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Sharon Gets Stranded

"55 year-old BBW biker chick, Sharon, gets stranded in a blizzard in a cabin with a stranger and the sex is amazing"

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Author's Notes

"Part 35 of the Robinson Family Sex Chronicles. Sharon is a peripheral character last seen in “Tom Meets Sharon And Rick”, and this story chronicles the further sexual adventures of this 55 year old biker chick—who is based on a real-life friend of mine."

It was late in the day and Sharon was driving home after picking up a classic car her husband was going to restore. He had found a nineteen-sixty-six Chevy Nova SS in a town about three hours away. Being a long-haul truck driver, he had taken Sharon with him in the truck to the place to make the deal. The plan was then for him to continue his run to Kansas City while Sharon drove the car back home. The car was primed and the interior was rough, but the V-8 seemed to run fine. Despite the threat of snow, Sharon decided to drive the longer scenic secondary road route that she loved to ride on the Harley [See story: “Tom Meets Sharon And Rick” for details about Sharon.]

Needing to pee badly, she turned down a dirt road off the highway and drove out of sight to pee. Unfortunately, the road was very narrow with no good place to stop and turn around. Getting more nervous, she drove for at least a couple of miles or more before finding a nice wide spot to pee and turn the car around in. After squatting and doing her thing, she started the car and attempted to drive away. To her alarm, the car wouldn’t move with the old Powerglide transmission in Drive. Something was wrong! Trying everything she knew, she couldn’t get it to move. Finally, she tried her cell phone. No service. At last, she began to walk down the dirt road to the highway, hoping to thumb a ride.

While she was doing this, she heard the sound of an engine behind her and turned to see an ATV heading her way. The driver stopped and asked if that was her car back there. Replying it was and telling him of the problem, he offered to give her a ride to his cabin to see what they could do. After backtracking to grab her overnight bag from the car, the stranger drove her to his cabin.

By now it was getting twilight with darkness falling quickly in the forest. Worse, the dark clouds of the storm were getting ominous and the air had turned chill. Despite her concern about going with this stranger, who had an AR-15 rifle in a gun rack in front of him, she thought it was the best course she could take under the circumstances. The gun didn’t bother her, she was used to guns and assumed (correctly) that he had been hunting. In fact, she had an S&W Shield 9mm in her purse and knew how to use it. She hopped on just as the first light flakes of snow began to fall and held on tightly as he drove her down some dim twisty dirt side road through the trees to a small wooden cabin. There was a four-by-four Toyota truck parked next to it.

They got off and went inside. He hurriedly lit some lanterns and stoked the wood-burning stove to get a blazing fire going. Sharon looked around and saw that it was a small place with just three cozy rooms—a small kitchen/living area with a sofa and an old lounge chair, and two bedrooms furnished with old furniture. Taking off her coat, the man explained that there was no electricity unless he wanted to run the propane generator, but that he preferred to try and get by without it. There was no TV or computer.

Eric and his wife had built this cabin, taking a decade to do it. It was furnished with their old furniture, except for the new bedroom set in the master bedroom. It wasn’t fancy, but it was their summer dream place. There were a lot of memories of her in it.

Sharon sat there at the kitchen table while he did the little chores necessary. The storm was picking up outside and she could hear the wind blow. Unsure of her next step, she decided to introduce herself.

“Hey, thanks for rescuing me. I’m lucky you came along. I’d hate to be out there now. By the way, my name is Sharon,” Sharon told him.

He smiled a warm smile as he looked at her in the warm light of the lanterns, “Hi. I’m Eric. Welcome to my humble cabin. I was just out hunting coyotes and was lucky to find you.

Because he was dressed in camo clothing, it was just logical in this part of the country to assume that he had been hunting something. He was wiping the moisture off of the rifle before he hung it by the sling next to the door. She noticed he was of medium height, fairly thin, and had grey hair and a goatee. His eyes were quite blue. He seemed to be around sixty or so, which made him a few years older than herself at fifty-five. He looked a bit like the actor, Sam Elliot.

Eric took a good look at his guest finally. She was reasonably attractive and about five-five in height. Her most noticeable trait was her red hair and her big belly. He put her age in the mid to late fifties. She was wearing a sleeveless top under a black leather biker jacket, and black yoga pants that showed off her butt nicely. She had a full body and a big belly and a somewhat big ass. Nevertheless, he found her sexually attractive. What fixed his attention was her green eyes.

The conversation turned to the rescue of her car. It was decided that it was late and would be very expensive to get a tow this late at night. They would also have to brave the storm and treacherous roads over a seven-thousand-foot pass to get to a place with cell service. Eric told her that it was treacherous when slippery with snow.  While Sharon wanted to get home, she didn’t want to endanger him or herself, even though she was sure he was a master of winter driving.

If the truth is known, she was intrigued by this Good Samaritan and glad for his company. At home she would only be alone, so she decided to see how this played out. She was sure that if she insisted he would be a gentleman and drive her out. And there was no denying the fact that Sharon often had the itch to fuck men other than her husband, Rick—a trait he was okay with. And Eric looked like he might be a good fuck. On the other hand, he might be a serial killer that had just lured his next victim to his cabin. She glanced at her purse containing the 9mm. This granny wasn’t the type to be a victim and she knew how to shoot.

Sharon quickly brushed that thought aside.

“It’s dinner time and I could cook you something, but I warn you, I am a very bad cook. My wife did all the cooking and after she passed, I mostly live on microwave stuff. But here there is no microwave,” Eric said with a shrug and a laugh.

“Oh, you are a widower? I’m sorry,” Sharon said in sympathy.

“Oh, it’s okay. I’m dealing with it. But I gotta tell you I’m no cook, but I’ll do my best,” Eric said with a smile.

