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The Girlfriend Experience Ch. 44 Part 1

"Lindsay sets up a threesome involving her and two guys."

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Available 6/19-7/26


Height: 5'3”

Weight: 101 pounds

Blonde Hair

Blue Eyes

Measurements: 34d-23-34

Age: 21 (birthdate: Dec. 4, 1999)


Hi everyone!

I’m Lindsay, a bubbly 21-year-old who was born and raised in the city of Sacramento, California – home to the state's capitol building. My childhood was filled with love and support from my family, and we always had a blast together. One of our favorite traditions was our annual summer trips to Palm Springs, where we would hike, swim, and bask under the blazing sun.

After graduating from high school, I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do with my life. College felt like the expected path, but I wasn't passionate about any particular field of study. But then I stumbled upon LPIN and everything changed. As someone who has always been drawn to sex, I was immediately intrigued by the idea of turning my insatiable craving into a profession. Without any hesitation, I packed my bags and moved to Nevada to become a professional companion for hire. The constant demands of brothel life initially overwhelmed me, but as I embraced my new identity and began entertaining clients, it also exhilarated me.

Pamela, a former courtesan at Happy Ending Ranch, taught me everything I know about giving an unrushed girlfriend experience. I couldn’t have asked for a better mentor.

As we engage in deep conversations and lock eyes, I make sure to give you my undivided attention. With each touch, our passion grows until we reach the peak of intimacy. Your every desire becomes my lone priority as I strive to fulfill your deepest fantasies.

When I'm not busy creating experiences that last a lifetime, I'm working toward my massage certifications. My clients have raved about my luxurious sensual body rubs and healing touch. Between appointments, you can find me sunbathing poolside, working out at the gym, or unwinding over a glass of wine with the other lovely ladies here. We’re the closest sisterhood!

While this admittedly very non-traditional career path wasn’t what I pictured for myself as a child, I’m incredibly proud of the commitment and courage it required to take this leap. Every day brings new challenges and thrilling discoveries, shaping me into a stronger person and a more skilled lover (they don’t call me Lindsay Sucks for nothing!). My motivation extends well beyond pure financial gain, too, as I plan to use my earnings to explore every corner of the world. In this moment, I am content with my independence and the lucrative pleasure that comes from doing what I genuinely enjoy.

Are you interested in an extended play GFE? We can start the party off right with a champagne toast in the hot tub and then follow up with a super naughty Netflix and chill. A Hulu and do you. An IMAX and climax. Or an Amazon Prime and nasty time. To book an appointment, please call Happy Ending Ranch’s office at 775-555-0105. Or if you prefer to make it a surprise, feel free to show up unannounced – it’s all part of the fun for me.


With love,



Let’s create some unforgettable memories together!


<> <> <> <> <>


Ryan traced haphazard circles on the bar’s finish, his rugged fingertips catching on the occasional nick or groove in the weathered wood. He shifted on the cracked vinyl stool, the worn material clinging to the denim covering his thighs. The sticky underside of his beer bottle left a wet ring on the scarred surface as he lifted it for a swig, the sharp, yeasty taste doing little to quench the thirst parching his throat. His concentration flicked to the curtain every few seconds, boring holes through the tattered fabric.

Beside him, Justin, a half-empty pint glass in hand, had a grin stretching from ear to ear as the neon lights cast a garish display of red and blue hues onto his face. But once he noticed his best friend’s dilemma, Justin poked an elbow into Ryan’s ribcage. “Dude, don’t worry. Jim just flashed me the thumbs up. She’s gonna be here any second.”

The once-fragmented rhythm of Ryan’s bouncing knee intensified, rattling the barstool. “So, this is really happening, huh?” Clammy hands flexed into fists. “I mean, I’m stoked, don’t get me wrong. It’s just a little surreal, you know?” His fingers drummed a frenzied beat against his kneecap, matching the rapid pace of his thoughts. “Just another typical Saturday, right? Hang out with a buddy, hit the brothel, bang a hot chick together. No big deal.”

Looking every bit like the smug cat who had just devoured the world’s most satisfying canary, Justin shifted on his stool. “Kayleigh – Lindsay? – I gotta ask her what’s up with that later. But hey, I’m telling you, man, she’s the best in the business. Top-shelf, grade-A, one-hundred percent certified knockout. Hell, you’ve seen her before. That party with Tessa? Child’s play, my friend. This girl is gonna blow your fucking mind. Pun very much intended.”

“God, I hope so.” Ryan couldn’t tear his eyes away from the velvet barrier that separated the bar from the private back rooms now, almost willing her to appear through sheer force of will.

“Hey, I get it. I understand,” Justin said, his own gaze drifting there as well. “Every time I’m here, waiting for her, it’s like … electric, you know? Like it’s Christmas morning and I’m a kid again.” He glanced back at Ryan. “But the best part? The reality is even better than the anticipation.”  

Crisp clicking, though distant, cut through the baseball commentary droning from the corner television. Tap-tap-tap, pause, tap-tap-tap. The irregular cadence drew closer, each strike against the hardwood a countdown to ignition.

“Christ, that’s gotta be her.” Ryan’s chin jerked up, neck craning in the direction of their forbidden fruit.

