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Anne And Rose And Me And Sam -One More Time!

"The four of us get together for one last fantastic gasp before Rose has to return home"

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Author's Notes

"I think it's safe to say that by this point, Gerald and Anne's love life is fully reawakened! If you haven't read the entire story, you should. <p> [ADVERT] </p>As always, likes and comments are always welcome! Enjoy!"

Rose laughed loudly as we related the details of the two visitors we’d had that afternoon. We had just finished dinner and had retired to her room for our last evening together before she left in the morning. At dinner, Anne had asked Rose what she’d done that afternoon but Rose was very coy, saying only that she’d tell us later.

“Rose, are you going to tell us what you did today?” asked Anne impatiently.

Rose thought for a moment, then relented. “Perhaps I should show instead,” she said, retrieving her phone from her purse. “It’s not what I did, it’s who I did. Please don’t be angry.” She turned her phone and revealed a photo of her and Samantha, in bed with the covers up to their chins, smiling broadly. “She can’t wait to be with you,” she said to Anne.

I was stunned, unable to form words at what I had seen. I had thought maybe she had gone shopping or maybe visited a spa but this? I never saw this coming!

Anne stared for a moment, then scrambled to get her phone. She tapped it a few times and I could hear a phone ringing. “Uh-oh,” I thought, “This could be very, very bad.”

“SAM! Oh my God, you fucked my girlfriend!!!!” Anne shouted. I heard laughter from the other end. Anne took the phone away from her ear, “She wants to be on speaker.”

“Hi everybody,” I heard Sam’s voice. “For the record, Rose did not seduce or proposition me, I propositioned her.” She went on to relate how she had gone to the front desk of the hotel and gotten Rose’s room number and then watched for us to leave. She then left a note under Rose’s door that said, “Call me, it’s important!” along with her name and number.

“Of course, I was curious why your husband’s lover wanted to talk to me so urgently so I called her," Rose explained. "She invited me to her place to talk about you guys and your new relationship and one thing led to another…” She threw her hands up.

“I don’t know how I feel about this,” said Anne. We all could see that she was a little jealous and was not dealing with it at all well.

“Now listen, Annie,” said Rose sternly. “I never made any promises about being exclusive to you or anyone else and you have so much as said you want to invite Sam to join you after I leave! You know I have other relationships, sexual ones. I thought you understood!”

“She’s right, honey,” I said. “You have no right to be jealous.”

“I know!” cried Anne with exasperation. “It’s just….. oh fuck I’m sorry Rose, I am the world’s biggest hypocrite!!!!!” She put her hands to her face and started crying.

“There, there, sweetie, it’s okay, I just sprung that on you without warning, it’s my fault too,” soothed Rose as she pulled Anne’s hands away and started wiping her tears.

“Really, Anne, it’s my fault too, I should have waited,” we heard Sam say. “You know what, I should leave you guys to it.”

“No!” said Anne, “Let’s talk this out. Please!”

“Okay,” Sam said.

Anne looked at Rose, “So, how was she?” Angry Anne was fading away and curious Anne was coming back.

“She was amazing!” we heard Sam say. “I understand why you are so smitten Anne; she is wonderful and beautiful and…”

“Hot and sexy and I don’t deserve her!” Anne interrupted. “I’m so sorry for getting jealous, I had no right.” She went to Rose and kissed her. “Please forgive me.”

“Nothing to forgive,” said Rose sweetly. They kissed again. “Seriously, Annie, it’s fine.”

“She doesn’t like to be called Annie,” I interjected.

“She asked me to call her that,” said Rose.

“Oh, okay," I said. "I’m going to shut up now.” Everyone laughed which eased the tension in the room.

“You know, this could be an opportunity,” said Sam. Hearing nothing she continued, “You guys have all been together and I’ve been with two of you but I’ve never been with Anne. And I want to Anne if you’re willing.”

“Gerald and I have talked about asking you to join us at home, are you suggesting you come over here tonight?” Anne asked her.

“I can be there in fifteen minutes,” said Sam. “Make that a half-hour, I need a shower after, well, you know.”

