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Chapter Sixty-Nine

Grace woke up alone for the first time in months. She missed the morning kisses, playful banter, and the way Mac looked at her like she was the only woman in the world. They hadn’t even been apart for twenty-four hours yet, and she was already miserable.

She checked her phone for messages and emails. Then decided she needed to push herself into the things she needed to accomplish today. If she were busy, she would have less time to think about missing Mac.

She met with the Nimb Events Coordinator first and booked The Dome, with its classy black Y-chairs and an impressive black, high-gloss table, for Mac’s presentation, and the Nimb Bar for a cocktail reception at the end of the workday. The transition meetings would be held in 1909. She thought that the floor-to-ceiling panoramic windows would keep the discussions from feeling so mundane. The Nimb catering would provide water, food, and snacks as part of the room rental. She didn’t have to worry about a thing.

Afterward, she and the Wedding Coordinator discussed possibilities for a wedding ceremony and ideas for a small reception. “You can also get married at Copenhagen City Hall and come back to Nimb for an afternoon tea with cakes and champagne or a brunch. We also can make use of Tivoli Gardens if you’d like. Perhaps a turn or two on the Ballongyngen if you and your groom enjoy that kind of thing.”

“Ballongyngen?” Grace asked, unfamiliar with the term.

“The Ferris Wheel, my dear! We have had many a bride and groom take a ride. Our photographers can take some amazing pictures there.”

“You have a photographer?”

“Of course! We can provide flowers, music, an exquisite meal, or just desserts and wines. There’s not much that we can’t do here.”

Grace felt overwhelmed. “I think I need some time to process all of this. I’d also like to get some input from my fiancé.”

“Absolutely! You take some time to decide. Here’s my card with my direct line. Call or email me if you have any questions at all.”

Grace sent Mac a quick text.

Good morning, Mac! I’ve got everything set for your presentation and meetings. I looked at many possibilities for the wedding and got a little dazed by everything. I’m going to check out the city hall next. I love you.

Mac’s response was quick but brief.

Thanks. Busy day. Love you too.

Grace sighed. Part of her wished she had stayed in Stockholm. She could have helped make things less difficult for Mac. Even if only by relieving his stress. She sent a message to Bjorn.

Hello, this is Grace. Are you available to take me to Copenhagen City Hall?

His response was quick as well.

I am, but it is only a five-minute walk. However, if you’d rather be driven, I’m happy to take you.

She felt foolish.

No, I can walk. I didn’t realize it was that close. What’s the best route?

Go left from the hotel, on Bernstorffsgaden. Then turn right on Vesterbrogade and walk alongside Tivoli (which will be on your right). You will cross Hans Christian Andersens Boulevard, and then the road will become Råhuspladsen. You can’t miss the city hall; it has a massive spire on the building.

Thank you!

Ms. Remy, I am taking a couple to see Rosenborg Castle this afternoon. Would you care to tag along? We are leaving after lunch.

Please, call me Grace. Yes, I would like that very much. Will you text me about twenty minutes before I need to be downstairs?

Of course, Ms. Grace.

She had almost declined the offer, but she knew that otherwise, she’d sit and do nothing all afternoon. It helped to have a plan or a schedule. She checked her outfit in the mirror to make sure she looked presentable to go to the city hall. She wore a simple shirtdress in cobalt blue with a white belt and her white Keds. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail, dabbed some pink gloss on her lips, and headed on her way.

She spent about an hour at the city hall listening to a clerk explain the procedures for weddings and share history about the city. It was interesting, so she didn’t mind that he kept her much longer than she anticipated.

As Grace walked back to the hotel, she paid closer attention to the sights and sounds of Tivoli, an amusement park with rides, attractions, a concert hall, and so much more. Suddenly, she had a flashback to being in school and reading Number the Stars by Lois Lowry. Tivoli Gardens had been a time and place of peace and happiness to the young girls in the story. They’d eaten ice cream there and had seen fireworks. Then the war came, and everything changed.

Grace felt a sense of melancholy come over her and nearly canceled her afternoon outing. But she didn’t want to miss a chance to see a famous castle. Maybe it would perk her up a bit.

