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I’d left Summer’s place full of hope, thinking that I’d formed some kind of special bond with her, but within a matter of days I thought that I’d blown it with her.  After spending what had been the best day of my life with Summer, I was a little too eager to see her again.  Could you blame me?

After our time at her parent’s place, we made rough plans to go out sometime.   I called her later that same night, but she didn’t answer.  I called her again the next day and when she didn’t answer the first time I waited an hour and called her again… and then again later.  Convincing myself that she must have been busy over the weekend, I called her Monday night – again no answer.  When I called on Tuesday her phone rang once and then it immediately hung up, so I called right back – no answer.  Now I was convinced that maybe she was having a problem with her phone.  This went on for a week before I finally accepted the fact that she either had no intention of ever going out with me in the first place or if she did I scared her off by being calling her like an obsessive freak.  I knew that she’d either broken up with her boyfriend or maybe even gotten back together with him.  Either way, I should have given her some time and space.

I was furious with myself for messing this up because I really felt like there was something between Summer and I.  I didn’t really know what it was, but I felt an instant connection with her that I hadn’t had that with anyone since my time with Melissa.  It was a rough couple of weeks with a lot of drinking and self-loathing, but I resigned myself to trying to get over her and move on. 

And of course, just when I’d finally started to think that I might have been over her, Summer pulled me back in.  It had been a little over three weeks since we’d last seen each other, when out of the blue I got a text message from her on a Saturday night.  Shortly after dinner time, my phone beeped letting me know that I had a text waiting for me.

“You free tonight?” 

“Summer!  I’m so glad to hear from you!  Is everything ok?  I’ve been trying to get a hold of you.”

“Everything is fine.  You free tonight?”

“Yeah – what’s up?                                                                                                                         ”

“Swing by my place around 9, ok?”

“Sure!  What’s going on?                                                                                                               ”

“I want to talk about some of the things that you told me about your ex.”

“All of that was years ago.  None of it matters anymore.”

“I know, but I want to help a friend and you can help me.”

I hesitated not sure what to text back to her.  As I thought about it another text came through from her.

“I’d be really grateful.”

That’s all I needed to hear.

“I’ll be there at 9.”

I was definitely nervous and wondered how I could help her help her friend.  Obviously, it had something to do with what I’d told her about Melissa, but I wasn’t exactly sure what.  Whatever her reasons were, I was just happy that she got in touch with me and that I’d get to see her again.  9 pm was only a few hours away, which barely gave me enough time to get ready and get downtown. 

With all of my rushing, I got to Summer’s place early but didn’t want to seem too eager.  I sat in my car until ten minutes to 9 and then made my way up to her apartment, arriving at her door at 9 pm sharp.

I knocked and waited for her to answer, growing more and more excited by the second.  When Summer finally opened the door, she took my breath away.  Summer had gone all out and was looking her best.  Everything was perfect.  She looked like she’d been put together by a group of professionals for a photoshoot.  Her hair, makeup and evening dress were all stunning.  She realized that her appearance had left me speechless.

“Come on in,” she said with a smile.

It took me a moment to gather myself.

“You look incredible!”

“Thanks.  It’s good to see you again too.”

While we stood in her entryway Summer leaned into me and whispered, “Don’t kill me!” as she grabbed my hand and pulled me into her living room.  When we got there, there was a couple seated on her couch waiting for us.  I wasn’t expecting this at all.

“Guys, this is Grey.  Grey, this is Maddie and her husband Trevor.”

Maddie was an attractive woman in an odd way.  Both she and Trevor were older than Summer and I by at least seven or eight years.   Maddie had a slender body that was well toned, she was remarkably fit for her age.  Maddie had short jet black hair that was cut into a stylish bob.  She also had the whitest skin that I’d ever seen; her hair and choice of clothing – all black – only further accentuated how pale she was.  At first glance, there was nothing particularly gripping about Maddie’s appearance but after a moment or two, it became more obvious that she had striking features and natural beauty.  She looked like what you might imagine a model would look like on her day off, casual and makeup-less.  It dawned on me that she looked like a much younger version of Isabella Rossellini.

