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The Girlfriend Experience Ch. 49

"A different viewpoint of the prostitution business."

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Author's Notes

"Thursday, July 22, 2021 // Las Vegas, Nevada"

As John Reinwald emerged from the airbridge at Harry Reid International Airport, the incessant tinkles and clanks of casino machines greeted him, a chorus so oddly out of place yet quintessentially Vegas. His weary eyes sparked to life, just like that, taking in the panorama before him. Will you look at that? Slot machines in the airport, of course.

John watched a middle-aged man, tie loosened and sport coat slung over one shoulder, pump his fist and whoop triumphantly as the machine before him erupted in bells and whistles.

Just a stone’s throw away, an elderly woman sat hunched over another machine, her silver hair pulled back in a neat bun, her eyes locked on the spinning reels. Her wrinkled fingers hovered above the buttons, trembling as she waited for the perfect moment to strike. She seemed oblivious to the world around her, lost in the thrill of a potential jackpot.

John's eyes drifted to the airport lounge, where a group of travelers, their luggage piled haphazardly at their feet, clinked glasses and toasted to their impending adventures, the neon signs of the slot machines casting a spectrum of colors across their faces.

Travelers were embracing the Vegas spirit, diving headfirst into the city's unapologetic love affair with gambling even before they stepped foot outside the airport. It was a surreal sight, one that left John shaking his head in disbelief, a soft chuckle escaping his lips as he marveled at the audacity of it all.

They don’t call this place Lost Wages for nothing.

As John navigated through the busy terminal, his carry-on trailing behind him, he found the energy of Sin City palpable. Everywhere he looked, people were chatting and laughing, their faces alight with the prospects of the adventures that awaited them.

For a brief moment, John felt a spark of that same excitement, a flicker of the promise of what could be. But as he watched a group of friends, their arms slung around each other's shoulders and heads thrown back in laughter, the spark faded, replaced by a growing sense of isolation.

Loneliness rained on John’s parade, compounded by the fatigue from his cross-country flight. As he watched families gathered together, parents holding the hands of their children, and couples walking arm in arm, he felt increasingly disconnected, a lone figure adrift in a sea of solidarity.

In a city that celebrated connection and thrived on the promise of people coming together, John felt like an outsider looking in, a stranger in a foreign land. He pulled his carry-on a little closer, as if it were his only companion, and made his way through the terminal, the endless chatter around him only serving to amplify his dissociation.

Redirecting his thoughts to the purpose of his visit, John tried to shake off the melancholy. He was here for something different, something that lay beyond the glittering façades and loud casino floors. He focused on the anticipation of meeting Lindsay Sucks, the young lady who had captured his attention from afar. He had read so much about her, whispers of her warmth and understanding, of the way she could connect with people as if she possessed a rare gift for unraveling the intricacies of the human heart.

His mind began to wander, conjuring visions of the woman whose online photographs and videos had captivated him. He pictured Lindsay in the muted ambiance of the brothel, her figure silhouetted against the soft glow of bedside lamps, her eyes dazzling with compassion. He recalled all the dozens of online testimonials where various clients spoke of her exploits with disarming honesty.

“Meeting Lindsay eased my nerves instantly. Her confidence is striking, and her beauty is just a bonus. She wore a dress that intrigued me, accelerating my eagerness for our session.

“In the room, it wasn't just her looks that captivated me; it was her empathetic nature that made me feel valued and understood, enhancing our connection. Our encounter went beyond the physical; it was a shared journey of discovery.

“Afterwards, our easy conversation and her insightful thoughts confirmed the depth of her character. As a woman myself, the level of connection with Lindsay was exhilarating. I left feeling seen and am keenly awaiting our next meeting, knowing the unique understanding we share.”

John imagined the sound of Lindsay’s voice, sultry and inviting, pulling him into a narrative where he was more than a client – where he was her soulmate. Her laughter, bright and uninhibited, echoed in his ears, stoking a warmth in his chest. With each step, the lines between transactional reality and the genuine companionship he yearned for blurred.

John’s suitcase appeared on the conveyor belt in baggage claim, snapping him out of his reverie. He grabbed the handle and hoisted it off the carousel, feeling a sense of purpose firm up his backbone. Time to find the shuttle bus and get to the rental car center. With his luggage in tow, he made his way towards the exit, his mind fixated on the imminent pleasures waiting at Happy Ending Ranch.


<> <> <> <> <>


At four o’clock, Lindsay sat at her desk with her smartphone on speaker mode and took yet another glance at the avalanche of fabric samples and catalogues spread before her. The brothel was in desperate need of a visual refresh, and by enlisting the well-regarded Daddario Architecture and Design company based in Vegas, she believed she could finally make it a reality.

“Good afternoon, Trish, this is Lindsay Anastacio from Happy Ending Ranch up in Flagstone, Nevada,” she said once the call was acknowledged, her tone professional. “Yes, we’ve spoken a few times over the past week. Yes, yes, the brothel. I’m glad you remember me. Yesterday I received the packet you sent me in the mail, and I’m calling to discuss potential upgrades to our facilities’ décor and furnishings. Yes, I’m interested in hiring your company to handle all the work.”

As the representative on the other end expressed excitement over the project, Lindsay gazed heavenward and steepled her fingers together. “We want to create an atmosphere that’s both inviting and intimate for our clients. Our goal is to blend modern style with the warmth and personal touch our business is known for.

