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Chapter Fifty-Seven

Although Mac’s head remained pain-free, Grace insisted that he keep his follow-up appointment with Dr. Herzog at Schön Clinic Munich Schwabing. His MRI scans showed no tumors, so a trapped nerve in his neck had likely caused the pain.

“So, why does the pain come on stronger when he’s stressed?” Grace asked.

“When people are stressed, they often clench their muscles subconsciously. That puts more pressure on the nerves, compressing them and triggering more pain,” Dr. Herzog explained.

“What’s my next move?” Mac asked.

“The nerve block should hold the pain at bay for the short term. For the long term, I would suggest physical therapy, massage, meditation, and take the diclofenac that I prescribed if you feel a headache coming on. It also wouldn’t hurt to build more time for relaxation into your schedule.”

Grace raised her eyebrows at Mac when the doctor mentioned relaxation.

“Also, you should follow up with your physician when you return home so he can set up a treatment plan. If you sign a release of records form, I will send all of my notes to your doctor in New York.”

When they left the clinic, Mac asked, “Who are you so busy texting?”

Grace gave a funny look. “My secret lover with whom I am having a scandalous affair,” Grace teased.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound nosy and jealous,” Mac laughed.

“I was texting Alice, as I told her I would let her know how you were, and then I sent a message to Franz Huber to thank him for his excellent advice sending me to the clinic.”

Mac inhaled sharply. “How is Alice?”

Grace shrugged. “About as well as any woman who feels like her world has been upended.”

“You think I was wrong to fire her?”

“No, not at all. Alice overstepped her bounds and cost you time and money. But that doesn’t mean I can’t feel empathy for her. And I am grateful that she helped me get in touch with Dr. Mackey.”

“You’re far more generous with your empathy than I am,” Mac said.

“I’m not the one who she betrayed. She made it clear from the start that she disapproved of me. But she was your right hand, and you counted on her to have your back not stab you in it,” Grace replied.

“You’re right; I do feel betrayed. Alice knew I really wanted Sal’s company on board. So, she knew I would go running to Florence without even contacting him. I know Sal was kind about it, but I felt like a fool once I realized she sent me on a wild goose chase. I hate being embarrassed; it’s a huge pet peeve of mine.”

Grace took Mac’s hand in hers but said nothing. Sometimes a touch was better than a word when dealing with a damaged soul. She hadn’t thought about how much he was hurting inside to know that Alice was not someone he could trust anymore. She wondered why Alice didn’t consider how her actions would backfire. Then it all became clear.

When they arrived back at the hotel apartment, Grace needed to find Gerhard, the hotel manager, to finalize details for the cocktail party she and Mac were holding before they left Munich. So, she let Mac go to the room without her. Once she was alone, she texted Alice.

You knew sending Mac and I to Florence would backfire, didn’t you?

She waited a moment for Alice’s reply.

I was planning to quit. I knew that McKinley would find some way to convince me to stay. And I would have struggled to refuse him, even knowing that staying on, watching him love you instead of me, would have slowly killed me inside. I had to do something that would make him fire me. I’d like to say I feel guilty for using you in the process, but we both know that would be a lie.

Grace replied.

Thank you for being honest.

Alice texted again.

So, you see. My plan didn’t backfire. It was a win-win for me. Either McKinley would leave you, and I could have a clear path to be there for him, hoping he would fall in love with me. Or he would fire me and set me free.

Grace didn’t know how to answer at first. Then she responded.

He’s very hurt by what he sees as your betrayal. It might help him to know you weren’t trying to embarrass him.

Alice was blunt in her reply.

I spent too many years worrying about McKinley’s feelings and denying my own. I grew tired of his being oblivious, so I forced his hand. He showed me where his loyalty lies, and it’s not with a woman who has stood by him for years. It’s with a whore whom he’s barely known for six months. I’m glad his headaches aren’t life-threatening. Should that change, I’d appreciate knowing about it. Otherwise, please leave me alone.

Grace sighed and decided not to reply. She found Gerhard and took care of last-minute arrangements. Then she headed to the apartment. She debated the entire way whether to tell Mac what she had learned about Alice or not.


