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Tim And Abbie 55: And What About Brian?

"Brain's side of it all..."

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Brian is a highly intelligent and educated man.  His high-level job at the bank requires him to make decisions quickly and decisively.  He has a gentle authority which made others accept his requests and decisions without question.  His humor is quietly made but always on target. Others might take a second to understand but then laugh heartily at the joke.

At forty-two, appearance-wise, Brian always is well-dressed and appropriate for all occasions.  His clothes are perfectly pressed.  Hours into the day, he still looks fresh and kempt.  He is tall in stature and gives off the feeling that he is well built under his suit.

Kind and caring, he amasses many friends and followers from diverse parts of his life.  On meeting, Brian quickly put people at ease, making them feel confident sharing things they would never have considered telling anyone before.  People feel safe knowing Brian will not betray the confidences they share.

Brian knew he was gay since turning sixteen, once puberty kicked in.  Grasping the part about gym he enjoyed most was looking at the other adolescent boys coming into manhood in the shower.  Brian never acted on those feeling until he was in college.

Brian’s looks and appearance never set anyone’s gaydar off.  He never hides his preference, nor does he openly flaunt it either.  During his second year at university, Brian had his first relationship with another male.  It was somewhat accidental how they came together, but they were happy together for the remaining three years.

When Brian was accepted into a graduate program, they went their separate ways.  They had liked each other, but it was nothing really serious.  It was more or less training camp between them: an opportunity to discover, fumble, and practice for future partners.

For the next five years, Brian dated occasionally but was focused on his career for the most part.  At thirty, Brian began his first real relationship, falling in love for the first time, head over heels.  Gary was around Brian’s age, and they had much in common.  Gary was attractive and charismatic

It started casually, but soon Brian was infatuated, and things moved quickly forward. Shortly after meeting, they were inseparable, moving in together after knowing each other only a couple of weeks.

Brian and Gary were together for eight years when it all came shattering down.  Since then, Brian has just been with a few men casually now and then, never getting emotionally attached. Being blindsided by Gary, Brian took the break-up hard, even though he was the one to end things. 

Everything had been good for the first four years or so, Brian thought.  Then Gary’s job changed.  Gary explained that with the new position, he would have to be out of town most weeks.  They still had wonderful weekends of unstoppable sex.  But the separation, with Gary hardly calling or texting while gone, began to take its toll.

This lifestyle went on for four more years. Brian, while wrapped up in his job, was getting more and more depressed.  It never showed as Brian did not wear his heart on his sleeve, but on many evenings alone, he would succumb to tears.

The finale began when Brian discovered something that he could not tolerate.  Gary had a side piece when he was out of town.  Not just a side piece, but a relatively young one.  Gary was supporting this man/boy whose only occupation seemed to be making himself available for Gary to meet wherever he was working a given week.  And who knows what the slut was up to on weekends when Gary was with Brian.

Brian confronted Gary about it, and there were several rounds of Gary promising it was over and how sorry he was.  Gary would work from home for a couple of weeks after each promise, but then back on the road, the boy toy was with him again.

The final straw was when Brian, by chance, learned that Gary had not been made to take the out-of-town position but had asked for it, even taking a cut in salary to do so.  The whole affair Gary was having had started almost a year before his job change.  Doing the numbers, Brian realized this runt with Gary had only been nineteen when it all began.

The ending was quick and thorough.  Brian found a house to purchase and moved out of the flat he and Gary shared.  He cut all ties with him and began a single life for himself.

Realizing his inner anger, which he could not shake, Brian began counseling with James.  Their regular session helped Brian come to terms with his sorrow and resentment.  Besides coming to terms with his relationship with Gary,  Brian also learned not to be afraid to be close with someone again but to take time to get to know the person first.

After a couple of years of counseling, Brian concluded seeing James.  He is now more stable, open to taking the time needed to get to know someone before going ‘all in,’ and ready to find someone who would be suitable for him.

James is who Brian called to set up an appointment at Pathways for Mark.  When Brian saw James, Abbie and he never saw or interacted due to Brian’s sessions being in the early evening.  It was only after the sessions ended that Brian began to frequent the Wilde Peacock.  Putting himself out there to perhaps meet someone.  He and Abbie would often chat over drinks and became friendly, but there were no sparks of attraction between them.


Then this last winter, an evening at the sports pub happened.  Often, Brian thought of that night as a miracle bringing Mark into his life.  Brian sometimes frequented the pub beside the Wilde Peacock.  He liked the sports attitude and enthusiasm of the place. 

That night had been a pivotal game between two rivals, Brian’s team against what he learned was Mark’s favorite.  He had heard Mark getting more and more vocal as his team made mistakes or allowed the other team to score.  Mark had peppered his comment with mentions of pansies and nancies.

By fate, perhaps, Mark, ordering another pint, was next to Brian at the bar when he made his loud comment about his team being a bunch of queers and fairies, playing so miserably tripping over their feet all the time. 