“For example, the ranch has always had a bit of a dark, almost spooky vibe to it, which, while intriguing, isn't always welcoming. While we need to maintain low lighting for several obvious reasons, I'm really looking to brighten things up a bit and make it feel more inviting.

“I'm thinking of subtle upgrades, like the wall sconces with dimmable options in your company brochure, or hidden LED strips that provide a soft illumination without being overpowering.”

She reiterated her desire to transform the ranch into a place that, while still retaining its mystique and allure, would feel more like a luxurious retreat and less like a shadowy hideaway. “It’s about refining our ambiance, making sure that when clients step in, they feel embraced by warmth and sophistication, not just enveloped in shadows. Yes, exactly. The old regime favored the eeriness, but I’m in charge now, and I want to spruce things up.”

She paused, listening to the suggestions from the representative, occasionally nodding or jotting down notes. “Yes, I like the idea of using rich, warm colors and soft lighting to enhance the cozy feel of the rooms. And for the parlor, perhaps something livelier to encourage social interaction amongst guests and employees.”

Lindsay and Trish discussed more specifics, such as materials that combined elegance and longevity, artwork that could add unique character to each room, and functional furniture pieces. “It’s important that everything is not just beautiful but also practical and durable. Our guests should feel pampered in a setting that withstands the demands of our high-traffic establishment.”

As the call neared its end, Lindsay confirmed the next steps: “Could we schedule a visit for your company to see the house and discuss ideas in person? I believe having a feel for the ranch's vibe and layout will inspire the perfect design concept.” Lindsay’s smile broadened, reflecting her pleasure in the fruitful exchange as she visualized the future elegance of the brothel, further cementing itself as Nevada’s leading adult leisure venue. “Excellent. I appreciate your help, Trish. Enjoy the rest of your day.”

A hesitant tap on the open door jolted Lindsay back to reality. She glanced up, her gaze falling upon Tina at the entryway, her brow furrowed and her lips folded shut. Tina’s body language spoke of a silent, invisible pressure pulling her down.

“Tina, please, come in.” Lindsay gestured towards the empty chair across the way. “What’s wrong, honey? I can see it in your eyes. Talk to me.”

Tina stepped inside, latching the door behind her. A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she sank into the offered seat, her fingers plucking at the hem of her negligee. “I've been debating whether to say anything at all, but…” She hesitated, her eyes blinking up to meet Lindsay's. “Nicolette crossed a line yesterday. She made some cruel comments about my recent weight gain in front of the other girls. Said it looked like … I’d been hitting the buffet table too hard and needed to go on a diet.”

“Woah, woah, woah. Nicolette said what?

Tina’s hands drifted to her stomach, tugging at the fabric of her negligee as if trying to hide any perceived imperfections. “It was humiliating! I felt like I was back in high school, being mocked by the mean girls.” Tina’s hand sliced through the air with dramatic effect. “I’m forty-seven years old; I’m too old for childish shit like that.”

For a moment, Lindsay’s jaw tightened, rage flashing across her face. But as she leaned forward, her eyes found Tina’s, their intensity giving way to a gentle, empathetic connection. “Oh, Tina. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. It’s never easy to be on the receiving end of such hurtful comments, especially from someone you work and essentially live with.”

Lindsay reached across the desk, offering Tina a tissue from the nearby box. “This ranch is meant to be a sanctuary for everyone who works here, a place where we uplift and respect one another unconditionally. What Nicolette said was unacceptable, and I promise you, I will address this matter with her personally once she's finished with her current client. Bullying and harassment have no place within these walls, and I will make that abundantly clear.”

Lindsay straightened, her posture leaving no doubt about her authority. “And Tina, I want you to remember something. You are a freakin’ smoke-show. A few extra pounds doesn’t change that. The three mongers who booked you last night are all the proof you need. Embrace every inch of yourself, showcase your personality, and never let anyone dull your sparkle or make you doubt the magnificent, sensual powerhouse that you are.”

“Thank you, Lindsay.” Tina blinked with unshed tears. “Knowing that I have a boss who supports me, that you’re in my corner – it means everything.” She rose to her feet, squared her shoulders, and a faint smile touched her lips. “Thank you for the kind words, too, and I really appreciate you dealing with this. It’s just, after all the years in this business, hopping from one house to another, it’s a relief to finally be heard and valued, you know?” Tina paused, her gaze holding Lindsay’s as she spoke from the heart. “This ranch, the way you run things since Colt and Pamela left? It’s special. I feel lucky to be part of your team.” With a grateful nod, Tina turned and exited the office, her steps a bit lighter than when she entered.

Making a mental note to deal with Nicolette when the time was right, Lindsay’s eyes transitioned to the glowing computer screen, where the weekly sales report offered a snapshot of the ranch’s performance. She scrolled through the numbers, her expression becoming a portrait of deep thought. Happy Ending Ranch was thriving, consistently attracting clients, yet a subtle crease formed between Lindsay’s brows – a harbinger of her untold aspirations.

Leaning in, she tapped the edge of the desk, her gaze piercing the monitor as if to coax more from its digital columns. We can do better. The office was filled with the soft hum of the computer and distant laughter from the parlor, yet Lindsay was ensconced in her private world of figures and potential. We will do better.

