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Author's Notes

"If you are just coming into this story at this point, I invite you to start from the beginning. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Enjoy!"

The following week, Anne received a text from Rose saying that she would be in town at the end of March. “Very much looking forward to seeing you again,” followed by a bunch of emojis. She showed the text to me that night but, not being much into the texting thing, I had to have her explain what the taco, water splash, rocket ship, and drooling face ones meant. We laughed hysterically as she explained them, going on to explain the other dozen or so sex-related emojis.

“Now we can send sexy messages to each other,” she suggested, rubbing my growing erection. I just nodded as I leaned over and kissed her. this quickly progressed to a great fuck session with Anne telling me how much she was looking forward to licking Rose’s pussy and having her return the favour. Our cries and shouts shook the rafters, there was no doubt in my mind the neighbours heard us as we fucked without inhibition or reservation. It was one of the best fucks we had ever had.

Our anticipation grew as the day of Rose’s arrival grew closer. Anne and Rose had arranged for both of us to pick her up from the airport and for us to go to dinner at the restaurant in the hotel she had booked. Anne was giddy with excitement as we waited for Rose to appear in the arrivals area. Finally, she appeared. She was about my height wearing a burgundy dress that came just below the knee, and auburn hair that fell just below her shoulder. Dark stockings and low heels completed the outfit along with a string of pearls. As she walked through the one-way doors, Anne bolted from my side and ran to her, wrapping her in a ferocious hug, picking Rose up off the ground as I walked over to them.

“My, my,” Rose laughed, “what a welcome!” Anne set her down and looked longingly into her face before kissing her very softly.

“I am really glad to see you,” Anne whispered, as though she was talking to a lover. In a way, I suppose she was. They kissed again and my wife introduced me. “This is my wonderful husband, Gerald,” she said. I reached out to shake her hand but Rose shook her head, opening her arms for a hug.

“Nice to meet you, Gerald. Anne has told me so much about you.” She pulled me close for an extended hug. “Anne is a very lucky woman to have a man who is as understanding and accepting as you.” It was obvious that she knew about the arrangements but she didn’t let on how much she knew.

“Nice to meet you too, Rose,” I replied. “You have had quite an effect on my darling bride, I hope she doesn’t get too carried away with her expectations.” There was only the very thinnest of veils over the sexual innuendo. Some of the other passengers seemed to be staring at us, two women who were radiating sexual desire toward each other and the cuckolded husband waiting in the wings for whatever scraps were left over.

While we waited for Rose’s suitcase to appear on the baggage carousel, Anne stood between Rose and me, holding our hands and trembling with excitement. She was more nervous now than she had been on our wedding night. We retrieved Rose’s bag and I wheeled it behind me as I followed the hand-holding girls to our car. As I put the bags in the trunk the girls got in, I was surprised to see that they had both gotten in the bask seat. I had underestimated how hot Anne was for her friend. As I drove away, I peeked in the mirror to see them snuggled up together. It was hard to concentrate on the road as I heard the sounds of kissing coming from the back seat. My once-reserved wife was quite ready to fuck her lesbian lover in the car while I was driving.

“Patience, Sweetie,” I heard Rose say, “there’s plenty of time for that.” I looked back as Anne’s lips left her lover’s and she pulled Rose’s head into her shoulder.

“Okay,” she said. We got to Rose’s downtown hotel, by coincidence (or not), it was the same hotel where my wife and I began our voyage of rediscovery about six weeks before. Retrieving Rose’s luggage and an overnight bag that Anne had packed for herself, I followed the hand-holding women to the reception desk. While Rose checked in, Anne and I went to the restroom and then waited for her to come down for dinner. Soon we were seated at our table, unfortunately, it didn’t offer much privacy so I said we’d have to mind our manners until later. Rose reached out and rubbed my hand, doing the same to Anne.

“It’s all good,” she said. We tried to steer the conversation away from the girls’ upcoming tryst, talking about such inane things as the weather, our jobs, and our hopes for a fine summer. After our dinner plates were cleared away, the waitress came over and asked about dessert.

Anne’s eyes sparkled as she stared right at Rose and said, “Nothing for me, thanks.” The look on her face was pure wantonness, she could not wait to get upstairs. Rose similarly declined but I decided to have a little fun by ordering two slices of cheesecake and three forks. My wife’s annoyance at this delay in her plan was palpable but Rose calmed her with a look and a few mouthed words. Anne’s face became serene again, it was becoming increasingly obvious that my wife was smitten by Rose. Surprisingly, I was okay with that, I knew that a smitten Anne would go far out of her way to satisfy Rose. That was a story I was eager to hear.

