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Daughters Friend, Part 4

"Alex and I face the first test of our relationship"

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Life is good. Scratch that, life is freaking wonderful right now. I can’t see any reason to complain. I only see reasons to celebrate. I’m in a stable, fruitful, passionate relationship with a girl straight out the pages of a Maxim magazine. She worships the ground I walk on. I never imagined loving a woman as much as I loved my late wife, but the love I have for Alex eclipses that by a good distance.

We never argue. We only laugh and make love. I enjoy her company immensely and she has brought out a youthful exuberance I thought had long since died. What I have now surpasses my wildest dreams. Alex is the perfect woman, and I am truly blessed to have her.

However, that may soon change. I have to go away for work. An old friend I used to write with asked for my help with a movie he’s working on in New York City. I was skeptical at first, but he said it would only be two weeks at the most. He’d pay for my hotel and I’d only work a few hours a day on set. I haven’t been on a proper movie set in years, so with a little coaxing from my friend I accepted. When I told Alex I’d be going away, she was less than thrilled. It’s going to be our first time being apart from each other. We’ve been going strong for a while now and she’s worried the distance might be too much for her to handle. She can be a little clingy. I really don’t mind but I know she’s worried.

I’ve tried to tell her it’ll be okay. It’s just two weeks. We can facetime when I’m not working, and I promised I’d call her on my lunch breaks. It’ll be fine. She has nothing to worry about.

“What am I going to do when you’re gone?”

It was the night before I was to leave for New York. Alex and I were in bed. I had packed earlier in the day so now I was just watching tv. Well, I was trying to watch tv. Alex was peppering me with questions. I was getting annoyed, but I let her keep going.

“I don’t know.”



“Talk to me!”

“Would you relax? It’s just two weeks. You’ll find something to do.”

“No, I won’t. It’s going to be torture.”

Alex huffed and puffed and fell on her back on the bed. It was amusing watching her overreact.

“We will get through this.”

“Ugh. Telling my parents about us was easy. Telling Claire about our relationship was a piece of cake. This? Straight TORTURE.”

“You really thought telling your parents you were dating a forty-five-year-old was easy? And telling your best friend you were dating her father was nothing? I call bullshit.”

Alex pouted.

“Well, back then it was easy 'cause you were there by my side the whole time. You did a lot of the talking.”


“Yeah. Now you’re going to be gone and I’ll be all alone.”

“You can stay here if you’d like.”

“This house is too big for one person. No, thanks.”

“I got along just fine before we got together.”

“That’s because you’re a weirdo loner. You love being alone.”

“Can’t argue with you there, kitten.”


Alex threw her face into a pillow. I chuckled and turned the tv off.


“What?” Her muffled, mad voice was cute.

“Look, I get it. I really do. We haven’t been apart for longer than a day since we’ve started dating. We’ve literally spent every waking moment together, and it’s been fantastic. This is just a test. That’s how I’m looking at it. A test of our relationship. A test I honestly think we’ll pass with flying colors.”

Alex lifted her head.

“I hate tests. That’s why I waited so long to go back to school, remember?”

“Yes, and now you ace all your classes.”

“I hate you…”

“I know. But I love you.”

I leaned over and kissed Alex’s full-bodied lips.

“Your kisses make everything seem okay.”

“Because it will.”

“We’ll see.”

“Good enough.”

I lay back down and switched on the tv. Alex looked at the television, then back to me, then the television, then back to me.

“…Apology blowjob?”

“Go ahead.”

Alex scurried under the covers. Whenever she overreacts to something or gets mad at me, after we make up, she tends to want to suck my dick to make up. It’s a little unorthodox, but it works for us.

“Go slow. I want to enjoy this. Last one for a while.”

“Don’t remind me. Oh, how will I survive without your cum?”


Thirteen days. It has been thirteen days since the love of my life, the sexiest black man on planet Earth, Anthony Kane left me to go work across the country. I told him it’d be torture without him around, and of COURSE, I was right. I’m being dramatic, but still, it sucks.