With a new document open, her fingers hovered over the keyboard, poised to transform vision into reality. Like a painter wielding a brush, Lindsay’s pioneering concepts took form with each keystroke. Her laser-sharp focus stood in marked opposition to the distant, jovial banter, accentuating the isolation that accompanied her role. As she typed, she breathed life into a mosaic of trailblazing ideas – themed evenings, premium service offerings, and customer loyalty initiatives – her determination to elevate the ranch's bottom line visible in the unyielding set of her jaw and the inferno of ambition crackling in her eyes.

The sudden burst of static from the small, cordless earpiece nestled beside her keyboard yanked Lindsay from her intense concentration. She reached for the device, a crucial implement in her role as overseer and general manager and inserted it into her ear. This miniature marvel served as Lindsay's auditory gateway to the ranch's concealed activities, granting her the power to monitor any room and safeguard the welfare and integrity of her employees and guests.

Lindsay’s eyes tightened at the corners as the sounds from Nicolette’s bedroom filtered through the earpiece. Her jaw shifted from side to side, her features rearranging themselves, and her spine stiffened as if steeling herself against a formidable adversary. She’s been here for almost eleven years.

Despite the unmistakable, decadent chorus of cock claiming pussy in the doggy style position, Lindsay’s experienced ear listened for undercurrents of tension or impropriety. I can’t have any more girls guzzling cum or having unprotected sex. Ensuring the ranch's atmosphere remained safe, respectful, and within the parameters of the law was paramount, and Lindsay, ever vigilant, was ready to intervene at the slightest hint of discord.

Her fingers coiled around the earpiece, her initial intention to monitor for safety morphing into a decisive evaluation of Nicolette's conduct. Her stomach curdling, Lindsay’s fingers tapped against the desk, signaling the inner storm. It wasn’t just the incident Tina reported but a litany of past grievances too. Nicolette's habitual disrespect for clients, her frequent negative remarks, and her overall abrasive demeanor had long been points of contention. The only reason Colt kept her around was because she and Pamela were such good friends.

Sitting back, Lindsay removed the earpiece, her decision crystallizing in the solitude of her office. Nicolette's actions had become a toxic liability, affecting staff morale and potentially the ranch's hard-earned reputation.

Lindsay's fingers flew across the keyboard, crafting the termination notice with a heavy heart but unyielding conviction. Each stroke echoed her commitment to a healthy, supportive work environment. Elisabeth will quit on the spot, too, you know, if you fire Nicolette. The future of Happy Ending Ranch hinged on making tough, sometimes unpopular decisions. Lindsay chuffed out a sigh, her shoulders sagging momentarily before realigning. Fuck it. I’ve never liked Elisabeth’s attitude, either.

As the printer hummed to life, Lindsay watched the termination notice manifest in physical form. She snatched the paper, a reminder of the multifaceted responsibilities of leadership – the fine line between offering proactive support and making ruthless, decisive choices when the situation warranted it.

Picking up her phone, she swiped through her contacts and hit the number for her house manager. “Hey, Jenn. It’s me.” Lindsay’s voice was calm but firm. “I need you to bring in five new prospects for interviews starting Monday. Whether they're turnouts or experienced, it doesn't matter. We're gonna need some replacements ASAP. It’s time to weed out the bad apples here once and for all.”


<> <> <> <> <>


John's knuckles whitened as he clenched the steering wheel, propelling the rental car through the barren Nevada wasteland at a breakneck speed. The engine's roar and the rushing wind through the open windows formed a cacophonous soundtrack for his 175-mile drive to Happy Ending Ranch. The dry landscape seemed to stretch into infinity, a sea of sand and scrub that underscored the profound isolation in this unique area of the nation.

As the sun dipped toward the horizon, it painted the desert in a breathtaking display of deep crimsons and fiery oranges. John watched, transfixed, the ethereal beauty a stark contrast to his swirling thoughts. The long journey had provided ample time for introspection, each passing mile reinforcing his resolve, fueled by a yearning for an encounter that promised more than transient satisfaction.

At long, long last, John caught sight of Flagstone in the distance. The small town emerged from the oppressive heat like a mirage, its weathered buildings and dusty streets bathed in the fading light of the day. As he drew closer, the town's details came into sharper focus, revealing a collection of rustic structures that seemed to have been plucked from a bygone era.

Entering Flagstone, John felt as though he had crossed a portal into another dimension. Five Aces Gambling Hall. Established 1867. The main street was lined with architectural relics, their facades adorned with peeling paint and faded signs. The golden light of the setting sun cast elongated shadows across the sidewalks, imbuing the scene with a wistful, almost haunting quality. It’s like I’ve stepped back in time. The air hung heavy with the scent of piñon pine, a fragrance that seemed to permeate every corner of the town, hinting at its untamed, frontier spirit.

As John navigated the quiet streets, he couldn't help but notice the curious glances from Flagstone’s residents. The occasional passerby paused to regard his unfamiliar BMW with a mix of interest and wariness, their faces etched with the hardships of life. This brush with Flagstone's populace, living echoes of a wild west past, deepened John's sense of detachment, making the community's close-knit resilience appear as a distant, albeit fascinating tableau before him.

The approach to Happy Ending Ranch marked the culmination of his travels, both physical and emotional. The final stretch of road felt like a bridge between his past and an uncertain, thrilling future. As he navigated the last few turns, the ranch's entrance loomed, a gateway to a forbidden world he had long fantasized about but never believed he would enter.

