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After Summer’s threesome with Darren and Carl, she continued to see Darren on and off for a few months. After just a few dates though, Summer complained to me that Darren was starting to get jealous and possessive. He didn’t care about me, but when she was with him and her phone rang he’d want to know who was calling, or if she wasn’t free to meet up with him he’d demand to know if she was going out with someone else (she usually was). Things came to a boil when Darren found out that she’d been talking to Carl. As far as I knew, she’d only been talking to him but Darren flipped out when he found out about it. Darren’s reaction didn’t make sense to me at all. He invited Carl along to tag-team my girlfriend, but the thought of the two of them talking to each other sent him over the edge. In the back of my mind it was oddly comforting to know that deep down even these big, strong, dominant guys were powerless when it came to dealing with beautiful women.

In the wake of all that, things got pretty intense for a while but the short version of the story is that Darren ended up getting fired from the gym that he worked at and Summer ended up getting a restraining order against him. Given that he knew who I was, I was terrified that he'd try to embarrass me by exposing my lifestyle to friends and family but to my knowledge, he didn't and we never heard from him again.

All of this ended in Summer adopting a new approach to things.

“No more getting involved with any of these guys. I’m going to meet some guys, fuck them and then move on. They're just cocks to me. No strings attached.”

There were a couple of other changes around this same time too. First, Summer delayed her acceptance to law school for a second time. She originally delayed it from the fall semester to the winter semester, the second time she delayed it from the winter semester to the following fall. I never knew exactly how much money Matthew left her, but Summer didn’t work – or apparently have to – that whole time. The other thing that impacted our lives during this time was something that didn’t really have anything to do with us. Maddie and Trevor separated. Everyone saw it coming, they were terribly mismatched. Maddie was way out of Trevor’s league, something that made me worry when I thought about Summer and me.

The following year or so was a perfect storm of Summer having a lot of time on her hands, a new more casual attitude towards dating and having a newly single friend who was interested in the same thing as she was – finding black guys to fuck.

During this time, I can’t even remember the number of guys who Summer brought home or how many times she went out and didn’t come home until the following morning looking like a mess. Even by her own admission, she’d later admit that she went a little wild and took some risks that she probably shouldn’t have. For the most part, that year was a blur to me but there’s one night in particular that I’ll never forget.

The night started off like any other. Summer made plans to go out with Maddie. They’d been hanging out at a Caribbean club called The Bamboo and were headed there that night too. I helped Summer get ready, bathed her, helped pick out her outfit… got her all dolled up knowing that another man was going to be the beneficiary. Maddie came over to our place to have a few drinks before they hit the club, and she showed up looking stunning. Maddie was slim and petite like you’d expect a ballerina to be and she had striking features that gave her the look of a model. She had long dark brown hair that she almost always wore tied up in a bun. On this night, she wore her hair down and it seemed to change everything about her. Maddie was usually quiet and had an aura of sophistication about her that could easily be mistaken for being snobby – as most of her friends other than Summer actually were. On this night though, she seemed a little more outgoing and friendly. I often wondered how her snooty friends would react if they knew that one of Maddie’s favourite pass times was being a black cock slut.

The three of us shared a few drinks having mostly small-talk until Maddie shifted the conversation in a pretty severe way.

“Do you still keep him in chastity?” Maddie asked Summer out of the blue.

“No, we’ve been pretty lax about that lately haven’t we hun?” Summer said looking at me.

The sudden turn in the conversation was making me uncomfortable.

“I don’t miss Trevor at all,” Maddie began, “but I do miss tormenting him.”

“Would you feel better if Grey was locked up tonight?”

Maddie smiled, looking at me but answering Summer. “Yes, of course, it would. Knowledge of a locked up cock warms my heart.”

“Babe, do us a favour and go put on your chastity ok?” I don’t like to admit it, but I was kind of excited about putting it on. It felt kinky to put it on because another woman wanted me to – and with a few drinks in me – I allowed myself to think that maybe girls would stay home and what that might lead to.

