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Tim And Abbie 40: Thursday dinner

"Something good is brewing."

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After Abbie’s night in Abigail’s Room before showering Thursday morning, Tim removes the cockcage from Abbie’s clit.  It isn’t that bad wearing one, Abbie realizes. However, the extra weight and pull make it a bit confining.

Tim takes care for Abbie so gently in the shower she knows it is in response to what he had to do last night.  Tears again start to form in her eyes, remembering it was her misbehavior that made that have to happen.  She hugs Tim tightly.

As he drops Abbie off to work in the car, she hugs and kisses him one more time.  This time, finally finding the words to whisper in his ear, “Thank you, Tim, for giving me guidelines and the discipline to be a better person.  I am sorry that I do things which you need to correct for me.  I am trying to be a better person.”

Tim hugs her in return and tells her to be good and check-in as she has been instructed.

In the staff room with several colleagues around having a morning coffee, Abbie walks up to the subordinate she lashed into yesterday and apologizes for acting unprofessional in a clear voice.  The coworker, and several others in the room, are a bit surprised at this statement.  Yes, some gossip will start its rounds about that, but Abbie is determined not to get caught up in it. Or, for that matter, any other gossip at the Institute.

She texts Tim about what she did, and he sent his approval back to her and reminds her that Grace will be at dinner tonight.  Abbie is both excited and embarrassed about dinner with Grace.  Abbie knows Grace will notice the slept in bed and the punishment instruments when she cleans Abigail’s room today. 

Early on, after Grace seeing Abigail’s room for the first time, Grace and Abbie had talked vaguely about the reason for the room but nothing specific.  Today, some of Grace’s questions Abbie has avoided will probably be made clear.

Abbie wonders a little, with the questions Grace has asked, she interested in something similar for herself.  And thinking this, Abbie feels her cunt tremble and clench.  ‘Good gravy, girl, even thinking about someone else being taken over a knee excites you.  Get real,’ Abbie chastises herself.

But Abbie is not the only one throbbing right now.  Grace, finishing clean upstairs, goes into Abigail’s room last and, seeing the remains from last night, her cunt goes into overdrive.  See the hairbrush and leather paddle ready at hand, the new version of the rules now, makes her smile some that Abbie must have been in real trouble last evening to have a new rule added and made to sleep here for the night.

She strips the bed and throws the sheets into the laundry.  As Grace makes up the bed again with new sheets, she can’t contain herself. Closing the bedroom door for no reason as no one will come in at this time of day.  Grace lifts her dress and pulls down her knickers to her knees.  Bending over the bed, she picks up the leather paddle and smacks back and forth over her ass cheeks about ten times each. 

Grace feels the sting and burn of each stroke but knows trying to self-spank would never be as good as having someone else do it.  But when she put the paddle down and goes to pull up her panties, her fingers linger at her pussy.  Grace can not believe how incredibly wet she is.  And her cunt is burning hot. 

Things are building in her she cannot control.  Letting her fingers find their way through the wetness to her clit and vag, Grace allows her fingers to do the walking to bring her to climax.  She has to grab the side of the bed to steady herself as she breathes heavier and heavier as the diving point comes near.  She can hear herself moaning, but it seems to come to her like in a tunnel. 

Picking up the hairbrush now as she fingers herself, she spanks herself a few more times with it, which brings howls of pain and pleasure to her with each stroke.  Two more spanks and her fingers dive into her vag as her thumb keeps her clit pulsing.  A final cry of total satisfaction escapes her lips as she more or less crumbles on the bed.

Grace quickly pulls up her undies so as not to soil the freshly made bed.  It is a bit of an awakening for her to realize just how much a spanking, even a small one self-inflicted, could affect her.  But where would she ever find someone that would be willing to do what Tim does?  Hell, where was anyone with to even consider starting a relationship in the first place?

Little did she know how soon this would be answered.

Finishing cleaning the house, Grace takes the bags of trash to the bins in the back.  The warm summer sun feels so good she just stands in the backyard for a while, admiring all that Abbie and Tim have accomplished with the yard.

Suddenly, she hears and feels someone nearby.  Les has not been at her house for a couple of weeks now.  Her home in the midst of being remodeled.  Les has been staying at Phoebe’s flat.  The contractor and workers are in and out of the place.  Often when Grace is here, but she has given them little notice.

Turning, Grace sees this vision in front of her.  A man, rather tan, well built, and around thirty years old, she would guess.  “Hello,” he says, “Sorry to disturb you, but you look so tranquil here when I came out to get some tools that I couldn’t take my eyes off of you.  Oh, I’m Sam, the contractor for both these houses.  What do you think of Tim’s place?  It was the first full house job I ever did, and do worry if it came out how intended.  That people like it.  Sorry I am not sure why I am babbling so.”

But his babbling is what Grace needs to compose herself enough to reply.  First, the feel of her self-spanking herself.  Then the major climax that followed.  Now, only to be topped by this lovely man talking to her and seeming interested in her.