The vehicle slowed to a crawl as he absorbed the sight. Its weathered exterior seemed to whisper tales of age and history. Yet, even as the house’s worn-down appearance gave him pause, it wasn’t enough to deter him from his purpose. John’s heart pounded, his everyday life momentarily fading into the background as he prepared to cross into Happy Ending Ranch, where fantasy and reality promised to intertwine.

I’m here. He was done questioning his motivations, dissecting his expectations, and daydreaming about the impending reality of fulfilling a desire that dated back three years to when Lindsay/Kayleigh first surfaced on the website. I’m actually here.

John's hand released the steering wheel, its imprint lingering on his skin as his lungs filled to capacity, readying himself. He opened the car door, the metallic click breaking the evening's silence, and stepped out onto the gravel driveway. He closed it with a thud, the sound final in the vast desert quiet. The stones crunched under his weight, each footfall a deliberate stride toward the moral boundary he was about to breach.

He stood still for a moment, blinking as the shadows deepened around him. A gentle breeze stirred, carrying with it the faint scent of desert wildflowers.

Reaching the front door, John paused, his hand hovering over the ornate knocker. With a rapid pull of oxygen into his lungs, he lifted the knocker and let it fall, the sound resonating, marking his arrival and the irrevocable step into the unknown yet alluring world of paying for human companionship.

Before John could knock again, the door swung open, revealing a young man, his baby-faced demeanor contrasting with the mature theme of the establishment.

“Hello, welcome to Happy Ending Ranch. I’m Donald,” he greeted with a bright, professional smile.

“John Reinwald.” He ducked his chin, a reflexive gesture, and offered his hand reluctantly. Who the hell gave you a job here? Shouldn’t you be home, studying for the big high school exam? “I have an appointment with Lindsay.”

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Reinwald, and yes, Lindsay has been expecting you,” Donald said, shaking his hand. “But before we go any further, I need to see your ID for an age check. It’s a policy here for all our guests.”

John cut him a glare as he retrieved his Maryland state driver’s license. “Really, kid? At my age, you still need to check my ID? I’m fifty-five, for Christ’s sake.”

Donald accepted the license with a polite nod. “I understand it might seem unusual, but we adhere strictly to our policies to ensure that everything is on the up and up. Thank you for understanding.”

After a quick courtesy glance, Donald handed it back. “Everything’s in order, Mr. Reinwald. Thank you for your cooperation. Please, now, if you’ll follow me, I’ll take you to the lounge where you can wait for Lindsay. She’ll be with you shortly.”

John surveyed the parlor with a critical eye, the bar itself a tribute to bygone styles, its atmosphere unaltered by the passage of years outside this enclave. The wallpaper, with its faded charm and edges cracking like aged skin, told stories of yesteryears. The furniture, enduring and robust, showed signs of a life well-lived, its fabric worn thin and wood surfaces softened by countless interactions. The drapes, bleached by the relentless desert sun, hung like weary guardsmen beside windows that framed a world seemingly untouched by time. In the subdued light of the old chandeliers, every element evoked ghostly whispers, placing John in a scene that seemed a world apart from the modern era he knew.

Yet, his eyes were immediately drawn to the large, ornate fireplace that dominated the far wall. The mantelpiece was adorned with an array of framed photographs, each featuring a different woman in various poses, some more provocative than others. John found himself wondering about the stories behind each image, the lives of the women captured within them.

One photograph in particular caught John's attention. It was significantly larger than the others and displayed in the center of the mantelpiece. The image depicted a stunning blonde woman with soft brown eyes and a smile that seemed to hold a thousand secrets. John stepped closer, his curiosity piqued by the woman's magnetic presence.

“Who's this?” he asked, pointing to the photograph. Good God. Can I have a party with her and Lindsay? Together?

Donald followed John's gaze and a knowing smile played on his lips. “Ahh, that's Pamela. She was one of our most renowned courtesans back in the day. Men and women alike would come from far and wide just for a chance to spend an hour or two in her company.”

John studied the photograph, taking in the woman's pinup beauty and the air of confidence that seemed to radiate from her. “She must have been quite something,” he murmured, more to himself than to Donald.

“Oh, she was. Pamela had a way of making every client feel like he or she was the only one in the world. She was a true master of her craft, a legend in the industry.”

“What happened to her?”

The corners of Donald's mouth evened out, the brightness leaving his expression. “She retired before the house reopened from COVID. Decided it was time to start a new chapter in her life, I suppose. Last I heard, she was living somewhere on the East Coast, married to some big shot businessman.”

John’s head inclined sideways, a strange sense of connection to this prostitute he had never met taking shape. He could almost picture her, holding court in this very bar, her laughter ringing out like a bell.

“She left quite a legacy,” Donald added, his voice taking on a note of pride. “Many of the girls who work here today were inspired by her, including Lindsay.”

At the mention of Lindsay's name, John felt a flutter of excitement in his chest. “Is that so?”

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“Oh, yes. Lindsay has always looked up to Pamela. She sees her as a role model, someone who embodied the very essence of what it means to be a world-class courtesan.”

John's mind wandered again, imagining Lindsay as she must have been when she first arrived at the ranch. He envisioned her studying Pamela's photograph, too, memorizing every detail, determined to live up to the legacy of the matriarch who had come before her.

“I can see why. There's something about Pamela that hooks you; that just draws you in.”

