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Author's Notes

"The end of Part Three and all of Part Four take place primarily in Amsterdam. While I've never been there (yet), I was supposed to have enjoyed some time there last year on my way to the African Safari that also got canceled. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Hopefully, I've done my homework correctly. Enjoy!"

Chapter Nine

McKinley arrived early so he could position himself to see Grace when she walked in. She showed up promptly at 7:00 P.M. dressed in a black skirt that stopped just shy of her knees and a white blouse. Not conservative, but not overtly sexy either. He had to admit that he admired her taste. She was, he realized, the kind of woman he might pursue romantically if he were so inclined. But the very reason she was here was that he was looking to avoid attachments.

He stood up to greet her and pull out her chair. She was gracious and allowed him to be chivalrous. But there was still an awkward vibe between them. He hoped this meal might be a start in repairing that.

“Thanks for agreeing to meet me,” McKinley said. “Since we are scheduled to leave next week, I thought it would be prudent to go over the schedule for the first leg of the trip.”

“I appreciated getting the links to everything so I could check things out. The accommodations are quite nice,” Grace commented.

“Yes, Alice typically chooses well,” he replied.

When the waiter approached their table with a bottle of wine, McKinley said, “I hope you don’t mind that I ordered a bottle of Pinot Grigio. I figured it would go with whatever we order.”

“Not at all; that’s a lovely choice,” she answered. She preferred Moscato, but, at this point, any alcohol was a welcome sight.

After the wine was poured, Grace took a sip to calm her nerves. “I will start arranging the gatherings that you outlined in your email tomorrow. I noticed you also included a link to The Golden Key sex club. Am I to arrange a group outing there? Or was that meant for your personal use?”

McKinley choked on his wine. “I apologize. I was clicking on links of things to do in the area. I must have sent that by mistake.”

Grace sipped her wine gracefully. She was amused at seeing McKinley so flustered. “Of course.” She played along with his ruse. “Should you change your mind and require, or even just desire, their services, just let me know. I’m happy to arrange whatever you need.”

The waiter returned to take their dinner order, sparing McKinley from having to continue any conversation about the sex club. Or so he thought.

Once the waiter left, Grace brought it up again. “It looks like a very classy place. But I noticed they cater only to men. I’m surprised in this day and age that there isn’t a place for women to relax with a bevy of sexy guys. Then again, women have a much larger variety of toys to choose from if they need release.”

“Grace,” McKinley said, looking exceedingly uncomfortable, “perhaps we can change the subject.”

“Oh, certainly,” she said, “I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”

He laughed, “Yes, you did. And don’t pretend otherwise. It’s insulting.”

Grace smiled, “Fair enough. I only wanted you to share the discomfort I felt when I clicked on the link expecting it to be a restaurant. It’s one thing to know you will find your sex elsewhere while we are in Amsterdam; it’s quite another to have it thrown in my face.”

“It was you who wanted to take sex off the table, Grace,” he said.

“As I recall, it was you who suggested it. I merely agreed,” she countered.

McKinley inhaled sharply, “Grace, do you suppose we can work on looking as though we aren’t ready to start brawling any moment? Part of my hiring you as my escort was to be able to fend off some well-meaning clients who try endlessly to fix me up with their daughters or sisters.”

“It must be a burden being so rich and good looking,” she said sarcastically.

“Maybe this isn’t going to work out after all,” he said.

Grace smiled sweetly, “Nonsense, darling. Couples argue, it’s a perfectly normal phenomenon.”

McKinley pondered that thought for a moment, then chuckled, “Well, you’ve got me there.” He raised his glass, “Here’s to being a perfectly normal couple.”

Grace smiled and clinked her glass gently against his, “Here’s to us, Mac.”

“Ah, an olive branch,” he mused. “Thank you. I appreciate the effort.”

They spent the rest of the time enjoying their meals and discussing the schedule of events for the first two weeks. They ordered dessert and tea on McKinley’s insistence. He simply wasn’t ready to let her go. The wine had helped their conversation flow much easier. It felt good not to be at odds with her.

