When I woke up the next morning, I was alone in my bed. I was afraid Sam had left without saying goodbye until I heard soft singing coming from outside my room, “Gooood morning! Good morning!” she sang the line from an old song that had recently been used in a TV commercial about erection pills. She entered the bedroom, she had coffee and bagels on a tray. Setting the tray down on the end of the bed, she leaned in and kissed me, “Hi.” was all she said.
“Hi,” I answered and we kissed again. She moved away and offered me a cup of coffee.
“Milk and sugar, right?” she asked as I took it. She took her own cup and we sipped quietly.
“So what happens now?” I asked.
“Well,” she said, “first we have breakfast, then you make love to me.” She stared directly at me as she said it. “Then we take a shower together and I get out of here so you can get ready to meet your wife and her girlfriend for lunch.” I digested what she said and shrugged.
“Okay,” I said plainly. “This is so surreal, I’m having a little trouble believing what’s happening.”
“Well, believe it,” she replied. “This sort of thing is not so rare as you might think, lots of couples have sex outside their marriage.”
“But with their partners’ permission? That can’t be all that common,” I said. She laughed and took my hand.
“You are so naïve.” She leaned in and kissed me. She got up and took the tray from off the bed, set it on the top of the dresser, and climbed in beside me. “Make love to me.”
We made love to each other, this was not just sex, it had an intimacy I had only felt previously with my wife. “You know,” she whispered as I entered her, “I’ll bet your beautiful wife is making love to Rose right now. Does that excite you?”
“It does.” I tried and failed to keep my voice even. “You have no idea!”
“Pretend I’m Anne,” she urged, “talk to me like you talk to her.” I tried but it was no use, I could not picture my wife while I was fucking a woman half my age.
“Sorry,” I said, “I can’t do that.” I could feel my cock soften, but Sam was not bothered.
“It’s okay,” she cooed in my ear, “I got this.” She kissed me and urged me from on top of her. Going down my body she revived my cock with her mouth, and soon I was hard again. She rolled onto all fours and took the lube from the nightstand, applying a generous dollop to her puckered ass hole. Looking back at me she nodded.
I got behind her and placed my head against her, pressing forward until my head popped inside her. She pushed back and before I knew it I was fully inside her bum. I looked down and could not believe I was fucking this beautiful younger woman in her ass. The sight of my cock disappearing inside her put me over the edge and old Quick-Draw erupted inside her. It seems in our haste, we had forgotten about the gel and the ring. As soon as I finished, my cock softened and I withdrew from her.
“For fuck’s sakes,” I mumbled as I collapsed beside her. Sam lay beside me, rolling me onto my side and kissing me.
“It’s okay, there’ll be other times. I just thought we’d try without,” she hesitated, “assistance. Now you know. It’s all good.” She kissed me again.
“But you didn’t come,” I said.
“That is not the measure of satisfying sex,” she replied. “Believe me, I am completely satisfied with what just happened.” She kissed me again, “I promise.” We hugged and then she took my hand, leading me to the bathroom. “We need to get cleaned up before you go get Anne.” We showered together, masturbating each other until we both came before rinsing off. As we dried each other off, she said, “Thank you, Gerald, I had a good time.” She kissed me again, she has the softest lips.
“Now pay attention because this is important. When Anne gets home, you must reclaim her. You have both strayed outside your marriage, even with permission, she will likely feel some guilt, and so will you. Make love to each other, make her feel like she is the most special person in the world. She’ll do the same for you.”
“Really?” I said, “I think it will be awkward.” Sam nodded.
“It probably will be,” she said, “but love her first, then if you want to talk about what happened, you can. I know you want to know what it was like for her, I promise she’ll want to know all about us as well. Tell her everything. Tell her how it made you feel, not just the sex, but how it made you feel inside. I promise you’ll get through it.”
We dressed in silence and as she gathered her things, I watched her. She was so incredibly beautiful to me, I could not believe that this young woman had just given herself to me and that my wife had not only agreed to it but had made it happen. We hugged and kissed again and then she left.
Just as her car left my sight, my phone dinged, it was Anne.
Anne: “Is Sam still there?”
Me: “Just left”
Anne: “Did you kids have fun?”
I sent her a picture of Sam going down on me in reply. Her answer was a string of emojis I could not begin to understand. She finished with “I’m so glad! She’s pretty special!”
ME: “She is that! What about you, did you ladies have a good time?”
Anne: “OMG YES!!!” After a short pause, “Do you have any strength left?”
Me: “I think so, what’s the plan?”
She instructed me to meet them at a café near their hotel in a half-hour. We’d have breakfast and then find a quiet spot where we could talk. I agreed and got ready quickly. Just before I left I texted her, “Do I need to bring anything?”