The tour of Rosenborg Castle was a lovely distraction. The Crown Jewels were beautiful; Grace found herself enchanted by the diamonds, emeralds, and rubies. She pondered whether the succession of Queens had ever felt overwhelmed about which pieces to wear. There were paintings to see, and the castle itself was quite lovely. But the couple that had initially booked the excursion, Fred and June, decided to wander off on their own, so she was left to play tourist by herself.

When Bjorn noticed that Grace was alone, he caught up with her in the castle gardens and struck up a conversation. “So, what do you think of Rosenborg?”

“It’s wonderful,” she replied. “It’s much larger than I was expecting it to be.”

Bjorn tried hard to hold back a snicker, but Grace caught it and smiled. “That’s not quite the way I meant that to come out.”

“I’m sorry for my rudeness,” he said, apologizing. “But I did make you smile.”

She nodded. Suddenly, this situation felt very much like Paris when Mac had no time for her, and she went with that bartender, Julien, to see the Arc de Triomphe. While she appreciated Bjorn’s company, she was relieved when it was time to head back.

Fred and June asked Bjorn to drop them off at a restaurant on the way back. Grace admittedly didn’t pay much attention to where they had gotten out. But once they departed the car, she asked, “Would you be more comfortable if I got in the back?”

“Would it make you more comfortable?” he asked in return.

“I’m fine here in the front,” she said. “Thanks for suggesting I go to the castle this afternoon. I hope Fred and June didn’t mind.”

“They seemed very involved with each other,” he said. “So, I doubt they noticed you were along for the ride. You couldn’t see, but I spied them in the rearview mirror with their hands in places where they probably shouldn’t be when not in private.”

“Oh,” Grace said, blushing a little. “I imagine that was awkward to see.”

“I’ve seen worse,” he laughed. “So, when do you expect Mr. Stewart to join you?”

“I’m not sure. I’m hoping the business he needed to take care of in Sweden gets handled quickly. I feel a little lost without him.” She hadn’t meant to be so candid.

“I would bet that he is missing you as much as you are missing him.”

“I hope so,” she said wistfully. “Hey, Bjorn, do you have dinner plans?”

“I am on the clock until 10:00 p.m. Then I will go home to my very pregnant wife and give her one of my famous foot massages,” he answered.

“Ah, she’s a lucky woman,” Grace said, feeling foolish. What was she thinking? “When is the baby due?”

“We have another month to go, although she wishes it was yesterday,” he laughed.

Grace smiled. “Boy or girl?”

“A girl. But we have not decided on a name yet. Every name I suggest is wrong. Every name she decides she likes, then a few days later, she doesn’t care for the name anymore. So, I told her we should wait until she is born and then decide what to call her.”

“That sounds like an excellent plan,” she said. She looked at her phone for the twentieth time since leaving the castle, but there was no message from Mac.

“Well, Ms. Grace, here we are back at the Nimb, the Taj Mahal of Denmark,” he said smiling. He parked, got out, and went around to open her door. “If you should need anything else tonight or tomorrow, you can send me a message.”

Grace nodded.

“Ms. Grace, may I be so bold to suggest something?” he asked.

Grace’s eyes grew large. “What?” she asked hesitantly.

“When a man is busy at work, sometimes he forgets to communicate with the woman he loves.”

Grace blushed and felt her eyes well up.

“If I had a dollar for every time my Sophie has to send me a message because I get wrapped up in my work, I’d be staying here at Nimb as a guest instead of being a paid driver. Forgive me if this is out of line, but a man misses a woman like you. He just needs to be reminded sometimes to pay attention.”

Words failed her, so she just nodded again and turned to go. Then she stopped. “Bjorn? Thank you. I know he misses me, but I was being stubborn and waiting for him to contact me. Your advice is good.”

Bjorn smiled. “A stubborn redhead, imagine that?”

“I beg your pardon?” Grace asked, frowning.

“My Sophie is a redhead. I know all about stubbornness.”

Grace laughed and said good night to Bjorn. Then she headed upstairs to order room service while waiting just a little longer to see if she heard from Mac.


Chapter Seventy

When she finished her salad, she put on a body-hugging red lace nightgown that left little to the imagination. Then she stood in front of the mirror and did something she’d never done before. She took a picture of herself and sent it in a text to Mac.

