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When it came time to move, Summer decided that she’d rather get a few guys from her gym to help out than hire movers.

“Why pay strangers when we can grab a case of beer and some pizza – that way, we can enjoy it too?” Her reasoning made sense, and again it was her money, so my say didn’t amount to much.

That was the first time that I’d come face to face with Darren. He seemed like a nice guy, but I did my best to avoid him because it felt strange to be around him. He looked as much like Denzel Washington as Summer said that he did, and he was old enough where he could have been her dad. It didn’t help that he had that dad vibe about him too. A few other guys came along too, all muscle-bound gym rats and naturally, all black. Other than me, I don’t think Summer spoke to many other white guys. We were also joined by Maddie and Trevor, the Hungarian ballerina and her anxiety-ridden husband. I hadn’t seen either of them since the first time that we’d meet, but our new place was very close to theirs so they dropped by on moving day to help out.

It was a pretty long day that left most of us pretty wiped out; mind you, the gym rats looked like they could keep going for another few hours. At one point Summer and I ran out to a hardware store to pick up a few things that we needed, the kind of things that you forget that you need when you move: wall hooks, new toilet seats, and new shower curtains – that kind of stuff.

“What do you think about Darren?”

“He seems nice enough.”

“He is, right? He’s such a great guy.”

“I guess so.”

“Listen, when we get back to the condo, I want you to talk to him. I think he still doesn’t quite believe me when I tell him about our situation and I need you to put his mind at ease, okay?”


“Also, want to tell you now so there’s no surprise later – I’m going to fuck him tonight. I want to christen our new place with that new energy that we’ve been talking about. This will help make our new place ours, right?”

My heart sank a bit. I’d been thinking the same thing, only that it would be Summer and me who christened our new place.

“I guess so.”

“Hey, don’t be pouty! This is what you signed up for, don’t be upset that you’re getting it.”

She was right, but it was still disappointing.

“When the others leave, Darren is going to stick around. Make sure the barbeque is working, you can make us some steaks so we’ll have lots of energy for tonight.”

Not only was he going to fuck my girlfriend in our new house and in our new bed, but I also had to cook him a steak dinner. Great.

When we got back to our new place, I really didn’t want to talk to Darren but knew that I had to or Summer would lose it on me and I didn’t want to start our new life together in a fight. I kept looking for an opportunity to talk to him. I had a chance a few times but chickened out. Summer realized that I was balking and forced us together.

“Darren, maybe you could give Grey a hand putting together our new bed?”

Neither one of us could say no, and Darren and I went off to the master bedroom together. There was a lot of awkward silence followed by us talking but not talking as we unboxed the bed that Summer and I ordered for our new place. Eventually, it just had to come out.

“Listen, I want you to know that I know about you and Summer, like at the gym and stuff and I’m okay with it. We have like an open relationship so it’s okay. You don’t have to hide it or feel weird about it or whatever.”

“Cool,” he answered way more nonchalantly than I imaged he would. “And you know about tonight too, then?”

“Yeah, Summer and I spoke about it.”

“And you’re not going to be around, right? You’re going to go out or something?”

“Well, one of the reasons why we got a two-bedroom place was so that I’d have a place to go on nights like this.” It didn’t occur to me how pathetic that sounded until the words came out of my mouth and I spoke them out loud.

Darren let out a hearty laugh. “Okay, man, if that’s good for you it's fine by me. I just don’t want you creeping around. When I’m taking care of your girl, I don’t want to be thinking about what you’re up to.”

“It won’t be a problem.”

“You’re really okay with this, eh?”

“Well… Summer wants this and it’s something that I can deal with.”

“But you’d rather have her all to yourself, right?”

“Yeah, but…”

“Ha! I thought so. Anyway, that’s your business. As long as we have an understanding, I’m good too.”

“Yup, it’s all good.”

We spend the next twenty minutes or so working in near silence; the only words we spoke to each other were about the directions that we were following and trying to figure out which screws went where.

“You’re Grey Harris, right?”

“Yeah.” I wasn’t sure why he was asking; I assumed he knew my name.

“You don’t remember me, do you?”

I felt my stomach drop and I must have turned an even whiter shade of white as the blood left my face. I had no idea who he was, but it terrified me to my core that he knew who I was and probably knew other people I knew.

“Maybe a little more than ten years ago or so, my wife and I hired you to tutor our daughter, in math I think it was.”

I had no memory of who he was at all, but when I was in high school I did earn some extra money working as a tutor.

“No, I think you’ve got me confused with someone else,” I lied.

“Nah, it’s you. I don’t remember you either, really, but your name – Grey, Grey Harris -- that I remember. We have the same last name. And here we are.”

I wanted to throw up.

“You don’t remember teaching math to a little black girl, Rosie? Rosie Harris? It wasn’t that long ago. It seems that you’d remember doing something like that?”