Anne: “Maybe that little bottle of gel and your ring.”
I popped back into the bedroom to retrieve them and almost ran to my car. Twice during the short drive, I found myself speeding and forced myself to slow down. After what seemed an eternity I arrived near the café, I saw my darling wife walking toward me holding her lover’s hand. The look on her face was pure bliss, I had never seen that look before.
I found a parking spot and made my way to the front door. I saw the girls through the window, Rose saw me first and wiggled her fingers before touching Anne’s hand and pointing. Anne turned and waved, smiling brightly when she saw me. I had seen that look before, it was the same look she had when I first told her I loved her. I knew now like knew then that she was in love too and not just with me.
I made my way to their table and was greeted with a soft, passionate kiss from my wife and a less obviously passionate one from Rose. I looked at them both and leaned in to whisper, “You two ladies look ravishing this morning!”
“Thank you,” came their reply in unison, then Anne added quietly, “This is the look of a woman who has been well and truly satisfied!” She held up both hands with all her fingers extended to indicate the number ten. She then reached out and took both our hands, smiling brightly as she squeezed them both.
“You’ll have to tell me all about it later,” I suggested. Anne shook her head.
“I’m not going to tell you about it, we’re going to show you!” Her foot ran up and down my leg as she spoke, leaving nothing to my imagination.
“What about Sam, did she keep your mind off what we were up to?” she asked.
“She did indeed,” I whispered, “but that’s not a conversation we should be having here, is it?”
“Sorry,” Anne blushed a little, “I’m just so excited. This has opened up a whole new world to me, to us, and I want to explore every last bit of it!”
“Okay, sweetie,” said Rose, “but you don’t have to explore it all today!” She let go of Anne’s hand and ran a finger along her cheek. “There’s time for all that. For now, I’m starving!” We all laughed and picked up our menus.
As hard as it was to concentrate, we managed to order breakfast and clean our plates without talking any further about the things that my wife and I had gotten up to the previous evening. Every so often I caught Anne and Rose exchanging knowing glances and winks. Our fellow patrons seemed to notice as well as I would catch an occasional glimpse of a sly smile or a whisper accompanied by a discrete pointing in our direction.
As we finished our meal, I found myself wondering what the next step was. Should I take Anne home with me and reclaim her as Sam had suggested? Did I invite Rose to our home so Anne and I could continue to find the boundaries of our new sexual relationship? Should I suggest we all go back to Rose’s hotel room for a day of debauchery? Fortunately for me, the girls were way ahead of me, as usual.
“Honey,” Anne whispered to me as we stopped outside the café, “why don’t you go find something to do for a while? Rose and I would like to go shopping. I’ll text you when we’re done and we can make a plan for the rest of the day.”
“I,… um… okay,” I mumbled, curious about what might be in store. I hugged and kissed my wife and then reached out to hug Rose. She pulled me in tight and gave me a light peck on the cheek.
“You might want to take a nap this afternoon,” she suggested, raising her eyebrows and winking at me. “You’re in for a busy evening!”
“That’s good advice,” said my wife. “We will certainly be taking one after we tire each other out!”
“Okay,” was all I could manage. “See you later, Sweetie.” I kissed my wife again and watched as they turned and walked up the street hand in hand. I shook my head and whispered to myself, “Who are you and what have you done with my wife?”
I did a little shopping myself, and then went home and put my feet up and flicked on the ball game. Two beers later I was reclined on the sofa and snoring. I was startled awake by the chime of my phone, I was expecting to see Anne’s number but instead, it was Sam who had messaged me.
Sam: “Just wanted to say I had a great time last night!”
Me: “Me too!”
Sam: “Did you have brkfst with Anne and Rose?”
Me: “I did. It was awkward.”
Sam: “Don’t let it get to you, it’s just sex. She loves you, she really does.”
Me: “More to it than that, I think she loves Rose too. Gonna take some getting used to.”
Sam: “Be patient, it’ll work out. You have a plan for tonite?”
Me: “idk. Anne’s gonna txt me l8r.”

Sam: “If you end up alone, call me!”
Me: “K, will do.”
I sighed, thinking I should have heard from Anne by now. I called up the pictures she had sent me last night and began to feel myself stirring. Just thinking about my wife and her lover nude and wrapped around each other made me hard. I thought I should wait just in case they invited me to join them for the evening. I went and took a shower to get cleaned up for what I hoped would be another incredible evening.
Meanwhile, Anne was guiding Rose through the shops and markets near downtown. As they shopped, Anne wondered if she should just suggest that she and Rose spend another evening with just the two of them or if they should invite her husband to join them. Her face switched between the joy she felt when she gazed at her new love and the concern about what this week might do to her marriage. As her face darkened at one point, Rose asked, “What’s wrong?”
