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Chapter Sixty-One

Mac looked out into the crystal-clear sea and watched as Grace walked out of the water like a goddess. She was dripping wet, having taken a dip to cool off on their last full day of the impromptu vacation he had whisked her away to on the island of Corsica.

She’d been careful to use sunscreen, so her fair skin was a light golden brown, not red with sunburn. Freckles that he hadn’t known were there popped out, and they each brought three friends. Still, her face was the most beautiful he’d ever seen. She sat down on the beach lounger and flicked water from her wet hair onto Mac’s stomach.

“Hey! You’re very sassy today,” he mused.

“I love it here. I love being with you here. But most of all, I love you,” Grace said before planting a kiss on Mac’s lips.

He loved it here, too, and had toyed with the idea of getting married before they left the island. But he didn’t want to cheat her out of whatever her vision might be of a wedding. He didn’t know what that was, but he was pretty sure it wasn’t standing on the beach in a sundress.

“I can see why people take vacations. It’s been amazing to relax with you and put work aside. And with the massage yesterday, I feel like my batteries are recharged,” Mac said, bringing Grace’s hand to his lips. “I would never have done this without you. So, thank you, my lovely bride-to-be.”

Grace’s smile lit up her whole face. “I love the sound of that.”

“When we get finished with Stockholm and move on to Copenhagen, let’s talk about when and where you’d like to get married,” Mac said.

She shrugged. “Whenever and wherever you want works for me.”

Mac frowned. “Don’t you want the big wedding and all the trimmings?”

Grace shook her head. “I just need you. I’ve got no one I would invite to a wedding anyway.”

“No one?”

“My parents have passed. I was an only child. I might have some cousins somewhere, but I’m not close with any of them. As for friends, it’s hard to make them when you move around a lot and avoid becoming attached to anyone.”

“When you come right down to it, I can’t say I have any close friends. While my parents are still living, they don’t particularly like me very much, and the feeling is mutual,” Mac admitted.

“So, it seems we don’t need all the trimmings.”

“It seems we don’t,” he agreed, wishing he’d arranged that beach wedding after all. “But I do want to make it special for you. Do you suppose my event planner would mind planning her own wedding? I’m willing to pay whatever price she demands.”

“Hmm, she might be persuaded to negotiate a deal with you. It will involve dessert. Lots and lots of dessert,” Grace said playfully.

“You always have dessert on the brain, my sexy little redhead.”

“So do you, stud. How about a down payment now?”

Back in the room, Grace suggested they take a shower together so they wouldn’t get sand in the bed.

“You can use some of that lavender body gel and lather me up,” she said wickedly.

Grace was incredibly turned on with his hands roaming all over her body as the hot water rained down on them.

“I need you, Mac.”

“Then let’s finish up our shower and go climb into that comfy bed,” he said.

“Nope, I don’t wanna wait. I want you in me now. I need you.”

Mac didn’t need any more encouragement. He’d learned during these past several months how to read her body. “Open your legs, Grace. Give me what’s mine.”

Grace closed her eyes and moaned as Mac’s fingers slid into her slick, needy hole. He grabbed a breast with his other hand and brought a hardened nipple to his mouth. He nibbled and sucked relentlessly until the combination of what his hands and mouth were doing triggered a sudden, intense climax.

“Oh, fuckkkk!” Grace cried out. “Your cock, please, baby, I need it inside me!”

“Such a greedy little slut! You’ll get my cock. But first, I think your other nipple needs attention. Let’s see if I can pull off a repeat performance and send you over again.”

His fingers danced among her pink folds as he used his talented mouth on her other nipple. Then he took his stiff shaft and rubbed the head against her clit. When her back arched, he slid his cock into her just in time to enjoy the contractions of her orgasm. Then he pushed her against the wall, thrusting into her until he took her over one more time and exploded inside her pussy.

“Holy fuck, Grace!” Mac cried out as his thick rod continued to fill her with spurt after spurt of his seed.