Chapter Fifty-Eight

Grace found Mac sitting on the couch, staring off into space.

“Are you okay?” she asked, concerned that he might be having a seizure.

He smiled. “I was meditating. Or at least trying to,” he laughed.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to interrupt you.”

“I never mind being interrupted by you, Grace,” Mac said, grinning. “Did you get all the details settled with Gerhard?”

“Yes, we are all set for 7:00 p.m. in Délice la Brasserie. There will be Hors de Oeuvres, desserts, and a plethora of wines available. Of course, people will be able to order cocktails as well.”

“I’d like to order my cock in your tail,” Mac said seductively.

Grace laughed.

“I know, that was a cheesy, lame-ass way to say I want to have sex with my wife,” Mac said.

“Dr. Herzog might think I am your wife, but last I checked, I’m just your escort,” Grace mused.

“You’re so much more than that, baby. You’re the last escort I’ll ever need. You’ve captured my heart and my soul.”

“Let’s get naked and do that cock in the tail thing you mentioned,” Grace suggested.

When Mac’s face showed disappointment instead of lust, Grace added, “You’ve captured my heart and soul as well. Now come take my body.”

That brought the smile back to his face.

“And what if I want that hot little pussy instead of your tail?” he half-whispered into her ear as he pressed against her body.

“I’d say I belong to you, take whatever you’d like,” she purred.

Mac slid her dress up and reached a hand into her lacy blue panties. They were damp, and her slit was slick and swollen. His middle finger parted her puffy lips and pushed inside her while his thumb danced across her hard little nub. His other hand grabbed a handful of Grace’s hair and pulled her to him, his mouth devouring hers.

He broke off the kiss and nuzzled her ear, “I want you to cum for me, Grace.” Then he slid a second and third finger into her while his thumb continued to ravish her clit.

Grace grabbed onto Mac’s shoulders for support as she rocked against his hand. The intensity of her climax surprised them both as she came suddenly, the orgasm ripping through her body as she buried her head in his chest. “Oh, Godddddd!”

With his hand covered in her nectar, Mac led Grace to the bed and pushed her onto her back. He removed her panties and opened her legs so he could feast on her. With his talented tongue and fingers, he made her cum several more times before he stood up to take off his pants. Lifting her legs onto his shoulders, he plunged into her dripping wetness and fucked her with slow, deliberate strokes.

“Oh, God, Mac!” Grace moaned. “You feel so good inside me!”

He gradually picked up the pace until he was fucking her as a man possessed. Eventually, he could hold back no longer, and he came hard, erupting like a volcano inside her, setting her off one more time.

He climbed onto the bed and pulled her alongside him, cuddling her close. “I love you, Gracie. I can’t imagine life without you now.”

“I love you too, Mac. I’m not going anywhere; I’m right where I belong,” Grace said. And for the first time, she truly believed it.

Chapter Fifty-Nine

Mac and Grace got to the restaurant early to make sure they were there to greet their guests. Max and Virginie Becker were the first to arrive.

“Oh, my goodness, Grace!” Virginie exclaimed. “Your dress is fabulous!”

Mac smiled with pride. Grace had opted to wear the deep green tea-length dress with the back that dipped down to her waistline in a V-shape. She’d purchased the dress in a trendy shop in Amsterdam, and he was delighted to see it on her again. He couldn’t recall ever seeing the same dress twice on Louise or Johanna.

Grace beamed. “Danke! Your dress is magnificent as well, Virginie.” The navy-blue floor-length gown did little to show off the woman’s lovely figure, but the color was perfect for her.

“Thank you again for being so patient with Adele. You have an admirer for life. She hasn’t stopped telling her friends that the wife of her daddy’s new boss played beauty shop with her,” Virginie shared.

There was that word again, wife. Grace didn’t bother to correct the faux pas. She didn’t mind being thought of as Mac’s wife. Eventually, she hoped that role would be hers. If he ever got around to asking her. She reminded herself that they’d only been together a short while. There was plenty of time. Still, she was thirty-six, and her biological clock was ticking.

“Earth to Grace,” Mac whispered in her ear.

“I’m so sorry, I’ve just had so much on my mind,” Grace said to Virginie. “Adele is adorable, and the pleasure was all mine.”

