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The Girlfriend Experience Ch. 44 Part 2

"Lindsay has sex with two clients."

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Author's Notes

"This chapter picks up immediately from Chapter 44 / Part 1"

"Okay. Yes. Let's do this.” Those words had barely left Lindsay's mouth when Justin swept her up and draped her over his shoulder, startling yet exhilarating her. His firm hand landed on her backside, a possessive grip that communicated his intent. With a nod to Jim in the booking office, Justin carried Lindsay toward her bedroom as if she were a sack of potatoes.

Lindsay dissolved into laughter as the world turned topsy-turvy, Justin's shoulder providing a solid perch. She draped her arms around his torso, clinging to him like a koala as he strode with a single-minded focus. Each jostling footfall fueled the flutter of excitement in her belly, the impromptu ride a thrilling start to their two-on-one GFE.

"Have a blast, you three!" Jim announced, flipping through and again counting the $4,000 in cash required for their session. "Two hours on the dot, and I'll give a knock." He glanced around nervously, and, seeing no one, pocketed a hundred-dollar bill from the pile.

In the corridor, Ryan followed just a breath away, a silent shadow whose presence heightened the static crackling in the air. Lindsay detected the magnetic pull of his fascination, ogling her blessings as if it were a physical touch. The raw machismo of both men, the potent essence of their testosterone, enveloped Lindsay's senses, clouding her thoughts with a heady rush of passion.

With a deft twist of his arms, Justin flipped Lindsay up and over, securing her in his embrace as he lowered her to stand on the bedroom floor. Her heart raced at the sudden change of position, again, her hands grasping bulging biceps for balance.

His smoldering gaze meandered from her eyes, down the graceful sweep of her neck and finally to the valley of her cleavage, carrying with it a sense of entitlement that sent a new thrill through Lindsay. Her hand fluttered to the tie holding the right side of her minidress up, but Justin was already there, brushing her skin as he tugged the fabric loose. It fell, the silken material pooling at Lindsay’s feet like a discarded second skin.

Justin's hands roamed Lindsay's body, caressing every curve from her breasts to her hips. He savored the silky smoothness of her skin, the fullness of her breasts, the pebbled peaks of her nipples, and the enticing swell of her backside. Pulling her against his chest, he turned her away and continued his sensual exploration. His fingers trailed down her abdomen, finding the apex of her thighs and cupping through the thin lace barrier, feeling her heat as a breathy moan escaped her lips.

“C’mon, baby. Give me what I need.” Lindsay couldn't hold back a gasp as Justin's lips crashed onto hers, his tongue delving deep and staking its claim. Not to be outdone, she turned in his embrace and reached for him, tugging at the buttons on his shirt until it burst open and they scattered to the floor. Justin laughed with a primal desire as he trailed kisses down her neck and grazed his teeth along her collarbone. Lindsay abandoned fumbling with the button on Justin’s jeans and instead tangled her fingers in his hair as he took one of her breasts into his mouth and reveled in the sensation of him sucking, licking, and biting her hard nipple.

“Okay, that’s enough.”

A burly arm wrapped itself around Lindsay’s waist, lifting her off the floor. Without warning, she was whisked from Justin’s clutches as Ryan grabbed a fistful of hair and tipped her head back.

“My turn to taste.” Ryan pressed his mouth to hers in a deep, exploratory kiss. Their tongues collided, taunting and teasing, as he pulled her flush to him as well.

“Look at these big-ass titties. Yeah, so big, so nice.” His head tilted, Justin cupped a breast and marveled at its beauty as he placed two fingers on her chin and turned it, breaking her kiss with Ryan, and aligning her eyes with his. “You’re so fucking gorgeous.”

She was so ready to take these guys on and satisfy them both. She’d already done so many other things with Justin in their prior parties. She’d given him countless handjobs and blowjobs. He’d jerked off watching her masturbate. They’d used toys, even exchanged rimjobs, and fucked in every conceivable position. But he hadn’t shared her with anyone else yet.

It was time. Both he and Ryan needed this. Justin wasn’t intimidated about being in a two-on-one. It wasn’t a competition or a dick measuring contest. He wanted to share Lindsay with his best friend, because it was Justin himself who originally proposed the idea three weeks ago.

Justin and Ryan seamlessly exchanged positions yet again, treating Lindsay as a treasured plaything to be passed back and forth. Once more finding herself in Justin's embrace, Lindsay allowed herself to be guided towards the sofa. The realization dawned on her – he had made mention of the ideal height of the couch back during their initial GFE, a perfect match for the tantalizing scenario now unfolding.