I went to our bedroom and locked myself up. Summer had taken to wearing my key on an ankle bracelet when she had me locked up and I brought it out to her. Seeing me coming, Summer didn’t speak – she just raised her leg, resting her foot on the edge of our coffee table expecting me to attach the bracelet myself, which I did.

Maddie seemed somewhat impressed. “You seem to have him trained. At least a little bit.”

“I haven’t really had to train him. He just does what he’s told.”

“Training them is the best part,” Maddie said with a serious tone. “You can make a man in chastity do anything you want without much effort. It’s just a matter of time, and maybe a little motivation.” I didn’t like these ideas that Maddie was putting into Summer’s head.

“What do you mean?” Summer asked.

“Think of something that you want Grey to do, but he won’t do.”

“A few things come to mind…”

“Okay, so now just leave him locked up. If he wants out, he does one of those things. You don’t have to do anything, just wait. He’ll come to you…a week, two weeks, a month, who knows but time is against him. You just be firm, don’t give in. He will break.”

“Wow, shit just got real!” Summer laughed a drunken laugh, but Maddie barely broke a smile. I was terrified.

“You have so much to learn my dear.” Maddie still looked at me while she spoke.

I desperately wanted to change the topic but couldn’t find a way. I was actually scared to say anything at all.

“I bet he’s hard right now,” Maddie spoke with the confidence of a woman who knew that she was right, and she was.

“From what? Just talking? You’re not actually hard are you Grey?” Summer seemed genuinely surprised or curious.

“I…” I began to speak but Maddie interrupted. “You don’t fully understand guys like Grey yet Summer. I do. I know how their minds work. You’ll learn because I will teach you.”

“Cool!” I really didn’t think that Summer understood what Maddie was saying, but based on my history with Melissa I feared the worst. Maddie really seemed to be into the controlling side of this lifestyle, and for the first time ever I felt sorry for whatever it was she put Trevor through. All of this dominant energy was so odd coming from this tiny woman who couldn’t have weighed much more than 100lbs.

While just a few minutes earlier I was fantasizing about what might become of the night if the girls stayed home, I was so suddenly eager for them to leave. Maddie spooked me enough where the thought of sending my girlfriend off to a club to meet a guy seemed like the better option than continuing the conversation in the direction that it had turned to.

“It’s getting pretty late. Don’t you think you should be heading out soon?” I spoke with a hopeful tone.

Summer was buzzing from the drinks that she’d had and seem obvious to the tension that had been developing. “Yeah! Let’s get going, Maddie. I feel like dancing! Wooo!”

Within minutes the girls were gathering their things and making their way to the door. The whole time Maddie stared me with a gaze that seemed to go right through me. I felt like she was reading my mind or something. She didn’t say a word to me, but I physically felt her looking at me – like her eyes were burning into me.

I was glad to see them go. Even though I knew that there was a good chance that Summer would come home with a guy, that seemed easier to deal with than seeing any more of Maddie on the night.

It was around 10 pm when the girls left, and Summer didn’t usually come home until after last call which was at 2 am. Around midnight, I made sure that our condo was tidy and prepared our bedroom for Summer and her ‘guest’ – making sure the sheets were clean and the bed was made, that sort of thing. Then I went into our spare bedroom and did my best to fall asleep. With any luck, I’d sleep through the night and whatever Summer got up to, wake up in the morning, and tend to the hangover that Summer seemed to be working herself up to. Hopefully, whoever she brought home would be gone by then and I’d be able to avoid the awkwardness that came with running into the guys that she fucked.