Donald chuckled. “That's the magic of this place. Every woman who walks through these doors has a story to tell, a unique charm that sets her apart from the rest.”

John tore his eyes away from the photograph, feeling another rush of adrenaline for the evening ahead. He knew that he was about to embark on a journey unlike any he had ever experienced before, a journey that would take him to places he had never dared to go.

Donald gestured towards the bar on the opposite side of the parlor. “Can I offer you a drink? We have a selection of fine spirits and local craft beers that might help you relax before your appointment with Lindsay.”

Breath shuttled out through John’s mouth. “A drink sounds great, actually. It's been a long day, and I could use something to take the edge off.”

The two men made their way to the bar, their footsteps echoing off the floorboard. Donald took his rightful spot behind the counter. “What's your poison, Mr. Reinwald? We've got a killer eighteen-year-old Macallan single malt, or if you prefer something lighter, there's a refreshing local IPA that's been getting rave reviews.”

John considered his options for a moment. “I think I'll go with the IPA. When in Rome, right?”

Donald chuckled, reaching for a chilled glass. “Excellent choice, sir. The Jackrabbit Junction Brewing Company is just a hop, skip, and a jump away from here, and they make some of the best craft beers in the state.”

As Donald poured the amber liquid, the rich aroma of hops and malt seized control of the air. He slid the glass across the bar, where it was accepted with a grateful nod.

“Cheers,” John said, raising the glass in a toast before taking a sip. Crisp and refreshing, the beer offered a subtle undertone of citrus that danced on his tongue. “That's damn good.” He set the glass back on the bar.

“Glad you like it,” Donald said, wiping his hands on a towel. “So, tell me, what brings you to the best little whorehouse in Nevada? Is this your first time at a place like this?”

John hesitated for a moment, not sure how much he wanted to reveal. But something about Donald's friendly personality made him feel at ease. “It is, yeah.” He may be young, but he’s a likable kid. “I've been curious about places like this for a while, but never had the nerve or financial means to actually take the plunge. Until now.”

Understanding dawned across Donald’s face. “It's a big step, coming to a place like this for the first time. But let me assure you, Mr. Reinwald, you're in good hands here. We pride ourselves on providing a safe, discreet, and enjoyable experience for all of our guests.”

John took another sip, letting Donald's words sink in. “I appreciate that. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for. I just know that I needed a change of pace, something to break me out of my routine.”

“Well, you've certainly come to the right place, my friend. And with Lindsay as your companion for the evening, I have no doubt that you'll find what you're looking for … and more.”

John paused, a salacious grin stretching from cheek to cheek. “She's really something special, too, isn't she?”

Donald leaned in closer, his eyes twinkling. “You have no idea. Lindsay is a true gem, a woman who embodies everything that makes this place so unique. She has a way of connecting with people, of making them feel seen and understood in a way they’ve never experienced before. Trust me, that girl will take care of you.”

As John and Donald continued their conversation, a woman emerged from behind one of the heavy velvet curtains. She was tall, standing at around five-foot-ten in John’s estimation, with a slender, athletic build that was evident even beneath her conservative clothing. She wore a simple, yet elegant black blazer over a white blouse, paired with tailored black slacks and sensible heels.

Her chestnut brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail, revealing a face that was both striking and understated. She had high cheekbones, a straight nose, and full lips that were curved into a polite, professional smile. Despite her modest appearance, there was no denying her natural beauty, with clear, olive skin and bright, intelligent eyes that seemed to take in everything around her.

“Hello, I’m Jenn, the house, madam.” She extended a hand to John, the exchange firm and assured. “You must be Lindsay’s nine o’clock? You’re early.”

John, taken by the woman’s striking features, shook her hand, feeling a sense of welcome that eased him further into the environment. “Nice to meet you, Jenn. I’m John Reinwald,” he replied, his apprehension fading under the twin beams of hospitality from Donald and now Jenn. “And yes, I have an appointment with Lindsay.”

Jenn's hazel gaze met his, and John tensed, expecting her lovely features to soon twist in disarray as she bore witness to his outer appearance. Instead, her eyes were pools of warm acceptance, her tiny smile one of empathy rather than judgment. It was as though she could see all the way through to his core and found no cause to render the rejection he typically encountered from beautiful women. “We’re delighted to have you, John. I hope your experience with us will be everything you’re looking for and more. If there’s anything you need or any way I can make your visit more enjoyable, please don’t hesitate to let me know.”

“Thank you, Jenn. I appreciate your warm welcome.”

“You know, if you'd like, I can go and see if Lindsay is ready to join you a little earlier than planned. I'm sure she'd be delighted to spend a bit more time with you before your official appointment.”

John felt his heart lurch at the suggestion. “That would be wonderful.” He struggled to keep his expression and voice nonchalant. “If it's not too much trouble, of course.”

Jenn waved a hand, a warm smile on her face. “Not at all. It's our pleasure to accommodate your wishes whenever and wherever possible. Let me just go and check with Lindsay, and I'll be back in a few moments.”

With that, Jenn turned and disappeared behind the raggedy old curtain, leaving John and Donald by themselves.

She’s got a nice ass.

“Well, Mr. Reinwald, it seems like your evening is off to a good start already.”

John chuckled, butterflies dancing in his stomach. “It certainly seems that way. I have to admit, I'm a little nervous.”

Donald nodded. “No need to be nervous, though it’s perfectly normal. A lot of our guests feel the same way when they first arrive. But once you meet Lindsay, all of those nerves will melt away.”

