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Tim And Abbie 57: The Weekend For Others After The Friday Night At The Pub

"Telling the other part of the story..."

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Author's Notes

"Apart from Brian and Mark, what is going on with the others who were around Friday night?  While the two men lament and make-up, interesting things are going on not connected to their issues."

Les and Phoebe have no real concerns about Mark and Brian.  They know Brian from the Peacock and feel he is a gentleman.  Mark, they only know about from what Grace, Tim, and Sam disclose to them Friday night.  Grace, Tim, and Sam tell Les and Phoebe about what went on earlier.  They mention the incident in terms of their concern about how it affects Abbie.

Les and Phoebe hope it all has a good outcome.  For themselves, they are more interested in what Sam can tell them about Les’s house renovations.  Through no fault of Sam’s, more Les and Phoebe getting carried away, the house is taking longer to finish. 

Choosing special tiles and fixtures, all special orders, they are waiting for the deliveries.  This is the cause of the delay in finishing the house for them.  Sam and his crew have taken on different jobs while waiting, and Les assures him that he should not worry about the delays.

But seeing Sam always triggers them to ask about updates on the delivery date.  Meanwhile, they are learning about each other more as they are now living together in Phoebe’s apartment above the bar.

Living together, both for the first time with someone else for a long time, Les and Phoebe are adjusting to this new life together.  It is not all smooth sailing.  On the one hand, having different schedules, and on the other being together so much.  Les is used to being out and about, Phoebe with so much focus on Wilde Peacock, does not take time to relax and move around more.

With the renovations at Les’s house now in their third month and looking like taking a couple more, perhaps, their closeness is beginning to show.  Luckily, Les has the new position at Pathways, which takes up her time three days a week.  Another two afternoons, she has her help groups at the community center.

In those sessions, she is shifting to be part of Pathways as her groups' specific needs fit better there than at the community center's general services.  She is working on how the center can direct individuals in need to the groups and other Pathways services. 

This side of things helps keep Les occupied and not sitting at the end of the bar all the time while Phoebe works.  She is still concerned about how much Phoebe gives of herself to the place and is trying tactfully to wean her away.

Not to mention the fact that Phoebe’s working hours are afternoons until midnight or later.  The sacrifices each are making to have actual time together are becoming cumbersome.  They are together a lot, but not as a time to really be together.

This Saturday, after both being at the bar until closing time last night, Les convinces Phoebe to sleep in.  Well, not precisely sleep, but it is keeping her occupied and her mind off the bar for a few hours.

Phoebe wakes to feel a movement under the covers down by her feet around ten in the morning.  If she had a dog, she would think it is working its way under the comforter.  But with no dog, she imagines the raccoons she sometimes hears outside the window have found a way in.  Phoebe turns to shake herself awake to help investigate but does not see Les beside her. 

Phoebe hears the noise getting louder.  And sees Les’s feet peeking out from under the covers beside her.  Phoebe lies back, spreads her legs in anticipation, and says loudly, “Les, I think a raccoon got in and is under the covers.  Ooh, what is it doing? It’s scrambling between my legs.”

Les stifles a laugh and makes little nibbling sounds as she does the same scrambling mentioned.  Working up from Phoebe’s ankles closer and closer to her special treasure.  Phoebe gets into the game and ooh's and aw's at each touch, “It’s getting closer Les, what should I do?”

Chattering and squeaking in such a voice, Les replies, “Spread your legs like a good little girl and let me burrow my way into your wet, warm, sticky cave.”  Saying this, Les spreads Phoebe’s lower lips and begins investigating with her tongue.  Les’s fingers serve as claws to part the way to the wonderous treat ahead.

Phoebe, loving the feel of Les eating her, moans and leans back to allow this to go on as long as Les wants to.  She feels herself lifting higher and higher.  Phoebe crashes with an outpour quickly after Les finds her mark. 