Masculine heads swiveled in unison, a scattering of glazed eyes and slack jaws magnetized due west. The clacking sharpened, authoritative snaps of stiletto heels punctuated each sashay. Their echoes serenaded the parlor, feeding the swelling undercurrent of murmured speculation. Vivid fantasies sparked and caught, whipping through the bar like a four-alarm fire – silken skin prickling to attention under calloused hands, anxious breaths swallowed by liquor-numbed lips, and unspeakable pleasure blurring the lines between business and reality.

Justin thumped his glass on the bar and slid off the stool, boots hitting the floor with a decisive stomp. Devilry danced in his eyes. "Into the abyss we go.”

Torn between high-strung nerves and unshakable lust, Ryan maintained his white-knuckled death grip on the handrail. "Nah, man, I’m gonna hang back a minute. She might rabbit if we come on too strong right out the gate."

“Dude, she ain’t gonna rabbit! Whores don’t rabbit.

The beat stuttered to a halt. Fibers whispered together as the curtain rippled, then parted.

And there stood Lindsay, a devastating vision of loveliness, bathed in the amber glow of fluorescent lamps and neon beer signs.

Luxurious golden ringlets spilled over her shoulders in a shimmering stream, chasing the delicate curve of her collarbone. Cobalt eyes sparkled with open invitation, promising euphoric indulgence to any man financially secure enough to dive into their depths. Scarlet-stained lips, the color of ripe cherries and unholy desires, parted to reveal a flash of pearly white teeth. The salacious ambiance caressed her figure, painting tantalizing highlights and mysterious shadows across nubile expanses of skin.

"Is that my Justin I see, or am I just dreaming? Wow, what a surprise. Back again so soon, baby?” Breathless laughter tinkled out as Lindsay glided across the stained wood floor. The hem of her deep teal dress swished around toned thighs, damning the standards of decency. With each rolling step, her surgically enhanced breasts bounced and swayed like buoys on rolling ocean swells, trembling against the plunging neckline barely containing their ample charms. She threw her arms around Justin's neck, crushing her lush curves against his solid chest. "Two visits in one month? You're spoiling me!"

“Trust me, honey, you’re the one doing the spoiling.” He extended his arms wide, welcoming her embrace. “I couldn’t stay away if I tried. You’re too damn irresistible.”

Ryan tracked the hypnotic sway of Lindsay's hips as he waited his turn, transfixed. The silk shrouded her contours, tracing the graceful arch of her hips and accentuating the dip of her waist. Exquisite wishbone straps strained over her shoulders, somehow accomplishing the Herculean task of keeping those heaving swells from spilling free. Ryan had never been so jealous of a piece of cloth.

“You look happy!”

“Nah, I …”

Another peal of bell-like giggles drowned out Justin’s reply. Lindsay stepped back, hands resting on his shoulders, amusement dancing across her features. "Just in a good mood? I can understand that.”

Mirth still clinging to her lips, Lindsay pivoted to face Ryan. One stiletto pump shifted in front of the other as she strutted toward him, each step an invitation to worship at her altar. "Mmm, and what do we have here?"

Ryan fought to swallow past the Mojave that had taken up residence in his throat. Feeling like he was trapped in a vat of molasses, he slid off the stool and stood rigid. "I'm, uhh …" He coughed, clearing the rust from his vocal cords. "I'm … I’m Ryan." His fingers flexed, itching to confirm that this woman wasn't an alcohol-induced mirage in this otherwise vast desert wasteland.

"Ryan." Lindsay purred his name, sampling it as if it were a delectable morsel. Fragrant jasmine tickled his nose as she pressed against him, soft flesh yielding to unyielding muscle. Delicate but insistent arms twined around his waist. "I’m Lindsay. I’ve seen you admiring me from afar here and there before, but I think it’s high time we finally got to know each other personally, don’t you?”

Heat streaked through him. "Damn, girl, you read my mind." He gestured to the nearby barstool with a flourish worthy of Houdini. "Would you like to sit down? Make yourself at home.”

After a head tilt and flirtatious lip bite, Lindsay perched her perfect little backside on the offered stool. Strappy heels hooked over the brass footrail as she spun to face him in an array of silk and blonde. Thick lashes fluttered over bright eyes. "Buy a thirsty girl a drink?"

With a crooked finger, Ryan beckoned the bartender over.

Jim moseyed to their end of the bar, drying his hands on a ratty dishtowel. "What can I get for you, princess?"

Lindsay inclined her body, a waterfall of cleavage spilling over the neckline of her minidress. "I'll have what he's having." A dainty finger walked an idle path along Justin's thigh as he settled onto the stool behind her. "You boys are too much. To what do I owe this honor? Justin, darlin', I thought we had our next date circled for August."

Guttural emotion tore from Justin's throat as he smacked his knees with both hands. He swiveled Lindsay to him and pinned her with an inquisitive gaze. "First things first, babe. Lindsay? You’re going by Lindsay now?”

She shrugged, a demure smile nipping at her lips. "Oh, that. Just needed a change, I suppose." Seeing Pamela use her real name had given her the inkling to do the same. And now that Pamela and Colt were off to Baltimore, Lindsay was in charge of the house for the next few months. If not forever. Her first act as general manager was to shed the name Kayleigh and adopt the moniker she’d wanted to use since day one. Colt said I have full authority to do whatever I want. I’m running the show now. “I think Lindsay suits me much better.”