“I’d like to shower with you,” Anne said quietly. Her hands flew to her mouth and her eyes opened wide. I don’t think she meant to say it, the words just came out involuntarily.

“On my way,” the phone went dead.

“Goodness,” I said, “That happened quickly!”

“Indeed,” Rose giggled. “But if this afternoon is any guide, what Sam does to Annie won’t go so quickly. For a young woman, she is very, very skilled.”

“I know,” I said. We laughed again. We tried to make small talk while we waited, curious Anne had transformed back into horny Anne, she was fidgety and her head snapped around at every noise.

“Would you relax!” Rose laughed. “You’re like a high-schooler waiting for her date to junior prom!”

“I can’t help it!” said Anne. “Now that I know this is going to happen, I can’t wait!”

“Let’s take a walk,” I suggested.

“But I might miss her,” complained Anne. “What if she gets here and I’m not here? She’ll think I’ve changed my mind!”

“Relax,” Rose soothed her, “If you’re not back when she arrives, I’ll keep her company.”

“We know all about you ‘keeping her company’!” Anne was still not over that.

“I promise when you get back we’ll both be fully clothed!” laughed Rose.

“Promise you won’t kiss her,” Anne said.

“No, Annie, I will not promise that!” The twinkle in her eye confirmed that as truth.

“Fine!” she said exasperated. “Just a short walk.” We grabbed our phones and a room key and left.

We were only gone a few minutes when Anne’s phone pinged, it was a text from Sam. “Be there in 10” it said. Anne looked at her watch (why I don’t know, she had her phone in her hand!] and said, “We just have enough time to get back!” I had a small laugh at my wife’s eagerness to get up close and personal with a young woman nearly half her age. I got it, I couldn’t believe Sam would want me in that way either but I wasn’t about to argue.

Sam’s timing was exquisite, she breezed into the lobby just as I pushed the button for the elevator. I don’t know how Anne didn’t notice her but she didn’t, she was looking at her shoes when Sam slid in through the doors as they were sliding shut. “Hi,” she whispered.

Anne’s eyes flew wide open and the look on her face turned from worry to pure lust as she grabbed Sam’s face in both hands and pulled her in for a fierce kiss. It lasted until the doors opened on our floor, Anne released Sam and whispered back, “Hi, I’ve been waiting for you!”

“So it would seem,” Sam laughed. She leaned over and kissed me gently, “Hi Gerald, how are you?”

“I am unbelievable!” I said. We kissed again, “I’ve missed you.”

“I find that hard to believe,” she said as we started walking down the hall, “you’ve been so busy satisfying your darling wife and her girlfriend since I saw you last.”

“I’m not sure I was the one doing the satisfying  but it has been a fun couple of days!”

“That’s not what Rose told me,” she said. “She told me that you are an excellent lover!” My chest puffed out a little, “Of course, I said she wasn’t telling me anything I didn’t already know.” She smiled at me and then turned back to Anne. “I’ve been looking forward to this ever since your husband and I first started talking about how to improve your love life.” She held Anne’s hand in hers, “We’re going to have such fun!” She brought Anne’s fingers to her lips and kissed them lightly.

Anne’s knees buckled as Sam’s lips brushed her fingers.  She fumbled for the key card but Sam calmed her, smiled and just knocked on the door. It drew open a moment later, Rose was standing there in her dark red lingerie sans thong.  “Hi Sam, it’s nice to see you again.” They hugged and kissed and we all went inside.

I thanked the fates that Rose had chosen to get a suite, there was extra furniture and plenty of room for all four of us without being crowded. I moved a wing-back chair to face the bed diagonally and sat down, waiting for the show to start. Sam excused herself to the washroom as Rose fussed with Anne’s hair and touched up her makeup. “How does she look?” Rose asked me.

“She looks like she’s ready for the time of her life,” I said. “Seriously honey, you look more beautiful than ever!”