The cocktail party was a great success. Mac felt secure leaving the Munich office in the competent hands of Max Becker, whom he liked even more since the dinner at his home.

“You’re very clever, Grace,” Mac said, seemingly out of the blue.

She grinned, “I won’t argue with you, but why am I clever now?”

“I would have turned down that dinner invitation had you not seemed so interested in meeting Max’s family. But after sharing a meal at his home, I’m more confident about his ability to stay at the helm of the Munich office.”

“Well, I’m glad I was clever then.”

“Getting to know people was never a high priority with me in the world of business,” Mac continued. “I know people on the surface, and that was always enough. But I want to make sure that I’m not just littering Europe with offices. I want these people to know that what they do for me and my company matters.”

Grace tilted her head. “I think that’s a fabulous idea. Do you have a game plan for that?”

“Not yet,” he grinned. “But I imagine if I consulted with my assistant, she’d help me figure out a strategy that makes sense.”

“She’s awfully busy at the moment,” Grace teased.

“Busy? Doing what?”

“Busy figuring out how to seduce you out of those clothes.”

“Grace, my darling, if you want dessert, all you need to do is ask,” Mac said, loosening his tie.

They undressed quickly, but they didn’t rush their lovemaking. It was slow, sweet, and sensual. Mac kissed nearly every inch of Grace before finally entering her. Where he’d been animalistic earlier, he was a tender and gentle lover now. Their bodies danced together in a deliberate rhythm until they climaxed together, leaving them each breathless.

“It’s always a new adventure with you, Mac. You find a million different ways to please me in bed. I feel like I have a smorgasbord of desserts right here at my fingertips.”

“You take my breath away,” Mac said softly. “The way you give yourself to me makes me feel like I am receiving a treasured gift each time.”

After a few moments of tender silence, Mac said, “We have a little downtime before we have to be in Stockholm. And since I technically acquired that office last year, this visit is more of a formality than anything. I almost didn’t include it, but now I am glad I did. I want to make a better connection with them.”

Grace nodded.

“I guess what I am saying is, we can push Stockholm to the end of the week, leave Munich tomorrow instead of the day after, and head to Corsica for a couple of days.”

Grace propped her head up with her elbows. “Is there a firm there that you have an interest in?”

“No, I was thinking about what Dr. Herzog said about slowing down a little and taking time to relax. We’ve been running full steam ahead for months now, Grace. Let’s take some time to ourselves. We can go to Corsica. There’s a lovely beach there. Well, I’ve heard there is a lovely beach there,” he laughed. “I’ve never been. I, um, asked Franz for a recommendation. I told him the doctor suggested relaxation. I think he knows I was the one who needed the clinic, but he seemed fine being vague about it.”

Grace got up to use the bathroom and snagged her planner on the way back to bed. She looked up the information on the firm formerly known as A2, run by Astrid Andersson. “Shall I contact Astrid’s admin and reschedule your meeting for Thursday of next week? That will give us four days in Stockholm, five if we push Copenhagen forward by one day.”

“Does that work in the schedule?” Mac asked.

“It does indeed.”

“Tell you what, I’ll call Astrid while you check on Copenhagen,” Mac suggested. “If she says yes, I will find us a nice place to stay in Corsica within walking distance of the beach. How does that sound?”

“It sounds amazing,” Grace admitted.

She managed to change their stay at Nimb Hotel in Copenhagen and still secure an executive suite for their stay. A quick call to Frederick Flemming’s admin enabled Grace to move the meeting schedule around to make it possible for them to push their time in Denmark ahead by two days, allowing for one extra day wherever Mac was planning their getaway. She was pleased with how easily things fell into place.

When she entered the bedroom to tell Mac of her success, he was just finishing up his conversation.

“Yes, of course, Astrid. No, I’m not single anymore. She’s actually with me, so yes, you will get to meet her. No, my sweet friend, she’s a redhead. Yes, you’re still my favorite blonde. We will see you soon. Thanks again.”

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Grace raised an eyebrow. “Favorite blonde? No wonder you wanted to be the one to contact her.”