Anne didn’t want any cheesecake, preferring to sit impatiently as Rose and I enjoyed ours. Rose leaned over and whispered something to her and she sat for a moment before excusing herself to the restroom. Once she was out of earshot, Rose leaned in to whisper, “You’re seriously okay with this?” she asked.

“We’ve talked about this a lot,” I replied. “Anne wants to be with you so much it hurts her. I’m happy to give her what she wants.”

“There’s no quid pro quo here?” asked Rose. “You’ve not made any demands of her in return for your blessing?”

“My blessing was conditional on two things,” I answered frankly. “One was to meet you beforehand and I am glad I did. You seem to be a lovely person, Rose, I know we’ve only just met but I think we could become great friends.” She smiled and motioned for me to continue, I hesitated, then swung for the fences. “The second was that I receive a photo of you two making out, preferably of you going down on her.”

“You’re assuming I want any photos taken of me having sex?” I shook my head no.

“That would have to be consensual obviously,” I stated. “I have never asked Anne to do anything she didn’t want to do, I certainly would expect anything different from you, or anyone else.”

“Good. That’s settled then,” Rose replied. “Here she comes.” We sat back up, moving our heads back to a respectful distance.

“What are you two whispering about?” Anne asked. She had touched up her make-up while she was away from the table.

“I’ll tell you later,” Rose said. “I think we’re done here. Gerald, would you walk us to our room?” By now, my cock was rock hard with the visions of these two beautiful women, naked, horizontal, and superimposed on a king-sized bed. After paying the bill; Rose had insisted on charging it to her room but I held firm on that one. I stood up, glad that my jacket at least partially concealed the tent in my crotch. We walked to the elevator and took it up to the 6th floor, arriving at the door of the very room where my wife and I had screwed each other silly not so long ago.

“You set this up, didn’t you?” I asked Anne, her look telling the tale. “All right then, away you go!” I leaned forward to kiss my wife before she went to violate our wedding vow to ‘remain faithful so long as we both shall live.’

“Not so fast,” said Rose. She gathered us both into a group hug. “Anne, I have been waiting for this moment for two years. Are you sure this is what you want? Because once we go through that door there’ll be no turning back.” Anne nodded enthusiastically.

“I want this more than anything right now,” she replied, looking earnestly into Rose’s eyes.

“All right then,” she stated turning to me. “Thank you for sharing your beautiful wife with me,” she said before leaning in to kiss me, deeply and lovingly. “I’m going to give her a night she will never forget!” She kissed me again. “Now, kiss your wife good night, I’ll return her to you in the morning, well satisfied and full of stories to tell!” I gathered Anne into my arms.

“Have fun, Sweetie,” I said as I kissed her goodnight. “Sleep tight.” She gazed at me, her eyes filling up.

“I love you, you know that, right?” I nodded. “Nothing that happens behind that door will ever change that.” She kissed me again, as deeply and lovingly as she ever had.

“Thank you for this, you will not regret it, I promise.” And she pulled away from me and embraced her lover.

“Take out your phone,” commanded Rose. As I retrieved it, she said, “Take a picture of us to tide you over till morning.” She began kissing my wife passionately, running her hand up Anne’s thigh. By Anne’s reaction, I knew that Rose’s fingers had brushed her clit. I took several pictures and then turned away to the elevator, not daring to look back. As the elevator door opened, I heard the room door click as it closed.

My mind was swirling as I drove home, wondering if the girls were naked yet, what position they might be in, or if Rose had managed to bring my darling bride to heights she had only imagined. Shortly after I arrived home, my phone pinged, I was expecting a message from Anne but it was Sam who asked, “How are you feeling, you OK?”

I answered that I was nervous, that I didn’t know what to do with myself while Anne was having her fling. Sam’s reply read, “You want me to come over? Maybe I can distract you.” The thought of me fucking thirty-year-old Sam while my wife was having her way with Rose flashed through my head. I answered quickly that she could come over if she wanted to. Just before Sam arrived my phone pinged again. It was Anne.

I had asked for one picture, she sent me about a dozen starting with them both fully dressed and then another picture as their clothes came off. About six pictures in, they were both in their lingerie, matching burgundy, almost the same colour as Rose’s dress that now lay piled on the floor with Anne’s. They had obviously set this up ahead of time because whatever camera they were using was obviously on some sort of stand or tripod. Just then the doorbell rang.

Sam was dressed very simply, wearing tight jeans and a red and black checked shirt over a black camisole. She looked very attractive without her usual makeup; her soft brown hair was tied up in a ponytail. I invited her in and offered her some wine. We went into the living room, “What did you think of Rose?” she asked.