“I want you to know that when I do not require your services, you are welcome to enjoy the hotel amenities. There is a spa available. And a pool that looks rather inviting,” he said before taking a bite of his Tiramisu.

“Thank you, the pool sounds nice. I imagine the spa treatments are pricy,” she said.

He looked at her as if she’d suddenly sprouted horns on top of her head. “You needn’t worry about the cost of spa treatments, or anything, for that matter. This trip is all-inclusive. I don’t expect you to spend the salary I give you on things like that. I thought you understood that.”

“Oh,” Grace replied, feeling a bit overwhelmed by his generosity. “I didn’t want to presume anything. Especially since we will be sleeping in separate beds.”

McKinley sighed, “Grace, I don’t intend to pay you any less than I originally agreed to. If, and when, you decide to sleep with me again, it will be because you want to, not because you’re being paid to do so.”

“Oh, well, thank you,” she said, feeling a little flustered by his decency.

“I will, however, expect you to keep up the pretense of being my lover. Can you do that, Grace? Can you be convincing in that role?” he asked pointedly.

She leaned across the table and took his face in her hands. Then she kissed him softly. “I think I can manage that,” she said. “I really have to go now, though. Thanks for a lovely dinner, Mac.” She stood up and turned to leave. But he stood as well and grabbed her hand, pulled her into him, and kissed her passionately.

After a moment, she broke off the kiss and walked away.

He motioned for the waiter to bring the check and sat down to finish his tea. He smiled as he realized that the evening had ended on a good note. She’d called him Mac, and she hadn’t reacted negatively to his kissing her. It was a start.


Chapter Ten

Grace hated to admit it to herself, but McKinley’s kiss had made her wet. She wanted to be angry with him for stirring her desire. But it would definitely be easier to pretend to be enamored with him if she felt a physical attraction to him.

When she got home, she undressed and got into the shower. The hot water felt delicious, raining down on her naked body. She moved her hand down between her legs and let a finger slip between her labia, finding herself slick and swollen with need. She leaned back against the wall and slid another finger inside as she moaned. Her thumb rubbed against her clit, and her body moved rhythmically as she brought herself to the edge several times before allowing herself the sweet release of an intense orgasm. She leaned back against the wall and felt her legs quivering. She’d needed this so badly. So much so, that she nearly caved and invited McKinley back to the hotel. But she needed to stick to her guns.

He’d thrown her off balance when he said her pay wouldn’t change, even if she didn’t sleep with him. She was even more surprised when he offered her perks like spa treatments. It would be so easy to allow herself to go back to the original plan. But she couldn’t trust that the part of him that acted like a dick wouldn’t rear its ugly head in the middle of sex and spoil it all again. McKinley was an enigma, and that left her feeling disconcerted. But she was confident she could play the part of his incredibly efficient event planner/lover.

She slipped a thin nightshirt over her head and brushed her teeth. Even though she’d taken care of her needs, she found herself restless and lonely. Eventually, her eyelids grew heavy, and she drifted off to sleep.

The next few days felt like a whirlwind with all that she had to do before they left for Amsterdam. Alice insisted that Grace come to McKinley’s to try on the plethora of clothing ordered for her.

“I gave you my measurements,” Grace protested. “I’m sure it’s all fine.”

“I don’t want to take any chances,” Alice said. “If anything that needs to be taken out, we need to have the tailor do so before you depart.”

Grace caught the snarky vibe in Alice’s comment. She countered with, “Or taken in?”

Alice smiled smugly, “Oh, sure, I suppose that’s a possibility, too.”

After hours of feeling like a life-sized Barbie doll, being dressed and undressed in dozens of outfits, Grace was ready for a break.

“Oh, well, you still need to try on the undergarments and the sleepwear,” Alice pouted.

“Nope, not gonna happen,” Grace argued. “I’m not worried about a nightgown being too loose or too snug.”

Alice looked cross, “Well, you should be. Mr. Stewart demands, and is entitled to, perfection.”

