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"We're getting near the end of this tale. If you haven't read it from the beginning, you probably should. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Smash the like button or add a comment if you are so inclined. Enjoy!"

We found seats on stools at a high table in the lounge and looked around to take in the crowd. It was the usual mix of hotel guests and a few locals. The male guests were obvious as they scanned the room looking for prey while the couple of female guests that were there were just trying to enjoy their drinks without getting harassed.  What I supposed were the locals appeared to all be couples just out for a drink. But one couple, in particular, caught my eye. They were married, I assumed to each other, about our age and had similar body types. The lady was an attractive russet-haired beauty if a few pounds overweight, the gentleman was slightly taller and had grey hair at the temples. They held hands as they sat, occasionally leaning in to say something to each other or point out one of the other patrons.

“I motioned to them and leaned in, “I wonder what their story is,” I mused out loud. Anne and Rose looked at them for a bit, averting their eyes when so they wouldn’t get caught staring. Then Rose got off her stool.

“I think I’ll ask them,” she said. She leaned over, kissed me on the cheek and Anne on the lips, picked up her drink and sauntered over to their table.

“Damn, she sure knows how to leave a room,” said Anne quietly.

“Yes, indeed, she does,” I agreed. We held hands and watched as Rose introduced herself and sat down beside the husband so he had a lovely woman on either side of him. Several sets of male eyes had followed Rose across the room so that by the time she had sat down, there must have been eight or ten people watching.

“What do you think they’re saying?” I asked my wife.

“She’s just making small talk,” she replied. As the conversation continued, I saw her point us out to her new acquaintances, they both smiled and waved briefly. Rose spent about 10 more minutes talking to them before standing up. They both rose to their feet and exchanged a hug with her, the gentleman placing something in her palm as she turned to leave. Rose smiled brightly, acknowledging the stares from several men, and she enjoyed having their eyes follow her across the room to our table.

“So?” Anne asked as she sat back down.

“So,” Rose said as she arranged herself comfortably, “They’re just an average couple out for an evening. They’d been to dinner and are just enjoying a drink before they go home.”

“So nothing lascivious then,” Anne asked.

“Watch,” said Rose. After a moment, the gentleman got up and left the lounge for about 5 minutes. When he returned, he kissed his wife softly and whispered something in her ear. She smiled and got up, hugging him before turning to wiggle her fingers at Rose. “Hmmm thought that might happen.”

“Thought what might happen,” I asked.

He just booked a room,” she said, “now they’re going upstairs for a naughty evening of their own.”

“You certainly do have an effect on people,” Anne said quietly. Rose just smiled.

“I guess I’m just good at reading people,” she said. “Oh, this is for you.” She handed me a small card, it had the gentleman’s name and contact information on it. “He asked me to give you this, thought maybe you two would like to meet them another time.”

“Why not tonight?” Anne asked.

“Because tonight my darling,” she kissed Anne passionately, “I’m not in a sharing mood!” She kissed her again, “Except with your husband of course!”

“Oh!” said Anne, the lights coming on for her. She looked at me, “What do you think?”

“I think we should talk about it,” I said. She nodded before standing up, “I have to use the ladies.”

“I’ll go with you,” said Rose and she took Anne’s hand for their walk to the restroom.

While they were gone, one of the gentleman guests came over to the table. “It’s killing me here, is this what I think it is?”

“I don’t know, what do you think it is?” I asked him.

“I think that one of those ladies is your wife and the other is your companion for the evening,” he said.

“You’re close,” I said. “One is my wife but the other is our girlfriend.”

“Fuck me,” he said. “One guy, two women, maybe we should even the teams,” he suggested.

“I’ll ask,” I said. “Don’t get your hopes up.” He shook his head and left, a few moments later the ladies returned.

“That guy is staring at us very hard, he’s creeping me out,” said Anne.

“He wants to join us,” I said as casually as I could manage. Anne’s eyebrows arched.

“I got this,” said Rose.

