With university finally at an end, Jack had arranged a special masturbation session for the group. For one evening only, we would have exclusive use of the gym where he worked. As soon as we were inside, he locked the doors behind us.
‘This is the reception desk, staff room there.’ He led us around a corner. ‘Weight machines, a few treadmills. I’ve set up all the adjustable benches and there’s a load of towels at the back wall. Boxing ring, of course. Oh, I’ve covered all the cameras with plastic bags as well. Taking no chances.’ We moved further in. ‘No windows in this bit, obviously, so you don’t have to worry about that.' He wandered over to the female changing room. 'So I’m thinking we start off masturbating here. Then I’ve set up all the workout benches for shagging. There's a sauna to finish off, then back to the changing room for a shower.'
‘You've thought this through,’ said Thomas.
‘Always thinking.' He tapped his head. ‘So what do you say? Ready to start?’
‘Hang on,’ I said, much as I was looking forward to this, ‘at what point are we going to talk about the mould all over the walls and that filthy carpet.’
‘It’s got character,' he said.
‘It’s got bacteria,’ said Samantha. ‘Honestly, who cleans this place?’
‘I’m getting a deep clean done. I’ll get that sorted tomorrow. Just need to switch the sauna on and have it ready for when we're finished.’
We quickly piled into the changing room, took our clothes off and started to masturbate on the benches. Fiona, who did it exclusively face-down, had some difficulty finding a comfortable position.
I kept my socks on as a barrier between me and the dirty floor. I assumed the male changing was even worse, but I didn’t want to initiate that conversation. Besides, my tiredness was starting to catch up with me. I’d had a restless night because I was worried about going up on stage for graduation, then there was so much standing and queuing and posing for photos.
A few minutes in, we heard a couple of voices outside the changing room door, and then it opened. I grabbed a towel to cover my front, as did the others. We saw an unfamiliar man and woman standing there looking in. Jack appeared from behind them. ‘Look who it is.’
Everyone fell silent for a second. ‘Kath and Michael!’ said Steven.
‘Actually, I go by Katherine now, never Kath.’
‘And I go by Mike usually.’
‘Oh my God,’ said Thomas. ‘I haven’t seen either of you since school. How have you been?’
‘I know we don’t normally bring outside people in,’ said Jack, ‘but I didn’t think anybody would mind.’
‘Definitely don’t mind,’ said Tiff.
‘So you know most of us,’ I said, ‘Have you met Fiona? She’s my flatmate, and this is Ryan, my…’ I stopped in my tracks. It wasn’t normal to be in a masturbation group with your brother. I was thinking how I might explain the situation when Mike stepped in.
‘It’s okay. We know.’
‘Jack! Who else have you told?’
‘Just them, nobody else.’
Mike went on, ‘Don’t worry, we won’t tell anyone. I mean, Katherine’s my first cousin, so we can’t exactly judge.’
‘Ryan?’ said Katherine. ‘I sort of remember you from school. A couple of years below us? Used to go out with Marnie?’
‘God, that was a long time ago.’
‘And so,’ she turned to Samantha, ‘you must be Jack’s sister.’
‘Yes, and for the avoidance of any doubt, Jack and I do not do anything together. I am a hundred percent lesbian.’
‘I told them that,’ added Jack.
‘Come in,’ she said, making room for them, ‘we always start off by masturbating, then we have sex. The girls have one orgasm minimum.’
‘Now, Katherine and me talked about this. We’ve never cheated on each other, so we’ll just stick together.’
‘We can masturbate with you all, though,' said Katherine, ‘just like we used to. I wonder… I hope toys are allowed.’ She was holding a realistic dildo.
‘They’re compulsory,’ said Fiona, still trying to find a comfortable face-down position.
It didn’t take long before Mike and Katherine joined in the fun. The conversation naturally turned to school.
‘So after games class,’ I explained to the others, ‘it became a tradition for the girls to masturbate with each other. The rule was you could watch each other but not touch; no laughing either. The thing is, though, nobody can remember who first suggested doing it.’
‘You don't remember?’ asked Katherine.