Around 3 am I woke up to some loud noises coming from our living room. At first, I heard Summer’s loud voice, a sure sign that she was drunk, immediately followed up by other voices. She wasn’t alone, she was with more than just one guy. Then I heard Maddie. She seemed a little more quiet and controlled than Summer was. I laid in bed wondering if I should check on them. It seemed like maybe they’d come home to have some more drinks – I’d heard the distinct sounds of beers being opened. I crept to the door, just planning to peak out and peer down the hall to our living room to see if I could catch a glimpse of what was happening. As I opened the door and stuck my head out, I could see the four of them – Summer and Maddie leading the way with two black guys following closely behind them, their hands groping the girls as they walked – making their way down the hallway, clearly headed to our bedroom. When I popped my head out the door, I’d been seen by all of them.

“Don’t mind him,” Summer said. “That’s just my boyfriend. He won’t bother us at all.” The two guys laughed. I think they thought that she was joking. Without breaking her stride, Summer pushed my head back into the room and closed the door as she walked past me.

It didn’t take the foursome long to get down to business. I stayed at the door, with my ear pressed against it trying to hear what was happening. I heard lots of drunken laughing and giggling but that quickly faded and was soon replaced by the sounds kissing and light moaning coming from both Summer and Maddie.

I backed away from the door. I was still in chastity and didn’t want to hear what I knew was coming next. Unfortunately, the guys had deep, low voices that carried.

“That’s it baby, suck my dick, be a good girl…” a voice with a Jamaican accent spoke.

I retreated to my bed, trying desperately to not think about what was happening but with the growing noises coming from my bedroom it was impossible to block out. My cock was growing hard and began to strain against the cage that I was wearing.

For the next half hour or so I laid in bed, with my cock aching listening to the sounds of Summer and Maddie getting fucked. The guys seemed like they were being rough – at least that’s what I pictured based on the loud slappy sounds and grunts coming from our room - and the girls seemed to be loving it. Around the half-hour mark, I heard the unmistakable sounds of the women, seemingly in unison, screaming out in orgasm quickly following by the two men, first one, then the other letting out guttural growls as the shot their loads. That was followed by a few minutes of silence, then their conversations picked up again, the Jamaican’s voice and the sound of Summer’s drunk laughter being the loudest. I thought that it was over for the night, but I heard Maddie say “Let us know when you’re ready for round 2…we’ll entertain ourselves until then.” Summer’s laughter was interrupted as she let out a soft moan that led me to believe that Maddie had kisser her or perhaps touched her in a way to elicit the response. Within seconds, my suspicions were confirmed as I heard what could only have been the sounds of the two girls making out. I knew that Summer had been with other women before, but I’d never seen it or been confronted by it like this. Up until that point in our relationship, her focus was on black guys and nothing else.

The frustration and pain that I was feeling from the chastity device were growing and becoming impossible to ignore. I thought that maybe I could take a cold shower, not only would it make me feel better but the sound of the shower would drown out the sounds coming from our bedroom.

Before I had a chance to act, I’d heard the sound of the two guys stirring and it became clear that they’d joined in with the girls. Having lasted a half hour or so the first time and knowing that they’d recently cummed, I dreaded the thought of how long “round 2” as Maddie put it was going to last. I wasn’t sure if my aching balls could take it.

About ten minutes later, I heard Summer’s loud voice distinctly say “What? Ya, sure. More for me!” followed by her laughing. I sat on the edge of my bed wondering what that could have meant when suddenly my bedroom door opened.

Maddie stood before me, naked except for a pair of skimpy panties that barely covered her pussy. Her body had surprising curves for someone who was so slender. Her tits were small, but naked looked bigger than I’d imaged they would. I was stunned, and my facial expression must have given that away. Maddie simply smiled back at me, enjoying my reaction.

“Take your shorts off.” She said referring to my sleeping clothes. I want to see your chastity.”

“Maddie…I can’t do that. I’m with Summer.”

“No, Summer is with two real men. You’re with me. Take your shorts off.”

“I can’t…”

“I spoke to Summer. I made a trade with her. I gave her my guy, she gave me you. She doesn’t care.”

I found that hard to believe, but it did seem like line up with what I’d heard Summer say so it was at least possible.