“No, Rose, let me,” Anne stated and she got up and walked over to his table, exaggerating the sway of her hips as she went. She spoke with him for a moment and then stood up, her hands going quickly to her hips. “Not if you were the last man on earth!” she shouted, and she turned on her heel and stomped back to our table.

The waitress hurried over, “Is everything okay?” she asked.

“That asshole just asked me to take him back to the bathroom and give him a blowjob!” she said loudly enough for the entire room to hear.

“He did what?” the younger woman asked. “I’ll take care of it.” She left the lounge for a moment, returning with a rather burly gentleman who went directly to the asshole’s table.

A moment later he glared at us, “I never said that!” he shouted at our table. “You fucking slut!” I immediately jumped to my feet but I felt Anne’s hand on my sleeve, urging me to sit back down.

“Relax honey, he never did say that,” she said, “I was just messing with him. He actually complimented me and said I have great taste in women. Then he asked if he might join us for the evening. I turned him down.” She wrapped herself around Rose and kissed her hard. “I’m not in much of a mood to share either!” Releasing Rose, she grabbed my hand and whispered in my ear, “Take me upstairs, I want to watch you fuck my girlfriend!”

“Our girlfriend,” I corrected her.

“Ooooohhh, I have a girlfriend and a boyfriend!” Rose purred excitedly. “No fighting, there’s plenty of me to go around!”

We nearly ran to the elevator and as the door opened the young lady we had seen earlier was just waiting to get on. “Everything is all set,” she said.

“Thank you, Sweetie,” said Rose.

“You’re welcome, madam,” she replied. “Enjoy your evening!” she said with a raised eyebrow.

I fumbled with the room key and when I finally got it open, we nearly ran inside. Anne started stripping out of her clothes until she was just in her bra, garter and stockings. “So, are you two going to start or do I have to start without you?” she asked.

“Slow down my love,” purred Rose soothingly. “Allow us our foreplay and after we’re done, you can lick your husband’s cum from inside me.” She leaned down and kissed Anne softly before turning to me.

“Now then,” she said, “I’ve been looking forward to this.” She wrapped her arms around me and we started kissing. In a few moments we were naked on the bed, I had to excuse myself to retrieve my delay gel and cock ring that I’d brought from home. Rose did the honours, almost making me come from just rubbing the gel into my cock before slipping off to the washroom to clean her hands. It was then that I noticed Anne capturing the events on her phone.

“Say hi to Sam!” she said and she turned the phone to see they were Facetiming.

“Hi, Sam?” I offered weakly. The last thing I expected was to have my wife live stream me fucking her girlfriend to the woman had butt-fucked that morning.

“Hi yourself!” she giggled. “You look ready! Have fun!”

Just then Rose came back into the room and called, “Hi Sam! I can’t wait to meet you in person!”

“Me neither!” Sam called back.

Rose turned to me, “Where were we?” she said seductively and we began again. After a moment I felt her hands on my shoulders, urging me down her body. As I caressed her breasts, I was again surprised at how firm they were for a woman of her age. As my lips found her nipples, she moaned softly and writhed underneath me. I kissed my way down her belly to her mound, soft and smooth it was. I admired her pussy for a moment, enjoying the view of her clit poking out and her inner lips parted slightly.

“So beautiful,” I breathed before I opened my mouth and latched onto her clit. Her hips twisted at my touch before lifting so her bum was off the mattress. I slid my hands under her cheeks and pulled her toward me.

“Fingers,” she demanded of me and I obliged, using two fingers to slide into her and curl up to find her G-spot. “Oh God Anne, you were right, this feels divine!”

I felt the bed shift as my wife joined us, I heard the unmistakable sounds of them kissing as I continued to suckle and lap at the delicious pink flesh in front of me. A few minutes of that and I felt Rose’s hands on my head, pulling me back upward along her body. As I reached her face, she kissed me hard and said, I have an idea.”

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“You ever fuck a woman in the ass?” she asked me.

I have,” I replied, “just this morning!”

“Sam’s idea, no doubt,” giggled Anne. “It’s fine, maybe someday you can do that to me.”

