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Chapter Twenty

Grace had dinner by herself in Le Jardin Français, the outdoor eatery at the hotel, enjoying tapas and a glass of wine. She noticed that Julien was tending the bar, so she cut her evening short. She figured it was best not to give him the impression that she was alone or interested in his charms. She wanted time to get ready for her date with Mac anyway.

It was a quarter till nine when McKinley stumbled back into his hotel suite. He drank way more than he intended and was late for his date with Grace.

To be fair, he had texted her at 8:30 p.m. to apologize for running behind. But she hadn’t texted back. He was pretty sure he was in the doghouse.

“Grace!” he called out when he didn’t find her in the living room or sitting area. When she didn’t answer, Mac started to get worried.

Finding the door to her room unlocked, he gave a soft knock and then let himself in. He didn’t see her at first. Then he noticed the door to her balcony was open. He stepped out to find her sitting in a chair, sipping a glass of wine.

“You’re late,” Grace said calmly.

“Not so very late,” he contradicted, his voice giving away his inebriated state.

“And you’re drunk.”

“Not so very drunk,” he said, grinning like a goofy college boy.

Grace stood up, and Mac realized she had the green and black nightgown that he’d found so enticing. His gaze fell upon her breasts, straining against the black lace bodice, and he felt himself go hard. Inhibitions having disappeared from the alcohol, he went to her, took her hand, and placed it against his bulge.

“See? I’m not so very drunk.”

She hesitated, trying to decide if pride or need would win out here. Pride be damned; she needed him. Besides, it wasn’t his fault that the dinner meeting ran over. However, she wasn’t going to make this easy for him. She stood stoically with her hand on his erection and smiled demurely.

“Yes, I see. But you’re going to have to do more than place my hand on your junk to get me turned on.”

He pulled her in close to him and placed soft, wet kisses along her neck. “I want you, Grace,” he purred seductively in a low voice. “I need you. Don’t make me wait any longer. You know you need me too.”

His hands slid down over her ass as he pressed his body against hers. She moaned softly, “God, yes, I need you.”

“Let’s go inside so I can taste you,” he demanded. “And, before you ask, yes, my phone is off.”

Grace let her need take over and soon found herself on her bed, nightgown lifted, and legs spread. Mac kissed up and down her thighs, teasing and tormenting her. By the time he reached her bare mound, she felt drunk with lust. “Oh, my God, Mac, I need you!”

He looked up at her, grinned seductively, and let his tongue start its magic. He flicked, nibbled, and sucked on her clit, easing up each time he felt her getting close.

“Please, Mac! I need to cum!”

He stopped and looked up at her again. “What’s the rush, darling?” Then he continued his sensual assault on her pink folds and hard little nub, edging her, denying her, until she cried out, “Please, I need to cum! I’ll do whatever you want. Just let me cum!”

He looked up a third time and raised an eyebrow. “Anything, darling?”

“Yes, please, Mac, you’re driving me mad!”

He dove in and devoured her until her hips bucked against him. She screamed as her orgasm ripped through her body.

Mac unfastened his pants hurriedly. Here was his chance for redemption. He scooted Grace to the edge of the bed, lifted her legs over his shoulders, and sunk his rigid pole into her hot, wet pussy.

“Oh, fuck! Yes! God, yes!” Grace cried out. “Fuck me, Mac! Fuck me hard!”

“Mmm, that’s what I like to hear. Beg me some more, Grace. Beg me to keep fucking you hard until I fill you with my seed!”

“God, yes! Please fuck me, Mac! Fuck me hard, fill me up, make me yours!”

He felt her orgasm as she shuddered. But he wasn’t done with her yet. He thrust into her with slow rhythmic moves; he would not leave her disappointed this time. The alcohol was playing in his favor, giving him the staying power to make her cum again and again.

He’d never been with a woman who could climax in waves like this. It was so fucking erotic. She was bucking and squirting, and he could hold back no longer.

“I’m gonna fill you up, baby!” he said as he picked up the pace and fucked her with wild abandon.