"It's not your real name, though, right?" Justin pressed.

Her lips twisted into an exaggerated smirk. "Oh lord no, of course not." If I’m going to use my real name, I must protect my identity now more than ever before. Her fingers tangled and untangled, a nervous ballet of digits betraying her inner turmoil. She forced a giggle, the sound bubbling up from her throat like champagne from a shaken bottle. "I don't know; I’ve just always been partial to the name Lindsay for some reason."

"You've been Kayleigh to me for three years." Justin's fingers crept along the skin of her forearm, tracing idle patterns from wrist to elbow. "Old habits die hard, so don't be surprised if I slip up and call you that during our party."

The draft beer glistened like liquid diamond in the cut crystal mug, refracting the hedonistic glow of the dingy surroundings. Lindsay wound slender fingers around the tumbler, crimson nails flashing against the sparkling facets. She brought it to her lips, the slight tremor in her hand indicating a flutter of nerves beneath her poised façade.

Having secured Justin’s unwavering focus, Lindsay tipped the glass back in one swift motion. The alcohol seared a trail down her throat, igniting a heat that radiated outward through her chest. She savored the smoldering warmth, so different from the block of ice that seemed to permanently reside in her stomach these days.

"It’s all good, love," Lindsay purred, setting down the glass with a decisive clink. She signaled Jim for a refill, knowing all too well it was the liquid courage needed to navigate yet another treacherous journey on the self-imposed path to eternal damnation. Mischief danced in her eyes as her lips curled into a feline smile. "You can still call me Kayleigh if you want."

The opening chords of Britney Spears' "I'm a Slave 4 U" oozed from the loudspeakers, its baseline reverberating through Lindsay's psyche. Though seated on the stool, her body couldn’t resist the siren’s call of her favorite song. Lindsay’s thighs parted slightly, one foot tapping in time with the beat. Her hips circled, a slow, sensual grind against the leather seat. Delicate hands scaled up her thighs, fingers teasing the hem of her skirt before gliding higher. Her back arched and head tipped back in a moment of freed bliss. Music was her therapy and sex was her escape.

She was so tired of feeling anxious and overburdened with all these new responsibilities. What happens if bringing Donnie here backfires like it did with Evie and Becky? Holding Justin’s hungry stare, Lindsay silently vowed that today would be different. Jim already told me these guys want a two-on-one. Today, she would seize every carnal pleasure offered with open arms and not fret over the administrative side of things. Two cocks, one girl, zero worries. Consequences be damned.

Lindsay shifted her sights back to Ryan, noticing the perspiration forming on his brow and the nervous twitch of his fingers. You’ve never fucked a girl with another guy present, too, huh?

Don’t worry.

“So, tell me a little bit about yourself.” Ryan’s eyes blinked with curiosity as he studied her, trying to reconcile the vivacious young woman before him with the snippets of information he’d gleaned from his best friend about her life. “How did you get started doing this?”

Lindsay skimmed a fingertip along the edge of her glass, her expression growing distant for a moment as she seemed to ponder the question. A wistful smile played at the corners of her mouth. "I was chasing thrills. Craving excitement, the rush of the unknown. The chance to embrace my wild side and push my limits.” She quirked an eyebrow. “But let’s cut to the chase, hot stuff. The cash was the reason. A girl’s gotta eat, right?”

Ryan responded with a wink and a nod of acknowledgment. "Can’t argue with that logic.” He raised his bottle in a toast. “To chasing thrills and making bank. May we all be so lucky.”

Lindsay’s glass tinkled against his. “Damn straight, skippy. In this life, you gotta grab the bull by the horns and ride it for all it’s worth.” She nudged closer, her breath warming his ear as her voice dropped to an intimate whisper. “And trust me, I know how to ride.”

“Holy shit, girl. You can’t … I mean, fuck. You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?” Ryan shook his head, a touch of amazement coloring his expression. "And three years in the game at just twenty-one years old?" He let out a whistle. "Impressive."

Pride flashed across Lindsay's face at the compliment, her posture straightening. "Yep," she popped the "p" sound at the end of the word for emphasis. “What’s with the twenty questions, Lieutenant Hottie?” Her eyes remained steadfast, a silent challenge in their depths as if daring him to probe further. "Why so curious? Thinking about trading in your firefighter gear for a pair of assless chaps? Want to be the next Magic Mike?"

An explosion of unexpected laughter erupted from Ryan's chest, and he held up his hands in surrender. "Oh, hell no. I think I’ll leave the exotic dancing to the professionals. I just find you … intriguing."

Justin, who had been observing the exchange, chuckled and slapped Ryan on the shoulder. "Careful, bro. This one’s a maneater. She’ll devour you whole and still have room for seconds. Take it from someone who knows.”

"Oh, don’t be a killjoy. I don't bite … much." She bared her teeth in a mock growl, then dissolved into giggles. Straightening up, Lindsay glided her hands over the front of her dress, the silky fabric crinkling beneath her palms.