“Maybe he can,” said Rose, taking back control of the conversation. She pushed me off her and pushed Anne onto her back. Turning around she positioned herself for a sixty-nine. “Fuck my ass while your darling bride eats my pussy!” she commanded. I reach for the lube and drizzled some on her back door before positioning myself at her rear entrance. I pushed my hips forward and slipped in easily, this was not Rose’s first time. “Mmmmmm, that feels so good!” she purred. “Why do I not feel anyone’s tongue on my clit?” She asked demandingly. A moment later, “Yes, that’s what I’m talking about!”  

I stroked in and out slowly, trying to make this feeling last as long as I could without busting my load inside her snug bum. As I drew back, I could feel Rose pushing back against me. “Harder!” she urged. I quickened my pace a little, “I said HARDER!” Rose demanded. “Fuck my ass HARD!” I started moving faster and the sound our his made as they slapped together became louder.

Then I heard from beneath us, my wife’s voice asking, “Why don’t I feel anyone’s tongue on my clit?” I felt Rose jiggle as she giggled at Anne’s turn of phrase and then felt Anne’s exhale of warm breath on my balls as Rose rededicated herself to the task before her. I shifted rhythm, drawing out slowly then driving my hips forward as fast as I could, pummelling my cock into Rose’s ass. “I can’t…. slow down, I can’t…” I heard Anne say as I drew out.

“Don’t listen to her,” growled Rose, “Keep doing that! Oh FUCK!!!” I continued thrusting, my grunts and groans in time with Rose’s as we fucked. She must have sensed my orgasm approaching because she called out, “Not in my ass! Pull out and come all over Anne’s face! I want to lick your come from her face!” One, two, three more strokes and I pulled myself from her hole.

“Here comes, baby!” I called and my cum shot out of my cock. I had no idea where it went, my head was craned back as I came, as hard as I ever had in my life. I felt Anne’s hand come up and milk me dry, when I was done, I moved back and looked down. My sperm was splattered over Rose’s ass cheeks and Anne’s face. Rose quickly flipped around and began kissing Anne all over her face, licking and aping as she went.

“Help me here,” she urged me and I joined her. Once we got most of it cleaned off, Rose and I kissed and licked the little bit that had gotten on her nose and cheeks. Rose moved to allow Anne to get up and all three of us knelt together on the bed and shared post-coital kisses. “I have cum on my ass,” giggled Rose.

“Let me take care of that!” offered Anne. She pushed Rose onto all fours and using her fingers and tongue, cleaned the rest of my cum from her lover’s body. I saw a dollop on Anne’s collarbone so I reached with my finger to collect it. I offered the finger to my wife but she took it and turned it toward me, pushing my finger into my own mouth. “There,” she said, “You want me to swallow it, you need to taste it too!”

“No problem,” I said, “It’s not so bad”

“Keep this one, Annie,” said Rose. We all kissed for a few minutes then I excused myself to the washroom. I took the opportunity to remove the cock ring, clean it and apply some more delay gel just in case the evening’s activities weren’t quite over. When I returned, Rose and Anne excused themselves as well, while they were gone I poured the last of the wine.

On their return, we all got on the bed sort of facing each other so we could see each other’s faces. “Goodness, that was fun!” said Rose.

“I wouldn’t know,” said Anne, “we’ve never done it in the bum.”

“Never?” asked Rose, “But you said. I’m confused.”

“Sam,” Anne said, retrieving her phone and calling up the picture I had sent her that morning.

“Fucking hot!” said Rose. “You ever going to?”

Anne shrugged, “I don’t know, maybe.”

“You should try it, at least once. If you don’t like it at least you can say you tried,” Rose offered.

“Who would we say that to?” asked Anne.

“I don’t know, Sam, maybe that couple from downstairs earlier, maybe they’re curious about adding some new friends to the bedroom.” Rose paused for a minute. “I think we need to have a conversation about what happens when I leave the day after tomorrow.”

“I haven’t thought that far ahead,” said Anne, “I’m just living in the moment.”

