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The Girlfriend Experience Ch. 30

"Years later as an adult, would you pay money to have sex with your old high school crush?"

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Holy kamoly.

Donald Stanlick lifted his gaze and met Lindsay Anastacio’s eyes as they crinkled at the corners.

“Welcome to my humble abode.” She motioned toward the all-pink bedroom before shifting her focus to Donald’s paunchy arms crossed tight against his chest at the entryway. “Why don’t we go over to the bed, sit down, and make ourselves comfortable?”

Nineteen-year-old Donald’s heartbeat was on overload and his body thrummed with energy at the reality unfolding around him. Christ and heavens almighty. Close up Lindsay was intoxicating, with a face framed by the silkiest blonde hair he’d ever seen, a mixture of sunshine and honey contrasting with strands of shimmering golden highlights. For as long as he could remember, it had been this face that dominated his imagination when he was alone at night, her voice whispering sweet nothings into his ear. It was those vermillion-red lips and the recollections of Lindsay’s unrivaled beauty that made Donald so excited he couldn’t help but self-satisfy the primal urges she’d stirred within him since their childhood years.

He tried to speak, but the scent of Lindsay’s wildflower perfume invaded his senses yet again, sending his libido orbiting into the stratosphere, and his tongue became stuck to the roof of his mouth. His eyes raked down her body, noting she’d worn her old Citronelle Blackhawks school hoodie (per his request) over a clingy white V-neck shirt. Just like the old days. She had a wisp of a figure, a brilliant tan, and breasts larger than his memory served, not to mention greatly exaggerated for a girl of her slim stature. But I ain’t complaining.

Lindsay reached out a tiny hand and extracted one wrist from his chest, projecting a smile that made the tendons in his neck stand out. Blue eyes lingered on his white polo shirt, or more specifically, the pocket protector stuffed in its front pocket, then rose to his again. “Why are you so tense? You need to loosen up.”

“Umm, I …” The young man swept a shaky hand over his brow and his cheeks flushed a crimson red.

“Come on, sweetie. Don’t be shy.” Lindsay’s voice was mellow as she flipped her long hair across her shoulder. “Come over to the bed and sit down with me, okay? I promise I won’t bite.”

Donald took stock of the room’s interior and his jaw dropped. Was he dreaming? How could this be? This girl is the gold standard – always has been, always will be. How lucky was he to be in Lindsay’s bedroom? How many guys could make such a claim? Oh, wait … never mind.

No, after reconsidering, it wasn’t a bedroom – it was her oasis, her private retreat.

The aroma of burning incense – fresh flowers and herbs – filled his nostrils. Neon lights and images from a galaxy projector decorated the ceiling and walls, their vibrant colors livening up the mood and creating a warm, inviting atmosphere. Tapestry quilts lay across the rocking chair and the bed itself. Two wicker chairs were on one side while an endless array of shoes lined the other, assembled by the height of their heels. Oh lordy. I am dreaming again, no doubt. The sight of black vinyl boots which must’ve been thigh-high brought an itch to Donald’s scruffy chin. A dresser drawer was somewhat open, too, hinting at satin and lace – sexy lingerie – hidden within.

Donald sucked in sharp breaths as he glanced around, cataloging every inch. Maybe she can wear some of those frilly things tonight and offer me a fashion show. Lindsay was in no rush, providing him time to explore, and enjoyed observing him take in every detail.

Donald envisioned his ultimate crush curled up in the rocking chair at night, wearing a bathrobe, texting her friends for hours on end. God Himself couldn’t pry that phone out of her hand back in high school. Speaking of school, was she attending college now? How could someone work in a place like this and go to college at the same time? And what had become of Lindsay’s life since the tragedy in Citronelle eleven months ago? Is she still dating that old millionaire from Utah? Michael … whatshisname? All her dirty laundry had been aired out in the local media. I couldn’t stand the way they portrayed her, how they destroyed her reputation. It seemed unfair because he knew Lindsay and Evie were the best of friends. She never would’ve done anything to hurt her on purpose.

“Are you … are you s-s-sure … you don’t mind if I call you … L-L-Lindsay?” Donald was so on edge that it was a massive struggle to force those words out. Stuttering and butchering the English language around girls had been an issue all his life. “I’ll … I’ll call you Kayleigh if … if you want me to.” But this wasn’t just any girl.

No, this was the girl.

An hour ago, things started in a similar fashion once Lindsay emerged and greeted Donald with open arms in the parlor, hugging him as if that hug had always been inside of her, waiting to come out. I wish she acted that way toward me when we were younger. Of all the reactions he could have predicted from her once she saw him, that was the least likely. I feared she may laugh and thumb her nose at me. Donald was anxious, scared, and intimidated to the point where he experienced a paralyzing hesitation, with bumbling, half-coherent answers. It took time, but Lindsay was able to soothe his nerves.

Yet now, being in her bedroom – of all places – it was back to square one.

“Don’t be silly. You don’t have to do that.” Lindsay shook her head in a swift arc and perfect teeth shone through her grin. “Kayleigh is my working name, but since you and I know each other, you can call me Lindsay as long as we’re alone together in this room. We’re friends, right? We’ve known each other forever.” Thin, supple fingers wrapped around his hand as they moved toward the bed. “But remember what Colt said, okay? The bartender? You must call me Kayleigh anywhere else in the house.”

“Okay.” Curse those butterflies in his stomach!

“Us girls here value our privacy, our anonymity.”

“Yeah, I understand.” We’re friends? Donald wondered during the drive to Flagstone if she would remember him. Let alone know who I am to begin with. Growing up, he could never summon the courage to approach her and introduce himself. Looking at Lindsay, admiring her from afar each day hurt. It physically hurt because he realized they could never be together.

So, why couldn’t Donald tell Lindsay how he felt? Zack would’ve kicked my ass if I said anything to her. She was the unattainable ideal, sashaying into class every morning in her yoga pants and baby tees with an armful of spiral notebooks. Every eye was drawn to her, like metal to a magnet, male and female alike. But she would put the notebooks down and take a seat, oblivious to the attention.

What exactly did she see in Zack? Was it a case of this so-called “bad boy” oozing confidence with his don’t-care, risk-taking attitude that appealed to Lindsay? Sorry, but I’m not a dick, nor will I ever be. Zack would strut into any room as if he owned it. He was narcissistic, obnoxious, impulsive, and cheated on her multiple times. Doesn’t she want someone who would be faithful? Someone who would treat her right and love her without question? Donald was Lindsay’s savior in his ongoing fantasies, rescuing her from the muscle-bound, dastardly jock. We’d run off on fun adventures every single night and marry each other.