He pulled out and watched with delight as his cum leaked out of her and down her inner thigh. Her legs were wobbly, and she was still panting hard. He finished washing her body and then grabbed some shampoo and took care of her hair for her. It surprised him how much he enjoyed this nonsexual but very intimate act with her. It gave him an idea for later.

That evening, they enjoyed a sunset boat ride, complete with dinner and champagne. And when they returned to their suite, Mac dined on Grace’s sweet nectar and then made love to her slowly and sweetly.

“You’re amazing,” she said.

“I’m not done,” he teased.

“God, Mac, I don’t know how much more I can handle tonight!” she protested.

“You’ll handle this. Come over to the chair and sit down,” he instructed. “And close your eyes, too.”

She didn’t argue, and she was happy that she hadn’t when she felt the brush glide through her hair.

“Oh, my God,” Grace purred. “You’re right. I’ll handle this.”

Mac brushed her long, red hair and watched her nearly become part of the chair.

“My bones feel like noodles; you have relaxed me so,” she sighed with her eyes still closed. “I think you’re going to have to carry me to bed.”

Mac smiled. “There’s nothing I’d like better.”


Chapter Sixty-Two

The following day, they caught an early flight to Sweden. The Penthouse Executive Terrace Suite at Bank Hotel in Stockholm offered a great view of the canals and had a much more modern feel than Grace was expecting for a hotel built in 1910. But then again, it hadn’t always been a hotel. It started as the Södra Sverige Banking Company’s head office and had been home to a succession of banks before being transformed into a hotel.

Mac and Grace freshened up and then headed down to Bonnie’s to meet Astrid Andersson for lunch. Grace was glad she had time to fix her hair and makeup and change into a casual, blue floral print sleeveless dress with a pale-yellow sweater. She wanted to look good when meeting the woman Mac had teasingly referred to as his favorite blonde. Grace had decided she had no reason to be jealous. Then she saw Astrid.

Stunning was the word that popped into her head. Astrid had blue-green eyes, pin-straight platinum hair that stopped just above her shapely ass, and breasts that looked a little too large for her whisper-thin body. The body-hugging black dress that she wore left little to the imagination, especially when paired with a pair of come-fuck-me, six-inch, clear heels.

Grace could see why Mac had a crush on her in college. She would have too if they’d been classmates. Still, it irritated her that Mac had downplayed how gorgeous Astrid was. Now she had all of ten seconds to tamper down her annoyance and be on her game.

“McKinley, you haven’t aged a bit! Perhaps a tinge of gray at your temples, but it looks good on you. Still sexy as ever,” Astrid purred, ignoring Grace altogether as she planted a kiss on Mac’s lips.

Mac laughed. “Hello, Astrid. You look lovely as always,” he said politely. “May I introduce my fiancée, Grace Remy. Grace, this is Astrid Andersson.”

“Well, aren’t you a unique-looking creature with all those freckles and vibrant red hair? Tell me, darling, does the carpet match the drapes?” Astrid was in rare form. But Mac noticed that Grace wasn’t rattled.

“Mac once told me that the tile was magnificent,” Grace commented without hesitation. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, but I don’t need to know what type of flooring you have.”

Astrid’s eyes grew large; then she laughed a shrill, ingenuine laugh. “Well, you’re no wallflower, are you, darling?”

Mac felt like he had a front-row seat at a thrilling boxing match. There was a time he would have bet on Astrid. But that was before he met Grace. In hindsight, he probably should have skipped Sweden, but a small part of the college boy he’d once been wanted to show Grace off to the arrogant blonde who snubbed him.

“Our table is ready. Let’s have a seat, shall we?” Mac put a hand on the small of Grace’s back and directed both women to follow the hostess.

Astrid felt her own jealousy rising in her chest. A year ago, she assumed that McKinley Stewart would be an easy target when she’d sought out his help in bailing out her firm. She’d intended to snag him for her own now that he was made of money. This feisty little redhead was spoiling her plan, and she didn’t much care for that.