“She’s lovely, very kind and she’s really pretty,” I answered.

“I know,” Sam replied, “Anne sent me a picture.” It was the two of them in the hotel room, standing beside the bed, holding each other. Below the photo was the caption, “Thank you, Sam! You rock!”

“I have pictures too,” I said. “You want to see them?”

Sam nodded.

“You don’t think Anne would mind?” She obviously thought I was going to show her photos of the girls in bed. I shook my head no and showed her the photos of the girls making out in the hallway before I left. “Holy fuck, that’s hot!” Sam whispered as she shifted in her chair. Just then my phone pinged again.

A photo of Anne and Rose appeared, they were lying in bed, their faces a little shiny with each other’s wetness and they had satisfied looks on their faces. The next text was a string of “THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!” that filled an entire screen. I was about to reply when it pinged again.

“Is Sam there?” Anne was asking. I replied she was. “She is going to ask you some questions. Do you want to know what the correct answers are?” My wife was so sneaky since we had rediscovered our lust. Again, I replied in the affirmative. “The answer to all of her questions is, ‘YES!’” I looked at Sam quizzically.

“Anne says you have some questions for me?” I spoke.

She nodded. “I do.” She shifted again. “Anne is so very grateful that you agreed to this opportunity. I told her she should go ahead and do it anyway whether you agreed to it or not but she was adamant. She would not go through with it without your blessing.” Another shift, this time to pull her jeans from her crotch.

“I’ll do anything to make her happy you know that,” I answered. Sam smiled at me as she passed me her phone.

“Read,” she said. On her phone was a series of text exchanges between Anne and her.

Anne: I can’t believe he said yes!

Sam: I told you he would. He loves you so much, he wouldn’t deny you anything you asked for.

Anne: You think so? Even if I asked to sleep with other men?

Sam: He’d probably want to be there but I doubt he’d say no. Is that something you want to do?

Anne: Maybe – followed by a shrug emoji

Anne: Are you attracted to my husband?

Sam: He is attractive and I really like hanging out with him. He’s very funny and so cute when he’s vulnerable.

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Anne: Ever fantasized about him?

Sam: nlg, I have.

Anne: Wow, this is hard. Here goes, I know he’s hot for you, he’s never said it but he is. I can hear it when he talks about you. When he points out pretty girls in the street, they almost always have your body shape or similar hair or similar glasses.

Sam: Seriously?

I looked at Sam and nodded, “It’s true.”

Anne: Seriously. So I’m trying to think of a way to thank him for letting me be with Anne and I thought you could help.

Sam: Really, how?

Anne: Remember you said you don’t mind guys coming in your mouth? You said you even liked it. Would you do that for my husband? He asks me all the time and I just can’t bring myself to do that.

I looked at Sam and raised one eyebrow.

Sam: Geez, IDK, that’s a big ask.

Anne: He’ll go for it, I guarantee it. I’ll tell him it’s ok.

Sam: If he’s up for it. You realize it might not stop there.

Anne: Whatever happens, happens. Just one thing, if you do, I want a picture of his cock in your mouth.

Sam: Evidence to be used in your pending divorce?

Anne: LOL fuck no! So I can masturbate to it!

Sam: We’ll see what happens then.

Sam took a deep breath and asked, “Pretty crazy, huh?”

Recalling Anne’s instructions I said, “Yes.”

“Soooo?” Sam asked. It wasn’t like her to be this coy.

“Yes.” I picked up my phone and texted my wife. “You sure this is okay?”

She replied with a thumbs-up emoji and the line, ‘Go for it!’

“Anne says it’s okay,” I said. Sam thought for a minute then excused herself to the washroom, taking her purse with her but leaving her phone with me. While she was gone, I re-read the text exchange, hardly able to believe that she convinced my secret crush to give me a blowjob. Just as I adjusted my erection, I heard, “Ahem.”

Sam was leaning on the door frame, beautifully made up with smoky eyes and bright red lipstick. She was almost naked but for a wine-coloured quarter-cup bra and a thong. “I don’t know why, but I am really attracted to you, have been since we first met. I cannot believe your wife is cool with this.” She came over to me and, placing a throw pillow on the floor in front of me, undid my slacks and pulled them and my underwear down.

“I am going to rock your fucking world!” she breathed before opening her mouth and plunging all the way down until her nose hit my shaved mons. Coming back up slowly, she took herself off me and looked up, smiling. “If this goes where I think this is going, I’m going to teach Anne how to do that!” Back down she went using her tongue, lips, fingers, and throat to very quickly bring me close to blowing my load in her beautiful face.

