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Tim and Abbie 12: Getting in the groove

"Tim takes a leap forward with Abbie"

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Monday morning, Tim wakes up, still resting on Abbie’s boob.  He so wants to wake her to take things a little further, but he also notices the time.  He does need to sprint home in time to get showered and dressed for work.  Tim leaves a note saying he will see Abbie on the bus shortly and quietly leaves so Abbie can sleep the extra half hour.

He is at his stop on time and enters the bus to join Abbie at ‘their seat’ as he thinks of it now.  Tim so wants to take Abbie in his arms and kiss her good morning, but he is in no way ready for such public displays of affection.

He does slide his hand in hers between them on the seat and squeezes it, hoping she understands how much more he wants to do to greet her.  Her squeeze back, unspoken, let him know that she too would.

Now, not judgmental in any sense, Abbie does notice how Tim's suits are starting to get threadbare from use.  So by the middle of the week, when they are together over dinner, Abbie carefully mentions it.  Asking that as she notices Tim’s suits are showing a bit of wear and tear, would Tim like her to help him buy some new suits and other things?

Abbie did not mind, but she is alluding to his underwear.  He wears old man boxers, which just are a bit bulky under a pair of pants.  The new cotton boxers which shape themselves to a man’s thighs, and more so outline his cock would be so much nicer.  Or even silk ones.  Abbie imagines Tim would be ecstatic feeling soft silk against his privates.

Tim turns to her with a look of such joy in his face, and says, “Abbie, I know I need new things, and was trying to think of a way of asking you to help me.  Yes, I would love to have you with me on a shopping spree.  And maybe you would let me buy you a few new things too.”

Abbie raised her eyebrow a bit of the last comment but smiled at Tim, saying, “Well, how about we take a half-day off work sometime this coming week and go on a shopping spree?”

Each considering their workloads, they decide they could both do this Friday.  It would be an early start to the weekend, and after shopping could have dinner and stop at the Wilde Peacock even.

So plans are put in place.

Thursday night on the bus home, Tim tells Abbie he needs to stop by his house and will be over to her place around nine if that is not too late.  Abbie is getting rather curious about what is going on.  Tim has not invited her to his house yet and it Tim is spending a lot of time there, Abbie has no idea what he is doing.

Abbie tells him that it is fine.  She will stop and get something for her dinner at a to-go place near her house.  Tim smiles to himself over Abbie’s culinary choices.  That is something he hopes he can help her change.

Since Sunday night, when things did not go as hoped, Tim and Abbie have not mentioned what happened.  Tim is thinking about it a lot and is confused about what came over him, but he had several drinks that afternoon, and he hopes that was the cause.  Still, he is a little gun shy and afraid to try again.

Abbie seems to understand that and enjoys his hand play and her sucking him, but he knows, eventually, they are going to have to face this.  Tim thinks about this off and on during the day, and wonders if he tries something intermediate to see if he stays hard.  Or, will he soften whenever really confronted with what was to him a taboo place before Abbie entered his life.

That evening, Tim checks out the work on his house, and everything is amazing.  He cannot believe the transformation which has taken place.  While there, Les comes over to ask if he likes what has been done?  Leslie also lets Tim know that all the work should be completed in the next week or so. 

Leslie reports that the company asked if he wanted them to set up all the furniture and things that have been being delivered?  Right now, everything is being stored now in his shed outback.  The price Les says they quoted is well worth it not to have to do it all himself, so Tim tells her to give the go-ahead.

This means, without too much work on his part, hopefully by the end of next week, the house will be ready.  Already all the changes make it look like an entirely different place.  Now so light and airy, fresh and modern, but keeping with the original design.  All Tim can do now is hope that Abbie likes it.

Tim checks the rooms already finished and the totally redone kitchen, which is more than he could have imagined possible. Even without the furniture or appliances in place, it shows such promise.

He hurries now, seeing the time, and quickly grabs clothes for tomorrow and heads to Abbie’s.  Halfway there, he realizes he has not eaten yet but finds he isn’t hungry. He just wants to see Abbie now.  To feel her in his arms, her lips on his.

Abbie buzzes him immediately, almost as if she is standing by the buzzer to answer.  But that would be telling on Abbie.  Tim, passing by the elevator, seeing it is on the top floor, runs up the stairs to Abbie’s apartment.  Both are realizing how much they yearn for each other when apart now.

