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Chapter Twenty-Four

For the remainder of their time in Paris, Mac and Grace could hardly keep their hands off each other. She attended every meeting and meal so that they could spend more time together.

On their last day, when McKinley was checking out of the hotel, he spotted Julien, the bartender. Julien smiled politely when Mac approached him.

"Ah, monsieur, Le Bristol Hotel will miss you and your lovely companion," Julien said. "It's been a pleasure having you here."

"Thank you for being a gentleman when you escorted my Grace to the Arc de Triomphe. She enjoyed the outing very much and assured me that your mother had raised you well," Mac said cordially.

Julien nodded. "It was my pleasure, Monsieur Stewart. Mademoiselle Remy is an incredible woman."

"She certainly is," Mac agreed. "But I wanted to clear up one little detail about our conversation the other night. I may not always be the most astute fellow when it comes to a woman's feelings. However, I am well aware of how remarkable my Grace is. I would never cast her aside casually. I'm an idiot at times, but I'm not a fool."

Julien smiled. "Ah, well, there go my hopes for sweeping in and rescuing the damsel in distress," he joked. "Although I suspect that she's not the kind of woman who needs rescuing."

Mac laughed heartily. "On that, we certainly agree."

As Grace walked up behind Mac, she heard Julien tell him, “La rousse est fougueuse. Tu es un homme qui a de la chance. C’était bien de te rencontrer. J’espère que nous vous reverra bientôt!”

When he noticed Grace, Julien added, "Appelle-moi si ton homme ne vous rend pas heureux.”

She smiled and said, "Give my best to Fa-Raon. He's a lovely cat."

Julien nodded.

As Mac and Grace walked out to the car that would take them to Paris Gare du Nord to catch the Eurostar Chunnel Train to London, he asked, "So what did your Frenchman say back there?"

Grace raised an eyebrow. "Julien is not my Frenchman. But he said that redheads are feisty and that you're a lucky man. He also said that it was good to meet us, and he hopes to see us again soon."

She figured it was best to leave out the part when Julien suggested that she call him if Mac wasn't making her happy.

The Chunnel Train was another thing Grace mentally checked off her bucket list. She grinned at the thought of getting to see some highlights of London as the schedule permitted. She looked forward to checking more places off her list.

When they arrived at the Westbury Mayfair Hotel, they checked into the St. George's Penthouse. It was more modern than the suites in Paris and Amsterdam had been. There was less space since there was only one bedroom, and there was no sitting room. There was, however, an incredible terrace overlooking the city.

"Are you sure you're okay with one bedroom, Grace?" Mac asked.

She wrinkled her nose. "Of course, aren't you?" she inquired.

"Yes, I just want to make sure you feel like you have enough space," he said.

"Mr. Stewart, need I remind you of the tiny hotel room I was staying in before I became your escort?" she asked with just a touch of sass in her voice.

"Touché, my dear."


Chapter Twenty-Five

After they finished unpacking, Mac's phone rang. A quick glance at the caller ID indicated it was Alice. He let it go to voicemail.

Grace raised an eyebrow. "You’re going to piss her off by not answering her call.”

“I’ve already pissed her off because I didn’t inform her of the fact that we switched hotels here in London,” he sighed.

Grace frowned, “I sent Alice the change in itinerary a few days ago.”

“Yes, but she’s upset that I was not the one to notify her about the change,” Mac said as he rolled his eyes.

“Oh, for Christ’s sake!” Grace hissed. “Doesn’t she realize that I am with you on this trip to act as your assistant? Does she think I just sit in the room waiting for you to come back and fuck me?”

“Hey, where’s this coming from?” Mac asked, surprised by her outburst. “You’re usually the cool-headed one.”

“I just grow tired of Alice treating me like I’m just some overpaid whore,” Grace said tersely. “I understand that she has a crush on you, but it irks me that she looks down on me as if I’m trash. I’m quite capable of changing a hotel reservation without her stamp of approval. I’m not stupid. I have a master’s degree in criminal psychology, for crying out loud!”