Mac laughed. “She’s extremely high maintenance and needs her ego stroked often. I met her in college and had a little crush on her. Of course, I was a nobody back then, and she wanted nothing to do with me. But I bought her firm last year at a bargain and saved her ass. I allowed her to continue operating as a separate company for one year. But now it’s time to bring her into the fold, so to speak. I’m counting on you being able to outmaneuver her.”

“So, you’re a pushover where blondes are concerned, but you think you can handle a redhead?” Grace said, mildly annoyed.

Mac laughed from deep in his gut. “Oh, hell, no! I have no idea what I’m doing in our relationship most of the time, although I’m fairly certain that I’ve gotten the sex down. I just know that Astrid will try to wiggle out of our agreement and pull some female bullshit with me. You’ll be able to deal with that much better than I can.”

Mac looked at Grace and sighed. “I’m not making this much better, am I? I should probably stop talking and ask you if we are all set to take some time off together in France. Where, by the way, I will make up for my male stupidity by serving as your love slave. Oh, and brushing your hair.”

Grace cracked a smile. “Good save, Mac.”

“Thanks!” he said, grinning. “While I was waiting to get through to Astrid, I took a peek online and found someplace I think you’ll approve of. In fact, it’s so nice; you might be willing to serve as my love slave.”

Grace smiled and said, “We can take turns.”


Chapter Sixty

The next day, they said their farewells to Max and Virginie and promised to return soon. Grace had arranged for most of their luggage to be sent ahead to Denmark so they wouldn’t have to lug a bunch of suitcases to Corsica.

The Penthouse Suite that Mac booked at Marinca Hotel and Spa was incredible. It was one of only nine hotels in Olmeto, on the island of Corsica. The view of the Iberian Sea, which Grace learned was also known as the Balearic Sea and was considered part of the Mediterranean Sea.

They took a walk around the grounds to explore a bit, made reservations for massages the day after next, and had lunch at the hotel's hut in front of a beautiful private cove. Afterward, they took a walk on the beach and held hands. It hadn’t even been a full day, and already Mac felt lighter.

“Thank you,” he said wistfully.

Grace looked at him. “For what?”

“For being with me, like this. I don’t know that I have ever walked on a beach as an adult. I can’t tell you the last time I took a vacation. I would never have gone to see a doctor in Munich on my own. I would have just suffered through the pain,” Mac said introspectively.

“Dr. Mackey says you canceled your appointment three times with him. Any reason why?” Grace asked.

Mac looked out over the sea, unable to make eye contact. “I knew the doc would be irritated that I wasn’t taking the meds he prescribed, and I had no interest in taking a pill that interfered with my sex life. But, if I’m honest, I was afraid he’d suggest an MRI and that they’d find a brain tumor or something. So, in short, I was in denial. What I don’t know can’t hurt me, right?”

Grace’s heart hitched a little. “It’s okay to be afraid sometimes, Mac. It doesn’t make you weak.”

“It does in my mind, normally. But do you want to know something? I feel like I can admit to being afraid to you and not feel like less of a man. I don’t have to hold anything back. So, thank you, Grace.”

And she shouldn’t hold back either. “Alice sent you to Florence so you would either ditch me and fall into her arms or fire her,” Grace blurted out. “I felt like you should know that.”

“I suspected as much. It was one reason I was surprised when she threatened to sue me for terminating her employment without cause. Though, that was probably her way of making sure I broke all ties with her. It’s for the best. I wish she hadn’t forced my hand like that, but it’s done, and I hope she moves on. Thanks for having my back in that situation too. It helped to know you were on my side.”

Grace stopped walking and pulled Mac close for a kiss. Then she said, “Thank you for making me feel good about myself again. I’ve spent a lot of time feeling worthless and…”

The words got stuck in her throat; tears that seemed to come out of nowhere started rolling down her cheeks.

Mac grabbed a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped away her tears. Then he sat down on the beach and pulled Grace onto his lap.

She laughed, “How’d I get so lucky to have an old-fashioned guy who still carries a handkerchief in his pocket?”

He kissed her passionately and said, “How’d I get so lucky to have a woman who appreciates the gesture?”