Last December, rumors quickly became town gospel – The Citronelle Courier cited numerous sources that Evie, before her demise, made her living in this brothel and was “coerced” into the industry by Lindsay, whom they also reported was a prostitute.

Donald immediately registered on Happy Ending Ranch’s website and scoured its bulletin board for reviews of “Kayleigh” (who at the time was retired (and with Sammy)). Zack posted on social media Lindsay’s working name was Kayleigh there and, judging from the comments, she was a popular attraction. That’s no surprise. It took two days, but once Donald was able to find an archived copy of her biography page via the Wayback Machine website, he was on cloud nine. How many guys can say they have nude pics of their high school crush all grown up, a crush who never even knew they existed?

“So, I’m flattered you drove all the way from Citronelle to see me. And in this snow too.” Lindsay settled beside Donald on the bed and wrapped her arms around him for a quick-hitting embrace. His spine went stiff as plywood and yet another lump formed within his throat. “Whoa, hey there, Donnie. Settle down, okay? Relax.”

Donnie? “I … I had no idea it was supposed to snow.” If he were alone, Donald would proceed with his standard route – he would gather the nearest pillow, cover his lap, and jerk off. ‘Ol reliable, right? The only sexual comfort he’d ever known in life? Sweet mother of God, this girl had always done funny things to him. But Donald wasn’t alone, of course, yet he still had the urge to self-satisfy. Snap out of it, man!

He drew in another deep breath … of her. “I, uhh … the snow only started about fifty miles south of Flagstone, and … uhh, and since I’d come that far, I was … determined to make it the rest of the way.”

“You …” Lindsay inclined her head and offered a strained smile, “… don’t get out much, do you?” She eyed his crouched posture and the way his hands trembled at his abdomen. “Don’t take that the wrong way, Donnie. There is nothing wrong with being shy, being introverted. But the one thing I remember most about you back in school was you read books … a lot. Like, all the time. Why?”

“Umm, just wanted straight-As and stuff.” He fiddled with his shirt collar. Would you fuck me? Because I’d fuck you. Donald’s mind replayed an explicit fantasy, perhaps his most recurring one, where Lindsay would approach him in her cheerleading uniform after yet another heated argument with Zack. From the moment I first saw you, you made my pussy so wet. I need you. Forget my loser boyfriend; I’m going to fuck you tonight.

Back in the real world, Lindsay’s visage brimmed with warmth. “Relax. Relax, okay? Give me your hand again. Come on, give it to me.” She exhaled and hair rustled across her forehead. “See, that’s not so hard, is it?” Her smile blossomed. “So, you came here today for a reason, right? To see me, yes? Can you tell me exactly what it is you want from me?”

Instead of answering, Donald rubbed his face with both hands and when he dropped them back onto his knees with a thud, his hair was sticking up where he had ruffled it and his eyelids slammed shut.

“It’s okay, baby.” Lindsay flattened down a tuft of his hair, her voice a whisper, and latched on to his right hand again. “There’s no need to be nervous. Take a deep breath and settle down, will you? There. Breathe, baby. Yeah, that’s better. Much better.”

Silence reigned between them until Lindsay was the one who broke it. “Lots of people come to brothels, you know. All kinds of people, many of whom are lonely, and need a pick-me-up. Older, younger, all types. Men, even women too. There’s nothing wrong with it. Nothing wrong at all.

“In a brothel, you can escape your troubles and experience life on your own terms, your own way. I’m not going to judge you, Donnie. I won’t condemn you, either, nor would I ever tell a soul back in Citronelle you came here. That’s not my style – not how I do things, or how brothels operate, especially this one. Whatever happens will be discreet and only between you and me. There is no reason to be scared, okay? I want to help you. I’m here to help you.” She eased nearer and gentle, seductive lips brushed his ear, reverberating deep into his soul. “So, what can I do to make this experience one you’ll never forget? I want to make you happy.”

Marry me. “I …” A cold shaft of fear assailed him, so intense that he again slumped downward. You’re a loser. The words Donald’s father told him before his junior year, in a fit of anger, rang through his mind. Always have been a loser, always will be a loser.

Fingertips massaged his neck. “Talk to me, Donnie. I can’t help you unless you tell me what you want.” She cupped his chin and angled it up toward her, deep blue eyes holding him captive. “Do you want to have sex with me? Is that what you want?” Lindsay stroked her thumb across his lower lip. “Do you want to fuck me, Donnie?”

“Yes,” he said, surprised at the seriousness in his voice. “Yes, I do.”

“Okay, then. All right.” Lindsay’s cheeks turned a light shade of red. “Progress. Now we’re getting somewhere.”




“This dude is a virgin if I ever saw one.” Colt rubbed the spot above his eyes where a headache was forming. “It’s as clear as day.”

“You’re not a fan of Lindsay doing this. I get it.” Pamela stood across from Colt as they monitored the negotiating session via the surveillance system in their office. “Too many complications could arise with Donald knowing her, especially if he goes back to Citronelle and blabs about his experience to the whole town. But she’s a grown adult and wants to do this. It’s her decision.”

“What if two, three, four, or five people suddenly show up from Citronelle and want to party with Lindsay? Or more?” Colt sighed. “That would be awesome for business, I suppose, but there’d be no discretion for her, no privacy. Lindsay doesn’t need to be reminded of her old life and for the people in Citronelle to make more wild, unfair assumptions about her.

“What I ultimately want, you know, is for Lindsay to reconcile with her family, but this could impact that possibility, perhaps even destroy it. I don’t know; I don’t relish the income potential the way I used to.” His foot dribbled the floor like a basketball. “Maybe I should just retire and become a zookeeper.”

Pamela shot him a curious glance. “Random. But okay.”

“I streamed a show on Animal Planet this morning.”

She smirked and perched herself on the desk. “You love Lindsay the same way I do. I understand, Colt. I really do. You’re concerned with this guy showing up to party with her. Donald told you even though it’s been well over a year since he last saw Lindsay, he still goes to bed every single night and falls asleep fantasizing about her.”

“That’s not normal.” Colt blew out a breath. “In fact, it’s downright creepy. Maybe even obsessive.”

“This is a brothel.” Pamela’s shoulders flinched. “We deal in the creepy, don’t we? The obsessive too. I’m sure there are a ton of guys who fantasize about me every night as well.”

Colt couldn’t camouflage the storm raging in his eyes.

“Don’t second-guess Lindsay or overthink this, okay? The fact you have a heart and you’re not concerned with making maximum money is a secret that’s safe with me. I promise not to tell the other girls.”

“Gee, thanks.”

