Realizing that I was on board, Summer’s face lit up. She jumped at me, wrapping her arms around me giving me a big hug.
Ashley sat down on the couch across from us.
“You’re sure about this?”
Summer looked at me tentatively.
“Yeah, we’re sure.”
“Wait!” Summer spoke up. “What about Maddie? You’re sure that she won’t be mad at me?”
“As I said, there’s no possession or jealousy. We all understand that we’re free to do what we want.”
With her mind at ease, or at least the pretense of guilt removed, Summer looked back at me with her eyes glowing with excitement.
“We’re doing this?”
“We’re doing this,” I confirmed.
“Okay, so… what do we do exactly? How does this work?”
Even though I’d done similar things, my situation with Melissa was much different than this. I was in a relationship with her while being young, naïve and insecure, not to mention still a virgin. All of those things made it really easy for Melissa to manipulate me. Plus I was already used to her being with other guys because I’d been around her when she was with other men. None of that applied here, so in a way, it was new territory for me too.
Ashley took over.
“This is a different type of situation. Normally, I’m taking care of wives and the relationship that they have with their husbands gives the situation the tension that it needs. We can make this work though.”
I was only slightly less confused as Summer was. Ashley just kept moving along.
“You want to fuck Summer don’t you, Grey?”
“Yes.” I don’t know why, but it felt embarrassing to admit.
“I do too. But only one of us is going to fuck her. Who do you think that’s going to be?”
“You,” I said sheepishly.
“I think we should let Summer decide, don’t you?”
“Who will it be Summer?” He asked her, already knowing the answer.
“You, Ashley. Definitely you.”
“Definitely, eh?”
“You hear that, cucky? Definitely me.”
Summer was taking all of this in. I could see her squirming in her seat, she was clearly getting turned on. Ashley reached his hand out towards Summer. “Why don’t you come and sit over here?”
Without hesitation, Summer got up, moved over to the couch and sat down beside Ashley. He immediately pulled her close, tucking her under his arm. One of her hands instinctively fell to his lap, close to his crotch. Ashley kissed Summer, without losing eye contact with me.
“Take off your clothes.” He was speaking to me.
Mentally, I’d already committed to what was about to happen, but actually doing it was giving me pause and I struggled to bring myself to do it.
“Now, cucky.”
Ashley had an arrogant grin on his face. He’d done this before and knew that I would give in. Summer didn’t look so sure and the tension was getting to her. She breathed out a sigh of relief when I reached for my shirt and took it off.
“Pants, too.”
I took a minute to remove my pants and socks. I stood before them in my boxer shorts feeling like a fool. By this time, Summer was kissing Ashley as she rubbed his cock through his pants. I couldn’t help but notice how big it was. Neither could Summer.
“Look, Summer. Look at Grey’s little dicky getting all stiff and trying to poke out through his underwear. Let’s see it, loser, get rid of the boxers.”
When I pulled down my underwear and my dick sprang out, Ashley laughed. Summer was still rubbing Ashley’s cock through his pants. He put his hand firmly on top of her hand to make sure that she got a good feel of his cock.
“You think you made the right choice tonight?”
Summer was so mesmerized that she couldn’t even answer him. She just stared into his eyes and nodded ‘yes’.
“Ok, so here are the ground rules. I don’t want to see you jerking your little dick. Keep your hands off. Don’t hover around the bed, either stand far away or kneel beside. Unless it’s in her mouth, pussy or ass don’t look at my dick. You don’t touch me, not ever. If you touch her, don’t get in my way. If you’re not sure if you’re in my way or not, you are, so get your ass out of my way. Don’t ask to suck my dick. The answer is no and always will be no so don’t even ask. You break my rules and I beat your ass. Understand?”
“I understand.”
Ashley turned his head towards Summer, “Sound good to you?”
Still looking at her, he asked “And what about you? How do you want it? Nice and slow or…”
Summer didn’t even let him finish. “Hard, I want it really hard. I need a good fucking.”
“Ok then, how about we head to the bedroom then?”
Summer stood up, at first she tried to lead him to the bedroom by the hand but bent down and picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder like a caveman claiming his prize. I gave them some space but followed in behind him.
When they got inside the bedroom, Ashley playfully threw Summer down on her bed. She didn’t look at me at all, all of her attention was on Ashley. She stared up at him as he stood above her.