I didn’t get out of bed the first day he left. Couldn’t do it. I lay around that whole day wishing he was still here. The next few nights weren’t as bad. He said I could stay at his house until he got back, and I took him up on his offer. I considered leaving but it was too hard. I really enjoy being at his home. My parents’ house isn’t that much smaller than his, but it would have been cramped with my parents hounding me constantly about dating an older man. Get over it, Mom and Dad; he and I are madly in love.

Anthony and I talk every day. He’s loving being on a movie set again. I knew he wanted to go, so even though I made a big deal about it I was happy he got this opportunity. He was born in New York so it’s sort of like a homecoming, but I know he misses California, and me. I know I miss him terribly. I tell him that every day. But he’ll be home tomorrow night, and I cannot wait to put my arms around him and give him lots and lots of kisses.

I try to stay busy with work. Even though he’s gone, Anthony still gets a lot of scripts from people to look over. I do my best with the workload but whenever I get bored or tired or start crying over how much I miss him, I take a break. No one needs my tears over their scripts!

Today I planned on being really diligent and getting a lot of work done. I wanted to clean the house as well. It wasn’t dirty by any means, but I wanted it spotless for when Mr. Kane returned home. I knew he’d appreciate it. He always goes above and beyond to make me the happiest little girl on the planet; the least I could do was keep his house in order.

I was in the bedroom putting new sheets on the bed when my phone rang. I made a dash to where it was and immediately picked it up.



God, his voice. Even through the phone, it makes me wet.

“How are you?”

“I’m good. What are you up to?”

“Cleaning. I’m making sure the house is nice and tidy for when you return tomorrow.”

“Nice. You have a minute to talk?”

“Absolutely. What’s up?”

“Well…I have some bad news.”

My heart sank. If he was about to say what I think he’s about to say…

“What is it…?”

“Sorry, babe, but they need me to stay a few more weeks.”

“A few more WEEKS?! Are you joking? Why?”

“Short version: need to tweak the shooting script. Long version: one of the actresses isn’t cutting it so they may bring on someone else halfway through. I’m against that strategy but I don’t make the calls this go-around.”

“Oh my god.”

I fell onto the bed. I knew this would happen.

“Alex? Can you do a few more weeks?”

“I don’t know. I really don’t know. I was so excited to see you tomorrow and now that you aren’t coming, I don’t know.”

“I understand. I was excited too.”

“Yeah. I should get back to cleaning. Talk later?”

“Of course. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

I hung up the phone and threw it on the ground. Great. Another couple of weeks of being alone. My mind and body can’t take this much longer. I haven’t been feeling well since Anthony left. Maybe I’m sick but I just feel incomplete without him next to me. Sometimes at night, I put on his shirts so I can have his scent on my body. More times than not I end up fingering my pussy and orgasming all over the bed, but that’s not going to cut it anymore. I need the real thing.

After sobbing for a few hours, I eventually got the strength to get back to cleaning. I was in a foul mood for most of the day. Didn’t want to do anything. I went into the bathroom to clean the mirrors when I noticed something. Well, not something, someone. Me. I wouldn’t say I’ve let myself go recently but I definitely didn’t recognize the girl staring back at me. I haven’t put on makeup or worn nice clothes since Anthony left. Didn’t see the point. If he wasn’t ogling over my body, no one was. I looked like a straight-up bum.

“I need a shower. No, a bath.”

I dropped what I was doing and turned on the water. I used one of those lush bath bombs and got the setting just right. I needed to relax and figure things out.

I wanted to be with him. That much I knew. But we were three thousand miles apart. And that distance wasn’t getting any shorter. Or was it…?

What if I went to New York and surprised him? No, that would be crazy. I’m not that type of girl. I hate those clingy girls who need constant attention. I know he wants to see me just as bad and I need to be patient. But if I’m being honest, I think I want it just a little bit more than he does. I am hopelessly obsessed with that man. What a right mess.