‘It just kind of happened one week.’
‘Oh. How strange. I remember clearly. You remember Miss Hutcheson and her teambuilding games?’
‘Don’t,’ said Tiff, ‘she was obsessed. I still have nightmares about her.’
‘Well, one day she did a solid two periods of teambuilding. I’m not kidding, we didn’t even get round to hockey. So it started a bit of a running gag in the changing room, everyone calling everything a teambuilding exercise: showering was teambuilding, taking off our shoes was teambuilding, you get the picture. And then Maria came out with something like “fingering ourselves together is teambuilding”.’
‘Wait,’ I raised my non-pleasuring hand, ‘Maria said that? Of all people? She didn’t even join in. Tiff, do you remember this?’
‘Clear as day. One girl dared me to touch myself – can’t remember who – and I dared her to do it as well and it all went from there.’
This story wasn’t ringing any bells with me. ‘Where was I? Was I off that week? Because all I remember is going to games one week and everyone was doing it.’
‘Then I wanted to get the boys involved,’ said Tiff. ‘I thought it would be much more fun. Their changing room was just across the corridor and we used to sneak them over. Looking back, it was a bit too close to ours. I don’t know how the school got away with it. Mike, you’ll back me up on that.’
‘Yes, you just had to sneak across the corridor. The teachers weren’t allowed in because one of them was fired for spying on kids.’
‘That was the rumour.’
“Anyway, all the boys were keen except me. I didn’t want to see my cousin naked, never mind doing anything else.’
‘And all the girls were keen except me,’ said Katherine. ‘Same reason.’
I chipped in. ‘Best thing we ever did.’
‘Despite that,’ Tiff continued, ‘I got my way and we had a weekly group very much like what’s going on right now.’
‘And I’m not saying the school knew what was going on,’ said Ryan, ‘but the next year, they kept the changing room building just for the girls and set up a Portakabin for the boys.’
I wasn’t especially watching Katherine, but she’d started to speed up the strokes on her clit as the conversation went on in the background. She moaned a little, removed her dildo, and a little fluid shot out.
‘Oh, you squirt too?’
She nodded while trying to catch her breath, then my own orgasm happened. I easily produced twice as much liquid, not that it was a competition. Fiona, meanwhile, was unable to find a good position and was now lying face-down on her jacket on the floor.
By the time I tuned back into the conversation, Mike was speaking. ‘We plan weddings for couples whose families don’t get on. When Katherine and I got married, you won’t be surprised to hear people had opinions about us being related, so we decided to start our own non-judgemental business. I think we’ve married four cousin couples this year, but it’s not just that. You’d be amazed how many people still don’t accept mixed-race or same-sex couples, or even stupider than that.’
Katherine took over, ‘We had one a few months ago where the woman was English and the man was Scottish and the in-laws hated each other just for that. It was pathetic. But the couple were lovely; we gave them a great day. We’ve never knowingly married a sister and brother, though.’
‘Nah,’ said Ryan, ‘we’re fine as boyfriend-girlfriend.’
Nobody else seemed to notice, but that wording came as a shock to me. Did my brother think of me as his girlfriend? Fiona was definitely his girlfriend and maybe Tiff at a push, but surely not me. There was also the added complication that Thomas didn’t like him and me doing anything sexual while he was present. By the time I’d considered what I might say, the rest of the ladies had orgasmed – even Fiona – and it was time to go into the gym. I kept my mouth shut, at least for the moment.
When I stood up, the tiredness hit me again. I barely made it out of the changing room and back into the gym. I lay face-up on one of the workout benches. ‘Boys, I’m exhausted. If you want any action, you’ll need to come to me.’
Steven and Thomas immediately joined me and started to massage and kiss me. Jack followed them a few minutes later, wanting a piece of the boys. He and Thomas ended up kissing, leaving Steven with me. I watched them move over to another bench, stroking each other’s erections. While this was going on, I looked around me.
Fiona was sitting on another bench, kissing Ryan. She also spotted the cousins standing beside one of the treadmills, whispering to each other. ‘There’s a spare bench,’ she said. ‘Don’t be embarrassed. We do this all the time.’