John’s jaw tightened, teeth grinding together. “I can't wait to meet her. From everything I've read, she seems like an extraordinary woman.”

“She is indeed,” Donald agreed, a note of admiration in his voice. “But then again, all of the ladies here are extraordinary in their own ways.”

“I can see that. There's just something about this place that feels … different. Like anything is possible here.”

Donald grinned. “Anything is possible here.”

Gooseflesh erupted over John's skin in an involuntary response. He fought the impulse to hunch his shoulders inward as a phantom chill seemed to emanate from somewhere deep within his core.

As they waited for Jenn to return with Lindsay, Donald kept the conversation flowing, regaling John with tales of the ranch's colorful history and the many motley characters who had passed through its doors over the decades. John listened intently, feeling himself drawn deeper into the ranch’s irresistible mystique.

And then, just as Donald was finishing an amusing anecdote about a drunken guest who had once attempted to convince the staff that he was a long-lost prince from a small European country, complete with a makeshift crown fashioned from a lampshade, the curtain parted once more, and Jenn appeared.

“John,” she said, a telltale thrill in her demeanor. “Allow me to introduce you to the lovely Lindsay.” Behind her, the curtain ruffled, and out came…

“Hi baby.” Lindsay was the embodiment of desire itself, her magnetism an irresistible force that drew all eyes to her. The lemon yellow minidress she wore was a declaration of confidence, its bold color a testament to her vibrant spirit. The fitted bodice embraced her curves, while the flirty skirt swirled around her thighs like a dancer's pirouette. Sky-high heels in a coordinating shade completed the look, their delicate straps winding around her ankles like golden vines.

Lindsay’s red-stained lips arched into a radiant smile, her eyes dancing with joy as she rushed forward, her arms outstretched like the wings of a bird taking flight. “At last, John!” Her laughter bubbled up and filled every corner of the parlor as she closed the distance. “We get to meet!”

The moment Lindsay's body collided with his, John's world tilted on its axis. His heart raced, his skin tingled, and his mind struggled to reconcile the reality of Lindsay’s presence with the fantasies that had consumed him for so long. As he wrapped his arms around her, feeling the supple curves of her body beneath the thin fabric of her dress, John marveled at the skill with which she played her role. He knew that her eager embrace, her warm smile, and her intoxicating scent were all part of the service she provided, but in that moment, he allowed himself to be swept away by the illusion of intimacy, a fleeting taste of what he so desperately craved.

But as the initial surge of emotion settled, the embrace evolved, becoming less about urgency and more about savoring the connection. Lindsay’s arms relaxed but remained encircled, creating a comforting pressure. Their breaths slowed, syncing into a calm, rhythmic pattern.

The world outside the embrace seemed to fade away, leaving only the shared warmth between them. John's initial apprehension dissolved in the cocoon of feminity, replaced by a profound sense of belonging. Lindsay’s heartbeat, a soft thud against his chest, became a comforting constant, grounding him in the moment.

Lindsay finally pulled back, her eyes meeting John's. Her smile, warm and knowing, suggested a shared secret, an unspoken acknowledgment of what they had just forged. Still, her hands remained on his shoulders, reluctant to break the physical bond.

“It’s good to finally meet you.”

Suddenly dry and constricted, John’s throat bobbed as he swallowed hard. “It’s … better than I imagined.” His eyes, locked with hers, reflected the myriad of emotions swirling within. “Lindsay Sucks.” Those two words escaped his lips like a reverent prayer. “Wow.”

“It’s me! In the flesh!”

“Oh. My God. I didn’t even know if you were real.”

“Oh, really?” Lindsay’s perfectly shaped eyebrow arched, her cobalt eyes glinting as she twirled a lock of hair around an extended finger. “Why do you say that?”

“Because you seem too good to be true.” His gaze devoured every luscious curve, every tantalizing detail. “Absolutely stunning.”

“Thank you.” Lindsay linked her forearm around his neck and pulled him in for a quick-hitting hug. “I re-read all the e-mails you’ve sent me before you arrived at the house. You’re from Maryland, huh? Where at?”

“A little town north of Baltimore called Willowbrook.”

“Wow. I’ve never been to Maryland before, let alone met anyone from there.” One small hand slid down his arm, fingers wrapping around his wrist in a gesture that was both possessive and promising. Lindsay favored him with a joyous look as she tugged, coaxing him forward. “C’mon, baby, let’s go find a table and chat.”

John trailed behind, captivated by Lindsay’s beguiling walk. Her movements, as hypnotic as the sea's embrace on the shoreline, harmonized with the brothel’s heartbeat. Lindsay’s skin glowed, golden hair flowed behind her, a luminous presence that didn’t merely reflect light but seemed to radiate from within, pulling John into an immersive world where every detail was magnified.

Lindsay ushered John to a corner where a chair, cloaked in deep velvet, awaited. With a gentle nudge, she guided him into its cradle, her fingers grazing his shoulders with a featherlight touch before withdrawing. Settling across from him, she leaned forward, the brush of her knee against his thigh sending a ripple of anticipation through his gut. In her hand, his found a new home, as her scarlet fingernail danced across his skin, swirling lazy patterns that spoke volumes in the private space between them.