Grace frowned, “Does he, though? I feel as though that’s more your thing. Besides, not a single piece of clothing that I tried on needed alterations. So, I highly doubt that there is truly a need to try anything else on.”

“Just one nightgown, please,” Alice said. “Try on just one, and we can move on to the other tasks you need to complete today.”

Grace sighed, “Just one nightgown. Then I eat something, so I don’t become a raging bitch from low blood sugar. After that, I will take care of the rest of this to-do list on my own.”

“Fine.” Alice gave in.

Grace chose a green, ankle-length nightgown with a black lace bodice. The back was open, except for thin, green straps that crisscrossed.

“Take off your bra before you try it on,” Alice instructed.

Grace hesitated. It was bad enough that Alice had seen her in her bra and panties. Now she’d need to bare her breasts in front of her.

“Fine.” Grace relented. She unhooked her bra and let it slide down her arms. She set it aside as she watched Alice stare at her tits.

Grace figured she might as well remove the panties, too, at this point. So, she slid them down, exposing her bare mound, and set them aside with the bra.

Alice’s face turned a bit red as she handed Grace the nightgown. Grace put it on and looked in the mirror. The black lace was stretchy and held her breasts in place nicely, while the green satin hugged her hips ever so slightly. It fit her perfectly! She was glad that she’d let Alice nag her into trying it on. It made her feel sexy and beautiful.

The door opened, and McKinley froze for a brief moment. He opened his mouth to apologize for intruding, but a compliment fell out instead. “That looks lovely on you, Ms. Remy,” he said, unable to take his eyes off her.

Grace wanted to be angry at him for barging in, but she couldn’t quite muster enough annoyance at the moment. The fact that he was looking at her like he wanted to devour her in big, greedy bites was both exhilarating and disturbing.

“Thank you, Mr. Stewart.” She blushed.

“I’m so sorry; I didn’t mean to interrupt you. I thought you would both be at lunch by now,” he said, still staring at her. “Surely, you must be famished!”

Her stomach chose that moment to make a thunderous growling noise. “Beyond famished, but Alice wants to finish before we take a break.”

Alice watched McKinley’s facial expression go from amused to annoyed. “I think we’re done here,” she said quickly. “If you want to put your street clothes back on, I can start packing for you.”

“You don’t need to pack my things, Alice,” Grace said.

“Ms. Remy, why don’t you let Alice take care of that task so you can grab lunch with me and still have time to finish the arrangements for Amsterdam,” McKinley suggested.

Grace noticed that Mac was still staring at her breasts, straining against the black lacy bodice of the nightgown. A brief glance at his jeans revealed his desire. She felt herself blush a little, then watched him realize she’d noticed his erection. He smiled sheepishly, which made her laugh.

Alice felt like a voyeur as she watched the unspoken interaction unfolding between her boss and his escort. It appeared they were more interested in each other than either one would care to admit. She understood now why McKinley had chosen Grace over her. He had never looked at her that way and probably never would. She sighed a little and wondered what it felt like to be so desired.

She cleared her throat and asked, “Were all of the items to your liking, Ms. Remy?”

“Yes, Alice, you did a lovely job with your selections,” she answered politely. It wasn’t a lie. There wasn’t a single item that she hadn’t cared for; she was pleasantly surprised that Alice hadn’t picked ridiculous outfits out of spite.

Alice’s face looked pinched, and her smile tight. “Mr. Stewart made the selections. I simply made sure that the tailor had your measurements so everything would fit perfectly. So, you see, that is why we needed to make sure that nothing needed altering.”

Grace nodded and got dressed. She thanked Alice again and went into the foyer to see if McKinley was ready to go to lunch.

He was in the study on the phone, so she sat on the little couch in the hallway. She wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, but his voice was loud, and it carried.

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“Yes, we are all set, thanks, Lars. Yes, I’m excited for you to meet her,” he said into the phone. “Don’t get any ideas about trying to steal her away from me; she’s all mine. Okay. Great talking to you, too. See you next week, Lars.”

