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The Girlfriend Experience Ch. 14 Part 2

"Lindsay struggles with having emotions for her clients."

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"Chapter Fourteen / Part Two"

“How do you do it, Kenzie? I'd like to know.” Hours later in the washroom she shared with Pamela, Lindsay stood idly by and allowed Kenzie to strip the minidress and lingerie from her body until she too, was naked. The dual parties with Becky and Nick had come and gone, unfortunately, and it was time for Lindsay and Kenzie to freshen up and prepare themselves for more possible customers. “I mean, I feel as if I'm getting close with my clients. Like I'm falling for them. Hard.” Well, all of them except the asshole who was nasty toward me last week. He can go fuck a tree for all I care. Ryker too.

Kenzie grazed the back of her hand over Lindsay's belly. “It's difficult, baby, especially at first. Some of your clients – like Sammy, Darius, Becky – they've been good to you. Did things and made you feel things you've never felt before. You gotta learn to set your emotions aside.” Kenzie stepped forward, kissed Lindsay's shoulder, and patted her ass with an open palm. “With time, you'll understand. It takes experience. You can't become attached to a trick.”

“That's what Scarlett kept telling me. Pamela too.”

“You can't go back to your room and cry like you did when Becky said goodbye and left with Nick twenty minutes ago.” Kenzie turned the water on in the shower and fluffed out her hair, which looked like a hot mess. “Not healthy at all, Kayleigh, and having feelings for someone you may never see again is going to drive you insane. You'll see your best clients three, four times a year, tops. I'm talking about the out-of-state ones. I have a lot of repeat regulars and I see them once a year. Good customers, I mean, and I only see them once a year. Going on vacation to Vegas is expensive and costs can double, triple, even quadruple, by spending a couple of hours here.”

Without having to say anything, both ladies stepped into the shower. There was plenty of room as Lindsay knelt with her back to Kenzie and allowed her to shampoo and condition her hair. Kenzie dropped down and Lindsay reciprocated. Soon, they soaped each other all over. Lindsay loved the feel of Kenzie's delicate, supple skin under her sudsy hands. And she loved Kenzie's hands on her body as well, soft, but also firm, and experienced. Kenzie slipped a damp washcloth between Lindsay's thighs and she moaned with renewed pleasure.

Kenzie proceeded to back Lindsay against the cold, tiled wall and both kiss and grope her for a good two minutes. Kenzie's lips, pliant and insistent, clung to Lindsay's. They parted and tongues explored. Water from the showerhead continued to pellet them from above as Kenzie held Lindsay close and didn't feel like letting go anytime soon.

“Don't you have feelings for Nick?” Lindsay was curious as Kenzie soon nuzzled her neck and kissed away. “You said he's your favorite client – by far – and you love it when he's in town.”

Kenzie gave a strained smile and tilted her head. “Good old Nick.” She paused for a moment, trying to gather the right words. “He is my favorite client and I do love it when I get to be with him. Nick's been here multiple times and has spent forty, fifty, maybe even sixty thousand dollars on me. That's number one. I always know it's going to be a profitable day when Nick is visiting.”

Kenzie again burrowed her lips upon Lindsay's neck and nibbled away. I don't consider myself bisexual, but this girl is way too tempting to pass up. She didn’t plan on having sex with Lindsay here in the shower – just a make-out session, a cooldown of sorts after the parties they had.

Working at the brothel has provided me with a deep appreciation for the female form and its beauty. Still, Kenzie didn’t classify herself as bisexual. I don't have feelings or desires for any woman. Never have, never will.

But she did like to play.

“Number two is I'm safe and secure with Nick and know he's not one of these guys who thinks he can show up and treat me whatever way he wants. You learned that last week yourself, Kayleigh, with the one client, the one with the tiny dicklet. Just because these guys pay money doesn't give them carte blanche to be rough and physical with us to the point where it's painful. A lot of them don't seem to understand that.” She gave a half-shouldered shrug. “Nick treats me good, like a true gentleman. I appreciate that.

