Uhse in Wiesbaden.
We have a few others as well, all are very clean, brightly lit, und very nicely organized book stores.
No glory-holes allowed...smiles

I like erotic stories of course, und have seen some very graphic 3d animated mags und porn films as well they shelf.
I much prefer the feel of a book in my hand always but I seldom purchase erotica.
I most always carry a scifi double-novel paperback every where I go, then simply trade them.

Never been to a glory-hole. We haven't much preference for that kind of thing here, nor any central/eastern European country that I'm aware.
Never heard of it und not know anyone who has done it.
I haven't desire for kneeling in a filthy restroom having unsanitary sex with just anyone I not even know either...smiles
If ya had a glory-hole for a party in your own Haus, maybe this would be different?

I'm still not mouthing all over someone's cock or allowing them any where near my kitty, who I haven't even personally talked to yet, or know what they look like.

Amsterdam doesn't even allow such practice, not even in the dance clubs/brothels or window brothels.
They have extreme sex laws there regarding sanitation,
und quite surely glory-holes ist outlawed as an unsanitary public practice, the same that ist of any Netherland/Holland or German city.
Maybe this ist an American thing mostly? Not know, never visited there.

No matter, I haven't interest or need for the glory-hole Paraphilia, I rather fancy my fetishes over that...smiles
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Not always so important either way, but most often I like wearing a top at least,
one of my see-through tube tops, wrap halter, tank, or button front blouse.

Sometime maybe wearing crotch-less panties as well if I'm really into the person und wish to spice up the teasing even abit more.

Feeling another rubbing their warm naked body all over you ist never a bad thing though...smiles
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Quote by bifemTerri28
I am in with Ultimate

I'm gladly into rolling them between my teeth, circling little licks around each one,
pulling at your nips madly teasing your bosom rack, chalking up each nip looking up at you, our eyes not looking away.
Love watching your O-face watching me giving them a gute licking nibble til they're hard und swollen,
then I'm devouring your sexy hot boobs deeply in my warm wet yummy baby...giggles

Do the pool tables have a way to we can bind your ankles abit?
I'm thinking something else under that hood can be in need of a gute lick und bite rubbing out as well.

Hallo Terri... ...

Have a fun day. Stay well und safe at home away from everyone if you can ok?
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Depends...Do ya mind someone sliding your long pool stick between her fingers und smacking your balls around?
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Yes, most of my life swimming up at the falls.
Most always wearing only tube-tops or tanks without anything under it.

HYE...gone walking about in public wearing a see-through blouse und braless?
Щíccαη Щoods Щhore
Musicals...I love the older 1940s und 1950s American Musical films...smiles
My fav ist "White Christmas".

Pinot, liquors, or bier?