“And I’m overjoyed with the way you and Lindsay have gotten closer since the summertime, the way your relationship with her has grown. You’ve been killing yourself for so long with this place, Colt, worried so much about reducing turnover and improving our profit margin.” Pamela reached for her coffee and a smile tugged at her lips. “I’ve enjoyed watching you and Lindsay evolve and take shape as a couple.”

Colt inclined his head. “What’s with that look?”

“What look?”

“The smirk. The same smirk you always give me when you’re hiding something but refuse to say what it is.”

She passed him another glance. “Stop being silly. I was in love with Lindsay from the start, and I’m just happy you finally smartened up and allowed her into our lives because she’s such an awesome girl.”

“She is an awesome girl. I cannot argue with that.” Slowly, Colt rose to his feet and proceeded to the window with both hands clasped behind his back. “But I have a bad feeling about this party.”




“Yeah.” Donald’s eyes misted up. “Yeah, I am.”

“Wow, I’m so honored to be your first.” Lindsay couldn’t help but grin at the reality unfolding around her as well. Despite servicing 152 clients over the past sixteen months, she had yet to be with a virgin. To pop a cherry! This was something she’d been looking forward to for quite some time too. And Donald wasn’t a forty-year-old either. No, he was her age and, even better, Lindsay had a history with him. “Don’t you worry, I will take perfect care of you.” Knowing him would make things cumbersome, for sure, but at the end of the day it was a job, and Lindsay planned on treating Donald the same as any other client. I want him to look back fifty years from now and say being with me was the best sex he’s ever had. “So, what are you into?” Then again, this may be the only sex he ever has. “What gets you off, baby?”

“Well, uhh, passion.”

Lindsay moaned and her eyebrows wagged.

“I don’t know. Maybe we could, umm, try some of the stuff we talked about earlier, the things I fantasized about. And maybe you could wear something … s-s-sexy for me. I’ve read all your reviews on the website, and … you know, I’m really excited. I’m sorry, but I’m a little stumbling over myself right now.”

“Hey, that’s okay.” Damn, he loved the sound of her voice. “It just means you’re going to enjoy it.”

“Uhh, yeah. I will. I know I will.” Hell, just the sound of her breathing too.

“You will, trust me. So, is there anything else you want this evening?” Lindsay tilted her chin upward, exposing her neck. “What are your priorities, your needs? Your desires?

Sweat erupted on Donald’s forehead and he shuddered, gripping the blanket in hopes of stabilizing his emotions. “I’ve waited for this moment for a long, long time, but I’m not into anything crazy. Just a standard treatment.”


“Whatever you think is nice.”

“So, you want a Girlfriend Experience, huh?” She pinned him with a feral gaze. “You want the Kayleigh slash Lindsay Experience? Lots of people do. It’s my most common party request.” She glided her fingers up and down his back. “Hugging and kissing? Oral both ways? Sex in different positions? Lots of cuddling?”

“Yeah.” He bit his lip.

“And you have a thousand-dollar budget, am I right?” Considering this was Donald’s first time in a brothel (and his massive crush on her), Lindsay could fleece him if she wanted to. He’s not going to say “no” to any time frame I offer him. Did Lindsay have it in her to claim Donald’s money would only be enough for a ninety-minute party? Or would she play dirty – lowball him – and say her rate was a thousand bucks for sixty minutes? Scarlett and Mariko wouldn’t have a hint of remorse. They’d rob this kid blind.

“I’m willing to do a two-hour GFE for a thousand dollars.”

“Two hours?” A smile parted Donald’s lips. “Are you serious? That’s more than I …”

“Yeah, two hours, but no more.” Lindsay couldn’t jack her rates up like the others. Donald is a virgin and I want to take things slow and let him enjoy himself. Younger guys always pay the house minimum with me. Most of all, Lindsay wanted the experience to be monumentally epic, one he would always hold dear. If he’s truly been in love with me forever, I don’t need to be stealing his life’s savings to shave off twenty, thirty, or sixty minutes. I may be a whore, but I’m not a greedy whore. Besides, with this snowstorm, the house wasn’t brimming with customers. Being with Donald will keep me busy until nine or ten o’clock tonight.

But I also hope Pamela, Sahara, and Riley score some action too. She wrestled with a sense of guilt for having back-to-back clients on such a brutal day. Riley said she and Sahara have a lot of expenses coming up soon.

“I’m game for two hours,” he said.

Who would’ve ever thought Lindsay Anastacio would one day have sex with Donald Stanlick? He was constantly belittled, excluded, and hurt by others throughout their school-age years due to his interest in “uncool” things such as comic books and board games. He was the ultimate geek. Morbidly obese and blundering too.

Two years ago, just the mere notion of lowering her standards to simply acknowledge Donald’s existence repulsed Lindsay. And now, Talia Peacock and Anna Watson would die laughing if they knew what she was about to do. To hell with those bitches. They’re not my friends anymore. Not after the way they abandoned me last year.

But with Lindsay’s new, more mature mindset, she figured those roles could be reversed. Talia and Anna can continue to slave away at the pizza joint for minimum wage while I laugh all the way to the fucking bank.

Lindsay shook her head as if to unshackle those chains from her psyche. Let’s do this. If anything, this job had taught her that everyone – no matter their physical appearance or social status – was unique and deserved attention. Donald is such a good guy, so I’m gonna keep an open mind and enjoy myself. She again focused on his pocket protector and grimaced. But that may be easier said than done.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Sure thing, baby.” She smiled, affection flowing from her. “Ask me anything you want.”

“Were you … were you seeing someone else when I first showed up a few hours ago? Having sex with … s-someone else?”

“No, no, of course not.” The question took her by surprise. Though Lindsay was entertaining Javion here in her bedroom at the time, Colt told Donald she was unavailable until later due to a beauty salon appointment in another town. Lindsay knew this, too, because Colt said the same thing to all first-time clients if their preferred lady was preoccupied. “I was getting my hair and nails done.” The reasoning was simple: Colt didn’t want any new mongers to feel as if they were getting “sloppy seconds”, preferring they believe they were the first client their lady saw that day.

“I don’t mind if you were,” Donald said. “I mean, this is a brothel, right? I won’t take offense or feel weird about it. It’s not going to bother me.” He sloped his head to the right. “You weren’t with another client?”

“No, I was in Valley City at the salon.”

“In this snow?”

Lindsay hated being dishonest, but this was one of Colt’s strictest policies, and he wanted the ladies to deny, deny, deny with new clients when asked this question. He feared the truth may ruin their experience or, worse yet, make them change their mind. “I swear to you.”

His brow constricted. “Okay.”