“Just wondering about tonight,” said Anne quietly. “Should we just keep to ourselves or should we invite my hubby along?”
“Whatever you’re comfortable with Sweetie. I’m fine if you just want us to be together but if you want him to join us, I’m happy for that too.” Anne thought for a moment and Rose turned to her, taking her lover’s hands in her own. “You know Anne, you’re going to have to sort this out sooner or later.” She pulled Anne in for a hug and whispered, “Better it should be sooner, I think. Besides, I want to watch you fuck your husband.” She pulled back and looked into Anne’s eyes.
“Okay,” whispered Anne in return, “but only if I get to watch him with you!” She smiled broadly then rolled her eyes, “We should have done this years ago!”
“We didn’t know each other years ago,” teased Rose.
“I meant Gerry and me, you silly!” She hugged Rose tightly. “I haven’t felt this way in a long time.”
“Me neither,” said Rose. They held hands again as they walked to the next shop. Incidentally, but not accidentally, it was the upscale lingerie shop she had visited a few weeks before. They each bought a negligee and some new undies and then caught a cab back to the hotel.
The cab ride was short but Anne’s pussy was wet with anticipation of making love to Rose. As soon as the door closed, she grabbed her lover in a ferocious hug and kissed her hard, pushing her tongue roughly into Rose’s mouth and pawing at her clothes. Rose returned the kiss with equal passion and after a few moments, their clothes were on the floor and their make-up was smeared as they released their passion. After much groping, rubbing and fingering, they settled into a side-by-side sixty-nine.
As they kissed, licked and suckled each other, their moans grew louder, surely anyone in the hallway could hear what was happening. Twenty minutes later, they lay in each other’s arms, their chests heaving as they slowly recovered their breath. Their fingers traced lazy circles around each other’s areolae and they whispered their adoration for each other.
After a brief nap and a shower together, during which they made love again, they were refreshed. Rose watched as Anne dried herself off, “My God, you are beautiful!” she breathed. Anne blushed and gave a dismissive wave.
“Stop! You’re the gorgeous one!” Anne replied. “I could stare at you all day!”
“So we’re both gorgeous!” said Rose. She rushed over and took Anne in her arms. “I’m so glad to have found you!”
“Me too!” breathed Anne, “Me too!” They kissed again, softly, each of them trying to convey what they were feeling at that moment through their lips and tongues.
“We should stop,” said Anne. “I need to text my husband.”
“You going to invite him?” Rose asked. Anne just nodded and winked at her in reply. “Oh, we’re going to have such fun!”
After my shower, I glanced at my phone and saw that Anne had texted me. “7:00. Hotel lobby. Pack a change of clothes. You won’t need anything to sleep in!”
“Wow!” I thought, “This is really happening!” I texted Sam, “I’m all set for this evening.” After confirming that I’d be seeing both Rose and Anne her final reply was, “Have fun. I want to know ALL about it!” I returned a thumbs-up to her and set about getting ready. Not knowing the plans for the evening, I wasn’t sure what to wear so I texted my wife.
“Anything particular I should wear for dinner?” After waiting what seemed a very long time my phone pinged.
“Sorry, Rose had me a little distracted…” followed by a winking emoji.
“JFC you two!” I replied.
“Just the pub for dinner so nothing special.” Came her reply. I packed a change of clothes and headed downtown. As I walked from the car park to the pub I passed our favourite adult toy store. I was a bit early so popped in for a minute to see if anything caught my eye. Anne and I had watched this one particular video involving two women and a long double-headed dildo so I picked one out, 16” it said on the package, covered with bumps and ridges that were sure to stimulate the right spots. As I stood at the checkout, the impossibly young cashier looked at me and smiled.
“A little something for the wife?” she asked.
“And our girlfriend,” I replied.
Her jaw dropped in surprise, “My dude!” she whispered as she processed the payment, “You kids have fun!” I thanked her and left the store. I checked my watch and texted Anne, “I’m going to be about 5 minutes late.”
“No problem, we’re just leaving the hotel to walk.” came her reply. I hustled back to the car and slipped the paper bag with my new purchase into my overnight bag before heading back to the pub. Passing the toy store, the young cashier was in the window setting up an advertising chalkboard. She spied me as I passed and gave me a wave and a wink before blowing me a kiss. Dumbfounded, I waved back. Just as I turned the corner to the pub, I saw my wife and her girlfriend walking arm in arm from the other direction. I paused to watch them for a moment, they looked like any young couple who were in the throes of new love, only taking their eyes off each other to keep from bumping into things. When I arrived at the door to the pub, they were still about fifty feet away and oblivious to everything and everyone around them. It wasn’t until they were ten feet away that Rose noticed me.
