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The Garden; Encounter 4:1

"A return to The Garden after a year: please read 'the series so far' first."

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It has been almost a year since we last visited our Italian villa and the Garden where so much happened before. It has simply been a very busy year for us, and we have travelled at length elsewhere, knowing that Lise and Marie are tending the garden carefully for us.

They keep us informed by email and mobile, and use local contractors to fix any damages they might see to the property, so we are sure it will all be in good condition when we arrive, despite the extraordinary heat in the region recently.

Lise and Marie both asked regularly when we will visit again, and they were delighted to hear that we were on our way. I know that they will want to meet up with us again, as soon as possible- they do always seem to enjoy our visits!

We originally met the girls when they spied on our love-making in the Garden, as they took a break from their work in the surrounding vineyards. We spotted them, and slowly they were drawn more and more closely into our exhibitionist circle, becoming good friends and confidantes, and eventually our caretakers and gardeners.

Our relationships had developed to the point where you and I regularly had sex in their presence, with more and more close physical contact, but the girls had always completely respected any 'rules of engagement' you laid down. You were their authority on acceptable behaviours, but your control had gradually relaxed.

They had found it increasingly difficult in our last encounter when you had, for the first time, allowed them to touch me rather than just assist you and observe or film our couplings. You had then allowed me to bring each of them to orgasm orally while keeping my final full climax for yourself, and I know that they were somewhat frustrated on that occasion. Perhaps they satisfied themselves in private later? I'm sure they messaged you privately about their feelings.

Lise and Marie are sisters, similar but not identical in appearance, and relatively young and inexperienced compared to us. They have been keen to learn from us, not only about sex, but also to develop their language skills, and we can communicate very easily with them now. They have assisted us in extraordinary ways, including some very deft camerawork, but they learned much in the process, and we know that they now pursue active sex lives of their own with their own friends locally.

I know that they are in regular contact directly with you, and often share their private thoughts and desires with you; I imagine that these were detailed and explicit conversations, perhaps pics or video too, but I am not included, except perhaps as subject matter! You only share their confidences with me occasionally.

We have been married for some time, and you are now in the early stages of our first pregnancy, about four months, so only showing a slight 'bump'. It does not seriously restrict our love-making though you are sometimes a little less enthusiastic than usual, simply because of tiredness and occasional morning sickness, I think. Your breasts can be very tender, though, and are slightly swollen, with darkening areolae.

We are both perhaps more cautious about our most athletic sexual couplings. We are not inhibited by any means, but certainly very conscious of the pregnancy, and I have noticed that you are a little more likely to suck me off or masturbate me to completion. It has always been one of your favourite practices but is now perhaps a little more common? I'm not sure.

For my part, I sometimes feel a little more reticent to bring you to a full, body-shaking orgasm; it may be irrational, I know, but of course, I do not want to provoke any problem with the pregnancy. When we do have full sex, which is still frequent, we tend to spoon or use the 'doggie' position, which was always a favourite anyway.

On the flight out, you tell me that you have already told the girls about your pregnancy. They are absolutely delighted, of course, bubbling with excitement, and can't wait to see you again. I think it probably won't make much difference to our behaviour, except perhaps to introduce a note of caution to proceedings.

Then you shock me a little by saying, "Simon, I have never allowed the girls to have your cum- that has always been my privilege, as you know. But it seems to me that I could relax about that for the next few months as long as the girls take precautions. I know you wouldn't want to use a condom, but they tell me that they are both now on the Pill, and have been for some time."

I say, "You mean … what? Exactly? ..."

You say, "I'm just saying that I am less concerned about it for the time being. I haven't suggested anything at all to the girls, because I need to know how you feel about it first, but I can assure you that they would be happy if you fucked them. They message me frequently, as you know, and they reminisce endlessly about our various encounters! They still have our videos and sometimes send clips of us, and especially of you, to remind me of our greatest performances. They seem to be in awe of you!"

“That's all very well,” I say, “But you can't just loan me out to them like a stud! “

“You know that's not what I mean!” you say. “I'm just thinking that things may be a little different this time, and I wanted to prepare you for... anything that might develop when we all get together. I think they have been dwelling on things and feeling a little... hmm... unfulfilled by our previous encounters.”

For some reason, I feel a little affronted by this, but I'm not sure why I should be. My wife seems to be telling me that she will be happy for me to fuck the girls without any of the 'rules' she has previously imposed. I think I should be pleased, but...

“Okay,” I say, “We will just see what happens, I guess,” and lapse into silent thought.

We eventually get to the villa late, after a tiresome journey full of hold-ups, and almost immediately go to bed. Tomorrow will be another day.