Sharon, feeling suddenly giddy at the idea that Eric was single. She felt like a teen girl again in the company of this somewhat older single man (though at their mature age, the difference was almost moot). She suddenly blurted out, “I’ll cook dinner for you. It’s the least I can do. I bet you would like a good home-cooked meal.”

The bargain was struck and Sharon bustled away while Eric showed her pots and pans and the available food. Sharon was soon hard at work, cooking a simple, but delicious meal of steak and potatoes, while they compared life stories.

Eric learned that she was ten years younger than him. While a lot of their lives were very dissimilar, they seemed to connect immediately as friends. She had that biker chick kind of cool—a hard wildness about her that he found very attractive. Eric was a nice guy that seemed somewhat like a cowboy from the old west. He had a quiet, slow-talking confidence about him. He was also still very fit for a retiree. Lean and sinewy. Sharon relaxed in his presence, realizing he wasn’t a serial killer after all, and told him as much.

Eric laughed at that and made an off-hand joke about how you never could tell—he might have his way with her yet tonight even if he wasn’t a serial killer.

Suddenly Eric blushed and stammered, “Wow! That didn’t sound very good. I promise I won’t take advantage of you. It was a joke.”

“I knew that. Besides, maybe I’ll be the one taking advantage of you. I’ve been known to do that to strange men,” Sharon told him, laughing.

It was at this point that they both realized that each other got their humor. It was also at this point that Eric first entertained the thought of what this fat but sexy redhead might be like in bed. It’s true that at fifty-five, Sharon was overweight with a big belly that sagged down and a large ass. And unlike many BBWs, her tits weren’t all that big, just C-cups. Her once-pretty face had plenty of mileage on it, but her green eyes were mesmerizing. There was something about this BBW redhead that exuded sex and hinted at the fleshy delights an experienced woman like her had to offer.

Certainly, at his age, Eric didn’t expect perfection. He was more than willing to settle for an aged BBW that knew how to fuck. And Sharon gave every indication of being that kind of woman.

With that thought in mind he locked eyes with her and said with a smile, “Ooooh, I might like that.”

“Damn straight you would!” Sharon said, laughing, green eyes twinkling mischievously.

As they ate dinner, the conversation continued. When Sharon asked if he was dating anyone, Eric replied in the negative, telling her he never found another woman he connected with. He also frankly admitted that a couple of the women he had taken out were more interested in companionship than sex. Having experienced a marriage to a wife who put a low priority on sex, he wanted and needed a change.

Sharon told him that she didn’t understand why a woman with a good man wouldn’t want to have sex often. It was only natural. She admitted that sex wasn’t the problem with her, but rather finding the right guy. She had divorced her first husband, and her second husband had been lazy and abusive, Finally, she found her current husband and dumped the old one after a torrid affair at work with her husband-to-be, Rick.

Her tacit admission that she liked sex and had been willing to cheat started the wheels turning in Eric’s head. As she sat there at the table in the warm lantern light, he felt very attracted to her. But they had just met! How could he make a move on a happily married woman he had just met?

They both washed and dried the dishes together the old-fashioned way. Somehow, it seemed very cozy with the two of them standing there side by side. Again it was as if they were old friends. Finishing the dishes, they both sat down on the old sofa. The topic of what to do next and where this night was going was on both of their minds.

Sharon felt herself being swept away by a feeling she knew all too well. It was a longing to enjoy sex with a strange man, to be naked and feel an unfamiliar hard cock deep inside of her pussy, to let her inner slut out. Good-looking Eric had brought these feelings out in her even though she had just met him. Would it be possible to seduce this man into having sex with a fat ol’ married woman?

“What are we going to do, Sharon? I gotta admit that with that blizzard going on out there, I don’t want to have to drive anywhere tonight. I’d much rather try in the morning. But I don’t know what you want to do. You are welcome to sleep here tonight. You can take the bed in the guest room. And I promise I’ll leave you alone,” Eric said seriously.

“What? Does that mean you don’t think I’m good-looking enough to touch?” Sharon joked with a gleam in her eye.

Eric sputtered, caught off guard by the feisty redhead, “No, no. Of course, you are good-looking enough to touch! I’d love to touch you…er…I mean…well…damn you, Sharon!”

Sharon grinned and told him, “Well, thank you! I’d hate to think I’m too fat and ugly for you. After all, once a man has had me, he is ruined for life! But seriously, I think it would be best if I stayed here. I will have no problem taking the guest room, as long as I don’t get too lonely!”

“Oh no! You aren’t ugly at all, and I like your body. I like big curvy women a lot…er…I mean I think you are attractive. Oh shit! Well, I don’t want you to take what I say the wrong way, but you are making me tongue-tied like a teenager!” Eric said, bumbling his words.

Sharon smiled inwardly. It was becoming obvious that Eric was becoming very attracted to her. And that made her feel warm inside. She knew at this point that she could easily seduce him. He seemingly wasn’t experienced with any woman as sexy as she could be if she wanted to. Sharon was now interested in seeing where this night was going to go—the fact that they only just met be damned!

Sharon asked for something to drink and Eric went to the ‘fridge and grabbed a couple of beers, “It’s all I’ve got, besides some water or Coke,” he told her.

Lifting their cans to each other as they sat on the couch they both said “Cheers” simultaneously. That brought a big laugh. The storm worsened outside in the darkness, but inside it was bright and cozy. In the distance, Eric heard the rumble of thunder. That was always ominous when it occurred during a snowstorm.

Sharon continued the conversation as Eric surreptitiously tried to eye her cleavage and figure out what her tits might be like, “You know, the thing I miss most when my husband is out of town for a few days, is not getting the hugs. I always loved being hugged and held. Now I have to do without.”

“Well, I’d be glad to give you a hug whenever you need one,” Eric offered.

