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We all climbed in and the car hadn’t started moving before Rose grasped my hand and moved it to her breasts. “We’re going to give you a night you will never forget!” she whispered as her hand rubbed my cock.

We passed on doing up our seatbelts and as Rose and I pawed at each other like teenagers, Anne took the longest way around she could find to give us time to make out. Soon, my cock was out of my pants and my fingers were in her wetness. “Mmmm, nice,” she purred as I rubbed her clit. Then her head went to my crotch and I felt her lips on my cock.

“Oh, fuck,” I breathed as she went down on me.

“Later, baby, I promise!” I heard from the front seat. I looked up to see my wife’s smiling face in the rear-view. She winked at me and turned her eyes back to the road. I felt Rose’s body jiggle as she laughed to herself without losing her vapour lock on my dick.

Coming up off me, she said, “Your husband has a lovely cock, Anne. Just the perfect size for sucking!” She took me back inside her warm wet mouth, her tongue dancing around my glans and flicking along the shaft as she bobbed her head down and up.

“I’ve always thought so,” replied Anne. “Almost there,” she warned as I felt the car turn a corner.

“We’d better continue this later then,” teased Rose as she sat back up beside me.

“Seriously?” I gasped. “That’s cruel!”

“Don’t worry baby, we’re gonna wear you out!” she breathed into my ear. She tucked me back in and straightened out her dress. “You better zip up before we go inside.”

Anne parked the car and we climbed out, as I retrieved my bag from the back, Anne sidled up to me and hugged me tightly. “You have no idea how happy I am,” she said quietly before brushing her lips across my cheek.

I cupped my hand along the side of her face, “Well then, my work is done,” I replied.

“Not quite,” she said with a wink as she grasped my hard-on through the tent in my pants. She took my hand and led me through the lobby to the elevator. As the door closed, both women began kissing me and each other and by the time the door opened on the sixth floor, I was weak in the knees.

“This can’t be real,” I said hoarsely as I tried to catch my breath.

“Oh, but it is!” whispered Anne as she took one hand and led me down the hallway. Rose held her other until we got to the door to the room. “Hold up,” she said and she fished her phone out of her purse. She pushed Rose and me together and directed, “Aaaannnnnd, kiss!” As we kissed, she snapped a couple of photos and then laughed out loud. “Sam’s gonna love these!” she giggled.

We went into the room and as the door clicked shut, Rose dropped to her knees in front of me. My belt was unbuckled quickly and before I knew it my pants were piled at my feet and the tip of my cock was millimetres away from Rose’s nose. “Anne, darling, would you mind terribly if I finished sucking your husband’s lovely cock?”

“Not at all,” Anne replied, “just don’t swallow, save some to share!” Rose nodded and as she looked up at me, she opened wide, and into her mouth I went once more until her chin brushed my balls and her nose touched my closely trimmed hair.

As Rose performed her oral magic, our eyes never left each other so I didn’t even notice Anne stripping down to her underwear and taking a seat in an armchair opposite us. “Gerald,” she whispered to catch my attention, “watch me while I watch Rose suck your cock!” I just nodded as one of her hands went to her breast, the other sliding down to her bare mons. She hadn’t bothered with panties this evening, just a satiny black bustier that made her breasts plump up at the top as though they were going to spill out. Black stockings were clipped to the straps attached to the bottom. After a few minutes of playing with herself, she got up and went to the nightstand, returning with a rabbit-style vibrator. Stopping as she passed to kiss me deeply, she whispered, “Do my lover’s lips feel amazing on your cock?”

I returned her kiss and replied, “Probably not as amazing as they feel on your cunt!”

“Probably not!” she whispered before kissing me once more and returning to her seat. Placing one leg over the arm of the chair, she slipped two fingers inside her pussy and move them around to spread the slick fluid that was seeping out. “You guys look so hot!” she whispered as she slid the tip of her toy along the cease of her pussy before sliding it in slowly. Her eyes rolled up as it entered her and a soft “Yeeessssss” escaped unbidden from her lips.