And it is a beautiful day! Clear blue skies and a light cooling breeze- perfect for relaxing in the garden, though I'm not sure how much “relaxation” I will get today.

Over breakfast, you tell me that Lise and Marie are already on their way, and no sooner than we have finished, the metal gate creaks in that familiar way as they arrive. They rush over to us, fulsome in their Italian delight at your pregnancy, and asking all the obvious questions about due dates, whether it is a boy or girl, and how you are feeling now, and about the prospect of giving birth for the first time. Their words are tumbling over each other, and their arms waving wildly as they enthuse about the 'bambino'.

When their excitement has calmed down a little, they say they suppose things will be different between us all now, sounding rather sad about that.

You say, “Not at all, girls. We're still as frisky as ever, but you might have bigger parts to play this time. Now that Simon has got me pregnant, I don't have the same need for his cum as I did, and you may get a share this time. He produces such a lot, and I certainly don't need it all.”

The girls both blush at your outspokenness and say that they have dreamed of that, watching their videos of us and remembering the overspill from your pussy when we fucked in front of them. From the glint in their eyes, I can tell that they are looking forward to participating even more fully on this visit, but when I catch their eye, they both quickly look down to the ground. I'm not sure if they are just being coy, or are genuinely embarrassed by their own thoughts.

Inevitably, my cock is responding to these thoughts, and all three of you stand over me and stare pointedly at the growing bulge in my shorts as I sit back in the chair.

You say, “Simon, it looks like we are going to have to do something about that!” and you reach across to stroke my chest, teasing my nipples, then moving firmly down over my belly to my waistband. You stare deep into my eyes and say, “Do you want us to, Simon?”

I chuckle and say, “There doesn't seem much point in my trying to resist! It looks as though you three are determined to have your way with me!”

The girls laugh as you say, “There's no point in trying, Simon. You know your cock will have the final say, and at the moment, it seems to be saying a very big 'Yes'!”

“Just be gentle with me,” I say and reach out to stroke your pregnant belly.

You tell Lise and Marie to take me by the hand- one each- and you lead us out into the open garden where the sunbeds are. The girls are obviously very excited and giggling, slightly nervously, as they lead me down the path.

They are in their usual attire of lightweight shift dresses. I can see that their nipples are standing proud against the material already, and I wonder whether they have any panties beneath. All these thoughts stimulate the flow of blood to my cock, and I can feel the head trying to emerge above the waistband of my shorts.

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You tell me to stand at the end of the sunbed and ask the girls to strip off. They do so easily and enthusiastically, following your own lead, and it becomes apparent that all three of you are without panties. I suspect a conspiracy planned in advance, but you may all have reached the same conclusions separately.

The sight of you totally naked in the sun, with your slightly pregnant belly showing above your trimmed pussy, plus a young girl on each side of you, equally naked, but flat-bellied, is something to behold. Marie has small, pert breasts with erect brown nipples, and a high-fronted hairless pussy, with obvious lips; Lise has larger breasts with spreading pink areolae and a neatly trimmed bush above a hairless pussy, with smaller, tighter lips than her sister.

My cock peeps above my waistband now, as though it wants to see the view too!

“Shall we release him, girls?” you say, and reach towards me to slowly unbutton my flies and let the shorts drop to the ground. While you do this, you stare into my eyes, but I'm aware that the girls are focused elsewhere, and there is a slight release of breath as my whole cock springs into full view.

You grasp the shaft and stroke me gently, but squeezing lightly to bring me to extreme hardness. Your hand slides down to my balls and cups them, feeling their tightness to my body.

I reach out to play with your swelling breasts, squeezing them lightly and playing with your hard brown nipples with my thumbs, then pinching them lightly until you squeal and have to pull away.

The girls have been standing quietly beside you. I think they are unsure what exactly they are allowed to do, despite your comments earlier. However, it is clear to me what they want to do from the glistening moistness developing between their legs.

That is especially clear in the case of Marie, whose pussy seems to be dripping from her long, spreading lips. Lise's smaller, tighter pussy lips are more hidden, but I'm sure are equally damp now.

I sit, then lie back, on the sunbed while you kneel between my knees, and ask Lise and Marie to take position on either side of my hips. You take the nearest of their hands in yours and place them on my knees while their other hands reach up to my chest and tease my nipples.

They are staring at my erect cock from the closest possible positions now, and you guide their lower hands up my thighs towards it; they naturally slide their other hands down my chest, over my belly and towards my cock, and grasp it tight.

All this is happening in total silence until you release their hands and say, “Girls, you will have to share him between you today. I will be the spectator this time, so do as you wish.”