“You know, I’ve been stranded with a broken-down car in the middle of nowhere, and almost got caught outdoors in this blizzard. I think I could use a hug right now, if you don’t mind, Eric,” Sharon told him as she moved closer to his body. The invitation to start the mating ritual obvious to Eric.

Eric put his arm around her shoulders as they sat together on the couch, pulling her close to his side. It was merely friendly, but also very comforting. The fact that he was hugging this married woman who seemed rather sexually forward made it even better. So naughty!

“Better?” he inquired.

“Yes, it is,” Sharon told him as she snuggled against him.

It was then that a tremendous flash lit up the windows, followed almost instantly by a huge peal of thunder. I made Sharon jump out of her skin and as she did so, she turned and grabbed Eric with her other arm, pulling him into her body in a tight, full hug. The thunder continued to rumble, but further away this time. However, Sharon and Eric remained in their full-body hug on the couch.

Finally, Sharon broke the silence as they hugged, “Oh my! Aren’t we cozy? This is what I call a hug! I think you’ll do nicely in the absence of my old man.”

Eric was loving the feeling of having this full-bodied, fleshy hot woman in his arms and was loathe to break the hug. Looking into her sparkling green eyes framed by her red hair, he wanted to kiss her. And the moment seemed to go on forever.

“Yes, we are. So cozy,” was all Eric could say as he looked Sharon in the eyes.

The moment was too much, recklessly he leaned down and kissed her on the mouth. Sharon’s eyes widened and then she kissed him back. Within a moment, she began to kiss him in her open-mouthed style that was no mere friendly kiss. It was genuine passion.

Sharon looked at Eric as they embraced and realized how much she wanted to kiss him. Her eyes must have telegraphed her feelings to him because that is how he responded. After an, “Oh my god, I AM seducing this man” moment, Sharon kissed back passionately. It was what she wanted, yet had been oddly hesitant about. She hadn’t had another man besides her husband fuck her since Tom. And it was definitely what Eric must have wanted because the kiss went on and on as he pulled her tightly into his body. It was the moment when they both knew that they wanted each other, despite being total strangers.

Finally, Eric broke the kiss and all Sharon could say was, “Wow!”

“I don’t know what came over me just then,” he said apologetically.

“I don’t know what came over you, either, but I like it. And if you are worried about me being married, don’t. It isn’t a problem,” Sharon said with a seductive little smile.

“Eric, there are a bunch of candles here. Why don’t you just light them and put out the lanterns? I think it might be nice to watch the storm outside in front of the fire by candlelight,” Sharon suggested.

The suggestion took the pressure off of the “married” remark and allowed them both to think as they went about this simple task. However, it was a romantic gesture on her part which Eric quickly heeded. The idea of sitting with his arm around this extraordinary woman on the couch by candlelight was wonderful. And the fact that it might lead to more kissing was even better. Eric put the idea of anything beyond that out of his head. He was used to sexual dead-ends in the couple of attempts he had made to date.

Sometimes women liked to seem hot and daring, but when push came to shove, they backed out. Anymore, he just spent time every night stroking his cock to pictures from his porn collection. Yet there was a glimmer of hope. He hadn’t ever met a woman quite like Sharon.

As Eric did as she had suggested, lighting the candles, Sharon excused herself to use the bathroom to freshen up—just in case things got hot and heavy. Looking in the mirror she took stock of her body. Her belly was big and fat and her tits were relatively small and saggy. She remembered when they were firm and pointed out. Now they pointed to the floor. Her ass was far bigger than it ever used to be in her prime and certainly she wasn’t the beauty she once was.

“Stop acting like a silly girl!” Sharon told herself pulling her yoga pants up tight in the crotch. After all, recently her neighbor, Tom, had easily been lured into bed with her, and came back for more with both her and her husband, Rick, even though he was fifteen years younger than her. There was no doubt that if that experienced philanderer was smitten by her naked body and the sex she gave him, the older and less-experienced Eric would feel the same about her.

When she returned, Eric was just finishing up lighting the candles. As she walked in he admired her ass in her skin-tight pants. There also seemed to be a definite camel-toe showing as well. Finishing, he sat beside her and put his arm around her, bringing her close to his body, and allowing her to snuggle against him. It felt so amazingly good.

As if to answer her nagging doubts, Eric spoke to her, “Do you mind hugging some more? How am I so lucky to have a sexy, good-looking woman like you as a visitor in my cabin in a snowstorm? Maybe I’m being too forward, but I think you’re very attractive, Ms. Sharon.”

Eric had been having self-doubt as well. For decades, he had only been naked with and had sex with, his wife. Would Sharon like his skinny naked body? He also worried about his technique in bed. His wife had not been adventurous and sex was extremely bland. She hated how big his cock was and complained that it hurt when he screwed her. She had loved her pussy eaten, but did Sharon?

Deciding that he was worrying too much about nothing and that a woman as nice as Sharon probably would be just fine with him naked, he shoved his doubts to the back of his mind. Somehow she made him feel good-looking.

They talked as Eric sat with his arm around her, caressing her bare shoulder. Her soft body felt wonderful against him and he loved the way her green eyes lit up when she was passionate. They talked about their lives, although it was mostly about her life. She seemed to open up to him and began to tell him some of the escapades she had done on her bike trips to Sturgis and other places. Eric knew without a doubt that he wanted to fuck this redheaded granny he had dragged out of the storm.

Eric finally got the nerve to inquire about one of his fears and probe Sharon’s sexuality. He was telling her about the last woman he had dated—a silver-blonde-haired, skinny little divorcee who had aggressively flirted with him when she was his waitress at the little cafe in the resort ten miles up the road. They had progressed to making out and feeling her tits at the point of the story. She met him for breakfast one morning upset at the events of the night before.