I was busted and knew it. I was also relieved that he probably didn’t know anyone else that I knew.

“Yeah, right. I do remember now. I did some tutoring back in high school. I don’t remember you or your daughter though, sorry.”

“I can see why you wouldn’t remember me. We only met once or twice, and I looked a lot different back then. I was overweight and didn’t take much pride in how I looked. After my wife and I divorced, I turned my life around. I got in shape and loved it so much I had a career change. I became a workout instructor. It’s a great way to meet women.” Darren laughed as he gave my arm what I think was meant to be a playful slap but might have left a bruise.

I really didn’t remember him at all, but I did remember his daughter. She was a couple of years younger than me and really cute. I wouldn’t say that I had a crush on her or anything like that, but as a teenage boy who tutored, I found she was someone I always looked forward to seeing and thought about her from time to time.

“Anyway, it’s good meeting you again, Grey. Life’s funny, eh? Friends again after all these years.”

Geez…hearing the words ‘friends’ come out of his mouth was a bit much. I didn’t say anything, but I wanted to lash out at him and remind him that we weren’t friends, he was just my girlfriend’s fuck buddy and he’d be gone just as soon as someone else caught her eye. Then I’d have the last laugh. Sort of.

As the night wore on, I could tell that Summer was getting antsy and she wanted everyone to leave. The condo was in good enough shape that we could handle whatever else needed doing on our own over the next few days. People weren’t really taking her hints though, so she pulled Maddie to the side and asked her to leave, explained that she was hoping that once Maddie left, others would follow and that she could finally be alone, or almost alone, with Darren. Maddie was too happy for Summer to be offended and ended up leaving just a few minutes later. She made a little show of leaving, looking around the room saying, “Well, Trevor and I are off. It’s getting late and I’m sure the new couple wants to be alone in their new place.”

With that, Maddie and Trevor were off and a couple of the other guys took the hint and left a few minutes later, leaving Summer and me with Darren and another guy named Carl. Carl didn’t seem to get the hint at all. Summer was starving and didn’t want to wait for Carl to leave before eating, so she asked if we had enough steak to feed him too. Luckily, we did. I was happy that Carl stuck around because unbeknownst to him he was actually cock-blocking Darren by being there, or so I thought.

We had our dinner, then settled down in our new living room for a few drinks. I was way more at ease with Carl there, instead of worrying about what was supposed to happen I could just relax and have a few beers without stressing. That didn’t last long.

“Hey, Summer?” Darren began.


“You know you told me that you wanted tonight to be special, right? A special start to your new place?”

I could tell Summer was a little embarrassed, but she played it cool. “Umm…yeah, of course. I mean, this is our new place. Of course, I want our first day here to be special.” Summer was trying to hint to Darren that it would be special just as soon as Carl left.

“What if Carl and I here make it special, together?”


“You ever been with two men at once? What if we both fuck you tonight?”

I don’t know who was more floored, Summer or myself. Both Darren and Carl were perfectly cool. It seemed like this was something that they’d done before.

“Darren’s been talking you up, I’d love to find out if he’s been telling the truth,” Carl spoke up for the first time.

“What do you say, Summer? Would that make your night as special as you wanted it to be?”

“Yes!” Summer said without hesitation. I was shocked, but I really guess that I shouldn’t have been.

“Good,” Darren said as he got up, extending his hand out to Summer. She placed her hand in his and he lifted her up from the couch and walked with her to our bedroom with Carl in tow. Not one of them looked back at me at all. It was as if I wasn’t even there.

I wasn’t prepared for this at all. Summer had told me about some of the crazy things had she’d done while she was a stripper. I knew that she’d been with other women and that she’d had several threesomes, both with a guy and a girl and two guys, but none of that seemed real. It was all in the past and disconnected from the Summer that I knew, but here it was right in front of me.

I retreated to our spare bedroom, not really sure what to do with myself. Our cable hadn’t been hooked up yet so watching tv was out of the question. I just lay there on top of our spare bed, and twenty minutes or so later I heard Summer let out her first moan. Over the next few minutes, the noises coming from the other room got louder and louder, and it was obvious that Summer was getting fucked - and hard, it seemed. Her voice was a bit muted. I imaged it was because she had one guy’s cock in her mouth while the other fucked her. I heard a slapping sound that made me think that she was getting fucked doggy-style.

I was surprised by how all of this made me feel. Well, half surprised anyway. It was turning me on and of course, I jerked off as I listened to my girlfriend getting fucked. It reminded me of the days before Melissa and I got together. She’d bring guys home and I’d listen to her have sex while I masturbated. This was a little different though. Summer was my girlfriend and I loved her. I couldn’t hide the fact that I was turned on by all of it, but I was actually hurt too and I wasn’t quite sure why. As Summer said, this is what I signed up for and I was getting it. I’d been through this before and knew that I could deal with it. Even when Summer first told me about Darren, it didn’t really upset me. I think, just like when Summer told me about her past, it all just seemed like stories. Now it was real. It was happening in another room just a few feet down the hall from where I was. It hurt, and I was upset, but I kept jerking until I came, and I came hard. It was undeniable proof that however upset I was, this was getting to me in a different way, on a whole other level.