But this is not a deterrent to Les.  She wants Phoebe to give her body over today and relax totally.  Les doesn’t care how many climaxes Phoebe has. The more, the better.  The goal for Les is to get Phoebe to the point of total surrender.  Willing to do anything suggested to her.

So the morning proceeds, into afternoon even.  Les is concentrating on Phoebe’s box of jewels, making her cry out in release repeatedly.  She isn’t cruel. Les takes breaks when she surfaces to caress Phoebe’s hair and back to calm her, then back to the task at hand.

In the beginning, Phoebe cries out, begging Les to stop, based on all the work Phoebe thinks she needs to get done.  Les is not concerned and presses forward.  Soon Phoebe’s cries of protest change to cries of lust as she comes again and again.

They don’t get out of bed all day.  A cat nap, after Phoebe comes for the tenth time, she begins returning the favor to Les.  Phoebe is as diligent as Les was.  Between her fingers and lips, she soon has Les singing.

After coming the third time, Les laughs, telling Phoebe, “We do seem to have a gaze of raccoons here.  They do seem so friendly, though. Perhaps we can let them just settle here with us?”

Phoebe joined in on the levity and agrees that the raccoons seem to have certain talents and worth keeping around.  Laughing together, the raccoons decide to go burrowing, building, and cleaning the nests they are making in both of their cunts.

Finally, both exhausted and fully satisfied around midnight, Phoebe and Les, arms around each other, fall to sleep.  Both know they will be hungry in the morning, not just for each other again but also for food.  Through the day’s fun, they never ate, just worked up sweats, over and over.


After the ruckus of Friday night, Tim and Abbie are spending a quiet weekend at home.  Tim is still curious about what went on between Abbie and Mark, not to mention Abbie and Brian.  He knows all will be revealed at the right time.

When Abbie gets a call on Saturday afternoon and goes into another room to take it, Tim’s interest further peaks.  Abbie explains the call saying that it was someone from Pathways needing to talk to her about something. Tim suddenly had an aha moment.

But really?  Could he be right?  Brian and Mark?  He does remember how chummy Mark had been with Brian that night last winter when he made a fool of himself.  But that is often the case with Mark. 

Look at last night. 

Mark is a total pillock in his comments and opinions of anyone choosing a different path than what he views as the straight and narrow. He is a troller in the worst sense.   But thinking more about it, Tim does start to see where that might all be a cover.  He knows how Mark’s father was and what he did to Mark.  If Mark does have any such feelings or inclinations, Tim could understand him keeping them under tight wraps.

Tim put his ponderings aside. It will all come out in the wash eventually.  And Abbie just suggested they take a nap.  Wink, wink.  Tim now has other priorities than contemplating Mark and his behavior at the moment.

Upstairs he finds Abbie on the bed in sheer lingerie.  The lace panties show the outline of her lovely clit pressing against the tight fabric; a shelf bra allowing her nipples to peek out at him; and garters and black silk stockings.

It does not take long for Tim to be undressed and on the bed with her.  Abbie positions Tim on his back and then lifted his right arm.  She ties a silk scarf around his wrist.  Tim realizes she had tied the scarf to the bedpost before he arrived.  Tim’s left hand is tied in a similar manner.

Then spreading Tim’s legs, each of them is secured around his ankles.  Tim squirms a little for Abbie’s enjoyment but discovers that his hands are not that tightly tied.  If he wants or needs to get out of them, he easily can.  But relaxing and waiting to see what Abbie has in store, Tim doesn’t let Abbie knows he’s caught on.  She fluffs enough pillows under Tim’s head so he can see all which is going on.

Abbie shifts her legs over Tim, so she is straddling his knees.  Her left leg bends at his side.  She slowly undoes the stocking from the garter belt and slides the stocking down her leg and off.  Then the other one in the same way.  Abbie takes the garter belt off and tosses it aside.

Picking up one of the stockings, Abbie wraps it around Tim’s now harden cock. Slowly she pulls the stocking back and forth, letting it rub and squeeze Tim’s shaft and glans.  It is mind-blowing for Tim how a stocking, one that Abbie just wore, can feel so good rubbing against his prick.

