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We woke to another beautiful day, but I felt that you were unusually quiet and seemed a little unhappy, inwardly-turned and thinking your own thoughts. I tried to comfort you with hugs and cuddles, stroking your pregnant belly and breasts, but nothing seemed to work, so over breakfast, I had to ask the question: " Are you feeling OK, my love? What's worrying you?"

This seemed to be all it took for you to release all your anxieties and talk about our session with the girls yesterday.

You said you had enjoyed seeing the girls so delighted at being given the freedoms they wanted, and I know that you had found the whole spectacle very arousing too, but it is clear that you have some reservations now.

It seems that the girls have already been in contact by mobile, and are asking when they can meet up with us again. They are very keen to get the maximum advantage from our short visit, and from your newly relaxed attitude to our encounters, but you admit to feeling somewhat jealous after yesterday.

"I didn't think it would be such a big deal, Simon, but when I saw them feasting on your cum, swallowing mouthfuls with such delight, I began to question whether I should have allowed it. I've let them touch you before, and even suck you, but it brought home to me how much your cum means to me; I thought now that I'm pregnant it wouldn't matter if I didn't keep it all for myself, but it does make me feel very unsettled. Perhaps your cum is symbolic of our love."

I say, " You know, I was a little surprised when you first suggested this on our way here, and admittedly a little bit... erm ... affronted, I suppose. I don't know why, but then when I thought about it, I realised that we're only talking about sex, not making love, like we do."

You smile as I say this. "Yes, I know, Simon. It is different, but this is also a big step closer... Perhaps I hadn't realised how significant a step it was for me. Like I told you, I had checked that the girls were both on the Pill, so I had convinced myself that I would be OK with this... Now I'm a bit unsure!"

I say, "We shouldn't take this any further if you're really going to be upset about it. It's not something I asked for, after all. The girls would have to accept it, and I'm sure they'd understand."

"No," you say, "I know that, but I think I have to overcome this myself. You have got me pregnant, after all, and you won't be getting the girls pregnant, so it really is 'just sex', isn't it. We all know that, and maybe when we come back in another year's time, with a new baby, some of the old rules will have to come back too; depends on whether we're going to try for another!"

I laugh and say, "That's mainly up to you. You do all the hard work; it seems I'm just the sperm donor!"

Now you laugh and say, " You know you're much more than that, Simon, but you certainly donated plenty to the girls yesterday! I'm sure I'll be OK with a little more going their way, at least on this trip. It makes me so proud that you are mine."

Apparently, the girls have explicitly asked for your permission to let me fuck them today. I feel that it would be best if we took one a day, to make sure I am fully recharged for the second coming, so to speak.

You seem much more relaxed about it now and assure me that you are, but you do want to plan these encounters in some detail. You say, "I have to look after my 'Hot Husband', don't I!"

We agree that the girls should choose in advance which of them gets their wish today- they can sort that out between themselves, by tossing a coin if necessary- and which will follow tomorrow. The non-participating girl is only allowed to play any part at the request of the other. You, of course, are allowed to participate in any way you wish and can call a halt to proceedings without any dispute- your decision is final.

You agree that I should treat them as I would you, and make them cum from my oral and manual attention first, if they want, then fuck them to completion; they can choose their position, as you would. We expect everything to take place outdoors, in the garden.

We also agree that these sessions have to be recorded. You think that the task of filming them would give you some sense of detachment, which might help suppress your emotional responses to the reality in front of you. I think I understand that. It will also provide everyone with a souvenir of the occasion!

So you put these proposals to the girls in your messages and we wait for their replies.

It does not take long for them to reply! Of course, they agree and are delighted to say they are free this afternoon, if we are ready for them. I think we both are, now, though you tell me you have butterflies in your tummy as well as a baby.

You prepare me for the afternoon, by dressing me in just my button-fly denim shorts, - you know I hate zips! Apart from flip-flops, I am otherwise naked, but you brush my long hair and play with the curls, while gently oiling my body with protective sun-lotion. It feels wonderful.

You wear a brief bikini, with a colourful wrap tied loosely around your waist like a sarong. You are looking fabulous, proudly showing your slightly swollen belly and also filling your bikini with slightly swollen breasts.

When the garden gate squeaks yet again, you look at me a little apprehensively, and bite your lower lip, but then swallow hard and smile at the girls, who both approach grinning widely.

It seems that Lise has claimed her right as the (slightly) older sister to benefit from the first encounter today. We sit around the garden table to discuss what she would like, and both girls swallow several glasses of wine while we talk- neither you nor I drink any alcohol, just water.

