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Tim and Abbie 34: The garden

"One more step to making the house their home as they work outside together"

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Spring came upon them as a soft, warm breeze.  Offering delights for all.  For some special ones, sexual enchantments also, which they share with ones they love.  Open windows to let the gentle wind in does lead to libidos charging.  Morning moans fill the air in concert with the birds chirping.

It is a couple of weeks since the evening visit from Abe.  Abbie and Tim are getting into a nice routine for work and play.  They have kept to themselves a good deal, but that is what happens at the start of relationships.

Tim is pleased that Abbie has curbed her spending a great deal.  While she has been funding the latest projects at the house and the new car, her day-to-day spending has significantly decreased.  Tim planned to give Abbie four hundred pounds a week for whatever she wanted, leaving the major portion of her paycheck in savings.  But at the end of the first week, Abbie tells him she still has the majority of the money left, so Tim switches to funding Abbie this much when she lets him know she needs it.

A large portion of Abbie’s former spending was purchasing all her meals from restaurants and to-go places.  Now with Tim, that is replaced with breakfast and dinner at home.  Along with most days, the two taking leftovers or sandwiches for lunch.  This changes Tim’s lunches also.  No more plain sandwiches and a piece of fruit in a brown bag. 

Adding to the reduction in spending, Abbie is not stopping most nights at the Wilde Peacock.  What changes being in love with someone can make.

Abbie and Tim do go to the Wilde Peacock one or two times a week. But not at all like Abbie’s almost nightly visits before meeting Tim.  They often see Les sitting at the end of the bar, where they now gravitate to join her.  Les and Phoebe seem to be settling into a new relationship also.  None of the four are upset that they do not see each other as much, but they enjoy it when they share time together.

Now the midpoint of spring is here when the world becomes alive again. These last weeks Abbie has been staring out the kitchen and bedroom window at Les’s backyard.  At first, Tim thought she was spying to find out more about Les’s comings and goings.  But from her questions and comments to him and Les, it seems she is more interested in Les’s beautiful garden.

Waking on a Saturday morning in mid-May around nine, Tim is surprised to see Abbie is not in bed.  He looks in the bathroom and calls out to her but gets no reply.  He throws on shorts and top and goes downstairs, calling to her the whole way.  Still no response.

Only when he goes to the double doors off the kitchen to the backyard does Tim see Abbie on her knees at the flowerbeds yanking weed after weed out of them.  Her face is already covered with dirt, as are her arms and legs. Abbie is so engrossed with what she is doing. She does not notice Tim come out onto the patio.

Their backyard is not all that large.  Cutting the grass takes Tim about fifteen minutes to mow, and their front yard the same.  It is always quick work for Tim to trim each week.  Unfortunately, there are overgrown flowerbeds all around the sides of the house and fence.

When Tim and his mother first moved is, Cyn did like to work in the flowerbeds, planting so many things.  Tim now realizes that it is probably how her friendship with Les began.  As Abbie is currently doing, she would talk to Les about which plants to add and gardening things.

But the last few years of her life, Cynthia had no interest in gardening anymore as she declined into despondency more and more often.  Even after her death, Tim never really did much with the yard beyond cutting the grass.  The flowerbeds are in great disrepair.  It always has embarrassed Tim how his yard compared with the beautiful garden Les maintained. But not so much that he did any more than weed wack the beds now and then.

Seeing Abbie now so intense with her work brings a smile to Tim’s face.  He takes a moment to survey the yard.  There is a shed up against the neighbors to the east six-foot wooden fence.  The shed had been repainted forest green during the house renovations matching the house's trim, so it does look nice.  There is a rather large brick patio down one step from the house's double doors.  There, in the summer, a table, chairs, and a grill sit.

From the patio, there is a brick path leading to the shed and back-alley’s gate.  This is where weekly Tim puts the trash bins out to be collected.  The yard and the flowerbeds next to the house follow across the back and down the fence to the shed.  There are also flower beds against the stone wall between their and Les’s property, where Abbie is hard at work. 

The stone wall is only about three feet tall.  It has always been a nice division between Les and his property.  Able to see and chat with each other when out in the yard.  This seems to be what Abbie is doing right now.

Les is the first to see Tim and waves to him.  He goes over to them and leans and kisses Abbie on her head.  “Someone seems up and going early today.  What are you up to, Abbie?” Tim asks her.