My phone pinged again, distracting me. Sam came up for air and told me to look at it. It was another picture of Anne and Rose, Anne had her face buried in Rose’s crotch with her ass in the air. A sparkly jewelled plug was in her ass.

Back down Sam went, I could feel her teeth slightly scrape along my shaft as she bobbed slowly up and down. I placed my hand on the top of her head, “Want me to stop you? I asked. I was so conditioned that it came out almost involuntarily. Sam giggled, my cock still in her mouth. She came back up and leaned up to kiss me.

“Mmmmm, Anne said you are a good kisser. As for me stopping, that would defeat the entire purpose!” Back down she went and after only four or five more times I grunted as my semen shot out, filling her mouth as she continued to let me slide in and out of her throat. I had never felt anything like it before. She held her mouth onto me for a few moments before drawing up ever so slowly, her tongue lashing around my shaft as she pulled up. She held my head inside her lips, sucking hard so it started to hurt before letting my cock pop loudly from her mouth. She licked her bright red lips.

“Did you get a picture like she asked?” Sam asked. I shook my head. She took my cock back into her mouth and looked up at me as she drew upward. I snapped a couple of pictures, then turned my phone to show her. She just looked up and smiled as she climbed up into my lap.

“Do I thank you?” I asked, “I’m not sure of the social protocol when a beautiful woman sucks my cock with my wife’s permission.”

“The social protocol,” she replied, placing soft kisses on my lips, “is to return the favour.” She stood up and took me by the hand, leading me to the bedroom I shared with my wife. “Provided your wife has given you permission to do that too!”

The bed was freshly made, the sheets were turned down and there was a condom and a note on my pillow. “You’ve gone this far, you might as well keep going! I love you!” It read. It was signed with a flourished “A” and had a lipstick print over the signature. I showed the note to Sam.

“You guys have me all figured out, don’t you?” I said, grinning. She smiled as she wrapped her arms around me and kissed me deeply.

“Pretty much,” she replied, turning us so we fell onto the bed beside each other. Our kisses were soft and explorative, Sam was the first woman I had kissed like that since I met my wife and, I’m not gonna lie, I was loving it! I rolled her on top of me, my new erection rubbing on her tummy as I pushed her up and undid the front clasp on her bra. Removing it, I saw the perkiest breasts I could have possibly imagined, they were capped with tiny pink nipples, little nubs about the size of pencil erasers, and about as hard under the touch of my fingers.

“You have very lovely breasts, Sam,” I breathed, “can I kiss them?” She lowered her chest down in response, her tight little buds brushing my chin as I groped with my lips to capture one. She sighed as I rolled it with my tongue before switching to the other one. I played with them for a few moments before urging her back down so I could kiss her again. I looked at her and asked, “Would you sit on my face?”

She just giggled and held up one finger, telling me to wait one moment. “How about we put some of that delay gel on you first, that way when you’re all done, we can have a nice fuck. I reached into the nightstand drawer and retrieved the small bottle of gel along with my c-ring and some lube. Handing them to her she first applied the gel, being careful to go to the washroom and clean her hands before coming back and lubing up my cock and sliding the ring over it. It was a pain to have to do that but the rewards make it worth it, I think.

She retrieved a g-spot vibrator from her bag and got back on the bed, laying on her back. “This way is better, I think,” she whispered as she pulled me in for another kiss. “Anne tells me you’re good at this,” and she pushed down on the top of my head, urging me to move down along her body. As I kissed, licked, and nibbled my way down, Sam writhed to my touch, her flanks were especially sensitive to my soft kisses so I spent a little extra time around the bottom of her rib cage before settling between her thighs.

I ran my fingers over the thin strip of soft, short hair on her mons, tracing the perimeter of it. Her hips squirmed, revealing her impatience but I knew that slow and steady was the way to go. “Please,” she begged, opening her knees wider and thrusting her hips upward. I smiled that an old man like me could make a beautiful woman half my age beg for a mere touch. I did wonders for my ego as well. I opened wide and dove for her pussy.

Placing my hands under her ass cheeks, I pulled myself down and latched onto her clit. Her moans told me everything I needed to know as I licked and sucked on her, alternating pulling her inner labia into my mouth and licking her clit in long slow strokes. I felt a tap on my shoulder, Sam was passing me the vibrator and the lube. Taking it from her, I slicked up the toy but, unlike my wife who was having issues with natural lubrication, I passed on applying any to her pussy. It was wet, little droplets clinging to the bottom of her opening. I looked up at her face, she was looking at me, her face serene as she anticipated my next touch.