Eric finally got her to tell him what the problem was. Her ex-husband had gotten drunk the night before and came to her apartment begging her to have sex with him. She said he had wanted to do something “gross”. Probing further, she admitted that he had wanted to eat her pussy! The very idea seemed to upset her. At this point, Eric knew she wasn’t the woman for him. He loved eating pussy too much for that! Eric was hesitant in telling Sharon the story, himself, obviously thinking the subject was too personal and sexual.

Sharon realized this was a chance to show him that she was a woman who not only wasn’t ashamed of her sexuality but loved to push the boundaries of it.

“If it had been me,” Sharon said in a throaty voice, “I’d have invited him right in! Anytime a man wants to eat my pussy—come on in! Let’s go for it!”

Right then and there, Eric knew that Sharon would be as hot as a firecracker in bed. She made his cock stiffen instantly! At this moment Sharon put her face close to Eric‘s and gazed lovingly into his eyes with a power that he hadn’t felt in years. Her green eyes danced with passion and her lips were slightly parted. His hand had slid partially up under her shirt and felt the warm bare skin of her back.

“You’re a nice guy, Eric. I’m so glad we met. I like the way you make me feel. I feel like I have known you for all my life,” she told him, eyes locked on his.

“But what about your husband, Sharon?” Eric asked, still concerned.

“Don’t worry about him. He and I have an understanding. Both of us cheated on our previous spouses, and with me home alone a lot and him being a truck driver, it is hard not to have a one-night stand when you’re craving sex. So we agreed to allow each other the freedom to do so. It’s only sex. We have also done a little swinging,” Sharon explained.

“Wow!” Eric exclaimed, “I don’t suppose that you would be interested in having a little fun tonight, would you?”

“Oh, I think I could be talked into that, alright,” Sharon said with an enigmatic smile.

With that explanation clearing the air, it was too much for either to resist. Eric felt the overpowering need to kiss this amazing redhead. And so he did. At first, they just kissed on the lips, brushing them against each other, lightly and teasingly, but then they gave in to their full passion and desire for each other. Eric began to kiss her hard and Sharon opened her mouth. Soon their tongues were exploring each other. The kiss was long and passionate. It was so sexual that it seemed as if their mouths and tongues were having sex with each other.

They sprawled back on the couch in a position where they could enjoy each other’s bodies. Eric‘s hands roamed across Sharon’s body as she held him fiercely. Sharon’s shirt pulled up, exposing her large bare belly and Eric‘s hand soon began to feel her bare skin there. It sent a tingle through both of them. As the kisses continued, he ran his hand to her butt and then down her thigh. Sharon moaned and spread her legs slightly, encouraging him to run his hand inside her thighs, close to her pussy.

Eric began to kiss her neck and shoulders as he caressed her thighs and as she turned her ass for him to caress it. Sharon reached down and began to rub his hard cock through his camo hunting pants. In response, Eric ran his hand up Sharon’s body under her shirt and held her breast through her bra, then down again to her inner thighs. But this time he rubbed his hand across her pussy. The tight pants made this even more intimate and Sharon moaned again. It was a moment to be savored as they explored each other with their hands, slowly getting more sexual and bold.

Sharon soon was moaning, “Oh, Eric! Oh, you make me feel so good!”

“You feel so good, too, Sharon. I can’t believe we are doing this, but I don’t want to stop. It feels so right!” Eric told her lovingly.

“Yes, it does. Yes, it does feel so right. Eric, I need you right now! I don’t care that I’m married. I just don’t want this feeling to end,” Sharon said passionately.

It was back to kissing her mouth again as his hand caressed her back and then her breast. As he did so, Eric fumbled with the hooks on the bra. Sharon knew what she wanted and needed—a man to pleasure her tits. Breaking their hug, Sharon sat up and reaching back, helped him undo her bra, allowing it to fall off of her tits and dangle below them, allowing access to her boobs. Eric greedily began to fondle them with his strong hands, softly at first, and then more forcefully kneading them and playing with her now-hard nipples. Once again they just took the time to enjoy the feeling—the excruciating build-up to what could only now become sexual abandon and release. But they wanted to slowly enjoy every step of the journey.

Pushing up her shirt, Eric moved his mouth down to her boobs. They were wonderful looking in the flickering light—her firm little nipples so inviting to his mouth. Taking his time, Eric sucked one nipple while his hand fondled the other tit. They were a wonderful C-cup size, like his late wife’s, with an erotic mature sag that always turned Eric on. He couldn’t have been happier.

“Do you like them?” Sharon asked, already knowing the answer.

“You have amazing tits, Sharon. I could suck them all night long!” Eric said, beaming at her.

“I think I’m down with that,” she replied.

Neither rushed the moment. Both took time to savor the foreplay. Eric’s hands and mouth were stimulating her tits and nipples nicely, and for his part, Eric couldn’t be happier with a set of tits than he was with Sharon’s. They were different in shape than his late wife’s, with quite different little nipples as well. He enjoyed taking his time to get to know them intimately.

His free hand was now rubbing Sharon’s pussy through the barrier of her yoga pants. As he did so, Sharon spread her legs and pushed against his hand.

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Finally, she said, “Let’s go to bed.”

Getting up, their hands were still all over each other while their tongues were playing French kisses. Grabbing her ass, Eric moved her to the bedroom slowly. By the time they got to the door, both had lost their shirts. Sharon’s bra soon fell by the wayside, exposing her breasts to Eric as she rubbed them against his chest. Their hormones were in high gear now. It was full steam ahead to fuck city!

As Eric shoved her down to sit on the edge of the bed, Sharon began to undo his pants and free his stiff trouser snake. As it popped free, she wasn’t disappointed—it was the biggest cock she had ever handled.

“Oh, daddy! That’s a nice big cock!” Sharon gasped with a smile.

“Think a little girl like you can handle that, Sharon?” Eric teased, beginning a dirty facetious play scenario that would continue later.

“You just watch me, you horny old fucking goat. This little girl can more than handle that big cock, daddy,” Sharon retorted.