Tim is gasping with each rubbing of his cock with the stocking.  Abbie often surprises him with new and different things and ways to play.  As he lies there wiggling from his constraints, but not enough to loosen his bonds.

Staring at Abbie and how lovely she looks, he would like to reach up to squeeze her boobs, but the best he can offer is to strain himself to raise his head to perhaps get close enough to press away her bra and suck on her awaiting nipples.

Abbie sees Tim straining and giggles, “Are these what you want?” Holding and wiggling her boobs.

Tim just nods yes. The view of Abbie’s tits is like that very first night when she had sent him that photo of her in the bath, with just the hint of her nipples.  Tim still has that photo, well hidden, in his phone.  Sometimes, when he and Abbie are apart, Tim looks at that picture of Abbie and remembers the first rush of excitement between them.

“Do you want me to take my bra off so you can worship them?” Abbie teases.  All Tim is able at this minute to do is nod yes over and over. If he could get the words out, but for some reason, at the moment, he is mute, Tim would confess that worshiping is just the start of what he feels when seeing her magnificent boobs.

Abbie smiles down on Tim as she reaches behind her and unhooks her bra, and allows it to fall down her arms and off slowly. Tim is breathing rather heavily watching this performance, and underneath her, Abbie can feel his cock getting harder and harder.

Abbie is excited also, and a little precum is evident on her panties.  At times like this, Abbie wonders what it would be like to really be a woman.  Having her juices flow, filling her panties as she plays with the man she loves.  But at best, the little dribbles of precum do show her excitement at any moment.

The problem at the present moment is Abbie still having her panties on.  The only bit of clothing for both of them.  She would have to roll away from Tim to take them off, and destroy this magic moment of her straddling over him, so clearly in charge of what is happening with her captive Tim.

Bending over to allow Tim to suck on her tits which he has been longing for, Abbie enjoys the attention he pays to each.  Showing reverence with his tongue as his hands are unavailable.  Abbie lifts a bit to bend closer to him for the enjoyment of his tit play with her.  She moves her hands to wiggle her panties down to her hips and thighs.  Tim is going wild, feeling her silk panties against his throbbing cock.

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Tim’s prick is at full salute and throbbing for attention.  Abbie rubs her crack against it, up and now, wiggling when Tim’s dick is hovering near her rosebud.  Tim’s cock is between Abbie’s small but very aroused, cock (or rather, clit) and panties.  Feeling Abbie’s crack on one side and the silk panties rubbing him on the other has Tim quivering with excitement.

Abbie is coming to enjoy teasing Tim a bit, getting his anticipation to the peak before ‘giving in’ to his needs.  Today is no exception.  Tim’s arms raised and tied, Abbie runs her fingers around his armpits, tickling him some.  Tim fidgets and laughs from the feeling, telling Abbie, “Be careful, girl, if you keep this up, you might find me peeing on you.”

Abbie smiles at Tim and replies, “Umm, that might be interesting to feel, but not on the bed, more bathtime fun.”  And saying so, she moves her hand to press against the bed on each side of Tim.  She lifts and brings herself down, so Tim’s dick is deep up in her.  Her clit, feeling Tim in her, swells and is bouncing against Tim’s lower stomach.

Together they are enjoying this ride thoroughly.  Both moaning with each deep thrust.  The ride is fast and hard.  Only minutes later, they both release.  Abbie is enjoying the feeling of Tim’s cum up in her and her cum all over Tim’s stomach and mons.

Abbie stays put on top of Tim as she fingerpaints with her cum around his stomach and through his short, trimmed mons.  She is so happy that Tim lets her groom him there now every week or so.  Tim laughs at her silly play.  He does enjoy when Abbie relaxes enough to let go of herself and be more lightheaded.

Tim pretends to pull to free himself from his bonds, but Abbie puts her hands over his wrists and bends and kisses him deeply.  They stay in this position for several minutes, enjoying the fun of kissing each other.  As they do, Abbie’s hands move to circle Tim’s neck, clinging to him as they kiss. 