“Hi, Gerald,” she said breathily. She disengaged from Anne’s clutches and came over to me, hugging me warmly and giving me a kiss on the cheek.
“Hi Rose,” I answered, returning her embrace and her kiss. Then Anne came to my side.
“Hello my wonderful husband,” she breathed, squeezing me hard and kissing me softly. “How was your day?”
“Frustrating, worrying about tonight,” I answered.
“Don’t worry honey,” she whispered, “we’re going to make everything all right!” Her tongue flicked at my ear as she pulled away. “Shall we?” she gestured to the door.
We found a table and a few minutes later we each had our drink of choice in front of us. “What shall we toast to?” asked Anne.
“To new friends and living for the moment,” I suggested.
“To new friends and living for the moment!” the girls chimed almost in unison. We all drank and then looked at each other.
“I’m still having trouble believing all of this,” I said quietly.
“Me too,” said Anne. Rose nodded along. “But if this is a dream, I’m going to keep doing it until the dream is over!”
“Hear, hear!” said Rose. We took another sip before turning over the menus. While we waited for our meals we chatted quietly about our lives, trying desperately to avoid talking in public about the previous evening and our activities. The tension was as thick as London fog but we managed to steer clear of any naughty talk through dinner. Once we finished, I excused myself to the men’s room and when I returned there were two younger men sitting at the table with the girls. I cleared my throat to announce my return and one of the guys stood up.
“I’m sorry, I stole your seat,” he said gesturing. I thanked him and sat down, looking quizzically at my wife across from me.
“Well, boys,” she said to the interlopers, “thank you for your kind offer but I think we’re all set.”
“All right then,” the seated one said and he got and they left the table.
“What the fuck?” I asked Anne. Rose chimed in.
“They just came over, sat down and propositioned us!” she said quietly. “Just as bold as brass asked us if we wanted to go with them to fuck!”
“Get the fuck out of here!” I exclaimed, a bit too loudly. Several nearby heads turned our way and then resumed minding their own business. “Are you serious?” The girls just nodded their heads. “Should I say something? That’s not fucking cool!”
“Leave it,” urged Anne. “They’re harmless. They came over, complimented us on our looks and asked if we’d like to join them for the evening. They took a shot, it’s no big deal.”
“Not sure I agree with that,” I said angrily. “But if you don’t want me to say anything I won’t.” Out of the corner of my eye, I saw them watching us. My mood was now soured and I didn’t want to be anywhere near these guys so I suggested we leave. Both the girls objected saying they wanted to stay and listen to some music. I relented but moved to the empty chair so my back was to them.
“I’m going to have a little fun,” grinned Rose and she looked over and winked at the two men. A few moments later their server arrived with fresh drinks for the women. “None for our gentleman friend here?” she asked. The server explained that she was asked to bring the drinks for the ladies. “Well, then, do me a favour and return these please, unless they’re willing to buy this gentleman a drink as well.” The server shrugged and left, returning a few moments later with the two original drinks and a third for me.
“What are you doing?” I whispered hoarsely.
“Getting us a free drink!” Rose replied as she tilted her glass to her erstwhile lovers. “Go on, thank the kind young men!” Anne and I did the same. We enjoyed our drinks and listened to the average but enthusiastic trio that had just begun performing. I was happy for the distraction, to be honest, I was still a bit steamed at the nerve of these two. When our server came around and asked if we wanted another, I looked at the girls and they just winked at me and said maybe it was time to leave.
As we got up from our table the two guys came back over, “We’re sorry, we didn’t mean to offend anyone. We just saw you two lovely ladies by yourselves and took a chance. Please forgive us.” I pondered for a moment and put out my hand.
“I get it, brother, these two ladies are surely beautiful and certainly sexy, I can hardly blame you.” He shook my hand and I grasped it and pulled him closer, “It must get to you just a little to know that I’m going to fuck both of them tonight and they’re going to clean each other up when I’m done!”
“Really?” the guy stepped back and stared. “You must have a porn star cock on you mate!”
“No,” said Anne, “but he is very, very good with what he has, I assure you! Thanks for the drink, guys!” she blew them a kiss and waved over her shoulder as we left.
Once outside we all burst out laughing before figuring out which direction we needed to go in. “I have to go to the car to get my things,” I said. “You girls want to go straight back and I’ll meet you there?”
“Let’s all go get the car,” Rose suggested. We all linked arms and headed back to the parking garage. As we passed the adult store on our way Anne nudged me and then pointed, saying, “That one Rose, you really should stop by!”
“Noted,” Rose replied. A few minutes later we were at the car and as I started to get in the driver’s door Anne stopped me.
“I’ll drive,” she said, “you two get in the back.”
“What, what?” I asked.
“You heard the lady,” said Rose, as she leaned forward and kissed me softly. “Let the games begin!”