With that, she grabbed his dick with one hand and put her mouth over his cock head, and began to suck him off, bobbing her head up and down.

Eric was delighted with this surprising BBW slut. She was no stranger to sex and immediately started doing what he could never get his wife to do. Sharon was a true cocksucker in the best sense of the word. She was twisting her hand on his cock as she began to take his pole deeper and deeper into her mouth as if to show him just how good she was.

“Oh my god! Oh, fuck! I love the way you suck cock, Shar,” Eric gasped as the pleasure in his dick went into overdrive.

Grinning at him, Sharon paused for a moment and said, “You like that, do you? Did your wife suck your dick?”

“Oh fuck no! Now I know what I’ve been missing all these years!” Eric told her.

“This little girl knows just how to take care of daddy’s cock,” Sharon bragged, enjoying the taboo sex talk with Eric.

“Oh yeah, baby…oh yeah…suck my dick…oh fuck…oh fuck Sharon, you’re such a good cock sucker,” he cried out in his ecstasy.

And Sharon was truly on a mission now, her redhead bobbing up and down as she took Eric’s massive member deep into her throat, occasionally using her tongue to lick his glans and shaft as a counterpoint.

“Oh fuck, you’re gonna make me cum!” Eric gasped.

Sharon immediately stopped her blowjob and announced, “I’ve got news for you, cowboy, I want you to cum in my pussy, not my mouth. At least this time,”

Then she stood and then fell back on the bed. On the bed, she lifted her butt and started to peel her tight pants off her big fleshy body.

Eric helped Sharon pull down her yoga pants. Pulling them down as he squatted in front of her tantalizingly revealed her big ripe belly spilling over. Further down, her sexy thighs came into view, followed by her nice legs. Wearing only her panties, Sharon fell back on the bed, pulling Eric down with her, his bare, hard cock fitting between her legs and on her pussy.

Kissing each other passionately, they both savored the moment of being (almost) naked with each other. Only Sharon’s panties stood in the way. Eric was grateful that they weren’t big “granny panties” but rather the sexy bikini type. Her saggy granny tits looked tasty in the candlelight. Eric kissed Sharon for quite some time as his hand first caressed and kneaded her tits, then moved south to her beaver.

If sucking his dick and stripping her naked wasn’t erotic enough, her daddy/little girl dirty talk was driving him over the edge. She was just so damn filthy!

Her panties felt so silky smooth and he rubbed her pussy underneath them. He took his time, rubbing his finger on her, tracing the outline of her pussy lips, and pushing between them with his finger so she could feel her silky panties being rubbed against the inside of her pussy lips. Soon her panties were wet with her sex juice. Sharon reached down and pushed Eric‘s hand under her panties in direct contact with her hairless beaver. Then she lifted her butt and worked her panties off.

As their tongues were interlocking in their mouths, Eric ran his fingers over Sharon’s smooth pussy, feeling it for the first time. He started off rubbing the outside of her pussy until he felt her spread her legs inviting him in. Slowly he worked his fingers deeper between her labia, feeling the wetness of her lubricate her until his fingers naturally slipped fully into her pussy. At first, he worked her clit from the outside, then he began to finger in gently, exploring her and gauging her reaction to give her exactly what felt best to her.

“Oh, Eric. Mmm, honey, that feels so good,” Sharon said, breaking their kiss.

“It feels good to me, too, Sharon. I love the feel of your beaver and your naked body against mine,” Eric replied.

Eric was back to sucking and nibbling on Sharon’s tits again. He couldn’t resist them. They were so beautiful and erotic! Sharon felt the electric tingle from her nipples and clit filling her body. Once again she was on the road to orgasm. She began to fondle and stroke Eric‘s cock again as they had done before, but this time Eric didn’t plan on stopping until he had eaten and screwed her.

Sharon had surprised him with her bare, bald pussy, so unlike his wife’s hairy one. Her large dark pussy lips were protruding, begging to be licked. Sure her big belly overhung, but Eric didn’t give a fuck, Sharon’s cunt was a dream. Immediately he put his face in it and began to lick his way to her clit, spending time on each part on the way in.

Mmm…daddy loves his little girl’s bald pussy,” Eric told his mature lover, continuing the gameplay.

As Sharon gazed up at her lover, she too realized that her fears about him judging her body were unfounded. You could tell by the huge smile on his face that he was thrilled about the way she looked naked. Any fears about the extra weight she had or the size of her stomach or tits were allayed. The stiffness of Eric‘s cock testified to how much her body turned him on. And his cock was nice! It had a sexy-looking head and had to be at least eight inches long with a nice thickness to match. There was nothing she wanted more than to have that cock inside of her.

As Eric took one of her labia into his mouth and began to suck it, Sharon knew she had picked the right lover. One who knew foreplay.

“Mmm…Eric. It feels so good…mmm…so fucking good…oh yeah, eat my pussy honey!” Sharon cooed.

Eric complied, burying his face into her cunt and savoring her pussy lips in his mouth individually before thrusting his tongue deep inside her twat. Spread her pussy with one hand, exposing her prominent clit, he began to toy with it with his tongue. His other hand reached up to fondle her tits and nipples.

“Oh fuck yeah, daddy. Eat my pussy like that! I love having my pussy eaten! Better than that skinny waitress, right?” Sharon opined.

Eric was good at cunnilingus. It was his late wife’s favorite way to cum, especially as she thought his cock was too big. She loved to be eaten or fingered. In return, she would jerk him off to an orgasm. He shot many a load onto her tits or hairy pussy, or just onto his belly with her stroking him to a climax. However, this fuck was not going to end that way. This time he was going to cum inside this hot BBW redhead’s cunt when the time came. And that was something!