"But seriously, boys," she continued, her tone dropping an octave, becoming sharp and domineering. "You want to know the secret to my success?" Lindsay paused, allowing the anticipation to build as she glanced between Ryan and Justin's eager faces.

She nudged closer and stage-whispered, "Hard work, dedication, and a killer pair of heels." Lindsay extended one immaculate leg, showcasing the gleaming white stiletto encasing her foot. Her hand gravitated to Ryan's forearm. "Never underestimate the power of a good shoe."

Justin let out a murmur of appreciation, his eyes trailing over Lindsay's heel-clad foot. "Noted. Beauty and wisdom – a deadly combination."

Ryan's skin tingled where she'd touched him, a frisson racing up his spine. A lump caught in his throat, but he was able to stave it off. "So, uh, what's the craziest thing you've experienced in your line of work?"

Lindsay threw her head back and emitted a cackle that echoed throughout the entire parlor. "Oh, sugar, the stories I have could scandalize or enchant, depending on the view.” She shook her head, blonde waves bouncing around her shoulders. "Let's just say I've seen and done things that would challenge everything you’ve ever thought possible.”

She underscored the statement with a wink, her mascaraed lashes fluttering. Ryan found himself leaning closer, drawn by the allure of illicit exploits.

"Paint me a picture," he breathed, his words a fervent appeal.

"Ah, ah, ah," Lindsay tutted, clicking her tongue in mock disapproval. "A lady never kisses and tells." Her fingers danced up his thigh, her touch a velvety whisper against his skin. "But if you play the game just right, I might just grant you a glimpse behind the curtain. And if fortune favors the bold, that glimpse could turn into a full-scale spectacle … today.”

“Today, huh?” he croaked, his mouth dry as sandpaper. “I like the sound of that.”

She unleashed a wicked laugh. “I thought you might. But patience, baby. Good things come to those who wait.”

Desperate to regain his equilibrium, Ryan propped his forearm upon the bar. "So, Lindsay, I've heard some pretty impressive things about you. Rumor has it you're the Maserati of the escort world. The best money can buy." Ryan’s teeth flashed, white and broad. "What I want to know is, what makes you so exceptional? What's your secret sauce, so to speak?"

Lindsay's abdomen fluttered with suppressed amusement. "You know, I'd like to think it's my charm and wit that keep them coming back for more." She brought the mug to her lips, savoring the rich liquid as it caressed her tongue, the vapors dancing on her breath. A couple of coughs escaped her, dissipating into her hand. "But honestly, I'm just passionate about what I do. Making memories for my clients is what truly lights me up."

Justin saluted her with a tip of his head. "That's what sets you apart, honey. Your dedication in every party we’ve ever had shines through.”

Lindsay's cheeks bloomed with a subtle, petal-pink blush reminiscent of a shy rose unfolding its delicate layers. "Oh, thank you both so much for your kind words." Her soft-as-silk expression returned, lingering on the two gentlemen. "I'm excited for today. It promises to be quite an adventure."

A tickle teased the back of Ryan's throat, an insistent itch clamoring for relief. "Speaking of adventures, Justin and I had quite the weekend in Vegas. We tried our luck at gambling and ended up winning big."

Lindsay's eyebrows arched skyward. "Oh, intriguing. Last weekend, you mean? Pray, do share."

"You should've seen it. The roulette wheel kept landing on our numbers over and over again. And then we moved on to craps, and it seemed like every roll went our way." Ryan’s head wagged back and forth. "We walked out of there with more money than we ever thought possible."

"That's incredible! I'm not much of a gambler, but it sounds like you two really lucked out."

"Man, we couldn't believe our fortune. It was like the universe was telling us to keep the good times rolling, you know? We figured, what better way to do that than by booking some quality time with the hottest girl in Nevada? We were gonna go all out, too, and get a foursome with you and Tessa. But when we stopped by the other day to make an appointment, Jim dropped the bomb that she'd split.” He released an old man’s sigh. “What’s up with that? Tessa was barely here a minute.”

"I think it'll be much better with you, Lindsay, and you alone." Just thinking about it gave Justin sharp palpitations. "That way, we can focus all of our energy on giving you pleasure. It won’t have to be divided up."

“Oh, wow. You boys certainly know how to butter a girl up.” Lindsay eased inward yet again, her jasmine-scented hair brushing against Justin’s cheek. "You know, I think it's time we stopped all this talking and started having some fun. What do you say we hit the dance floor?"

Justin grinned, already on his feet. "Sounds like a plan. After you.”

He held out a hand to Lindsay, who took it with a glowing smile and stepped forward, only to glance back across her shoulder. "Just where I like you. Behind me.

As Lindsay tugged Justin toward the postage stamp of a dance floor, Ryan found himself following as if drawn by an invisible string. The frantic pulse of the music seemed to synchronize with his heartbeat.

Lindsay moved with fluid, honed grace, her hips bumping hypnotically to the beat. She looped her arms around Justin's neck, their bodies melding as they danced. Ryan stood rooted in place, unable to tear his gaze away from the amazing scene before him.

Detecting the palpable essence of his concentration, Lindsay glanced Ryan’s way, her lips curving into a come-hither smile. She curled a finger toward herself. "Don't be shy, Ryan. There's plenty of me to go around."