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I cleaned myself up with the only thing that I could find in the room – one of the socks that I was wearing. It was really humiliating to be sitting in a room wiping cum off my stomach with my sock while I could still hear my girlfriend getting pounded in the other room. I sat on the bed, feeling overwhelmed, blocking my ears and trying to control the flood of feelings that were washing over me. Blocking my ears didn’t work. I could still hear them. It was hard not to. I bet our new neighbours heard them too. As loud as Summer’s moaning and wailing were, the guys were just as loud. They were going at it hard and encouraging each other in a way that made me think of what they must have been like at the gym, encouraging each other doing a power lift or something like that.

“My man! That’s it, fuck her! Fuck her hard! Make her take that black dick!” I heard Carl shout. “Don’t you go nowhere,” he said to Summer. “You stay right there and take that dick. All of it, baby, all of it.”

I heard that clear as day with my fingers in my ears. I’m sure that everyone on our floor heard it too.

For everything that I was feeling, some sick part of me just had to see it. I wish that I could explain why, but I really can’t. I knew that it was real. I knew that it was happening. But something deep inside of me just wanted to see it. I was worried about Darren’s warning for me to ‘not creep around’ and couldn’t help but think of the swat that Ashley gave me all those months ago, but I had to see things for myself anyway. I was gambling that, from the sound of things, they were too busy for me to get caught.

It took less effort than I thought. While my bedroom door was closed, theirs was wide open. I had to quietly make my way down the hall and be careful how I approached the door because I couldn’t know which direction that they might be facing. I inched my way there, moving at a snail’s pace. The first thing that I saw was Carl on sitting up in bed with his back against our headboard and his legs spread apart. Summer was on her hands and knees while Carl had a handful of her hair in his fist and he used it to guide her head up and down on his cock. I couldn’t see much more of Summer or any of Darren, but I could tell by the way Summer’s body was being jerked back and forth that Darren had to be fucking her from behind. I couldn’t dare move any further down the hall and I nearly shit myself when Carl looked over towards the door, but he quickly refocused on the blow job that Summer was giving him.

“There you go, girl, there you go…keep sucking it, baby, keep sucking it. You ready for my cum?” Carl asked, but Summer was in no position to answer. His hips shot forward and he used both hands to hold Summer’s head in place. His cock had to have been halfway down her throat when he unloaded in her. Carl held her there for a few seconds before pulling his cock out of her mouth. Summer gasped for air and took a series of quick deep breaths like you do when you’re trying to hold your breath underwater before surfacing at the last second to avoid drowning. Carl pulled himself away from the couple and began to get out of bed. I had to quietly get back to my room as soon as I could just in case Carl came out for some reason. Even with Carl gone, Summer still wasn’t getting a break. With a cock no longer in her mouth, her screaming and moaning only got louder.

“Fuck meeee! Fuck meee!” she was begging Darren as much as she was commanding him. I could tell by the sound of his thighs slapping against her ass that he was only too happy to oblige.

I don’t know if Carl left the room or not, but I managed to get back to mine without getting caught either way. It was probably another five minutes of straight hard fucking before I heard Darren let out a growl that made it obvious that he was cumming. I could hear some movement and bustling about coming from the other room. I couldn’t tell exactly what was happening. There wasn’t much talking for a few minutes, then I heard Summer’s voice.

“Holy shit, that was amazing! You weren’t kidding about making it a special night!”

Both men laughed and their conversation became muddled and hard to hear. I wasn’t sure how long they were going to stay, or how long I was expected to stay in my room, but it was far too soon to press my luck just yet so I sat and waited. And waited. And then maybe a half hour or so later I started hearing the distinct sound of Summer sucking cock. She gave sloppy blow jobs with lots of slurping sounds and had a habit of making a ‘pop’ sound when she pulled her mouth away from a cock. They’d just fucked and they were going at it again. For the next twenty minutes, all I could hear was the sound of Summer sucking as the two guys complimented her ability and offered her other words of encouragement.

Eventually, I first heard Carl say, “Oh fuck!”

Summer replied with, “Oh wow!” apparently impressed with the load that he must have dumped on her. She immediately turned her attention to Darren. “Come on, daddy, give me your load. I want your load. Spray all over me like you did in your office.” That was all it took as I heard Darren groan, and again Summer reacted as if she was impressed.

Less than a minute later, I heard a knock at my door. Summer didn’t wait for me to acknowledge the knock and flung the door open. She stood before me, her perfect body naked with her chest and face both covered in cum.

