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My Last Lover

A bored workaholic entertains a desperate newlywed

Life can be really interesting. One day you could be a lonely, driven, sexless female and in an instant meet a man whose entire existence you would become dependent on. Once, when the thought of ever finding a man who could open your mind and body on an existential level seemed damn near impossible, one perfectly beautiful man can make you feel like your life would not be worth living if he were to suddenly disappear. My...

Daughter's Friend, Part 9

Is this the end of one relationship, and the beginning of another?

Samuel Kane was born at a healthy seven pounds, thirteen ounces. He arrived a little earlier than any of us expected. Alex went into labor on a brisk Wednesday evening, and Sam came out crying his head off early Thursday morning. The delivery was quick. I only lost feeling in my hand for about half an hour. Alex sure does have a strong grip! It’s been about three months since then and mother and son are doing wonderfully....

Daughter's Friend, Part 8

The newly formed love triangle gets even more complicated.

As the kids say, Miranda ghosted me. After she ambushed me in her home and tried seducing me, I haven’t heard from her. Not one peep. I thought for sure after that text she sent me I’d hear something, but not a word from that crazy woman. I was relieved, but at the same time dumbfounded. She swore she wouldn’t give up on her attempts to take me from Alex, so why did she just stop trying altogether? I’m ashamed to say Mira...

Daughters Friend, Part 7

Things take an interesting turn for the Kane family.

The European anniversary vacation has unfortunately come to an abrupt stop. We stayed in France for about a week, then found ourselves in Greece. What a beautiful country. We were there for a few days, and on the last day decided to go out on a boat ride. Halfway through the ride Alex got sick and threw up. We didn’t think much of it but when we got back to our hotel, she threw up again. She and Claire went to the store,...

Daughters Friend, Part 6

The European Anniversary Trip Continues.

After exploring all Spain had to offer, we took the plane a short distance to the coast of France. Now the three of us are currently on a train from the coast to the city of love, Paris. The French countryside is absolutely breathtaking. The train ride takes me back to when I was a young man and backpacked through numerous small French villages. It was on that trip that I rediscovered my love for croissants. The train rid...

I haven’t been on a real vacation in a long time. I went into full super-Dad mode once Claire was born and my wife passed. No time for yourself when you’re a single father with a newborn. I planned on going on a worldwide adventure once Claire started college, but life got in the way. More like, her best friend and I started a relationship and I became too consumed with her phenomenal body to think about leaving. But now...

Daughters Friend, Part 4

Alex and I face the first test of our relationship

Life is good. Scratch that, life is freaking wonderful right now. I can’t see any reason to complain. I only see reasons to celebrate. I’m in a stable, fruitful, passionate relationship with a girl straight out the pages of a Maxim magazine. She worships the ground I walk on. I never imagined loving a woman as much as I loved my late wife, but the love I have for Alex eclipses that by a good distance. We never argue. We o...

Daughters Friend, Part 3

Alex and I enjoy a nice day out

“Time?” “Not sure, but… going by how it’s looking outside…. I’d say it’s around 4 am.” “Wow. Oddly specific. Oh, fuck!” “What’s up?” “I think we’ve found my sweet spot.” “Nice. Should we stop?” “Have you cum?” “No…” “Then keep fucking me, Mr. Kane.”   Alex was right, we did not get much sleep that night. After having sex in Claire’s bed, we moved to my room and went at it all night until the early morning. We had to stop...

Daughters Friend, Part 2

After dropping my daughter off at the airport, there is a surprise waiting for me at home

It’s been a mundane few weeks since Alex came by the house. I haven’t seen or heard from her since she gave me mind-numbing head on my couch while my daughter slept upstairs. Claire hasn’t brought her up either. Maybe she feels awkward about hooking up with her friend’s father and wants to keep her distance. That’s my best guess. I understand, but it would’ve been nice to see her at least once, even if we didn’t get a cha...

Daughter's Friend, Part 1

My daughter comes back from college, and brings an old friend of hers back around

My only child, Claire, has just returned home from her first semester of college. It’s great to see her. It’s been a bit lonely since she left. Her mother, my amazing wife, died during childbirth so it’s been me and Claire for the first eighteen years of her life. You can imagine how hard it was when she made the decision to leave our home in California and go to school on the East Coast. I guess she got tired of the perf...

I Love My Dad, Part 5

We catch up with the two lovers and their new normal...

Hi everyone! Been a while, hasn’t it? My bad. Time flies when you’re in love. I’ll give you all a quick recap of the last few months of my sex-crazed, taboo life.  I’m sure you’re wondering so I’ll get right to it. Yes, my Step Father and I are still going strong. No one knows about our relationship. Yay. We’ve gotten much better at keeping everything discreet. Business as normal, as far as our neighbors and families are...

I Love My Dad, Part 4

The two lovers go on their first "date"

My in-laws’ visit came and went. After Randy snuck into my room and quietly fucked my tight little pussy, the weekend was mostly a blur. We spent time with my relatives around town and in the city. We went to a popular candy store and Scotty got sick from eating too much. Randy and I thought it was funny, his parents did not. I was so happy when they left. Before they even pulled out of the driveway I had Randy’s dick in...

I Love My Dad, Part 3

Randy and Amber entertain some guests...

"Well, I guess we really have no choice."“We don’t. She was persistent, as usual. Sorry babe.""Not your fault my love. We will deal with it.""I love you so much.""I love you too. Shit!""What's wrong?""I have to be back to work in ten minutes, but I still haven't cum yet!"Yes, Randy and I were talking about my Aunt’s impending visit while we were fucking. It was the next day and as promised, Randy came home on his lunch br...

I Love My Dad, Part 2

Newly awakened Amber and her Step Dad Randy go for a nice afternoon run.

I woke up before Randy the next morning. The window in his bedroom was slightly open, and it was a beautiful summer day. There was a breeze blowing through the room as well. It was the perfect way to wake up after what happened last night. By chance Randy had today off. I had a feeling he wouldn't be getting up for a little while. He loves to sleep in as late as he possibly can on his days off, but today he might sleep ev...

I Love My Dad, Part 1

Amber can't hide her feelings for Randy, her step father, any longer!

I love my Dad. Actually, he's my Step Dad. So, I love my Step Dad. Even though I consider him my real Dad. Confused? Me too. I'll start over.My name is Amber and I am 18 years old. I just graduated high school (yay me!). I'm not sure what I want to do with my life yet, so I'm taking a year off to explore my options. My Dad is cool wth it, which is just one of the many reasons why I love him so much. Randy came into my lif...