Lise is wearing very little, in the heat of the day, and I can see her nipples standing proud, pressed against her light blouse. She has the larger breasts of the two girls, and I remember her pink, wide-spreading areolae; she also has a completely shaven pussy and I have wondered before whether the sisters help each other to tend to their appearance. Her pussy lips are quite hidden, and tight- until she gets very aroused, at least.

She remembers back to a previous visit, and tells me that she would like to repeat that experience of me bringing her to a climax orally, but this time, when she is fully prepared, for me to fuck her to completion. Last time, you had called a halt to those proceedings, and had taken my cum for yourself. As for positions, she suggests missionary style. This seems like a quite modest request, to me, but it is what she wants, so I am ready to comply, and you are ready to video the occasion for posterity. Her sister will watch.

She does ask me to undress her sensually, though, as part of the preparations, and I am happy to do that. Marie is sitting alongside her sister, and looks very nervous now.

You begin filming as Lise stands in front of me, seated in my chair, looking up past her now-heaving breasts, to her shining eyes, and slightly parted red lips. I place my hand on the outside of her thighs, cased in a light skirt, and slide them slowly up to her waist, then up to feel the weight of her ample breasts, under her blouse. She breathes in very deeply and her breasts press against my hands.

She looks down at me and our eyes lock as I slowly unbutton her blouse, from the top down. As I thought, she has no bra, and her breasts drop slightly as I remove her blouse finally. I take one in each hand and squeeze them gently together, in front of my face, and admire her beautiful nipples, as hard as the buttons of her blouse, but now more prominent. I play with them using my thumbs to circle her pink areolae.

As I lean forwards to lick each nipple in turn, she puts back her head and looks to the sky, and when I take them into my mouth to gently suck and pinch each nipple, both she and her sister gasp slightly. I lick and suck around her breasts and cleavage, preparing her for the next step. I think you know what I have in mind as I have treated you this way many times before.

I ask Marie to help us by unbuttoning my fly, and she does so without hesitation, allowing me to stand, in both senses, while my shorts fall away. As I do stand, and step out of them, my hard cock rises between Lise's breasts, and I press them together around myself and upwards between them. She groans as my cock slides upwards towards her parted lips, and now she gently kisses the swollen head.

You are documenting all this in close-up, with Marie's wide-eyed face in the background as her sister is treated to the swollen head of my cock lodging just inside her open mouth. I turn to one side and move forward slightly, pressing my cock against the inside of Lise's cheek. Marie gulps and covers her eyes briefly as she sees the bulging of her sister's cheek and the slight movements I make, for the benefit of the camera!

Lise gasps for breath when I withdraw, and cannot resist trying to hold my cock in place, but I say, "No, Lise- you wanted me to go down on you. You and your sister have already tasted and swallowed my cum; now I want to taste you again."

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I guide Lise to her feet, and kneel in front of her, to remove her skirt and brief panties, which I notice are already soaking wet. Then I ask her to sit back on the table, with her legs bent over the edge, while I take my seat again, between her damp parted thighs. I am ready to feast on her now.

I press my hands against the insides of her knees, and take the opportunity to tease the creases behind them. I know some women find this area erotic, but Lise wants me to continue. So I gently stroke her inner thighs, my fingers tracing the way upwards through the increasing dampness, to the source of it all.

When I touch her pussy for the first time, she jumps in shock. Her tight outer lips are glistening with beads of moisture, shining in the sun, and they are already more swollen by her thoughts. They are trying to part in front of me, by themselves, but I help by leaning forward, placing the tip of my tongue between them, swirling and licking up firmly towards her clit.

Her outer lips part easily, and she jumps again when my tongue reaches her clit. It is still partially hidden, and I use my fingers to reveal it fully, already hard, red and pulsing, like a living rosebud.

While I take it into my mouth, sucking and swirling my tongue around her, I probe her pussy lips with my fingers. They part her outer, then her inner lips, to reveal the pink depths which are the ultimate goal of my cock. The slick moisture is already gathering to lubricate my way into her, and I probe one long finger as deep as I can reach, curling it up to feel for her most sensitive spot. While I do this, I continue to suck, lick and nibble around her clit and labia.

She is responding to every slightest movement now, and her hips are rocking rhythmically against my finger and mouth. Slowly her pace increases, and so does mine. I do not want to press more than one finger inside her, because ultimately I want her to feel the full thickness of my cock in contrast, when I force my way inside her. She will certainly feel me much deeper than my finger.