Ashley spoke to me without looking at me. “I saw some wine on the counter in the kitchen. Grab that and a couple of glasses.”
I felt ridiculous walking around Summer’s house completely naked, but I made my way to the kitchen and saw the wine that Ashley had mentioned. A quick look through her cupboards and I found some wine glasses and an ice bucket too.
After filling the bucket with ice and gathering wine and glasses I made my way back into the bedroom. I’d only been gone a few minutes but things had moved pretty quickly while I was away. Ashley had crawled into bed with Summer. She’d taken off the dress that she’d been wearing and was now laying next to Ashley in only garters and stockings. Her bra was on her bedside table. Unfortunately, Ashley was holding her so closely that I couldn’t see her breasts that I so desperately wanted to see.
For his part, Ashley was stripped down his briefs, the rest of his clothing was scattered on the floor around the bed. The two of them laid side by side holding and lightly kissing each other, one of Summer’s hands roamed Ashley’s body exploring his abs and chest. Ashley’s hands firmly held Summer’s ass and he kneaded it as the two lovers playfully whispered in each other’s ears.
I placed the serving tray down on Summer’s dressing table and poured each of them a glass of wine. I approached the bed and Summer eagerly reached for it. Ashley reached for his glass without looking at me, and in one motion took it from me and placed the glass down on Summer’s side table without taking a sip. He was far more interested in Summer than he was the wine. I couldn’t blame him. Summer managed to get a sip in, but with Ashley being more aggressive with her there was a risk of the wine spilling and she too moved the glass to her side table.
While still focused on Summer, Ashley managed to give me some more instructions.
“Pick up my clothes and fold them for me.”
I did as he told me to, gathering up his shirt, pants, and socks carefully folding them and placing them on Summer’s dresser.
As much as I hated to see it, there was a chemistry between the two of them. The way they moved together, their bodies undulated in a hypnotic pattern. They seemed more like old friends than strangers who'd just met less than an hour ago. Whatever I thought about the situation, there was no going back now.
One of Ashley’s hands held the back of Summer’s head while the other continued to kneaded her ass. I got the impression he was an ass man given the amount of attention he gave hers. Summer stretched her arms to reach around the width and breadth of Ashley’s body running her hands up and down the length of his back. It didn’t take long for her to work a hand down to Ashley’s cock.
Even though Ashley wasn’t looking at me at all, I was terrified of angering him and averted my eyes looking down at the floor. It was then that realized that I was still standing and Ashley might consider this hovering. I got down on my knees and repositioned myself at the foot of Summer’s bed, my head bowed looking at the floor.
I was doing my best not to look, but judging from the grunts, moans and other sounds coming from the bed I could tell that things were escalating quickly. Further proof of that was first seeing Ashley’s underwear land on the floor next to me, followed moments later Summer’s panties hitting me square in the chest before falling to the floor in front of me.
I guessed and later confirmed that she threw them at me on purpose. Seeing them on the ground in front of me was torture. With so many old feelings resurfacing, I desperately wanted to touch and smell them, but I wasn’t sure how either Summer or Ashley would react and I felt humiliated enough as it was.
Lost in my thoughts for a moment, Summer snapped me back to the present. “Oh my God!! Oh my God! Wait! Wait!”
I raised my head for a split second to see what was up with Summer. She was sitting up in bed with a 'eureka' look on her face. Neither Ashley or I had any idea what was causing her reaction.
“Grey, get that cage thing and put it on! It will be so hot!”
"Summer, no... it's Maddie's for Trevor, I can't..."
"We can replace it. Now go put it on!"
"I don't..."
Ashley ended the discussion before it went any further. "Don't fuck this up," he warned me as he pulled Summer back down and immediately went back to kissing an groping her.
I went to the living room and grabbed the bag containing the chastity device. I was full of dread, knowing the pain and frustration that chastity would bring. I can't recall how long I stared at that bag doubting everything that had happened that night. For all my insistence that I wasn't a cuckold anymore, there I was about to put on a chastity device while I could hear the sounds of another man pleasing the woman I loved coming from the next room. I could have left. I should have left, but I didn't. I put the chastity device on a dutifully returned to the bedroom utterly humiliated.