She stopped there, realizing that she was divulging information that she’d paid dearly to have buried deeply.

Mac looked puzzled. “That didn’t come up in your vetting report.”

“Must have been an oversight,” she said, trying to cover her tracks. “Look, I’m just tired. I’m going to lie down for a half-hour if that’s okay with you.”

“Of course, Grace. Whatever you need.”

He stepped out of their bedroom and closed the door so she could have a quiet, dark place to rest. He stepped outside onto the terrace to listen to Alice’s voicemail message. By the sound of her voice, he knew he’d better call her and smooth things over.

“Hello, Alice,” Mac said calmly. “Look, I understand that you’re upset, but I think you are over-reacting.”

“Over-reacting?” Alice shouted. “You think I’m over-reacting? Who the fuck does Grace think she is? Travel arrangements were my job, not hers. Next, she’ll try to take over as your admin!”

Mac took a deep breath and said, “Please, calm down, Alice. You’re making a mountain out of a molehill.”

“Am I? You specifically instructed me to reserve suites with two bedrooms as she would not be providing sexual services for you. The St. George’s Penthouse is a one-bedroom suite. So, does that mean you’re fucking her now?”

Mac lost his patience with her. “And if I am, I fail to see how it’s any of your business. You run my business life, not my personal life. And while I’m in Europe, Grace will make decisions that might normally be directed to you, as she is my assistant. It’s ridiculous to think I wouldn’t allow her to make changes to the itinerary based on our needs. She informed you of the changes, so what is your real issue here, Alice?”

“I don’t care for her attitude,” Alice said quietly. “She’s far too casual with you. If you’re not careful, you’ll divulge information that she shouldn’t be privy to, and then what? What if she gets tipsy at some cocktail party and starts sharing your business with strangers?”

“Stop this nonsense, Alice,” Mac said sternly. “You’ve seen her resume and her vetting report. There is nothing to indicate she would betray me in any way. Why are you so difficult where Grace is concerned?”

“I watched Louise betray you, and it almost destroyed you!” Alice shouted into the phone. “I couldn’t bear the thought of you letting your guard down with Grace only to be hurt by her too!”

“Louise was different, Alice. She was my fiancée, and we were deeply in love. At least I thought we were. Yes, it crushed me when I discovered she had been unfaithful, but I’ve put that part of my life behind me. My relationship with Grace is different. There are no illusions that we are doing anything more than enjoying each other,” Mac explained.

“Are you?” Alice huffed.

“Am I what?”

“Are you enjoying each other? Are you fucking her? How much more is she charging you to spread her legs for you? Do your business associates know that she’s a whore?”

“Enough, Alice! You’ve been an amazing admin for many years, but you’re way out of line here. I won’t discuss my sex life with you, as it’s none of your business. You need to get a grip on this jealousy or whatever has you so bent out of shape. Grace Remy is my assistant and my lover, and she’s not going to betray me or hurt me. Additionally, she’s not going anywhere for now, do you understand?”

“Yes,” Alice said curtly. “You’ve made it quite clear.”

Mac inhaled sharply, “Alice, I need to be able to count on you to keep things running there. I can’t focus on the acquisitions if I have to worry about the day-to-day operations back home. I can still count on you, right?”

“Of course,” she said stiffly. “I have things under control.”

“Thank you. I appreciate knowing that I can count on you,” Mac said, softening his tone. “But I won’t tolerate your disrespect toward Grace, and I expect you to remember that I am your boss.”

“Of course, sir,” she said stiffly.

“Thank you, Alice. I will be in contact again soon. Call me if anything comes up,” he said, hoping he’d settled things with her.


Chapter Twenty-Six

McKinley gave himself a few moments to settle down after he ended the call with Alice. Damn her for bringing up his ex-fiancée. He remembered coming home early one day to surprise Louise with a bouquet of red roses. It was exactly six months before their wedding, and he knew that she was feeling stressed with the plans. He figured what they needed was romance and sex to relieve some of the tension.