Brian saw the humor in Mark’s statement, as Brian was accustomed to when amused, turned to Mark and calmly said in a clear voice for all to hear, “Actually, tripping over your feet is more a hetero thing, isn’t it? I thought fairies and queers were graceful and danced around.”

As soon as Brian said that, followed by the hush in the bar, he worried he was about to get punched.  Never would Brian have imagined Mark’s reaction to his joke.  Or that he would suddenly become Brian’s bosom-buddy.  The first time right after the joke, when Mark flung his arm around Brian laughing, Brian froze for a minute, feeling this electrical charge crash through his body.

No, he could not be aroused by this more or less Neanderthal.  And in the same manner, this guy could never be attracted to him in that way.  But Mark kept coming back, and in the end, sat next to Brian and chatted long after his friends left.

As they talked and introduced themselves, Brian began to realize that outside of Mark’s crude comments, he was an interesting and funny guy.  Brian started calling Mark, buddy, as they chatted, a reaction to Mark’s calling him the same.  Then in the car outside Mark’s flat, when Mark initiated a kiss between them, Brian was surprised and rather ecstatic. 

The kiss, short as it was, sent the electrodes on overload through Brian’s body.  Brian knew Mark was very drunk.  Was Mark just someone who was gaysted? That was the last thing Brian needed.  Hooking up with gay poison was not an option Brian would ever participate in.

Brian’s compassion won out, and he helped Mark to his flat. After getting him comfortable on his couch, looking down on Mark fast asleep, Brian felt that incredible sensation running through his body.  Brian felt the goosebumps on his skin as he brushed aside Mark’s hair.


Brian wrote the note with his phone number for Mark to call him if needing a ride back to his car.  ‘If he calls, and we meet sober, perhaps it could be something,’ Brian thought as he drove home.

Brian never told Mark, but that Saturday morning, he was on pins and needles, wondering if Mark would call for a ride.  Brian hoped he had not been too forward with the note, but he wanted to know what Mark’s motives were for kissing him.  Was Mark gay or not?  And was he really that attracted to Mark from just one kiss?  Well, the kiss, and an enjoyable evening of conversation.

Mark was the first person Brian felt attracted to in years.  The few he had been with since Gary was more from physical needs than a feeling of kinship.

The next day, learning that Mark now comprehended his true inclinations and desire for Brian, but just stepping over the fence, Brian warned himself that they would need to go slow.  ‘Don’t get attached to him until he is sure about this.  Just think of it as a bit of fun helping him learn the ropes,’ Brian counseled himself.

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By the end of the weekend, Brian knew he needed to pull back some or lose all self-control.  Leaving Mark Sunday evening, Brian did not suggest seeing each other the next day. 

But Monday night, after they had watched the gay porn movie while they chatted on the phone, Brian was all in.  Hearing the anguish in Mark’s voice, Brian hurried to Mark's side late at night to comfort him.  Afterward, Brian knew he would see this all through with Mark no matter what happened.

Whatever powers brought them together, it was for a reason.  Brian was thankful for that and was ready to put himself out there to care and connect with someone.  That someone being Mark.

Mark agreed when Brian suggested he see a counselor and accepted a meeting with James.  Brian did not mention James being his former counselor, not intentionally. He just did not think it was important.  Brian also had Mark get tested for STD at Pathways while there.  He saw his doctor for a similar test to be sure they both were clean.

After everything with Gary and realizing how he could have transferred all sorts of‘ diseases’ to Brian, he was adamant that anyone he was with was safe.  Being tested and sure was a hard and fast rule for Brian before getting intimate with anyone.

The months flew by.  Brian enjoyed every step Mark made on the stairs up to a full sexual relationship with another man. Taking their time allowed them to relish each new level fully, which if they had jumped headfirst in, they would have missed.  How just making out and hand play could be so rewarding when young and first exploring, but once fucking began, that type of play was mostly ignored.

Having time to perfect satisfying each other along the way offered Mark and Brian even after they ‘did the deed’ variations of ways they could pleasure each other.  They also got to know each other so well, talking about their youths and friends.  Mark often mentioned his mates who had been with him the night they met.  Especially Tim and how he had so generously helped him and the others through school.

That first night at the bar with Mark, except for their interactions, was a blur to Brian.  That evening, Brian was unaware of who else was around them outside of Mark.

By spring, when they were together all the time, Brian would happen into the sports bar on Friday nights with Mark.  First, coming in towards the end of the game, then sometimes at the start of the game.  Before or after, Brian would go to the Wilde Peacock, which was only a couple of blocks away.  They never acknowledge each other at these times but would text each other silly messages until after the gang left.  Then Mark would explain who each was and relay updates about each.

The only one of Mark’s mates that was not there was Tim.  But the irony of this was that night in April when Tim and Abbie first met, Brian was who held the door for Tim to enter the Peacock as he was leaving to join Mark at the sports pub.

Over the summer, the gang did not get together much on Friday nights, as it was the off-season. Between vacations and other activities taking up Friday nights, they would not come together regularly until the fall.