“God, I can feel how hard you are through your pants.” Knowing she needed to change the subject – and fast – Lindsay brushed sultry lips across Donald’s earlobe as she gave him a handjob. “Can you take it out, baby, so I can see? I want to see it first. I need to see it.” The heavy breathing was an elaborate act on her part too. Since Donald was a virgin, Lindsay didn’t want to take the time, perhaps ruin his mood completely, and explain the dick check in detail.


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A white mesh appliqué corset and white thigh-high stockings. A white lace G-string put on over the suspenders that hung down from the corset. So Donnie can take them off you easily. The corset featured a busk fastening at the front and thick lacing at the back. So he can take it off whenever he wants. Calf-hugging, white faux leather fuck-me boots with elevated platforms and five-inch heels. Because he seemed fascinated with all your sexy footwear.

Lindsay had a difficult time walking in the boots – they were new, and she’d never worn them before, and the odd breathless feeling the corset gave her was unnerving as she tried to balance herself. This was what he asked me to wear. While Donald took his mandatory pre-party shower in the guest washroom, Pamela had Lindsay practice up and down the bedroom several times.

During one of those jaunts, Lindsay caught sight of herself in the mirror and gasped at the way her body seemed perfectly appropriated by the garments not only for presentation but also fucking. She required assistance with the corset beforehand, but Pamela managed to tighten the strings all along the back, and with one final, hard yank, Lindsay felt her abdomen shrinking. If a twenty-two-inch waistline wasn’t trim enough for Donald’s tastes, surely he would be satisfied with a nineteen, wouldn’t he? With the suspenders and G-string magnifying her appearance, Lindsay saw a submissive bed girl for hire in the mirror.

No, check that. I see Donald Stanlick’s slut.

“Let me do something with your hair before your trick finishes up.” Pamela’s voice was approving. She sat Lindsay in a chair and made an elegant bun out of the golden hair she brushed until it shined under the room’s multicolored lighting. “You’re such a lucky girl, honey. Oh, I’m so jealous of you. Virgin parties have always been my favorite.” Equal feelings of degradation and luxury swirled throughout Lindsay as Pamela gathered her tresses into a silver clip, adorned them with a pearl, and draped them over her left shoulder. “I want you to remember that after tonight, you’re going to be a major chapter of Donald’s life story going forward. Do everything you can to make losing his virginity as memorable as possible.”

“I will.” Donald Stanlick is going to put his dick in me. A shudder went through her. Lindsay had experienced worse, hadn’t she? But what did it matter? His money is just as green as a handsome, well-hung silver fox like Dave, isn’t it? She had over $25,000 in savings from working here since the summer and was hellbent on adding to it. I like it the accounts are in my name, too, and my name only. This way, there was zero chance of anyone else siphoning it dry. I still can’t believe I wasted a year of my life with Mike. More than anything, Lindsay kept reminding herself Donald was a decent guy. I used to feel sorry for him when he got bullied. I’d tell Zack and Clancy to leave him alone, but they wouldn’t listen.

“I’m jealous of Donald, too, honey,” Pamela said. “Look at you in your bridal corset. Such a pretty little present he’s getting tonight. I think once he’s done, after he leaves, I’m gonna whip out my pink strap-on so Colt and I can take turns fucking you. You look super yummy.”

“Use the black one instead?” Lindsay said. “It’s bigger, and it’s my favorite color.” She glanced behind her and found Pamela, graceful and sumptuous, smiling.

“You always have been a size queen, haven’t you?”

“I’ll never come across a dick that’s too big for me.”




Donald stood at the mirror and inspected himself in the trucker’s shower, wearing a gray bathrobe with Happy Ending Ranch’s insignia upon it, under which he was buck naked and ready to lose his virginity to the one and only Lindsay Anastacio. Though I never fantasized I’d have to pay for it. But this was a wise investment, was it not? Sure, Donald cobbled together every spare nickel and dime he could since December, hopeful Lindsay would one day find her way back to the brothel so he could bring all his fantasies to fruition. People in e-mail said these girls don’t care about your physical appearance or how you act. Even at his young age, Donald realized he had to take better care of himself, else he would suffer severe physical ailments down the line. If I looked like Zack, Lindsay would’ve been all over me in high school too. He recalled two website users in particular he shared countless messages with regarding Lindsay. SammySlams said I couldn’t do any better for someone to have my first time with.

This sure was an awful lot of money to spend, though. I skipped out on attending E3 in Los Angeles for this opportunity. Everyone on the website said it would be worth it and to forget about the cost. Tony435 told Donald since he knew her from school and was in love with her, Donald should think of the money as a way to provide for “Kayleigh”, to take care of her. And in turn, he said, she will take care of you. SammySlams advised him this was a “transaction” and he needed to extract every ounce of pleasure he could to receive maximum return on his purchase. Donald made a face. Sammy told me to “bang the hell out of that cunt” and expects a full report tomorrow. But to Donald, Lindsay wasn’t a cunt. She’s an angel.

What if Evie were not only still alive, but still employed here as well? Oh, cripes. In his mind’s eye, Donald envisioned Lindsay and Evie naked, crisscross applesauce, on the mattress in that decadent bedroom, sharing a massive two-headed dildo. I wonder if they were lovers back in school? Donald would give life and limb – and whatever amount of money – to be in the middle of an indecent threesome featuring Lindsay and Evie since Sammy informed him she preferred girls over guys. He called Lindsay a dyke; I never would have presumed that about her. Perhaps on his next visit, if he saved enough cash, Donald could experience Lindsay and that friendly, older lady he spoke to earlier in a threesome. Pamela is her name, right? The one with the massive hoo-hahs. He wondered if Lindsay had ever enjoyed sex with her too. Hmm, what a sight the two of them together would be.

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Taking a deep breath, Donald pushed away from the counter and gave himself one final glance in the mirror. He had two hours to spend with Lindsay and didn’t want to wait another millisecond. Treasure this time, enjoy it.

Tonight, you finally become a man.

“Come on in, Donnie,” Lindsay said in her most pleasant voice once he made the short trek to her room. “We’re gonna have a lotta fun.” Donald may have kept his head down, but that didn’t deter his eyes from going to where Lindsay’s pussy bore only a tiny G-string, its cleft peeking out, and the hint of her little nub’s hiding spot. The same pussy Donald had kissed and licked and sucked and fucked numerous times in his dreams.

“Yeah, that’s it, baby.” Lindsay placed her hands on either side of Donald’s waist and leaned in for a slow yet simple kiss. She breathed him in. “Hmm, you smell so good after your shower. I appreciate you taking the time to freshen up for me. That was so thoughtful.” Down the hall, Colt activated the stopwatch to keep track of the time as the would-be couple, albeit a temporary one, disappeared behind the bedroom door.