When she got no response, she started to worry. As the minutes passed, her worry turned into annoyance.

Finally, half an hour later, her phone buzzed.

I just got back to the suite. You are a sight for sore eyes. I miss you like crazy, Gracie. If there was ever any doubt that we were meant to be together, the fact that being apart from you sucks like crazy makes me sure a million times over. I love you. I’m sorry I was so wrapped up in work today that I didn’t take time to check on you.

Who is this?

You’re hilarious, Grace.

I love you and miss you, too, Mac.

I need to grab some food. Then maybe you’d want to have some phone dessert? Give me fifteen minutes?

Take all the time you need. I’m just going to be here, warming up for you.

I love the sound of that.

Mac ate the soup he’d picked up at the restaurant downstairs and sent Bjorn a message.

Remind me to give you a fabulous tip when I get to Copenhagen.

Bjorn saw the message from Mr. Stewart and smiled. He had worried that he’d been overstepping his bounds by slipping in the fact that Grace was lonely when he had texted that he’d returned Ms. Remy safely back to the hotel for the evening.

It’s my pleasure, sir. I have a redhead of my own.

Twenty minutes later, Mac sent Grace a message.

Are you wet?


Oh, fuck, Grace. That pic you sent made me so hard. I want you. I hate not having you here in my bed two nights in a row.

When do you think you’ll be able to join me?

I’m not sure yet, baby. I should know by tomorrow.

Oh, I was hoping you would be coming here tomorrow.

I’m sorry. I’m just not sure. I just need to find the right person to take the reins until I have time to find a permanent replacement.

What about the person directly under Astrid?

Brigette? It turns out she’s Astrid’s girlfriend. I let her go today, too. This just all sucks sideways.

Grace could feel the mood changing and cursed herself for it. She didn’t want a repeat of last night, so she snapped and sent a picture of her cleavage. That seemed to steer things back in the right direction.

Mmm, my cock just got harder remembering sliding between those two beauties.

And I got wetter just thinking about your cock getting harder.

You’re so fucking sexy.

Mmm, so are you! Are you touching your cock?

Is this going to be a two-handed thing? Cuz if so, I should probably just call you.

Grace’s heart skipped a beat. She needed the sound of his voice more than she was willing to admit. So, it was wonderful that he suggested calling her. She answered immediately when it rang.

“Hello, my sexy future wife,” Mac said. “I’ve missed you the past two days.”

“I’ve missed you, too, sexy future husband.”

“Spread your legs, Grace. Now touch yourself and tell me how wet you are.”

“I’m dripping, baby.”

“Did you bring any toys with you?”

“Sadly, no,” she said. Then she remembered her last-minute grab. “Oh, wait, I have that new vibrating bullet.”

“Get it. And grab some lube. I want you to put the bullet in your tight little ass.”

Grace felt her entire body shudder with desire. She did exactly what he told her, loving the fact that he was taking charge this time on the phone.

“Is it in place?”


“Good. Now turn it on and turn it up slowly. Do you have anything to slide into your pussy?”

“I have fingers. Oh, or, I have the handle of my hairbrush.”

“That’s one of the things I like best about you; you’re always quick with a solution. You’re smart and sexy. Damn, I’m a lucky guy!”

“Once you have the bullet turned all the way up, push that hairbrush handle inside your sopping wet pussy. That’s right, move the brush handle in and out. Does that feel good, baby?”

“God, yes! This feels so good!”

“You’ve got me on speakerphone, right? Use your other hand to play with your clit. Get your fingers nice and wet and imagine it’s my tongue teasing you.”

“Oh, fuck, Mac!”

“Yes, Grace, fuck your sweet pussy for me. Feel my hot breath on your mound as I feast on your nectar while the bullet is tormenting your ass.”

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“I need to cum, Mac!” Grace cried out. “I need to cum for you.”

Orgasm denial seemed cruel when he couldn’t be there to help her edge. He made a mental note to include that in person soon.

“Cum for me, Grace. Cum hard and quench this desperate thirst I have for you.”

“Oh, fuck! Yessssss!” she cried out.

Her body tensed, and then she flooded the towel she’d been so wise to think to bring to bed with her.