All of that said, the most noticeable thing about Maddie wasn’t a physical feature at all – it was the aura of sophistication that she had about her.  Maddie had an elegance that shined, it came through in everything that she did.  The way that she moved, gestured and even smiled all had an unmistakable grace.  I later found out that she was a ballerina.  That made perfect sense.

Trevor was practically her opposite.  Where Maddie exuded confidence, Trevor had a frightened look about him.  He seemed like a relatively normal guy, a little short but I think most women would think that he was handsome – in pictures anyway.  In real life, he was timid almost to the point of being pathetic.

I wasn’t really sure what was going on, but the look of apprehension on Summer’s face had me worried.  Trevor got up to shake my hand, Maddie remained seated but nodded hello to me.

Summer was brimming with awkward energy and began to speak slowly.  “So…. umm… remember the things that you told me about being a cuckold?  Well, I kinda told Maddie about it.  Like all about it actually.”

My heart sank.  I was mortified.  I shared those things with Summer in a moment of weakness without thinking.  She’d been the only person who I’d ever spoken to about it and after I blurted it out I was terrified that she might tell other people.  She’d convinced me that she wouldn’t and I trusted her.  So much for that.

I’m sure that the look on my face gave away everything that I was thinking. Summer clutched my arm.

“It’s ok Grey.  They won’t say anything.  They need your help and they’re trusting you to keep things on the down-low as well.”

I was still in a state of shock and stood there frozen.  Summer pulled me down and sat beside me in her love seat facing Maddie and Trevor.

“Maddie has decided to take on a lover.  She was hoping that maybe you could help Trevor… adjust?  Is that the right word?”

“Yes love, that’s the perfect word.” Hearing Maddie’s voice for the first time I noticed an unfamiliar accent.  It turns out that she was Hungarian.

Trevor was looking down, clearly nervous and embarrassed.  I knew exactly how he felt.

“My husband… he ah, he doesn’t interest me in the bedroom anymore, ya?” she looked at me for confirmation to make sure that I knew what she meant.  Of course, I did.  “It’s time for something new now.”

I was still struggling to come to terms with everything that was happening.  I think sensing my discomfort, Summer jumped in.

“Maddie had some questions for you, maybe we can start there?”

It was an automatic response, but I nodded yes.

Maddie seemed content to continue.

“What do you know about chastity?”

Although I’d told Summer just about everything that happened between Melissa and I the one thing that I left out was the fact that she kept me in chastity.

“Um…. nothing really, I never…”

“Come now.  Your mouth says no but your eyes say yes.  Tell me.  How long is it safe to keep him locked up?”

“I don’t ah… I don’t know… a week.  Maybe a week?”

I was looking at Maddie when I spoke, but I couldn't help but notice a shocked expression come over Trevor's face when I said, "a week."  He turned a pale white and bowed his head.  Maddie didn't seem to pay any mind to his reaction and continued on.

“So, you’ve never been locked for more than a week?”

“I told you we didn’t really do that.”

She could tell that I was lying.  Luckily, for me anyway, we were interrupted. Trevor began to freak out.  He got up, obviously in a panic.  His eyes were darting back and forth.  He was breaking out in a sweat and had a frantic look in his eyes.  I hadn’t ever seen anyone have an anxiety attack before, but Trevor was having a bit of a meltdown.

“I can’t do this!  I can’t!”  He turned to Maddie, “I’m sorry Mistress, I’m sorry.  I can’t”

He took off towards the door, fumbled to put his shoes on all the while hyperventilating.  Maddie didn’t move, she remained on the couch watching her husband scramble to get out of there.

“I have the keys darling, you can’t go without me.”

I don’t think Trevor heard her.  If he did, he wasn’t in any shape to process what she was saying.  Trevor was too busy fighting to open the door.  When he eventually got it open, he took off into the hallway and ran towards the elevators.

“Well.  This was a waste of time.  I’m sorry Summer, and sorry to you too Grey.  I feel like my husband could learn from you.”

Summer offered some assurance and concern.  “Don’t worry, it’s ok… maybe you should check on Trev?”

“He’ll be ok.  I’ll find him at the car.  He gets like that sometimes.  But yes, I should go to him now.”  