“It’s nice to meet any friend of McKinley’s. I am sure he told you that we go way back. He tried desperately to get into my pants in college, but I was a virgin and wouldn’t allow it then. We know each other very well now, though, don’t we, McKinley?”

The waitress came to take their order, interrupting the show. Mac was thoroughly impressed by Grace’s ability to not stoop to Astrid’s level.

“Order whatever you like, darlings. Lunch is on me,” she said as she tossed her blonde hair over her shoulders.

When their drinks arrived, Astrid took a big gulp of her wine.

“So, Hope, what is that you do?” she asked, purposely getting Grace’s name wrong.

Mac knew that Grace could handle herself. But he couldn’t sit back and let Astrid be disrespectful.

“Her name is Grace, and she’s my business associate,” Mac said, taking Grace’s hand in his.

“Oh, I was under the assumption she was your assistant or, perhaps, your paramour. I didn’t think…”

Mac was losing patience as he interrupted her. “No, you didn’t think. You never do. And that’s how you got into the mess you were in a year ago, Astrid. Grace knows the ins and out of all of my acquisitions. She’s here to help me guide your full transition.”

“Well, that’s not very nice, McKinley,” Astrid pouted. “Things must not be going so well for you either. Bank Hotel is hardly Terrassen Grand Hotel. Perhaps I should buy back my company. Would that help, darling?”

“You must not know Mac as well as you think, Astrid,” Grace said coolly. “Grand Hotel suites only offer queen-sized beds. Mac only stays where there is a king bed. It makes sharing dessert much easier."

Mac grinned at Grace while Astrid looked befuddled, not getting the inside joke. Grace smiled sweetly, but the look in her eyes let him know that he would have to grovel a little tonight to get dessert.

Lunch came, and it was clear that Astrid was determined to poke at Grace. Mac did what he could to steer the conversation back to business and was pleasantly surprised when Grace jumped in.

“I’ve looked over the financial reports you sent to Mac…”

But Astrid interrupted, “Oh, I know why I thought you were a whore, because Alice told me that McKinley hired you to fuck him on his business trip.”

Mac was fuming, but Grace put her hand on his arm.

“As I was saying,” Grace continued, ignoring Astrid’s comment. “I’ve looked over the financial reports you sent to Mac, and I have some serious concerns. Beyond the price Mac paid for your firm, he also gave you cash to be spent on upgrading your systems and billing procedures. You’ve done neither. Failure to comply with bringing your company up to standards is considered a breach of contract,” Grace said.

Astrid’s face drained of color. “I didn’t…” she stammered.

“Before you say you didn’t know, this clause was clearly defined in the papers you signed. The contract also says that if you don’t comply, McKinley has the right to rescind his offer for up to one year past the signing date. It looks like you’ve got three days to fix your blunder, or you owe Mac the purchase price as well as the capital invested, both with interest,” Grace said.

“What the hell did you spend the money on, Astrid?” Mac demanded.

Her bottom lip quivered for a moment, but Astrid could tell that he wasn’t going to fall for a pouty face. So, she blurted out the truth. “Oh, for Christ’s sake, I bought myself new tits! I thought you’d be thrilled, McKinley. I was trying to look nice for you.”

Mac was speechless. Grace smirked, folded her napkin, and stood up. “Well, if you’ll both excuse me, I will leave the two of you alone to figure out how to handle this mess. You can always try to negotiate a new deal, Astrid. Or maybe you can sell your tits back to whatever doctor overcharged you for the boob job.”

Grace was irritated with herself for being so catty, but the woman had called her a whore. She headed back to the suite and went out onto the terrace, hoping the fresh air would soothe her.

When Mac came back into the room an hour later, he noticed the door to the outside was open a bit. He started to head outside but changed his mind. He went into the bedroom, took his phone out of his pocket, and sent Grace a text.