“Oooooh, I’m so cold.” To Donald, Lindsay always had a way about her. Just looking at her now with those baby blues, it was disarming but at the same time incredibly sexy. He noticed goosebumps on her arms and realized they were on his too. “How about we get a little closer? I need to warm up. I can’t believe how cold I am.” She escorted him to the edge of the bed and straddled his lap, one knee at a time, and linked her wrists behind his neck. “I don’t know about you, but I’m not a fan of all this snow.”

He swallowed hard. “That’s pretty close, I’d say. I’m … I’m getting nervous again.”

“Why? Don’t be nervous. It’s just you and me.” Giggles tucked into the nooks and crannies of her words. “Don’t worry, I got you. I’m a pro.” The heat of her sweet breath fanned across his face.

“Oh my God. You’re so beautiful. You’re a million times hotter than you were in high school, and I … I don’t know how that’s possible. I mean, I …”

Before he could finish the thought, let alone the sentence, Lindsay was there, cupping his face, and her mouth smothered his for a prolonged, earth-shattering kiss.

In that instant, when endless longing became reality, Donald forgot to breathe, but Lindsay’s breath filled his lungs. Her lips were soft and plump and achingly moist. She slid her opposite hand over the girth of his chest and balled it around the fabric of his bathrobe, bringing them chest to chest. Oh God. You are spectacular. All those years of admiring Lindsay, of wanting her in his arms, to hear her voice, her laugh, and the pipe dream of this girl loving him as much as he loved her all came crashing down on Donald like a tsunami. He felt the weight of it and again wondered why he had to pay for this. Despite that, Donald soon realized he was rock-hard, already, but Lindsay retracted her mouth so he could collect his bearings.

“Oh, Donnie. I’m so happy you came here to see me, and I promise to make this night one you’ll never forget.” She kissed along his neck and up to his ear. “Now put your hands on me before I go crazy.”

Donald was happy to dive into this quicksand, hoping he would be dragged under and never escape. His mouth found Lindsay’s and his hands wandered along the lovely corset and over her breasts. He rested a palm over her heart, overjoyed to find it beating fast and pure. But why the hell did she get breast implants? Why mess with perfection? No worries, that thought was shelved away once Lindsay again seized control, undoing Donald’s bathrobe and whisking it down his shoulders.

She settled deeper on his lap, a position she seemed comfortable with, and splayed kisses down his shoulder, his forearms, and his chest. Wow, we’re getting into it already, aren’t we? She’s not wasting any time. Donald’s hands went into Lindsay’s hair on pure instinct, kneading away as her lips, tongue, and teeth explored his skin. She slithered back up and latched on to his mouth yet again.

Lindsay nudged his legs apart and pushed further to tower over him, brushing a wayward curl of brown hair from his eyes. Donald was already on fire and ready but was too in awe of the magnitude of the moment – not to mention how beautiful Lindsay looked – to press the point. Realizing this, she gyrated against him, holding his gaze with unmatched scrutiny. As Lindsay increased the rhythm, again wrapping her thighs around his center and clamping down, she buried her face in his neck.

“Oh, Lindsay. You’re … you’re …”

Her hand proceeded down his side and squeezed his dick. Hard. That was all Donald needed, too, as his body went rigid, and he cried out her name. Surprised, Lindsay witnessed an orgasm tear through him, just like that, taking hold and consuming him. Her lips curled into a devilish grin once Donald’s body burned hot, every muscle flexed, as his head fell back and his eyes slammed shut. As the last of it subsided, he went limp beneath her, exhausted.

Although it happened oh-so-quickly, Donald marveled at what he’d experienced. What was that? Ninety seconds? Sixty seconds? No matter, it was exhilarating. It wasn’t just the physical aspect either. No, it was the intense feeling of connection, his lifelong attraction to Lindsay. I’ve been in love with this girl forever and want nothing more than to be with her. His ongoing fantasy to be the man Lindsay deserved, to protect and take care of her, to touch her, taste her, be gentle, hard, soft, deep, to worship every square inch of her magnificent body, to know her heart was just as full as his.

For the first time in his life, Donald felt overwhelmed and was ready to burst into tears.

“Donnie.” Lindsay’s hushed whisper offered a moment of clarity and allowed his emotions a respite.

Her lips shifted into the most radiant smile he’d ever seen. “Am I going too fast? Should I slow down?”

“No. No, not at all.”

“Can I kiss you again?”

“Please do.”

This time, Lindsay lowered her lips and praised him with kisses along his nose, eyebrows, forehead, and eyes, before gathering his head into her arms and offering an embrace. Lindsay felt his fingers caress the bands of her corset, and she knew how he wished he could tug those strings free. “Oh, Donnie. I’m going to teach you how to be a great lover.” He moaned and trembled beneath her.

When her hips began rocking about on his lap, Lindsay noticed her right hand had a heavy blotch of semen splattered on it. She contemplated things for a split second, then made certain Donald’s vision was still shielded away, only to bring that hand to her mouth and provide it with a quick, furtive lick of the tongue. No doubt, Lindsay loved the taste of cum. She was addicted to it yet despised the restrictions working in a brothel placed on her.

“Donnie?” She drew back and, after swallowing the substance, kissed him again. Colt and/or Pamela must never know what she had done, of the house rule and state law she’d broken. Lindsay settled her lips over the curve at the base of Donald’s neck and couldn’t resist the urge to sink her teeth in and suck it in against her tongue. “Why don’t you lay down on the bed and relax? I enjoy being on top. That way, I can really take care of you.”

“What … what do you mean?”

“I want your dick hard again so we can fuck.”

“Oh God. Yeah, yeah, okay.” Donald rolled onto his back without any further coaxing. Yes, please, yes. Lindsay stretched out on her side and delicate fingers traced the contours of his heaving chest. Lips followed her fingertips, leaving a slippery trail across his midriff as her left hand clutched his hip. Then she blew little puffs on the slick trail, sending more shivers up his spine.

“Oh Jesus. Oh my fucking God.”

As Donald watched Lindsay glide her tongue past his waistline, she produced a condom and slipped it down the length of his cock. Why are condoms required for oral sex here? For a moment their gazes locked, then Lindsay giggled and swiped her tongue over the head, which twitched uncontrollably. Donald’s heart leaped into his throat, and he clutched both hands upon the quilt as Lindsay lashed away at his dick, once dormant but no more. She placed a loose fist around its diameter and stroked while nuzzling a testicle with her nose and lips.