“Tim, this yard needs a lot of attention to get it looking nice.  Cutting the grass is one thing, but allowing weeds to overtake the flower beds is another.  Les is helping me to determine which are plants and which are weeds.  Once we get all of the weeds out, we can see what there is to work with.  I have always wanted a lovely garden, and this is my opportunity to create one,” Abbie gushes out to him.

Tim smiles at his love and her energy this morning, asking her if she has had breakfast? Abbie brushes his question aside, saying she isn’t hungry right now.  So Tim, being supportive, goes to the shed and brings out the wheelbarrow and several yard waste bags and begins to shovel up the piles of weeds Abbie has already pulled.

Together they work in harmony, Tim taking on the bigger weeds with a shovel, along with the tree sprouts starting from the fallings from the few trees in his and Les’s yard.  Some are a bit large as it has been years since Tim did anything more than just weed wack the beds.  By mid-day together, Tim and Abbie have accomplished a lot. 

Both are hot and sweaty.  At about eleven, Tim abandons his shirt. Abbie has a tank top on, which shows off her curves so nicely.  And the shorts she is wearing displays her wiggling butt as she moves along the beds weeding.  Tim realizes this is the first time he has seen Abbie in anything but a dress, and okay, naked. 

From the sun, both are starting to get a bit pink.  Tim hooks up the garden hose for the summer and calls to Abbie to come to get squirted off.  They take turns with this fun, Tim squirting down Abbie removing the top few dirt layers on her.  The cold water running over her feels so nice, even if her clothes are getting a bit damp.

Then it is her turn to squirt Tim down.  Goodness, he looks good bare-chested now with some color.  Abbie notices how fit he is becoming.  Three mornings a week, Tim gets up an hour early and goes for a run, back in time for them to shower and get ready for the day ahead. 

The fun with the hose accelerates.  Tim, the hose in his hand lifted over his head, is letting the water spray down on them both.  Mainly to see, Abbie is not wearing a bra, and her perky tits and nipples are fully displayed as the water cascades upon them.  Abbie tries to grab the hose from Tim but being shorter, she cannot reach it.  Instead, Tim pulls her to him and kisses her over and over as the water rains down on them.

As they kiss, they rub their bodies together.  Tim’s chest and stomach are against Abbie’s boobs, wonderfully stimulating her more.  They press their pelvises against each other, and the grinding of their wet pants does arouse both of them.  Abbie feels a small orgasm run through her just from this contact.

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As she often does, Abbie wonders how such small things between Tim and her can cause such amazing feelings.  Some days, just talking to Tim on the phone about nothing, in particular, can make her clit throb and release juices. 

Being with Tim, safe in their relationship now completely, Abbie can feel secure enough to let such incredible, lustful feeling incorporate in her.  For Tim, it is much the same.  The water falling on them, kissing Abbie with passion, and grinding against her makes him harden.  But it is funny.  It is not like he needs to consummate the feeling. Rather just enjoy the pleasure that Abbie excites in him.

Les, heading into her house, sees the water horseplay between Tim and Abbie and smiles contently.  She sends up a small prayer that the two can always be as happy as they are at this moment.  That their love for each other will be strong enough to sustain anything brought their way.

Totally wet now, Tim lowers the hose and stops the spray.  He and Abbie walk together to the patio. Wet as they are, Tim tells Abbie to just sit at the table.  He did bring out the table, chairs, and grill during the morning work, so the patio is ready for the summer.

Both realize they need to put some sunscreen on before returning to work.  Tim tells Abbie he will get the lotion and fix them some lunch.  Abbie suggests he brings her hairbrush and band to pull her wet hair back.  He laughs, goes through the door, and Abbie being the only one who can see him, undresses from his wet clothes, and as Abbie watches his wet bare ass sway as he walks across the kitchen to head upstairs, she sighs at how just the sight of Tim, especially nude, can arouse her so.

It seems like in no time Tim, now in dry shorts, not bothering with a shirt, is bringing out sandwiches and beers for their lunch and the lotion.

After eating, each takes time, rubbing the sunscreen all over each other.  They know from this morning they are somewhat burnt, and by night, they will feel some sunburn, but hopefully, covered now, it will not worsen.

Each takes care of rubbing the sun lotion on each other, adding a little lustful play to the moment. Tim first, having Abbie stand in front of him as he liberally rubs lotions on her shoulders and arms, sliding in the armholes to rub some on her chest, but Abbie knows that it is just a way for Tim to cup and play with her boobs and nipples for a bit.  When rubbing on her neck, he does the same thing, expose to the ridge of her tank top. 