The sounds of pleasure she was making were music to his ears. He’d neglected her for most of the day, and she needed reassurance. He felt better knowing she would more than likely sleep more soundly than he imagined she had the night before.

“Mmm, now, what can I do to please you?” Grace asked. He might have been stroking, but she knew he hadn’t cum. She knew the sounds of his pleasure too.

“You’ve already done it. Remember the favor I didn’t have the chance to return? I still have work to do, my darling. But I couldn’t let you go another night without pleasure,” Mac explained.

“Oh, speaking of work. I had an idea when Bjorn and I were walking in the gardens at Rosenborg Castle,” she said excitedly.

“You were what, now?” Mac asked.

“Relax, he felt sorry for me because the other two people ditched me on the castle tour. They were quite into each other, almost literally,” Grace laughed. “Anyway, Bjorn saw I was by myself so, he joined me while I walked in the gardens.”

Mac tried hard not to sound annoyed. “Oh? Sounds romantic.”

“Hardly. The man’s wife is eight months pregnant, and he is quite a wonderful husband. When he gets off work tonight, he plans to go home and massage her feet.”

He felt less annoyed but a little stressed as he tried not to end the call poorly. “Sweetie, I hate to rush you along, but is there a point to your story?”

It was Grace’s turn to be annoyed. “Well, if I’m keeping you from something more important, by all means, say goodnight.”

Mac inhaled sharply and let it out slowly. “Grace, I’m just pressed for time, that’s all. But of course, I have time to hear your idea.”

“You need someone who is business savvy and knows the way you operate, right?”

“If you’re going to suggest I ask Alice, you’re…”

“Oh, fuck no!” Grace interrupted. “She can’t be trusted. I was thinking about Amelia Belvidere from the Amsterdam office. I realize you’ve sent Lars to New York and that Andre is straddling between Paris and Amsterdam. But, from what I’ve seen, Amsterdam is a well-oiled machine. A direct flight between Amsterdam and Stockholm is just two hours and some change. She could be home on weekends. Perhaps even work four tens and have a three-day weekend at home.”

“You thought of all this while walking with Bjorn?” Mac asked. “The poor guy must not be very exciting company.”

“Well, I had to look up the flight schedules when I came back to the hotel. But otherwise, yes.” Grace said.

“I guess I don’t have to be jealous of Bjorn after all. And Amelia is an excellent choice. I wish I would have called you hours ago. I could have saved myself the headache that I…”


“Just a mild, tension headache. I took some Ibuprofen when I first noticed it, and I’m fine. I promise.”

Grace sighed, “Okay.”

“It may take a few days to convince Amelia to take on this role. So, please, be patient with me.”

“Of course.”

“I’m going to let you go so I can contact Amelia tonight. I love you so much, my clever redhead. Oh, and just so you know. When Vince and I were trying to come up with ideas of who to run Stockholm temporarily, he suggested you.”


“Yes. And it was a good idea except for one thing.”

“What’s that?” Grace asked.

“I don’t want to be apart for that long. I’ve grown very fond of having someone to hold while I fall asleep at night. I would miss you far too much.”

Grace felt all warm and mushy inside. It made her feel so much better to know that she wasn’t the only one struggling with this sudden separation.

“I love you, Mac.”

“I love you, too, Grace.”


Chapter Seventy-One

Amelia Belvidere was thrilled to be asked and more than happy to help out. As luck would have it, she was willing to fly out the next morning on the 10:40 a.m. flight. Mac picked her up at the airport and spent the afternoon going over strategy and details of what Amelia’s role would be. Then, he took her for an early dinner at Bonnie’s in the hotel.

“I have to tell you, Amelia, it was Grace who suggested I contact you,” Mac said as he poured another glass of wine for her.

Amelia smiled. “I’m pleased but not surprised. She’s more than just a passing phase, isn’t she?”

“Well, I put a ring on her finger, and she’s in Denmark planning our wedding. So, I think it’s safe to say she’s not a phase at all,” Mac said, grinning.

“How wonderful! Congratulations! She’s a major asset to both your life and your work; you do realize that, yes?”

“I do, yes. I can’t imagine either without Grace.”

“If I were a man, what I’m about to say wouldn’t sound so scandalous. So, pretend for a moment that I am just one of the guys. It’s a lucky man who finds a woman who is equally skilled in the boardroom and the bedroom,” Amelia said slyly.