I should call one of my friends and get their advice. Ha, who am I kidding, what friends? Most of them shunned me when they found out Mr. Kane and I were dating, and Claire only recently started talking to both of us again. I don’t think it would be a good idea to ask if I should surprise her father in New York because I’m super horny and don’t think I can go another minute without feeling his massive cock ram my tiny cunt. Sigh. I sunk deeper into the tub and let my mind drift away.


That was a tough call to make. I could hear it in her voice; she was devastated. I live my life to make that girl happy and knowing that she wasn’t, and I couldn’t do anything about it really bothered me.

After we talked, I went back to work. It flew by, thankfully, and when I got back to my hotel room, I tried calling Alex, but she didn’t answer. Weird, but understandable. Maybe we’ll talk later.

Later came and went, and I still couldn’t get in touch with Alex. Was she ignoring me? I know she’s mad, but she’s never done anything like this. Damn, did I make a mistake in taking this job?

The next day on my lunch break I tried Alex again. No answer, but a few minutes later she called back.

“Hey, you. I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner. My parents needed me home for a bit.”

“No problem. Everything okay?”

“Yes, everything is perfect. How are you?”

“I’m good. I miss you.”

“I miss you too, sweetie. When do you get off today?”

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“And when do you get back to your hotel room?”

“I should be back no later than 6:30.”

“Okay, great!”


“Yep. Well, I gotta go. I’ll talk to you very soon! Love ya, bye.”


Alex hung up first. That was strange. She seemed to be in a really good mood. I hope that means she isn’t too upset with me anymore. I Just want her to be happy. When I get back, I will devote every minute of every day making it up to her.

I got back to my hotel closer to 7 pm. Right before I called the elevator, the receptionist called out to me.


“Sorry, sir, wanted to get you before you went up. Did your daughter settle in okay?”

My daughter? What is this guy talking about?

“Excuse me?”

“Your daughter came by earlier to pick up a room key. She was very nice, so I wanted to make sure she made it okay.”

I had no idea what this guy was talking about, but I acted like I did so I could go to my room.

“Oh, yes. She’s doing just fine. Do you know if she’s still up there?”

“I believe so, sir. Haven’t seen her down here.”

“Okay. Thanks.”

I went back to the elevator. My daughter? Claire is here? I told her I was in New York for work, but I didn’t think she’d come visit. We haven’t been talking much since she found out about me and Alex. She took it hard, but I think she’s coming around.

I got to my room. I took out my key card and before I could open the door it swung open and Alex greeted me at the entrance.

“… You are NOT my daughter.”

“No, I’m not. Hi.”

“Hi. What are you doing here?”

“Come in and I’ll tell you.”

Alex opened the door for me and I walked in. She took my coat and walked me over to the couch.


“You said that already. Are you surprised?”

“Very. How did you get here?”

“Well after our talk last night I was pretty upset. I was heartbroken you weren’t coming home today, and I couldn’t wait another minute to see you, so I made the decision to come out here and surprise you. I packed some clothes and got the first flight out of California this morning. I think I’m still a little jet lagged. Got an Uber to the hotel and I’ve been here ever since, waiting for you.”

“Did you tell the receptionist you were my daughter?”

“Yes, and no. I explained who I was and that I wanted to surprise my boyfriend because we’ve been apart for ages and he’s been working sooo hard. I told him that when you came back to tell you your daughter was here and to stall you, so I could get ready.”

“Wow. I can’t believe this.”

“You know me. Once I get an idea, I just run with it.”

“That you do…” I was just now noticing Alex’s outfit. She was wearing a tight, skimpy black dress. Her hair was straightened as well. She looked incredible.

“You finally noticed.”

Alex stood up and placed herself right in front of me.

“You like?”

“I do. I really do.”


Alex sat on my lap. She ran her long fingers through my hair. I was under her spell almost instantly. She leaned in and kissed my ear.