Coughing to clear her throat, Grace replies, “Hello, I am Grace. I clean for Tim and Abbie a couple of times a week.”  Saying this, Grace walks to him and holds out her hand in greeting.

Sam takes it in his, and they both feel this electrical shock explode through them.  Looking deep into Grace’s eyes, Sam says, “Well, I am glad this was one of those days offering us a chance to meet.”  They both just smile at each other in a goofy way, feeling the impact of this chance meeting and not sure what it could mean.

Grace recovers enough to ask him if he would like some tea as an afternoon break, leading him to the patio table.  He accepts quickly.  One both seated with their tea, Grace stumbles over her words, telling Sam how wonderful the house is and how nice it is to know who created this perfect living space.

So much for Sam getting needed tools from his truck.  That can wait. This chance encounter can’t be interrupted.

Neither notice the time is going by as they chat about all sorts of things.  It is not until one of Sam’s crew comes around spotting them.  “Oh, there you are, boss, hey we are about to head out for the day. Did you want to check things, or it can wait until morning,” the worker says.

Sam and Grace jump, realizing the time.  Sam tells his mate that would be all for today and to be back by nine tomorrow morning.  As he turns to take his departure from Grace, something he really is not ready to do, Tim comes out from the house, followed by Abbie, just getting home from work.

“There you are, Grace and Sam. What a surprise, how are you doing?  How are Les’ renovations going?” Tim says, good-naturedly.  Abbie behind him can see what is happening between Grace and Sam at a quick glance, as Sam gives a vague reply to Tim.

Taking matters into her own hands, Abbie says, “Hi Sam, so good to see you again.  Doesn’t the greenhouse look nice now?  Hey, if you don’t have any plans, how about joining us for dinner.  Grace does on Thursday nights, and Tim always makes more than enough food.”

Sam jumps quickly at the invitation, smiling at Grace as he does.  Tingling feelings run through Grace again. She feels like she has been hot-wired today with all the sparks seeming to be flying from her.  She smiles gratefully at Abbie as Tim says, “Sure, sure, Sam, please join us.”

That settled, Abbie brings out glasses and a bottle of wine for Grace and Sam to start on while she and Tim head upstairs to change.  In their bedroom, Abbie is in heaven with a new chance at matchmaking.  She tells Tim starting with the statement that what she is about to say is not gossip, but her interpretation of the situation. 

“Tim, I think Grace and Sam are attracted to each other.  Not that I am going to do anything one way or another.  But offering them an opportunity to get to know each other better seems like a nice thing to do.  From the looks of things, they are off to a good start.  Inviting Sam to stay for dinner is offering them more time to do so.”

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Both just in their underwear as they change, Tim pulls Abbie to him and swats her cheeks once as he smiles at her and says, “It is a thin line there, my girl, just be careful you don’t step over it, and yes, when you invited Sam to dinner I became aware of something building between them too.  Now let them take it at their own pace, but us offering them an opportunity to be together to find out is quite a kind act, really.”

Saying that Tim pulls Abbie to him and lifts his leg, so his thigh is rubbing back and forth over Abbie’s clit getting her hot and bothered.  She begins to pant a bit, but Tim pulls away a bit and kisses her hard.  “That baby is to get you stirring for later tonight.  Being without you last night was torture, and I need something extra special to make up for it later.”

Abbie could not agree more, and while her clit is still hard and slight precum dripping from it, she puts on a fuller casual dress.  Barefooted, she runs downstairs as Tim, now dressed, follows after her in a different game of tag.

Tim begins to collect the ingredients for dinner as Abbie gets the plates and silver out in the kitchen.  “Should we eat in here or on the patio?” Abbie asks.  Seeing how comfortable Grace and Sam are at the table already, their chairs closer and closer together, outside seems like the best option.

As she carries things out, Abbie watches the time-honored game of people attracted to each other.  Hands are starting to touch each other’s arms as they talk, emphasizing a point.  Really, only wanting to feel the heat of the interaction between them.  Legs are getting closer and closer, rubbing against each other, helping the friction to grow.

Abbie remembers that first night with Tim beside her at the Wilde Peacock.  Their hands touching each other as often as they could.  Their thighs rubbing together again and again.  Shivers run through Abbie, remembering the night.  Before Tim knew fully about her.  Which brings another smile to her face remembering.  After first running from her when she told him. Tim’s returning, and their beginning to work towards something more.

Abbie sends up a prayer once more about how wonderful, and far beyond her expectations, things have grown between Tim and her.  Perhaps that’s why when Abbie sees couples so meant for each other, she wants to help spur it on.  Like Les and Phoebe, and now Grace and Sam.  She just wants them to take the chance to find out if their perfect mate is standing right in front of them or sitting by their side.