“She does that!” we heard. Sam was at the door to the washroom leaning on the jamb. “And I will make sure she has the time of her life!” She was a vision in white, a quarter-cup bra pushed her breasts up and held them in so they spilled out the top, a thong covered her pussy, and a garter held up white stockings. On her feet were white-heeled sandals with little fuzzy bits atop the toes. Her face was made up nicely, not overdone, just enough contrast to make her lips, cheeks, and eyes stand out from her fair skin. Her hair was pinned up revealing the graceful line of her neck and the hollows above her collarbones.

“You look ravishing!” Anne breathed. “So, so pretty. I can’t believe you’d want old me.”

“Believe it,” Sam said as she sashayed over to Anne. She reached up and brushed her fingertip along her cheek. “You are so beautiful Anne, your husband is a very lucky man.”

“I’m the lucky one,” she answered, “he treats me so well and so wants me to enjoy all this.”

“He loves you,” Sam said. “More than you can imagine.” She kissed Anne’s lips softly, her finger was still touching Anne’s face. Then she trailed it down along her jawline, down her neck to the top button of her blouse. “Let me undress you.”

Rose’s eyes never left them as she crossed over and took my fingers, urging me to my feet. She undressed me, not so slowly or erotically as Sam had undressed my wife but soon enough I was naked. She sat me down then sat in my lap, sitting across my legs and slinging one arm behind my neck.

One by one the buttons came undone, Sam pushed the top back over Anne’s shoulders and slipped it off her arms. She ran her palms across Anne’s breasts, clad in a Kelly Green bra, stopping briefly to feel their firmness and heft their weight. “Nice,” she breathed. Then the finger resumed its journey south, running along the lower edge of Anne’s rib cage and down over her belly button to the top of her skirt.

Sam dropped to her knees and placed both hands on Anne’s hips, urging her to turn around, deft fingers slid the zipper of her skirt down agonizingly slowly, the skirt dropping to puddle at my wife’s feet. Sam kissed all over Anne’s backside, down along her hip to her thigh. She urged Anne to turn around again, a she turned she stepped out of her skirt. By this time, Sam was sitting on her haunches, the level of her nose just even with the tops of Anne’s stockings. Sam looked up and smiled before moving forward and placing butterfly kisses on the insides of Anne’s thighs, urging them apart just a little.

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Anne’s knees buckled again as Sam’s breath warmed Anne’s outer lips, “Ohhh,” she uttered involuntarily. Sam smiled and ran her finger up the inside of Anne’s thigh and brushed her clit. “I think I just came a little.” Sam leaned forward a little and flicked her tongue across the firm little nub before kissing her way back up her lover’s body, standing as she rose. She kissed my wife, and as her mouth opened, I could see Sam’s tongue flick forward and tease its opposite number forward.

Rose kissed my cheek and whispered, “That is how you arouse a woman!” She ground her backside into my erection, “I’ll take care of that in a bit.” She kissed my cheek again and took my hand, guiding it to her pussy so we could rub it as we watched.

Their lips parted and they both smiled at each other. “Damn, you are good!” Anne whispered.

“You ain’t seen nothing yet,” Sam growled. She took Anne’s fingers in hers and guided her to the bed. She urged Anne into the center lying on her back then climbed up beside her. Using her hands she prodded Anne’s legs open, exposing her wet pussy. We could see the sticky fluid cling to her outer lips and her legs opened, then her pussy disappeared as Sam knelt between them and leaned forward.

Anne moaned more loudly than before as she felt Sam’s lips on her, her hands came down and grabbed two fistfuls of hair, holding her younger lover’s face into her. I watched my wife’s face as Sam pleasured her, her chest flushed crimson as her blood pressure rose with her arousal. After a few minutes of this, Anne pulled Sam’s hair to urge her back up her body. As she had on her way down, Sam favoured her lover with little kisses and licks, stopping to explore every time Anne moaned or twisted under her expert tongue.

The two women restarted kissing and then Anne, pushed Sam’s face away, “My turn!” She rolled Sam over easily and soon had her head between the younger woman’s thighs. As with Anne, I watched Sam’s face as my wife aroused her with fingers, lips, and tongue.