“Listen Maddie, I’m not really comfortable with this. I don’t think…”

“I don’t care what you think. Take your fucking shorts off right now.” As she said that, Maddie held up the key to my cage, still dangling from the chain that Summer wore on her ankle.

“Does Summer know you have that?”

“Yes. She gave it to me. I told you, we made a deal. Summer got Winston to go along with Glenroy and I got you. Now, I won’t ask again. I want to see your chastity, so get your shorts off now.”

I gave in, still not sure if Summer really had approved of this but with the key that I wanted dangling in front of me, it was a risk that I was willing to take. I stood up and pulled down my shorts to my ankles, then kicked them aside. “Shirt too” Maddie commanded.

I stood there naked, wearing nothing but a chastity cage feeling very self-conscious while Maddie stood before me almost as naked but glowing in confidence.

“How does it feel to be naked in front of me?”

I tried to throw the question back at her, “How does it feel for you to be naked in front of me?”

Maddie laughed. “I’ve seen plenty of naked men, most have been more impressive than you. I doubt that you’ve seen many naked women, isn’t that true?”

It was. I didn’t have to answer. Maddie knew.

“Get down on your knees,” she commanded.

I hesitated, but my submissive nature gave in to the confidence that Maddie spoke with. I got down on my knees, sitting down on my legs behind me.

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“No, no. Sit upright, legs together, back straight. I want your little cage on full display.”

I followed her instructions.

“Good.” Maddie seemed pleased with herself. She sat there for a few moments, staring me down, her eyes penetrating me as they had earlier in the night. The sounds of Summer getting fucked echoed throughout our condo. Maddie was as aware of it as I was.

“What beautiful sounds they’re making, eh? I know exactly what Summer is getting, I’m almost jealous, but I gave it up to spend some time with you.”

“What do you want from me?”

“This. Your fear. You are afraid, aren’t you?”

“No.” I was lying. Maddie saw right through it, her smile and laugh confirmed it.

“I said earlier that I don’t miss Trevor, but I do miss tormenting him. Do you remember that?”


“Good. Well, I traded a delicious big black cock to your girlfriend so that I could torment you for a bit. I can find a man whenever I want one, but spending time with someone like you is a little more rare these days. I need you to understand that Summer doesn’t care what I do to or with you. She was more than happy to give you up so that she could have more of what she really wanted.”

A sinking feeling started to settle in. Summer didn’t have very much experience in our lifestyle and didn’t really take to being dominant. When she wanted something from me, she had a way of talking me into things. Maddie was more forceful and direct, which spoke to how comfortable and at ease she was in the lifestyle. This was her nature.

“You’re awfully quiet. I can tell that your mind is racing. Is your blood flowing too?” she asked looking down at my chastity device.

Instinctively, I reached for it.

“Ah, ah ah…no touching. I didn’t give you permission to touch yourself did I?”


“No Ma’am,” she corrected me.

“No Ma’am.”

“You have had some training, haven’t you?”

“I wouldn’t call it that, but I’ve got some experience.” I added “Ma’am” before Maddie needed to remind me to. Whatever was happening here, it was getting to me. Being in chastity, hearing Summer having sex, being on my knees naked in front of a nearly naked woman as beautiful as Maddie while she spoke down to me… it was all having an effect on me and it became hard to hide the fact that I was hard.

“I can see that your little guy is straining. Does it hurt?”

“It’s starting to, Ma’am”


Maddie was staring me down the whole time. I wanted to stare back in defiance, but nature took over and I lowered my head.

“Summer tells me that despite your inadequacies that force her to find real men to fuck, that you’re actually quite talented with your tongue.”

I could suddenly tell where Maddie wanted this to go. No matter what she told me, I couldn’t believe that Summer would be ok with this.

“Maddie, I don’t know what you’re thinking and I don’t want to assume anything but…”

“But nothing.”

