Draining the water from the tub, Mark fills it again with hot water. His tears are still flowing. He is not ready to get out of the bath yet. His life has changed so much being with Brian. Mark knows that at times he acts like a teenage girl having her first big crush.
Mark can’t explain it even to himself. Brian is the world to him. Never has he felt so alive and like he finally is in the right place. Mark knows that if his father were still alive, even as old as Mark is now, he would have been beaten to an inch of his life.
Mark knows that his father’s influence does affect the inane comments he blurts out at times. Like tonight. How could he have been so stupid? Brian warned him, but Mark acted out anyways. Abbie is nothing to fear, but Mark felt like his world was about to come crashing down in that first moment. He isn’t ready to announce his sexual preference yet. Mark is only coming to terms with it himself.
Leaning back in the tub again, Mark remembers how things evolved with Brian, like a movie playing in his mind.
Over the next month, Mark and Brian did move forward more and more. Brian would always check that Mark was comfortable with each step. After the night at Brian’s, it was Friday. Mark’s night at the pub with his mates. Brian suggested a plan which, during the following months, they would follow pretty much.
Mark would meet his friends at their pub for the game while Brian kept himself occupied elsewhere for the evening. Most often at the Wilde Peacock. When the game ended or was in the last period, Mark would text Brian, and he would come into the pub and sit at the bar. After the rest of the group left, Mark would join Brian for one more drink before heading to Mark’s apartment for the night. They usually went in Brian’s car as he was very adamant about Mark driving after he had been drinking.
Saturday mornings, they would collect Mark’s car and spend the weekend at Brian’s house. Mark would also stay there, for the most part, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday night. After dinner on Wednesdays with his family, Mark would text Brian when he was leaving, and they would meet at Mark’s flat for the night.
Yes, they quickly fell into being together every night. Mark, never sleeping with someone else before, found that he was so relaxed and able to slumber so easily with Brian.
Mark started joining Brian at the gym a couple of evenings a week after work, sometimes on a Saturday also. They went out to dinner, movies, plays, museums, and other activities, which were a new world to Mark. Just being with Brian was a treat for Mark, but Brian finding different things for them to enjoy together was a bonus.
On that first weekend, Brian and Mark began moving closer together sexually. Saturday, watching television, Brian placed his hand on Mark’s thigh and rubbed it gently. Mark was startled a little at the touch but smiled at Brian to let him know he did like that.
Brian continued to rub up and down and over Mark’s inner thigh. Both with pants on. Mark did harden from the attention, and Brian was very observant of that. He would stop for a bit for Mark to calm, then start again. By the end of the afternoon, Mark had been almost there several times. The final time, Mark was straddling Brian’s lap,
Brian could see Mark was close to cumming. He told Mark to go to the bathroom and relieve himself. Mark meekly did, though images of Brian’s hand on his thigh helped him over the edge to finish.
The next day, they spent the afternoon in a similar fashion. This time both were rubbing each other’s thighs higher and higher. When Mark saw Brian’s cock getting hard through his pants, he so longed to touch it and see what it would feel like. Sure, Mark knew what his own cock felt like, but to actually touch another man’s would be something different.
Through his therapy sessions with James, Mark learned more about James and he and Brian’s relationship. James was a psychiatrist specializing in diverse sexualities. James showed his knowledge with his comments and suggestions.
Mark enjoyed their sessions, even when facing some problematic issues from his past. He began to understand trying to live up to his father’s expectations led to Mark trying to be the macho-stud his father wanted. Being pampered by his mother and sisters also thwarted any alternate feelings not to disappoint them either.
They also talked each time about how far he and Brian had gone, how he felt about it; was he okay with what they did, and help Mark fully understand the physical and mental impact another step forward would mean.
Moving toward a complete sexual relationship with Brian, with James's help to prepare Mark, by Valentine’s Day, the two men were approaching a full sexual relationship.
By his actions, Brian would introduce the next step to Mark, then Mark, feeling okay with what was happening, reciprocating. As they moved closer and closer together, it helped a great deal that Brian and Mark were getting to know more and more about each other at the same time.