“So, tell me, Johnny Boy,” she murmured, her touches igniting a four-alarm fire in his veins. “What brings a suave, sophisticated gentleman like you …” Lindsay paused, her lips morphing into a smirk as her nail traced a path up his forearm, “… all the way from Maryland to our little ramshackle brothel in the middle of nowhere?”

John swallowed, feeling the heat of her gaze as much as the touch on his skin. “Well, I guess I was searching for something … different. An escape from the predictable, you could say.” His tone took on a hushed timbre, revealing the vulnerability within. “And perhaps, to experience something … or someone,” he added, the cadence of his words slowing as if drawn into her orbit, “utterly unlike anyone I’ve ever met before.”




Surrounded by the familiar yet always dynamic dance of seduction, Lindsay was well prepared to entertain her 412th monger. Time to do what I do best. Despite the high number, each encounter still held a unique significance, ample proof of her caring, loving, and attentive nature. Despite centuries of human courtship rituals leading them to this point, each new partner presented delicious nuances to discover.

The way John’s fingers fidgeted with his beer mug, the almost imperceptible flare of nostrils as he drew breath to respond – these were ciphers providing valuable hints how to lead this encounter.

Once John Reinwald walked into the ranch, Lindsay, observing him via the surveillance feed, immediately sensed his loneliness and the unspoken burdens he carried. Her keen intuition, honed through countless interactions, allowed her to see beyond the surface, recognizing this man was going through a rough patch in his life. Did his wife leave him? Did he break up with his girlfriend? Or is he just plain unhappy? To Lindsay, John represented more than just another client; he was a person in dire need of the understanding, comfort, and escapism she was uniquely skilled in providing.

Lindsay’s approach to her job was rooted in her belief that everyone, regardless of their appearance, deserved compassion and respect, provided they met the basic standards of cleanliness and hygiene she valued. I don’t care that this guy is like five-foot-eight and over two-hundred pounds. I don’t care what any monger looks like. This philosophy enabled her to create genuine, albeit fleeting connections with her clients, offering a respite from their everyday struggles.

As she readied herself for the GFE, Lindsay reflected on her journey and the personal growth she had experienced since 2018. Her thoughts wandered to her own inspirations, like the iconic Pamela, whose neon silhouette still adorned the exterior, and whose reputation echoed through the halls on a daily basis. I think people will still be telling tales of Pamela one hundred years from now. She yearned to replicate Pamela's grace and sincerity, aiming to transcend the mundane clichés of her profession. I may be a slut, sure, but at least I’m not a heartless slut like Nicolette.

In John, Lindsay saw an opportunity not only to provide happiness but also to affirm her own values and the redemptive capacity of her work. She’d prepared to meet him with eager anticipation and a determination to make a positive impact on his life, to offer him a glimmer of light in what seemed to be a period of darkness.

Let’s see what makes this guy tick.




“Can I, can I buy you anything? You want anything to drink? Beer, champagne, club soda, even water?”

“I’m okay right now. Thank you for asking, though. You’re really sweet.” Lindsay’s fingertips skimmed along the sweep of his neck. “I imagine you drove in from Vegas. Did you find the place okay?”

“I did,” John said. “I’m tired after all the traveling today, but hey, I’m here now, right?”

“Welcome to Nevada.”

“Thank you. It is nice. It’s different than what I’m used to, that’s for sure. Out here, in the desert, you know, it’s so … brown.

“Oh, I bet it’s all green in Maryland, isn’t it? Maybe one day, I can visit there.” Lindsay tilted her head from side to side and flashed a playful grin. “Which reminds me, what are you doing here? What do you do for a living?”

“I’m a child welfare attorney.”

“Oh, really? That’s cool.”

“And I’ve always wanted to visit Las Vegas.”

She waggled her brows. “Figured you’d have a little extra fun on the side while you’re at it?”

“I mean, I’ve been an admirer of yours for a long time.” A shot of color assailed John’s cheeks. “I remember the day your profile first went up on Happy Ending Ranch’s website three years ago, and I’ve wondered what it would be like to be with you ever since.”

Lindsay leaned inward, her face lighting up as she spoke, her delight infectious. “Oh, really? I love that!”

“I mean, you’re kind of like, my type. Blonde hair, blue eyes, the … the Playboy Playmate, like, the sex appeal of a goddess.”

Her laughter bounding off the walls, Lindsay splayed a hand across her heart. “You’re hyping me up! Hmm, I must be your type.”

“Yeah, very, very much so.”

“Awesome, that’s awesome. So, do you … have you visited any other brothels? Do you do this a lot? Or…” Lindsay's words trailed off as she lifted a hand to her face, slender fingers sweeping a stray lock of hair away from her forehead, “… am I your first?”

“You’re my first.”

“I love that! I promise to take care of you, baby.”

“Umm, so like, I’ve read all of your reviews on the website. And they’re absolutely amazing. But what are you like … when you’re not working?”

“When I’m not working? Outside the brothel, you mean?” Lindsay paused, her gaze momentarily dropping to her lap as she scratched an itch on her chin. She glanced up, one shoulder raised in a demure pose. “Well, I’m a little sex demon if I do say so myself.” Lindsay’s voice softened, each subsequent word rolling off her tongue like silk, her eyes half-lidded. “I love getting on my knees, whipping out a nice, big cock, and just devouring it. Having it deep in my throat just as much as I love getting fucked. Over and over, making a guy come as many times as he wants.”


