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Tim and Abbie 46: A Trip To The Coast

"Tim and Abbie take a holiday."

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By mid-August, Abbie and Tim are settled into their new home and lives.  It is incredible how far they had come since that night last April when they met for the first time. Four months for so many changes, and all so positive to happen.  Let alone that it just feels like how it should be.

The house looks wonderful, thanks to Grace’s diligence.  The yard and garden now a showplace which they both like to work in.  Finding new interests together and learning more and more about each other’s past add to the firm bond Abbie and Tim now have.

Around this time, Abbie starts thinking about Tim’s comments about never really having a vacation growing up, or even in recent years.  She has an idea and searches online, makes some calls, and finds just what she is looking for.

Over dinner that evening, she introduces the idea to Tim.  “Honey, I have been thinking about you never having a real holiday.  I’ve looked around and think I have found somewhere that would be perfect for us to go for a couple of weeks. It is on the coast, Bournemouth.  I discovered a wonderful guest house with so many amenities and so close to the water.  The house is Victorian and has limited spaces, so it does not have overwhelming crowds.  And their menu sounds delightful.”

Tim sees Abbie’s enthusiasm rising as she tells him more and more about the place.  She even runs to get her laptop to show him things.  Tim feels this interesting feeling beginning to well in him.  Not anything sexual, but the sensation of excitement about something, mixed with the knowledge that someone is doing some special, just for him.

As he looks at what Abbie shows him, he begins to be blinded by his tears.  No one ever did anything so focus on his happiness before.  Yes, Les did try to help Tim over obstacles in his youth, but this, being done just for him, makes his heart swell towards Abbie.

Abbie, seeing the tears in Tim’s eyes, stops mid-sentence and tells Tim, “If this is something you do not want, we don’t have to, Tim.” In response, Tim sweeps Abbie up in his arms and settles her on his lap as he kisses her over and over, telling her there is no way they are not going on this holiday.

Abbie squeals with delight and tells Tim, suddenly more serious, “Tim, I am glad you want to, and please do not be angry with me, but when I found they have an opening due to a cancellation, I booked us for two weeks.  I am approved for the vacation time at Pathways. 

“This is where you might not be happy.  I talked to Ruth about the trip, and she relayed it to Phillip, who is more than happy for you to take the two weeks off.  According to Ruth, he said, ‘Tim needs a vacation; he hasn’t taken one since he started here.’”

Tim swats her behind with affection and tells her that it seems she has taken everything into her own hands to plan.  Abbie giggles and squirms with excitement as she details the plans to Tim.

The rest of the week is a flurry of activity getting packed and ready for their trip.  They will take the SUV to have more room.  It is under two hours to drive to the shore.  But even such a short distance will feel like a distant land to them being at the seaside.

Tim was there once many years ago with Leslie and his mother for a day trip.  But that was the only real outing to the coast that he ever remembers.  For Abbie to remember where he said they had gone and got accommodations for them adds one more thing for Tim to love her for.

They tell their plans to the Thursday night bunch when they meet this week.  All are excited for them and can’t wait to hear all about their vacation when they return.  Les does kid that the rest of them might just take over Tim’s kitchen for their Thursday feast.  And when Tim assures them that it would be fine, Phoebe tells him that Les is only joking, but Grace and Sam are welcomed to join Les and her at the Peacock on Thursday instead.


Friday evening is filled with final packing, loading the car, and after a light dinner, Tim and Abbie go to bed early.  There really is no real rush to leave in the morning, but they plan on taking a longer scenic drive, first to Brighton, then along the coast west to Bournemouth. 

The next day, Tim and Abbie enjoy the sea breezes and the different vista from their landlocked hometown.  Feeling frisker and frisker, Tim and Abbie's hands keep touching and rubbing each other’s thighs along the way.  About halfway to Bournemouth, things get the better of them.  Driving through the National Forest, they find an out-of-the-way turnoff and pull in.  They are hidden from the road by the foliage when Tim stops. 

Grabbing a blanket from the back, the two hurry over to a soft grassy spot under a tree.  Tim has barely laid the blanket down before Abbie is kneeling in front of him, undoing his pants.  Down they go, followed by his undershorts.  Abbie’s mouth is around Tim’s glans as her hands squeeze his balls and wanks his shaft.  His breath is taken away; Tim lets out a low, sensual moan.