A vermillion warmth flooded Ryan's face at her bold invitation, but his feet were already carrying him forward. He sidled up behind Lindsay, resting his hands on her hips – those fine, fine hips encased by the blue hemline of her minidress, which left little to the imagination.

Lindsay reached back, twining an arm around Ryan's neck and drawing him flush against her. “That’s more like it, baby. Oh, wow. Is that a big dick already?” Her words were brazen, so unladylike, and it awoke a beast within him. She was soft in all the places he was hard, her curves fitting into the planes of his body. Her hips ground between them. “I looooove big dicks.”

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Ryan let out a shuddering breath, his mind reeling from the heady combination of her proximity and the thrum of the music. He looked up to find Justin watching them with a shit-eating grin.

"Looks like our boy's a quick study, eh?" Justin teased, his hands splayed across Lindsay's waist.

"Mmm, I'd say so," Lindsay agreed, turning her face to nuzzle against Ryan's jaw. Her lips grazed the sensitive spot below his ear, turning his mind to mush. "He's got some moves, that's for sure. And I see he’s packin’.”

Emboldened by her praise, Ryan let his palms wander, exploring her body with growing confidence. The sparkle in Lindsay’s eyes signaled wanton depravity as she melted further into their combined embrace.

They moved in perfect unison, the three of them, their bodies blending together as if they had been dancing for years instead of mere minutes. Lindsay stood at the center, a radiant sun around which they orbited. Her movements were skilled and effortless, her hair a shimmering golden curtain that brushed against their skin with each step. The allure of her presence enveloped Justin and Ryan, drawing them to her like planets pulled by gravity.

The rest of the universe fell away, the bar fading into insignificance. All that mattered was the music, the electrifying press of entwined bodies, and the pressure boiling between them.

"God, you're incredible," Ryan breathed, his lips nibbling at Lindsay's ear.

She turned in their arms, looping a hand behind each of their necks. Her thumbs stroked at their napes, her touch sending tingles cascading across their nerve endings.

"Hmm, so why aren’t we in my bedroom yet?” she drawled, her gaze heavy-lidded, and full of promise. "Ready for a ride on the Lindsay Express? Buckle up, boys, because lunch today is VIP seating only, and we have a table reserved for three.”

The backhanded slap to Ryan’s shoulder, sharp and sudden, was a prelude to Justin’s thrilled outburst. “See, what have I been telling you? This girl is something special! She’s so fucking hot she could melt an iceberg.”

This wouldn’t be a threesome, but rather, a two-on-one involving two best friends where they’d channel all their attention into this little firecracker of a sexpot. No one else had to know, right? The mere thought of their boss or family members somehow learning of this taboo encounter brought an initial pause for Ryan. It wasn't just about the immediate thrill; it was the looming threat of repercussions. But the rational part of Ryan’s brain, the part that would be setting off warning bells, had short-circuited the instant Lindsay stepped into the parlor.

This was Ryan’s ultimate fantasy come to life. To stuff a girl so full of dick that she could theoretically drown in it.

He was flying blind, operating on pure instinct and need. And right now, his every cell was crying out for more of Lindsay, more of her touch, her scent, the intoxicating cadence of her voice.

"Melt me instead," he rasped, shocking himself with his audacity. "I'm all in, sweet cheeks."

She stepped back with a catlike grace, again smoothing out the dress over her curves. Holding out a hand to each of the men, she cocked her head toward the curtain separating the bar from the back rooms. “Boys? Alllll aboard.”

“You are so hot,” Justin repeated, taking Lindsay’s hand and snapping her close. “Fucking love you.

Ryan hesitated for just a heartbeat before reaching out to accept her other hand, marveling at the softness of her skin against his work-roughened palm.

As Lindsay led them toward the curtain, her hips swaying, Ryan felt a thrill of anticipation zigzag through him like ping-pong balls. With his opposite hand, he had no choice but to clamp down on his rock-hard cock through his jeans as if that would settle it down. Yeah, fat chance. Ryan had no idea what the rest of the afternoon would hold, but one thing was undeniable – with Lindsay at the helm, it was bound to be one hell of a ride.




Topic: I met a goddess in Flagstone

From: Zelathor

Gender: M

#Posts: 1

I met a goddess in Flagstone

Posted: June 8, 2021, 4:51pm PST

When I planned my summer vacation to Las Vegas, it was mainly for a trip to Happy Ending Ranch up in Flagstone. My wife passed away recently, and life has been difficult. I am not ready to start dating yet, so I thought HER would be the ideal place for some sexual healing, as the song says.

On the Ranch website, I was drawn to the profile of Kayleigh. To me, Kayleigh is particularly stunning because of her unique beauty: she has silky, platinum-blonde hair that falls in perfectly tousled waves around her flawless face. Her radiant complexion and elegant features make her a vision of timeless beauty in every photograph she shares. Her profile

suggests a hint of sophistication and class, too, and the whole effect is incredibly sexy. If any one feature does not translate literally from the photographs, it would be her eyes. They have to be experienced. Some of my favorite moments with Kayleigh were nose-to-nose gazing into those eyes. She calls them expressive; I call them intoxicating.