From the start, it was not just a sexual thing. Mark and Brian were becoming friends, liking each other. They would share stories from their past, things they liked, everyday events they thought funny or worthy of comment.
Mark comprehended early on that he was looking to Brian to explain things to him. Brian was helping Mark to understand not just sexual things but also new concepts and theories. Much like the relationship Mark had with Tim during their tutoring sessions, looking to Tim to explain things in a way Mark could understand. Mark was not dumb in any sense but needed to be told things in a way he could comprehend and understand.
Like with Tim, Mark respected Brian’s opinions and clarifications. He was in awe when he learned that Brian had attended the London School of Economics for his master’s degree in finance. It was no wonder that Brian held the position that he did. Mark was an enthusiastic student soaking in all that Brian imparted.
And sexually, Mark was just as passionate of a student, from rubbing thighs over their clothes to caressing each other’s cock’s in the same manner, to becoming more and more undressed with each other.
A Saturday morning a few weeks after they met, Brian suggested they shower together for the first time. They went to the bathroom, and Brian turned on the shower to warm. He turned to face Mark and slowly lowered his underwear. Mark gazed longingly at what he saw. Brian took Mark’s hand and placed it on his revealed cock. Mark began to touch it tentatively.
At the same time, Brian slid his hands inside the waistband of Mark’s underwear and slowly lowered them, fondling his ass cheeks as he did. Standing looking at each other, they did see their cocks side by side for the first time.
Mark’s penis was about seven inches long but relatively thick. Brian envisioned feeling it up his ass, filling him so. Mark’s mons was unkempt and probably never groomed. The thick dark hair just called out to be taken care of.
Mark felt Brian’s prick was bigger than his. But really not. In comparison, a little over eight inches in length, Brian’s girth was not as thick as Mark’s. Brian’s mons was clipped short and tailored looking, much like how Brian dressed looked – tailored and well put together.
Both rather hard now, Brian stepped closer to Mark, their glans and shafts now touching each other as they kissed deeply. Feeling Brian’s cock against his sent shivers through Mark.
Brian took his hand and led him into the shower. Brian soaped Mark up all over, taking special care and attention to his ass and cock. Mark’s arms were on Brian’s shoulders to steady himself from the ecstasy he felt having Brian’s hands touch all over him for the first time. He couldn’t help himself and came, squirting on Brian’s stomach as he did.
Expecting Brian to be angry with him, Mark was thrilled when Brian just smiled at him, kissed him, then used his fingers to scoop up Mark’s cum. Brian lifted it to his mouth and licked his fingers clean. “Umm, Mark, you taste delicious. Would you like to sample your cum?” Brian said, looking Mark in the eye.
Mark was surprised that Brian so casually tried his cum. The whole oral part of things, Mark was not very schooled in. While he liked, to a degree, the females he had been with to go down on him, he had never licked a pussy or tasted their juices. Shit, he never even did much finger play with them.
Now, standing under the warm water, tasting his own cum which Brian held up to Mark, seemed the natural thing to do. He opened his mouth and licked up the stickiness from Brian’s fingers. Going just a little further, Brian pressed his fingers into Mark’s mouth to suck on for a minute.
It was the same as with the pizza. Mark did seem to have a talent for sucking. After he removed his fingers, Brian kissed Mark again, sharing the final bits of Mark’s cum lingering on their tongues.
Brian again scrubbed Mark to clean away all remnants of what happened. He took some shampoo and washed Mark’s hair. Brian did love running his fingers through Brian’s thick and somewhat curly hair. Mark was in heaven during all this. He was taking in the smell of the soap and shampoo. He now smelt like Brian did.
Now holding the washrag, Mark scrubbed Brian in the same way. Being able for the first time to explore and touch all of Brian’s body enthralled Mark. Seeing how Brian hung, the size and shape of his balls, and even just how lovely his thighs and ass looked.
Kneeling in front of Brian, Mark washed his legs. Brian was surprised but pleased when Mark kissed his inner thighs. Just a short kiss and lick on both thighs, but a sign that Mark was accepting everything so far.