Sensing that I'd returned, Summer called me over to the bed. "Come, I want to see it."
She looked dumbfounded as if she couldn't believe that I'd actually put it on.
"Aww, he's all locked up," she said in a cutesy and mocking tone. She reached out and held me by my balls, raising them up to get a better view. Her other hand continued to stroke Ashley's cock. She was eying both of us up, mentally comparing us while reassuring herself that she'd made the right choice - as if there was ever any doubt. She flicked the plastic tube with her finger, shooing me away as she rolled back to face Ashley and continued where they left off.
I stood there for a moment but again remembering Ashley's warning lowered myself and made my way to the foot of the bed where I took a seat on the floor. I kept my head bowed, which forced me to take in the once and now again familiar sight of my cock locked in chastity. A combination of memories and what was happening right in front of me caused my cock to get hard, or at least try to as I was reacquainted with painful frustration of chastity.
As bad as it was, I couldn't help but notice that the new device was much better than my older one. I couldn't call this new cage comfortable, but over the years it was more obvious that whoever made these things had put more care into their design that allowed them to fit in a more natural way.
I heard Summer call out from the bed. “Look Grey!”
I slowly raised my eyes up from the floor and became just slightly above eye level from the two naked and entwined bodies before me. Ashley’s feet dangled off the edge of the bed but other than his legs most of the rest of his body was covered by Summer who was now on top of him in the ‘sixty-nine’ position. She held his enormous cock in her hands with a look of lust in her eyes.
She laughed slightly when we made eye contact. I must have reacted with a degree of shock when I saw both of her hands wrapped around Ashley’s cock with still a few inches extending beyond her grip. She shook it, slapping herself in the face with his cock.
“What do you think, Grey, should I suck it?”
I nodded yes.
“Come on, babe, you can do better than that. Do you want me to suck Ashley’s big black cock?” Summer seemed to be having fun with the predicament that I was in, but when I caught a glimpse of Ashley’s face he was deadly serious and in no mood to play games.
“Yes, Summer. I want you to suck it.”
She smiled, probably equally happy with my obedience and the fact that she was going to get Ashley’s cock in her mouth. She began licking up and down his shaft before stretching her mouth open and taking the thickness of his cock in her mouth. It was a struggle for her, but she was clearly up for the challenge. With both of her hands around its length, there was still enough left over to fill Summer’s mouth.
I couldn’t see what Ashley was doing, but judging from how Summer’s eyes periodically rolled back in her head, I guessed he was licking her pussy. I watched with indescribable jealousy as Summer sucked Ashley’s cock. When she texted me, I hoped that she’d be sucking my dick tonight. When she answered the door looking like an angel I hoped that I’d be fucking her tonight. Ashley was getting everything that I wanted.
Ashley tapped Summer’s side, getting her attention she pulled her mouth off of his cock and twisted her head around to face him. “Enough. I want some pussy now.”
Summer looked both excited to fuck him and disappointed that she wouldn’t be able to suck him off anymore. She sat up and turned around to face Ashley, her back now turned to me as she spread her legs to either side of his body. She tried to lift herself high enough up to get on his cock but was having a problem keeping her balance.
“Come here, Grey,” Summer commanded.
I crawled over to the side of the bed. Summer reached out and put her hand on my shoulder, bracing herself so that was able to lift herself into position with her pussy above Ashley’s cock. She worked the head in slowly, gasping to adjust to his size. She moved up and down in small motions, taking just a bit each time. It was like she was impaling herself on dick, and loving every minute of it - her hand on my shoulder the whole time.
“That’s it, girl, you can take it. I know you can.” Ashley was offering encouragement. Summer began to bounce up and down on his cock. Each time she lowered herself on him she took a little more of its length. Ashley was shaking his head, nodding in approval. “That’s it, girl. Nice and easy.”
I reached up and held Summer by her waist and with that, she removed her hand from my shoulder and instead braced herself by holding his powerful forearms. “Holy fuck, Ash, this is the biggest cock that I’ve ever had.” Realizing that she was momentarily distracted, Ashley took the opportunity to quickly shove his cock upwards into her while simultaneous pulling her down by her hips. The sudden trust caused Summer to yell out in pain, leaving almost the entirety of Ashley’s cock buried deep inside of her. That burst of pain gave way to a wave of pleasure.