I surprised Kayleigh at the Ranch that afternoon because I didn’t have an appointment. Fortunately for me, she was available. She happened to be wearing an outfit that covered up her body, and this let her personality blossom. Meeting Kayleigh for five minutes feels like knowing her for five years. She is so easy to talk to, and she cares. I was nervous, not having been with a woman other than my wife for almost forty years. When I told her this, she immediately began saying things and doing things to help me relax.

After I showered, Kayleigh met me outside the bathroom door in a black bra and panties for the big reveal. I walked out saying something to her, and actually cut off in mid-sentence! She laughed. I failed to mention that Kayleigh has one of the best asses on the planet, and she knows it, and isn’t afraid to flaunt it.

Afterward, Kayleigh made plenty of time for pillow talk. I loved it. She gave me some compliments in a very genuine way, and some good advice about meeting women when I start dating. We had a long, chatty walk back to the lobby. I went into the bar by myself for a drink to help me reflect. Soon Kayleigh appeared next to me with a coffee, and we talked for another hour about completely different things. I don’t know if this gal realizes how much relief she gave me at this painful time in my life (although I suspect she does). I never imagined I’d meet someone so special on my trip to the Ranch that afternoon. Kayleigh, I won’t forget you.




Topic: Kayleigh Sucks

From: LaquonRIPE

Gender: M

#Posts: 53

Kayleigh Sucks

Posted: June 9, 2021, 4:06pm PST

Like most of you on here, when I heard Happy Ending Ranch was reopening, I had to go back like the return of the mack, as Mark Morrison would say. It was a shame Scarlett, Sahara, and Riley weren't an option at the time, but that was okay because it meant more time with Kayleigh. So I called Colt to set it up and luckily Kayleigh agreed to the party.

I arrived a day before my appointment to say hello to Colt and Jenn. Kayleigh also came out that day with Lucy, her housecat, so I made sure to work out the final details with her. After that, we chilled at the bar and talked while I bought her drinks and pet the good girl (both of them, actually).

On the day of our party, Kayleigh came out in stockings and heels and it was at that point I knew this was going to be good. Time just flew by with her. She fulfilled all my stupid little fantasies with a smile and everything felt so natural and unforced. I had fun talking to her during the downtime and even more fun with her during the uptime. Kayleigh was even generous enough to put up with my hip hop and R&B song requests to Alexa. It felt like we left on a good note so I'm hoping we can do this again the next time I go back to Vegas.



Topic: Kayleigh @ HER

From: TopMonger

Gender: M

#Posts: 156

Kayleigh @ HER

Posted: June 12, 2021, 5:56am PST

As promised, I have one last review to write and I saved the best for last.

There are many reviews on this board for the lovely Kayleigh (several are from me, admittingly) and I am here to report they are all true, every word. During my week in Flagstone, I wanted to make sure I did my due diligence and party with other ladies for a change, and some of them were absolutely fantastic as I described in my other reviews. That being said, I would have been an incredibly happy man if I had simply spent the entire week and all of my money partying with Kayleigh. She's gorgeous with an absolutely incredible body (her pictures do not lie) and she knows how to use it. She's also so amazingly adorable and sweet, I truly enjoyed chatting with her whenever we weren't otherwise preoccupied lol. She definitely made me feel like she enjoyed being with me as much as I enjoyed being with her.

I partied with Kayleigh four times throughout my stay in Flagstone including the duo I described in another review. She was my first party in Flagstone and also my last. My first three parties with her were hour-long parties, but they were far from ordinary. Partying with Kayleigh is an incredible experience. Every time I was with her, it was evident that she enjoys what she does, a lot, and strives to ensure you get as much out of the experience as she does. Kayleigh is single-handedly (among other methods ;)) responsible for some of the most intensely pleasurable feelings I've ever had in my entire life and it never would have happened if not due to her skill and sheer determination.

My fourth party with Kayleigh, I decided to go a little extra for and paid for two hours. I brought some food and we attempted to start up a movie on the TV in her bedroom. We had some technical difficulties which Mindy was kind enough to try to help us fix over the phone, but we ended up settling for using the TV downstairs and Kayleigh requested we get a bit of extra time for the inconvenience. After we watched our fill, we went back to her bedroom and picked up where we had left off and it was of course just as wonderful as it always was.

I had some really incredible experiences with multiple ladies during my trip to Flagstone, but Kayleigh was hands down my absolute favorite and I cannot recommend her enough. It is an absolute honor to know that no one has purchased more parties from her than me (she told me so), and I cannot wait for my next chance to add to that tally. I hope she holds onto her promise to never leave Happy Ending Ranch because if she’s still there in forty years, God willing, I’ll still be coming.

In more ways than one!

If anyone has any questions about Kayleigh or anything else, feel free to comment or PM me. I'd love to discuss anything I know.



Topic: Kayleigh – What an AMAZING woman!

From: D33Rock14

Gender: M

#Posts: 4

Kayleigh – What an AMAZING woman! 

Posted: June 15, 2021, 3:03pm PST

Hi everyone.  I just returned from a short trip to Flagstone with the hopes of visiting with a few of the ladies at Happy Ending Ranch. However, after my first encounter with Kayleigh, I found myself unwilling to book anywhere else!