At that moment, Brian was so tempted to take Mark all the way. He was as hard as Mark had been. But he knew not to. Instead, after Mark had washed Brian’s hair, they stepped from the shower. Brian took a towel and dried Mark off. Then Mark did the same to him.
Dried and both their hair combed, Brian suggested, “Mark, if you feel comfortable, how about we stay naked today? The house is warm enough, and it would be nice, at least for me, to gaze at your lovely body all day.”
Mark readily agreed, so naked they stayed. They had breakfast, searched the web some, watched a game on tv, and continued to touch and stroke each other all afternoon.
After the game, Mark asked Brian to lie on his stomach. Straddling Brian’s back, Mark gave him a long and relaxing massage. After, Brian did the same for Mark. When done, he led Mark to their bed (how Brian thought about it now), and they cuddled together for a nap.
Brian woke before Mark. He immediately realized that Mark’s hand was around his cock. Mark must have done that in his sleep. Not tight, but just encircling Brian’s shaft. It was rather nice.
Brian gently rubbed against Mark to wake him and closed his eyes, and breathed slowly. Brian did not want Mark to wake embarrassed where his hand was. As Mark opened his eyes, he realized where his hand was. Smiling to himself, Mark ran his fingers up and down Brian’s shaft before letting go.
So it went the following weeks. When together, they were usually naked. It was the beginning of things and getting used to each other. Soon they were mutually masturbating each other. One evening, Brian settled Mark on the couch and leaned over, and took Mark’s prick in his mouth.
Just the glans at first, sucking and licking it. When Mark began to moan and harden, Brian took more in. Slowly, step by step until he had the whole cock in his mouth, sucking while his fingers played with Mark’s balls. Mark was in heaven. This felt better than any before. And Mark was astute enough now to realize that it wasn’t so much that a man was doing it, but that Brian was doing it. The man that Mark cared about and who cared about him in return.
Yes, the counseling sessions were helping Mark, along with Brian’s patience and kindness.

Onward they ventured. Soon Mark was comfortable sucking Brian’s cock, and as Brian expected, was exceptionally good at it. Mark learned to swallow Brian’s semen but leave just a bit on his tongue to share with Brian in a kiss afterward. It was how Brian did the first time when sucking him, so another pattern was set.
It took a while, Brian introducing Mark to ass plugs and explaining how they would help him prepare for anal intercourse. Brian started with a smaller one first, with a lot of lubricant. Then moving up in size and how long Brian kept one in. It helped Mark get used to such feelings and relax his sphincter. They also began finger play up each other’s assholes. Well lubricated, one finger, then two, then three explored each other’s anuses.
Brian taught Mark what it felt like and how to give a prostate massage. This activity was regularly repeated both ways from then on. Mark’s body was coming alive to all aspects of their sexual interplay. When with Brian, his body felt on fire and pulsating all the time. And even when apart, Mark’s cock twitched each time he heard his phone chime with a message or call from Brian.
Finally, they reached the point that Mark was comfortable and ready to complete their venture of discovery. Like with every step forward, Brian discussed moving to this point with him. Brian thought that Mark would prefer starting by fucking Brian, which often is how men would start before fully acknowledging they were gay.
Instead, Brian was surprised when Mark said he would like Brian to fuck him first. Being so in awe of Brian, Mark took on the position of the bottom in their relationship, accepting what Brian suggested and wanting to learn from him.
And so, a wintery February afternoon, after over an hour of foreplay and kissing, Mark was led to Brian’s bed to lose his cherry.
Brian had him lie on his back and made him comfortable with pillows for his head. Brian lifted Mark's legs to his shoulders. Kneeling between them, Brian lubed his cock and rubbed it against Mark’s hole of entry. Brian squirted more lubricant on Mark and worked it up into his ass with fingers first.
Then, slowly Brian pressed his glans into Mark’s rosebud and settled there as Mark accustomed himself to this new object requesting entry to his cavern. When Brian felt Mark relax, he began to press more and more of his cock in. Mark accepted Brian’s whole shaft and felt Brian’s balls thumping against his ass. At that point, Brian began slowly to press in and out of Mark. He increased his pumping more and more as he felt Mark’s prick growing against his mons and stomach.