He felt her pussy clamp down on his cock as he exploded, emptying himself into her as they came together.

Mac collapsed on the bed next to Grace, feeling like his heart might jump out of his chest; it was beating so fast. It was a couple of minutes before either one of them could speak.

“Oh, my God, Mac,” Grace said, breaking the silence. “That was so worth the wait!”

He grinned. “Yes, it was!”

She rolled on her side and kissed his shoulder before nestling her head on his chest. He put his arm around her and cuddle her close to him. How odd that this should please him almost as much as the fantastic sex they just had. But it felt wonderful to hold her.

“You were amazing, Mr. Stewart,” Grace said in a mockingly formal voice. “I should like, very much, to repeat this delightful activity again and again.”

Mac smiled and played along, “Ms. Remy, you were outstanding as well. You’re quite adept at pleasing my manhood.”

Grace giggled, “Your manhood is easy to please.”

Mac had never experienced a playful bedmate before. Even Louise, his ex-fiancée, was somewhat reserved in bed after sex. But Grace was full of life and laughter. What the hell was she doing here with him?

“May I ask you something, Grace?”

“Sure, what do you want to know, Mac?”

“Why are you here with me? I know you said the pay and the ability to travel were why you took the job. But hell, you could do anything. You could be working as an interpreter for foreign dignitaries.”

He felt her body tense up.

“I’ve had jobs like that,” she said defensively. “I didn’t care for that life.”

He sensed there was more, but he didn’t want to push it now, especially since they had finally connected in bed. He felt her about to pull away. So, he changed the subject quickly.

“How was your trip to the Louvre?” he said, kissing the top of her head as he held her tighter.

Her demeanor changed almost instantly. “It was definitely worth the time. I saw the Mona Lisa, of course. It was much smaller in person than I had imagined. But there were so many other wonderful displays. Ancient Egyptian and Greek art and antiquities, Renaissance sculptures, and some beautiful French and Italian paintings.”

He felt her relax in his arms as she described to him all that she’d seen at the museum. He hoped she would eventually open up to him and trust him with whatever bothered her so much about her past. But, for now, he was content to feel like the most significant obstacle between them had tumbled away.

“Your presentation this morning went over very well, by the way. I meant to find you before I left for the museum to tell you that the two gentlemen in the back having a sidebar conversation in French were saying how impressed they were with the strength of your company. They said the acquisition looked like a very positive move,” she explained. “How was your afternoon?”

“My afternoon was boring. But then again, you weren’t there to liven things up. I’m glad you had a wonderful time at the Louvre,” he said, still holding her. It felt nice not to jump out of bed after sex. He could lie here with Grace forever and be content. “Thanks for the interpretation of the comments. I hope they honestly do feel good about the acquisition. Sometimes employees view these takeovers as hostile when that couldn’t be further from the truth. My goal is to save companies, to make them productive and profitable. I rarely need to downsize to accomplish that. It’s all about efficiency.”

He noticed she had closed her eyes. He laughed, “Am I boring you?”

“Not at all,” she said. “I enjoy hearing you talk about work. I also like that you aren’t an asshole when you acquire other firms.”

“And when I’m not an asshole in bed,” he joked.

Grace laughed. “Well, that certainly doesn’t apply to tonight. You completely redeemed yourself, and then some.”

He grinned. “You have no idea how glad I am to hear that. I apologize for the rocky start we’ve had. I hope that we can continue to enjoy each other’s company.”

She propped herself up on her elbow and said, “Keep me cumming like that, Mac, and I’m happy to continue enjoying each other.” She ran a hand down his stomach, continuing down until she found his semi-hard cock.

“Keep that up, Grace, and I’m going to need to have you again.”

She grinned mischievously and began stroking him. “We have some lost time to make up for, Mac.”

Then she slid down under the covers and took him into her mouth.

“Oh, fuck, Grace!” Mac moaned.