Tim finds Abbie’s flat door open an inch and presses the door open, calling to her.  He stops, mouth open, as he sees Abbie standing waiting for him by the couch.  She is in all her loveliness.  Naked, except for sheer bikini panties, which not only show the outline of her throbbing clit, but its tip is peeking out over the top of her panties.  Her lovely boobs are perky and firm, her curving waist and flat stomach down over her shapely thighs and calves.  Tim knows he has hardened just at the sight of her.

He drops his bag, quickly closes the door, and has Abbie in his arms, kissing her while feeling her body rub seductively against his.  Oh, he wants her so much, but still is so unsure.  Abbie can sense this and just kisses him, steps back, and tells him, as doing so, “Let’s get you out of these clothes, so you are comfortable.”

Tim smiles down on her as Abbie efficiently undresses him.  His cock is hard already from their kisses.  She takes his shaft in her hand and wanks it as they stand close together, kissing more.  One of his hands is rubbing outside Abbie’s panties against her big clit, feeling it grow. The other is caressing and molding her breasts, pinching her nipples.

They fall together on the couch.  Tim notices now that Abbie has filled two wine glasses for his welcome, along with the second half of a sub sandwich waiting for him on a plate.  Tim looks lovingly in her eyes as she says, actually shyly, “I wasn’t sure if you would have time to eat, so got something for you too.”

She has the tv on low with some sitcom which they watch as they sit thigh to thigh,  Tim now realizes he is hungry; he eats her offering as they chat over the show and continue to rub thighs.  As Tim eats, Abbie, from time to time, lifts a napkin to dab his lips. And her other hand, not holding the napkin, is rubbing up against his thigh higher and higher.

Tim finishes, takes another sip of the wine, and thanks Abbie for thinking of him in this way.  She blushes at the praise Tim is offering her. They lean back on the couch, both content, stroking each other’s thighs as they watch until the end of the show.

Finished, Abbie turns the tv off and looks into Tim’s eyes deeply as she continues to wank his hard cock.  His hand has dived under her pantie waist and is rubbing and pinching her clit.  Both are staring into the other’s eyes, Abbie does read what Tim is right now longing for and lowers her lips to his cock to start sucking and licking him.

Tim lets out this long sigh of satisfaction.  Abbie’s lips on his cock is the most wonderful thing he could ever imagine.   Now regularly feeling this sensation is heavenly to him.  He is so close to cumming but questions himself.  Is it fair that Abbie so pleasures him this way, and he has not done so in return?  He is not sure if he is yet up to it but feels it would be a step for him to overcome to take them to the ultimate pleasure.

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He pulls himself away a bit, much to Abbie’s surprise as Tim is so close now.  He stands and takes her hand and leads her to bed.  There, Tim has Abbie lay on her back as he pulls her panties off of her.  Her clit is standing some.  Not that high, but obviously very aroused, as he moves to lay beside her.  Abbie looks in his shining eyes as he just nods to her.

He wants to go down on Abbie, pleasure her clit, but deep in the back of his mind, he knows it is not Abbie’s clit.  Taking this step will be him accepting and truly participating in a vastly different type of relationship than he would ever have imagined.  He knows his softening the other day was these deep qualms slowing him down.

But he does not want to slow down.  He wants to move forward to experience all that he can, being with Abbie.  Abbie looks on at Tim, lying next to her on his back, she can tell his mind it is cranking just now.

Abbie softly caresses his shaft and glans, letting Tim work out these inner demons.  She can sympathize with Tim wrestling with the conflicting feeling he must have.  She has been trying to be so supportive and patient as Tim works things out for himself.

But, the truth be told, Abbie’s deep inner thought also question whether Tim will ever reach the point that he is comfortable having a full sexual relationship with her.  They have been working toward something more between them for three weeks now.  And it is over two months for Abbie since she was truly fucked good.  She wonders how long she is willing to wait to see if that can ever happen between them.

Tim has been stroking Abbie’s thigh as he thinks about things.  The inner argument within him rages as he turns on his side and gazes over Abbie’s lovely naked body.  Tim loves every part of her beauty to him.  Even if the anatomy is not exactly perfect, but then he begins to realize that it is the perfect anatomy for him.

Remembering all the movies he so loved to watch over and over.  The porn of trans to which he is so drawn.  The few times Tim has been with females, he did feel that it was not enough.  Something was missing. 

Tim looks into Abbie’s eyes, who stare back at him questioning, longing, wanting.  And a calm comes over Tim, and he knows, at least this step he is about to take is the right thing for him to do at this moment.