As the front of her thighs met the plush obstruction, Justin's hand found the smooth expanse between her shoulder blades, applying gentle pressure until Lindsay bent forward in acquiescence. Splaying her palms against the supple cushion for balance, she surrendered to his unspoken command. Justin's fingertips charted a leisurely path down the length of her spine, each vertebra a checkpoint in his sensual journey until he reached the rounded swell of her backside. There, his touch lingered, a promise of the carnal delights yet to come.

“So fucking gorgeous,” he reiterated, dropping to a single knee and offering her pussy a long thorough lick.

“How many times have you fucked this sweet gal?”

“Three,” Justin said.

Ryan’s entire body looked coiled and ready to jump in. “How’s her mouth?”

Justin smiled. “She can suck the chrome off a Corvette. She will suck you dry, buddy. I’d whip my dick out and fuck that mouth of hers if I were you.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Mere feet from Lindsay, Ryan kicked off his shoes, the thud of them hitting the floor amidst the pounding of his heart. His hands made quick work of his jeans and boxers, peeling them away to reveal his fully aroused state.

“Oh God.” In that moment, Lindsay knew she had her work cut out. Her lips parted as Justin gave her ass a little slap and pried her G-string to the side, licking her again, concentrating on her clitoris. Lindsay produced a condom, tearing open the foil packet and rolling the thin sheath over Ryan’s length.

With the stage set, Ryan anchored one foot on the sofa beside Lindsay’s splayed hands and guided her head downward. “Open up, sweetheart. It’s feeding time.”

He didn’t wait for her to comply. He teased her lips with the bulbous head of his cock. She opened and let her tongue flick along the sensitive underside, lavishing his hardness with her soft mouth as she took him inside.

A guttural groan rumbled in Ryan's chest, spurring Lindsay's efforts to new heights. She reveled in the weight and heat of him on her tongue, determined to drive him to the brink with her eager ministrations. In that moment, nothing existed beyond their intimate connection and the desire that bound them together.

Well, not quite nothing. …

Gripping Lindsay’s ass, Justin kept slithering his tongue along her pussy, pausing long enough to catch a glimpse of the blowjob before licking her again. He swiped and sucked without penance. The more she squirmed and bucked due to sensations on the front end, the tighter Justin held her, the more unrelenting his tongue. It was a battle she was willingly losing, her mind an attrition of lust with the two men using her orifices in their own selfish ways.

“Yeah, baby,” she moaned. “Oh God. Yeah, right there. I love that tongue on my pussy. Yeah, I wanna feel your fingers too. Right there. You’re gonna make me come.”

“You want more?”

“Oh my God,” Lindsay said to Ryan, “I always want more.”

He buried a hand in Lindsay’s hair, guiding both his speed and depth as he fucked her mouth. That’s just what he was doing, too – fucking her mouth – and she seemed to love it, her fist moving in tandem along his thick shaft.

“That’s it, honey. Oh, shiiiiit. I can already tell you’re gonna be worth all this money.” Ryan’s hips thrust faster, and he removed her hand, allowing maximum depth. “Yeah, suck that dick. Take it, take it, take it.” Lindsay accepted Ryan’s quick, tight strokes, the tip meeting the back of her throat time and time again. “Now hold your tongue out. Yeah, hold your tongue out just like that.”

“Oh, fuck.” She had to recede for a much-needed breather, only to glance back across her shoulder. “Oh, fuck yes. That’s so hot. I love the way you eat my pussy.”

Justin’s fingers were inside her now, stretching her open, and Lindsay knew he wouldn’t stop. He was going to force her to come. Lindsay’s eyes stung, tears burning their way to the front. Justin’s mouth was hot, wet, exquisite. Sweat dripped between Lindsay’s breasts, down her back, as Justin stole her control. Orgasm was imminent.

“I didn’t tell you to stop sucking.”

Lindsay again gnawed on her lip, torn between shame and arousal. But years of experience had prepared her, as she bowed her head and vacuumed Ryan’s dick back into her mouth, as he wanted her to, reverently and very deep.

“Oh, that’s good, honey,” he said. “Good girl. You know your stuff, don’t you? You really are a Maserati. Oh, that feels so fucking good.

“Just keep sucking that cock, sweetheart,” Justin encouraged her. His eyes flicked up, focusing on Ryan. “Is she a better cocksucker than Tessa?”