“Oh fuck, Ash, that feels soooo good.”
“I told you, girl. I told you that you could take it.”
He briefly turned his head towards me. "Get the fuck out of here."
I slinked away from the bed, backing up until I felt the wall behind me.
Summer began moving up and down on his cock, slowly at first but as her pussy adjusted to being stretched out her natural wetness made each pump a little easier. It wasn’t long before she was moving up and down the full length of his cock and moving at a pace that I wouldn’t have thought was possible just a few moments earlier. Now able to get herself low enough on his cock, she leaned forward and placed her hands on her chest. He returned the favour, reaching up fondling her tits and they hung not far from his face.
With the two of them actually fucking now, the blood really started flowing to my cock. No matter how well these new chastity devices were designed, nothing could ease the pain of needing to get hard but not being able to. The restriction was intense and instantly reminded me exactly why I hated chastity so much.
“Get behind us, babe. I want you to watch his cock fuck me.”
This wasn't going to make my situation any better, but I felt like I had to follow her instructions. I repositioned myself to get the view that Summer wanted me to have, and what a view it was. Summer’s tight round ass bounced as her pussy slid up and down Ashley’s massive cock, stretching her in ways that I didn’t think were possible. I’d seen Melissa take some big dicks, but this was the biggest that I'd ever seen. My own cock was throbbing now, matching my pain with Summer's pleasure.
The two of them were building up the pace and fucking hard now. Summer was getting what she said that she wanted. At one point, she twisted her upper body around to see how I was doing and the look of bliss on her face was undeniable. Summer was loving every second of this. She turned back to refocus her attention on Ashley who was getting more forceful with his thrusts, fucking her hard even though he was beneath her.
He sat up, allowing her to keep grinding herself on his cock and then stood up, lifting Summer with him before lowering her down on to the bed in the completely opposite position that they’d been in. Not only was Ashley now on top of Summer, but their heads were now close to mine with Summer's hanging off the edge of the bed. Instinctively I placed my hands under her head to offer support. I held her head as she was getting fucked, but Ashley’s cock had her in such a trance that I don't think that she even noticed me at all.
Unfortunately, Ashley did. While still fucking Summer, he braced himself over her with only one arm and he reached out with his other arm sending me flying. I guess I’d gotten too close for his liking. As I was knocked to the floor, Summer’s head flopped over the edge of the bed allowing her to look back and see me laying there fully emasculated. She looked a little concerned for a second but quickly turned her attention back to Ashley.
I laid there on the ground, too afraid to move and watched Ashley fuck Summer for a good fifteen minutes. I’m sure that she came at least twice, but with the way that she was panting and moaning it could have easily have been more.
I think tiring slightly, Ashley lifted Summer up and placed her on the floor in a kneeling position beside the bed. He sat on the edge and instructed her to suck his cock while he caught his breath. Once his cock was in her mouth he looked over at me.
“Sit your ass over here,” he said while pointing to a spot on the floor beside Summer. I was scared of where this was going but terrified of disobeying him.
“Get a good look at your girl with my cock in her mouth. I don’t want you to ever look at her mouth without picturing my black dick in it.”
It would be hard not to. Summer held his cock with just one hand, placing her other on Ashley’s leg steadying herself as he put a hand on the back of her head, forcing his cock down her throat. She was gagging and choking on it, soon her eyes watered up and mascara began to bleed down her checks. He’d allow her a brief moment to steady herself but when she got too comfortable he shoved his dick down the back of her throat. It was like she was drowning on cock.
Still holding the back of her head, he pulled her off his dick.
“Tell him what you think of his dick.”
“Ashley, don’t.” She was still panting and gasping for air.
“Tell him!” he said more firmly.
She turned to me. “It’s small. I’m sorry Grey, it’s small.”
My heart sunk as all of my insecurities came rushing back. Ashley wasn’t interested in giving me time to emotionally reflect.
“Kiss him."
Summer turned to face me, I think in part relieved to give her mouth a rest from the fucking that Ashley was giving it. She looked like a mess. Her hair was all over the place, mascara on her cheeks, eyes still watering, lipstick smeared, while drool and what I could only imagine was Ashley’s pre-cum running down her chin.