When he finished with the call, he went looking for Grace. Seeing her sitting there within earshot, he felt compelled to share his conversation with her.

“Lars Van den Berg is the CEO of one of the firms in Amsterdam we will be acquiring. I trust his business sense, so he will continue to be in charge of the office there. He mentioned introducing me to his cousin, so I told him that I was, in fact, in a relationship with my assistant, who would be traveling with me. He can’t wait to meet you,” McKinley explained.

Grace simply nodded.

“What do you feel like for lunch?” he asked her.

She thought for a moment. “I’d kill for a good burger right now." She decided.

McKinley grinned, “I think I can find you a burger that suits your taste and won’t require any felonious activity on your part.”

Half an hour later, Grace felt like she was in heaven. “Oh, my God, this burger is amazing!” she raved as she took another bite.

“I’m glad you think so,” he commented. “I used to come here often but somehow got out of the habit. I’m pleased your craving brought me back in.”

The burger was not all she was craving. Her mind had wandered back to the feeling of Mac’s tongue on her pussy, and she shuddered a bit.

“Are you cold?” McKinley asked, looking perplexed.

“No, just a quick chill. Probably from this delicious, icy cold Coke,” she lied. “It’s been eons since I’ve had real cola with sugar.” She was grateful that he hadn’t picked up on the fact that the shiver had nothing to do with being cold. She recalled the hard-on he had sported when he saw her in the nightgown and felt herself go damp. It was going to be very difficult not to fall right into his bed. She’d need to keep her guard up without doing or saying anything that would make their relationship appear disingenuous.

After lunch, they went back to his house. “You are welcome to use my office to make any calls you need. While you’re doing that, I will have your new cell phone set up. Also, would you prefer a laptop or a tablet? Or both?” McKinley asked.

“Why do I need a new cell phone?” she asked, puzzled.

“You need an international plan. I decided it would be a lot easier to just go with a new phone. You are welcome to share the phone number with any friends or family so they can reach you as needed,” he explained.

“Oh, thank you,” she replied. “I have a tablet, so perhaps just a laptop.”

“I’ll get you both anyway,” he said.

“Oh, sure,” she said, feeling a bit overwhelmed. She was grateful when Mac left her to get some work done.

When the workday was over, McKinley returned to his office to find Grace with her head on his desk. He cleared his throat a little to see if that would rouse her.

“Oh, my goodness!” Grace said as she sat up quickly. “I’m so sorry! I must have nodded off. I’ve not been sleeping especially well the past few nights, and I think it’s catching up with me.”

“Please, don’t apologize,” he said kindly. “I’ve been suffering the same plight. Hopefully, with pretty much everything in place, we can both get some rest tonight.”

She found it secretly pleasing that he wasn’t able to sleep well either.

“I made all the reservations for the events you listed on the Amsterdam leg of the trip. My contact there is Dirk Visser. He was so kind and helpful. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but he was delightful,” Grace said.

“Thanks, I appreciate having that all set up in advance,” McKinley said. “So, would you like to have dinner with me?”

“Oh, um, thanks, but I think I’m going to pass. I have several things to finish up before our trip, and I should spend some time on that,” Grace replied.

He frowned, “I thought you just said you have everything set.”

“For the trip, yes. But I still need to take care of some personal things,” she explained.

“Oh, of course,” he said, sounding disappointed.

“Well, I will see you tomorrow, Mac,” she said, knowing the nickname would elicit a smile from him.

“See you tomorrow, Gracie.”

When she got back to the hotel, Grace wondered if she was making a mistake. She sighed. Well, it was too late now. She was committed to going to Amsterdam with McKinley. She’d go and make the best of it. Besides, she couldn’t stay here. It would only be a matter of time before her past caught up to her. It was best to keep moving, and this job would help her do just that.

She ordered a pizza and sat down in front of the television. Maybe slipping into some mindless TV would take her thoughts off what she was doing.