Much better.” Ryan’s fingers weaved throughout Lindsay’s hair as he moved her mouth up and down, again seeking the back of her throat and holding still for long intervals whenever he found it. Lindsay concentrated on her breathing, as Pamela had taught her, and let that concentration morph into the strangely wonderful feeling of being a cock girl, stuffed with dick, splayed over the sofa in an obscene position and paid to please so shamefully.

All the while, Justin had been providing direct attention where Lindsay needed it most. And with another swipe of the tongue, the coiled tension that had been growing burst forth in a profound crescendo. Lindsay was untethered, floating in a sea of blissful sensation as an orgasm ripped through her trembling form, the catharsis all-consuming. It pulled a sound from her, a wordless cry that communicated the heights she’d been carried to.

And yet, still, she had a dick fucking her mouth.

“Listen up, sweetheart,” Ryan growled as he withdrew, stepped back, and watched Justin retreat to the adjacent rocking chair. “You’re going to crawl over there to Justin, on your hands and knees, and you’re going to suck him off.” Ryan leaned in close and stole a kiss, his eyes inches from hers. “We’re both going to use you equally today, and you will satisfy us. Do you understand?”

“Yes sir.” She nodded, feeling lightheaded.

“Hands and knees. Now.

Lindsay clambered down to the floor at Ryan’s insistence and began to crawl toward Justin, who watched her with winged brows. He lounged in the rocking chair, his jeans unbuttoned and fly open. His strong jawline sported the five o’clock shadow he always seemed to have. Lindsay licked her lips and trembled as she closed the distance.

He spread his legs, giving her plenty of room. He took his dick out and allowed Lindsay to apply the condom that was required by law. His eyes were glazed over as she licked from base to tip, working slowly. “Fit those big balls in your mouth. I know you can do it, sweetie. Yeah, that’s it. Fit ‘em both. Try to fit ‘em both.” A lot of Justin’s pleasure simply came from watching. He wanted to witness his testicles slipping between those moist, red lips, and relaxed back in the chair, linking his fingers behind his head.

At the sofa, Ryan breathed in deep, steady breaths, his own vision fixated on the tantalizing sight of Lindsay’s ass swaying as she slowly, lovingly tended to Justin. Ryan’s cock trembled at the memories of how amazing her mouth felt. Lindsay was small compared to him and his firefighter compatriot, but she was potent. He loved the fact that she could barely fit his girth into her tight little mouth, but she did, anyway, the edge of her teeth scraping along his flesh. It just made him want her more.

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Indeed, she was fucking gorgeous. Gave head a million times better than Tessa ever did, and that was saying something. Ryan approached and knelt down, rubbing his hands along the curve of Lindsay’s ass. “Oh, look at that. That pussy is fucking soaked.” He couldn’t help himself, either, leaving over and kissing each taut cheek. Lindsay murmured around Justin’s dick, still in her mouth, and wiggled her backside, giving Ryan an open invitation.

“There we go. Look at me now, honey. Yeah, look at me.” The pleasure Justin received from Lindsay’s mouth made his toes squirm in his boots. “God, I just want to grab you and run off to Hawaii right now. Let’s elope and be done with it.” As his cock came and went, he had no choice but to toss his head back and close his eyes.

Lindsay knew, perhaps on instinct, from the easy rhythm Justin used that she shouldn’t try to do what she normally did, bobbing her head to pretend her mouth was some kind of reverse pussy. Many mongers preferred to have their way with her mouth, even if she was the one worshipping, moving, and sucking. Above all else, Lindsay understood that clients expected her to respect their cock, and that she demonstrate what a precious gift one is.

So, she opted not to bob, but continued to work, desperate to hear Justin’s grunts of pleasure, and his praise. The shameful sounds emerged from her own throat, however, and then she felt the thing that was inevitable – Ryan positioning himself behind her, ready for more.

Angling the head of his latex-covered shaft to part her glistening folds, Ryan teased Lindsay, tracing up and down the beckoning entrance until she was writhing and unable to hold still. Then he was inside her, and it was so damn tight that he could feel the pulse of Lindsay’s heart through the silken grasp of her pussy. He ground his hips to hers, unleashing the feral lioness. Her skin was flushed; eyes dilated but not unfocused, fixed on Justin; and she began bobbing her head in earnest over his dick after all.

Ryan withdrew just for the single-minded pleasure of that first full surge into Lindsay. She mewled out, the rocking chair rattled. Her back bowed and her hips arched to meet him, thrust for thrust, wanting to take him deeper, hold him tighter, clench him like a fist in a way that damn near doomed his self-control.