“Will you go to the prom with me, Donnie?”

“God, yes!”

Adhering to his role-play request from negotiations, Lindsay’s nostrils flared and a strained smile twisted her lips. “I broke up with Zack and know you’d treat me right, never do me wrong.” She scooted closer and kissed the side of Donald’s cock. Heaven help her, Lindsay loved dicks of all shapes and sizes – even Donald’s – and couldn’t stop as she licked up and down like a good girl with a lollipop, savoring the feeling of his thick veins pulsing under her expert care. “After we go to the prom, maybe we could find a hotel in Palm Springs and fuck?”

“I’d like that, sweetheart.”

Lindsay lowered her mouth onto his shaft, pumping its base, the same way porn girls did in the videos Donald streamed on his phone when his parents were sleeping. Once erect again, which didn’t take long, Lindsay swallowed him whole and reveled in the moment when Donald used his hands to push down on her head. “Fuck, Lindsay. Fuck yes.” She lost her breath for a spell, but to know Donald needed – no, he craved – her this way started the familiar wetness flowing beneath Lindsay’s G-string.

Donald labored to breathe, harder and harder still. Lindsay heard his grunts as she allowed his dick to utilize her mouth like a sex toy, as she must, and the prostitute had, without his knowing, slipped her left hand into her G-string to soothe her own rapidly increasing arousal.

“You like that, baby?”

“Yeah.” Donald’s eyes slipped into the back of his head. “Yeah, I like that a lot.”

Soon, however, Lindsay released the base of his erection and offered up some no-hands oral. Her blonde head bobbed with a frenetic speed as she clutched her breasts through the corset. Aggressive, wanton noises filled the air all around them. It took a moment for Donald to realize they were coming from her, not him. Lindsay pulled up and spat, like a trollop, then forced her mouth down again and fed as if she was starving, and hadn’t eaten in days, even weeks. “Fuck, I love dick. I love it more than anything.” She corkscrewed her face round and round while drool oozed from her lips, pooling in Donald’s pubic hair. “I want your dick down my throat. I want to choke on it!”

“Oh my God.” His eyes did their darndest to memorize this spectacular scene. “It feels so much better when you do it for real, not just in my fantasies.” Donald’s body writhed as she increased her tempo. “Holy fuck.”

“Don’t come again. Not yet anyway.” Lindsay gazed at him with those shining eyes and flicked her tongue across one testicle. “We have a long way to go, but it looks like you’ve got another whole big load in there.” Lindsay halted the splendid round of fellatio as she moved up and explored his mouth with her tongue. “I mean, not gonna lie, but sucking your cock made my pussy mighty damn wet.”

“Oh wow. Oh my God.”

“Pace yourself, baby.” A modest grin stole across Lindsay’s lips. “No girl wants a guy who comes so quick. Here, take this off.” After she helped him toss the bathrobe elsewhere, Lindsay’s eyelids fluttered as Donald’s hands found her breasts and massaged through the corset. “Yeah, touch them, Donnie. Grope them. They belong to you. These big-ass titties belong to you.”

He couldn’t help himself, either, slanting his mouth over Lindsay’s and his tongue again sweeping through her mouth. And, like the flipping of some internal switch, a beast awakened. Donald’s kiss became all-consuming, no longer content to cup her breasts, but grabbing her ass with both hands and jerking her hips up to his. Lindsay’s hands caught his shoulders, clutching him as she again wound her legs around his waist.

But she halted the amazing kiss, too, instead saying softly, “Okay. I’ve pleased you, Donnie. Now it’s time to reciprocate.” After unzipping and removing her boots, Lindsay crawled to the center of the bed and laid down, on her back, and discarded her G-string. “You can pleasure me now.” She loosened the corset in the back, then ran a hand over her pussy, spreading her labia and exposing slick, pink flesh. “Come on, baby. Come get a taste.”

The sight of Lindsay splayed out across the mattress – unguarded, soft eyes dewy with anticipation as she regarded him – jellied his spine.

“This is what you’ve always wanted, isn’t it?”

God, he yearned to please her. Like, really, in a way that made Lindsay’s whole body shake with convulsions, to deliver the best oral sex of her life. He knew that wasn’t possible, but cripes, it was a fascinating idea. He wanted to fuck Lindsay, too, long and hard, and for her to not only always remember how it felt, but to come back begging for more in the future – and without a price tag attached.

Lindsay fidgeted, breaking Donald out of his stupor, and let loose with a throaty, sensual moan when he lowered his mouth and nestled between her thighs. She was so ready, so hot, and when his tongue grazed against her sweet spot, he was a heartbeat away from exploding.

“Take your time, sweetie. No need to rush. We have time.” Lindsay trapped her lower lip between her teeth and purred. “Yeah, stroke your cock while you eat my pussy. That’s so fucking hot. Stroke it for me. Keep it hard because I’m gonna give you the fucking of a lifetime.” Donald took the initiative, parting her folds with his thumb and forefinger, and offering a swipe with his tongue. “Breathe it in, Donnie. Yeah, that’s it. But make a note: don’t sniff it before you eat it. You’re a typical boy.” He was being swept away by her gentle, yet demanding voice. “I like fingering … with your tongue. Hmm, there you go. Yeah, keep playing with yourself. Put a little more pressure on the clit. Keep that dick hard for me. Look into my eyes while you lick my pussy. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

“Should I go faster?” Emotions cracked Donald’s bones from the inside out.

“You can speed up,” Lindsay said in a breathless whisper. “Play with the tempo, mix it up. Surprise me.”

He kept going, again and again, harder, softer, harder, and then inside her, needing more. Needing all of her. His nostrils flared and he felt overburdened by the scent and had to draw back because it was becoming too much.

“Stay down there.” Lindsay’s hand went to the crown of his head and guided him back. “Don’t you dare stop. Oh yeah, baby. Right there, right there. I like that.” Donald was stunned at how Lindsay’s legs trembled and her stomach sunk in further, despite the corset, with every stroke. “God, baby. I love this. I know you love it too. Get my pussy wet for that hard dick. Stick a finger in there too. You can even try two.” Her thighs flexed, and her neck and back arched. “You wanna fuck me, don’t you? Yeah, we’re gonna fuck, and we’re gonna fuck real soon.”

Lindsay groped her breasts as Donald held her ass and feasted. But again, this was too much. He needed this girl more than oxygen. Lindsay sensed this, too, because in the next instant, she slithered down Donald’s body, settled above his pelvis, and jacked and sucked him into a volcanic frenzy until he was ready to erupt again.

“Lindsay. Oh God. Please, no. Oh my. I need …”

She detached and smiled down at him, her head tilted. “Okay, Donnie, I got you. You’re good. Are you ready?”