I had no idea that knowledge of corporate laws was in your bag of tricks. Anything else I don’t know?

Grace read his message and wasn’t sure if he was impressed, pissed, or a little of both.

I was a translator, remember? It was my job to read, understand, and translate documents. Did you really not know she was misspending your money?

Mac had intended on lighthearted banter, but it seemed like the conversation took a more serious tone.

I dropped the ball on that one. I guess I let my interest in her cloud my judgment. I should have kept a better eye on her. I feel foolish, and you know how much I hate that feeling.

Grace nodded to herself and typed back.

So, were her tits worth fifteen grand?

Mac laughed.

I didn’t even notice they were different. A waste of money if you ask me.

Grace felt her irritation dissipating.

Indeed. Especially since we both know you like natural tits.

Mac breathed a sigh of relief. There was the witty banter he had hoped for.

I like your natural tits. Especially when they are in my hands and I’m sucking on your hard nipples.

Grace needed to know one thing before she could let her guard down.

How many times did you fuck her last year when she was negotiating a price for her firm?

Mac winced.

Ouch! I guess I had that coming. We fooled around a little and had some decent oral sex, but I didn’t fuck her.

Okay, maybe she had two things she needed to know.

How did you leave things with her?

I told her that my corporate lawyer (the real one, not you, ha-ha) would contact her tomorrow to renegotiate the deal but that she would be stepping down as the head of my Stockholm office. She was pissed. She stuck me with the lunch tab.

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It serves you right. You should have been more upfront about Astrid. I expected to feel a little jealous. I didn’t expect her to flaunt your interest in her in my face.

I lost all interest in Astrid when I met you, Grace.

Good save, Mac. Guess you’re getting dessert tonight after all.

I was prepared to work much harder for it. You should have made me suffer more.

I should have, but I’m craving dessert.

I love you so much, Grace. I’m sorry I didn’t handle Astrid better.

I love you too, Mac. Now get naked and on the bed. I’m hungry.

So, is it my turn or yours to be the sex slave?

We’ll take turns.

Grace shed her clothes in the living room so that she could walk into the bedroom naked. Her hair was windblown from being out on the terrace, which gave her a wild look.

“You look good enough to eat,” she said wickedly. She climbed on the bed with Mac and took his shaft in her hand. “How come it’s not hard for me yet?”

“I wasn’t sure if we were done arguing,” he explained.

“That wasn’t arguing. Trust me; you’ll know when we’re arguing.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said, grinning.

She teased his semi-hard cock with her fingers until it stood at attention for her. “There. That’s better.”

She bent down and took both of his balls into her mouth at the same time, and she sucked them while she stroked his dick.

“Holy fuck, Grace!”

Christ almighty, no woman had ever sucked his nuts before. It felt fantastic! And the grip she had on his manhood was nothing short of erotic. She kept sucking and stroking while he moaned with pleasure. He thought it couldn’t get much better than this.

And then she slid her finger into his ass.

“Fuckkkk!” he shouted as he shot ropes of sticky white cum onto her hand and his stomach. When she licked it all up, he was sure he’d died and gone to heaven.

“I don’t get it,” he said when he could finally speak. “I thought I was in the doghouse, but you just treated me like a fucking king! Why?”

“I was setting the bar high for the quality of make-up sex I feel I deserve,” Grace.

“Trade places with me,” he demanded. “I’m suddenly ravenous.”

Grace wasted no time getting on her back and spreading her legs open so that Mac could feast on her.

“God, look how wet you are already!”

Mac’s fingers played at the very opening of her honey hole while he captured her clit between his teeth. Her hips were moving, and she was writhing, trying to make those fingers enter her.

“God, please, Mac!”

He ignored her pleas and continued to torment her dripping wetness. Her pussy ached for release, but Mac kept edging her, denying her, until she was sobbing from need.