Maddie stood up and pulled her panties down, kicking them towards me, landing in the exact spot on the floor that I’d been staring at to avoid her eyes.

“Come here.”

I couldn’t move.

“I said come here!” Maddie was more forceful, but I couldn’t bring myself to move.

“Oh, for the love of God!” Maddie’s frustration was clear. She came over to me, grabbing me by the hair. “Come with me.” I began to stand up, but she pushed me back down. “No. Stay on your knees. Crawl.”

She pulled me out of the room and down the hall to our bedroom, the carpet burned my knees as I struggled to keep up with her. Maddie had me by the hair the whole time the carpet burned my knees. lead me to the doorway of our bedroom and stopped. Looking in I could see Summer riding one of the guys cowgirl style while the other stood above her, his cock in her mouth. Summer was struggling to suck it while the guy below her thrust his cock deep up inside of her. The guy who was getting his dick sucked looked at me with a look of absolute disgust on his face. Maddie bent down beside me and spoke directly into my ear. “Look! Look at your girlfriend! Do you think she gives a fuck about you right now? Do you think your devotion means anything at all to her?”

I had no reaction, and Maddie’s frustration hit a boiling point.

“Winston, I’m sorry but just for a moment could you please show Summer’s boyfriend your cock?” She spoke to him with an entirely different tone that she spoke to me in. Winston turned out to be the guy that Summer was blowing. He placed his hand on Summer’s head and tried to pull her away from his cock, but she fought him. She didn’t want to stop sucking it. He was stronger though and won out in the end. With his cock out of my girlfriend’s mouth, he took a small step to the side so that he could be seen past Summer bobbing up and down on the other guy’s cock. Like all of the other guys that I’ve seen Summer fuck, Winston was huge. He held his cock in his large hands and several inches extended beyond his grip.

“That’s what I traded for you.” Maddie didn’t crouch beside me, she spoke to the whole room as much she spoke to me. “That’s what I gave up. Now, when we go back into the other room…”

“LISTEN TO HER! NOW GO AWAY!” Summer interrupted us by yelling. Winston smiled as he took Summer’s head in his hand, almost palming it like a basketball and worked his cock back into her mouth.

Satisfied, Maddie let go of my hair and walked back to our spare bedroom. Feeling broken, I crawled behind her.

When I reached the spare bedroom, Maddie was seated on the edge of the bed. At first her legs were closed, but as I got closer to her, she spread them giving me a clear view of her pussy for the first time. As conflicted as I felt, I was excited and uncontrollably my mouth began to water. I got down on all fours and made my way over to her. As I got within a foot or so of her, she extended her arm stopping me from getting any closer.

“I want to inspect you first. Up.”

She wanted me to stay on my knees but sit upright as I had been before. Maddie reached down and cupped my balls, instantly reminding me of how swollen my cock was inside of its cage. Her hand was gentle, but she held me with the confidence of a woman who had done this before. Her caress was soft and it was driving me crazy. She said that she wanted to torment me, and was.

“Nice and tight. It’s too bad that you’ve only been in there for a few hours. Hopefully seeing your pretty blond girlfriend taking two giant black cocks has you worked up.” Maddie held my balls in her hand as she used her thumb to rub and fondle them

“Did you like that? Did you like seeing how desperate she was to get Winston’s cock back into her mouth?”

“Yes,” I confessed.

“Yes, ma’am.” Maddie corrected me again before continuing. “I bet you did. She’s quite a little cock sucker isn’t she?”

“She is, ma’am.”

“It’s been a while since you’ve had your little cock in her mouth, hasn’t it?”

“Yes, ma’am. It has.”

“She’s been getting so much big black cock lately she’s had no use for yours, has she?”

“No, she hasn’t ma’am.”

“Do you blame her?”

“No, I don’t ma’am.”