Except, when he got home, she’d started the sex part without him. He found her in their bed with her boss, taking his cock up her ass. She tried to say it was a one-time mistake, that her boss had seduced her. But further investigation of the security camera footage showed that her boss had been coming over for weekly trysts. Her infidelity and lies had cut him to the quick.

It had taken McKinley months to get beyond the initial shock and pain of Louise’s betrayal. Years later, he still felt the sting of her duplicity and vowed never to put himself in that position again. He thought about Grace, napping in their bedroom. Was he foolish to allow himself to get involved with her?

He shook his head. This was different. It was just sex and fun, with the added benefit of having someone who was quite adept at handling what he needed regarding business matters. They had no ties; no promises had been made. They were two adults enjoying each other, both in and out of bed.

Mac waited a bit longer before sneaking quietly into the bedroom. Grace was sleeping so peacefully, but it had been nearly an hour, so he didn’t figure she would mind him interrupting her nap. He took his phone out of his pocket and switched it off. He couldn’t be sure that Alice wouldn’t call back, and he didn’t want to be disturbed.

He climbed onto the bed quietly and put his arm around her. Then he pulled her in close to and covered her mouth with his.

She woke up startled and started flailing her arms in panic. “No! Leave me alone!”

“Grace, it’s okay. It’s just me. It’s Mac. You’re okay; you’re safe,” he said, trying to calm her.

Once she seemed to realize she was not in any danger, she stopped struggling and looked mortified that she had reacted that way.

“I’m so sorry, Mac,” she apologized. “I must have been having a nightmare.”

He nodded, taking her into his arms. He wasn’t buying her story. She’d been sleeping serenely when he had walked into the room. But he said nothing. He simply held her until she stopped shaking.

“Well, so much for my smooth move of trying to climb into bed and seduce you from your slumber,” he joked.

“I’m sorry, it was a really nice gesture,” she said with a weak smile.

“How about we just lay here for a bit until you shake off the nightmare?”

Grace nodded.

Mac had to admit it was no hardship having to hold her. She felt so good in his arms. It was almost easier to enjoy being with her because there were no expectations. He thought about his conversation with Alice. He couldn’t blame her for warning him to be cautious. Throughout the nasty breakup with Louise, she'd been there for him and helped kick him in the ass when he stopped paying enough attention to his business. He owed Alice a great deal. But she was wrong about Grace.

“Your mind is extremely busy,” Grace said. “I can practically hear the wheels turning.”

Mac laughed, “Sorry, I was just letting my mind wander a bit while I enjoyed having a beautiful woman in my arms.”

“Well, aren’t you the charmer?” she said, sensuality dripping from her voice. “You already have me in bed. What more are you angling for?”

“Actually, not a thing. I’m just surprised at how comfortable I am just lying here in bed with you, Grace,” he mused.

“Mac, you were engaged at one time, weren’t you? Surely you spent time in bed with her like this at some point,” Grace remarked.

He sighed. Part of him wanted to pull away and tell her to mind her own damned business. But another part realized that perhaps if he confided in her, she would feel comfortable doing the same with him.

“It was never like this; it was never easy and comfortable. I thought Louise was high-strung. Looking back now, I’d say she was not in love with me the way I was with her, and it made her uncomfortable.” He’d never said those words out loud. It felt good to do so now.

Grace placed a hand on Mac’s chest. He enjoyed the casual way that she touched him. It was different than anything he’d experienced before.

“I guess I never realized until now how little time we spent enjoying each other’s company. We had satisfying sex, and we held dinner parties, but we didn’t banter. We sure as hell didn’t have fun in bed!”

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“Satisfying sex without fun in bed? How is one possible without the other?” she asked, genuinely interested in his answer.

“It was satisfying in that we both had orgasms, we had sex in a variety of positions, and oral sex was always part of foreplay,” Mac explained.