Her tongue teased him for a moment or two before she devoured his cock. He’d forgotten how skilled she was at taking him into her throat. He reached down under the sheet, put his hands on her head, and pushed his cock until it was balls-deep in her mouth. He held her head there for a moment, cutting off her air. It felt so fucking good! When he let her up, he worried that he’d been too forceful with her. But she made no move to stop sucking him. So, he pushed her head down again and held it there longer. This time she moaned. Holy fuck! The vibrations from her throat were driving him wild. He repeated this act of breath play again and again until he needed release. He picked up the pace and fucked her throat hard until his balls tightened, and he shot his load.

Grace drank it all down like a slutty little vixen. “God, you’re so fucking good!” Mac cried out.

She snuggled back against his side and purred, “We’re idiots. We’ve wasted a lot of time being at odds when we could have been enjoying this.”

He tilted her face toward his and looked into her eyes. “You’re incredible. I’ve never been with anyone who can deepthroat a cock as well as you can.”

“Well, you did say I was overqualified for this job,” she laughed.

He smiled. “Hey, where did that bottle of champagne from last night’s room service cart end up?”

She wiggled her eyebrows, “It’s chilling in the fridge. Maybe tomorrow night, we can see how creative you are with the bottle.”

He gave her a playful swat on her ass. Her reaction was very unexpected.

“Ouch! Mmm,” she said, her eyes full of mischief.

Mac tilted his head. “Oh! Have I just discovered another decadent secret of yours, Ms. Remy?”

“We’ll have to wait until next time to find out,” she scolded him playfully.

“Does that mean I have to go now?” he asked, not wanting his time with her to end.

She hesitated for a moment. She wondered if it was too much too soon to let him spend the night. But, damn, it felt so good to be held like this by a man as sexy as Mac.

“You can stay for a while,” she answered softly.

Mac held Grace in the dark and realized his nightly headache hadn’t materialized tonight. He didn’t want to ever let go. He stayed until nearly 2:00 a.m., drifting in and out of sleep with her, before finally heading to his own room. He’d have spent the night except he had an early call with Alice to check on things back at the home office, and he didn’t want to have to explain to Grace why he needed to leave her warm bed to talk to his admin. Now that they were finally in synch, he didn’t want to fuck things up again.


Chapter Twenty-One

The rest of the week seemed to fly by for Mac. Each day held meetings, luncheons, and dinners. And each night held erotic explorations with Grace. They agreed to keep separate rooms for the remainder of their time in Paris. But Grace rebooked their London stay in the St. George’s Penthouse at the Westbury Mayfair Hotel.

“Since we’re sleeping together now, we might as well save your company money, Mac,” she said slyly.

Mac agreed, secretly thrilled that it was her idea to get a suite with one room. But he’d have to be patient since they still had a week left in Paris.

On Saturday, Mac decided to surprise Grace with an excursion. “Wake up, sleepyhead. We have a car coming at 9:00 a.m. to take us on an adventure.”

“It’s only 7:00 a.m. I have plenty of time,” she said, putting the pillow over her head.

He laughed. “Breakfast is here, my dear. It’s Quiche Lorraine this morning and a bowl of fresh berries. I’ll pour you some tea. Come on, up, up, up!”

“Where did all of this energy come from, Mac?” Grace asked as she begrudgingly got out of bed.

“Regular sex appears to energize me,” Mac said teasingly. “Although I should probably say frequent sex since nothing is merely regular with you in bed.”

She smiled. He was right about that! From the erotic champagne bottle fucking she’d received to the mild spanking they both discovered they enjoyed, sex with Mac had been full of excitement and surprises this past week. And he had delivered on his promise to make her sore. But somehow, she didn’t mind that a bit. It felt a little wicked to be that well-used.

After breakfast, Grace asked where they were going.

“It’s a surprise,” he said, looking over his cup as he sipped his tea. “Wear something casual, but not grubby.”

She laughed, “You selected all of my clothing, right down to my underwear. I think you can rest assured I have nothing grubby in my wardrobe.”

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When she emerged from the bedroom forty-five minutes later, she had a blue sundress and matching strappy sandals on, and she’d put her hair up in a twist.