“But do I have feelings for him? Genuine feelings? No. No, I don't.” Kenzie brought her knee up and prodded it upon Lindsay's pussy. “Now I'm not like Scarlett or Nicolette where I could care less about my clients – especially my preferred ones – and whether they live or die. That's harsh to say, but you know what I mean.”

Lindsay spread her legs and straddled herself harder upon Kenzie's probing knee.

“At the same time, I do care about Nick to an extent – an extent – but I also keep my distance. I have to. He's married and I know for a fact he's having problems with his wife. He told me so. Plus, I have no interest in dating or a real relationship with anyone. I'm so beyond that and am happy – content – with my life the way it is. Besides, I'd never date a client anyway. Not in a million years.”

Lindsay stepped away and her loving heart sank within her chest. “Problems? Nick is having problems with Becky?” How could anyone have problems with Becky? Lindsay didn’t understand.

“Nick isn't happy. Thought it would help his marriage to bring Becky here and for them to have a memorable experience together, but it … it …” Didn't. Nick voiced his frustration to Kenzie earlier about Becky’s insistence that Lindsay be included in their party Monday night and was more upset she’d gone one-on-one with her today. He wanted all their time to be spent with me exclusively. Kenzie had to calm Nick down earlier when he spoke about it. Apparently, they had a huge fight at the hotel over us. Said he’d divorce Becky if he had the balls to do it.

“I don't know all the particulars. All I know is he's unhappy. Not sure why.” That was a bald-faced lie on Kenzie's part, but she couldn't tell Lindsay what Nick said. It was shared in strict confidence and Kenzie feared the truth would hurt Lindsay as well. She had a soft spot for Becky. Girl needs to slow down and take a serious step back. She can't have these feelings for her clients.

“The thing you must remember about working here, Kayleigh, is the customer you see and interact with – the way they treat you – that's not the way they are in their real life. Whether it's a positive experience or a negative experience, they're different people outside these walls. Guys, even girls, they come here and get all excited, all amped up. They're happy. Real happy. Ecstatic. They know they're about to live a fantasy. And during ninety percent of my parties, the client says he – or she – wishes they didn't have to leave. I hear it all the time.

“Why? Because back home, their life sucks. They want more than what life is offering them. Whether they're a widow, a senior citizen at the end, divorced, in a bad marriage, have terrible luck with dating, or they're a lonely, desperate virgin, people have their reasons for coming here. And when you get down to it, it's generally the same reason. To have an escape where they won't be judged, ridiculed, whatever. And to have women like you and me take care of them.”

Kenzie bit her lip. Mariko had this same discussion with me three years ago when I was becoming too emotionally involved with my clients. After all, Kenzie was once a newbie too. I'm sure someday two or three years in the future, Kayleigh will pass these same words on to a wide-eyed, impressionable turnout herself. It was a natural cycle in this business, a passing of the torch.

“There are exceptions to the life sucks thing, but they're rare. I have a married couple from Washington who visits me every six to nine months. They're wonderfully happy and still in love after all these years. Still, partying with me – partying with Pamela, Scarlett – it's an escape for them.”

“What's your point?”

“Don't allow yourself to become so invested in your clients. That's my point. Just like these people aren't seeing the real Lindsay Anastacio – not Kayleigh, but Lindsay who grew up in a small town with her parents and three sisters – you're not seeing the real them either. They're different people away from the house. Nick says Becky likes to bitch about everything. Did Becky bitch or complain with you at all? No, of course she didn't.”

“Well, uhh …”

“Becky was happy and putting up a false front. Nick has plenty of faults too. I've been with him enough times to know he can be moody and tense. That's amplified by a million away from me, I’m sure, because he's always on his best behavior here.” Kenzie flung a hand outward. “A lot of guys won't even tell you their real name. They make something up. Darius, for example? His name could be Marquis for all we know. Or DeShawn. Women too. Becky's real name might be Stacy.”