“Good. It’s important for guys like you to know that men like Winston are entitled to blow jobs. Women lust after cocks like his. Guys like you aren’t entitled to anything. You need to earn your rewards. Frankly, if I was Summer I’d never take your little cock in my mouth. I think that I’ll have to have a little talk with her about that.”

Maddie’s experience was really coming through. Despite her diminutive size, she was a true dominant and brought out my submissive nature. She was driving me insane and knew exactly how to do it. She knew every button to press. I assumed that Maddie and Summer had spoken about our relationship because she did know that it had been a while since Summer and I had sex. It was the first sexual attention that I’d gotten in a while and the first sort of this kind since I’d been with Melissa. As much as my cock was aching in its cage, I didn’t want her to stop.

“Shh…listen,” Maddie said stopping her own movement and raising her head up like she was tuning in to some faraway sounds. “Do you hear that?”

The only thing I could hear was Summer getting fucked.

“That steady, methodic slapping, that pounding. One of the guys has Summer on all fours. She’s getting fucked doggy-style, right now. I’d bet my life on it. And we don’t hear anything from her, no moans, no begging for more cock. Her mouth must also be full. What a little slut your girlfriend is. She absolutely loves black cocks, doesn’t she?”

“She does, ma’am.”

“So do I. And I traded one of them to be here, with you. Don’t make me regret that decision.”

Maddie pulled her hand away from my balls and leaned back on the bed, still propping herself up on her elbows. She spread her legs and used her finger to motion me closer. “Lick,” she commanded.

Summer was the only woman who I’d been within years, and as much as it felt wrong to be with Maddie I was caught up in the moment and gave into it - in the back of my mind knowing that Summer didn’t seem to care. In an odd way, I wanted to prove myself to Maddie. I felt like I had to justify myself to her, and I set out to do that. Maybe I was too eager.

“Slow down, we have all night. Nice long licks. Use the flat of your tongue.”

Maddie knew exactly what she wanted and I gave it to her. I worked on Maddie’s pussy as much as I’d ever worked on Melissa’s or Summer’s. I pulled out every trick that I knew and ate her pussy with enthusiasm. Maddie didn’t seem impressed at first but grew to appreciate both my skill and effort. Eventually, she relaxed and gave in. As she did, it felt like I was getting some of the power that I’d surrendered to her. Maddie’s body writhed in the bed responding to the alternating hard and soft touches from my tongue. I knew enough to build the tension by avoiding her clit at first, then progressing to only using glancing licks before taking it between lips and sucking it to drive her to orgasm. Maddie knew what I was doing and fought to prolong the experience, often telling me to slow down, even pulling herself away from me when she thought that I was being too greedy with her pussy.

I must have been between Maddie’s legs for at least a half-hour, making her cum a couple of times. I was so focused that I hadn’t even noticed that Summer came into the room behind me. She made her way to the bed and with her back to me lowed her pussy down on to Maddie’s mouth. It was an incredible sight to see. I continued to lick Maddie and she, in turn, licked Summer. My balls were on fire, but the pain that I was feeling from the chastity was almost euphoric. It hurt like hell, but strangely felt good at the same time and the conflicting sensation encouraged me to keep tonguing Maddie even though it was sore and tired. Maddie’s tongue darted in and out of Summer as she rode Maddie’s face. She ground her pussy against Maddie’s face, face-fucking her as much Maddie was licking her cunt.

Then something happened that caused me to freeze in my tracks. I watched as cum came dripping out of Summer’s pussy, dripping down into Maddie’s mouth. She swallowed it all, licking it all up like she was hungry for it. That’s the first time that it occurred to me that Maddie had been fucked too, and I’d been eating her pussy for the last hour. Maddie noticed that I’d stopped licking her, but could speak as her mouth was full of Summer’s pussy. She positioned her foot between my legs and used it to tap my balls, reminding me of what I was meant to be doing. It felt like one of those moments where I was making a life decision, but only had a split second to make up my mind. I lowered my head back down between Maddie’s legs, working on her until she came for what I thought was the third time. Maddie bucked and twitch, with Summer sat on her face the whole time. When Maddie relaxed, I pulled away from her. My mouth, jaw, and tongue were so sore I couldn’t do any more than I already had.