With that, Maddie got up and slowly made her way to the front of Summer’s condo.  She made it obvious that she wasn't in any sort of a rush, she took her time to gather herself, very casually chatted with Summer as she put on her coat and boots.  It was at least 10 minutes before she finally left.

“It was nice meeting you Grey.  We’ll continue another time, ok?”

“Nice meeting you too.”  I wasn’t so sure about ever continuing this night ever again.

The two women hugged, said a few words to each other that I couldn’t quite hear, and Maddie went off in search of her husband.

When the door closed, Summer turned to me with an uneasy look on her face.

“Do you hate me?” she asked nervously.

“No.  But I really wish that you didn’t spring this on me.  We should have talked about it first.”

“I know, I’m sorry.”  Summer walked towards me with her arms extended, expecting a hug and forgiveness.  I gave in.  It was nice to have her back in my arms again.

“What happened these last few weeks?  You disappeared on me.”

“I know, I’m sorry.  Let’s go sit down, I’ll explain.”

Over the next half-hour or so, Summer told me that she didn’t really plan on ever talking to me again after the last time that we saw each other.  That was heartbreaking to hear.  She confessed that like me, she’d felt a level of comfort and connection between us but she needed time to get over her ex-boyfriend, and she wanted to be on her own for a while before getting involved with someone else.    Having said that, she told me that she couldn’t get me out of her head and every time that I called she had to fight with herself to not answer.

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“I like you Grey, and because I like you I can’t be with you.  Not now.  I’ve gone from one relationship to the next and I just need some me-time.  When Maddie told me about her situation, I immediately thought about you.  I thought that I could use this as an excuse to see you again - as friends, ya know?”

She was looking at me to gauge my reaction, hoping that I could accept what she was saying.

“Well… it’s not exactly what I wanted to hear, but I do understand.”  Being honest with myself, I didn’t really understand at all but I knew that if I put her at ease she’d be more comfortable having me around and maybe I could turn things around.  When we’d first met she asked me to spend the night ‘as friends’ and I later found out that meant she was expecting me to try to fuck her.  I was holding on to that same hope with her more recent invitation to hang out "as friends".

“So, I have to ask…. did Melissa make you wear a chastity thing?  I know that you said that you didn’t, but it kinda seemed like you did.”

She knew everything else, there wasn’t much point in denying it any longer.

“Yeah.”  It was all I could muster.

“That is so fucking hot!”

Summer didn’t seem to notice or maybe care, how uncomfortable I was.

“So like, she had the key and you couldn’t jerk off or anything without her permission?”

“Basically, yeah.  I know that I keep saying this but all of this stuff was years ago, it’s history.  I don’t really like talking about it, to be honest.”

Summer leaned over and pulled a gift bag up off the floor that I hadn’t noticed earlier.  She placed it on the table.

“Guess what’s inside!”

Of course, I knew.

“Maddie bought it for Trevor!  She was going to give it to him tonight!”

I just nodded uncomfortably.

Summer was excited.  She reached into the bag and pulled the chastity device out, sitting it on the table in front of me.

“Was yours like that?”

I stared at it as a million memories came flooding back.  I wasn’t about to panic as Trevor had, but boy was I ever close.

I didn’t answer her question out loud, but I couldn’t help but take a look at it.  I hadn’t seen a chastity device in years, and clearly, some advancements had been made in their design since.  The one that I wore was a bit basic.  It did the job – did it ever – but compared to this one mine was crude.  The one that Maddie bought was molded and fitted plastic, it was properly shaped and came with several different size brackets to hold it on.  The function was the same, but this chastity device was on a whole new level than the one I was used to all those years ago.

“Summer… I just… no more of this, ok?”

“You’re going to help Maddie and Trevor though, right?”

She was asking in a way that made me think that if I’d said no that maybe she wouldn’t call me again and whatever inroads that I’d made tonight would be lost.

“Yeah, that’s fine, but in general no more, ok?”

Summer didn’t get a chance to answer, before she could there was a knock at the door.

“That’s probably Maddie coming back for her gift.  Put it back in the bag and back on the floor while I answer the door!”

I quickly moved to put the chastity device away.  I was more than happy to have it out of my sight and would be even gladder when Maddie took it away altogether.