He just stared for a moment, causing Grace to ask, “What?”

“You’re so pretty, Grace. I’m a lucky man to have such a lovely companion,” he replied.

“You’re pretty easy on the eyes yourself,” she said, grinning.

During the car ride, he reached across the seat to hold her hand. It was a sweet, relatively innocent gesture, considering the night before, he had fucked her for hours and devoured her pussy. That he remained an enigma even now that they were bedmates both surprised and delighted her. He was the kind of man she could fall for under different circumstances. She sighed. For the moment, she just appreciated the fact that they were enjoying each other.

When the car stopped, she realized that they were at the Palace of Versailles. “Oh, Mac! The Palace was on my list of places I wanted to see. Thank you!”

Seeing her excited made Mac glad he had blown off Andre Boivin’s offer to go out on his boat for the afternoon. While Mac knew that spending time getting to know Andre was crucial, as he would continue to head up the Paris office, he needed a day alone with Grace.

They started in the Chateau, with its twenty-three hundred rooms. Not that all were open to the public, but there was a great deal they were able to see. Mac had selected a guided tour that opened many doors to unknown spaces that were not accessible on a free visit. It was well worth the ten euro.

After spending the first half of their day exploring inside the Palace, including the King’s Grand Apartment, the Royal Chapel, The Hall of Mirrors, The Gallery of Battles, and dozens of other rooms and exhibits, they were ready for a break. They opted to find lunch in the Angelina Tea Room. Then, afterward, they headed outside to explore the gardens.

Mac watched, with great pleasure, how delighted Grace was during the garden tour. The sunshine made her red hair seem to shimmer and caused her eyes to look even more intensely blue. They walked along holding hands like teenagers. It was the perfect way to spend a day. He hadn’t realized how much he needed a day like this. Had it not been for Grace, he never would have allowed himself time to be a tourist. It felt divine!

By the time the car arrived to take them back to Le Bristol Hotel, Grace’s feet were tired. Noticing a slight limp in her walk when they were back in their suite, Mac motioned for Grace to sit down on the couch next to him.

Once there, he swung her legs up, so her feet were in his lap. He slipped off her sandals and began to massage her left foot.

“Oh, God!” Grace moaned. “That feels amazing!” She closed her eyes and let Mac rub out all the achiness from the day of sightseeing.

“If you ever get tired of being a big shot businessman and having more money than God, you could become a foot masseuse,” she teased.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” he laughed. “But I do more than feet, in case you’re interested.”

With that, he swooped her up in his arms and carried her to his bed. “I want you,” he said in a low, sexy growl.

“Well, I guess I need to pay you for that delightful foot rub,” she said coyly.

The following two hours were filled with an erotic massage, a plethora of oral sex, and a good hard fuck that left them both breathless.

He would have been content to lie on the bed with Grace in his arms forever. But her stomach made a very unladylike growl, and he figured he certainly needed to feed her.


Chapter Twenty-Two

Mac and Grace took Sunday for themselves as well. They started with a picnic lunch at Parc du Champ de Mars, a vast green open space behind The Eiffel Tower. It was picturesque with its extensive seating areas and avenues of trees and lawns.

They walked around the area before returning to The Eiffel Tower and taking the elevators to the top for a glass of champagne. Grace enjoyed seeing the Arc de Triomphe from here, as she had spied the tower from the top of the Arch when they had first arrived in Paris.

What a difference a week made! They’d been so at odds with each other, and things seemed destined to continue like that. But letting need take precedence over pride had changed everything. Not only was Grace enthralled with the fantastic sex she and Mac were having, but she was also thoroughly enjoying his company.

They finished out the day by dining at Jules Verne on the second floor of the tower, followed by a romantic cruise along the Seine River. Upon returning to the dock, the tower’s structure was sparkling with red, white, and blue lights. It was spectacular!

Mac held her hand as they entered the hotel. Grace couldn’t think of a weekend that had been as wonderful as this ever in her life.

“Oh, let’s take a detour so I can introduce you to the cat!” Grace said gleefully.