How well Abbie can always suck him.  The pleasure she gives him feeling her mouth on his member stirs Tim so much every time.  Abbie’s sweet tongue is licking and teasing his glans and slit.  It sometimes feels like a kitten licking him to excitement.  And when, like right now, Abbie lets out a hushed purr as she sucks and licks, the feeling grows even more.  As does Tim’s cock.

It should be said that Tim always felt his cock was not that large, which did play a big part in him never pursuing any sort of relationship before Abbie.  And even when with the prostitutes, Tim felt they were being condescending to him.  Never really looking at other men, whether in gym showers or at urinals, Tim had no basis for feeling this way.  It was just one more instance of him feeling an outsider and object of ridicule or rejection.

Actually, Abbie’s was the first, up close, he had ever compared with.  And it is true that she is not large, making it easy to consider it her clit.  Tim began to accept that his equipment is not as small as he always felt.

With Abbie’s concentration and skill, Tim now gets very stiff and shows his real size.  All things considered, it is on the larger size.  How self-perceptions can make a person so unsure or feel inferior.

Together as Abbie keeps her lips clamped on Tim’s glans, they move.  Tim is now on the ground on his back.  Abbie is kneeling beside him as she continues her concentration on the lovely stiffy in front of her.

With Abbie’s attention right now, Tim’s balloon is being blown all the way up.  His girth requires Abbie to use her thumb and middle finger almost to enclose it to jerk him more and more.  Tim realizes that Abbie is bent on making him cum in her mouth, not to move to actual intercourse.  He is alright with that, as Tim has come to know that Abbie loves the taste of his semen.

She takes his balls both together, and then one at a time, in her mouth to suck to harden.  They are like two large, tough walnuts.  They are filled with fluid that wants to flow through Tim’s shaft and out to see the world.  Squeezing with her hand again, Abbie sees the first precum slipping from Tim.  She greedily licks it up like a kitten with a bowl of milk.

Her soft, slim hands on Tim’s balls and shaft thrill him.  Abbie’s gentle but purposeful touch always does that to him.  She remembers back to the beginning how Tim would cum so quickly from the excitement of being touched.  By someone who liked him, not a random whore, made him cum before he wanted to.

Now, used to Abbie’s touch and skill, Tim can take his time and enjoy the ride to the top in a leisurely manner.  Tim feeling her doing her finest tricks and treats, is swelling close to the peak now.  He is so close. His cock trembling, even visibly shaking as the semen fills his shaft.  It is like the sperm is lining up for the final charge out of him.  He laughs to himself at that image. He remembers long ago watching a dated movie by Woody Allen which included an army of sperm waiting for their orders.  Everything you wanted to know about sex* - that was it.

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Abbie is enjoying tasting Tim’s precum, an appetizer to the main course soon to be delivered.  Touching and mouthing Tim’s cock is such fun.  All the different things she comes up with to add to the enjoyment, Tim accepts unquestionably.  It is like his cock has become hers completely and fully.

Abbie sucks and licks his glans before nibbling down his shaft, take more and more into her mouth.  Tim moans so happily, and Abbie can feel him growing more and more.  It is nice that Tim has become used to this play and does not cum too soon anymore.  Abbie understood from the start as she learned about Tim’s previous experiences.  It was a normal progression of things.

At first, Tim was so aroused and cumming so quickly just from the touch of Abbie’s hand.  When oral pleasure was introduced, him spurting before she got past his glans.  But now, Abbie is fully rewarded for her patience and training.  Tim can control himself and often lasts for over a half-hour or even more of playful oral stimulation. 

Things are getting so much better.  To a level that Abbie cannot even fathom them ever being apart again.  She sucks Tim’s cock with skill, taking more and more of his shaft slowing between her lips for Tim to enjoy the warm, wet grotto of her mouth.

Tim is getting closer now, even doing mathematical calculations in his head does not alter the intense feeling of his cock in Abbie’s sweet and warm hollow.  Tim feels from Abbie’s sucking the contractions of her mouth against his now pulsating prick, so wanting to hold on longer, but he knows it is a losing battle.

Abbie squeezing his balls and pressing against his taint is not helping him stay firm and in hand.  His low moans now of total submission to the attention he is getting let Abbie know that release is on its way.  No, pass on its way, Tim’s release is already filling his shaft and glans more.  His glans has taken on a purplish hue as it fills with his semen begging to be released.