From what she had said earlier, this was something that she enjoyed very much, so he wanted to make her cum. All of his energy and concentration went into the task of pleasing Sharon. His world narrowed to her hot juicy pussy, working hard with his tongue, gauging her reactions, and building her up to an orgasm. And it was rewarding. Eric loved eating pussy. And if the truth is known, she had the best pussy he had ever eaten, even better than his late wife’s. The lack of hair, alone, made it better to eat.

Sharon could feel the electric pleasure filling her body from his tongue and her nipple being twisted. It radiated outward and then exploded in a cascade of ecstasy inside her.

“Oh, oh, OH, OH, ERIC, ERIC!” she cried out as she shook from his ministrations, pulling his face in deep.

Despite her orgasm, Sharon didn’t want Eric to stop licking her pussy. It just felt too damn good, and she told him so. Eric began to tongue her twat once more.

Oh god, Eric! What are you doing to me, baby? What are you doing to my fuckin’ pussy? Oh god…oh…oh…oh yes!” Sharon moaned in a soft voice, encouraging Eric further.

Reaching up, he began to tweak her nipple again, sending more chills of ecstasy running through her, especially when he hit her clit. She could feel another orgasm welling up inside of her like a tidal wave. Then it hit, crashing on her beach, making her shake with pleasure and pull his face in tight.

“Keep going…keep eating my cunt,” she told him breathlessly, sensing even bigger orgasms coming.

Eric was used to “one and done” so he was thrilled to keep up tongue-fucking her. There was no doubt she was something special alright! The enjoyment of making her cum and the heady, sexual taste and the musky odor of her pussy juice kept his cock hard and interested. It wasn’t rock hard now, but he knew she could make him that way in a moment. But for now, he was only interested in her enjoyment.

Her body quickly stepped up to the next plateau of pleasure as he worked her pink pleasure nub and swollen lips. In no time, she was ready to explode again, this time in another big one. The intoxication she felt as he licked her was more than she could handle. If nothing else, this stranger could eat pussy!

Her big fleshy body bucked in Eric’s face as she exploded in a huge climax, calling, “Eric! Oh, fuck! Oh, honey…OH FUCK ME!”

As her climactic convulsions died down, Eric pulled his face from her tasty cunt. His beard and mustache were wet with her fragrant cunt juice. He was truly thrilled to make Sharon cum that hard. As for Sharon, it was the kind of intense orgasm that made every part of her shake. Both knew that the time had come for them to go further, but Eric wanted to be sure.

“Did you like that, Sharon? Because I loved it! You have got the tastiest pussy. I could eat it all night long if that is what you want me to do,” he told her as he once again admired her sexy body in the flickering of the candlelight.

“I could have you eat me all night long, honey, but that isn’t what I crave now. I want you inside of me. I want to feel your big cock fill me up. It’s time for daddy to fuck his little girl,” Sharon replied, glowing from the previous climax and eyeing his stiff shaft sticking up so proudly.

“All right, baby, I’d love to screw you!” How do you want to do it?” Eric inquired.

A flush-faced Sharon, rose up and said, “I like to be on top, cowgirl style if that is okay with you?”

“Oh yeah, I’d like that! Let’s do it!” a beaming Eric said.

Eric laid back on the bed while Sharon and her ripe body clambered on top of him. Her soft, big fat belly felt so sensual brushing his, and her nice saggy tits looked bigger than ever, engorged by the sex. Kneeling astride him, Sharon spread her pussy and lowered herself onto his big hungry cock.

She spent a moment teasing both of them. The entrance to her snatch and her clit brushed the large mushroom head of Eric’s rod. It was a moment to be savored as their desire to fuck each other peaked into a frenzy. Then she lowered her BBW body onto his fuck pole until, at last, he was fully inside the pussy of this dirty redheaded stranger.

The feel of his big cock in her pussy was amazing! Eric‘s wife must have been crazy not to like this! It filled her fuller and deeper than any man she had ever had! She had to let out an involuntary gasp as it went fully in.

Reflexively, Sharon gasped, “Oh god! This feels so fucking good! Your cock is so big!”

“Mmm, Sharon, you’ve got a great pussy yourself. My cock feels so good inside of you!” Eric replied.

Sharon began to grind her pussy and go up and down on Eric’s engorged cock as her green eyes sparkled with pleasure. Eric knew he shouldn’t think ill of his dead wife, but already Sharon was fucking him with more vigor and enthusiasm than she ever had. And unlike his departed wife, Sharon seemed to crave his big long cock. And again unlike his wife, she voiced her enthusiasm very vocally and dirtily.

“Oh god, Eric! Your cock feels so good inside of me! Don’t hold back, screw me hard…oh yeah…like that…screw my pussy, honey,” Sharon cooed, filled with excitement at the idea of fucking this new wonderful lover with the big cock.

As Sharon bounced her body on his cock, Eric shoved his hips up in rhythm, shoving his fuck pole deep as he could into her hot, wet cunt. At first, they set a slow pace, enjoying the feeling of oneness as he was in her, connecting their souls to each other. Sharon’s green eyes glittered with fire as Eric smiled back at her, his blue eyes showing his intense pleasure at fucking this wonderful woman.

“I want you to cum inside of me, honey. I want you to fill me with your cum,” she told him as she leaned over, offering a breast to his mouth.

Sex was always very visual to him and the sight of this sexy redhead riding him and fucking his brains out was the hottest thing he had ever seen. The way her ass worked up and down and sometimes sideways as she worked his cock was hot. The look in her eyes was intoxicating. In addition, the soft feel of her large belly on his, or her tits brushing his chest was sensual. Her tits were like ripe fruits, dangling and bouncing seductively in front of his eyes, tantalizing him until he had to put one in his mouth and suck its hard pink nipple.

“Oh…oh…oh Eric! Mmm…nibble it honey…harder, bite it harder…oh fuck yeah, just like that…honey…honey!” Sharon cooed in her excitement.