Tim leans to Abbie and kisses her deeply.  A long sigh escapes Abbie’s lips as she hopes this is a sigh that Tim is ready to go a step forward.  And she begins to get rather aroused as Tim kisses and licks her neck and shoulders.

The next moment Tim is sucking her tits, making them hard and rosy.  He moves farther south with his tongue.  Abbie gasps when he runs it over her belly button, understanding where Tim is headed.  A smile is on her lips as she strokes Tim’s head as he lowers himself down her body.

The idea that Tim is ready to cross this barrier right now overwhelms her with emotions that her eyes fill with tears as Tim moves down farther over her mons.  Abbie knows this is going to be okay. Tim seems to have come to some resolution about this now.

And then, Abbie cries out in such ecstasy as she feels Tim take the top of her ‘big clit’ into his mouth and suck on it.  His fingers are rubbing up and down the shaft as he does.  Knowing this means so much more than Tim just satisfying her at this moment.  It is his acknowledgment that he wants and is ready for their relationship to go forward on so many plains.

Abbie shudders with Tim’s mouth taking more and more of her ‘clit’ in, while it isn’t that much really, but Tim knows and acknowledges what he is committing himself to, adds to Abbie’s rising arousal.

‘Damn, and Tim is rather good at lip service there,’ Abbie smiles, thinking to herself.  His hands move behind her to cup her ass cheeks. He is lifting her more to bring her even closer and more into his mouth.

Tim rotates between sucking and then moving to lick up and down.  Past Abbie’s special sacks below.  Stopping to lick them too, then down to her back vag to lap around and up in it.  Tim thinks to himself, ‘these are Abbie’s lower lips, the entry to her lovely special vag.’  Though knowing the truth, Tim does know what he is actually doing. But to think of it this way, even superficially, keeps Abbie being his lovely girlfriend.

And suddenly, waves of nerve-tingling happiness crash through Tim’s body, realizing this is the first time that he has thought of Abbie as his girlfriend.  She is, and so much more.  This acknowledgment spurs Tim on further.  Back sucking her fully in his mouth, moving to take each of Abbie’s lower lips into his mouth to help swell.  Then yes, even to her back vag to tease around it and lap at it.

This rotating of attention continues for several more times.  On Tim’s side, he cannot believe how much this is arousing him. Smelling and tasting Abbie’s special place. It is all intoxicating to him.  Never would he have realized how much this would excite him. 

Abbie’s hands, even in her frenzy, now have found their way to Tim’s cock and is holding it hard as she jerks him.  But she wants to offer him something more and make this a mutual moment between them.  She wiggles and squirms and manages to turn around, so while Tim is still eating and licking her to the summit, her mouth can take in Tim’s cock and suck and pleasure it.

Such a moan comes from Tim’s lips as he feels her lips on his cock as he is so occupied. Together they bring each other to the peak.  Or is it? 

It is this moment’s peak, and so enjoyable.  But inside, both know that this is only the beginning.  Each time together will have many more of these moments.  Getting higher and higher, more intense each time, until, in time, they reach the summit.

Both are holding the other’s cheeks to press their lips in more, are sucking each other so hard and fully.  It is no surprise that it is only a few moments when each gasps as they feel their juices irrupting from them.

Abbie laps up what Tim is offering, swallowing it all.  She, in return, is surprised that Tim is doing the same for her release.   Each is thinking the same thought, “How do I deserve such a perfect partner to be with?”

While there is still so much more ahead of them, this moment seals their fates together.  Each is knowing they could never find a better mate than who they are with at this moment.  Abbie realizes that all before was superficial physical satisfaction.  What she now has with Tim is the real thing.  Emotions, caring, and yes, the beginning of love, does make it all feel more.

She acknowledges that she will wait for as long as it takes for Tim to move further into them having a full and complete relationship.  Abbie turns around and cuddles up in Tim’s arms.  He surprises her some but leaning and kissing her so thoroughly, each tasting their own cum from each other’s lips. 

Tim kisses the top of her head as he holds Abbie close to him, both feeling the fast heartbeat in each other beginning to calm.  “Abbie,” Tim says shyly, “I just fathomed that you are, or I would like you to be, my girlfriend.”

Abbie kisses him and tells him, “Yes, you are my boyfriend and more, and I hope you continue to want to be.”

After, as Abbie lies in Tim’s arms falling to sleep, she wonders, ‘How have I deserved this?  To finally find someone who cares for me this much.  For Tim to take the steps he has.  In such a short time to accept, care, and want to be with me in all ways?’


Written by Cammi
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