He didn’t say it out loud, but he recalled how hurt he’d been once when Johanna scoffed at his offer of a hanky, accusing him of being a one-hundred-year-old man.

Grace rested her head on Mac’s shoulder and looked out over the water. “What I was trying to say, before the spontaneous flood of tears, is that I’ve felt like I didn’t deserve happiness. I came to believe that men had a right to expect me to be a whore because that’s all I was.”

Mac kissed the top of her head and held her a little tighter. He said nothing, however, as it was evident Grace needed to talk.

“You will never know what a priceless gift you gave me when you took sex off the table as a requirement of my job. The fact that you wanted me but were willing to wait until I was ready? No one’s ever done that for me. No one’s ever made me feel worth waiting for,” Grace said.

Suddenly, Mac knew the time was right. He reached into his pocket and took out the box he’d been carrying around, waiting for the right moment.

“I was going to do this at dinner tonight, but somehow this moment seems better,” Mac said as he shifted around until he was on one knee.

Grace looked at Mac quizzically. Then he opened the box with one hand and held her face with the other.

“Grace Remy, you are, by far, the most amazing woman I have ever met. My life has more joy in it than it ever had before I met you. I know we haven’t known each other long. But I’ve never been so sure of anything as I am of how much I love you. Will you do me the honor of spending the rest of your life with me?”

Tears streamed down her face again, but this time they were tears of happiness, not shame. She nodded vigorously and said, “Yes! I love you, Mac. I’ve never loved anyone the way I love you. I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone but you.”

Mac slipped the diamond engagement ring onto her finger. Of course, it was the perfect fit. Mac paid better attention to details than he gave himself credit. Then he took Grace into his arms and kissed her tenderly.

Grace looked up at him and grinned, “So we don’t get arrested for indecent behavior, maybe we should head back to the room. I have this mad desire to taste you, and I am pretty sure public blow jobs would be frowned upon here.”

“You’re so fucking perfect, Grace!”

They raced back to the hotel and giggled like teenagers the entire way to their suite. Once inside the door, Grace said, “Drop those shorts, McKinley, your last escort wants to blow your mind.”

Mac grinned. “I’m a lucky man.” He took off his shorts and sat down in a chair. Then he spread his legs to make room for Grace between them.

“Come suck my cock, my sweet, sexy redhead.”

Grace wasted no time with words. She simply lifted her sundress over her head, removed her bra (there were no panties to take off), and sunk to her knees. Then, she looked up at him seductively and said, “I’m going to milk your prick with my slutty mouth until I’m drinking your seed.”

“Oh, fuck!” Mac moaned as she licked his shaft from balls to tip before devouring him. He grabbed two handfuls of wavy red hair and pushed her head down until he slipped into her throat. He held himself there longer than usual, but she felt so fucking good humming on his cock.

When he finally eased back a little, he knew there was no hope of lasting long. But they would have a lifetime together. There would be plenty of other occasions where he’d be able to deny his climax for a while; right now didn’t need to be one of them.

He fucked her mouth hard and fast and shot his hot seed deep in her throat. “Oh, my God, Grace! You’re fucking amazing!”

She swallowed every drop and smiled at him wickedly.

He helped her stand up. Then picked her up and carried her to their bedroom. “It’s your turn, Grace.”

He plunked her down on the bed and scooted her to the edge. Then he opened her legs and watched as her pink folds opened like a flower blooming. He teased it open further with the tip of his tongue and then captured her clit between his teeth. He felt Grace’s body tense up for a moment, so he reached for her hand. She relaxed again; understanding his gesture meant she could trust him. He brought her no pain, only pleasure, as he scraped his teeth across her sensitive button. His tongue dipped into her nectar and made her moan. He continued teasing her clit and her labia until he felt her hips start to rock. Then he pushed three fingers into her hot, wet hole as his thumb ravaged her hard little nub. She came hard, squirting like a waterfall. Mac did his best to lap up all her sweet honey and, in the process, brought her off again with his tongue.

His shaft was rigid again and ready for action. He climbed onto the bed and entered Grace in one long thrust.

“Fuck me hard, Mac. I need it hard and fast!”

He was happy to give her what she wanted and needed. He picked up the pace until he was pumping into her like a piston.