“Uh…uh…uh…fuck yeah, Sharon! You have the nicest pussy! I love fucking your pussy! I feel so good inside of you…screw me, baby…screw my cock,” Eric cried out in return.

“Fuck my cunt, daddy, fuck your slut hard!” Sharon moaned.

She was such a dirty talker in bed—a dream come true! Sharon was bouncing harder and faster now—up and down his shaft, letting it slide in and out of her big-lipped bald snatch as the rest of her body jiggled seductively. Meanwhile, Eric bit and nibbled her nipple sending sharp pleasure pangs through her body.

“Mmm, honey! You make me feel sooo good! You horny old daddy, fucking your little girl like this!” the fifty-five-year-old vixen loudly cried out.

Things were heating up now. Their bodies were glistening with the sweat of their exertion as they fucked each other as hard as they could. And fucking it was—no soft, gentle “love-making”, but hard physical sex. Real ‘fucking”. The kind of sex they were both were craving and now, satisfying. They fucked each other as if their life depended on it, pouring everything into satifying each other. It was sex like Eric had never experienced before—sex like they had once been lovers in a previous life and were finally reunited once again.

That their sex seemed familiar between them surprised Sharon as well. She felt a real cosmic connection, as if they were meant to be lovers.

“Fuck my cunt. Fuck it hard, stud!” Sharon told him.

As Sharon was riding his cock, Eric had reached behind her sexy ass and began to give it a spank every once in a while when they started, but now the spanks grew more frequent and harder. The sharp pain of the spanks contrasted nicely with the ecstasy her cunt and tits were feeling as Eric slapped her ass. It was as if Eric knew what she needed, and the truth was, Eric was irresistibly compelled to spank her for unknown reasons.

“Oh god, honey, spank me! Spank my ass and fuck me!” Sharon cried, then continued, “Oh honey I love your big cock in my pussy! Fuck me like a dirty whore! Make your little girl into daddy’s fucking slut!”

“Oh, baby! I love the way you talk so dirty! It makes my cock so hard in your cunt! I want to fill your belly full of my cum,” Eric replied with a huge smile.

Sharon’s big fat belly was bouncing on his with all of its soft fleshiness. He found it to be a pleasant sensation and very erotic seeing all of her flabby flesh jiggle as she fucked him. His wife had a BBW belly but not this big. Sharon’s belly was sexually obscene in its ripeness. They were both hot now, sweating with the exertion of fucking each other as hard as they could. Eric felt himself about to blow his seed into this hot redhead’s cunt. The sensual storm that raged in their bodies, matched the tempo of the blizzard outside the cabin.

“Oh fuck, Sharon! Oh fuck I’m gonna cum in your pussy!” he warned her.

Sharon was starting to have an orgasm of her own, “Fuck me! Cum in me, honey…cum in my fucking cunt! Oh fuck…OH FUCK, ERIC!!”

As soon as she started shaking and her pussy contracting, Eric blew his load in a fantastic eruption.

“FUCK…SHARON, AAAHHH!” Eric cried out as the two of them shook together in orgasm on the bed.

As they both rested and recharged, Sharon told Eric that she would love to come to his cabin in the summer and run around naked. She loved nudism and this was a great place. She also suggested that it would be a perfect place for a sex party.

Then Eric told Sharon he had a friend he sometimes worked under the table for when he was short of help. This guy, Ronnie, had an auto shop and a couple of tow trucks, one of them a flatbed. Eric had driven that one before. He suggested that they try and see if Ronnie would let the borrow it to haul her car home. Sharon agreed, but the Nova wasn’t what was on her mind.

“I want you to fuck me doggy-style. I want to see how deep your big cock goes in me,” Sharon said, getting up on all four.

Eric got behind her and shoved his now-hard cock into her well-fucked, wet cunt from behind. As they began to fuck, her large fleshy ass rippled with each thrust of his cock. Looking sideways into the dresser mirror, he could see her tits bouncing like mad as well.

“Oh god! It hurts! It hurts so fucking good!” Sharon cried out.

“Fuck my big cock you fucking bitch! Fuck daddy’s big dick like a good little girl!” Eric growled.

“Yes, daddy…oh yes…ummm…fuck my ass you fucking bastard! Spank your little girl…fuck yeah…like that…oh god baby, you’re gonna make me cum!” Sharon cooed as Eric rammed his big, meaty, fuck stick hard into her cunt.

They were fucking like animals in heat again, unable to get enough sex, seemingly. The flesh of their bodies slapping together loudly and slurping sounds coming from his cock going in and out of her pussy lips.

All Eric could do was give guttural animal-like grunts, while Sharon gave out a constant series of ohs and ahs as she was getting screwed.

At last, the two of them erupted again, virtually at the same time.

“OH FUCK, BABY, OH FUUUCK!” Shar cried out.

“GRR, OH FUCK YEAH, BITCH, OH FUCK!” Eric gasped at the same time, stiffening and driving his rod deep into her cunt as Sharon shook once again.

Sharon’s car breaking down was the best thing that have ever happened to them. And both knew the sex wasn’t over yet.


Eric and Sharon arrived at Ronnie’s auto shop in the morning. Sharon expressed her fears that she couldn’t afford the tow truck. The Chevy had taken a chunk of their savings and the checking account was low as well. Sharon unbuttoned her blouse an extra button hoping the cleavage show would help.

“We’ll see what we can do. I’m sure we can work something out,” Eric replied, a bit worried himself as Ronnie was known to be a tightwad.

At Ron’s auto shop, Sharon and Eric explained their problem and the need for Ronnie’s flatbed tow truck. Eric offered to drive and do the work if they could just rent it for cheap.

Ronnie seemed torn by the idea of letting Eric take the truck, as he eyed the chunky and somewhat slutty-looking redhead next to his friend. Ronnie wonder if this was Eric’s new girlfriend because they seemed close, still, business was business.