I got into town, checked into my hotel room, grabbed a quick shower, and met with Colt to see who was available from my list of hopefuls. I was told that Mariko had just left (which legitimately made me sad), but that several others on my list were willing and waiting. I wanted to meet up with Kayleigh first, so off I went. I was greeted by the exceptional bartender, a lady with dark hair (whose name I'm genuinely embarrassed to say I don't remember) who offered me a drink and called out Kayleigh for me. 

Kayleigh came out and I'm sure I had the biggest kid-in-a-candy-store grin on my face! She looked absolutely FANTASTIC!!!! Even though she had cleavage to spare, I was instantly drawn to her eyes (the rest of her face was covered in a mask). She has the most mesmerizing eyes! I'm sure she was thinking "Oh great. Another middle-aged fatso."  However, I never suspected it. She was incredibly kind and introduced me to Lucy (the ranch’s new mascot, I think). We had a drink or two at the bar, talked for a while, and went back for some fun!

To say that she has beautiful breasts is to do them a disservice. They are huge, perky, and firm! We started off with a nuru massage that made my eyes roll in the back of my head, then moved on to a few different positions. At the end, she brought us both to a mutual finish, which I've never had before. Y'all … She's a squirter!!!!!!  IT WAS SO COOL!!!!!!!! We ended our time quietly chatting while she gave me a back massage. I returned to my hotel room, grabbed another quick shower, and passed out.

I woke up the next morning with one of the worst backaches I've had in several years (thanks to the marble-hard bed – thanks Twin Tops). I was more than a little worried that I wouldn't be able to have a second go around because of it. After several hours of stretching, I felt good enough to go back for more. I was thinking of visiting one of the other ladies before I left, but I just wanted to be with Kayleigh again too badly. Called and set up an appointment, and a few hours later, headed over for another fantastic hour with Kayleigh!

When I got there, Mindy greeted me and we had a nice chat while Kayleigh finished getting ready.  Kayleigh came out in this short little dress and looked sexy as hell! We had another couple of drinks and chatted a little bit, then went back for some fun. We tried a few different positions this time (I HIGHLY recommend doggy-style – it was magical). After the "fun" was over, we spent a little bit of time chatting while she gave me a VERY nice hand-job.

Kayleigh is an absolute treasure. Colt and Jim, please do whatever you need to do to keep her!  She's a hard worker and is an absolute sweetheart!  I've seen a couple of posts about nominating her for Courtesan of the Year. I wholeheartedly agree with that nomination! I'm hoping to return next month, but even if it's not for another few months, I know I'll be looking to party with Kayleigh again!





He did not admit to banging his babysitter!

Donald Stanlick's body convulsed as if an electrical current had surged through it, causing his flailing arm to graze the pitcher of ice water perched on the counter's edge. The pitcher teetered and tottered, its contents sloshing close to the brim before settling back into place. Jesus Christ. The words echoed in his mind, a silent exclamation of shock and disbelief.

His heart, now a frantic hummingbird trapped within the confines of his chest, pounded against his ribcage in a chaotic tizzy. Seeking stability, Donald leaned forward, his trembling forearms finding solace upon the cool surface of the kitchen counter. He dipped his head, as if in prayer or surrender, his chin touching his chest.

With deliberate effort, he drew in a deep breath, the air whistling through his clenched teeth. He held it for a moment, feeling the expansion of his lungs, before exhaling slowly, the measured breath escaping his lips in a soft, controlled chuff. Could you be any louder? The question crossed his mind, tinged with a mixture of annoyance and disbelief. Holy kamoly. The old-fashioned phrase, a remnant of his upbringing, seemed somehow appropriate in the face of such a startling interruption to his peace.

"Yes, he did," Kenzie said, her tone matter-of-fact, despite the incredulity that lurked beneath the surface. While she shared Amelia's disgust at the monger's brazen confession from the previous evening, Kenzie had learned to temper her reactions over the years, to maintain a veneer of composure even in the face of the most outrageous behavior. "I couldn't believe it either, sweets. I mean, who does that? Who boasts about something like that, especially to a woman they just met?"

Amelia's eyes widened, her mouth falling open in shock. "Wait, he actually boasted about it? Banging the babysitter? Like it was some kind of accomplishment?" She leaned forward, her elbows coming to rest on the table as she pinned Kenzie with an incredulous stare.

Kenzie nodded, taking a sip of her coffee before setting the mug back down on the table. "Yep. He seemed to think it made him some kind of stud, like it was a badge of honor or something. I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing in his face."

Amelia sat back in her chair, a look of disgust crossing her features. "Fuckin' manverts!" Her voice again rose to a near-shout in the quiet of the kitchen. In the background, and trying to clean the dishes, Donald shuddered. "Why the hell do all the losers come to our house? It's like we're a magnet for every creep and weirdo in the world."

Kenzie sighed, reaching across the table to pat Amelia's wrist. "I know it feels that way sometimes, sweetie. But you know why they come here. They think they can buy anything they want, including our dignity and self-respect.”

Amelia's shoulders slumped, the fight seeming to drain out of her as quickly as it had appeared. "I know, I know. It's just … it gets to me sometimes, you know? The way they look at us, the things they say. Like we're not even real people, just objects for their amusement."