“So, what happened? Or would you rather not talk about it?” Grace asked.

Mac didn’t answer immediately. Then he took a deep breath, and he shrugged. “I surprised my fiancée, Louise, with red roses, and she surprised me with letting her boss fuck her ass in our bed.”

“Oh, wow! That’s beyond disrespectful and shitty!” Realizing some levity was needed at the moment, she quipped, “I mean, who brings a girl red roses these days? Personally, I prefer pink.”

When Mac burst out laughing, Grace felt relieved. She wasn’t trying to make light of his situation, as it sucked immensely. But maybe by being able to laugh at it, he’d allow himself to let go of some of the anger she suspected he still felt toward the woman who broke his heart.

When his laughter died down, he rolled Grace on her back and kissed her passionately.

“Wow! I’m not sure what I did to deserve that, but feel free to repeat that move any time,” she said seductively.

“You’re amazing,” he said. He moved in to kiss her again, and her stomach growled loudly. He laughed and sat up. “I think I’d better feed you. If I remember correctly, you once mentioned something about low blood-sugar bringing on bitchiness.”

“I should be annoyed that you would insinuate I can be bitchy, but I’m too impressed that you remembered that important little detail,” she remarked.

He got out of bed and held out a hand. “Come on. I’ll take you to a place within walking distance so we can get out of the hotel. There’s a restaurant called Momo that I think you’ll enjoy.”


Chapter Twenty-Seven

Grace took a few minutes to freshen up and change her outfit. When they were on their way to the restaurant, she asked, “So, what did Alice want?”

Mac rolled his eyes. “Oh, she just wanted to update me on how things are going back home,” he lied. He saw no point in spoiling a perfectly lovely evening by mentioning Alice’s little temper tantrum on the phone.

When they arrived at Momo, the maître de indicated their table would be ready in about twenty minutes. Mac led Grace over to sit at the bar so they could get a drink while they waited. But when the gentleman in the next chair turned around, Grace’s face turned ghostly pale.

Bonjour, Grace,” the stranger said. “Je n’aurais jamais cru te revoir.”

Grace turned to Mac with panic in her eyes. “Please, I don’t feel well, suddenly. We need to go!” she said urgently. Her breathing became labored, and he thought she might pass out.

“Of course!” Mac responded. “Here, Grace, take my hand.” He helped her down from the barstool and put his arm around her. He took her outside of the restaurant, hoping the fresh air would help.

She leaned against the building and reached into her handbag for her rescue inhaler. After taking two puffs, she looked at Mac and said, “Please, we need to go back to the hotel. We can order room service or carry-out from somewhere. Anywhere but here.”

Mac was concerned. “Shall I call a cab?”

“No, just give me a minute to settle down. I can walk,” she said.

When they got back to the hotel room, he grabbed a protein bar from their emergency stash and called room service. He offered the bar to Grace, who turned it down, went into the bathroom, and threw up violently. Mac was at a loss on how to help her, but he couldn’t just leave her like this. He kneeled down next to her and held her hair for her until the sickness passed. Then he grabbed her robe from the closet and set it on the bed for her. He mentioned it was there and went out to the living room to wait for their dinner.

The food arrived about forty minutes later, and Grace still hadn’t emerged from their room. He wasn’t sure whether to bother her or not, but he thought the chicken soup he ordered for her might help her feel better.

He knocked on the bedroom door. “Grace, I don’t know if you’re up to it, but our dinner is here. I got you some soup.”

“I’ll be out in a minute,” she said.

Five minutes later, she came out in her burgundy robe and slippers with her hair still wet from the shower. Her damp, wavy auburn locks made her look a little bohemian. Even with her makeup washed off and her eyes red from crying, she still exuded beauty. Mac wasn’t sure how that was possible unless he was just biased.

He spoke softly, “Do you feel like eating out on the terrace or in here?”

“In here is better,” she said.