‘It’s not that,’ said Katherine. ‘It’s just… I’ve never been with a woman before and I’m wondering… you know…’ She paused for a few seconds, seemingly unable to think of the words.
‘You’ll want to speak to them, then.’ She pointed toward the boxing ring. The other ladies had decided to use it, with Samantha on her knees and Tiff alternately caressing and spanking her. The cousins started whispering again.
Another couple of minutes passed, and I was enjoying the feeling of Steven flicking my clit with his tongue while I watched my friends continue their fun. Thomas was nearly lubricated, ready for Jack to slide inside him. Fiona indicated she was about to turn over, ready for Ryan to enter her from behind.
Katherine and Mike separated. She went to the boxing ring to talk to the girls, while he spoke to us. ‘All right, we’ve talked. We’ve set some limits about what we can do.’
‘What sort of limits?’ I asked, almost out of breath from my clit stimulation.
Mike clearly wasn’t as accustomed to speaking as frankly as we were. He told us in a rambling monologue about the agreement with his wife-and-cousin, and I pieced together the complicated instructions from there. His end of the deal was that he wasn’t allowed to place his fingers nor penis inside us. Aside from that, we were both allowed to get each other off by hand and we could touch and kiss each other anywhere else. Fiona and I agreed this wouldn’t be a problem.
‘Do you want to try with a man as well?’ asked Jack, now sinking deep into Thomas.
He started rambling again, eventually saying he only wanted to be with women.
‘Your loss.’
‘Well,’ I said, ‘kiss me, then.’ He hesitated a little and looked back at the boxing ring. Katherine wasn’t paying any attention. ‘Come on, Mike. You’re allowed, aren’t you?’
As he leaned in, Steven finished off licking my clit and instead placed his penis on it, sliding up and down. I sometimes found this more erotic than actual penetration. I kissed Mike and made sure I used tongues, reasoning it might be the only time he was given that chance.
‘Ah-ah-ah-ah!’ said Fiona, turning back around to face Ryan and almost throwing him off the bench. ‘Cramp. Sorry, sorry.’ She sat up then stood up. My brother was beside her, erection on show.
Jack shouted over, ‘It’s all about hydration. Go and get some water. There’s a fridge at reception.’ He hadn’t missed a single stroke into Thomas.
She limped as she walked, heading out of the main gym, and beckoned to Ryan. ‘Come and help me.’ He held his erection with one hand as he followed.
Steven took the chance to enter me, bringing my attention back to him. I told Mike he could touch me wherever he liked, then lay back and smiled at him. He placed one hand lightly on my stomach, where he began to stroke up and down, cautiously working his way to my boobs.
From my position, I could just see Katherine. She was having her nipples pinched by Samantha, and Tiff was holding a vibrator against her clit. Katherine’s end of the deal was similar, according to Mike: the ladies could kiss or touch her anywhere they liked, but no fingers inside each other. I knew Tiff and Samantha could easily work within these parameters.
I heard Jack’s breathing change as he shot his spunk inside Thomas, then they kissed. Steven was still inside me but looking over at the boys. Watching them seemed to turn him on even more. Barely a minute later, he shot deep inside me. When Steven withdrew, he joined Jack and Thomas at the cleaning station to wipe each other off with paper towels.
Meanwhile, I took Mike’s penis and stroked it gently, then I put it in my mouth by force of habit. He didn’t try to withdraw, but I stopped when I remembered the rules.
‘Sorry,’ I said, removing it from my mouth but continuing to stroke him.
‘Don’t worry about it,’ he said with a slight tone of disappointment.
I felt a hand on my clit. It belonged to Thomas. He placed his fingers inside me and felt Steven’s spunk. ‘Do you want me to clean you up first?’ he asked.
‘No, just give me yours.’ I opened my legs a little to let him in.
Fiona and Ryan reappeared, carrying several bottles of water, which they placed on the ground. As Thomas thrust into me, I asked, ‘How’s the cramp?’