I wanted no part in kissing her, but Summer didn’t allow it to be my decision. She leaned into me pushing her tongue into my mouth kissing me roughly but deeply.
“That’s it, cuck. Taste my cock on your girl's mouth."
Once satisfied that I’d gotten enough, Ashley pulled Summer away from me. The two of them got back into bed. Ashley positioned Summer on her hands and knees and got behind her, her head just inches away from mine.
I couldn’t tell from where I was, but Ashley was teasing her – running his cock up and down the opening of her pussy, poking the head in but pulling out.
“Pleeeaaase,” she begged.
“You want more of cock?”
“Yeeessss… pleeeasssse fuck me!”
“What do you say, cuck? Does this little slut deserve more of my black cock?”
Summer looked at me with desperation in her eyes.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, she deserves more of your black cock.”
Ashley laughed. I could see Summer’s eyes roll into the back of her head as Ashley pushed his cock back inside of her.
“Yes! Yes! Oh fuck, yes!”
She was literally screaming. It didn’t matter how thick her walls were, everyone on the floor of her condo had to know that Summer was getting fucked.
Ashley was having his way with her now. When Summer was riding him earlier she was controlling the pace. When he got on top of her there seemed to be a back and forth to their movements. Now Ashley was in full control, Summer had none.
He was fucking her and she just surrendered herself to the pounding that he was giving her. Ashley had her by her waist and was pulling her toward him as he was ramming his cock into her, her head bounced with each thrust. She screamed, moaned, wailed and begged for more. It seemed like she was having one continuous orgasm the whole time.
In a sudden and quick move, Ashley lifted Summer up, spun her around and dropped her on the bed. He plunged his cock into her for a few more pumps and then pulled out shooting his load all over Summer’s stomach and chest. She was covered in his cum. He looked proud of himself, and I supposed he had the right to be. Summer pulled Ashley close to her reaching for his cock, not only getting every last bit of his cum but also licking and sucking his cock clean.
Summer looked slightly dazed, and as her senses returned to her she began to process everything that just happened. She looked down at the cum splattered all over her.
"Holy shit!" she cried out. "I've never seen so much cum before!"
Ashley smiled, again proud of his performance. "Your pussy was nice and tight, it's been a while since you've had a dick like that, eh?"
"More like never." She was still looking at the mess that Ashley had left on her. "Babe, give me a hand." Summer reached out to me, wanting me to help her get up - she was afraid to touch anything.
"I need to jump in the shower, Ash. Make yourself at home while I clean up."
I walked with Summer to her washroom, almost afraid to be alone with her but more terrified of being left with Ashley. I wasn't sure how much what just happened changed things between us but I knew that they wouldn't be the same.
“You ok?” There was an unmistakeable nervousness in her voice.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” subconsciously rubbing where Ashley’s had hit me.
“Grey… I’m sorry. I didn’t know that he’d be mean to you.”
“It’s okay.”
Summer seemed surprised that I wasn’t upset. “You’re really ok?”
"I'm fine."
"Help me get cleaned up, ok?"
I began by running the shower for Summer and helped her peel off her lingerie before Ashley's cum ran down her body any further.
"Hop in."
Summer and I got into the shower together, she handed me the shower hose and stood with her arms up in the air expecting me to spray her down. A more normal guy would either refuse or be ashamed to clean another man's cum off his girl, but it made me feel close to her. It was a completely different kind of intimacy, but it was undeniably intimate and I think part of the experience that Summer wanted.
With the job done we got out of the shower and began to towel ourselves off. With her ownself straightened out, she took more of an interest in me.
"Is your cock sore?"
I nodded 'yes'.
She reached down and began to rub my balls. Over the past half hour or so I'd managed to calm myself down and lose my erection, but the second Summer touched me it came right back.
“Did you like watching me get fucked by that big black cock?”
“You liked watching him shove his huge cock into my tight little pussy?”
She asked each of her questions as she continued to rub my balls, looking down as my cock struggled to grow in the cage.
"It felt so good to get fucked like that, Grey."
Summer backed up still holding me by my balls pulling me with her as she stepped back towards her counter, lifting herself up and sitting down on the edged. I stood between her spread legs as she continued to message me.
"Summer, I need to get out of this thing."
"I don't have the keys."
Shit. I'd left them on the table in the living room. I began to step away to get them, but Summer stopped me.