Chapter Eleven

A few days later, they were on their way. By the time they were boarding the flight to Amsterdam, Grace and McKinley had agreed that she would play the part of assistant/lover in front of others but drop the ruse once behind closed doors. He was disappointed but hopeful. She hadn’t said no to the possibility of more down the line. He’d need to keep his asshole tendencies in check if he hoped to woo her into his bed. He had to admit to himself that he found the challenge rather arousing.

When the flight attendant, Marie, came to take their drink orders, Grace requested white wine for herself and a Woodford Reserved Bourbon for McKinley. He grinned and said, “You know me so well, darling.”

Grace wiggled her eyebrows and gave a demure smile.

Marie scurried into the galley and elbowed her co-worker, Damian. “Well, I’ll be damned. Someone finally landed Mr. Stewart!”

Damian scoffed, “Don’t be daft, Marie! Mr. Stewart is not landable. She’s probably just an assistant. He’s traveled with one in the past.”

“He called her darling,” Marie huffed.

“Well, then maybe she’s an escort. He’s traveled with one of those in the past, too,” Damian retorted.

“Maybe,” Marie said, annoyed that he could be right. She checked the passenger list and discovered the woman’s name was Grace Remy, which sounded French or Spanish.

On a whim, she spoke French as she handed them their drinks. As she did, she watched carefully for telltale body language.

“Voici votre vin, mademoiselle. Puis-je vous offrir autre chose?”

Grace smiled, “Non, merci, ce sera tout pour l’instant.”

McKinley took Grace’s hand and kissed it, “You know it drives me wild when you speak French, Tish.”

Grace’s laugh was genuine. She was pleasantly surprised at his bit of foolishness. “Ah, Gomez,” she purred seductively, continuing his humorous nod a scene from The Addams Family.

Marie nodded politely and went back to report to Damian, “If they’re not a couple, I’ll eat my scarf.”

Damian, having witnessed the interaction, said, “You could be right. But, if so, I’m highly disappointed.”

Marie frowned, “Disappointed?”

“Yes, I had hoped he was gay. So much for my fantasy of being courted by the handsome, wealthy McKinley Stewart,” Damian sighed.

Marie laughed, “Why did you think he was gay?”

Damian sighed again, “Probably because I just wanted him to be. Hey, it’s my fantasy, okay?”

Marie laughed again and went to take another drink order in the First-Class cabin.

For the first couple of hours, McKinley worked on his presentation while Grace watched the movie, In Bruges. When it was over, she leaned back and closed her eyes. Eventually, she drifted off. Before long, her head was on his shoulder. He realized that he’d never experienced an act that held both such innocence and intimacy at the same time. He took a blanket and draped it over her. When he noticed Marie watching, he took it a step further and kissed the top of Grace’s head. She stirred a little and sighed. Marie smiled. She might just be an assistant or an escort, but the man was smitten, all right.

McKinley closed his laptop and permitted himself to enjoy the feeling of closeness. In her slumber, she reached out a hand and rested it on his arm. She looked peaceful and relaxed. He very nearly reached out to touch her, but the jostling of turbulence and the sound of Marie’s voice announcing that the captain had turned the fasten seat-belt sign back on spoiled the moment.

Grace looked slightly embarrassed when she woke up clinging to McKinley. “I’m sorry, I must have dozed off!”

He resisted the temptation to say something snarky. Instead, he tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear and said, “No need to apologize. We’ve been working hard lately. I nearly fell asleep with you, but the plane started to toss about a bit.”

Grace smiled, “Thanks, Mac. It felt good to sleep a little.”

She went to turn back into her chair, but he held onto her hand. “I like when you call me that,” he said, gazing into her eyes.

“I know, and that pleases me for some ridiculous reason,” she admitted. “Maybe it’s because Alice was so insistent that you didn’t care for nicknames.”

He inhaled sharply at the mention of Alice’s name. “She wasn’t wrong. Then again, perhaps it was the fact that I never felt like I was a Kinley, a Mickey, or a Mick. Somehow, the way you call me Mac suits me just fine. I hope you’ll continue to do so.”