Tim ‘frees’ his hands and hugs Abbie around the waist, and they kiss on.  Rolling her to the side some, Tim lifts his lips to kiss her forehead and suggests, “Abbie, maybe that nap you suggested is a good idea for now.  There is nothing we need to do but to cuddle here together.”

And so their Saturday afternoon finishes with a restful nap.  Before they nod off, Tim quietly says, “Abbie, I do not want you to answer as probably improper for you to right now, but from all that happened last night, and thinking about it this morning, I am wondering something.  And no, not as gossip, but just trying to piece things together.  I think Mark and Brian are involved with each other, and something happened due to Mark’s outburst.  I’ll wait to find out, but it does make me speculate some.”

Abbie’s body responds to hearing this with a slight shiver.  Tim is good at looking at the facts and hitting the nail on the head.  She says nothing, just wiggles closer to Tim, moves her hand to take his, and wraps it around her waist.  Tim just smiles to himself, ‘Abbie is confirming what I think.’


Saturday morning, Grace and Sam talk about the night before, wondering how Abbie is doing after what happened.  “She seems to take it in stride, even talking to Mark afterward, but it was the thing she worried about so,” Grace comments over breakfast.

“I am sure she is okay. Look how she even went and talked to Brian when we were at the Peacock.  I’m not sure why, but she seemed to recover from it and join in the group conversation at the pub too,” Sam replies. 

“And those couples all seem like nice, ordinary people.  It was fun talking with Luke about construction.  On the commercial side, he does have a great perspective of big projects' concerns like he works on.  He opened my eyes to the many similarities between home remodeling and construction of an office building,” Sam continues.

“I’m sure you are right about Abbie, I’ll text her later to be sure, but now, I need to study.  This new semester starting, and my senior year with it, will be a lot of work.  Especially trying to get accepted to a Master’s to Doctorate program,” Abbie laments.

Each go their own way for the next few hours.  Sam, works out schedules for his crews with all the new requests coming from King Lanes.  He has developed a good working relationship with the council for the neighborhood.  They are impressed with how he improved Tim and Abbie’s house and the work so far on Les’. 

With more requests coming in and developing an understanding of the neighborhood inhabitants and architectural style of the homes, Sam sees a great deal of potential working in this community.

Already he has his eyes on a couple of properties looking for a quick sale at significantly reduced prices.  Children stuck with homes from their parents who have died and want to sell as-is for whatever price they can get for the non-updated homes.  Sam can see the potential for easy flips of homes along with his remodeling the list of homes for which he already has received requests.

A larger staff and more crews will be required for this to become a reality.  Not to mention the initial outlay for buying properties to flip.  Sam can’t believe his luck of happening into this development from Tim’s request.  Before Tim’s major redo, Sam was doing only small jobs of redoing a kitchen or bathroom for the most part.

Tim led him to a goldmine, and Sam just needs to figure out how he can financially tap into the motherload.  In the same vein, Sam does not want to compromise the quality of work his crew does and his reputation by biting off more than he can chew.  The conversation with Luke opened Sam’s eyes to even more issues he needs to think of before diving in.

Putting all those decisions aside, seeing it is late afternoon, Sam goes looking for Grace, which is not so hard in their place.

Sam has a relatively large property, including a multi-vehicle pull barn and a large warehouse.  Towards the street is a small building which Sam uses for his business offices at the front.  Behind, there is a parlor, kitchen, dining area, and smaller bathroom downstairs.  Above all the space are a living room, two bedrooms, and a full bathroom.

Grace moved in with him in August after they dated for a couple of months.  They both agree that her paying rent for an apartment was foolish now that they spend every night together.  Sam is thinking about getting a bigger place, a real home not attached to the business.

Right now, though, he is on a search where he knows he will find his prey.  Bingo, in the spare room.  Sitting on the bed against the headboard, Grace is in deep concentration.  This room they have shifted to be Grace’s office for studying.  Sam comes and sits on the bed near Grace’s ankles. He pulls off all his clothes except his underwear. 