From the doorway, I could hear Summer talking to someone.  It wasn’t Maddie, it was a man’s voice and definitely not Trevor.  Whoever it was had a deep, low very masculine voice.

Before I could wonder too much about it, Summer came back into the living room followed by a really tall, muscular black guy.

“Grey, this is…. sorry, what did you say your name was again?”


“Grey, this is Ashley.  I’d forgotten all about it, but Ashley was coming here to meet Maddie and Trevor too.”

I got up to greet Ashley, he was a giant, at least 6'4" or 5" with a muscular build.  When I shook his hand, mine disappeared into his.

“You’re the cuck?” he asked.

“No, that’s Trevor.  He had a bit of an… incident?... and left.  Maddie isn’t here either.”

“Yeah, I know.  Summer explained.  But you’re the cuck that was supposed to like advise Trevor or whatever?”

I didn’t want to explain everything again and just wanted this to end as quickly as possible.  “Sort of, I guess so.”

He looked at me with a bit of disdain.  “Why don’t you get me a drink.”

I looked at Summer, unsure of what to do or what was going on.

“I have some beer in the fridge Grey.  Ash is going to wait here while I try to get a hold of Maddie.  She’ll probably come back for the cock cage thing and Ash would like to see her.”

When I got back from the kitchen with Ashley’s beer, he was sitting down almost stretched out on the coach making himself right at home.  When I went to hand him the bottle of beer he held his hand up. “Nah, in a glass.  Bring it to me in a glass.”  The faster Maddie got here the better.

I went back to the kitchen to fetch a glass and Summer followed me.

“Can you believe him?”

“I know,” I started expecting that she was as put off him as I was, but Summer cut me off.

“He’s such a fucking man!  That’s exactly how Jalen was – strong and confident.  He’s so sexy!  Maddie is one lucky lady!”

“He’s a bit of a dick, don’t you think?”

“Oh please don’t make me think about his dick, I bet it’s huge!”

I didn’t like any of this at all.  Summer, on the other hand, seemed to be loving it.  “This power imbalance between you guys, the way he’s bossing you – is that part of being a cuckold too?”

“Stop saying that!  For the last time, I’m not a cuckold!”

My entire point was almost immediately undercut as Ashley called out from the other room.  “Yo, you forget about my beer?” and I off I went to serve him his damn beer.

I really wanted to end this before it got out of hand.  After giving Ashley his beer, I sat down across from him and spoke up.

“I’m not really sure what you were told, but I’m not a cuckold.  I had some experiences in the past – a long time ago – and I was kind of tricked into coming here tonight.  I stayed as a favour to Summer.  That’s it.”

“So Summer’s not your girl?”

“It’s complicated.”

“She’s a fine ass woman”

As he said that, he smiled and his eyes drifted away from me.  I realized that Summer walked into the room as he was speaking.  I turned and looked over my shoulder just in time to see her blush.

As she made her way into the room, I moved aside to make room for Summer on the loveseat but she instead went and sat down next to Ashley.

“So, I called Maddie.  She won’t be coming back tonight.  Trevor’s calmed down now but apparently, his anxiety attack was worse than he usually has and she doesn’t want to leave him, and he doesn’t want to come back here.  He’s afraid just being here will trigger another attack.”

“Cool.  That’s too bad.  I was looking forward to meeting Maddie.”

“You don’t know her?”

“Not really, just some phone calls.  She wanted to meet me for the first time with her husband present.”

“How did you guys meet?”

“A buddy of mine usually takes care of her.”

“WHAT?!” Summer was shocked.

Ashley laughed.  “Why you so surprised?”

“I didn’t know that Maddie cheated on Trevor!”

“I don’t dig into people’s business.  But yeah, my buddy fucks Maddie.  I guess it was like a test run or something to see if she liked it.  She did.”

“So can I ask you why you’re here and not him?”

“He’s away for a bit, so I’m taking care of some of his women for him while he’s gone.”

“Wait, you see other women too?  And Maddie knows about all of this?”

Ashley turned to me, “Didn’t you explain all of this to your girl, cuck?”

Summer was quick to speak up.  “I’m not his girl, I’m single.” She couldn’t hide her smile.