“I missed you…so much.”


I couldn’t finish my sentence. I was in a trance. She had on this perfume that was overly intoxicating. Feeling her curves and hips, I realized how long it had actually been since I’d seen her. Too long.

My hands were moving on their own. We didn’t talk. No words could accurately describe the sexual energy and tension in the room.

“You aren’t wearing panties.”

Alex shook her head no.

“Mr. Kane…”

“Yes, baby?”

“Take me to bed.”

I picked Alex up and carried her to the king-sized bed. I threw her down. She smiled back at me and bit her lip. I was frozen. I didn’t know if I should kiss her or whip my dick out and start fucking her, so I just stood there. Amazed, stupefied, and marveling at Alex.

“I can’t believe you’re here.”

“I know, neither can I. I had to see you.”

“You’re impatient.”

“I am. When it comes to you, I can’t control myself.”

Alex ran her hands down the length of her dress. She reached her pussy, and slowly used one finger to rub her clit. I stood at the edge of the bed, hypnotized by what I was watching.

“Why can’t you control yourself?”

“You’re everything to me.”


Alex stuck a finger inside her pussy.

“I wake up and think of you. I go to bed and think of you. When I’m around my friends or family, I think of you. When we’re together, I think of nothing else but you.”

Alex started moaning.

“You can’t live without me, can you?”

“No. I’m too far gone.”

Alex inserted another finger. I was rock hard.

“Keep going.”

“On the plane, I went to the bathroom and played with myself. I didn’t cum. I wanted you to give me an orgasm. When I got to your room, I took one of your shirts and used it to masturbate. Once again, I didn’t cum. My nipples are hard as steel right now. I want you to ravish my body all night long. I don’t care about anything else. I can barely concentrate on talking, I just want your dick. PLEASE, can I have it?”

Alex’s moans were getting louder. She was ready to explode. Luckily for her, so was I.

I undid my belt buckle. Alex tilted her head back. I unzipped my pants. Alex got louder. I dropped my pants and briefs, pulled Alex to the edge of the bed, and entered her. The entire length of my cock sent a shiver down Alex’s spine.

Eyes rolled back, back arched, mouth wide open, Alex came with an intensity I’ve rarely seen. I kept my cock in place while she yelled and squirmed all over the bed. I leaned down and grabbed her wrists and kissed her. Fuck, I missed those lips.

“I’m going to creampie you, Alex. You’re so hot. Thank you for coming here. Thank you.”

“Give it to me, baby.”

With one hard thrust, I erupted inside Alex. I’ve been jerking off rather frequently since we’ve been apart but the last few days, I’ve been so busy I forgot. I had lots built up. There was no doubt we were going all night.

Alex slowly pushed my semen out of her pussy.

“My tummy is full. So fucking full.”

“Take off this dress and meet me on the couch.”


I took off my shirt and headed for the couch. I didn’t look back. Alex stayed on the bed for a minute. I waited weeks to feel her pussy; I could wait a few more minutes for round two.

Alex walked over to me, completely nude. Her hair was draped over her right shoulder, covering half her face.

“I like it like that.”

“Thank you. Wanted to change things up a bit.”

“Good call.”

Alex dropped to her knees and put her face right in front of my dick.

“I could look at your cock all day. Limp or hard, it’s mesmerizing.”

“It’s a little dirty now. You gonna clean me up before you stick it back in?”

“You know I will.”

Alex stuck out her tongue and engulfed my cock. She moaned while sucking me. I sat back in amazement. I’ve been dreaming about this moment for weeks, but I never thought It would happen here in New York.


Alex stopped sucking. She didn’t look up at me. She just glared at my penis, waiting to be allowed to suck on it some more.

“You really got on a plane to see me?”

“I did.”

Alex grabbed my cock and slapped it all over her face.

“You missed my cock that much?”

“Your COCK has been on my brain for fourteen days straight. Yeah, I missed it.”

Alex smiled, and I blew her a kiss. Alex stood and turned her ass towards me.