Lindsay stood frozen in the shower, lost in thought.

“And Sammy? I know you had a five-star time with him, but don't you think it's a bit odd he's been with a thousand working girls over four decades of marriage? Why does he stay with his wife? It's not like he couldn't afford a divorce with all the millions of dollars he has. When I've partied with him, he's never had anything good to say about his wife.” She sent an indifferent glance around the stall. “Seems to me Sammy would've moved on long ago. He could buy himself a new girlfriend. Hell, an army of girlfriends, maybe a wife. Or two.

“You want my opinion? Sammy gets off on the idea of cheating on his wife – her name is Barbara if I remember correctly – and sneaking around behind her back. That, and he has an insatiable sex addiction.” Kenzie snorted out her derision. “It's more severe than anyone I've ever known. I think he's sick and needs help. He's fucked up in the head.” Her expression grew turbulent. “Sammy is a rich, powerful man, and thinks he can do whatever the hell he wants.”

Lindsay's eyes narrowed at those words. Sammy didn’t need help and wasn’t fucked up in the head! And what was wrong with being addicted to sex? Lindsay was addicted to it too.

It didn’t matter. Kenzie’s opinion was meaningless to her. Sammy was sophisticated, educated, and the most mature man she’d ever met. Sure, he was bullheaded as well, but that stemmed from being an alpha male. Sammy was intimidating, arrogant, perhaps a bit obnoxious, too, but certainly not “fucked up” in the head. What a ludicrous idea, Lindsay thought.

Besides, in eleven days when she traveled to Utah, Lindsay was going to feed Sammy’s so-called “addiction.” And she was holding out hope that Barbara would indeed be gone for the day, visiting family, so she could take her punishment and ass fucking (among many other things) from Sammy in his very own bed. …


<> <> <> <> <>


Her body wrapped up in a pink bathrobe, Lindsay tended to herself sometime later at the dresser-drawer mirror in her bedroom, but her mind was in a daze.  I love Sammy and he told me this morning in an e-mail that if he had his way – if things were different – he'd be happy with me being the first and only woman he's ever been with. Sammy added in his latest message that it was his fantasy to forever take care of Lindsay and give her what she both wanted and deserved.

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He said I’m the girl he’s been searching his entire life for. Sammy also claimed the man who ultimately marries Lindsay and puts babies in her, grows old and gray with her, will be the luckiest man in recorded history. How sweet! If he was younger, he’d do anything for that man to be him. Said he’d move Heaven and Earth to make it so.

No guy has ever said such nice and considerate things to me before. Sammy really cares and I know he’s just as much in love with me as I am with him. He had a wife, yes, but Lindsay didn’t care. Fuck her. Bitch doesn’t take care of him the way she should. Besides, it wasn’t like Lindsay would ever have to meet and deal with Barbara herself, right? If I were her, I’d be sucking that big dick nonstop.

Sammy is my new boyfriend now. It’s official. Every time she had to take her mandatory week off from work in the future, Lindsay was going straight to Salt Lake City so she and Sammy could be together. Or maybe we can meet in Vegas. Sammy promised to spend a few days there with her later in the year, to show her around, and take her both camping and hiking in Mount Charleston too. I’ve always wanted to go there and conquer the summit.

Lindsay grinned at her reflection, blow-dried her hair, and then brushed and meticulously styled those long blonde tresses with her curling iron. I'm going to fuck Sammy when I see him next time like he's never been fucked before. Fuck him so incredibly long and hard he cannot take it anymore! He'll be begging me to stop, but I won't.

Oooooh, I can't wait for Utah!

Lindsay ventured over to the closet and browsed her collection of outfits before deciding on a cutesy dress. She pulled the strapless piece from a hanger, draped it over her arm, and glanced down at her collection of shoes. The silver ones Pamela let her borrow seemed like a good choice. Lindsay snatched the pair of peep-toe, sling-back heels before returning to her bed. Let's see if I can graduate up to four-inch heels. If so, Pamela would be happy. And perhaps one day, I'll be able to walk around in those three-inch platforms with the seven-inch heels that Pamela does.