Summer rode her friend’s face for a few more minutes before she began to cum too. Almost reluctantly, Summer pried herself away post-orgasm and flopped down on the bed exhausted. It was the first time that I saw Summer’s face since she’d joined Maddie and me. She looked like a bit of a mess. She was sweaty and her hair was all over the place like she’d been tossed around and manhandled. Her lipstick was smeared in the way that got when she’d been sucking a dick. And her mascara was running like she’s been crying…or in this case when her eyes ran from choking and gagging on a cock. She looked like a slut who had been thoroughly fucked and used. Maddie had a more serene look on her face. She looked calm and had a smile on her face like she’d just accomplished something.

The moment almost seemed surreal. Summer broke the silence.

“What the fuck just happened?” she blurted out as she laughed, still loud and drunk.

Maddie gave a flash of what seemed like self-consciousness as if she was snapping out of a trance of her own. “I don’t know!” She laughed in response. “Are the guys still here?”

“No, they left about 20 minutes ago. I kicked them out after I got what I needed!” Summer laughed the way only a drunk can.

The three of us laughed awkwardly as we took in everything that happened. I don’t think that any of us could believe the night that we’d just had.

Things eventually calmed down. Maddie picked up her panties from the floor and went into the bedroom to get the rest of her clothes together. Summer motioned for me to join her on the bed.

“Are you ok with what happened tonight?” she was asking a serious question, but slurring her words like a drunk.

“Yeah, I’m ok. Are you ok with everything?”

“Ok good. I’m ok... I got fucked really, really good. I’m more than ok. How did Maddie’s pussy taste?”

“Good, but not as good as yours.”

I thought Summer might react to the flattery, but she moved right along in her questioning.

“And how did Winston’s cum taste? You know he fucked her, right?”

I suddenly felt embarrassed and ashamed. I couldn’t answer her because I didn’t want to think about it.

As drunk as Summer was, she understood my reaction.

“Listen, as you were in her for a long time. You must have gone down on her for a half an hour, if not more. If it bothered you, you wouldn’t have done it.”

I felt compelled to answer her. “It’s not that I didn’t bother me, it’s that I was caught up in everything that was happening and didn’t even think about it.”

“See, you didn’t think about it and you didn’t even notice it.”

She had a point.

“So no more getting all weird about licking fingers, ok? You’re over that now. We can have so much more fun now! We can have more nights like this, and you can be more involved in things from now on, ok?”

Part of me really wanted that, but most of me was afraid of that and was expecting that she’d forget all about this in the morning. I certainly wasn’t going to remind her. I nodded my head, hoping that would be enough of an answer for tonight. It seemed to be. The night caught up with Summer pretty fast and she began to fall asleep in my arms. I was in the most uncomfortable position but didn’t want to move too much and risk waking up Summer. I did what I could to twist us both into a position where we could sleep for the night.

A few minutes later, Maddie re-appeared, fully dressed standing in the doorway.

“Don’t move. I’ll see myself out.”

She turned to leave, but then stopped and looked back at me.



“The trade was worth it.” She said with a smile. It was the closest thing that I ever got to a compliment from her, but she left before seeing the look of satisfaction on my face.

I laid in bed with Summer sleeping in my arms for at least an hour thinking about what had happened that night before falling asleep myself. I didn’t know how things were going to be in the morning, but in the moment, it really seemed like things had changed. I just wasn’t sure how much. Most of all I was worried that when Summer was sober she’d be upset with me for being with Maddie. I was genuinely scared that Summer would wake up with regrets and want to break things off with me because I’d cheated on her… it’s an ironic fear for a cuckold to have, but it was how I felt in the moment. As it turned out, I had nothing to worry about.


Written by GreyMatter
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