“Yeah.” Sweat again beaded on his forehead and broke out across his back as he swallowed hard.

“You sure?”


Since they’d discussed trying the doggy style position first during negotiations, Lindsay switched out to a fresh condom and flipped over, onto her hands and knees, and glanced back at him with a glowing smile. “You need any help putting it in?” When he shook his head, Lindsay said, “Now when you start, take your time. Don’t shove it in, okay? Remember, we want this to last. Nice and slow.”

“Like this?”

“Yeah, baby. Like that.”

Once Donald slipped between the velvety lips of Lindsay’s pussy, watching them part and collapse back in as the head of his cock disappeared, his lungs emptied fast. Lindsay reached back with one arm and clamped her hand on his side, telling Donald without words that he should remain this way for a moment, to soak up these incredible sensations before he went hog wild and filled with a hundred new sensations.

He memorized every beautiful detail – the elegant curve of Lindsay’s ass under his hands; the corset, now undone and exposing more perfection; her slender torso, so taut; her long-flowing hair, healthy and shining; and the slickness of her skin as it pressed against his. Every single solitary thing was pure magic, a true gem to be remembered and appreciated for its own, individual sexiness, and he did his best to do just that. And all those years of being in love with this girl, yet too afraid to act on his feelings came rushing back like stampeding horses as well. Man, high school had been torturous, but look at where he was now. …

After too short of a time to give everything proper justice, Lindsay lowered her hand from where it gripped him and returned it to the mattress, which caused her back to arch, giving him the green light to have his way after all.

And nothing could have prepared Donald for the scorching flame that charred his body to a crisp as he held Lindsay’s hips and thrust once, twice, a third time. He did go a little wild, despite her earlier plea, clawing, moaning, his pelvis now thumping away at Lindsay’s backside and his rock-hard erection burrowing deep. Energy pooled inside him, firing his every cylinder.

Lindsay’s frame rocked with each forward plunge and once she finally shed herself from the corset, Donald maneuvered her hips to his liking and found maximum leverage, pinning Lindsay in place, and pushing her breasts into the mattress. She was beneath him, pink and lovely and vulnerable, and ready to be taken, conquered.

“Fuck my pussy, Donnie. Hmm, yeah, that’s it. Stretch it open; fucking give it to me. Oh God, I love your balls slapping against my cunt like that. Oh, yes. More, more, more. Give it to me. Harder!”

An orgasm grappled at Donald’s core, trying to ascend, and he did his best to fend it down. Must. Keep. Going. His thrusts intensified. He abandoned himself, any thoughts, any sense of right or wrong. Lights abounded; the world itself was going hazy. It didn’t matter that Donald was paying money to have sex with Lindsay, just as long as he did. It was his business, not anyone else’s. The young man went harder, as hard as he could, drilling that little sliver as their bodies rattled and slapped together in the most depraved yet enjoyable way humanly possible.

But once Lindsay did something amazing – her Kegel muscles constricting and giving his dick an unsuspecting squeeze – Donald cried out in an orgasm that hurdled him toward the absolute brink of insanity. He rocketed over the edge, freefalling into a bottomless pit as fireworks burst behind his eyelids and his soul was deluged with a flashflood of ecstasy and sensations. Nothing had ever felt so marvelous, so visceral.

Or so right.

Donald collapsed to the mattress, but Lindsay was right there, as she should be, gathering him in and cuddling, her heart full of warmth and affection. It wasn’t the best sex she ever had – not by a country mile – but why would it be? He had been a virgin. Lindsay refused to loosen her grip, however, wanting to stay as connected as physically and spiritually possible considering this had still been a monumental experience not only for him but her as well.

“I loved this!” Lindsay wanted to bawl. Her emotions had been all over the place this past year, but these were happy tears. Tears of truth. “Don’t move, Donnie. Don’t move. Rest, baby. Just rest. I want to feel your heartbeat against mine. Oh my God, it was such a privilege to be with you for your first time. It really was. I had so much fun.”

She glanced at the countdown timer on her cellphone and bit her lip with a telltale grin. “We’ve got an hour-and-thirty-five minutes left in our party, baby, but you know what? You’re getting an extra thirty minutes for free. That’s right; I’m giving you a freebie tonight so we can experiment and play, and you can live out some more of your fantasies.” Donald moaned and his entire body shuddered as Lindsay serenaded him with kisses, like tiny treasures to his lips, his cheeks, and his chin, as he lay shellshocked and sated in her embrace. “As a matter of fact, you’re not going anywhere until I’m done with you.”




“Yes, of course, I’d love to party with you again.” Four hours later at the brothel’s main entrance, Lindsay stretched up on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to Donald’s cheek. “Hmm, that would be fantastic.”

Donald reeled Lindsay into his arms yet again and bundled her tight, but no words were spoken. How could he tell her that for the first time in his life, he felt legitimately happy? All thanks to her? That he never realized the life he had known up to now was pointless? That he’d been in love since they were toddlers and, after tonight’s events, he wanted to marry her? His emotions were on overload, but dammit, if he couldn’t come to grips with them, how could he expect her not to run for the hills if he fessed up?

“So glad we finally got to know each other.” He twisted his hands together and winced.

“I am, too, Donnie.” Lindsay spread sumptuous, open-mouthed kisses upon his neck, tasting him up to his ear. “Please come see me again. Please.” She caught his earlobe between her teeth and nipped, sending electrifying jolts beneath his skin. “You’re a really awesome guy and if I could travel back in time and change things, I would. You and I would’ve been friends a long time ago. As it is, I hate it that you’re leaving, and I’m going to miss you.”

Donald gulped down a steadying breath, and she captured his mouth once more, easing the sting with more kisses. After that two-and-a-half-hour party, and two additional hours conversing at the bar, Donald was hard again, and ready to go. But he knew the drill. He was out of money, and it was time to say goodbye. Not bend her over right here at the door and have his way. Again. “Thank you for everything, Lindsay. You’re my favorite courtesan.”

“I am?” Her abdomen pulsed with laughter. “Out of the zero you’ve seen so far?” She kissed the line of his jaw, his neck, his collarbone. “Silly boy.”

“Yeah, so much better than …”

“Handy?” Amusement flushed full and free.

Donald smirked as well. “There will be a next time, I promise, but should I hit you up through e-mail or call the house first and make an appointment?”

“You know my username on the website, right? O-M-G-it’s-Kayleigh? Just e-mail me through there, okay? I check my e-mail several times a day.” She gripped his wrist and smiled. “When are you coming to town next?”