"Not yet," she said with a smile. Summer spread her legs further apart, took her hand away from my balls and pushed down on my shoulder. She wanted me to go down on her.
Even though we'd just gotten out of the shower, I didn't want to eat her pussy right after she just got fucked. I wasn't being given much of a choice. "Lick," she said as she tapped the area right above her clit.
I got down on my knees in front of Summer, coming face to face with her he freshly fucked pussy. Ashley had really stretched her out and she hadn't recovered yet. Summer was sensing my reluctance. "C'mon now, lick." She lifted her feet up to the counter, now squatting on it with her legs wide apart, her pussy fully exposed and waited for my tongue.
I did my best to block of mental pictures of Ashley's giant cock stuffing her as I licked Summer's pussy until she came. Thankfully, it didn't take long. My cock was aching in a way that it hadn't ached in years and I was desperate to be let out of the cage.
"That was so fucking hot, babe. That's exactly what I needed to make this night complete."
"Summer, I need to get this thing off now!"
She laughed and waved me off with her hand, dismissing me. "Go!"
I practically ran to the living room to get the keys. I had myself free in record time. It felt great to be out. With my cock fully erect, I was ready to jerk off right there in the living room. That's when it occurred to me that Ashley wasn't around. He was nowhere to be seen. I didn't care, I needed immediate relief and wasn't going to worry about him then.
I began stroking myself as I sat there in the open living room. Summer stepped out of the washroom, still naked and smiling or maybe even laughing at me. She walked towards me as I pounded away on my own cock. My eyes were fixed on her pussy as I everything that had happened that night came rushing through my head. I didn't last long at all and shot a jet of cum up into the air, it landed on my leg.
Summer looked disappointed. "Aww, babe - I was going to give you a blow job."
She came over and sat down beside me. Using her fingers, she scooped up my cum and took it in her mouth.
"Two loads from two different guys on the same night. Not the first time," she said smiling.
Having just referenced Ashely, it was then that Summer realized that he wasn't around.
"Ash?" she called out. No answer.
Summer got up to check the bedroom. He wasn't there either, but he'd left a note for Summer. She came walking out of the bedroom reading the note, smiling ear to ear - elated with whatever it said.
"What does it say?"
"None of your business," she said playfully. "But he left me his number." I hated the way that she glowed when she said that, pulling the note close to her chest and holding it over her heart like a schoolgirl would.
The two of us got dressed and didn't really say much to each other for the next hour or so. A bit of an awkward feeling crept between us as the adrenaline and euphoria dissipated and the reality of what just happened began to settle in. I could tell that we both wanted to say something to each other, but neither one of us wanted to go first afraid of what the other might say. I broke the silence.
"Earlier... when I said that I thought that I loved you. I meant that. But I know that you want to be on your own and aren't ready for something new and I understand..."
She looked happy to interrupt me. "I'm not ready for something, but I could be ready for something like this."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, I don't want to get tied down in a relationship. I want some freedom, but... this type of arrangement, that might be something that I could really go for. Tonight was amazing!"
I wanted to make sure that I understood what she was saying. "So... you want to be with me, as long as you can have nights like tonight?"
"Best of both worlds, right? I don't see why we can't be together as long as you accept that you won't be the only one. I don't want a relationship, but a cuckold relationship could be fun!"
“Are you saying what I think you are?”
“Duh! Yes! This is all new to me, but it’s exciting. Ever since you first told me about cuckolding, the things that you told me, some of the ideas that you've planted in my head - I haven't been able to stop thinking about them in weeks. And now, after tonight... this is something that I want to explore some more and I don't think that I'll ever meet anyone else like you so it's now or never, right?"
For years, I'd been trying to put my time as a cuckold behind me. I'd convinced myself that Melissa tricked or manipulated me and all of that was a thing of the past. I'd tried being in a few normal relationships since then and none of them ever felt right. This felt right. And as uneasy as I was, Summer's excitement was infectious. Her whole attitude towards everything made it so much easier to accept and it drew me back in. There was one thing though.
"Can we do away with the chastity? I really don't want to do that anymore."
"I dunno, it's really hot. We'll see!" she gave me a playful slap as she laughed off my request. I guess that was good enough for now.
”So, where do we go from here?”