“You can be utterly charming when you put your mind to it, Mac,” she said. “I hope you’ll continue to do so.”

“Touché, darling,” he said, lifting her hand to his lips.

The rest of the flight went smoothly enough. Before long, they were landing at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. A porter helped them collect their baggage and cart it to the limo that awaited them. It was a short ride from the airport to The Conservatorium. Grace took care of tipping the driver and the bellman while Mac checked them in.

The room was even lovelier in person. Mac smiled when he saw Grace’s eyes widen at the luxurious appointment of the rooms in their suite.

“I had intended on taking the Master Suite and using the sitting room as an office,” he explained. “However, since there is a nice-sized conference table in the second bedroom, I will take that one instead.”

“Are you sure?” she asked.

“Absolutely! Besides, I’m more of a shower guy. I can’t see letting that nice tub go unused. That way, too, you can use the sitting room for reading or relaxing if you wish,” he added.

Grace smiled graciously, “Thanks, Mac!”

“You’re welcome,” he replied. “And speaking of showers, I’m going to unpack and grab one before we go to dinner. Any idea of where you’d like to eat tonight?”

Grace shook her head. “You didn’t read my notes, did you?”

He gave her a sheepish grin. “It’s possible that I missed some details.”

She laughed. “I made a reservation at Midtown Grill. It’s a short walk from here and a bit more on the casual side. I figured tonight it would be nice to get out since most of the dinners and cocktail hours are scheduled to be here in the hotel.”

He blinked. He wouldn’t have given any consideration to such a thought, but he was delighted that she had done so.

“That’s a splendid idea, Grace,” he said. “Do you see why I need you with me?”

Grace laughed. “There’s no one around to impress, Mac. You don’t need to lay on the compliments so thickly.”

He took her hand in his. “That wasn’t for anyone’s benefit but yours. I wouldn’t have thought to get out of the hotel on the one night we actually can. I was completely serious. I appreciate your attention to details like that.”

She blushed a little. “Oh, well, you know…I just thought…thanks!”

Later, at dinner, he thanked her again, “I know I’ve already said it, but this is very nice. Sometimes I feel so wrapped up in the work that I forget to notice places around me. When I’ve traveled alone, I have tended to order room service on a night like tonight.”

“And when you’ve traveled with an escort?” she asked.

He searched her face for some indication of whether she was being facetious but saw only genuine interest there. “We would probably have ordered room service and spent the rest of the evening fu… Umm, in bed.”

She smirked at his near-fumble and said, “Well, then it’s good we came out tonight.”

She wondered if he had ordered more wine to make her more pliable. She feared it might be working, so she made sure to drink a fair amount of water as well. If she fell into his bed this soon, she knew she’d regret it.

He took a chance and slipped his hand into hers on the walk back to the hotel. She wasn’t sure if she let him do so for the sake of appearances or because it felt good. Best to not overthink things, she decided.

When they got back to the room, he bent down to kiss her. She let him, but then said, “Mac, I enjoyed dinner, but it’s been a long day, and we’ve got a full schedule tomorrow.”

He sighed but realized it was a lot more positive than her saying she had no intentions of warming his bed tonight. “You’re right, of course. Can’t blame a guy for wanting you, though.”

She smiled. “Good night, Mac.” Then she closed her bedroom door and sighed. Yes, it would have been incredibly easy just to allow her body to do the thinking instead. But she liked knowing that he was a man of his word and didn’t pressure her.

As she climbed into bed, her hand wandered and found the wetness that had been building all night. She hadn’t intended to masturbate, but there was no turning back now. Her fingers played, alternating teasing motions with rapid, nearly furious rubbing of her clit. She edged herself mercilessly, imagining it was Mac touching her.

When she finally couldn’t hold back anymore, she allowed herself to cum hard. She cried out as the orgasm ripped through her body and left her breathless.

She prayed that the walls were thick enough that Mac hadn’t heard her. But she needn’t have worried. For at the very moment that she had been drenching her fingers, Mac’s orgasm flooded his belly while he cried out her name.

Written by techgoddess
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