He pulled out her chair for her. Then he set the soup and a Coke in front of her and joined her at the table. “I ordered a marinated chicken breast. If you would like some, you’re welcome to share mine,” he mentioned.

“No, thank you, soup is fine,” she said. “Thank you for taking care of me. I’m so sorry that I became sick so suddenly. It’s unusual for me. Maybe I just waited too long to eat.”

Mac said nothing for a moment. Then he mustered the courage to broach the subject. “Grace, who was that man at the bar? What did he say that scared you so?”

Grace looked at Mac and realized that lying to him would be unfair. “Someone from a past that I thought I’d tucked far behind me,” she said. “He said he never thought he’d see me again.”

Her eyes welled up, and tears threatened to spill. Mac took her hand and said, “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, but I’m willing to listen if you do.”

“It’s a long and ugly story,” Grace said, wiping her eyes. “I don’t know if I have the energy to tell it.”

“Then it can wait,” Mac said, “until you’re ready.”

She nodded and finished eating her soup while Mac ate his dinner. They sat in silence, with Mac feeling helpless.

“Grace, what can I do to help you right now? Do you need to rest?”

Grace shook her head. “Make love to me, Mac.”

Mac smiled. “If that is what you need, I’m happy to oblige.”

He led her to the bedroom and untied the sash from her robe, letting it drop to the floor. She was naked underneath, so Mac quickly undressed. Then he picked Grace up and took her to their bed.

He started with a passionate kiss, then traced his tongue down her neck to her lovely breasts. He took turns sucking each nipple until they were hard for him. Next, he traveled down her stomach until he reached the smooth skin of her bare pussy. He teased her there for a moment before moving to part her pink folds and taste her sweet nectar.

Grace’s hips rocked gently as she moaned softly. Mac took her clit between his teeth and slid two fingers into her wetness.

“God, yes!” she cried out. “Yes! I need you so much! I need to feel…”

Her orgasm ripped quickly through her body, rendering her speechless for a moment. Mac continued his erotic assault, licking and sucking until she came again.

“Oh, fuck! God, yes! Don’t stop!” Grace screamed.

Mac added a third finger and fucked her while he sucked and nibbled her clit, bringing her to climax again. Then he climbed on top of her and eased his rigid shaft inside her.

“Yes! Please fuck me, Mac! Fuck me hard! Make me feel!” Grace cried.

Mac thrust slowly at first but sped up to meet the rhythm of her hips. He fucked her hard, fast, and deep while she continued to beg for more. He held back his release for as long as he could until he could do so no longer.

“I’m gonna cum, baby,” he said in a low, seductive growl.

“Oh, fuck, yes! Cum in me, Mac! Fill me with your seed! Make me feel…”

Another orgasm caused her entire body to quake, triggering Mac’s balls to shoot their heavy load. He flooded her pussy with his seed, causing her to tremor one more time.

He stayed inside her for a few moments more, both of them enjoying the aftershocks of their intense orgasms. Then he rolled off of her and onto his back, heart pounding.

Moments later, Grace curled up into Mac, placing her head on his chest. He instinctively wrapped around her and held her close.

“Thank you, Mac,” she said quietly. “That’s what I needed most.”

He kissed the top of her head and said, “You kept asking me to make you feel, but you never finished the sentence. Make you feel what, Grace?”

“Make me feel like I matter,” she answered. “Make me feel whole again.”

Mac was silent for a moment. Then he said, “How did the man at the bar hurt you, Grace?”

“He made me believe he loved me. Then he allowed others to use me,” she said in a voice barely above a whisper. “He made me feel like I was nothing.”

Mac felt his heart aching in his chest. He held her, letting her cry until she wore herself out. They drifted off and slept until morning.


Chapter Twenty-Eight

Mac woke up alone and called out for her, “Grace!”

She came into the bedroom with a cup of tea and a croissant for him. “Good morning!” she said, sounding cheerful.