By this time, I was seriously close to unloading my seed into Rose’s mouth. I looked down at her and as she sensed my movement, she looked up at me. Taking her mouth off me for a moment, she said, “The answer to the question that’s just now forming in your mind is yes, I want you to come in my mouth!” She opened wide again and plunged down onto her, her hands coming to rest on both hips. She pulled me toward her and held me as she bobbed more quickly. “Dammit, here comes!” I cried as my hands went to the sides of her head in an effort to hold her onto me as I came.

“Quickly she pulled her mouth off me and shook her head rapidly, “No hands Gerald, I got this!” and back onto me she went, pulling herself onto me.

As the tip of my cock brushed the roof of her mouth I lost it, a loud moan came up from the depths of my soul as I came as forcefully as I had ever done in my life.

“That’s it, baby, take his come, take it all in your beautiful mouth!” cried Anne as she moved from the chair and took her place beside Rose. “Mmmmmm, I can’t wait to share my husband’s creamy cum with you!” I decided then and there that I liked this wanton slut that my wife had turned into.

Once my cock stopped pulsing, Rose took her mouth off me, holding its head between her lips and applying suction so when it popped out it made a soft ‘plop’ sound. Being careful not to spill any, she turned her face to my wife’s and they kissed, her tongue probing forward and sharing my sticky stuff. Their lips parted and Rose opened her mouth and let some dribble off her lower lip onto Anne’s waiting tongue.

“Oh fuck, that’s hot!” I exclaimed, “I should have had my phone ready, that’s something I could watch over and over again!”

Anne closed her mouth and swallowed before looking up at me, “We’ll just have to do that again then so you don’t miss the moment!”

“Mmmm-hmmm,” purred Rose, “Except next time, I get to watch you blow your husband and then share with me!”

“Mmmm, totally!” said Anne and she kissed her lover again before they both stood up beside me. “I think there’s enough left to share with my husband,” she said.

“I think maybe there’s just enough,” replied Rose. Anne’s lips found mine and as her tongue probed forward I could taste the salt of my cum. Her lips were quickly replaced with Rose’s and she did the same.

“Thank you, Gerald, for sharing this amazing woman with me,” she whispered.

“Ummmm you’re welcome?” I answered. Both women giggled at that. “Believe me, I’m getting more out of this than you are!”

“No, sweetheart, you are not!” said Anne, “Not even fucking close!” She turned her face to her lover and kissed her passionately. “I love you!” she whispered. Rode smiled.

“I love you too!” she said in return and they kissed again. Then Anne turned her face to me.

“I love you, Gerald, more than ever!” She kissed me as deeply and as passionately as she ever had and I returned her kiss, trying desperately to convey through my lips and tongue the depth of emotion I was feeling at that moment. Our kiss broke and we just stared at each other for a moment.

Rose placed a finger beside my chin and turned my face to hers, “Are you okay with Anne saying she loves me? With me saying I love her?”

“Of course, I am,” I answered plainly. I leaned down and kissed her softly. “I understand that it’s possible to love more than one person at a time. We’ve talked about this and I’m good with it.”

“Good,” said Rode and she kissed me again. “I don’t know that I can say I love you yet but I really do like you a lot!” We all laughed for a moment.

“Well, we hardly know each other,” I said.

“You know each other pretty well I would say!” laughed Anne.

“We could get to know each other better!” I said, pulling them both in tight.

“Oh, we will,” said Anne, “You can count on it!” We all hugged and shared soft kisses for a few minutes. Then we just stared at each other’s faces for a moment. “This is unbelievable!” she said. “If you had told me 6 months ago that any of this would be happening, I’d have said you were crazy!”

“Maybe we are crazy,” I said, “but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a little crazy in your life now and again!”

“Me neither!” said Rose.

“Who’s thirsty?” I asked, after disengaging myself from the two women, “Should I order something from room service or maybe go out and get some wine?”

“Are you actually of the belief that you are leaving this room tonight?” asked Rose. “We have too much to do!” I fished out the room service menu and showed it to them, we settled on two bottles of moderately expensive wine and a charcuterie plate.

Anne kissed me quickly, “You order it, I have to get freshened up.” She and Rose disappeared into the washroom as I placed the order. I quickly rearranged my clothes so I would be somewhat presentable when the server showed up, it only took about ten minutes and there was a knock on the door. In the meantime, the girls had touched up their makeup and had gotten into the lingerie they would be wearing this evening. Matching robes covered their naughty bits as they sat up on the bed and traced their fingers over each other’s bodies playfully while we waited.