Lindsay’s body jolted as if touched by a live wire, a spontaneous giggle escaping. “So, what are you into?”

“Oh, this is gonna be fun.” John couldn’t contain his own laughter. “This is gonna be fun.”

“I can’t fucking wait,” Lindsay declared, her usual playfulness replaced by a genuine gravity. Teeth caught her upper lip, her eyes azure pools of longing. “I’m so glad you’re here with me now.”

“Yeah, it …” Oxygen whizzing into his lungs, John was mesmerized by the dance of Lindsay’s fingers on his forearm. “… doesn’t even feel real.”


He cradled her chin, tilting her face until their noses were mere inches apart. John’s thumb grazed her lower lip. “Do you like it when … guys kiss you?”

I fucking love it.

His fingers threaded through her hair, applying a gentle tug. “What about …” He paused, holding her gaze captive with his own, “… when your hair gets pulled a little bit?”

A soft whimper escaped. Lindsay’s neck strained against his grip, but her grin only widened. “You really did do your research on me.”

“Maybe just a little bit.”

Then she kissed him.

John had to brace himself against the chair as Lindsay leaned into him, her forehead bumping his. But he didn't care. Cupping the back of her head, he parted his lips and she responded in kind, their tongues meeting in a tangle. The kiss held a duality of sweetness and fire, an unexpected pleasure that mirrored his fantasies of Lindsay.

She slithered across the table, climbing into his lap to straddle his thighs. Her hands roamed, fingers entwining in his hair, as she rocked against him. The hem of her minidress rode up her thighs, tempting John to explore. His hand slipped beneath the fabric, tracing the contours of her hip and the delicate edge of her G-string before settling on the curve of her ass.

“Tell me, baby.” Lindsay pulled back to look at him. “Are you married?” When his expression faltered, hinting at his burdens, she dropped her voice to a whisper. “I don’t mind if you’re married. It doesn’t bother me. Your wife? She doesn’t need to know that you’re here.”

“No. I’ve been divorced for ten years. I … I’ve been alone for ten years.” As the admission left his lips, John’s gaze drifted away from Lindsay's, his eyes losing focus as if drawn into the depths of his perennial doldrums. The words seemed to echo in the space between them, underscoring the profound isolation that had characterized his existence for a decade. It was a revelation that spoke of countless nights spent in the company of his own thoughts, of days blurring together in a monotonous cycle of work and solitude. The ache of loneliness, the gnawing hunger for connection, had driven him to this moment, to the arms of a woman who promised a reprieve from the emptiness that had consumed him for so long.

Instinctively, Lindsay's fingertips grazed the outline of John's face. “Oh, your poor thing.” It was a gesture of comfort, an acknowledgment of the pain he had endured and the strength it had taken to voice it aloud. “Ten years?” In the depths of her own experiences, Lindsay recognized the toll that isolation could take, the way it could erode one's sense of self and leave behind a hollow ache that no fleeting pleasure could fully sate. Her hand drifted down to rest over his heart, feeling the steady pulse beneath her palm, a reminder of the resilience that had brought him to this crossroads. “That’s a long time.”

“The first two times I asked Stacy out, she said no.” His eyes squeezed shut. The rejection, still vivid in his mind, played across his face in a series of microexpressions. “She said yes the third time and dumped me within two weeks.” When he spoke again, his voice was flat, devoid of any emotion. “It was not until I was literally the last man standing that she actually brought us back together and we eventually got married.” John’s eyes opened and found Lindsay’s, searching for understanding, for an acceptance he’d wanted for so long. “Clearly, I was not her true love.”

Lindsay took his face in her hands, her thumbs brushing away the tears that had begun to fall. “John, listen to me. Don’t let your past define you. You are worthy of love, of respect, of happiness. I know it may be difficult to believe after everything you’ve been through, but it’s the truth.”

She rested her forehead against his. “I see you, baby. I see the man you are, the strength you possess, the love you have to give. And I promise you, you are not alone. Not anymore … not with me.”

Lindsay’s hand slid down, their fingers interlacing. “I can’t erase your past. I can’t promise you a future. But what I can give you is the present. I can show you that you are deserving of pleasure, of tenderness, of an evening that goes beyond the superficial.”

Lindsay's warmth lingered on John's skin as she disentangled herself from his embrace. The absence of her weight on his lap left a void, a space that seemed to stretch between them despite the intimacy of their conversation.

She lowered back into her own chair, the fabric welcoming her curves as she crossed one flawless leg over the other. Her eyes, bright with compassion, remained fixed on John, steadfast in their intensity.

“I can’t but feel like there’s more to your story, more that you need to share.” Her head tilted to the side, a lock of hair kissing her cheek, softening the angles of her face. “If you’re comfortable, I’d be honored if you’d tell me more about your wife and what happened with her.”

Lindsay's hand extended across the table, her palm an open invitation for John to unburden his soul. Her eyes, windows to a world of compassion, spoke the words that her lips did not need to utter. Lindsay’s presence provided the ultimate in reassurance that he was not alone, that there was still beauty and kindness to be found in a world that had often seemed so cold and unforgiving.

And at long last, John felt the icy grip of loneliness begin to thaw, replaced by the warmth of a connection he had never dared to dream possible.

“Our party can wait.” A grin sprang across Lindsay’s face. “I got all night to talk, baby.”

((End of Chapter Forty-Nine - to be continued))

Written by JeremyDCP
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