“Your body is magnificent.”

“Thank you, Mr. Kane. You want more?”

“Fuck yeah, I do.”

Alex lowered her bum onto my cock and rode me in reverse. Her hands had a firm grip on my knees while she worked her fat ass at a feverish pace on my cock.

“Fuck, Alex! I’m going to take you in every inch of this room.”

“Yes, baby, yes! I want it!”

I grabbed Alex’s hips and worked her like a rag doll on my cock. Up and down, up and down.

“Turn around for me.”

Alex did as she was told. I needed those breasts in my mouth. I nibbled on her nipples and held them in my mouth while Alex bounced up and down on my dick.

“Fuck…fuck…. FUCK!”

She was tightening around me and grinding on my cock. She was close.  

Wrapping my arms around Alex’s waist, I stood up and lifted her in my arms. She was surprised, but at this point as long as my dick didn’t leave her pussy she wouldn’t care where or how we fucked. She threw her arms around my neck and put her face right against mine.

Her ass smacking against my ball sack mixed with her moans is the hottest sound to me. I love it.

“POUND ME. Pound ME.”

Clap, clap. Smack, smack. Those sounds filled the suite.

I pulled out and Alex fell to the ground and I covered her face with cum, her favorite meal.

“Finally, finally.”

“That’s what you came here for. A taste of my nut.”

“Yes. Your delicious cum. I’m so fucking happy.”

“Good girl. Eat it up.”

I fell back on the couch and watched Alex lick the cum off her body. She was playing with it. She knows it turns me on to watch her fool around with my cum. My girl is such a dirty little slut, and it’s the best thing ever.

“Taste just like you remember?”

“Better. Much better. It’s making me light-headed.”


Alex chuckled. She stuck out her tongue and showed me that she had swallowed it all.

“Well done. Come here.”

Alex got up from the floor and sat next to me. She was kissing on my chest and running her hands over my stomach.

I moved her beautiful hair out of her face so I could watch.

“You’re amazing, you know that?”

“Say it again.”

“You’re AMAZING.”

“I’d do anything for you, Mr. Kane. I mean that.”

“Flying across the country for me definitely shows that, Alex. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

“So, when is your return flight?”

“Didn’t book one. I didn’t think past this moment. All I know is that I don’t want to be away from you ever again.”

“Okay. Well, don’t make plans to go home yet. Give me a few days, and we’ll go back together.”


“Yes. I was going to tell you in the next few days, but I think I’m going to officially retire. I really enjoyed my time out here, but I don’t need the stress of being on a movie set. That’s a young man’s game. Besides, my life at home is pretty freaking great.”

“I’m so happy! Yay!!”

“I’m glad. Now I can focus on you and our relationship.”

“This is the best day ever. Are you sure you want to do this?”

“I’m sure. You’re my life now. I want to spend all the time I have with you.”

Alex hugged me, but it felt more like she was choking me. Her excitement gets the better of her sometimes.

Alex reached down and grabbed my cock.

“You want more dick?”

“Duh. I have something to tell you though.”

“What’s up?”

Alex leaned in real close. She licked my neck all the way up to my earlobe.

“While you were away, I got curious.”

Alex got up from the couch and bent over the coffee table.

“I started playing with my ass.”

Alex spread her cheeks and showed me her asshole.

“I bought a tiny vibrator online, but I’m desperate for the real thing.”

Alex stuck one finger inside her butt and began to moan.

“Please, fuck me in my virgin ass, Mr. Kane.”


Written by Handydandy14
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Another great chapter. Need to stay hard for the next chapter. God this is hot.
I prayed with the opening description of this goddess that they would reach this point. I can almost see and feel those round orbs in my hands as I mount them. DON'T stop now - I need Chapter 5.
Extremely hot story, I would give anything to be Alex. Can't wait for the next chapter.
hot story want more
You certainly don’t disappoint; what a great story of a very hot relationship!
another great chapter .