When the knock came I opened the door and the waiter tried to enter the room. I stopped him saying I could take care of things from here” But Anne called, “Let him in honey, we’re decent.” I stepped aside and let him in, he stopped and stared in seeing the two women on the bed so beautifully made up and dressed in fine lingerie. He then regained his senses and opened the wine, pouring three glasses. He turned to face me after he was done and I placed a $20 into his hand. He nodded, thanked me and left.

“He’s got a story to tell when he gets back downstairs!” Rose laughed.

“I’m sure they see these sorts of things more often than you think,” I answered. We all laughed and I passed a glass to each of the ladies. “To new friends!” I toasted.

“And lovers!” added Anne. Just then my phone pinged, it was a text from Sam.

“Sorry to interrupt but I’m just dying to know how things are going!!”  I pointed my phone at the girls holding hands, they raised their glasses and I took a photo. Then they leaned in a kissed each other softly and I took another one. Anne jumped off the bed and pushed me toward it. I climbed up beside Rose and we did the same gestures, with Anne taking our pictures. I sent the photos to Sam with the caption, “I wouldn’t have thought it was possible but things are going better than they did last night!!”

“Awesome!” came her reply, “Have fun! I’m horny just thinking about you guys! You can tell me all about it later!” A few moments later and another ping, It was a photo of Sam’s fingers dipped into her pussy. “Saving this for you! And for Anne too if she wants some!” I showed the girls the photo, Anne gasped but Rose just raised her eyebrow and said, “Go for it!”

“I just might!” Anne said as she leaned over and kissed Rose.

“I’d like to see that!” I said. I excused myself to the washroom, taking a moment to refresh the downtown and hoping that when I returned to the bedroom, the girls would be making out. I heard rustling sounds as I opened the door but instead of seeing my wife and her girlfriend in some passionate embrace, they were just turning down the bed. “So, what’s next?” I asked.

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“Well,” said Anne, “that’s really up to you. What would you like to do?”

“Hmmm, let me see,” I pondered, “I would love to watch you two make out.”

“Only make out?” asked Rose, “Or is there more you’d like to see?”

“Well, I did make a quick stop at the toy store on my way here,” I answered. I reached into my bag and took out the double-ended dildo I had bought. “Perhaps you ladies might like to try this out?” I handed it to Anne who took it and ran her fingers along its length.

“I think we might have some fun trying it for sure, what do you think Rose?”

“I think we just might,” she answered. “I’ve never used one of these before. Does it come with tips or instructions?”

“Maybe we could find some sort of instructional video online,” said Anne.

“On it,” I said and I picked up Anne’s iPad from the nightstand. I tapped in the code and was rewarded with her new home screen it was one of the pictures of my cock in Sam’s mouth that I had sent her last night. I turned it toward her, “You’re not going to keep that as your home screen are you?” I asked incredulously.

“Maybe,” she said coyly. “Who else sees it except you and me?” She waggled the dildo at me, “Go!” she commanded. I tapped the OSK a few times and then climbed up onto the bed. The girls separated so I could get between them so we could all see the screen. “That one,” pointed Anne and I tapped on the link. A new tab opened and the video showed two trim young women, a blonde and a brunette, kissing and disrobing each other. They climbed onto a nearby bed and one picked up a long double-ended dildo and some lube. The blonde laid on her back and opened her legs while the other moved one end of the long fake cock to her pussy lips. Using her fingers, she opened her lover’s pussy lips and rubbed the full length of the toy along her clit. Then she slipped it inside and worked it until at least half of it was out of sight.

Then she knelt up and swung her leg over her lover, positioning her own pussy above the toy. The blonde reached down and grasped the toy where it stuck out of her pussy while the brunette guided the tip of it to her pussy. Slowly she sank down until the toy was completely out of sight and the two women’s pussies were touching each other. Then their hips started grinding against each other so that the toy was moving between the, and their clits were rubbing against each other. As they fucked the toy, their fingers played with their lovers’ breasts. “Turn the sound up!” urged Rose and I fingered the button to increase the volume. I felt the bed shift and turned to look at Anne, her robe was open and her fingers were buried in her pussy. Her eyes were locked on the screen as she watched the two women fuck. Then suddenly she stopped.