Sensing that she needed things to feel normal, Mac let go of the many questions he had for her regarding the man from the bar.

“Well, look at you, my little domestic angel,” Mac said. “A man could get used to this kind of service in the morning.”

Grace laughed.

“You think I’m kidding,” Mac teased. “Have you eaten?”

Ignoring his question, Grace asked, “Would you like to go over the schedule of events in here or out on the terrace?”

He studied her face. On the surface, she appeared happy and calm. However, a more careful observation showed an abundance of emotions swimming around in her eyes.

“Let’s go out on the terrace,” he decided.

The more she discussed their agenda for the next several days, the steadier she became. He decided he wouldn’t press her to talk until she seemed ready.

Around mid-day, they had lunch at Sartoria, an Italian restaurant nearby. Mac noticed that Grace had her appetite back and was pleased to see her relishing the baked ziti. They bantered casually and made plans to enjoy each other after tonight’s reception with the London firm.

On the walk back to the hotel, Mac saw Grace look around cautiously. “What are you doing?” he asked.

She frowned. “I’m just taking in the sights and sounds of the city,” she lied.

“Grace, you look like you expect the boogeyman to jump out at you any moment. You don’t need to worry; you’re safe with me,” he said, taking her hand.

She started to protest, but deceit was exhausting. She decided she could trust Mac. “Thanks. I know it’s unlikely that I would bump into him again, but I appreciate your kindness.”

“Do you want to talk about it? About him?”

“Not really, but it’s probably going to come tumbling out sooner or later. I’d rather it be when I feel more in control of my emotions,” she replied. “Let’s keep walking, though.”

They walked toward Green Park. Grace looked everywhere but at Mac when she spoke. “I was fresh out of college and very naïve. I applied for a job as an interpreter at the embassy in Cote d’Ivoire. I was thrilled when they hired me. I’d been there several months when my boss introduced me to a foreign dignitary, Armel Kouassi, who was a very charismatic and charming man. He took a liking to me and offered me a job as his personal interpreter at twice what I was making. I was flattered by his attention and couldn’t resist the money, so I took the position.”

Mac slipped his hand in Grace’s and was pleased when she didn’t pull away.

“He was very clever and attentive, and I fell hard for him. He told me he loved me and that he was all I needed. It wasn’t long before I moved in with him and cut ties with the few friends I had made. I spent all of my time with him. I should have seen the huge red flags, but I had stars in my eyes. He was so sophisticated and sexy, and he wanted me.”

They found a bench in Green Park and sat down. Mac continued to hold Grace’s hand, patiently waiting for her to continue. After a few moments, she leaned her head on his shoulder.

“He said we were going on a vacation to a very exclusive island and that he had a surprise for me once we got there. I have no memory of how I got there. It’s all kind of a blur. But suffice to say, his big surprise was that he’d arranged to let his friends use me sexually. I don’t even know how long I was there, but they tied me to the bed and…”

Grace’s voice hitched. She couldn’t go on with the story. Mac put his arms around her. “I’m so sorry, baby. And I’m sorry if I dredged up painful memories for you.”

Grace looked up into his eyes, “No, you didn’t. You couldn’t. I know that this isn’t a real relationship and that we are just having fun, but everything we’ve done has been wonderful, Mac.”

He knew her words were meant to comfort him, but they stung. This isn’t a real relationship. Wasn’t it? Then again, hadn’t he told her a few days ago they were just two people enjoying each other? When did that change? He tucked all those questions aside to pose one to Grace.

“What happened after?”

She shook her head. “We need to get back. I need to shower and do my hair before the reception tonight. We can talk later, okay?”

“When?” he asked.

“After the reception. After you make love to me and show me again that I matter.”

Grace stood up and started walking. Mac had no choice but to follow her and let the conversation go for a while. But he knew one thing, he would make sure he was a generous and attentive lover tonight. It was becoming clear to him that Grace mattered a whole lot more to him than he’d anticipated.


Written by techgoddess
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