“I had another pussy in mind,” Mac said seductively. “But I suppose that can wait a few more minutes.”

Almost as if on cue, Fa-Raon spied Grace and came trotting over to her to rub her legs. She bent down to scratch his head between his ears, and he started his motorboat purring again.

“Isn’t he sweet?” Grace asked.

Julien, the bartender, happened to be within earshot. He decided to tempt fate. “Ah, it’s the lovely Mademoiselle Remy petting the soft pussy.”

Grace blushed. “Oh, my. I just wanted Mac to meet the resident cat.”

“Of course, you did,” Julien said, winking.

Mac was annoyed. “Grace, my love. Would you head up without me? I’ll be along shortly.”

Grace frowned. She didn’t need anyone fighting her battles, but to refuse would have been a slap in the face to Mac. “Of course,” she said curtly before turning to head up to their suite.

Once she was well out of sight, Mac turned to Julien and spoke very calmly. “While I appreciated your kindness to my companion last week, I don’t appreciate you flirting with her. Please refrain from such behavior around her in the future.”

Julien raised an eyebrow. “Your companion?” he asked, intrigued by the snobby American’s choice of terms. “A woman as remarkable as Grace is much more than that, wouldn’t you agree?”

“What I call Grace is none of your business,” Mac chided. “Please remember that for the remainder of our stay here.”

Julien nodded. “Understood. But I wonder, what will your companion think when you grow tired of her? Men like you have a habit of using women and throwing them away. I’ve seen it thousands of times. Just make sure you don’t mislead her, only to disappoint her in the end.”

Julien walked away, leaving McKinley alone with his thoughts. Was he misleading her? When the European acquisitions were over, would he cut her loose? Or would he make some excuse to keep her on with him back in the states?

When Mac came back to the room, Grace was fuming. “You didn’t need to send me away as if I were a child!”

“Hey, slow down there!” he said, trying to stop this from being an enormous argument. “I just wanted Julien to understand that it was disrespectful to flirt with you while I was standing right there. I told him as much and made it clear I expected him to stop.”

“You didn’t need to send me away for that,” she said crossly.

Mac pondered that thought for a moment. “You’re right. I just wasn’t sure if I could keep my cool and didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of you.”

His reasoning threw Grace for a loop.

“As it turns out, I surprised myself at how calm I remained. But I made my point,” Mac said, feeling the edges of his annoyance dissipating.

“And what was your point?” Grace asked pointedly.

“That you were my companion and that he needed to back off,” Mac explained.

Grace felt her anger subsiding. “I see.”

“Grace, do you have an issue with my referring to you as my companion?” he asked, curious to know her thoughts.

“It beats the hell out of paramour or whore,” she answered with a slight smile.

He returned the partial smile and said, “I don’t want you ever to feel disrespected, but I also don’t want to give you the impression that this is more than just two people enjoying each other in between business pursuits.”

“I appreciate your respect,” she said, nodding. “And no worries, I’m well aware of my role. I realize our fun and games have an expiration date. But since that is months away yet, I’d rather just focus on continuing to enjoy each other. Does that work for you?”

He looked at her, standing there all serious with her chin up. God, she was beautiful! “It most certainly works for me.”

“Good, then it doesn’t matter what you call me. Now, I’m fairly certain that you promised me an erotic surprise while we were necking on the river cruise. If we can fast forward to that portion of the evening, that’d be lovely,” Grace said matter-of-factly.

He grinned, “Yes, ma’am.”


Chapter Twenty-Three

McKinley Stewart had never considered himself a kinky man. He wouldn’t have called himself vanilla either but, rather, somewhere in between. But damn, if Grace didn’t bring out the inner freak he hadn’t known was lurking inside him. His mind flashed back to the memory of sliding that champagne bottle into her juicy pussy. He had pushed the entire neck in and out, again and again. His cock twitched when he remembered how she had moaned and writhed while he brought her to orgasm with it multiple times.

Now, having managed to avert an argument that could have spoiled the evening, he was about to take things a step further. “Undress for me,” he instructed her. “Let me see what I own tonight.”