“Damn! I was hoping to catch you jerking off! You did jerk off, didn’t you?”

I was still sitting there wearing only one sock. It was hard to deny. Summer gave me a half-smile, half-laugh. It almost felt like she was embarrassed for me.

“How do I look?” She had a big grin on her face, spread her arms out and twirled around.

“Heh, good. I guess.”

“What do you mean ‘I guess’? Your little princess just got the fucking of a lifetime and I feel great! I was hoping that I also looked great!”

“You do, Summer, you look great.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear! Hey, can you do me a favour? The guys wanted me to grab them a beer. Would you mind bringing it to them? Now that you’ve seen me looking great, I kinda want to get cleaned up.”

I didn’t want to do that at all, but I wasn’t going to say no. “Okay, sure thing.”

I got up to go to the refrigerator and Summer waited for by the door; as I approached her she tilted her head to the side and pointed to her cheek and said, “Kiss!” I looked for a spot that wasn’t covered in cum to give her a peck on the check. Summer quickly turned her head, forcing my lips to drag across some cum that was on her face, coating my lips with a salty taste.

“Summer!” I was angry.

“Oh stop, it’s no big deal. That was Carl, by the way.”

“Don’t do that!”

“Relax. You kissed me while I was sucking Ashley’s cock. What’s the difference?”

“I don’t know, it just is.”

“No, it isn’t. You’ve told me that you’ve eaten your own cum. You’ve kissed me while I was sucking cock, did you see me run to the washroom and brush my teeth when I took my mouth off Ashley’s cock and you put your tongue down my throat?”

She had a point, but I wasn’t going to admit it and I still wasn’t happy with her.

“Kiss me, on the lips. Right now.” She brought her hand up and wiped away any of Carl’s cum that might have been around her mouth. I couldn’t say no to her and leaned in to give her a kiss – moving in slowly to make sure that she didn’t pull the same trick on me again. We kissed, and she slid her tongue into my mouth.

“See, that was nice, right? Nothing wrong with that?”

“No, that’s fine.”

“But you know like five minutes ago I had two cocks in my mouth, right?”

I didn’t need to be reminded, especially when I was doing my best to mentally deny it.

“It’s really hot. Look,” she said as she took her index finger and scooped up some cum off her chest and licked it off with her finger. Without asking, she leaned in and kissed me.

“I swallowed his cum before I kissed you, Grey, some trace of it must have been in my mouth, right? And what if I didn’t swallow it, would you have even known?”

I didn’t know how to answer her. She reached down and stuck her finger in a glob of cum, swirled it around and then held it up to me. “I bet there’s less on my finger than there was in my mouth when you kissed me.”

With her finger inches away from me, Summer was hinting at what she wanted, but I didn’t want to go along with it.

“This is the new beginning that we both wanted, right? New place, new life together. You’re a cuckold again. It's not just talk any more, this is how things are going to be.” I don’t know if Summer was riding an adrenaline rush, but she was being assertive – even forceful – in a way that she’d always struggled with. Not anymore.

“Today was just me and the guys, but in the future, it would be fun if you could be more involved. If you’ve got this weird hang-up or if you’re going to ruin the mood by being all squeamish and stuff, I don’t really see a role for you in my sex life.”

Summer could tell that I was both thinking about and struggling with what she was saying.

“Grey, I’m not asking you to suck a dick and take a load in your mouth. I’m asking you to stop being uptight about something so silly.”

I couldn’t think of anything to say, so I stood there in silence.

“You know what? This is stupid, I can’t believe what a baby you’re being.” Summer couldn’t hide her anger, and I think disappointment too. She turned to leave the room.

“Summer, wait…” I hated disappointing her.

She turned to face me, putting her finger back in front of my face. I took it in my mouth and sucked it. I didn’t taste anything.

“See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

I wasn’t, but I didn’t want to admit it to either one of us. Summer spent the next few moments staring at me and smiling while she gave me a chance to process things.

“You’re overthinking things, Grey, stop it. It’s no big deal. Let go of whatever it is you think that you’re hanging on to. The more that you loosen up, the more fun that we’ll have together. I promise.”

With that, Summer leaned in and gave me a kiss. “I’m gonna get washed up now. Remember to bring beers to the guys, they’ve been waiting a few mins now.” With that, Summer left the room, leaving me with just my thoughts.

I don’t know why what happened felt so different than other things that I’d done. As Summer said, it really wasn’t any different than kissing her while she was giving Ashley a blow-job; for some reason, I didn’t think twice about that, but I was struggling with this. In terms of our relationship, though, it was the first time that Summer had really asserted herself in terms of laying out what her expectations were about how things were going to be between us. Looking back on this now, it’s much easier to see what a milestone and changing point it turned out to be.


Written by GreyMatter
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