The girls breathe out heavily and look at each other, now holding my cock vertically between their faces, shining with pleasure. As sisters, perhaps they have a natural understanding, but they certainly co-ordinate well. Each of them has one hand between my legs, cradling one of my balls, and one hand around the shaft of my cock, holding it straight up between them so that only the throbbing, swollen head appears between them.

You move around the sunbed and approach my head, kneeling and bending over to kiss me deeply on the mouth, Your lips work around mine and your tongue presses between my lips, to play with my own tongue, as you cradle my head in your hands.

“Don't worry, Simon,” you say. “Just let them play with you until you can't wait any longer. I will stay here with you until they have taken every drop of cum from you!”

I think the girls hear this as final confirmation that they are welcome to my cum this time, and they bring their faces together to kiss the head of my cock from both sides. It almost seems as though they are trying to kiss each other, and the head of my cock is in their way, pressed into both mouths simultaneously, with moist lips and flickering tongues exploring every edge and angle.

The girls are sucking, licking and tasting me with increasing voracity, and increasing competitiveness until you say, “Girls, why don't you just share nicely! Take turns or something; you can both watch and play. You know that Simon will produce enough for you to share in the end!”

They both sit back momentarily, and look at each other. In silent agreement, Lise places one hand on my knee and grips the shaft of my cock firmly, while Marie raises herself above me and slowly lowers her mouth over my cock.

She presses down until she reaches her sister's hand, but then pulls it away, so that she can press further. The girls are looking into each other's eyes while they do this, and I sense a competitive edge again, as Marie forces herself further over my cock, until she gags slightly and has to withdraw.

That seems to be the sign for role reversal, and Marie holds my cock firmly, watching her sister as she tries now to swallow me even more deeply, until she, too, gags and withdraws.

They both sit back and smile at each other- it seems to have been an honourable draw.

You are also watching the performance now, with your head resting on my chest, and from the movements I feel, I think you are finding it all very arousing too. I think your hand has crept between your legs, and is playing with your own clit, while you watch the girls pleasure themselves with me. They are both working their hands between their legs too, when they aren't stroking my cock.

I can feel you starting to tremble a little, and you say, ”Girls, I think it's time to bring Simon to a conclusion now. Remember to share it fairly- we don't want any disputes now! There is always another day.”

To control the situation, as well as to pleasure yourself, you move back between my knees and grasp my cock from the girls on either side. You show them how to grasp me with one hand, lubricated with their saliva, and slide your grip firmly down the shaft until it reaches the root. Meanwhile, your other hand grips the head and follows the same path.

The girls sit back in awe as you repeat this process over and over again, always pressing downwards.

“My God,” says Lise. “He seems to be getting bigger with every stroke!” and Marie nods silent agreement, unable to take her eyes away from the performance.

You look up at me and can tell from my grimaces, and from the micro-thrusts of my hips, that I cannot hold back much longer. You smile and nod, turning back to the job at hand (literally.)

“Are you ready, girls?” you say. “Get as close as you can now.”

While you continue to work on my cock, the girls lean in from either side, one hand on my thigh, and one on my belly, holding my body down as I begin to thrust up through your hands.

Finally, I force my hips upwards and freeze still, while both girls press their lips around the swollen head of my cock again, and you squeeze my balls. I have to let out an animal yell as I feel the accumulated cum rush from my balls, throb through the shaft held firmly in your hand, and shoot spurt after spurt from the engorged head.

The girls both squeal, from a mixture of surprise and delight, as they clasp their lips around me in turn, taking mouthfuls of rich, creamy white cum. They try their best not to spill a drop, but inevitably a spurt or two shoot past their open mouths and up onto my chest.

They are both trying to savour the taste, swirling it around inside their mouths, but some escapes from between their red lips, to spread across their cheeks and dribble from their chins, down onto their breasts, then drip further down to seek a way between their thighs.

While they gasp with pleasure, you are convulsing with your own orgasm, as you squeeze the final drops of cum from my softening cock, and offer them to each girl in turn.

They lick it up gratefully, then each, in turn, takes my softer cock fully inside their mouths to suck any remnants from me. You are shivering with pleasure as you watch, and I have collapsed with exhaustion, while the two girls grin at each other and rest their two heads together on my wet belly.

Eventually, we all stir slowly from our torpor. There is a smile on every face, including mine, and cum everywhere, drying in the sun. We all gather our clothes and retreat to the villa, to drink copious amounts and clean our bodies, before dressing again.

The girls are still in raptures over tasting my cum, and cannot stop giggling with pleasure. They are both looking at me in a slightly different way than before, I think. It may be the prospect of even more thrilling adventures in the coming days, perhaps?

So that was the prelude to our visit, but I think there are at least a couple more chapters to come before this story ends. I certainly hope so.

Written by simoncam1
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