Mac thrust three fingers into her and fucked her with them while he sucked and nibbled on her clit. It didn’t take long before she was cumming like a fountain as she cried out, “Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.”

Her body shook as the wave of orgasm took hold of her and left her breathless.

When she could finally talk, Grace said, “Oh, my God, Mac, that was fucking incredible!”

He smiled and moved a stray lock of hair away from her face. “Am I forgiven then?”

“Most definitely!”

They cuddled together for a while. Then Mac pulled Grace on top of him. “Ride my cock, baby.”

Grace rode with pleasure, grinding her clit against Mac’s body until she came.

“More,” Mac insisted. “Cum again for me, Grace.”

He made her cum a half dozen times before he thrust wildly and erupted inside her.


Chapter Sixty-Three

They ate dinner out on the terrace, where they enjoyed filet mignon, crispy potatoes, and white asparagus, all with a lovely view of the Strandvägen and Nybroviken’s water.

“So, with my lawyers taking over the Astrid debacle, we have some time to ourselves. Have you given any thought about where you’d like to get married?” Mac asked as he sipped his champagne.

“What about Denmark?” Grace asked. “According to my guidebook, it’s one of the easiest and fastest countries in Europe to get married in.”

Mac tilted his head. “Is that so? Huh, I didn’t know that.”

“It seems people from all over the world can get married in Denmark. You can organize a ceremony appointment in as little as three days,” Grace continued, paraphrasing what she’d read in the book.

Mac smiled. “Think you can find a dress in three days?”

“Are you serious?”

“Yeah, why? Weren’t you serious?”

Grace laughed. “I was sort of teasing because we are headed to Copenhagen next.”

“Way to get a man’s hopes up,” Mac pouted.

“I’m not opposed to getting married in Denmark. I just thought Michael Stone might need more than three days…”

Mac interrupted, “What does my lawyer have to do with anything?”

“Well, I’m assuming you planned to consult him to draw up a prenuptial agreement.”

Mac frowned. “What makes you think I need a prenup?”

“McKinley, you’re worth a fortune; surely you see the logic in protecting yourself. I’m sure Michael will insist upon it when you tell him that we are getting married.”

“Why do we need that? I don’t think you’re that good of an actress that you could pretend to love me just to marry me for my money, Grace. I trust you.”

Grace leaned over and kissed Mac on the cheek. “Your faith in me is an amazing gift. But not everyone views me the way you do. I need the prenup, so people won’t think I’m an opportunistic gold digger. I can’t marry you without one. I won’t give people one more reason to talk about me behind my back.”

Mac nodded. “Okay. If you feel the need to prove to others that you’re not marrying me for my money, I will oblige you,” Mac said coolly. “But know this, Grace. You do not need to prove anything to me. You’ve shown me that you love me in hundreds of ways since we’ve been together. Even before we became lovers.”

Grace sensed Mac’s annoyance. “I love that you don’t see a need to protect yourself. But I also love that you are willing to do this for me. It means a lot to me, Mac.”

When he was still quiet, she sighed. “Would you have had Louise sign a prenup?”

Mac was about to protest, then he stopped and took a deep breath. “Yes, that was the plan. Michael had already drawn up the papers when I caught her in bed with her boss.”

“So, call Michael and ask him to take care of this for us,” Grace said softly.

Mac nodded. “Louise was offended that I didn’t trust her and felt the need for a prenup. I trust you completely, and you’re insisting on one. Life’s little ironies. I promise it will be more than fair.”

“Just make sure I get to keep the emerald and black nightgown, no matter what happens,” she added playfully.

Grace was pleased that her silly comment elicited the laugh from Mac that she hoped it would.

When they fell into bed together, Mac spent a good forty minutes kissing every inch of her body, driving her wild, before he finally allowed his fingers to open up the soft, pink petals between her legs. When he flicked her clit, she came almost instantly. He kept her orgasm rolling by sucking on her hard little button and moving his fingers wickedly just inside her hot wetness. Eventually, she bucked hard, cried out, and squirted her juices into his eager mouth.