Ashley went back to answering her previous question.  “Of course she knows.  We’re all in the open about everything.  There’s no jealousy or possession.  We do what we want and the women do what they want.  We all get what we want, except for the cucks.”  He looked over at me as he made his last point. 

Summer looked slightly confused and asked her next question with a bit of nervousness.  “So like, are you an escort or something?”

Ashley laughed.  “No, I’m not an escort.  I don’t get paid for this.  I do it because I love it.  I’m a bull.”

“A bull?”

“Yeah.  Usually, the women are called ‘hotwives’, the husbands are called ‘cucks’ and the lovers are called ‘bulls.’”

“And you see different women?”

“Yup and those women see different bulls too.”

“And there’s no jealousy?”

“Maybe from the cucks, but not between the bulls and the wives.  We all have an understanding.  It’s just sex, no jealousy.”

Summer was absorbing all of this with fascination.  She looked at me with a curious look.

“I can’t believe that you didn’t tell me all this other stuff about the lifestyle Grey!”

I responded without really thinking.  “It was different with Melissa and me.  She just had one guy that she saw.”

Before I realized what I’d said, Ashley’s eyes lit up and he started to laugh.  “Is that why you’re not a cuck, because your woman only fucked one other guy?”

Ashley and Summer had a good laugh at that, but Summer showed a little compassion.

“It’s okay babe, we’re just teasing.”

I liked it when she called me babe.  She called me that when I was fucking her.  I wondered if it was on purpose or if it just slipped out.

Ashley was finishing off his beer and with Maddie not coming back – plus the conversation that we’d just had – it felt a bit awkward, for me anyway, sitting here with this stranger.  I got the feeling that he loved making me feel awkward but it was obvious that this night wasn’t going to end up how he expected it to either and it was time for him to get going.

We wrapped up our conversation and Ashley made his way to the front door.  Summer walked with him to see him out, but I was content to stay where I was.  The two of them stood talking by the front door for a few minutes.  Couldn’t this guy just get the hell out of here already?

Ashley still hadn’t left yet, but Summer came back to the living room – looking a little uneasy.  She came down and sat beside me. I couldn’t figure out what had her on edge.

“Grey… I want this.”

“Want what?” I was confused.

“THIS!” she said with emphasis.

I knew that she meant.  I wish that I didn’t.

 “You told me about this stuff, you introduced me to it.  I want to experience it with you.”

“No Summer, I’m sorry but no.”

“This can be really special.”

“I don’t know how many times I have to say it.  This isn’t who I am anymore.  I really wish that I’d never told you any of this.”

“But you did, I think for a reason.  And tonight you knew that I wanted to talk about this and you came, again I think for a reason.”

“The reason is you, Summer!  I first told you because you thought that I was turning you down and it was heartbreaking to see you walk away.  I came tonight because I hadn’t seen you in weeks and I was willing to do whatever just to see you again.  No one has made me feel the way I feel about you in years.  I know it’s weird and I’m going to freak you out but I think I love you.”

I thought that Summer would be caught off guard by that, but she wasn’t.

“I know.  And I don’t know if I feel that too, but I do feel something.  But I’ve told you this already, I can’t really be with you right now.  I need to be on my own for a bit.  Maybe doing this is a compromise that makes sense.  We can sort of be together, but I can still have the freedom that I need.”

I was still trying to make sense of everything when Ashley had made his way back into the living room.  His shoes and jacket were off.  Clearly, he was planning on staying.

“Let me have this experience, Grey.  Let me have it with you.”

I had so many things running through my head.  I really didn’t want any part of this. At least I didn’t want to admit to myself that I wanted any part of it.  What I did want was to be closer to Summer.  I’d just told her that I thought that I loved her and she almost said the same thing back to me.  She wanted this experience and wanted it to be with me.  That had to mean something.  All of these things were racing through my mind as I sat staring into Summer’s eyes.  I could tell how much she wanted this and what it meant to her.  She was looking back to at me with equal amounts of hope and desperation.

“We good?” Ashley spoke up.

I would have broken my heart to dash Summer’s hopes.

“We’re good,” I said.


Written by GreyMatter
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