Yeah, right. Was there any chance of that ever happening? I'd fall and break my neck!

Lindsay desperately wanted to have another party or two before the day was over. Want. More. Money! She was going to take her sweet time glamming herself up, too, because standing out from the other girls during any potential lineups tonight would give her a considerable advantage. With Pamela in Maryland, I’m hotter than all the others here anyway. They ain’t got nothin’ on me. Plus, it was imperative she look her best for the customer and give them the greatest experience (ahem, girlfriend experience) of their life.  It was her goal with every party.

I am a little too loving and too caring for this job like Kenzie and some of the others say, but I can't help it. Mom always said every person is meaningful and, no matter what, they deserve recognition and respect. It was her golden rule – treat others the way you want to be treated yourself. It wasn’t in Lindsay’s nature to look at her clients like they were rolling down an assembly line, or worse, a monetary transaction to be discarded after the fact.

Transaction. That was Scarlett’s word. I don’t like it because it seems so impersonal. Yes, maybe Lindsay did become a little too invested in her customers and needed to cut back, but she’d never view them the way Scarlett did. And she wouldn’t detach herself like Kenzie insisted she should either. My customers aren’t things, or dollar signs. They’re people who matter and should be treated as such.

But Lindsay had to deal with her emotions better and not cry like she did after Sammy left the house last week. The same thing happened with Becky earlier, too, and Tony on Saturday night. I hated to have to say goodbye. In a perfect world, Lindsay would have room in her bed every night for all of them.

Is there any need for me to change? Really? I’m real, not fake, and my generosity, my sincerity, could wind up earning me massive cheddar in the long run. At the core of it all, that was her reason for being here, right? I wanna be rich! For becoming a whore and selling her innocence to others? I need a sugar daddy who’ll give me money, gifts, diamonds, everything. In fact, Lindsay could do one better: I don’t need it, I deserve it!

She again smiled while retrieving a pair of earrings from the jewelry box and a pendant on a solid gold chain. Darius had these delivered to me yesterday from Amazon. The attached note said it was his way of saying “thank you” for the threesome party with her and Pamela. In return, Lindsay wrote Darius a long e-mail last night and added a nude selfie. I hope he jerks off to it. And Lindsay made certain to mention that she was looking forward to seeing – and fucking – him again.

I should send him some more dirty pics. …

Lindsay dropped the assortment of items onto the mattress and opened her lingerie drawer. She tapped her lips with a pair of fingers and surveyed the options, ultimately picking a pink-and-white, diagonally striped silk bar and G-string set. I’ll take another selfie in a bit and send it to Sammy this time. He loved any photos of her, always thanking her for any little glimpse.

Lindsay returned to bedside, dropped her robe, and slid the panties up her legs. She leaned forward as she hooked her bra for maximum cleavage effect. Heh. What cleavage? My titties are way too small. Perhaps one day, Lindsay would get implants like Becky. According to her, they weren’t that expensive. Shit, I’ll get a sugar daddy to pay for ‘em and compensate him properly in return.

Lindsay stepped into her dress and turned toward the mirror while zipping it up. She ran her hands along those tight, slender curves, and over the floral black lace overlay which went from her hips to beneath the curve of her breasts. The lace gave that portion of the dress a corset-like effect. She smoothed out the fluffy skirt and giggled at the sight of the black hem dangling around her knees.

Lindsay maneuvered the top of the dress above the cups of her bra. Her breasts almost spilled out from the precariously low neckline. The light-colored hickey Becky gave her earlier was in plain view. I asked Becky to stop – I didn't want a hickey because other clients will see it – but she insisted and offered me a fifty-dollar Visa gift card. Lindsay couldn't turn down a gift card, could she? Becky said she wanted to “leave my mark” on her.