Her eyes flashed defiance, but she nodded demurely and began to remove her clothing for him slowly. He reveled at the scene, watching her as her nipples hardened at just the thought of being used. Once she was naked, he said, “Get on the bed.”

Grace did as he asked and posed herself with her arms over her head and her legs spread apart.

Mac grinned. “It’s as if you’ve anticipated my surprise for you, my darling slut.” He reached into the drawer of the nightstand where he had stashed a handful of ties. “Have you ever been tied up?”

Grace trembled. She had been tied up in another time and another place, and it hadn’t been pleasant. The look on her face nearly made Mac change his mind. But he thought she would enjoy it if she allowed him to proceed. He leaned down to kiss her neck and whispered, “Trust me, darling. I promise if at any time you aren’t enjoying, you need only tell me to stop, and I will.”

Grace hesitated, then nodded. “I trust you,” she said in a voice barely above a whisper.

Her mouth gave consent, but her eyes remained wary. So, Mac decided to restrain only her arms. He’d never done this before, so he was content to start slowly. “Just your arms, my darling,” he said in a husky voice.

She took a deep breath and told herself that Mac had done nothing but bring her pleasure for the past week. He’d seemed to have found just the right trigger to keep her cumming again and again. Remembering that helped her to relax.

A slight smile appeared on Grace’s face as she said again, “I trust you, Mac.”

Mac slipped a tie loop around each wrist and secured the other end of each to the bedposts, rendering her arms helpless. He tucked the other ties away for now. Once he’d earned her complete trust, he could try securing her ankles as well.

“Shall I blindfold you, slut?” he asked her.

“No. Please don’t do that,” Grace said, as a look of panic returned to her face. She tried quickly to cover up her discomfort by adding, “I want to see what you do to me, darling.”

He leaned down to kiss her. “Whatever you want, my decadent slut.”

Someone had hurt her; he was sure of it. So, he’d tread lightly. But he wouldn’t back off completely. That would just piss her off.

He straddled her body, his balls resting on her belly while his cock stood at rigid attention for her. He tucked his legs under him so he could keep from crushing her as he leaned down to suckle at her breast. She moaned and closed her eyes, which pleased him greatly. It was a sign that she trusted him to bring her pleasure.

He gave equal attention to each breast before he repositioned himself to kiss his way down her stomach. He heard her gently moan as he reached her bare mound. “See?” he teased. “Spectacular tile, just as I said.”

She laughed and started rocking her hips. “I need you, Mac.”

“Not yet,” he said. He planted soft, wet kisses all around her mound and inner thighs.

She began panting and writhing, needing him to use that tongue to lap at her clit. He teased her for a bit longer and then used a single finger to dip into her juices and dampen every single fold with them.

“Oh, fuck!” she cried out. Mac grinned, loving the fact that he was able to seduce her like this.

“All in good time, my love. But before I fuck you, I need to taste you,” he said. Then he ran his tongue up the length of her swollen labia before taking her clit between his teeth. He nibbled on her, making her hips buck rhythmically.

“Oh, my God!” she whimpered. “I need…I need…”

“I know exactly what you need,” he interrupted. “But you need to earn it.”

He reached up with his hands and pinched her nipples while he went back to sucking and nibbling on her swollen nub. Then he twisted them until she arched her back and cried out, “Oh, fuck! Yes!”

As he lapped at her juices, he enjoyed the feeling of the delicate gold ball that adorned her pussy against his tongue. Then he twisted her nipples again and was rewarded by the flood of her nectar in his mouth.

“Oh. My. Fucking. God!” she cried.

Grace’s orgasm ripped through her body. She came hard, bucking and screaming, and surprised them both by squirting a second time.

While she was working to catch her breath, Mac untied her wrists and brought each one to his mouth to kiss them gently. “I hope I didn’t hurt you, Grace.”

She laughed heartily. “Oh, sweet Jesus, Mac! You made me feel amazing!”

Mac grinned. “And the night isn’t over yet!”

Written by techgoddess
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