“That’s fine,” said Rose, “but it’s better to think and talk about it now ahead of time. I’ll start.” She rearranged herself so her head was in Anne’s lap. “First, let’s get this out of the way. I love you guys, both of you. I love being with you and I certainly love sex with you. You are both so amazing and open-minded, whatever else happens, know that.” She took another sip.

“Next, on Tuesday morning I’m getting on a plane and going home to my boyfriend. He doesn’t know anything about any of this or even that I’m bisexual. The relationship is still pretty new and we’re not there yet. I hope we will keep in touch and I hope that maybe someday we can all be together. But in the meantime, we’ll keep in touch. Maybe one or both of you could come to visit for a naughty weekend.”

“You deserve to know that you are not the only people I am having casual sex with.” Anne blinked hard at that. “There is one other couple, one lesbian and one man besides my boyfriend. It’s just sex, wonderful delicious sex, but no more. I’ve never even thought of telling them I love them. They know I’m not exclusive and they’re cool with it.”

“So if I’m going to see other people, I think that you should too if you want to. First, I think you guys should ask Sam to spend a weekend with you. From how you’ve described her, I think she would be up for it and I know you are, especially you,” she pointed at me. “You obviously have a thing for her.”

“It’s more than a ‘thing’,” Anne used air quotes. “He’s in love with her.”

“That’s not true,” I objected. “I love her, but I love Rose too. I am not ‘in love’ with her, I am 'in love' with you” I leaned to her to kiss her. I paused to let that sink in but she didn’t seem convinced. “I would bet don’t feel as strongly about Sam as you do about Rose.”

“That’s different,” objected Anne.

“How is it different?” asked Rose. “Take the genetics out of it and how is it different?”

“She’s younger than me, she’s prettier, she has a nicer body,” Anne took a deep breath.

“She might be younger, and she is beautiful but she doesn’t hold a candle to you, I promise,” I said. “How can I convince you?”

“I don’t know,” Anne said quietly, “but you allowed me to be with Rose, how can I deny you that with Sam?”

“This isn’t about quid pro quo,” I said. “Listen, if we’re going to adopt this lifestyle of seeing people outside our marriage, whether we do it together or separately, we have to set the jealousy aside. We have to promise each other that whatever we do, whomever we happen to sleep with, we do it with each other’s full knowledge and understanding. If there’s someone you don’t want me to be with, I won’t do it and vice versa. We have to make that promise or this will not work.”

Anne’s eyes teared up,” I know, I’m just having a hard time with it all. I guess I want my cake but I don’t want you to have any. I’m such a hypocrite!” She wrapped her arms around me and sobbed. Rose joined us in a group hug, then pushed Anne’s face up where she could look into her eyes.

“This is all new and so far it’s just been lust, pleasure and emotion. Once you’ve had a chance to step back and think about it, you’ll be fine.” She kissed Anne softly.

“Okay, thanks,” sniffled Anne. “Maybe you’re right.”

“I am right,” Rose said, “I’ve been there.” She kissed Anne again. “So back to our discussion.”

“After you have invited Sam to spend some quality time with you, that’s what I tell my boyfriend, I’m spending quality time with a friend, then you talk. A lot. Figure out where this is going and if you want to take that journey together. The most important thing is you must never, ever cheat.” She was adamant about that point.

“But you’re cheating,” objected Anne.

“We’re not married and as I said, our relationship isn’t there yet.” She kissed Anne once more, “My god I love kissing you!” She took a deep breath, “Now, I think you should make love to your husband. And I think I should watch you do it!”

So we did. Anne and I made love, softly and gently at first then more passionately. We did all the usual things, lots of kissing and nibbling and suckling and sucking but we didn’t actually fuck. She came on my face and I came in her mouth and it was wonderful and erotic and sweet and exhausting. Afterwards, we lay together and snuggled and Rose, having watched us from a chair across the room joined us. “You guys will be fine,” she said, “Just fine.” She kissed me first, then Anne, “I love you guys, both of you.”

Written by CaressofSteel
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