Lindsay tied a red ribbon sash into a bow at the front of her waist and slipped both the gifted necklace and earrings on. She did her eye makeup with a soft tinting of gray shadow and black liner before applying strawberry gloss to those lush, juicy lips. Sammy calls them my blowjob lips! After spritzing herself with Dolce & Gabbana perfume and adding another dusting of mascara, Lindsay put all her supplies away, backed up from the mirror, and took a hard look at herself.

I look ready to go to the prom!

The whore prom, that is!

Delighted, Lindsay snapped a selfie with her smartphone and e-mailed it to Sammy with a small love letter attached. For good measure, she also e-mailed the same selfie to Becky and thanked her for such a fabulous afternoon. I think she’d be the perfect sugar mommy!

Lindsay returned to the bed, sat down on its edge, and slipped into Pamela's expensive high heels. Wow, having my toes sucked like that by Becky was trippy! Lindsay didn’t realize just how ticklish she was until today.

When she opened her door and stepped out into the hallway, Jim was walking toward her from the other end. Per her style, she flashed a bright, glittering smile, and waved a frenzied hand at him.

“I was coming back here to get you. There's a trick at the bar who'd like to see you.”

“Seriously? Again?” Lindsay fisted both hands beneath her chin and did a little happy dance. Another customer already? Asking for me without a lineup? “It wouldn’t be one of those hot firefighters from earlier, would it?” Did it matter who it was? The more money I make, the better car I'll be able to purchase for my trip in August.

Jim chuckled and motioned for her to follow him. “This guy stopped by earlier while you were with Becky and now, he's returned. He is looking forward to seeing you. Requested you by name both times.”

“One of the firefighters?” The bald one with the big muscles and sexy tattoos? I want to wrap my arms around that man’s gorgeous body and never let go.

“No. This guy is entirely someone else.”

“Okay, okay, that’s cool.” Lindsay took her time and sauntered in the unfamiliar pair of stilettos to the parlor. Another dick for me to suck on and play with? She wasn’t one to discriminate, not in the slightest, but she hoped her next client was older. Double, even triple her age. Older guys are so fucking hot. She enjoyed the challenge of wearing them out and having five to ten minutes of cuddle and kiss time to close out the party. I want them to remember and fantasize that it’s me they’re with every time they fuck their boring ass wife in the future.

Lindsay’s face turned beet red and she glanced away before making her final approach. Meeting a potential new client for the first time always gave her a certain, indescribable rush she’d never experienced before working here, like a shot of adrenaline. Seriously, I think I was put on this Earth to fuck and satisfy others. The sensations were already rolling in waves.

Maybe I should think about getting into porn, too, like Riley says. That way, in theory, Lindsay could be a high-end escort – one of the world’s most sought-after – and Chastity’s Ranch would be begging her to work for them. I’d make five, six times as much cheddar there as I do here!

She shoved those thoughts to the wayside for now. It’s showtime, sister! Time to put on her sweetest smile and make some money. Lindsay had already become comfortable with the meet-and-greet and the negotiating process. I’m a natural for this job!

Jim was still chuckling – like he was hiding something – as he held up the curtain and allowed Lindsay to pass through. She glanced up, made eye contact with the lone man on the other side of the bar, and her jaw promptly fell open. It literally hit the floor. Her legs paralyzed in place and her face overcome with shock, Lindsay brought a hand near her mouth and tried to speak, but no words came out.

“Wow.” The older gentleman gasped as his sharp, lecherous gaze devoured Lindsay from head to toe and swallowed her whole. “You look fucking amazing, darlin'.” His eyes shot back up and she was met with a hot, devilish stare. “Surprised to see me, babygirl?”

Daddy's home. …

“OhmiGod! It's you!” Lindsay was finally able to speak, but it came with a shriek – similar to a banshee-like cry. She summoned a deep breath and her stomach trembled. “Sammy! …”

(End of Chapter Fourteen)

Written by JeremyDCP
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