Oh my God. Fuck yes. Fuck me, baby. Oh, you are so fucking deep. Fill me up.”

“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this.” Every few thrusts, Ryan ground his hips against Lindsay’s ass until she could not hold back her cries. “From the very first time Justin and I saw you three years ago, I’ve wanted to do this.” He gave her backside a sexy slap, and then another, but wished it could’ve been twenty. Oh, who was Ryan kidding? He could make an entire party out of turning Lindsay over his knee and spanking those nether cheeks. “And especially this.”

It was the pounding of his hips as he took Lindsay, driving himself into her already tender pussy that had her arching and writhing and begging him both to stop and not. There was nothing gentle as her body belonged to Ryan and she was Heaven on Earth, welcoming his aggressions.

Lost in the throes of pleasure, Lindsay barely registered that her attention to Justin had ceased. Her focus had narrowed to the exquisite sensations radiating from where she and Ryan were joined. Justin, for his part, seemed unperturbed by his cock slipping free from Lindsay’s mouth, his gaze locked on Ryan as he continued to ravage Lindsay with wild abandon. The charged eye contact between the two men only served to heighten the eroticism of the moment, their shared desire for the woman caught between them palpable in the heated air.

Lindsay’s vacant stare pierced the wall beyond Justin, her jaw slack in numb compliance as Ryan’s dick speared into her slick, battered cunt with the merciless intensity of a jackhammer. Her Kegel muscles clamped down with all their might, and as another orgasm stormed through her, Ryan gave Lindsay’s ass a backhanded swat and buried his face in her neck, riding the bucking spasms of her release all the way into his own. Unable to thrust anymore, all he could do was feel the convulsing grip of her body as he emptied himself into the condom.

After reading all her reviews on the website and now experiencing her firsthand, there was no question left in Ryan’s mind over whether Lindsay was submissive or if she was simply acting out a role as the other girls here did (especially Nicolette). Lindsay was a pain slut, but in all the best ways. Mild embarrassment aroused her. Giving up control made her feel calm and safe. Every inch of her was exactly the sort of woman Ryan preferred, both in his personal life and at brothels like Happy Ending Ranch.

I need to get her in one-on-one party sometime soon, away from Justin, so I can really do what I want with her.

He tried not to become too consumed with those emotions, but his arm tightened around her, and he couldn’t quite stop himself from pressing his lips to the back of her neck. She turned her head to look at Ryan, but then rolled her body over so she was face to face with Justin, practically sharing the same breaths.

“Please, baby,” she whispered. “May I suck your cock some more? Please. I need to get you off too.”

He settled deeper into the chair and down she went, and for Ryan, it was one of the hottest visions he’d ever seen. Only now, it was self-preservation that made him work at not feeling (or watching) anything beyond the caress of Lindsay’s hands, the swirl of her tongue, or the clasp of her pussy.

The problem was, Ryan had already lost his perspective – just as Justin had – and it was too late to disengage the part of him that wanted Lindsay in his life for good.


<> <> <> <> <>


Ninety minutes later, three figures lay sprawled across the king-sized bed, limbs heavy with satisfaction. Lindsay was nestled between Justin and Ryan, her skin dewy and flushed, blonde hair fanned out in stark contrast to the black sheets. Lindsay stretched, doubling her smile. With a coded knock on her door seconds ago, that meant one thing – and one thing only. Lindsay rolled over to face her lovers, one at a time, propping herself up on one elbow as she took in their withered expressions.

"Well, boys," she purred, her voice husky with the remnants of desire, "I don't know about you, but I'd say that was a rousing success."

Justin grinned, reaching out to trace the curve of her hip. "Understatement of the century, gorgeous. That was … mind-blowing."

"Absolutely incredible," Ryan agreed, his eyes still glazed with the aftershocks of ecstasy. "You're a miracle worker, sweetheart."

Lindsay gave vent to her laughter. "You're too kind, darlings. But I can't take all the credit – it takes two to tango. Or in this case, three."

She sat up, the sheet pooling around her waist as she stretched her arms overhead, relishing the delicious ache in her muscles. "Oh, what a marvelous fucking. As much as I'd love to stay here and bask in the afterglow with you two all day, I'm afraid our time together has drawn to a close."

Justin's smile fell into disrepair. "Already? But it feels like we just got started."