Opening her labia with my fingers, I pressed the bulbous head of her toy against her now-open cunt and it slid in with almost no pressure. I started working it in and out when I felt Sam’s hand grip the toy over my own. “Like this,” she whispered, as she held the toy so just the bulb was inside her.  She removed her hand as I started sucking her clit again, suddenly the toy came to life, her lips and clit vibrating along with it. I looked up to see a small remote device in Sam’s fingers. “Why did you stop?” she pleaded. Back to my task, I went. I could hear soft clicks, each one followed by a change in the intensity or pattern of vibration.

I alternated stimulating her clit with my fingers, lips, and tongue, as her arousal intensified, she would change the vibrator speed or pattern. “Lick me!” she called out; I knew she must be close. Her moans and cries grew louder as her climax approached, culminating in a long loud moan as she released, a rush of female come leaking out around the toy and onto my chin. I lapped it all up as best I could but the sheet below her ass was inevitably soaked. As her orgasm peaked and passed, she calmed down, her moans turning to whimpers each time my tongue flicked her clit.

She pulled upward on my head, urging my face up along her body until it was next to hers. She kissed me softly and then said, “Anne was right, you are very good at that.” We smiled at each other and kissed some more before settling in for a warm cuddle. I got an idea.

“Okay, if I take a picture? I won’t show your face I promise.” Sam smiled.

“Of course,” she said and laid her head back on the pillow. I picked up my phone and positioned myself at the foot of the bed, pointing the lens up for a POV look from between her knees. I set the phone to video mode as I started shooting, first with her ass and the wet spot on the sheets below it, then upward to capture her pussy with the vibrator still inside (I never did notice Sam had turned it off) and then looking up along her body, her face arched upward so just the curve of her smiling lips was visible between her firm mounds. I stopped the video and then sent it to Anne along with the images of my cock in Sam’s mouth that we had taken earlier.

“I’m thirsty,” I said, “would you like some wine?”

“Just water for me,” she replied, “I have to drive.” I had another idea.

“Only if you want to,” I suggested. “If you leave, I’ll be awfully lonely here with my beloved bride sleeping in her girlfriend’s hotel bed. Sam smiled at me and reached out for my hand.

“White wine then, if you have some.” She blew me a kiss as I left the room. She took the opportunity during my absence to freshen up, and when I returned, she was back on the bed, a towel covering the wet spot. She had removed her lingerie and lay naked, half-reclined into the pillows she had piled up behind her. I stopped, entranced by her beauty.

“Wow,” I breathed, “you are so hot!” I handed her a glass of wine before leaning in to kiss her.

“I’ll bet you say that to all the girls!” she teased. “Now, I think that delay gel has had time to work.” She reached down and fondled my reinvigorated erection. Sam’s body was hot enough to give a dead man a hard-on, knowing that she was going to give herself to me only turned me on more.

“I’m old enough to be your father,” I said, teasing her.

“I guess that makes you a cradle robber then, doesn’t it?” we both laughed. She set her wine glass on the nightstand and pushed me onto my back, rather forcefully. Placing her finger on my lips, she leaned forward and set her phone up on top of the headboard, propping it up against the corner of a book. Setting it to record, she whispered, “This one is for me, to get me through my lonely nights.” She kissed me and then went straight to my cock, opening her mouth wide and plunging it down onto me until I felt the head hit the back of her mouth.

Being under six inches, I supposed it wasn’t such an onerous task to take me completely into her mouth. She drew up slowly, repeating the same motion a few more times before turning and climbing on top of me. She took my cock in her hand and guided me to her entrance before moving her hips so I slid into her agonizingly slowly. Had it not been for the gel and the cock ring, I would have come right then.

Rather than moving up and down, she rocked her hips so that her clit was getting a good rubbing as I slid out and in. Her mouth came down onto mine, her tongue thrusting into my mouth in time with her movements. A moment later she lifted her face up and we watched each other’s expressions as we fucked. I closed my eyes but she told me to keep them open, I’d never tried to do that before but I could see why she liked it. The look of rapture that came on her face as she rode me was as beautiful as anything I had ever seen. I highly recommend watching your lover’s face as they orgasm.

The gel and the cock ring could only do so much to delay my orgasm, I lifted my hips up and unloaded into her. “Oh, fuck, I’m close!” she groaned as she continued to rub her clit against my pubic bone.  A few more strokes and she orgasmed again, this time there was no rush of fluid but I could feel her pussy pulse as it contracted around me. She would stop momentarily and then slide me out and in a few more times before stopping again. Three, four, five times she did this as each orgasmic wave rose, crested, and crashed down. She collapsed on top of me, her body heaving as she held me close. She rolled off to lay beside me; neither of us spoke as we held each other and drifted off to sleep.

Written by CaressofSteel
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