Kenzie nodded, her eyes softening. "I get it, honey. Believe me, I do. But you know what helps me get through it?" She paused, unleashing a slow smile from within. "I think about Jim. About how he sees me, how he loves me for who I am, not what I do."

A hint of envy flickered across Amelia’s face. "God, Kenzie, you're so lucky. I can't even imagine finding a guy like that, not in this line of work.”

Kenzie’s palm came to rest on top of Amelia's. "Jimbo saw past the job, past the persona, to the real me underneath. That's how I knew he was the one."

Amelia’s hands clenched into tiny, yet furious fists. "I know, I know. It's just … sometimes it feels like all the good guys are already taken, you know? Like they're some kind of endangered species or something. I thought I had true love with Mike, but he turned out to be a psycho."

"Good men are out there, honey. I promise you. And when you find yours, all of the bad ones will be nothing but a distant memory. You just have to keep your heart open and your eyes peeled."

"I don't know what I'd do without you sometimes.” Amelia managed a smirk, squeezing Kenzie's hand. “You always know what to say to make me feel better."

Kenzie raised her coffee mug. "That's what friends are for, babe. To talk each other down from the ledge and remind each other that there's still good in the world, even when it feels like everything's gone to shit."

Gulping his throat, Donald dared a fleeting glance behind him, his eyes looming as they fell upon the sight of Amelia's exposed back. Her skin, a rich, velvety expanse of melted Godiva chocolate, seemed to beckon his touch, its smoothness interrupted only by the slender bra straps that crisscrossed her back like delicate ribbons. The sheer fabric of her expensive lingerie clung to her curves, accentuating every dip and swell of her feminine form, a tantalizing glimpse of the beauty that lay beneath.

For a moment that seemed to stretch into an eternity, Donald found himself spellbound, his gaze tracing the sinuous curve of her spine as it disappeared beneath the lacy edge of her bra. Amelia's beauty was a force of nature, a symphony of soft lines that threatened to ensnare his senses and draw him into her orbit.

As if feeling the weight of his stare, Amelia reached up with slender fingers to gather her dark, lustrous hair into a loose ponytail. The movement caused the muscles in her back to ripple and shift beneath her flawless skin, each tendon a masterpiece of feminity and elegance. Donald's breath hitched, his pulse pounding as he drank in the lovely sight, a vision that seemed almost too perfect to be real.

But even as he stood there, captivated by Amelia, a sharp pang of guilt pierced through the haze of his attraction – sudden, jarring, inescapable. His heart, a loyal compass forever pointing towards his true north, whispered a name that reverberated through every fiber of his being: Lindsay. The woman who held his heart in her gentle hands, the one whose love and devotion had become the very foundation upon which he had built his life.

His breath now reduced to a wheeze, Donald wrenched his focus away from Amelia, his eyes squeezing shut as if he could somehow forever banish the image from his mind. He couldn't bear to look at her any longer, to allow himself to be pulled into that gravitational vortex. His heart, his soul, his very essence belonged to another, and he would sooner cut out his own tongue than betray the sacred trust and unwavering love that Lindsay had so freely given him.

But …

Christ, how the fuck am I going to survive this place? The thought rattled, ricocheting off the inside of his cranium in a relentless assault. A reformed gaming nerd like me working around half-naked bombshells in a brothel all day? While my girlfriend is the marquee attraction, no less? The sheer absurdity of his situation crashed over him, threatening to sweep him under in a riptide of panic and self-doubt. I must be out of my goddamned mind.

What had ever possessed him to think he could handle a job like this? He, who until recently had been more at home battling virtual demons in his parents' basement than interacting with flesh-and-blood women? The irony was not lost on him, a bitter twist of fate that threatened to test the limits of his resolve.

With a last, lingering look at the line of Amelia's back, Donald turned away, his jaw clenched with determination. He would endure this trial by fire, would walk through the flames of temptation and come out the other side unscathed. He had to. For Lindsay, and for the future they were building together, failure was not an option.

Even if it killed him, even if he had to claw his way through Hell itself, he would find a way to make this work. Lindsay needs me. She flat-out begged me to come take a job here. And when all was said and done, Donald would emerge from the crucible stronger, worthier of the precious love Lindsay had entrusted to his care.

“Hey, no one ever said this job was easy,” Jim told Donald an hour ago, moving to lay a comforting hand on his arm when they discussed this very topic in the parlor. “Especially for a young guy like you. You remind me so much of Colt when he started. It’s a lot to take in at first.”

“Does it get easier? Being surrounded by, you know …” He jerked his head in the direction of Nicolette and Elisabeth enjoying breakfast at a corner table, wearing their frilly lingerie, unable to even say the words.

“In time, yes. You start to see past the T&A to the person underneath. These girls are just people, Donald. Flawed, complicated human beings like everyone else. Nothing to lose your head over.”

Donald huffed out a humorless chuckle. “Tell that to my libido. Seems to have missed the memo.”

“You’ll get there,” Jim assured him. “Until then, eyes on the prize, young buck. Keep picturing that princess girl of yours and how much you love her. How much she loves you. That’s your anchor. Cling to it and you’ll make it through. It worked for Colt. It worked for me. And, though you may not believe it yet, it’ll work for you too.”

(This chapter will continue in part two)

Written by JeremyDCP
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