Again Tim’s fingers rub down inside her shirt to ‘make sure’ she is adequately covered.  But Tim’s attention to Abbie’s top is nothing like when he begins to lotion her legs.  Starting at Abbie’s ankles, Tim works up her calves.  The attention he pays to her thighs, caressing them as he rubs the salve in, is another matter.  Especially as he spreads the lotion over her inner thighs.  When there, his finger trespass inside her shorts to rub over her pantie cover clit, which is already throbbing.  Then around to rub her ass cheeks.  Up and down her crack to her rosebud to rim with his cream covered fingers some.

They are somewhat sheltered on the patio, except from Les’s yard, for anyone to see what fun they are up to.  Les is still in her house, so they did feel safe being unobserved.  Had they known, Les is looking out her kitchen window as she washes up her dishes from her lunch.  She has a balcony view of the play going on.

Les knows she should not watch, but the sensuality exhibited in such raw form keeps her eyes locked on the couple.

Tim moves his hand down the front of Abbie’s shorts and hits pay dirt.  Abbie’s little throbbing clit is rather excited.  Feeling Tim’s lotion covered hand running up and down and around with more and more squeezing makes Abbie lean against his chest, her arms around Tim’s neck as she sighs so deeply.  Then her breathing quickens as she tries to keep from gasping as Tim is bringing her home.

Know his Abbie is about to squirt, Tim covers her clit head to catch all the cum shooting out of her.  Abbie is trembling so bad as she gives in to this climax, now audible gasping as she gives in.  Shuttering, Abbie falls against Tim’s chest spent.  Only her arms around his neck keeps her from falling to the ground.

Tim holds Abbie close as she calms.  When she can stand on her own, Abbie takes the lotion from Tim and begins to spread it on his bare chest and back.  Down his legs and arms, and some on his face.  Abbie smiles at Tim and promises she will more thoroughly cover him later, but now they need to get back to work.  Tim smiles, understanding.

They work for a few more hours, and by five, the beds in the backyard look free from weeds.  Abbie starts visualizing which plants and flowers she will put where.  Talking to Tim about this as they sit on the patio with a glass of wine each, the bottle within reach.

The late sun, feeling tired but content with what they accomplished, Tim and Abbie enjoy the just being together peacefully now.  Oh, later, yes, muscles will ache, and sunburn will heat their skins, but right now, all is good with their world.

Abbie’s attention turns to the shed.  And her imagination goes into overdrive.  “Tim, what would you think about building a greenhouse on the side of the shed?  It could have a door from outside to it and one from the shed.  Think of all the flowers and plants we could get started or store for winter in it,” Abbie suggested.

Suddenly, Tim can almost see Abbie’s vision for the backyard with new plants, flowers, and yes, a greenhouse.  He replies, “There should be enough room for that addition, and perhaps dig out more of this part next to the patio to plant herbs and vegetables.  It would be nice to have homegrown things, especially from such easy reach from the kitchen.”

Abbie jumps on Tim’s lap, realizing how much he is getting into this idea and how lovely their yard will look for the summer.  She hugs and kisses Tim, telling him that it is clear where they will be spending their weekends and evenings for a while.  Tim hugs her back, and kiddingly replies, “Well, I hope not all our time.”

Abbie laughing kisses him again.

To jump ahead a bit over the next month, by mid-June, the greenhouse (thanks to their ever-available contractor) is build.  Tim enlarges the plot near the patio, building it up with wood walls to be a raised bed.  They plant mainly herbs but also lettuce, tomatoes, radishes, carrots, garlic, and onions.

A day trip to a nursery filled the back of their SUV with plants and flowers, and another weekend is spent planting them all.  The front of the house is not forgotten either, the beds are cleared, and mostly a variety of hostas are planted filling the space nicely and adds a nice contrast to the house's forest green trim.

Taking pictures of the ‘new look’ of their house, both Abbie and Tim are proud of how welcoming, light, and airy it all looks.  While they are working in the front yard, many neighbors stop and comment on how nice the house looks.  Some ask if they are new owners considering all the work, Tim blushes some as he realizes that except for Les, he never had much contact with the neighbors.

However, Abbie loves the attention and the people who stop while on a walk to comment, she invites to see the backyard.  Abbie does suck up the praises she is given.  To be acknowledged for something she has created is not something Abbie ever had much of in her past.

Everything with the flowerbeds and yard is going on while other things happen during those weeks.  Things which add to Tim and Abbie coming to enjoy each other more and more.

Written by Cammi
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