Tim gasps and moans at the same moment as his body shakes.  Abbie holds his shaft firmly to continue to keep him in her mouth as the explosion occurs.  She is rewarded with a cascade of his emission.  Abbie gulps as each shot of semen fills her mouth and throat.  At each jolt, she takes in all that Tim releases as he feels himself draining completely.

Tim lays back, breathing deeply as he composes himself after this escapade.  Abbie, after swallowing the last contribution, licks that which escaped her mouth and onto his cock.  Tim, now cleaned from his sexual jaunt, Abbie moves up to lay next to him on the blanket.

Tim hugs her to him and kisses her head, eyes, and lips in thanks.  Still catching his breath some, Tim manages to say as he hugs her, “Abbie, you continue to surprise me with your skills and imagination.  Finding ways to stimulate me sexually.  More than just stimulate but edge me on to experiencing things I could never have imagined, let alone think I would ever get to do.”  Abbie smiles at Tim’s statement and feels it is now a gauntlet thrown down for her to find new things and ways to pleasure him.  What fun lies ahead.

They gather themselves together and walk back to the car.  Looking innocent, but a little disheveled, as they start on the last part of their journey to Bournemouth.  The passing view is lovely, and the feeling of contentment between them added to the lazy meandering as they approached their destination.


As soon as they exit the national park, Tim finds a roadside market to stop at.  He goes inside to get them a couple of fizzy drinks and crisps.  With their deviation in the forest, they have not had lunch, and it will be close to teatime when they reach Bournemouth.

While Tim is inside, Abbie looks around and sees a couple in their teens get out of a nearby car.  She notices them as they are such contradictions to each other.  When Tim returns, she asks him if he noticed the couple?

Tim said he saw them.  Abbie then tells him about a game Phoebe and she used to like to play at the Wilde Peacock.  She starts, “Now Tim, don’t take this wrong.  This is not gossiping about people at all, it is just a fun pastime Phoebe and I would play at.”

Tim looks quizzically at Abbie as she outlines the game, “We would pick a couple or group of people out from around the bar and then make up scenarios about them.  The more outrageous would get more ‘points,’ but if we did find out about them, then the one who was closer to the real truth would win the round.”

“It would be a fun way to pass the time, and not knowing anything about the people but what you just see to try to guess what their story was, and what they are going to do next,” Abbie continued, “Seeing that couple made me think of the game.  She is so preppy looking and him more grunge.  How did they get together, which it was clear they are, and what are they up to going in the market?”

Tim laughs and thinks the game might be fun to pass the time now and then and replies, “No, Abbie, I guess that is not gossiping, and it sounds fun - but how will we ever know the truth with those two?”

Abbie, realizing Tim is getting into this game, tells him, “Oh, it doesn’t matter if we do find out the truth or not – though that is fun.  Just the lives we can make up for them is the amusement mainly.”

For the next hour, the two making up a whole backstory for the couple, where they are going, and why.  It passes the time and filling the car with laughter until they reach their destination.

And what a destination it is.  Both gasp a bit as they come up the circular drive to the guest house's front door.  It is so much more than what even Abbie, who made the reservations, imagined.  A large Victorian home with double doors that open as they pull up.

Two men come out in black vested suits.  One takes their luggage from the back, and the other, after helping Abbie out, goes around and takes Tim's keys to park the car.  Led inside by the man with their suitcases, they are in a vast atrium with a walnut check-in desk to one side.

It is like they are already old friends as the proprietor checks them in, and they are led their suite.  So big and luxurious.  Abbie hugs Tim in her excitement as they unpack and prepare themselves for their adventure ahead.  Now settled, cleaned up, and changed from their driving clothes Tim and Abbie head downstairs. 

The whole house is enchanting, like something from the twenties.  Tim and Abbie walk down the staircase to the bar area.  They had been told about the cocktail hour starting soon after their arrival, which sounds like a perfect way to start this adventure.

There are about ten couples in the lounge mingling together.  While the house is large, they cater to only a dozen rooms of guests at a time.  To be sure that all are treated like treasured guests whose every craving and want is provided.

Each is served a cosmopolitan, which fits with the whole feel of the guest house.  Tim and Abbie mingle with the others.  Most of the guests are return visitors each year. They tell Abbie and Tim about different things they must be sure to do during their visit.  All of which sounds delightful.

The next few days are filled with time at the beach, visiting the local aquarium and museums, strolling along the pier. In between private time for themselves lifting them higher and higher.

It is a fantastic vacation, but the best might be yet to come.

Written by Cammi
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