‘A little bit better. It’s still hard to find a comfy position, though. Standing up, sitting down, lying down, it’s all awkward. I’ll probably need to sit this one out. Well, not sit. You know what I mean.’
‘Aww, that’s a shame.’
‘I know. It’s such a good night.’
I heard Thomas grunting and I could tell he was nearly there. For someone who normally lasted a long time, this was super-quick for him. Jack walked over to join us.
‘We couldn’t find your card,’ said Fiona.
‘My card?’
‘Business card, on the reception desk. Everyone else’s is on there.’
‘Oh, I just haven’t printed any yet. To be honest, though, I’m more manager than trainer so I don’t need them as much.’
I felt Thomas filling me up, commenting, ‘That was fantastic.’
‘It was,’ I agreed.
‘Listen, I… I know what I said, but maybe you and Ryan… I can see what you see in each other and if you want to… do stuff together, then… I don’t mind.’
Ryan brightened up immediately. ‘You mean in front of you? Right now?’
‘If you want, yes.’ He withdrew, and a few drops of the fluids inside me began to drip out. As he wandered off, he added, ‘I’ve got to clean off again.’
My brother and I looked at each other. His penis had started to go soft, but not completely. I reached out to stretch and stroke it a little, while he reached out to feel my nipples. I felt him harden in my hand.
‘Just start when you want. I’m still horny.’ He nodded before moving his fingers down to my clit.

With my other hand, I was still stroking Mike gently. ‘Do you want me to do it again?’ I whispered. ‘I don’t think she’s going to notice.’
He looked over just to make sure. Katherine’s attention was completely occupied by the ladies. They looked like they were having an amazing time, still pinching her nipples and turning up the vibrator to what sounded like maximum speed. ‘All right, then.’
I turned to Fiona, Jack and Steven, who were still standing there. ‘You can be lookouts.’ I then made eye contact with Mike before I took the head of his penis into my mouth again.
Now it was Ryan’s turn to thrust into me. I was seriously in heaven and I thought I might be able to orgasm like this.
Thomas returned after cleaning himself. ‘It’s beginning to make sense now,’ he announced to Jack, ‘why you don’t have business cards.’
‘I told you. I haven’t got any printed.’
‘Oh, bull. When we were changing, I thought I saw your name on the cleaning rota so I went back to check and sure enough, you are.’
‘We all take turns.’
‘Then how come your name’s on it every day?’
‘I like to help out.’
‘Managers don’t clean. Just cut it out, Jack. If you’re a cleaner here, just say you’re a cleaner. Stop lying to everyone.’
I was listening to the conversation in the background as I enjoyed the forbidden oral sex, but I briefly took the penis out my mouth to ask, ‘Does this place get cleaned?’
‘You’re supposed to be working right now, aren’t you? Instead, you’ve sneaked us in here and you’ll have to clean all this up.’
‘Is that true?’ asked Fiona. ‘You’re not a trainer?’
‘Look,’ said Jack, ‘it’s complicated.’
‘What’s complicated?’ continued Thomas. ‘You’re either a cleaner or you’re not, because you’re definitely not a trainer or a manager.’
The noise was starting to attract the attention of the threesome on the boxing ring. I removed my mouth from Mike in case they saw us, but I continued stroking him with my hand.
‘Fine,’ said Jack. ‘I’ll tell you. Yes, I clean this place, but it’s true, the owner really is a mate of mine. He let me have it tonight.’
‘You didn’t tell him what we were doing?’ asked Ryan.
‘No, course not. I said it was my boyfriend’s birthday and I wanted a little private party for him.’
Steven had been listening to the exchange, confused. ‘What boyfriend?’
‘I don’t actually have a boyfriend, but I had to say something.’
‘So you lied again?’ asked Thomas.
‘I got you this place, didn’t I? I didn’t even charge you for it.’
‘You’ve paid for this?’
‘Out your own pocket?’ asked Fiona.
‘Yes. Yes, I did. Okay, maybe I said a few things I didn’t mean.’
‘In other words, you’re a liar,’ said Thomas.
‘I just wanted to...