I glance aside and see that Marie is pleasuring herself while she watches her sister endure this exquisite torture. Her breathing is also heavy now, and I can sense that you too are feeling the rhythms of sex, transmitted through the ether. We are all inside one atmospheric bubble of sexual sensation, but the epicentre is Lise's clit.

I think you focus the camera in on my flickering tongue, as Lise presses herself harder and harder against me, and moves her pussy more and more fiercely back and forth. I know that she is about to climax soon, from her increasing pace and growing grunts, and I look up at you. You raise an eyebrow and nod, moving your camera up to focus on Lise's face as she contorts in what seems like agony, but is actually ecstasy.

Finally she screams out loud and clasps my head between her thighs, thrashing around wildly, and bucking her hips against me. Marie grasps one of her hands, and is herself shaking from what she is witnessing. She knows that I have brought them both to orgasm in this way before, but it just as delightful this second time. The added bonus this time is the knowledge that they will not be denied the fucking they need, and then the feeling of my cum flooding them.

As Lise's contractions around my finger subside and she relaxes her grasp on my head, she falls back across the table and her body softens again. There is the occasional tremor which makes her breasts shudder, but the peak moment has passed, and we are all calming down again.

Marie is the first to speak, hesitatingly, saying "That was spectacular, Simon! I know how Lise feels but I'm sure she's ready to be fucked now- are you going to do it on the table?"

Lise interrupts to say, "Wait a moment, please. I'm still VERY sensitive. I think I need a pause before Simon puts that fucking great cock inside me. I want it, but now I'm a bit scared too. Give me a moment, please... and I'd like a softer place than the table!"

We all help her to her feet, slightly unsteadily, and you suggest we move to the grass area, laying a large towel down for Lise to lie on. Her sister kneels alongside her and whispers to her.

You pause the filming and sidle up to me, saying, "Great job, Simon. You made me proud of my Hot Husband! And don't worry, I am ready to watch you fuck her now- make her squeal, just for me!"

I take your orders to heart and kneel between Lise's legs in preparation. Marie briefly reaches out to touch the tip of my erect cock, pointing to the sky, but realises she should not intervene in her sister's occasion, and apologises. Lise quickly says, "Don't worry Marie, that's OK. You can help him get into position if you like."

Smiling, Marie reaches out again, and grasps the head of my cock lightly, using her thumb to spread the beads of pre-cum around it, I look down and think there is no need for lubrication, given the wide and dripping opening of Lise's pussy below me.

As I lower myself onto Lise, I feel the hard buttons of her nipples against my chest, while her soft breasts cushion my weight upon her. I raise myself on my arms and look at Marie, who instantly understands what is needed. She reaches between my legs to grasp the hard shaft of my cock and position the head at Lise's pulsing opening, ready for entry.

I ask Lise, "Are you ready now?" as Marie releases my cock, and puts her hand to her mouth in wonder.

"Yes, Simon, I am," says Lise, "Fuck me hard and fast now, and fill me to the brim with your tasty cum!"

I do not prolong matters any further; it is no time for subtlety now. She has asked to be fucked and now she will feel the full force of my thrusts.

I one deep movement, I force my thick cock inside Lise's dripping pussy. She feels the simultaneous crash of the head against her cervix, and the root against her clit, and she screams with the sensations of it all. I withdraw slowly, but then crash hard into her again, with enough force to push her body along the ground a little.

I look up and see the camera shaking in your hands, as you film your husband fucking a young girl on the ground in front of you. Marie moves around behind Lise's head and presses against her shoulders, to hold her firm against any more movement as I thrust into her sister time and time again.

I develop a rhythm of slow withdrawal and deep hard thrusts, until Lise is gasping for breath beneath me, my weight now fully resting on her soft cushioning breasts. She tries to kiss me but I turn my head aside- that would be for you alone.

I hear Marie start to mutter "Cum!" quite softly, but it grows louder and turns into a continuous chant of "Cum! Cum! Cum!"

I realise that you are now joining in with this chant, and Lise herself adds to it, shouting, "Cum in me, cum in me, cum in me" with every thrust.

I cannot last any longer, and with an animal howl, I give one final thrust into Lise's pussy, as she wraps both her legs tightly around my ass, holding me deep inside her, while her hips undulate beneath me. I can feel her pussy grasping, sucking and clutching at me as...

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Written by simoncam1
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