Mark was crying out, but with joy, not pain. To Mark, it felt like Brian was becoming a part of him. They now were truly a couple, and Mark realized he loved Brian - an emotion he never felt before. Mark reached his arms to wrap around Brian’s neck and pulled him forward to kiss, hoping that it expressed all the happiness and excitement Mark was feeling.
And so things went through the end of winter, spring, and summer. Mark was still not ready to ‘come out’ but Brian understood. It was the same with Mark being the one to fuck him. While after the first time, Brian did suggest and offered to be the bottom, Mark was not ready to move to that until it was almost summer. And after that, while Mark would take that role at times, he was more content with Brian taking the lead.
In July they took a holiday together to Naples, Italy. They both got very tan and saw so much. Mark was like an excited child, this being his first venture outside of England. Brian was charmed with showing Mark new things and explaining them to him. Mark was an eager student and lapped up all that Brian shared with him.
That holiday was the happiest time in Mark’s life, sharing an adventure with someone he loved and even showing public displays of affection as there was no one they knew to see. Mark had yet to tell Brian he loved him. He was too afraid that Brian would brush such sentiments aside. And in the same way, Brian never mentioned the L word either.
Not all was totally rosy, though. Mark did slip into making derogatory remarks from time to time, and even some of his gay-bashing comments. Brian called Mark on this when it happened. Mark always apologized and talked about what he had done with James during his next session.
After the wonderful holiday together, when Mark made a rude comment about a waiter being a pansy, luckily out of hearing of the waiter, Brian showed his anger for the first time.
“Mark, you have to learn to stop doing this. It is going to blow up in your face one day if you keep it up. Every time you do this, it upsets me. If you do not refrain yourself, there will be consequences to be paid,” Brian told him in a stern voice.
Brian knew that when Mark felt threatened, he lashed out this way in response. In terms of the waiter, he had removed the extra place setting, so the two were sitting next to each other in the booth rather than across the table. Then topped it off by asking if it was a special occasion for them. Brian knew this was one of the things Mark cringed from when close to home: someone calling attention to the two of them together as a couple.
Regardless, Mark needed to control himself. Mark did try, but sometimes things escaped his lips before he thought.
How it was tonight.
Soaking in the bath for over an hour, Mark thought about all these things. Tears are starting to dry as Mark remembers how it was with Brian from the start and how he now has probably ruined it all.
He stumbles to bed and curls himself in a ball. Crying almost non-stop for over four hours, Mark falls into a deep fitful sleep around three am. Mark wakes around nine am the following day. He is tired and irritable from such little sleep. After looking at his phone and seeing no texts or calls from Brian, Mark again sinks into a pit of depression.
In the six months of seeing James at Pathways, Mark has never felt the need to call James’s private number. Today is different. Devastated and not sure what to do, Mark dials the special number the psychiatrist had given him. Mark leaves a message between sobs that he needs to talk to James and then sits on the couch, unable to do anything.
Mark jumps when the phone rings a half-hour later. While he is glad to see it is James returning his call, Mark is disappointed it is not Brian. Between bouts of crying, Mark tells James what happened, what he did, and Brian’s reaction of leaving and not answering his calls or texts.
James, working the timeline out, realized that it is not even twenty-four hours since this all happened. He can see that Mark is overreacting but is aware of Mark’s need for constant reassurance. James would like to talk to Brian to hear his side of what happened, but that would not be ethical. Besides, James decides that Mark needs to work through this on his own.
Worried about the state Mark seems to be in at the moment, James suggests that the two meet at Pathways in a half-hour. If nothing else, it will require Mark to dress and make himself presentable.
Mark remembers his car is still at the pub, so he tells James it would be closer to an hour for him to get there. Showering in a hurry, Mark is out his door and jogging to the pub. It isn’t that far away, and the day had dawned bright and sunny after last night’s rain. Getting in his car, Mark recognized that the jog did him good. His crying is abated, and he is thinking clearer now.