After hearing their story, Ronnie finally agreed to let Eric take the truck, however, with a somewhat hefty price tag for the rental. After all, if he lent his stuff free to all his friends, he would soon be out of business.

“Do you give slut discounts?” Sharon asked, eyeing him up and showing just a bit more cleavage.

“What do you mean by that?” Ronnie said, intrigued by the BBW redhead.

“Let's go inside your office and shut the door and I’ll show you,” Sharon retorted.

Ronnie looked at Eric and said, “Really?”

“She means it, Ronnie. I’d take her up on her discount offer, if I were you,” Eric opined.

The two went into Ronnie’s office and closed the door, leaving Eric sitting in the anteroom.

“Okay, Sharon, what is a slut discount?”

“You take half off if I give you a blowjob right now,” she responded, undoing a shirt button as she said it.

Her shirt was unbuttoned to where the bra cups met, showing all the cleavage she had. She had his full attention.

“Mmm…how about forty percent off?” Ronnie retorted, still looking to make some cash, but dying to get sucked as well.

“I think that works for me,” Sharon replied, willing to have gone lower yet.

With Ronnie’s assent, he sat on the edge of his desk and pulled down his pants and boxers, exposing his semi-stiff dick. It was of average size and there was plenty of pubic hair, which didn’t bother Sharon a bit.

“Can I play with your tits too?” Ronnie asked, eager to suck the treat in front of his eyes to get him hard.

“Sure, why not?” Sharon said as she casually removed her shirt and bra, letting her saggy tits flop out.

Ronnie’s wife was skinny with small, yet saggy, B-cup tits, so Sharon’s C-cups were a treat as he first felt them up, and then began to suck her nipples as he cupped them.

“Goddamn, you’ve got nice fuckin’ titties!” Ronnie exclaimed.

Meanwhile, Sharon was stroking Ronnie’s cock, feeling it harden in her hand.

“I think you’re hard enough now,” Sharon opined as his cock became fully erect.

Though she was enjoying his mouth on her nipple, she wanted to get going. They had a lot to do today. So she put her hair back in a scrunchie, knelt and took his swollen member into her mouth, and began to suck. Unlike with guys she cared for, she didn’t take her time to use her finesse to tease and vary the experience. Instead, she got right down to sucking, taking his cock in and out of her mouth, picking up the pace as she did.

Sharon wanted Ronnie to cum quickly so she worked him hard. Ronnie didn’t give a fuck because it felt good and his wife only gave him a blowjob a couple of times a year anymore. So the stout redhead had him enthralled!

“Fuck yeah, baby! You could suck the chrome off of a trailer hitch!” Ronnie gasped in delight.

As Ronnie’s pre-cum oozed, Sharon knew it was the time to be a total whore and play her trump card, “How about letting me have the truck for free if I let you fuck me?”

Ron, thinking with his little brain only now, quickly agreed to the deal, salivating over the idea of fucking this mature slut. Sharon stood up and pulled down her yoga pants and bikini underwear, then bent over the desk, ready to take him from behind.

“Here I am, stud. All yours,” she cooed as seductively as she could, wiggling her ass.

Sharon’s ass was big and seductive and Ronnie’s cock went straight to her big cunt, pushing in a bit until he got it just right, whereupon he slid it in.

“Oh god, yeah, you’re in! Fuck me, you horny old bastard! Get your money’s worth,” Sharon exclaimed.

Ronnie began to screw Sharon’s cunt for all he was worth. Her ample fleshy ass rippled with each thrust seductively. Her cunt felt amazing—better than his wife’s somehow. Maybe because it was forbidden, or maybe it was her large, brownish pussy lips that wrapped his dick as they fucked. The desk made a noise as it banged against Ronnie’s chair every time he thrust his dick into her snatch.

“Goddamn, I love your fuckin’ cunt! No wonder Eric loves you!” Ronnie grunted.

Meanwhile, out in the anteroom, Eric waited. He could hear muffled bits of conversation, and it sounded like they were sexual. Soon he heard furniture banging rhythmically and muffled grunts. Eric put his ear to the door and the sounds of sex were slightly amplified. Self-consciously, he knelt and peeked under the door. All he could see were feet with clothing down around them, but it was obvious that Ronnie was fucking Sharon over the desk doggy-style. Standing up, Eric felt his hard cock. With memories of fucking Sharon fresh in his mind, he would have loved to watch the pair go at it.

Sharon was getting her pussy fucked hard. What Ronnie lacked in length, he made up for in energy. He was fucking the shit outta her and Sharon felt herself nearing orgasm. Right now, she was glad she had whored herself out. It was more than worth it! An orgasm plus a free tow truck—what could beat that right now?

Just as Sharon was about to cum, Ronnie erupted inside of her, pumping her cunt full of his cum.

“OH FUCK! UH, UH, UH SHIT BABY!” he gasped, loud enough for Eric to hear.

As his cock convulsed in orgasm inside her, Sharon climaxed.

“Oh, oh, OH FUCK, RONNIE!” Sharon blurted out as she shook from the orgasm.

It was what the Brits would call a real knee trembler!

A couple of minutes later, Sharon walked out of the office, blouse unbuttoned one too many, holding a set of keys in her hand and smelling faintly of sex.

“Did you get your slut discount?” Eric had to ask.

“Oh yeah, I sure did. In fact, I got the tow truck for free. All we have to do is leave it full of diesel when we’re done,” the chunky redhead replied breezily.

“How the fuck did you do that?” Eric gasped.

“You just have to be a really good slut, that’s all,” Sharon replied, grinning, then adding, “Don’t worry, you’ll get more than your share as a “thank you” when we get to my house. By the way, have you ever tried anal?”

Eric grinned. It was going to be a fun day and night with this amazing redheaded BBW slut!

Written by Maturetasty69
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