“Ok, we get the idea,” she said. She rearranged herself so she was on her back, “Pass me the lube Sweetie,” she said to Rose. She applied a generous amount to her fingers and rubbed it into her pussy lips before rubbing what was left up and down the full length of the toy. Then she passed to lube to Rose who lubricated her own pussy.

“Gerald, darling, would you do the honours?” Anne asked me as she held out the toy. I took it from her and placed the tip of it against her pussy lips, holding it there and twisting it in my fingers. “Don’t tease me!” she commanded, “Put it in me!”

“Tease her!” whispered Rose, “She says she hates it but she loves it!” It continued teasing my wife’s pussy, rotating the toy and slipping just the head inside her before taking it out quickly. Rose’s fingers were on Anne’s clit and together we tormented my wife, heightening her anticipation.

A soft whisper escaped unbidden from my wife’s painted lips, “Please.” She tried to take the toy from my hand but Rose’s hands stopped her.

“Beg for it,” whispered Rose. “Beg your husband to put it in your cunt.”

“Please Gerald, please!” Anne pleaded. Rose shook her head at me so I continued, joining in with the verbal teasing.

“Please what?” I asked, “I’m not a mind reader darling, tell me what you want me to do!”

“Put it in me!” she begged.

“Put what in you?” I teased.

“Put that long cock into me!” Her eyes were open now and wild looking. The look on her face was pure lust.

“Where do you want it?” I asked her, taking it from her pussy and placing it against her lips.” Do you want it in your mouth? Do you want to swallow it down your throat?” I rubbed it along her lips before moving it back down. I pulled on one ass cheek to expose her back door, “How about we just slide this long fake cock in your ass, is that what you want?”

“You’re going to pay for this!” she growled. She grasped for the toy, “Put it in my wet cunt!” she commanded, “Put it in until it won’t go in any deeper! Come on, slide that long cock into my cunt!”

“You have a filthy mouth, you know that?” I said, conceding and placing the toy against her now dripping pussy and sliding it in very slowly.

“Mmmmmmmm,” came from her lips softly. “Deeper, that’s it, all the way!” I continued feeding it into her until it was well more than halfway out of sight.

“Don’t move!” said Rose and she got off the bed and retrieved her phone. Pointing it at Anne’s crotch she urged, “Take it out of her…”

“Nooooooo!” begged Anne.

“Take it out of her and slide it back in slowly so I can have something to excite me!” Rose said. I did as she asked and slid the toy out and back into my wife’s pussy very slowly. “Awesome!” Rose whispered. “Now if you’ll excuse me,” she said, “I believe that toy was built for two!” I took Anne’s hand and guided it to where the toy was touching her pussy lips and moved away. I got my own phone out and started recording as Rose copied what she had seen in the movie and slid down that long pole until her clit touched Anne’s.

Slowly and clumsily at first, they rocked their hips to rub their clits against each other. A couple of times, one or the other got a little too excited and the toy slipped out but they soon found the rhythm. I moved so I could watch the pink silicone slide in and out of their pussies but I could only get brief peaks as it was mostly either completely out of sight or hidden by Rose’s sumptuous ass. I hoped I could get a couple of stills from the video that would show their pussy lips splayed out around the toy. I decided I had enough video so I shut off my phone and climbed up to watch their faces as they fucked.

“Kiss me, Gerald,” begged Anne, “Kiss me while I fuck my girlfriend!”

I leaned down and we exchanged a couple of soft kisses, “ You like that, baby, does that feel good?” I whispered.

“You have no idea!” Anne answered. “Whatever gave you the idea for this?”

“I think you know,” I said. Anne had long known that I watched lesbian videos, we had even watched a couple together.

“Well, thank you, this was a wonderful idea!” She craned her neck forward and offered her lips to me once more. “I think Rose needs a kiss.”

“She does,” purred Rose so I sat up on my haunches and lean in to kiss her.

“That is so hot!” Anne growled, “I love watching you two kiss!”

“I love being watched,” said Rose. She and I kissed for another few moments before she placed her hand on my cheek. “I’m getting close,” she whispered, “just watch us come!” I sat back a little and watched as their tempo increased, their voices increasing volume along with it. As their orgasms approached, they began urging each other to move faster and harder. Then their orgasms started, Rose’s first as she held her hips against Anne’s, I watched her bum quiver as she came, her head thrown back and wordless noises coming from deep within her core. Then it was Anne’s turn but what came from inside her was not wordless.