At Pathways, James brings coffee for them both. Mark and he settle in chairs as they talk about what happened and how Mark can rectify things with Brian. He helps Mark comprehend that it is not that long since it happened, not even a day. James suggests that rather than sending texts or voice messages, Mark writes out an apology to Brian and outlines what Mark is going to do to correct things with Abbie, Tim, and the others.
Knowing both men rather well now, James is sure that this is not the end of their relationship. If it is enough for Brian to end things, James will be there to help Mark through that. And Brian too.
Mark mentions that Abbie did talk to him privately two times last evening. Once shortly after his outburst and again before leaving but giving no details. Knowing Abbie, James is not surprised at that. But from what Mark tells him about how Abbie reacted right after his outburst, James is concerned about how she is doing.
James gives Mark some stationery to use and leaves him to work on his note to Brian. He goes into another office and calls Abbie. James explains to her he understands what happened last night and asks how Abbie is handling Mark’s public outing of her. Abbie’s recital of what happened pretty much matched Mark’s.
Abbie even laughs some, telling James that Mark, in a way, did her a favor, helping her to see that having people she does not know or have any connection to knowing her secret is not anything to be afraid of.
Abbie says confidentially that she can grasp what is going on with Mark and actually with who. James is amazed at Abbie’s knowledge of the situation. She explains that she knows Brian, saw him at the pub when they arrived, and noticed his departure shortly after what happened. Then later, she ran into Brian at the Peacock. There, she talked to him some.
James always knew that Abbie would be an excellent counselor herself and is pleased about her conversations with both men. He comprehends Brian’s reaction to the event and not being ready to talk with Mark until he had time to calm some.
Now knowing better about what happened, James checks on Mark. He is done with his letter and knows what he needs to do. James and Mark talk a bit, Mark telling him fully about his conversations with Abbie.
Mark starts, “Abbie really is a genuinely lovely person, and so forgiving and kind. After returning to the table, chatting with the others for a while, Abbie came up to me at the bar where I had retreated.
“She told me she understood why I reacted and said what I did. ‘It must have taken you for a loop seeing me walk in with Tim, knowing where I worked,’ Abbie told me. I agreed and admitted I was afraid. She went on, suggesting that while it was in self-preservation that I reacted how I did, in the end, I did to her exactly what I was worried she was going to do. She said it so matter of factually to me I felt even worse about my behavior.
“I apologized for doing such a mean thing, and she accepted graciously. Abbie even then talked a little about Brian and asked how long we have been together. Realizing she knew so much, I was again alarmed. But Abbie explained that she knew Brian for several years now and had seen him here when they arrived.
“And that he was gone when she returned from the ladies' room. She nudged me and kidded that being one who knows about such things, from my glances to where Brian had been and repeatedly messaging on my phone, it was easy for her to put two and two together.
“Then, as they left, she came over to me again and told me how nice it was to know who I was now. And that she is sure things with Brian will work out. Abbie said she is glad Brian and I have found each other. Laying her hand on my arm, Abbie concluded that as of late when she has seen him, Brian seemed so much happier than he had been in a long time,” Mark finished with a deep sigh.
Reciting what Abbie had said made Mark take a deep breath and, doing so, grasped that Abbie’s comments were so confident that things between Brian and him would be resolved. Mark could only hang on to that like a tree twig, hoping Abbie was correct.
James suggests Mark takes his note to Brian personally now. The worst that could happen is Brian does not answer the door. James assured him, “From everything you have told me about Brian and yourself, I am sure Brian is as upset and missing you equally right now.”
Mark gets in his car; sits for a moment to think about what he could say to make Brian know how sorry he is. Then before he loses his courage, Mark starts the car and drives to Brian’s house.
For the first time in a few hours, Mark reaches for his phone and realizes that he had left it on his coffee table in his haste to meet James. Who knows if Brian had tried to contact him or not? It doesn’t matter. He is at Brian’s house.
Mark, standing on Brian’s front porch, lifts his hand and knocks firmly on the door.