Over a lovely dinner of grilled pork chops, rice, and salad, the conversation is lively.  All learning more and more about each other. Sam started his construction business just a few years ago after working for another contractor learning the trade since his teens.  How grateful he is to Tim to give him his first big independent job.  It is leading to even more requests for his service, especially from this neighborhood, which has so much potential.

“It is funny, Tim, from that small sign you let me place in your front yard saying who was doing the renovations, and now the same at Les’, I am getting so many calls for remodelings,” Sam says as thanks to Tim.

Then the attention is turned to Grace, and for the first time, she tells Tim and Abbie, and Sam about her studies.  She is finishing up her college studies before moving on to earn her masters and then doctorate she plans.  She has a dual major, actually multiple majors in a way.  

Grace blushes as she admits that she has this ability to learn, comprehend, and communicate in many different languages. Some more just the ability to translate text, but many of them she can speak fluently.

Her degree in Languages is based on her mastery of different languages.  Her other degree in Communications is based on studies of the languages—the similarities and differences between them.

She explains that she is considered a Polyglot, then blushing again, says quietly, well, actually a Hyperpolyglot.  I now know over thirty languages, eighteen of which I can converse in easily.  I am hoping to learn at least ten more before graduating and more in the future.

Grace explains why she likes the cleaning jobs so much because as she cleans, she has tapes to learn different languages playing through earbuds.  The mindless cleaning keeps her head clear to comprehend and master the other languages.

Grace explains she is hoping to be accepted at the University College London to carry on her studies.  It is close enough that she could still live locally and take the train into the city on days she has classes, but that is still over a year away. 

The other three around the table are amazed at Grace’s talent and that she is so unassuming about them.  Abbie kids her that learning British English over American English is about as far as a second language could go for her.  The men laugh and agree.

Looking at Sam, Abbie notices how he looks at Grace so impressed with her abilities, but there is that second look, which Abbie knows well.  The thinking that you might not be worthy of someone else. 

Abbie’s intuition tells her that Grace is infatuated with Sam and does not judge him in any way for his profession or knowledge.  And Grace, worrying she might have scared Sam off with her talk of higher degrees, turns the conversation back to Sam.  Working on how impressive she is with the skills he has for remodeling houses is.  She gets him talking again and just stares at him as he expands on her questions.

‘My mini-me knows what she is doing when she sees someone she would like to get to know more,’ Abbie thinks, smiling to herself.  She nudges Tim to help clear the dishes and get them washed, allow the new couple to be alone in the dusk talking a bit more. 

Just as they are finishing up, Sam and Grace come into the kitchen, apologizing first about not helping with the cleanup.  Abbie brushes that aside.  Grace says shyly, “Sam has graciously offered me a ride home.  So we are going to get going.”

Abbie and Tim say their goodbyes and tell Sam that he is welcome to join them on Thursdays for dinner, something Abbie is sure he is going to take them up on. 

They are a delightful couple, so close to Tim and her ages.  Grace a bit younger, but not by that much.  It would be nice to develop a closer friendship with another couple.

Tim and Abbie have enjoyed the evening and are in no hurry for their guest to leave. In truth, it was all they could do to wave goodbye before running upstairs to take care of the itch they both have such a need to scratch.

Later, as they lay sated in each other’s arms, they talked about the other couple.  Not in a gossipy way at all, just exchanging observations they made during dinner.  Abbie is surprised by some of the things Tim noticed that she hadn’t.  They were from a male perspective acknowledging Sam’s responses to Grace.  Yes, perhaps they will have a new couple to be friends with.

Meanwhile, Sam drives Grace home, wishing the ride could go on longer.  Pulling up to the flat she lives at, they sit in the truck for an hour, talking more and more, finding out details of each other’s lives.

Actually, it is over an hour they sit there.  The glass is steaming up after about fifteen minutes.  At which point, turning, staring into each other’s eyes, they lean together for their first kiss.  Fireworks seem to go off as their lips, for the first time, touch. 

Nothing more.  Just lips together, arms around each other, realizing the magnitude of the moment.  The kiss that follows is much more.  Opening to explore each other, kissing deeply and passionately.  That kiss is followed by many more.  So, besides talking, their conversation is interrupted by more kisses as they can’t seem to get enough of each other.

Finally, glancing at the hour, with both of them needing to be up in the morning, they pull apart.  First, Sam takes Grace’s phone and types in all his info.  Then he has her text him, so he has her number.  Sam insists on walking Grace to her door, where one more kiss happens.  Sam asks her out the next evening, Friday, and they arrange a time. 

Back in his truck, so horny for this wonderful girl, Sam notes her address and heads for home.  Pulling in, he hears his phone beep.  Looking at it, there is a message from Grace thanking him for such a lovely evening.  Sam is grinning ear to ear as he responds that it was one of the best evenings he ever had.

Who says spring is the season for new love?  In midsummer, there is magic in the nights, and afternoons, leading to it.

Written by Cammi
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