Lindsay reached out to cup his cheek, her thumb stroking his stubbled jaw. "I know, sweetie. But you know how it is – time flies when you're having fun. And we definitely had a lot of fun. You heard Jim knock on the door and say our time’s up, right?"

She turned to Ryan, seeking his attention as she spoke. "I want you both to know how much I enjoyed our GFE. You made me feel worshipped, adored … special. My very first two-guy, one-girl brothel party. Definitely a memory I'll always cherish."

Ryan sat upright, capturing her hand in his and bringing it to his lips for a kiss. "The pleasure was all ours, Lindsay. Truly. You're an extraordinary woman. And Justin was right. You made me forget all about Tessa. I’ll definitely be back to see you in the future.”

Lindsay's heart swelled with affection, a genuine fondness for these two men who had brought her such joy, however fleeting. "You're too sweet, Ryan. But I'm just a woman, same as any other. I just happen to be very, very good at my job. And don’t forget your time with Tessa, either, because you enjoyed it. You enjoyed her.

“And speaking of my job, it's time for you two to dress. I've enjoyed our little tryst, but I have other appointments to keep, and I'm sure you have lives to get back to as well."

Justin sighed, but there was no resentment in the sound. "I suppose you're right. All good things must come to an end, as they say."

Lindsay nodded, slipping from the bed and reaching for her robe. "But that doesn't mean we can't part on a high note. I want you both to leave here feeling amazing, inside and out. That's my main goal, always."

She turned to face them, tying the sash of her robe around her waist. "So, let's focus on the positive, shall we? On the incredible experience we just shared, and the memories we'll carry with us."

Ryan stood, moving to gather his clothes. "I like the sound of that. I know I'll be reliving this day in my dreams for a long time to come."

Justin followed suit, slipping into his jeans. "You and me both, man. Lindsay, you're a dream come true."

She helped them finish dressing, her hands smoothing over their shoulders and straightening their collars with a fond familiarity. "You're too kind, both of you. I'm just happy I could make your dirty fantasies a reality."

At the door, she pulled them each into a warm hug, pressing soft kisses to their cheeks. "Thank you. For the pleasure, the laughter, the memories. For everything."

Justin squeezed her tight, his voice rough with emotion. "Thank you, Lindsay. For making us feel like the luckiest men in the world, even if it was just for a day."

Ryan nodded, his hand resting on the small of her back. "We'll never forget this, honey. Never forget you."

“And we’ll do it again sometime.” Justin offered a one-shoulder shrug. “If we can afford it, that is.”

“I’ll be out to say goodbye in a few minutes.” With a dreamy glow, Lindsay stepped back, watching as they made their way down the hall and eventually out of sight. Her heart was full, brimming with the satisfaction of a job well done and the joy of having brought happiness to two deserving souls.

Lindsay closed the door and began tidying the room, erasing any trace of the two-on-one. She splashed some water on her face and dusted on a fresh coat of mascara. It had been a wild ride, a deliciously filthy escapade that left her sated and energized in equal measure. But as much as she'd enjoyed her time with Justin and Ryan, it was just another day on the job.

Lindsay had a full slate of bookings today, clients eager to experience her particular brand of magic. And while the constant parade of strangers in her bed might have worn on a lesser woman, Lindsay thrived on the variety, the challenge, the thrill of being purchased.

She slipped out the door and made her way down the hallway. But as she passed the kitchen, Lindsay paused, catching sight of Donald hard at work. My rock. A warm smile curved her lips, and she stepped inside, drawn to his steady presence like a moth to a flame.

Donald looked up as she approached, his brows furrowed as he took in her disheveled appearance. Still, he opened his arms, and Lindsay bled into them, savoring the way he made her feel adored and protected.

For a long moment, they simply held each other, no words needed. Then, with a soft kiss to Donald’s cheek, Lindsay pulled back, her smile tinged with regret.

"I have to go." She trailed her fingers along his jaw. "Justin and Ryan are waiting to say goodbye to me in the parlor, and I have five more clients scheduled today. Saturday is always our busiest day of the week."

Donald's eyes softened as he gazed down at Lindsay, a flicker of acceptance passing between them. His arms tightened, enveloping her in a guarded cocoon. She could feel his heartbeat against her cheek, a cadence that never failed to soothe her.

With a final, gentle squeeze, Donald released Lindsay, his hands gliding down her arms until he caught her fingers in his. "Go on, then," he said, his voice low and intimate, meant only for her ears. "I'll be here when you're done."

((End of Chapter 44 - to be continued))

Written by JeremyDCP
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