“Oh, my, fucking, God!” Grace screamed as another intense climax ripped through her body. Mac pulled out and used her juices to work her puckered hole open. Then he thrust into her ass while he captured her nipples between the forefinger and thumb of each hand. As he fucked her ass deep, he twisted and pulled on her nipples. Then he pinched them just enough to take her mind off how hard he was fucking her ass.

She moaned and panted, “Yes! Yes! Oh, God, fuck me harder, Mac!”

“Are you sure, baby? I don’t want to hurt you.”

“It feels amazing right now. Please, Mac!”

He let himself hammer into her until he exploded in her ass, pushing Grace over the edge one more time.

He collapsed on the bed next to her and gently kissed her shoulder. “I love you so much, Gracie.”

She giggled at his use of the nickname he gave her when she started calling him Mac. “I love you too, McKinley.”

They lay there, sated, and drifted off into an afternoon nap.

When they woke, they smiled at each other. “You look so sexy with your hair tousled like that,” Mac said as he brushed a stray hair out of her face.

“I’m glad you think so because if we are going to make our dinner reservation at La Paillote, I’m not going to have time to do much else with it,” she laughed.

She still managed to look gorgeous when, half an hour later, she stood before him in a casual, chic blue dress that hugged her hips just right. She’d paired it with strappy blue flat sandals and dangly blue earrings.

“I know I didn’t choose that outfit for you, which is a damn shame because you make it look like it was designed for you,” Mac said as he kissed her hand before heading to the outdoor restaurant of the hotel.

“I brought a few of my own things along just in case,” she answered, enjoying the fact that Mac had a sport coat on tonight and had skipped the tie.

“Grace, they are all your own things. They were always meant to be. Even if this had stayed a business arrangement, I wouldn’t have asked for any of it back. I selected every dress and skirt with you in mind; I had them tailored to your measurements. They would have been of no use to me. And it would have pleased me greatly to think of you wearing a few of those gowns from time to time.”

He stopped for a moment as the host directed them to their table. When they were seated again, he continued.

“I’m glad it didn’t stay a business arrangement, Gracie. Because if it had, and you walked away from me when our time in Europe was over, I’d be lost without you. There could never be another woman like you.”

“You have a silver tongue, but I love knowing that the clothes were meant specifically for me. That somehow seems more special. I suppose that sounds silly,” Grace said, blushing.

“That doesn’t sound silly at all,” Mac replied. “But what I’m about to say might. I have enjoyed every moment with you from the very start. If all we were to each other were boss and assistant, I’d still want you with me.”

“Even without sex?”

“Even without sex. I’d be frustrated as hell or making frequent use of my hands, but I’d still feel lucky to have you along. You stimulate my mind as much or more as you do my body, Grace.”

Grace was quiet for a moment as she gathered her thoughts. “First of all, there’d be no way that I could walk away from you when this is over, even if it had stayed a business relationship. I like this job, and I’m damn good at it. But it’s more than that. We know things about each other, and we accept each other for who we have been and who we are now. That’s not just because we are lovers. It’s because we became friends first. You’re my best friend, Mac.”

Mac picked up his champagne glass, with emotion swimming in his eyes, and said, “To my best friend, my assistant, my fiancée, and the love of my life; to my Gracie.”

Grace raised her glass and touched Mac’s. “Here’s to being each other’s best friend and lover. I didn’t need a ring to love you or to know you loved me. But I’m excited beyond words to become your wife.”

“I had originally planned to ask you here tonight, but I couldn’t wait,” Mac admitted sheepishly. “It was supposed to be romantic…”

“It was romantic!” Grace interrupted. “It was better because it was you and me, and we weren’t all fancied up as Mr. Stewart and Ms. Remy. We were just Mac and Grace, enjoying the beach together. It was perfect.”

After dinner, the waiter asked if they cared for any dessert. Mac grinned slyly at the man and said, “What we want for dessert isn’t listed on your menu.” Then he turned to Grace and asked, “Whose turn is it to be the love slave?”

The waiter chuckled as he watched the lusty couple head back to their room. He stood there, just for a moment, wishing he’d been brave enough to ask if he could join them. 


Written by techgoddess
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