Meanwhile, between Rose’s hand and mine, we had her almost to the pinnacle of arousal. Her body twisted and squirmed on top of me as we watched our lovers pleasure each other. Well, I watched, Rose’s eyes were closed most of the time as we manipulated her clit and pushed fingers urgently into her pussy. She craned her neck around for a kiss, which I eagerly provided. “I’m so close Gerald, finish me!” and I did my best, rubbing her clit hard and fast as she pinched and twisted her nipples.

Suddenly Rose flipped over, “Fuck me Gerald, take me to the bed and fuck me!” I lifted her up and carried her to the side of the bed where I laid her back down. Pulling her bum toward the edge of the bed, I maneuvered myself and entered her. Once more in my excitement, I forgot to pre-treat my cock so I knew this wouldn’t last long. Given the scene before me, I’m not sure it would have made very much difference. As I bottomed out, her legs wrapped around my backside, holding me prisoner until I had given her what I needed. My fingers found her sex again and I alternated between rubbing her clit and slipping a finger or two inside her pussy. Her hands fund mine and she directed them where she wanted them to be, right on her clit and rubbing furiously.

I held out as long as I could but was very surprised when she pleaded in a voice I hadn’t heard from her before to please come inside her. “I need it to finish me!” she moaned, “Give it to me now!” Most women, my wife included, had always wanted me to last as long as I could before coming but this woman was begging me to come quickly. A half-dozen furious strokes later I obliged her, pushing myself into her as far as I could, and unloaded myself. Rose gave a long low moan that grew in pitch and volume as her orgasm arrived and she too unloaded her fluid onto me. I could feel the strong pulses of my cock as it spasmed and I suppose that was what she was waiting for because each time my cock surged, I felt her pussy contract and her juices flow.

I tried as hard as I could to keep my eyes open and watch Rose’s face as she came but that is not something I’ve ever been able to do. I suppose that is why I got such enjoyment out of seeing Rose give my darling wife such delicious orgasms, I believe there is nothing so beautiful as the look on a lover’s face as she comes.

I pressed as much of my body as I could against Rose and tried to deliver a few last strokes to her but I was wilting rapidly. “God dammit!” I mumbled under my breath and just as Sam had done the previous day, Rose shushed me. “Shhhh it’s okay, shhh!” Her legs held me into her for a few moments longer then she pushed my body up, “That was so good!” she purred as she smiled broadly at me.

While Rose and I had been at it, the other two women had shifted position and were now locked in a sixty-nine with Sam on top. Rose and I retreated to the chair and resumed our original positions to watch as our companions brought each other to that peak they were so longing to reach. It didn’t take as long as I thought it might and I had thought that Anne would be the first to get there, so sexually charged she had been before Sam’s arrival. But it was Samantha that got there first, loudly and wetly as the lady-cum flowed from her, down over Anne’s face, and into her hair, finally coming to rest on the bedspread beneath. Anne tried her best to keep licking and suckling but Sam’s thighs clamped so tightly against her that she could hardly breathe.

As Sam calmed down, she resumed stimulating my wife’s pussy. Soon, a very different set of cries were heard as the woman I hoped would become our regular partner brought my life partner to another delicious orgasm. Anne’s body twitched, twisted, and writhed, it looked like she was trying to get away from Sam and get so close to her that they became one being, all at the same time. I couldn’t see her face as it was buried between Sam’s thighs.

Sam was unrelenting, determined to give Anne the most delicious, most intense orgasm she had ever experienced; and she may well have done just that. For what seemed an eternity, Sam licked and lashed at Anne, her arms locked around Anne’s bottom holding herself in place. Anne’s cries grew louder until they became screams, finally, she begged Sam to stop. Sam obliged somewhat, easing her oral ministrations but giving Anne’s clit an occasional lick or flick, each time causing Anne’s bottom to twitch. I’d have to remember that trick. Licks and flicks turned to soft kisses by both now-satisfied women and they began to untangle themselves.

I could feel my come mixed with Rose’s as it dribbled from her and onto me. As the two women on the bed rearranged themselves, she kissed me, “Enjoy the show?” she asked.