Mac grinned. “I like to think of her as my playmate, my workmate, and my soulmate.”

Amelia smiled. “I’m just glad you didn’t let her slip away. Lars was sure you’d fuck things up. I had more faith.”

Mac laughed, “Faith in me?”

“Faith in her,” Amelia chuckled. “She’s a strong, intelligent, savvy woman. She wasn’t likely to let you slip through her fingers. She knows she has grabbed the brass ring enough to hold on tight.”

Mac frowned. “Are you suggesting she’s latched onto me because of my wealth or status?”

“Heavens, no! Don’t be daft. Anyone with eyes can see she loves you. I honestly don’t think she gives a damn about your money. She isn’t repelled by it. But if you ever went bankrupt, God forbid, she wouldn’t budge from your side. What I meant was Grace sees beneath the surface and knows that she has found a man who values her.”

He nodded and took another sip of wine.

“Just be careful with her heart, McKinley. The exterior is strong, but the inside is fragile,” Amelia added. “Although I suspect she’s not the only vulnerable one in this relationship.”

“If we have a reception, I’d like very much for you to attend,” Mac blurted out. Suddenly, he wanted very much to surround his bride and himself with people who he knew would be supportive.

“I’d be delighted to attend. Now, why don’t you go upstairs and pack so you can take the first flight to Copenhagen in the morning? Vince and I have things under control here,” Amelia suggested.

“Thanks. I’m just waiting for the check.”

“Run along,” Amelia said, smirking. “I’ve got the bill. I just got a raise.” She winked and practically shooed him away from the table physically.

Mac looked at his watch and cursed. There was actually a flight leaving soon, but he would never make the airport on time. So, he sent Grace a message.

Hey Gracie, I’ve got good news and bad news. Which do you want first?

While Grace had taken the morning to see The Little Mermaid Statue in Copenhagen Harbor, she also spent a good chunk of the day trying to figure out what kind of wedding she wanted and where to have it. So, she was tired and a little bit cranky.

It doesn’t matter.

Mac frowned.

Hey, what’s wrong?

Grace felt bad about coming across as snippy.

Nothing, I’m just tired. I didn’t sleep well. I can’t decide what I want to do about the wedding, and I’m feeling like a hungry person sitting in a restaurant looking at a menu with three hundred items, unable to decide. Sorry, I know, a rough day being a bride-to-be. You can tell me the good news first.

He understood better than she realized.

Amelia has agreed to run Stockholm and is ready to take over starting tomorrow.

Grace’s heart felt lighter than it had all day.

Really? That’s fantastic news! So, what’s the bad news.

The last flight tonight leaves in twelve minutes. So, the next flight isn’t until tomorrow.

That’s pretty good for being bad news. I thought you were going to say you weren’t coming for a few more days.

I’d never last a few more days without you, Gracie. I miss my sweet and sassy redhead.

She grinned.

I’m just glad you’re going to be here tomorrow. Any interest in phone dessert?

Mac hesitated for a moment. Then he responded.

I’ve got a long night ahead of me. I will make it up to you, I promise.

Grace sighed.

No worries. You’re worth the wait.

I love you, Grace.

I love you too, Mac.


Chapter Seventy-Two

Grace decided to take a bath in the luxurious tub that resembled, in her mind, a giant cereal bowl. She let her body relax as she slid into the hot water and found herself wishing Mac were here to wash her back. Who was she kidding? She’d want him to wash her front too.

She took her razor in hand and guided the steel blades carefully over her mound to make it smooth and bare again. She closed her eyes and imagined the feeling of Mac’s tongue gliding across her skin. When she finished removing all the stubble, she set the razor aside and let her fingers dance across her soft pussy and sneak down to play among the folds. She inserted two fingers inside her slick hole and used her thumb to trace tiny circles around her clit.

Her other hand was busy giving each nipple a turn between her thumb and forefinger. Being ambidextrous came in handy sometimes. Soon her hips rocked, and her back arched as her cries echoed in the bathroom.

When she finished her bath, she put on Mac’s favorite nightgown and headed to bed.