“No idea, but I’m hoping it’s in the springtime. I want two hours minimum, but a thousand bucks is a lot of money, you know, when you work at The Fireside Country Store like I do.”

“Well, I’m always around, baby. I remember that place too. The people who own it, they’re so nice.” Lindsay slid her forearms around Donald’s waist and squeezed, holding him and making him feel cherished. He closed his eyes and listened to the cadence of her breathing. God, she felt good. Warm and soft in all the right places. “Whenever you can afford to see me next, let me know, and I’ll be here.” She smelled like flowers blooming in the sun.

“Lindsay, Kayleigh …” Donald scrubbed his face. “… this was absolutely the greatest night of my life.”

“Good, I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

“Something I’m never gonna forget.”

“I enjoyed myself too,” she reiterated.

Donald glanced over his shoulder at the exit and frowned, then turned and noticed Colt giving him a locked-on stare from the bar.

It was time to leave.

Again holding his hand, Lindsay nudged closer to the door. “What are you doing with your family for Thanksgiving tomorrow?”

“I don’t know. Will I even be able to make it home? It’s a seven-hour drive, but I’m thinking it may be closer to ten with all this snow. If I’m there by eight in the morning, I guess I’ll call that a win.”

Her brows knitted together. “You’re not thinking of driving home in this storm, are you?”

He flashed his palms at her. “Do I have a choice?”

“Spend the night here in Flagstone. I don’t want you driving overnight after the experience you just had, especially in this snow. You need rest. The roads should be clear in the morning, and it will make for a much easier commute out of town. The Twin Tops Motel is right down the street and Colt can give you a coupon so the cost is only fifty dollars for one night. Its owner and the brothel have a business partnership. You’re so tired, baby, and you’re in no shape to be driving five hundred miles in the middle of the night. You need sleep.”

“I don’t have fifty dollars. I barely have enough money for gas.”


“I spent everything I had to have this evening with you.”

“But I’ll worry about you all night! You said your car is horrible in the snow and you almost got stuck twice coming here. This storm is supposed to let up soon and the county should have Route 93 clear by the morning.”

“I’ll be fine driving overnight. Don’t worry.”

“No, I am going to worry. I will worry. I don’t want you to take that risk.” Lindsay fiddled with the pocket protector on the left side of his chest. “I’m sorry. I know how this must all sound. I just don’t want to worry about you; I want you to be safe. You’re my friend now and I care about you.” She bit her lip and became lost in thought for a moment. “How I about I loan you one hundred and fifty dollars so you can spend the night in Flagstone, get breakfast in the morning, and have an easier drive home? The roads will be better and you’ll have a good night’s sleep. You’ll make it to Citronelle in plenty of time for Thanksgiving dinner with your family.”

“You’re going to … loan me money?” The thought of receiving cash from a prostitute boggled his mind. Isn’t that all they cared about? “How would I pay you back? More importantly, when would I pay you back?”

“Whenever your next party is. I’ll add an extra one hundred and fifty dollars to the total.”

Oh my God. Could she be any sweeter?

“I’m not worried. I know you’re good for it, Donnie.”

“I can’t borrow money from you.”

“I insist. Here, I’ll go get it for you. I have a safe in my bedroom where I always keep a few hundred dollars.”

Like a Tasmanian devil, a blur of wavy blonde hair burst out of the parlor and into the corridor on the right side. Donald again gulped his throat and made eye contact with Colt, who appeared equally perplexed at what had just transpired. In all his twenty-seven years at the brothel, Colt had never seen a working girl offer any sort of money to a client. The idea itself was absurd.

Then again, Lindsay was unique – in a class all her own. She was a handful, that was for sure, but it was part of her charm. Should Colt really be surprised? It was obvious to him that the party with Donald had struck a nerve in her unlike any she’d experienced before.

Down the hall, a door creaked again and the clicking of high heels bounced off the old wooden floorboards. “Donnie, I’ve got a hundred and three twenties for you, so you’re getting one hundred and sixty dollars instead.” Lindsay came to a stop halfway into the parlor. “Promise me you’ll use this for a hotel room tonight and a full breakfast in the morning.” She snatched a coupon from behind the counter. “I’ll even have Colt put in a call to the Twin Tops and ask them to take extra special care of you. Give you a big breakfast – anything you want. I know how much you like to eat.”

She moved closer, near enough that Donald was reminded just how delicate her features were, from her high cheekbones to her slightly pointed chin and the tiny indentations on each cheek as she smiled. “Promise me you’ll get a room tonight?” As she came closer, ten feet dissolving to five, three, and then a handful of inches, Donald had to resist the urge to back up. “Take it. As I said, you’re my friend now, and I care about you. After what happened tonight, I will always care about you. I want to know that you’re safe.”

He accepted the money as past and present overlapped in his head, his heart. The fingers on his left hand coiled into a fist. All night long he’d held onto his self-control for dear life. But as he reached for it one more time, Donald felt it fluttering out of reach.

Lindsay put her hand on his wrist, but he was so sensitive from a night full of touches that he flinched. It was either that or throw himself into her arms and profess his undying love, right then and there.

He couldn’t.

He wouldn’t.

But, oh, how he wanted to.

“Yes, I promise to get a room in Flagstone tonight.”

“Good. Now I’m not so worried.” Lindsay’s words were a breath on his lips and then she was covering his mouth with hers and kissing him with an even greater intensity than she’d shown at any juncture tonight.

This kiss was a full-on slick of her tongue against his as if she was trying to detail all the shades of his taste, like she never wanted to forget. What’s going on? Others told me that these girls don’t act this way after the party is over. Does Lindsay … actually like me? Is she attracted to me?

As her kiss spiraled deeper, darker, hotter while she pulled him closer and snatched everything he offered, how could Donald do anything but give in? He wanted to marry Lindsay, needed her so bad, years of devotion (and frustration) culminating in this moment in a whorehouse like she required oxygen from his lungs to breathe.

“Thank you again, baby, and have a good night,” she said once withdrawing her lips from his. “I had so much fun. I’m going to miss you and can’t wait to see you again.”

Donald’s mouth went back on hers and he pulled her from the door to fit tighter between his legs, his hands flush on her ass, his tongue forcing hers to dance again.

“Hey, bub, it’s time to go.” Colt emerged from his perch and approached the teenagers with purpose. “C’mon, close it up, say your goodbyes. You’ve been here long enough.”

The groan Donald had been trying so hard not to let go of sounded wanton and breathless as he reveled for a few more precious seconds in the sensation he had forever yearned for – to have Lindsay Anastacio in his arms.

Even if it only lasted one beautiful night.

Written by JeremyDCP
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