Brian and Mark’s time together was great.  While neither had spoken the words yet, they both did love each other.  Nor were they able to imagine life without the other now. 

Everything was so good.

Excluding Mark’s outburst at times.  Brian understood why Mark could explode so negatively, and in time could see when such eruptions were coming.  If Mark felt that someone had gleaned that he was gay or said or acted in a way that made him think so, his ‘homophobic guard’ would be up and attacking.

They talked about this frequently, Mark was trying to change, but he was not ready or confident enough to come out of the deep closet he had been hiding in for over thirty years of his life.  The ghost of Mark’s father often haunted him and channeled through him to spout his bigoted views.

After warning Mark after the last time that there would be consequences, Brian thought Mark might have finally reigned himself in.


Which is how Brian finds himself at the start of the game Friday night at the sports pub.  Mark is so excited that Tim promises to join them for the game that night.  Mark knows nothing about Abbie being a part of Tim’s life now.  Brian never imagines that the Tim he knows with Abbie at the Peacock could be Mark’s Tim.

So when the shit starts flying, when Tim and Abbie come into the bar, Brian is in a front and center seat.  Brian doesn’t know about Mark's acquaintance with Abbie at Pathways.  He is floored when Mark’s ‘fight rather than flight’ reaction to Abbie occurs.  How could Mark do such a thing to Tim’s partner if Tim is so important to Mark?

Brian hears Mark saying clearly for all in the pub to hear, “Tim, I didn’t know that you swung that way, and Abbie, is it?  You do pull it off rather well.”

The color drains from Abbie’s face.  She grasps on the back of a chair and takes a couple of deep breaths.  Looking directly at Mark, Abbie says calmly, in a clear voice that carries through the room, “Are you claiming you are without sin?  Throwing the first stone?  Often the one making the most noise is the one with the most to hide.” Her eyebrow raises some, and Mark blushes from her statement.

Watching Abbie’s reaction is enough for Brian, though he is pleased that she gave as good as she got.  Even if no one but Mark knows what she is alluding to. 

Brian throws a tip on the bar next to his half-drunken pint and leaves.  He tells Mark there would be consequences.  Brian discerns he has to stick to that to have any effect on Mark.  And as angry Brian is at Mark at this moment, it is best that he separates himself from the situation.

Heading to the Peacock, Brian hears the chimes for texts and voicemail, but he ignores them when he sees it is Mark.  Brian has a strong scotch at the Peacock.  He turns the ringer on his phone off so as not to hear the repeated attempts from Mark.

When Abbie, Tim, and their friends come into the Peacock, Brian is interested to hear, if he can, if they say anything about Mark.  The other couple, Grace and Sam, Brian met on previous occasions here.  When Abbie comes over as soon as she gets a drink, Brian is surprised but open to what she might tell him.

Abbie relays to him about her conversations with Mark after Brian left, how Mark apologized, and her understanding of his reaction.  Brian asks her if she is okay being so vocally outed in a place she had never been to before, or in front of Tim’s friends for the first time?

Abbie laughs and says, “Actually, Mark made one of my greatest fears happen tonight and showed me it was not really anything to dread as much as I do.  I have never hidden who I am, but I do get away or pass a great deal.  And now I realize that I shouldn’t care if people know.  I was a bit afraid of how Tim’s other friends would react, but they all were so lovely and kind.

“And Brian, Mark is terribly upset about you leaving.  Can’t you give him a break?” Abbie concludes.

“Abbie, I am sure he is, but this is not the first occasion he has acted out in this manner, and it is time for him to realize the outcome of such behavior,” Brian says.  Abbie understands what Brian is saying.

“Don’t let him suffer too long, Brian. He seems underneath to be fragile.  I am sure for someone like him, to come out himself is hard for him to contemplate,” Abbie replies.  Hearing this, Brian begins to formulate a plan.

A short time later, Brian calls a cab to take him home.  Like his mandate over Mark, Brian is careful himself when having more to drink than he should when out.  He can get his car tomorrow.

Brian has a fitful night, much like Mark.  Not having Mark cuddling to him left a massive void in Brian’s bed.  All the messages Mark sent Brian knows are cries out to him.  Brian does not read them so as not to break his resolve.  Let Mark have a night to repent some.  Tomorrow will be soon enough to deal with this issue.


Saturday morning, first fixing and eating breakfast, Brian sits down on his couch.  Trying not to think about the absence of Mark beside him.  Brian scans the texts Mark sent and listens to the voice messages. 

Finishing, there are tears in Brian’s eyes over how pitiful and remorseful Mark sounds.  Brian dresses and calls a cab to retrieve his car.  Back home by mid-afternoon, Brian is surprised that Mark’s messaging stopped a couple of hours ago.

Brian, unsure of what is going on, figures he will wait until this evening to check on Mark.  That will be twenty-four hours since Mark’s outburst.   It should be long enough for it to sink in some to Mark about what can happen if he keeps having them.

Brian turns on a movie to keep him occupied and tries to relax.  An hour into the film, his doorbell rings.

Written by Cammi
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