“Mmm, that was amazing,” Grace purred. “How can I please you now?”

Mac hesitated. “I don’t want you to think I’m a pervert, but I sincerely want to slide between your tits.”

Grace laughed. “That’s not perverted. That’s erotic.”

“Yeah?” he asked.

“Oh, yeah!”

“I’ve never done this before, so forgive me if I’m clumsy,” he said sheepishly.

“I’ve never done this before either, be patient with me, too.”

Mac grinned. He took the lube from the nightstand and stroked his cock till it was nice and wet. Then, he let the liquid drip from several inches above her chest onto the delicate skin between her gorgeous tits.

She gasped softly. Then she moaned while Mac massaged the lube between her creamy globes and then straddled her intending to slide his rigid shaft between them.

“This position feels awkward,” he admitted.

He considered himself a skilled lover, so feeling like an incompetent frat boy trying not to fall on Grace while trying to fuck her tits was annoying.

“How about you sit in a chair, and then I will kneel in front of you and squeeze my girls together around your dick,” Grace suggested.

Mac nodded; leave it to Grace to figure out a better way. He sat on the edge of the chair and leaned forward so her luscious breasts could surround his cock. She pushed them together and looked up at him with those sexy blue eyes and purred, “Fuck my tits, baby.”

Oh, Christ, it felt so good! He did his best to slow it down and prolong the bliss of how her amazingly soft skin felt against his rod. But eventually, he couldn’t hold back anymore.

“Where do you want me to cum, Grace?” he asked urgently, knowing his climax was mere seconds away.

She didn’t hesitate. “Cum on my face, Mac. I want you to coat it with your seed.”

“Oh, fuckkkk!” Mac bellowed as his balls tightened and then let go with a vengeance, spurting rope after rope of sticky white semen on her beautiful face. She was right; this was erotic.

Grace scooped up fingerfuls of his cum and licked them up as if it were whipped cream.

“Thank you!” he panted, pulling her onto his lap and leaning back in the chair. “I’ve never cum on a woman’s face. I always thought it was too much to ask or that it would seem demeaning or degrading.”

Grace smiled. “Sweetie, it’s only demeaning if a woman doesn’t want it. You gave me a choice. I wanted you to cum on my face.”

“I can’t think of too many women who would ask for that,” he chuckled.

“I’m not most women, though, am I?” she asked. There wasn’t a drop of conceit in her voice. It was a genuine question. So, he gave her an honest answer.

“Grace, there isn’t a woman on Earth like you, which makes you even more of a treasure to me. You’re one-of-a-kind, and you’re mine. I promise never to take that for granted.”

“Can I tell you something?” Grace asked.

“Always,” he answered without hesitation.

“I needed you to do that so that I could replace an ugly memory in my head with a beautiful one.”

Mac held her close. She rarely made any reference to the gang rape she had suffered years before in Cote d’Ivoire. That she was sharing even the most minuscule detail was another sign of her growing trust in him. He treasured that as well.

He carried her back to the bed and cuddled her close. He’d contact Michael in the morning and get the ball rolling on the prenup. Grace was right; people would judge them both if he didn’t. But he’d make damn sure Grace was taken care of, even if, by some bizarre circumstance, they should part. He owed her that much in his mind.

Before falling asleep, Grace mumbled something about a dress shop. Mac kissed her temple and said, “Tomorrow, my love.”


Chapter Sixty-Four

The following morning, Grace looked online to see how to arrange a wedding in Denmark, and then she searched for dress shops in Stockholm. She found one called Lilly that had some beautiful styles in stock. She could always find a tailor in Copenhagen if she found a dress that didn’t fit perfectly.

She closed her laptop and headed into the living room when she caught the last part of Mac’s conversation with Michael Stone.