“Oh FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK MY WET CUNT!” she started screaming and it continued for a full minute. “DON’T STOP ROSE! FUCK MEEEEEEEEeeeeeee!” her voice trailed off as her pleasure was complete. She reached up and pulled her lover to her, covering her face with kisses. “God, I love you, Rose! You are amazing!” The truth was evident on my wife’s face, she had pledged her love to someone other than me and she had meant it with every fibre of her being. I hoped it was just the passion talking, the heat of the moment overtaking her but in a little place deep inside me I knew that if push came to shove and she had to make a choice, my wife just might not choose me.

The two ladies continued their whispers and kisses as their orgasms faded. Finally, their hips disengaged and the long toy slipped from inside them, flopping down onto the now-soaked bedsheets. I watched with a mixture of excitement and jealousy as they cuddled, part of me was thrilled that my darling wife was able to achieve such enjoyment and bliss, and a different part wished it was me she was cuddling with and whispering her undying devotion.

A few minutes later, Rose whispered something into Anne’s ear before getting up off the bed and going to the washroom. Anne motioned for me to join her and she wrapped me in a tight hug. “I saw that look on your face,” she said as we snuggled together. “Don’t deny it, I saw it, you were a bit jealous when I kept telling Rose I love her.” I moved my head to look at her face. “I do love her, absolutely I do.” She leaned to kiss me, “I love you more. You have no idea how much I appreciate you doing this for me.” I started to speak but she hushed me, “Shhhhhh. How can I ever repay you for this?”

It was my turn to speak. “You don’t have to replay me for anything,” Is said. “Just promise me one thing.”

“Anything,” she said.

“Promise me that whatever happens, wherever your lust and libido take you, you will always come back to me,” I said, looking straight into her eyes.

“I promise,” she said, “No matter what happens or who it happens with, I will always come back to you.” She kissed me deeply. “Can you make the same promise to me?”

“Of course, how can you think I couldn’t?”

“So if Sam asked you to run away with her, you would say no?” she asked. Just then Rode re-entered from the washroom.

“Ahh, so you’re having this conversation, I should leave you to it,” she said turning away.

“No,” said Anne, “stay. This involves you too.” Rose just shrugged and sat on the edge of the bed. Anne looked at me, “Well?”

“I would say no,” I said. “Do I want to see her again? Absolutely, just like you want to keep seeing Rose. But you are my wife, I promise you that no matter where this new life goes, I will always come back to you.”

“Okay,” she said. We looked at each other for a moment before Rose interrupted.

“How about,” she said, “we get cleaned up, get dressed, and go down to the lounge in the lobby and have a drink? I’ll ask the hotel staff to clean up the room and we can get back to the rest of the evening.” She came over and kissed Anne, then me.

“Okay,” said Anne, “we still have some things to talk about anyways.”

“We do,” I agreed, “I have some more questions for you both.” Anne and I got off the bed and went to the washroom to get cleaned up. It took a little longer than it probably should have but after a little rub and tickle, we managed to get dressed. While we did that, Rose straightened up and put our personal items away.

“They’ll be up in a minute,” she said, “Shall we?” She held her arm out for me to take and Anne came up on my other side. “I’m going to have some fun, play along, would you?” We both looked at her a bit surprised but then I realized what sort of fun she had in mind.

When the elevator door opened, a young woman with a housekeeping cart started to exit, “Excuse me,” she said.

Rose reached into her purse and slipped a $50 into her hand.

“Thank you,” she said to her. Then she leaned into me and gave me a kiss and did the same to Rose.

The young lady smiled, and said under her breath, “Hah, I was right!”

“Right about what, “asked Anne.

“About you,” she said forthrightly. “Kevin at the front desk owes me another $50,” she wiggled the tip Rose had given her in her fingers. “Hey, I don’t judge. You wouldn’t believe the things we see around here.”

“I’ll bet,” said Anne, “Good night.”

“Enjoy your evening,” she said. We entered the elevator and made our way to the lounge.

Written by CaressofSteel
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