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Over 90 days ago




Kevin is a regular patron of Cyberwhore.

“So, you’re a patron of Cyberwhore then, Kev?” asked Jeff with a sneer. Kevin nodded sheepishly. How had he let something like that slip out? “What’s wrong with the alternatives, Kev?” Jeff persisted, sipping from his beer glass in the window seat of the Red Encounter. “What about virtual sex? What’s wrong with penis pumps? And what about, heaven forbid, the real thing?” “Not much chance of that up here on Mars, Jeff,” Ke...

The Silent Tutsi

What will Linda be able to teach the Silent Tutsi?

It was only natural that Linda should be apprehensive when she met Laurent and Pauline Duquesne for the first time at the airport. What had she let herself in for? It was a necessary part of her university degree, of course: a summer in France spent with a French family where she’d have to speak French all the time. She wasn’t sure whether it was the fact she’d have to rely on her knowledge of the belle langue or her anxi...

Here’s Looking At You

"Here's looking at you, kid." This was Sam's endearment to his first wife, Jenny.

Sam held the black-and-white photograph of his first wife in the gnarled fingers of his hand. “Here’s looking at you, kid!” he said, holding it up towards his failing eyes, as much aware of the liver spot on the back of his hand as of Jenny’s prim beauty. Her hands were crossed over a pleated knee-length skirt and her face shone in the monochrome sunlight of a distant age. All Sam’s memories were in black and white. At th...

I Remember Erewhon

I remember Erewhon. It is the city I visited many times when I was young.

I remember Erewhon. I remember the crenelated turrets, towers and spires overshadowing a city of unheralded bends and unexpected corners and alleyways. I remember the cobbled streets, the gaslit esplanades, the flint-studded churches, the winding river, and the expansive city square. I also remember the soaring modern edifices that truly scraped the sky and which reflected one on another; the multi-lane highways—sometimes...


An all-girl rock group that regularly perform sex on stage

Long before she let herself through the front door it was obvious to Tabitha that Sunbeam was home. From several doors down the suburban street she could hear the sound of seventies heavy metal and, accompanying the record, Sunbeam’s own guitar playing that was roughly, but not exactly, in tune. It was a wonder the neighbours didn’t complain more than they did. As always, Tabitha couldn’t help noticing the remarkable simi...

Teen Spirit

Chris has always been awkward with girls. He would much rather sit in his room and listen to Nirvana

Chris’ first time didn’t happen until he was nineteen years old. Indeed, until that time he’d never even kissed a girl, though there’d been the odd time when he fancied he’d been close. But nothing he could ever be sure about. He was always very awkward with girls. In fact, he was awkward with everyone. He only had a couple of friends, Pete and Stu, who sometimes came to see him, or he would visit their homes. On these oc...

Bukkake Business

A business deal is never complete unless there is also Bukkake Business.

It was a big day for her, Tachu reflected, as she glided the electric razor over her scalp, removing traces of blue stubble to expose the pale pinkness beneath, After all her efforts in securing the deal with the Taming Force Corporation, today was finally the day in which the client would sign and all her efforts would be rewarded. At last, she would be entitled to the handsome commission that she so often discussed with...

Vagina Dialogue

Both Natasha and Julie love the taste of vagina.

“You love the taste of cunt, don’t you?” Natasha remarked. Julie removed her tongue from the thick lips and folds of her lover’s vulva, and smiled at Natasha, a thin trail of saliva on her chin. “Yeah! Nothing beats it! It’s got the best taste in the world.” “And my pussy? How’s that compare?” “It’s good! Amongst the best. You’ve got a world class clit and I love the taste. No pussy-farts either!” “You don’t like a burst...

Facebook Friend

Jane had long been anticipating her encounter with Charlie, her Facebook friend.

Jane was sure she knew Charlie and that she knew him well. After all, she and he had been friends on Facebook for several months now. Thanks to Mark Zuckerberg’s ingenuity and generosity, they’d been able to chat and discourse for hours on end without once having actually met one another. And tonight was the evening when, at long last, Jane would actually meet Charlie in the flesh. Jane was also sure she knew what Charlie...

How High the Moon

Lynn wonders about the woman in the audience, as she sings How High the Moon.

“How high…” sings Lynn. “How hi-igh… How high the moo-oo-oon!” With echoes of Sarah Vaughan, she stretches the final word beyond its normal constraints, modulating the tone, while her fingers follow a little behind on the piano, finally resolving themselves in improvisation when she senses there is little more to be squeezed from one word. The audience politely applauds as they recognise the change. She smiles, although s...

Her Husband’s Ex

Although Ken never introduced her nor even discussed her, his wife knew much about Sonya.

Although Ken had never introduced her to his ex-wife nor even discussed her very much at all, his wife knew a great deal about Sonya. In fact, Caitlin knew much more about her husband’s ex than she really should have done. In a sense, Ken was as much to blame as Caitlin’s curiosity and jealousy. He was the one with the woeful understanding of data security. Had it never crossed his mind that his wife of two years’ marriag...


Although on the surface Judith was a plain, church-going girl, her alter ego was Superslut.

On the surface, Judith was a plain girl. She wore wire-framed spectacles that were more obviously functional than decorative, a blouse and knee-length skirt that hid rather than flaunted her beauty, and her hair was pulled back in severe plaits that robbed it of any hint of flirtatious pride. But underneath, although nobody knew it, was hidden Superslut. Like Judith, she was a first year Biochemistry student at Exeter Uni...

Love is Blind

Sarah is in love with Lee and he with her. All is as it should be in a romantic love made in heaven.

Sarah awoke to the warmth of the morning sun on her dozing face, bright enough for her to know it was daylight. This was one of those mornings Sarah especially liked. There was nothing she needed to do and no appointment she had to keep. She could rest in bed for just as long as she liked. Or not just rest. She could hear Lee breathing beside her, soft and steady as he slept on his back, face upward. Sarah smiled. It woul...

Sliding Sideways

Quentin is Sliding Sideways through space and time

“It’s like I’m sliding sideways through time and space,” Quentin explained to Vivienne. “You might have seen that movie with Gwyneth Paltrow, or maybe, in this continuum, Renee Zellweger: Sliding Doors. Only for me, it’s all the time. The way I understand it is like what Stephen Hawkings explains. You know, that we live in an infinity of parallel universes. Only that while most people stay in one spacetime continuum all t...

International Cowgirl

Lulu represents Kenya in the International Cowgirl event and so much wanted to do her country proud

If your intention was to escape the roar of the crowd packed into the giant stadium, the best place to be probably wasn’t the changing rooms. But this was the only place Lulu knew where she could find any degree of privacy. Of course, she wasn’t the only one collapsed head-down on a wooden bench, her arms draped over her knees and hands dangling loosely down. Women from events other than hers were slumped in a similar sta...