“What little I saw of it, yes very much,” I replied. “I did miss a fair bit of it though. Rose giggled, her body shaking in my lap.

“I did too,” she said between kisses. “But it was worth it!” We kissed a few times more then Rose got up, pulled me to my feet, and dragged me to the bed. We climbed on with Sam and Anne and we gathered each other into a warm, sweaty, messy group hug. We shared kisses and soft words for a few moments and then Anne spoke.

“We really should do this again sometime!” she exclaimed, albeit quietly.

“We will,” promised Rose. We hugged and shared more kisses then we untangled ourselves. Rose and Sam went into the washroom leaving my wife and me together and alone. We heard the shower start and we smiled, knowing that Rose and Sam weren’t quite finished with each other yet.

Anne turned to face me, “I’m sorry sweetheart for getting so jealous earlier, I was being selfish.” She kissed me the way she used to when we first started dating.

“It’s okay,” I replied. “This weekend has been a giant ball of emotions and they got away from you for a bit. That’s part of this new lifestyle we’re getting into I suppose.”

“So we’re going to keep doing this, having sex with other people?” Anne asked me.

“So long as you want to,” I said, “and so long as we’re always honest about it.” We kissed again to seal our agreement. “We can talk more about that later.”

 A few minutes later, Rose and Sam emerged from the bathroom, towelling themselves dry, “Look at them Rose, aren’t they adorable, all snuggled up together?”

“They are,” agreed Rose. “You guys, Sam and I talked about this in the shower and we would definitely like to pick this up where we left off the next time I come to visit, say next month?” Anne beamed at the prospect of reuniting with her new love. “But for now, I think we should call it a night, I have to be on the way to the airport by 7 AM and you two (pointing at Anne and me) have some unfinished business.” I looked at Rose, my face a question.

“Remember what we talked about?” asked Sam. “I told you, you need to reclaim Anne as your own and she needs to do the same. This is all fun and we’ve all enjoyed it but it’s time to start going back to your own lives.”

“Exactly,” said Rose. She sat down beside Anne, “Annie, my darling, you must be a ball of raw emotion right now. I know it feels like love and maybe it is, but it’s not the same as your love with Gerald. You need to reaffirm that. Go be with him, give yourself to him, you must do this or this lifestyle will eventually ruin you. None of us wants that.”

“I guess,” she said, “I just hoped we’d have tonight.”

“There’ll be other nights,” said Samantha, “and they’ll come sooner than you think, I promise.”

Anne sniffled a bit but she got up and went to the washroom to clean up and get dressed. I did the same when she was finished and when I came back out, all three women were standing at the foot of the bed, holding each other and wiping tears away from each other’s faces. Then Anne gave a big sigh and reached for my hand. I shook my head, “Not yet,” I said.

I went to Rose and kissed her, “We had a good time, didn’t we?”

“We sure did,” she answered, “and next time we’ll do it better.” She kissed me once more and I turned to Sam.

“And you young lady, lunch on Wednesday?”

“Make it supper at our house ad you have a deal!” she said. “We can talk some more then.”

Anne came over and hugged us, “And maybe I can watch you fuck my husband!” she giggled. Sam kissed her and laughed.

“Maybe,” she said. One more kiss for each of us and we turned to go.

We invited Sam to our house, well Anne did actually, but I was quite happy to spend a little more time in her company. As we sat in the living room and chatted about the events of the past week, we shared a few laughs, some kisses but nothing more. We agreed that Sam would come over for supper later in the week.

As we saw Sam out, Anne turned to me and hugged me tightly. "I just can't believe you're okay with all this!" she said.

"Sweetheart, all I want is for you to be happy. If you're happy, I'm happy." We kissed a few times and I added, "And let's face it, I'm getting a little something out of it too!"

"You are," she laughed. "Strange pussy and some of it half your age!" We both giggled a little.

"Now," she said, looking straight into my eyes, "How about of a little same old, same old?" She took my hand and led me to the bedroom. "Don't forget the new toys!"

Written by CaressofSteel
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