Grace, in total concentration, just acknowledges this out of the corner of her eye but goes on reading. Sam moves in for his attack.  Sliding between her legs, he begins to nibble up Grace’s legs. 

She is dressed how Sam suspected.  How she was dressed at breakfast.  Just an oversized sweater that hangs down to her knees, and nothing else.  No bra or panties.  Hey, it is Saturday, and she is just at home studying.

Sam maneuvers forward with his onslaught.  Licking and kissing up Grace's thighs. Moving back down before attacking his main target.  Reconnaissance to lick and nibble up the other leg.  His quarry is in view.  He spreads Grace’s labia and bomb-dives in on his prey.

Grace giggles at his attack now.  She now is watching and aware of Sam’s attempting a blitz.  As Sam licks and teases her pussy, Grace lays her book aside and begins to lie back further, spreading her legs to welcome the invader, and moves down the bed.

Now on her back, Sam working hard mining her cave, Grace finds herself letting go of the stress and worries she has about the year ahead at school.  Something will work out, and why waste time contemplating when she is being offered a delightful intermission.

After a passing treat for Grace’s pussy, Sam continues up through her sweater to her tits.  Sucking on one after the other nipple while squeezing her boobs, making Grace moan with delight.

Then moving up further if it could be believed, Sam works his way, stretching the neck of Grace’s oversize sweater. They are a two-headed sex monster with both their heads sticking out of the neck, kissing each other with such passion.

Grace wiggles her arms out of the sleeves so she can touch and caress Sam also.  As they kiss, their hands are busy at work.  Grace’s around Sam’s prick, wanking him to fullness.  Sam’s fingers back at the wonderful wet and sticky spot, which makes Grace react so lovely.

Cocooned together in the sweater, they kiss and play for a while.  Grace gives a fleeting thought to the work she is leaving undone, but this is a much better way to spend a rather dreary afternoon.

Sam nice and hard now. He shifts as Grace raises her legs and enters her.  That first thrust of Sam into her always makes Grace cry out in glee.  From the start, such a short while ago, Grace is grateful each time Sam and she sexually interact.  She never had any boyfriends to count before, but with Sam, they are both so all in with each other.

Giving into the pleasures of Sam thrusting in her over and over, Grace is thrilled.  But she realizes she needs to pee.  Studying for so long and so absorbed, she’s resisted the urge for a couple of hours before Sam’s arrival.

Soon, Grace feels her urethra contracting against her vagina, which is clenching Sam’s cock on each push.  Oh, the feeling of scrunching her sides against Sam’s hard corpus sends bursts of electrodes through her body.

Grace read somewhere about sex with a full bladder being more intense.  Now experiencing it, she is a complete believer.  Oh my. Every thrust is more extreme.  And the need to hold it in just makes each push more forceful.

Their mating dance goes on for a while, each getting closer and closer to climax.  Both are enjoying the sexual attractions along the way.  Feeling different types of waves crashing through their bodies, only suggesting what the final lap will hold, Grace and Sam are both dripping with sweat.

Some from being encompassed together in the sweater, more from the passion ignited between them.  Sam thrusts into Grace again and again.  His breathing is heavy, moans building deep in himself.  Grace gasping and crying out in sexual joy with each deep jab into her. 

At moments like now, Grace feels willing to submit herself to whatever Sam wants.  Oh, Sam never would abuse such an offering.  But she understands that there is a part of her that does want to submit completely to another.  And with those thoughts at the back of her mind, Grace climaxes as her body trembles, and her vag clenches Sam's cock so hard he, in turn, cums spilling his sperm up in Grace deep.

Falling together, still enclosed in the sweater, Grace and Sam are holding tight to each other in the dimming light of the afternoon.  A run to the bathroom is needed.  But it can wait for a bit now. Being knitted together like this feels so good.

Written by Cammi
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