Two hours later, she awoke suddenly. She’d thought she’d heard the door to the suite open, and there was a shadow lurking in the living room. Panic set in. Should she slip out of bed and try to hide in the closet? Maybe she could grab her hairspray off the counter in the bathroom and use it like pepper spray or mace.

The shadow moved into the bedroom, and she froze. Then she took a deep breath and said, “My husband will be back any moment, so you should really turn around and leave while you can.”

“He shouldn’t have left you alone because I intend to have my way with you,” a deep voice said as the shadow turned on a light.

“Mac! Oh, my God! You’re here! How are you here?” Grace cried as she threw her arms around his neck and planted kisses all over his face.

“I couldn’t make the last flight last out, so I went to book the earliest morning flight and decided I didn't want to wait that long. I just wanted to be with you. So, I hired a driver, and seven hours later, including stops, I am holding you in my arms,” Mac explained. “One of my better decisions.

Grace held on tight and buried her head in Mac’s chest.

“Hey, are you okay?” he said as he kissed the top of her head.

“I’m just emotional. I was missing you so much, and then when I woke up after hearing the door, I thought you were an intruder, and I…”

Mac interrupted Grace with a passionate kiss. He picked her up and carried her to the bed. Then he grinned. “You must have subconsciously known I was coming; you’re wearing the perfect nightgown.”

“It might sound silly, but I was missing you so much that I put this on because I know you love it on me.”

“Doesn’t sound silly at all. Not any sillier than me paying a driver three times his normal rate to get me back to you in the middle of the night.”

“We’re kind of sappy, aren’t we?” Grace mused.

“Maybe. But there’s nothing wrong with being ridiculously in love, is there?”

But he gave her no time to answer before his tongue was dancing again with hers. He craved the intimacy of kissing and holding her just as much as making love to her.

He broke off the kiss and said, “You’re my best friend, Grace. Nothing else seems to matter without you.”

He lifted her nightgown and let his fingers trace a path up her thigh. He gently pushed her legs apart until the treasure he sought was there waiting for him. He teased the soft skin of her mound and moaned.

“You had the tile waxed again,” he said playfully as his tongue swirled around until it found the little gold ball that delighted him so.

“Nope, I did it the old-fashioned way, just a few hours ago.”

“If that amazing greeting you gave me didn’t already make the long ride home worth it, this surely would.”

He lapped seductively and used his tongue to open up the entrance to her hot wetness. “Fuck! You taste delicious, Grace.” Then he continued his slow sensual assault on her clit and labia, causing her to moan softly. He added a single finger to the game and played just inside, driving her mad.

“I need you,” she whimpered.

“I’m right here, darling. But there’s no need to rush. I want to savor you.”

Her hips rocked, and her moans grew louder as he started to nibble on her hard little nub.

“Oh, God!”

“Not God, just Mac,” he teased. Then he pushed three fingers into her needy little hole while he feasted on her. But each time he felt her getting close, he eased up. She complained softly each time as he edged her mercilessly. Eventually, Grace grabbed his head and held it there so she could finally reach the peak. She let go as she came hard, quenching his thirst with her nectar.

“Holy fuck, Mac!” Grace cried out.

“Greedy little minx,” Mac said playfully. “Do you need to be filled up?”

“Yes! God, yes!”

Mac undid his belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his trousers, and shed them, along with his boxers, before climbing on the bed with Grace.

“Get on your knees, baby. I want to take you from behind.”

Grace flipped over and offered herself to Mac. He grabbed onto her hips and sunk his rigid shaft into her tight wetness.

It was his turn to moan as he felt the soft pink walls devour his cock.

“Christ, you feel so good, Grace!”

He moved in and out of her, slowly at first. Then he couldn’t help himself; he pumped into her until he felt his balls tighten. He couldn’t have held back, even if he tried. So, he picked up the pace and was delighted when, just before his release, Grace came again. He moaned loudly as he let go, filling her with his cum.

They were both panting as Mac pulled her down onto her side and spooned her. “I missed you so fucking much,” he whispered in her ear.

Grace sighed happily. “I missed you, too.”

Mac grabbed the comforter and pulled it over them. They drifted off to sleep, both of them knowing that their world felt back into focus in each other’s arms. 

Written by techgoddess
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