“Yes, I’m sure. Because I’d want Grace to have a place to live. Mm-hm. We can add that clause if you insist, but I’m telling you it’s not an issue. None of this is necessary, but Grace insisted. Yes, crazy, huh? Okay, thanks, Michael. Send it over when you’re done, and I will look it over.”

He saw Grace had entered the room, and he smiled.

“No, Michael, I’m letting Vince Delworth and his firm handle Astrid. Thank goodness Grace was paying better attention than I was. Yes, she does have my back. And my front. I’m going to hang up now, Michael. I’m going dress shopping with my future wife.”

“You seem awfully chipper for a guy who is about to be dragged into a bridal boutique,” Grace said as she leaned in to kiss Mac.

“It’s more fun than talking to Michael,” he joked.

“I don’t mean to pry, but what did you mean about my having a place to live?” she asked.

He pulled her into his lap and kissed her passionately. “If, by some incomprehensible reason, we split up before the terms of the prenup are satisfied, you get my little house in Queens Village, New York. And before you argue with me, A, us splitting up isn’t going to happen. And B, it’s a fifteen hundred square foot house in an old neighborhood. It’s not the best house, but I don’t ever want you to have to live in an extended stay hotel again.”

“I’m perplexed. If we split up, I get a house? That’s the most ridiculous thing I ever heard. I won’t accept that,” Grace argued anyway.

“If it makes you feel better, if you cheat on me, then you don’t get the house. Michael insisted on including that clause.”

Grace shook her head and decided to let it go for now. “Makes me glad I don’t have gobs of money. Let me brush my teeth, and we can head out to buy a wedding dress. I found one online that is in my price range and that I think is very pretty. Now I just need to see if it looks good on me.”

Mac was about to say there was no way he would allow her to pay for her own wedding gown, but he didn’t want to start a fight.

As Grace got ready to go, Mac looked at the dress website and read the description of the line she had taken a liking to. “Passions by LILLY. Enchanted gardens from the past. Sumptuous peonies grow together into large floral motifs. The silky cream-white flowers contrast with the soft pink shades of the dresses in a tribute to the antique style.”

That sounded a bit over the top. But when Mac clicked on the pictures, they were beautiful. She would look gorgeous in any one of them.

“If we find a wedding dress quickly enough, I will take you to lunch at a restaurant called Agaton. They specialize in Mediterranean and Italian food. I’m pretty sure they have pizza. Then afterward, we can take the Stockholm Red Hop On - Hop Off bus and see the city.”

“Gee, Dad, if I behave, can we get ice cream too?” she teased.

“Keep that up, and you’ll get a spanking, Gracie.”


He gave her a playful swat. “Oh, absolutely! In fact, instead of ice cream, I think we should go to Love Store and find something to spank you with.”

“Love Store?”

“It’s an adult toy store. Unless you’re not interested,” Mac said, looking a bit embarrassed.

“Oh, I’m interested! I just didn’t know if you would be. Sex toys put some guys off,” Grace replied.

“At this point, I’m confident I can make you see God without the use of any accessories. So, why not see if they enhance things further?” Mac said. “Again, if you want to. I just thought it would be fun…”

“Mac,” she interrupted. “I want to.”

He grinned.

“But I still want ice cream.”

“Oh, I will make you scream,” he said, proud of his spontaneous play on words.

As she walked toward the door, he watched her ass wiggle.

“Wait!” he said, grabbing her hand. He reached under her sundress to find she had neglected to wear panties. And fuck if she wasn’t already wet. He held onto her and rubbed her clit until her climax shook her entire body.

“Okay, now we can go. But now that I know you don’t have panties on, I plan to do that a few more times on the Hop On – Hop Off bus.”

Grace didn’t argue. It was going to be a fantastic day. She was silently grateful for Astrid’s screw up giving them a few days without work until they left for Copenhagen. Her pussy was leaking at the thought of Mac’s fingers doing naughty things to it on the bus.


Written by techgoddess
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